etienne qs
- bridge is recursive
- debugging (eg with console logs) can induce inf loops
- recursive membranes?
- doesnt seem possible to tell membrane space origin of a newly witnessed object
- can recursive membranes be flattened?
- skipBridge is sort of a detection of things from outside the membrane, does this work in recursive membranes?
- TypedArrays
- bug where length lookup fails
- inGraph: ethereumjs-util
- outGraph: keccak
- rawRef: instance of Buffer
- TypedArrays require length getter receiver to be a TypedArray
- bug where length lookup fails
kowtow thoughts
- Shadow-on-write protections require three unique membrane spaces
- Original
- Shadow-layer
- Consumer
- layers 1+2 must be seperated to gurantee seperation of graphs
- layers 2+3 must be seperated
- so that old
- closure state can be directly set on the inputs?
a new hope
- cross-package interaction should be mediated by read-only membrane spaces
happy things
- solves the cache/no-cache-explosion issue
- by preventing mutations on original (except closure state)
- by allowing mutable lazy clones of original
- by enabling cache
perf problems
- we wrap things too eagerly
- eg: kowtow set hits will wrap the overwrite content
- call stack depth in Proxy handler functions
existential problems
- kowtow must run before membrane
- bc it needs to decide what realm and obj came from
- kowtow needs to be able to "exit early"
- kowtow basically needs to only occasionally call the membrane handler / membrane tools
- kowtow needs access to the bridge fn?
- is localWrites distortion sound?
- interaction with closure state?
- input and output from what graph (in/out)?
- if thisRef is the proxy, its the out graph but mixes with inGraph closureState
- may be able to look up graph origin and otherwise its from in graph
- if thisRef is the proxy, its the out graph but mixes with inGraph closureState