]*>/[url="\1"]/g' -e 's/<\/a>/\[\/url]/g' \
+ -e 's/]*>/[img]\1[\/img]/g' \
+ -e 's/<\(\/\)\?blockquote>/[\1quote]\n/g' \
+ -e 's//[code]\n/g' -e 's/<\/code><\/pre>/[\/code]\n/g' \
+ -e 's//[font="monospace"]/g' -e 's/<\/code>/[\/font]/g' \
+ -e 's/<\/p>/\n/g' \
+ -e 's/<[^>]\+>//g' \
+ -e 's/"/"/g' \
+ -e 's/&/&/g' \
+ -e 's/<//g' \
+ -e "s/'/'/g" \
+ | line_ending_filter > "$wowi_changelog"
+ # extra conversion for discount markdown
+ # -e 's/&\(ld\|rd\)quo;/"/g' \
+ # -e "s/&\(ls\|rs\)quo;/'/g" \
+ # -e 's/–/--/g' \
+ # -e 's/…/.../g' \
+ # -e 's/^[ \t]*//g' \
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$manual_changelog" ]; then
+ echo "Warning! Could not find a manual changelog at $topdir/$changelog"
+ manual_changelog=
+ fi
+ changelog="CHANGELOG.md"
+ changelog_markup="markdown"
+ echo "Generating changelog of commits into $changelog"
+ if [ "$repository_type" = "git" ]; then
+ changelog_url=
+ changelog_version=
+ changelog_url_wowi=
+ changelog_version_wowi=
+ _changelog_range=
+ if [ -z "$previous_version" ] && [ -z "$tag" ]; then
+ # no range, show all commits up to ours
+ changelog_url="[Full Changelog](${project_github_url}/commits/${project_hash})"
+ changelog_version="[${project_version}](${project_github_url}/tree/${project_hash})"
+ changelog_url_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/commits/${project_hash}]Full Changelog[/url]"
+ changelog_version_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/tree/${project_hash}]${project_version}[/url]"
+ _changelog_range="$project_hash"
+ elif [ -z "$previous_version" ] && [ -n "$tag" ]; then
+ # first tag, show all commits upto it
+ changelog_url="[Full Changelog](${project_github_url}/commits/${tag})"
+ changelog_version="[${project_version}](${project_github_url}/tree/${tag})"
+ changelog_url_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/commits/${tag}]Full Changelog[/url]"
+ changelog_version_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/tree/${tag}]${project_version}[/url]"
+ _changelog_range="$tag"
+ elif [ -n "$previous_version" ] && [ -z "$tag" ]; then
+ # compare between last tag and our commit
+ changelog_url="[Full Changelog](${project_github_url}/compare/${previous_version}...${project_hash})"
+ changelog_version="[$project_version](${project_github_url}/tree/${project_hash})"
+ changelog_url_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/compare/${previous_version}...${project_hash}]Full Changelog[/url]"
+ changelog_version_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/tree/${project_hash}]${project_version}[/url]"
+ _changelog_range="$previous_version..$project_hash"
+ elif [ -n "$previous_version" ] && [ -n "$tag" ]; then
+ # compare between last tag and our tag
+ changelog_url="[Full Changelog](${project_github_url}/compare/${previous_version}...${tag})"
+ changelog_version="[$project_version](${project_github_url}/tree/${tag})"
+ changelog_url_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/compare/${previous_version}...${tag}]Full Changelog[/url]"
+ changelog_version_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/tree/${tag}]${project_version}[/url]"
+ _changelog_range="$previous_version..$tag"
+ fi
+ # lazy way out
+ if [ -z "$project_github_url" ]; then
+ changelog_url=
+ changelog_version=$project_version
+ changelog_url_wowi=
+ changelog_version_wowi="[color=orange]${project_version}[/color]"
