Releases: Laravel-Lang/lang
Releases · Laravel-Lang/lang
10.4.13 - 2022-03-31
- [it]: #2095 Update it.json by @masterix21
- [fr]: #2097 Update fr.json by @rk4an
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 10.4.12...10.4.13
10.4.12 - 2022-03-30
- [vi]: #2084 Update missing translations by @dinhquochan
- [fr]: #2085 missing translations by @NicoBernardet
- [tr]: #2088 Update wrong translations by @suleymanozev
- [nl-NL]: #2087 (Dutch) update by @JappaWakka
- [nl]: #2089 Remove incorrect space by @Neol3108
- [es]: #2090 Translate new tags for Laravel Jetstream 2FA confirmation by @luisprmat
- [ja]: #2092 Delete
by @KazutakaYamane - [nl]: #2083 Add missing Dutch translation by @styxit
- [nl]: #2086 Update validation.php by @devfre
- [ru]: #2093 Translate new tags for Laravel Jetstream 2FA confirmation by @andrey-helldar
- [ar]: #2094 Translate new tags for Laravel Jetstream 2FA confirmation by @mohamedsabil8
New Contributors
- @suleymanozev made their first contribution in #2088
- @JappaWakka made their first contribution in #2087
- @Neol3108 made their first contribution in #2089
- @KazutakaYamane made their first contribution in #2092
- @styxit made their first contribution in #2083
- @devfrey made their first contribution in #2086
Full Changelog: 10.4.11...10.4.12
10.4.11 - 2022-03-22
- [pl]: #2071 Add new translation PL by @olsza
- [it]: #2072 Update it.json by @masterix21
- [az]: #2073 Add missing translations and fix incorrect ones by @Maharramoff
- [de]: #2077 Missing German translation by @sotten
- [tr]: #2078 Add missing translations by @nbayramberdiyev
- [ca]: #2075 Update ca.json by @entoniperez
- [cs]: #2079 Add missing translations by @musilondrej
New Contributors
- @Maharramoff made their first contribution in #2073
- @nbayramberdiyev made their first contribution in #2078
- @entoniperez made their first contribution in #2075
- @musilondrej made their first contribution in #2079
Full Changelog: 10.4.10...10.4.11
10.4.10 - 2022-03-15
- [spark]: #2068 Added a new key:
This coupon code can only be used by new customers.
- [nb]: #2067 Capitalize first letter of attribute
- [ar]: #2069 Translate the new key
- [es]: #2070 Translate new key for Spark
Full Changelog: 10.4.9...10.4.10
10.4.9 - 2022-03-11
New Contributors
- @fathikhalid7 made their first contribution in #2062
Full Changelog: 10.4.8...10.4.9
10.4.8 - 2022-03-02
10.4.7 - 2022-02-22
Full Changelog: 10.4.6...10.4.7
10.4.6 - 2022-02-17
10.4.5 - 2022-02-17
- #2040 Fixed missing full stop in
inline validation rule
New Contributors
- @michaelcozzolino made their first contribution in #2046
Full Changelog: 10.4.4...10.4.5