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322 lines (281 loc) · 10.1 KB


Read about mlx:

[>man mlx]

Generate a map (Earth and some other planets):


Run on your local machine:

  1. download go_FDF folder;
  2. run ./fdf test_maps/map_name.fdf ;
  3. follow the legend in the upper left corner of the screen.

Some samples:

Just 42:


Mars landscape:




Mars landscape_2:




Ukraine (from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / USA)):


Ukraine (from NOAA (flatten ocean)):


The project implemented a pixel-by-pixel approach, so large cards work slowly. I concluded, that draw 1 pixel each time is misspend. In the following projects, i will change the approach. But for now to compile the project run make, u will get an executable file called fdf and then ./fdf test_maps/42.fdf , where 42.fdf is the map u want to visualize. Or you can download only the folder go_FDF, with executable file and maps, and simply run ./fdf test_maps/42.fdf .

Files and folders needed for successful compilation:

├── fdf.c
├── reader.c
├── get_next_line.c
├── error_manager.c
├── ft_atoi_base.c
├── ft_split.c
├── bresenham_line.c
├── transformations.c
├── actions.c    
├── next_drawing.c
├── includes                        # .h files are here; 
│   ├── get_next_line.h
│   └── fdf.h
├── libft                           # folder with my own library of some useful functions;
├── test_maps                       # some maps;
├── Makefile

The purpose of other folders:

├── LineUNIVERSE            # was created to improve my understanding of graphics in principle - a simple LINE and its 3d transformation in space;
├── TriangleUNIVERSE        # a simple TRIANGLE and its 3d transformation in space (i realized its rotation on 3 axes (x, y, z) in a loop);
├── go_FDF                  # contains executable called `fdf` and maps;
├── go_MinilibX             # here I tested the graphics library and drew some lines;
├── minilibx                # the sources of the graphic library;
├── minilibx_macos          # the sources of the graphic library_macos;
├── screenshots             # some additional examples of how program does work;

Do not forget that you can use the keyboard for various actions on the rendered image (see the legend in the graphics window). Realized such functions as: zooming; rotation around the axis X, axis Y and axis Z; changing the height of the figure; changing the color; resetting to the original rendering.

The key algorithm of this project is Bresenham's line algorithm. Below you can find my analysis of this algorithm.

Bresenham's line algorithm

A line connects two points. It is a basic element in graphics. To draw a line, you need two points between which you can draw a line. And an algorithm to do this. Bresenham's line algorithm can use integer calculations, so it works faster than approaches with floats. This algorithm is needed in order to draw a line at any angle and in any direction (and not just proceeding from the origin). On our screen the origin is in the upper left corner of the screen: y increases, when we step down, x grows as we move to the right. Going through understanding the algorithm, becomes clear, that we have two cases: 1) deltaX(x1 - x0) > deltaY(y1 - y0) : x is increased each iteration, about y we should make decision - keep it same or increase by step (1 or -1: depends on direction of the line). This case draws lines only if the inclination of the line is less then 45 degrees. 2) deltaX(x1 - x0) < deltaY(y1 - y0) : y is increased each iteration, about x we should make decision - keep it same or increase by step (1 or -1: depends on direction of the line). This case draws lines only if the inclination of the line is more then 45 degrees. Let's visualize it.

Case 1. deltaX(x1 - x0) > deltaY(y1 - y0) (x++)

Here is the structure, that i use (for your understanding of the variable names):

# define WIDTH 1000
# define HEIGHT 600

typedef struct			s_env
	void			*mlx;
	void			*win;
	int			step_x;
	int			step_y;
	int			dx;
	int			dy;
	int			x0;
	int			x1;
	int			y0;
	int			y1;
	int			line_color;
}				t_env;

And the implementation of Bresenham's line algorithm (i split the code into several functions for clarity):

/* if dy <= dx */
static	void		ft_draw_dx(t_env *e)
	int	error;
	int	i;
	int	x;
	int	y;

	error = (e->dy << 1) - e->dx;
	x = e->x0 + e->step_x;
	y = e->y0;
	i = 1;
	mlx_pixel_put(e->mlx, e->win, e->x0, e->y0, e->line_color);
	while (i <= e->dx)
		if (error > 0)
			y += e->step_y;
			error += (e->dy - e->dx) << 1;
			error += e->dy << 1;
		mlx_pixel_put(e->mlx, e->win, x, y, e->line_color);
		x += e->step_x;