+ fi
+ changelog_date=$( TZ= printf "%(%Y-%m-%d)T" "$project_timestamp" )
+ cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$pkgdir/$changelog"
+ # $project
+ ## $changelog_version ($changelog_date)
+ $changelog_url
+ git -C "$topdir" log "$_changelog_range" --pretty=format:"###%B" \
+ | sed -e 's/^/ /g' -e 's/^ *$//g' -e 's/^ ###/- /g' -e 's/$/ /' \
+ -e 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)_\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)/\1\\_\2/g' \
+ -e 's/\[ci skip\]//g' -e 's/\[skip ci\]//g' \
+ -e '/git-svn-id:/d' -e '/^\s*This reverts commit [0-9a-f]\{40\}\.\s*$/d' \
+ -e '/^\s*$/d' \
+ | line_ending_filter >> "$pkgdir/$changelog"
+ # WoWI uses BBCode, generate something usable to post to the site
+ # the file is deleted on successful upload
+ if [ -n "$addonid" ] && [ -n "$tag" ] && [ -n "$wowi_gen_changelog" ]; then
+ changelog_previous_wowi=
+ if [ -n "$project_github_url" ] && [ -n "$github_token" ]; then
+ changelog_previous_wowi="[url=${project_github_url}/releases]Previous releases[/url]"
+ fi
+ wowi_changelog="$releasedir/WOWI-$project_version-CHANGELOG.txt"
+ cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$wowi_changelog"
+ [size=5]${project}[/size]
+ [size=4]${changelog_version_wowi} (${changelog_date})[/size]
+ ${changelog_url_wowi} ${changelog_previous_wowi}
+ [list]
+ git -C "$topdir" log "$_changelog_range" --pretty=format:"###%B" \
+ | sed -e 's/^/ /g' -e 's/^ *$//g' -e 's/^ ###/[*]/g' \
+ -e 's/\[ci skip\]//g' -e 's/\[skip ci\]//g' \
+ -e '/git-svn-id:/d' -e '/^\s*This reverts commit [0-9a-f]\{40\}\.\s*$/d' \
+ -e '/^\s*$/d' \
+ | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog"
+ echo "[/list]" | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog"
+ fi
+ elif [ "$repository_type" = "svn" ]; then
+ _changelog_range=
+ if [ -n "$previous_version" ]; then
+ _changelog_range="-r$project_revision:$previous_revision"
+ fi
+ changelog_date=$( TZ= printf "%(%Y-%m-%d)T" "$project_timestamp" )
+ cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$pkgdir/$changelog"
+ # $project
+ ## $project_version ($changelog_date)
+ svn log "$topdir" "$_changelog_range" --xml \
+ | awk '//,/<\/msg>/' \
+ | sed -e 's//###/g' -e 's/<\/msg>//g' \
+ -e 's/^/ /g' -e 's/^ *$//g' -e 's/^ ###/- /g' -e 's/$/ /' \
+ -e 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)_\([a-zA-Z0-9]\)/\1\\_\2/g' \
+ -e 's/\[ci skip\]//g' -e 's/\[skip ci\]//g' \
+ -e '/^\s*$/d' \
+ | line_ending_filter >> "$pkgdir/$changelog"
+ # WoWI uses BBCode, generate something usable to post to the site
+ # the file is deleted on successful upload
+ if [ -n "$addonid" ] && [ -n "$tag" ] && [ -n "$wowi_gen_changelog" ]; then
+ wowi_changelog="$releasedir/WOWI-$project_version-CHANGELOG.txt"
+ cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$wowi_changelog"
+ [size=5]${project}[/size]
+ [size=4][color=orange]${project_version}[/color] (${changelog_date})[/size]
+ [list]
+ svn log "$topdir" "$_changelog_range" --xml \
+ | awk '//,/<\/msg>/' \
+ | sed -e 's//###/g' -e 's/<\/msg>//g' \
+ -e 's/^/ /g' -e 's/^ *$//g' -e 's/^ ###/[*]/g' \
+ -e 's/\[ci skip\]//g' -e 's/\[skip ci\]//g' \
+ -e '/^\s*$/d' \
+ | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog"
+ echo "[/list]" | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog"
+ fi
+ elif [ "$repository_type" = "hg" ]; then
+ _changelog_range=.
