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174 lines (121 loc) · 5.42 KB

File metadata and controls

174 lines (121 loc) · 5.42 KB

Changes in 4.3.0

  • Replaced the archived piwik/device-detector with the matomo/device-detector (by @matthewnessworthy)
  • Merged some readme changes
  • New micro feature isInApp check on the browser #156

Changes in 4.2.2

  • Fix bug with config merging.
  • Support for Laravel 7.0
  • Update many dependency to have compatibility on all Laravel version.
  • New config accessor to read and test the config injection.
  • Tests for the config merging.
  • Use composer scripts for easier local testing.

Changes in 4.2.1

  • Fix unhandled null type in user agent string accessor.

Changes in 4.2.0

  • Standalone mode, removed the requirement for Laravel.
  • Support for user configs, also supports the Laravel config manager.

Changes in 4.1.0

  • OS detectors for Windows, Linux, Andorid, and Mac/iOS.
  • 100% test coverage.
  • Type hinted every class and function.
  • Introduced the static code analysis to the test flow.
  • Introduced the code quality analysis to the test flow.
  • Moved to PSR12 standards with the code base.
  • Fixed potential type errors.
  • Improve the resistance for HTTP header based attacks.
  • First iteraton for a demo site.

Change in 4.0.0

  • PHP 5.6 is no longer supported.
  • Raised the minimum Laravel version to 6.0.
  • Support for Laravel 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5.
  • Unify the coding standards.
  • Remove legacy PHP workarounds.
  • Release the isEdge result variable.
  • Invalidate cache with 3.x versions.
  • Update the tests to test for every laravel framework version.

Changes in 3.1.4

  • Fix blade directives, add test coverage.

Changes in 3.1.3

  • Allow PHPUnit 7.0 as dependency.

Changes in 3.1.2

  • Bump version testing to laravel 5.6.

Changes in 3.1.1

  • Fix: MobileDetect still used the osName instead of platformName.
  • Fix: isIEVersion comparison called the parameters in wrong order.
  • Addition: Version parser now forces the semantic version pieces to be integer.
  • Fixed: MobileDetect test only ran on one sample.
  • Addition: More test coverage, getting closer to the maximum.

Changes in 3.1.0

  • Added the DeviceDetector stage to the pipeline.
  • Fixed a minor issue with versions and trailing dots.
  • Added the Browser::browserEngine() function.
  • Much better detection rates with the new stage.

Changes in 3.0.1

  • Fixed the result objects bad property calls.
  • Added more unit test for the fixed case.

Changes in 3.0.0

  • The package has been rewrote from ground zero.
  • Added PHPUnit, and covering the main features.
  • Added the travis ci to the release cycle.
  • Moved to the Develop -> Staging -> Stable branch model.
  • Interfaced everything, seriously!
  • Custom exceptions for easier package managing.
  • Blade directives.
  • Result is now a well annotated object, any IDE can work with it.
  • End of the plugin era, pipelines ha arrived.
  • Added the crawler detect package.
  • Replaced the UAParser to a more supported one.
  • Support for MobileDetect 2.0 to 2.8, 3.0 will never come :D
  • Parser class is much more simple to use.
  • PSR-2 code style.
  • Browsecap plugin has been removed.
  • UserAgentStringApi plugin has been removed. (Too slow to call)
  • Everything is easier now, but also less flexibility in the package.
  • Better version support for PHP and Laravel.
  • Easy fast setup.
  • Namespaces are redesigned to be more descriptive.

Changes in 2.0 version

  • Laravel 5 is now supported, first draft.

Changes in 1.0.0pre

The code has been almost totaly rewrited except like 30 line of code from v0.9.*, this breaks the compability with older versions so the major version has been increased to v1.0.0pre.

The version 1.0.0 is promised when the Mobile Detect 3 comes out but since they passed the due date for the release the support for their new detector will be intruduced in a plugin so the package dev can move on.

  • Most prior change is the PHP requirement increased to 5.4~ this allows the usage of traits.
  • Class loading now uses PSR-4 instead of PSR-0 structure. This will be handled by the composer automaticaly.
  • Package now requires the hisorange/traits package to share resources between packages.
  • PHP namespace are moved from hisorange\browserdetect to hisorange\BrowserDetect to avoid collusions.
  • Package now uses the 'browser-detect.parser', 'browser-detect.result' component names in the L4 Di.
  • Service provider is more extendable with splitted parser and result component keys.
  • Manager class has been renamed to Parser.
  • Instead of useing the basic Cache and Config class from the Laravel app now useing the app's Di to forge the needed component.
  • Most of the Manager class' functions has been renamed and reoriented in the Parser.
  • Before hardcoded generic values now stored in the config file.
  • Default cache prefix has been changed to 'hbd1'.
  • Cacheing now requires less memory the results are stored in a compact string format instead of an array.
  • Parser now determine the browser's javascript support.
  • Parsing are now plugin oriented instead of hardcodeing.
  • Plugins are costumizeable from the config/plugins.php file.
  • Package ships with 4 built in plugin.
  • UserAgentStringApi plugin is default turned off, because it requires greater amount of time to process.


  • Fix the case where importing datas and query the current agent in the same request.
  • Perform self analization before importing data.


  • New import and export function on the info object.

Initial release v0.9.0