This image provides a Java environment compatible with MIP. This base image provides the basic tools and library to execute a statistical or machine-learning Java algorithm in the runtime environment provided by MIP Algorithm Factory / Woken.
It provides the following features:
- The compute user is used to run the Java programs
- Directories /data/in and /data/out are intended to store the incoming files and outgoing files for the computations. They can be mounted on an external filesystem.
- The environment variables COMPUTE_IN and COMPUTE_OUT can be used to locate those folders from the Java programs.
- In the /src directory you should place all scripts and libraries used to perform the computation.
- If you run the container with the export command and mount /data/out to a local directory, the source files will be copied to that local directory.
- If you run the container with the serve command, a web server will run and display any content located in /var/www/html/. You should place in this folder the documentation for the container.
- If you run the container with the export-docs command and mount /data/out to a local directory, the documentation will be copied to that local directory.
- If you run the container with the shell command, an interactive shell will start.
Use this image as the parent image to adapt a Java-based algorithm to the MIP platform:
FROM hbpmip/java-base-build:3.6.0-jdk-11-0 as build-java-env
COPY pom.xml /project/pom.xml
COPY src/ /project/src
# Repeating the file copy works better. I dunno why.
RUN cp /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml /root/.m2/settings.xml \
&& mvn package assembly:single site
FROM hbpmip/java-mip:0.5.11
MAINTAINER <your email>
ENV DOCKER_IMAGE=hbpmip/my-algo:1.0.0 \
JAVA_CLASSPATH=/usr/share/jars/my-algo.jar \
JAVA_MAINCLASS=org.myorg.myalgo.Main \
COPY --from=build-java-env /project/target/my-algo-jar-with-dependencies.jar /usr/share/jars/my-algo.jar
COPY --from=build-java-env /project/target/site/ /var/www/html/
COPY src/ /src/
RUN chown -R compute:compute /src/ \
&& chown -R root:www-data /var/www/html/
You may want to use one of the following specialised images for your algorithm instead:
- hbpmip/java-rapidminer: for algorithms based on RapidMiner
Run the main computations
mkdir -p in out && docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/in:/data/in -v $(pwd)/out:/data/out <image name> compute
Export the documentation to the ./doc directory
docker run --rm -v /data/out:./doc <image name> export-docs
Interactive shell
docker run -i -t --rm <image name> shell
Quick documentation accessible at http://localhost:7777/ and sources at http://localhost:7777/src/ Stop the server using Ctrl+C from the command line.
docker run -d --rm -p 7777:80 <image name> serve
Export the sources to the ./src directory
mkdir -p src && docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/data/out <image name> export
Export the documentation to the ./doc directory
mkdir -p doc && docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/doc:/data/out <image name> export-docs
- COMPUTE_IN: the directory containing the input files
- COMPUTE_OUT: the output directory to use to store the output files
- COMPUTE_TMP: the directory to use to store temporary files
- SRC: the directory containing the sources
- JAVA_CLASSPATH: the Java classpath
- JAVA_MAINCLASS: the main class of the Java application
- JAVA_ARGS: arguments to pass to the main class