/* if dy >= dx */
static	void		ft_draw_dy(t_env *e)
	int	error;
	int	i;
	int	x;
	int	y;

	error = (e->dx << 1) - e->dy;
	y = e->y0 + e->step_y;
	x = e->x0;
	i = 1;
	mlx_pixel_put(e->mlx, e->win, e->x0, e->y0, e->line_color);
	while (i <= e->dy)
		if (error > 0)
			error += (e->dx - e->dy) << 1;
			x += e->step_x;
			error += e->dx << 1;
		mlx_pixel_put(e->mlx, e->win, x, y, e->line_color);
		y += e->step_y;

/* making a decision: deltaX > deltaY || deltaX > deltaY */
/* also we should figure out the value of step (1 or -1) */
void				bresenham_line(t_env *e)
	e->dx = abs(e->x1 - e->x0); /* delta x */
	e->dy = abs(e->y1 - e->y0); /* delta y */
	e->step_x = e->x1 >= e->x0 ? 1 : -1; /* stepx if line (from left to right) = +1 ; else = -1 */
	e->step_y = e->y1 >= e->y0 ? 1 : -1; /* stepy if line (from up to down) = +1 ; else = -1 */
	if (e->dx > e->dy)

Simple main.c (just to see how the algorithm works when dy <= dx):

int			main(void)
	int 	color;
	t_env 	*e;

	if (!(e = malloc(sizeof(t_env))))
		return (0);
	color = 8388352;
	e->mlx = mlx_init();
	e->win = mlx_new_window(e->mlx, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "mlx 42");
	e->x0 = 0;
	e->x1 = WIDTH;
	e->y0 = 0;
	e->y1 = HEIGHT;
	e->line_color = 8388352;
	return (0);

I am running:

gcc -I /Users/kprytkov/FDF/go_MinilibX main.c -L /usr/local/lib -lmlx -framework OpenGL -framework Appkit


Modify your main.c in this way and you will see the entire spectrum of the action of the function ft_draw_dx():

int			main(void)
	int 	color;
	t_env 	*e;

	if (!(e = malloc(sizeof(t_env))))
		return (0);
	color = 8388352;
	e->mlx = mlx_init();
	e->win = mlx_new_window(e->mlx, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "mlx 42");
	for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++)
		e->x0 = 0 + WIDTH / 2;
		e->x1 = WIDTH;
		e->y0 = 0 + HEIGHT / 2;
		e->y1 = j;
		e->line_color = j;
	for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++)
		e->x0 = WIDTH / 2;
		e->x1 = 0;
		e->y0 = HEIGHT / 2;
		e->y1 = j;
		e->line_color = j;
	return (0);


Case 2. deltaX(x1 - x0) < deltaY(y1 - y0) (y++)

See how ft_draw_dy() is working (fn random() does make decisions about line's color):

int			main(void)
	int 	color;
	t_env 	*e;

	if (!(e = malloc(sizeof(t_env))))
		return (0);
	color = 8388352;
	e->mlx = mlx_init();
	e->win = mlx_new_window(e->mlx, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "mlx 42");
	for(int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
		e->x0 = WIDTH / 2;
		e->x1 = j;
		e->y0 = HEIGHT / 2;
		e->y1 = HEIGHT;
		e->line_color = random();
	for(int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
		e->x0 = WIDTH / 2;
		e->x1 = j;
		e->y0 = HEIGHT / 2;
		e->y1 = 0;
		e->line_color = random();
	return (0);


And just for fun:

int			main(void)
	int 	color;
	t_env 	*e;

	if (!(e = malloc(sizeof(t_env))))
		return (0);
	color = 8388352;
	e->mlx = mlx_init();
	e->win = mlx_new_window(e->mlx, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "mlx 42");
	for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i++)
		e->x0 = random() % WIDTH - 1;
 		e->x1 = random() % WIDTH - 1;
 		e->y0 = random() % HEIGHT - 1;
 		e->y1 = random() % HEIGHT - 1;
 		e->line_color = random();
	return (0);

alternativetext view code here: FDF/go_MinilibX/