+ if [ -n "$previous_revision" ]; then
+ _changelog_range="::$project_revision - ::$previous_revision - filelog(.hgtags)"
+ fi
+ changelog_date=$( TZ= printf "%(%Y-%m-%d)T" "$project_timestamp" )
+ cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$pkgdir/$changelog"
+ # $project
+ ## $project_version ($changelog_date)
+ hg --cwd "$topdir" log -r "$_changelog_range" --template '- {fill(desc|strip, 76, "", " ")}\n' | line_ending_filter >> "$pkgdir/$changelog"
+ # WoWI uses BBCode, generate something usable to post to the site
+ # the file is deleted on successful upload
+ if [ -n "$addonid" ] && [ -n "$tag" ] && [ -n "$wowi_gen_changelog" ]; then
+ wowi_changelog="$releasedir/WOWI-$project_version-CHANGELOG.txt"
+ cat <<- EOF | line_ending_filter > "$wowi_changelog"
+ [size=5]${project}[/size]
+ [size=4][color=orange]${project_version}[/color] (${changelog_date})[/size]
+ [list]
+ hg --cwd "$topdir" log "$_changelog_range" --template '[*]{desc|strip|escape}\n' | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog"
+ echo "[/list]" | line_ending_filter >> "$wowi_changelog"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo
+ echo "$(<"$pkgdir/$changelog")"
+ echo
+### Process .pkgmeta to perform move-folders actions.
+if [ -f "$pkgmeta_file" ]; then
+ yaml_eof=
+ while [ -z "$yaml_eof" ]; do
+ IFS='' read -r yaml_line || yaml_eof="true"
+ # Strip any trailing CR character.
+ yaml_line=${yaml_line%$carriage_return}
+ case $yaml_line in
+ [!\ ]*:*)
+ # Split $yaml_line into a $yaml_key, $yaml_value pair.
+ yaml_keyvalue "$yaml_line"
+ # Set the $pkgmeta_phase for stateful processing.
+ pkgmeta_phase=$yaml_key
+ ;;
+ " "*)
+ yaml_line=${yaml_line#"${yaml_line%%[! ]*}"} # trim leading whitespace
+ case $yaml_line in
+ "- "*)
+ ;;
+ *:*)
+ # Split $yaml_line into a $yaml_key, $yaml_value pair.
+ yaml_keyvalue "$yaml_line"
+ case $pkgmeta_phase in
+ move-folders)
+ srcdir="$releasedir/$yaml_key"
+ destdir="$releasedir/$yaml_value"
+ if [[ -d "$destdir" && -z "$overwrite" && "$srcdir" != "$destdir/"* ]]; then
+ rm -fr "$destdir"
+ fi
+ if [ -d "$srcdir" ]; then
+ if [ ! -d "$destdir" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$destdir"
+ fi
+ echo "Moving $yaml_key to $yaml_value"
+ mv -f "$srcdir"/* "$destdir" && rm -fr "$srcdir"
+ contents="$contents $yaml_value"
+ # Check to see if the base source directory is empty
+ _mf_basedir=${srcdir%$(basename "$yaml_key")}
+ if [ ! "$( ls -A "$_mf_basedir" )" ]; then
+ echo "Removing empty directory ${_mf_basedir#$releasedir/}"
+ rm -fr "$_mf_basedir"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # update external dir
+ nolib_exclude=${nolib_exclude//$srcdir/$destdir}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done < "$pkgmeta_file"
+ if [ -n "$srcdir" ]; then
+ echo
+ fi
+### Create the final zipfile for the addon.
+if [ -z "$skip_zipfile" ]; then
+ archive_package_name="${package//[^A-Za-z0-9._-]/_}"
+ classic_tag=
+ if [[ -n "$classic" && "${project_version,,}" != *"classic"* ]]; then
+ # if it's a classic build, and classic isn't in the name, append it for clarity
+ classic_tag="-classic"
+ fi
+ archive_version="$project_version"
+ archive_name="$archive_package_name-$project_version$classic_tag.zip"
+ archive="$releasedir/$archive_name"
+ nolib_archive_version="$project_version-nolib"
+ nolib_archive_name="$archive_package_name-$nolib_archive_version$classic_tag.zip"
+ nolib_archive="$releasedir/$nolib_archive_name"
+ if [ -n "$nolib" ]; then
+ archive_version="$nolib_archive_version"
+ archive_name="$nolib_archive_name"
+ archive="$nolib_archive"
+ nolib_archive=
+ fi
+ echo "Creating archive: $archive_name"
+ if [ -f "$archive" ]; then
+ rm -f "$archive"
+ fi
+ ( cd "$releasedir" && zip -X -r "$archive" $contents )
+ if [ ! -f "$archive" ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo
+ # Create nolib version of the zipfile
+ if [ -n "$enable_nolib_creation" ] && [ -z "$nolib" ] && [ -n "$nolib_exclude" ]; then
+ echo "Creating no-lib archive: $nolib_archive_name"
+ # run the nolib_filter
+ find "$pkgdir" -type f \( -name "*.xml" -o -name "*.toc" \) -print | while read -r file; do
+ case $file in
+ *.toc) _filter="toc_filter2 no-lib-strip" ;;
+ *.xml) _filter="xml_filter no-lib-strip" ;;
+ esac
+ $_filter < "$file" > "$file.tmp" && mv "$file.tmp" "$file"
+ done
+ # make the exclude paths relative to the release directory
+ nolib_exclude=${nolib_exclude//$releasedir\//}
+ if [ -f "$nolib_archive" ]; then
+ rm -f "$nolib_archive"
+ fi
+ # set noglob so each nolib_exclude path gets quoted instead of expanded
+ ( set -f; cd "$releasedir" && zip -X -r -q "$nolib_archive" $contents -x $nolib_exclude )
+ if [ ! -f "$nolib_archive" ]; then
+ exit_code=1
+ fi
+ echo
+ fi
+ ###
+ ### Deploy the zipfile.
