This is the source code for Artifice, the custom card creator for Magic: The Gathering cards I created a long time ago.
The code is in an obsolete version of Swift, and is of frankly embarassingly poor quality. It will probably not build as-is on any recent Xcode. I have not the time, energy, or inclination to update it and get it working again, so I'm putting it up here, under the MIT license.
Do with it as you will. No support is offered, but pull requests will be accepted if you really want to. I encourage you to fork this and do what you like. As it stands, the program can make very high quality printable custom cards, but such cards will never pass for actual Wizards of the Coast products. This is by design. I cannot stop you from making it do nefarious things, but the version I gave you can't, and my responsibility ends there.