Name | Type | Description | Notes |
IsMainImage | bool | Whether the media is the main image for the property. | |
Url | string | The URL for the media. | |
SortOrder | decimal | The sort order for the media. | |
TagList | List<PropertiesPropertyIdGet200ResponsePropertyFacilityInfoGuestRoomListInnerMediaListInner.TagListEnum> | A list of tag codes for the media.<p>See also <a href="#imagetype-codes">in the appendix</a>.</p> | |
ModerationLabelList | List<string> | A list of detection labels for moderated content (e.g. containing alcoholic beverages) for the media from an AI based detection engine. | |
DetectionLabelList | List<string> | A list of detection labels for the media from an AI based detection engine. | [optional] |
PropertyAmenityList | List<PropertiesPropertyIdGet200ResponsePropertyFacilityInfoGuestRoomListInnerMediaListInner.PropertyAmenityListEnum> | A list of property amenities available at the property that are visible in this media element. | |
RoomAmenityList | List<PropertiesPropertyIdGet200ResponsePropertyFacilityInfoGuestRoomListInnerMediaListInner.RoomAmenityListEnum> | A list of unit and room amenities available at the property (respectively unit type if applicable) that are visible in this media element. | [optional] |