+ ###
+ upload_curseforge=$( [[ -z "$skip_upload" && -z "$skip_cf_upload" && -n "$slug" && -n "$cf_token" && -n "$project_site" ]] && echo true )
+ upload_wowinterface=$( [[ -z "$skip_upload" && -n "$tag" && -n "$addonid" && -n "$wowi_token" ]] && echo true )
+ upload_github=$( [[ -z "$skip_upload" && -n "$tag" && -n "$project_github_slug" && -n "$github_token" ]] && echo true )
+ if [[ -n "$upload_curseforge" || -n "$upload_wowinterface" || -n "$upload_github" ]] && ! jq --version &>/dev/null; then
+ echo "Skipping upload because \"jq\" was not found."
+ echo
+ upload_curseforge=
+ upload_wowinterface=
+ upload_github=
+ exit_code=1
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$upload_curseforge" ]; then
+ _cf_versions=$( curl -s -H "x-api-token: $cf_token" $project_site/api/game/versions )
+ if [ -n "$_cf_versions" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$game_version" ]; then
+ game_version_id=$(
+ _v=
+ IFS=',' read -ra V <<< "$game_version"
+ for i in "${V[@]}"; do
+ _v="$_v,\"$i\""
+ done
+ _v="[${_v#,}]"
+ # jq -c '["8.0.1","7.3.5"] as $v | map(select(.name as $x | $v | index($x)) | .id)'
+ echo "$_cf_versions" | jq -c --argjson v "$_v" 'map(select(.name as $x | $v | index($x)) | .id) | select(length > 0)' 2>/dev/null
+ )
+ if [ -n "$game_version_id" ]; then
+ # and now the reverse, since an invalid version will just be dropped (jq newlines are crlf on windows /wrists)
+ game_version=$(
+ _v=
+ mapfile -t V < <( echo "$_cf_versions" | jq -r --argjson v "$game_version_id" '.[] | select(.id as $x | $v | index($x)) | .name' 2>/dev/null )
+ for i in "${V[@]}"; do
+ _v="$_v,${i%%[[:cntrl:]]}"
+ done
+ echo "${_v#,}"
+ )
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$game_version_id" ]; then
+ # 517 = retail, 67408 = classic
+ game_version_id=$( echo "$_cf_versions" | jq -c 'map(select(.gameVersionTypeID == 517)) | max_by(.id) | [.id]' 2>/dev/null )
+ game_version=$( echo "$_cf_versions" | jq -r 'map(select(.gameVersionTypeID == 517)) | max_by(.id) | .name' 2>/dev/null )
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$game_version_id" ]; then
+ echo "Error fetching game version info from $project_site/api/game/versions"
+ echo
+ echo "Skipping upload to CurseForge."
+ echo
+ upload_curseforge=
+ exit_code=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Upload to CurseForge.
+ if [ -n "$upload_curseforge" ]; then
+ # When packaging is triggered on your repository, the generated file’s release type will
+ # automatically be set based on two factors:
+ # 1) If configured to package all commits, the latest untagged commit will be packaged
+ # and will be marked as an alpha.
+ # 2) Otherwise, when a tagged commit is pushed, it will be flagged as either alpha, beta,
+ # or release depending on the tag itself:
+ # - If the tag contains the word "alpha", it will be marked as an alpha file.
