Run Weka algorithms in MIP platform.
For the moment only classification algorithms...
Use this image as the parent image to adapt a Weka algorithm to the MIP platform:
FROM hbpmip/java-base-build:3.6.0-jdk-11-0 as build-java-env
COPY pom.xml /project/pom.xml
COPY src/ /project/src
# Repeating the file copy works better. I dunno why.
RUN cp /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml /root/.m2/settings.xml \
&& mvn package site
FROM hbpmip/java-weka:0.2.6
MAINTAINER <your email>
ENV DOCKER_IMAGE=hbpmip/my-algo:1.0.0 \
JAVA_CLASSPATH=${JAVA_CLASSPATH}:/opt/weka/props/:/usr/share/jars/my-algo.jar \
JAVA_ARGS=/eu/humanbrainproject/mip/algorithms/weka/myalgo/ \
MODEL=myalgo \
COPY --from=build-java-env /project/target/my-algo.jar /usr/share/jars/my-algo.jar
COPY --from=build-java-env /project/target/site/ /var/www/html/
COPY src/ /src/
RUN chown -R compute:compute /src/ \
&& chown -R root:www-data /var/www/html/
Your algorithm will require additional classes and files packaged in my-algo.jar to adapt it to MIP Woken and to generate PFA output:
- MyAlgoSerializer extends WekaClassifierSerializer
- containing
We provide a Java library to support the integration: