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168 lines (160 loc) · 7.19 KB

BEAM Release Notes


New Features

Ride-hail features

  • DemandFollowingRepositionig: Reposition to the random activity's location.
  • Inverse square demand following repositioning.
  • Ride Hail transit using pooled legs.
  • Multiple rid-hail managers.
  • Pickups and dropoffs affect link travel time.
  • Additional parameters for links.
  • Restrict road access by free speed.
  • Google Map API integration.
  • Wheelchair accessible ride-hail vehicles.
  • Ride-Hail CAVs charging.
  • Introduced ride-hail stops.
  • Ride-hail name in OD skims.
  • Configuring allowed ride-hail modes.
  • RideHail skimmer.

Mode choice feature

  • Allowing to do a mode choice if the current mode cannot be implemented.
  • Improved tour mode choice.

Router features

  • R5: Limit routing by max distance for BIKE.
  • Introduced GraphHopper router.
  • Not found routes metric.
  • Introduced Native CCH router.
  • Send routing failures to skims.

Parking features

  • Hierarchical parking manager to improve parking stall search performance.
  • Link based parking sampling.
  • Parking Manager on the link level.
  • Improved performance of parking and charging manager.
  • Assign parking stalls to households.
  • Parking skimmer.
  • Include parking in activity generation.
  • New parking stall search algorithm.

Freight features

  • Freight simulation.
  • Freight origin-destination skims.
  • Vehicle energy rate based on the weight of the truck + payload.


  • Possibility to write PhysSim events to CSV.
  • PhysSim XML to OSM converter.
  • New PhysSim mode: BPR.
  • Performance: Parallel Event Manager in PhysSim.
  • Added option to convert PhysSim network to PBF directly.
  • Artificial increasing of traffic flow for better PhysSim.
  • Allow choosing an event manager for PhysSim.

Scripts / Postprocessing:

  • Introduced Jupyter notebooks in Beam source code.
  • Jupyter notebook for map analysis of osm.pbf and PhysSim network.
  • Jupyter notebook for linkstats and network.csv files analysis.
  • Jupyter notebook to adjust GTFS time and timezone and to downsample scenarios based on a shape file.
  • Output analysis with python scripts.
  • A script for filtering points from shapefile.
  • Beam Health Analysis script.
  • Frequency converter utility
  • Introduced a possibility to execute a Jupyter server along with Beam.
  • Added various graphs/statistics.
  • A tool to get a shape file out of stops coordinates from GTFS archive.
  • Matsim network to shape file converter.
  • Travel time & distance calculator app.
  • Util to compare values of two config files.
  • Utility to create TAZ geofences out of shapefiles.
  • Possibility to read a shape file as TAZ file.


  • Mode BIKE_TRANSIT is added.
  • Special treatment of bike lanes.
  • Simulating preference to the transit routes with lower crowdedness.
  • Shared vehicles on route egress.
  • HOV2 and HOV3 modes from activitysim plans.
  • Shared bike repositioning.
  • Include intercepts in mode utilities.
  • Train station car usage.
  • Micromobility modeling.
  • Add buffer time for access to transit.
  • Allow emergency vehicles for HOV modes.
  • Create household cars from Vehicle types.
  • Added trip id to transitVehicleTypesByRoute File.


  • Generate skims for provided origin-destination pairs and modes.
  • Producing activitysim skims at runtime.
  • Keep track of wait times in skims.
  • More skimmer events.
  • Use TAZ geometries for skim origin/destination.
  • Throw skimmer events for non-chosen itineraries.
  • Use non-generalized times and costs in asim skimmer.
  • Activitysim skims in omx format.

Electric Vehicles

  • Charging compatibility is taken into consideration.
  • Co-simulation of power providing/consuming with HELICS lib.
  • In-simulation charging scale up.
  • Initial State of Charge for beam vehicles.
  • En-route charging.


  • Removes deprecated parameters from configurations.
  • Documentation improvements.
  • Input Consistency Check.

Activities / Plans

  • Generate secondary activities.
  • Remove activities/persons for certain industries.
  • Allow to merge the urbansim input plans with the last BEAM run output plans.
  • Fixed activity duration based on the activity name.
  • Create separate plans based on planIndex and set "selected" only (valid) one of them.
  • Create and store a network route for a personal plan if it is empty.
  • Force vehicle creation when plans require it.

Debugging / Logging

  • Improved simulation got stuck detection.
  • Storing the scheduler state in case of Beam exists with an error.
  • Beam internal message logging.
  • Health metrics analysis in beam output directory.


  • Urbansim mode mapping from config.
  • Include urbansim trip_id as an attribute in beam plans.
  • Get leg mode directly from Urbansim plans.
  • Configurable timeout for urbansim scenario loading.


  • Add a possibility to automatically run Beam on Lawrencium HPC.
  • Add a possibility to automatically run Beam on Google Compute Engine.
  • Deployment spreadsheet improvements.

Bug fixes

  • Make BeamVehicle thread safe.
  • Use only activities from the plan elements.
  • Fixed issue in secondary activities.
  • Warm start fix.
  • Fix reading of OSM files generated from XML.
  • Fixed shared vehicle parking issues.
  • Gradle execute task fix.
  • Fix the ErrorListener to actually handle a missed interrupt.
  • Fix RouteDumper.
  • Fix r5 issue: No valid itineraries found for path computed in RaptorWorker.
  • Fixes for parking stall sampling with high availability.
  • Fix log4j issue.
  • Route dumper fix.
  • Populate riders for PathTraversal events for Bike and Walk modes.
  • Fix protocols to release vehicles properly before starting a trip.
  • Fix for displaying long legend text for NonArrivedAgentsAtTheEndOfSimulation.
  • Fix Beam doesn't stop when an exception occurs.
  • Fix AWS deployment issues.
  • Fix skimTypes for skimmers.
  • Fix issue of duplicate column names in passengerPerTripSubway.csv when the data contains only zeros.
  • Do not generate duplicate values for WALK skims.
  • Fixed lots of similar log messages.
  • Fix the boxing issue.
  • Don't fail if we're missing a vehicle's fuel type.
  • Fixed Memory Leak that caused keeping EventsManagerImpl for the whole run.
  • Fix of not using parking file of the tail of ride-hail managers.
  • Fixed misuse of withWheelchair param.
  • Fix: ride hail transit re-enable.
  • Get RIDE_HAIL_TRANSIT mode works with RH stops enabled.
  • Fix to EntitiesTransformStrategy.

Known issues

  • Inconsistent max memory reporting 3783.
  • NullPointerException in org.matsim.core.population.routes.RouteUtils.calcDistance 3824.
  • ModalBehaviors.transitVehicleTypeVOTMultipliers does not behave as expected 3793.
  • Last link travel time in PathTraversal events often is equal '0' 3817.
  • compileScoverageScala gradle task doesn't work 3808.
  • Usage of Automated RH vehicles leads to stuckness in some cases 3788.
  • BEAM cannot be run on Apple ARM arch (Apple M1 chip) 3634.
  • Unnecessary warnings in the log 3864.