+ # - If instead the tag contains the word "beta", it will be marked as a beta file.
+ # https://authors.curseforge.com/knowledge-base/projects/3451-automatic-packaging
+ file_type="alpha"
+ if [ -n "$tag" ]; then
+ if [[ "${tag,,}" == *"alpha"* ]]; then
+ file_type="alpha"
+ elif [[ "${tag,,}" == *"beta"* ]]; then
+ file_type="beta"
+ else
+ file_type="release"
+ fi
+ fi
+ _cf_payload=$( cat <<-EOF
+ {
+ "displayName": "$project_version$classic_tag",
+ "gameVersions": $game_version_id,
+ "releaseType": "$file_type",
+ "changelog": $( jq --slurp --raw-input '.' < "$pkgdir/$changelog" ),
+ "changelogType": "$changelog_markup"
+ }
+ )
+ _cf_payload_relations=
+ for i in "${!relations[@]}"; do
+ _cf_payload_relations="$_cf_payload_relations{\"slug\":\"$i\",\"type\":\"${relations[$i]}\"},"
+ done
+ if [[ -n $_cf_payload_relations ]]; then
+ _cf_payload_relations="{\"relations\":{\"projects\":[${_cf_payload_relations%,}]}}"
+ _cf_payload=$( echo "$_cf_payload $_cf_payload_relations" | jq -s -c '.[0] * .[1]' )
+ fi
+ echo "Uploading $archive_name ($game_version $file_type) to $project_site/projects/$slug"
+ resultfile="$releasedir/cf_result.json"
+ result=$( echo "$_cf_payload" | curl -sS --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 \
+ -w "%{http_code}" -o "$resultfile" \
+ -H "x-api-token: $cf_token" \
+ -F "metadata=<-" \
+ -F "file=@$archive" \
+ "$project_site/api/projects/$slug/upload-file" ) &&
+ {
+ case $result in
+ 200) echo "Success!" ;;
+ 302)
+ echo "Error! ($result)"
+ # don't need to ouput the redirect page
+ exit_code=1
+ ;;
+ 404)
+ echo "Error! No project for \"$slug\" found."
+ exit_code=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Error! ($result)"
+ if [ -s "$resultfile" ]; then
+ echo "$(<"$resultfile")"
+ fi
+ exit_code=1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ } || {
+ exit_code=1
+ }
+ echo
+ rm -f "$resultfile" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$upload_wowinterface" ]; then
+ _wowi_versions=$( curl -s -H "x-api-token: $wowi_token" https://api.wowinterface.com/addons/compatible.json )
+ if [ -n "$_wowi_versions" ]; then
+ game_version=$( echo "$_wowi_versions" | jq -r '.[] | select(.interface == "'"$toc_version"'" and .default == true) | .id' 2>/dev/null )
+ if [ -z "$game_version" ]; then
+ game_version=$( echo "$_wowi_versions" | jq -r 'map(select(.interface == "'"$toc_version"'"))[0] | .id // empty' 2>/dev/null )
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$game_version" ]; then
+ game_version=$( echo "$_wowi_versions" | jq -r '.[] | select(.default == true) | .id' 2>/dev/null )
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$game_version" ]; then
+ echo "Error fetching game version info from https://api.wowinterface.com/addons/compatible.json"
+ echo
+ echo "Skipping upload to WoWInterface."
+ echo
+ upload_wowinterface=
+ exit_code=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Upload tags to WoWInterface.
+ if [ -n "$upload_wowinterface" ]; then
+ _wowi_args=()
+ if [ -f "$wowi_changelog" ]; then
+ _wowi_args+=("-F changelog=<$wowi_changelog")
+ elif [ -n "$manual_changelog" ]; then
+ _wowi_args+=("-F changelog=<$pkgdir/$changelog")
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$wowi_archive" ]; then
+ _wowi_args+=("-F archive=No")
+ fi
+ echo "Uploading $archive_name ($game_version) to https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info$addonid"
+ resultfile="$releasedir/wi_result.json"
+ result=$( curl -sS --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 \
+ -w "%{http_code}" -o "$resultfile" \
+ -H "x-api-token: $wowi_token" \
+ -F "id=$addonid" \
+ -F "version=$archive_version" \
+ -F "compatible=$game_version" \
+ "${_wowi_args[@]}" \
+ -F "updatefile=@$archive" \
+ "https://api.wowinterface.com/addons/update" ) &&
+ {
+ case $result in
+ 202)
+ echo "Success!"
