.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 installation/index user/index dev/index
- Linux: :doc:`Requirements and build<installation/build>`
- Mac OS (and Linux) users: :doc:`How to use the Docker image<user/docker>` with VNC
- Mac M1 users: :doc:`How to build and use the Docker image<user/macm1>`
- Windows users: :doc:`Using speculos from WSL 2<installation/wsl>`
- :doc:`Usage<user/usage>`
- :doc:`How to send APDUs to an app (and more)<user/clients>`
- :doc:`How to use gdb to debug an app<user/debug>`
- :doc:`How to automate actions thanks to the REST API<user/api>`
- :doc:`Automation: press buttons automatically<user/automation>`
- :doc:`Semihosting as an additional debug mechanism<user/semihosting>`