"Virtual Member" is a powerful feature of Berry.
Here it should be shown:
- how to use virtual members ?
- how can you use them in practice?
Let us define a simple class named Test
class Test
var name
and do some assignments.
var test=Test()
test.age=55 # !! this will cause an exception, because the member is unkown
Now we do the same with DynClass. This class uses the 'virtual members'. Check also the Berry Documentation.
var test=DynClass()
test.description='a tired man'
As we can see, the members are added at runtime. No error is rised.
We use now function 'toJson() and get a the json-representation of the object instance.
var ss = test.toJson() # '{"age":55,"description":"a tired man","name":"mike"}'
But it works also vice versa.
Let us add the new member 'carCount' in the json-string and let us load this in a new DynClass instance.
var test2=DynClass()
var ss = '{"age":55,"description":"a tired man","name":"mike", "carCount":3}'
print ("carcount:",str(test2.carCount))
print ("age:",str(test2.age))
print ("name:",test2.name)
print ("description:",test2.description)
All members of the json-string exists also as member in the DynClass-instance 'test2'.
The result: Dynclass can be used as a JSON object mapper.