+ rm -f "$wowi_changelog" 2>/dev/null
+ ;;
+ 401)
+ echo "Error! No addon for id \"$addonid\" found or you do not have permission to upload files."
+ exit_code=1
+ ;;
+ 403)
+ echo "Error! Incorrect api key or you do not have permission to upload files."
+ exit_code=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Error! ($result)"
+ if [ -s "$resultfile" ]; then
+ echo "$(<"$resultfile")"
+ fi
+ exit_code=1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ } || {
+ exit_code=1
+ }
+ echo
+ rm -f "$resultfile" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ # Create a GitHub Release for tags and upload the zipfile as an asset.
+ if [ -n "$upload_github" ]; then
+ upload_github_asset() {
+ _ghf_release_id=$1
+ _ghf_file_name=$2
+ _ghf_file_path=$3
+ _ghf_resultfile="$releasedir/gh_asset_result.json"
+ # check if an asset exists and delete it (editing a release)
+ asset_id=$( curl -sS -H "Authorization: token $github_token" "https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/$_ghf_release_id/assets" | jq '.[] | select(.name? == "'"$_ghf_file_name"'") | .id' )
+ if [ -n "$asset_id" ]; then
+ curl -s -H "Authorization: token $github_token" -X DELETE "https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/assets/$asset_id" &>/dev/null
+ fi
+ echo -n "Uploading $_ghf_file_name... "
+ result=$( curl -sS --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 \
+ -w "%{http_code}" -o "$_ghf_resultfile" \
+ -H "Authorization: token $github_token" \
+ -H "Content-Type: application/zip" \
+ --data-binary "@$_ghf_file_path" \
+ "https://uploads.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/$_ghf_release_id/assets?name=$_ghf_file_name" ) &&
+ {
+ if [ "$result" = "201" ]; then
+ echo "Success!"
+ else
+ echo "Error ($result)"
+ if [ -s "$_ghf_resultfile" ]; then
+ echo "$(<"$_ghf_resultfile")"
+ fi
+ exit_code=1
+ fi
+ } || {
+ exit_code=1
+ }
+ rm -f "$_ghf_resultfile" 2>/dev/null
+ return 0
+ }
+ _gh_payload=$( cat <<-EOF
+ {
+ "tag_name": "$tag",
+ "name": "$tag",
+ "body": $( jq --slurp --raw-input '.' < "$pkgdir/$changelog" ),
+ "draft": false,
+ "prerelease": $( [[ "${tag,,}" == *"beta"* ]] && echo true || echo false )
+ }
+ )
+ resultfile="$releasedir/gh_result.json"
+ release_id=$( curl -sS -H "Authorization: token $github_token" "https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/tags/$tag" | jq '.id // empty' )
+ if [ -n "$release_id" ]; then
+ echo "Updating GitHub release: https://github.com/$project_github_slug/releases/tag/$tag"
+ _gh_release_url="-X PATCH https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases/$release_id"
+ else
+ echo "Creating GitHub release: https://github.com/$project_github_slug/releases/tag/$tag"
+ _gh_release_url="https://api.github.com/repos/$project_github_slug/releases"
+ fi
+ result=$( echo "$_gh_payload" | curl -sS --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 \
+ -w "%{http_code}" -o "$resultfile" \
+ -H "Authorization: token $github_token" \
+ -d @- \
+ $_gh_release_url ) &&
+ {
+ if [ "$result" = "200" ] || [ "$result" = "201" ]; then # edited || created
+ if [ -z "$release_id" ]; then
+ release_id=$( jq '.id' < "$resultfile" )
+ fi
+ upload_github_asset "$release_id" "$archive_name" "$archive"
+ if [ -f "$nolib_archive" ]; then
+ upload_github_asset "$release_id" "$nolib_archive_name" "$nolib_archive"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Error! ($result)"
+ if [ -s "$resultfile" ]; then
+ echo "$(<"$resultfile")"
+ fi
+ exit_code=1
+ fi
+ } || {
+ exit_code=1
+ }
+ rm -f "$resultfile" 2>/dev/null
+ echo
+ fi
+# All done.
+echo "Packaging complete."
+exit $exit_code