This document describes the structure of the document revision data. Applies as of DMS Core version 0.12.16
Documentchain stores serveral hash values in transactions. Below the data is described as hex string.
Data | Size | Description |
444D24 | 6 | Constant prefix, magic chars "DM$" |
0001 | 4 | Blockchain-defined data type/version |
04D2 | 4 | App-defined data type/version |
Fixed order of 128 bit hash values as hex string with 32 characters each.
Start | End | Size | Description |
0 | 5 | 6 | 444D24 |
6 | 9 | 4 | 0001 |
10 | 13 | 4 | App-defined type |
14 | 45 | 32 | Document GUID without brackets and hyphens |
46 | 77 | 32 | File hash |
78 | 109 | 32 | Attribute hash |
110 | 141 | 32 | (optional) any hash, such as owner hash |
A text file with content "Documentchain" and file name "Testfile.txt" has the following hex data:
Any combination of individual hash values. The whole data must not exceed 600 bytes.
The first value should be an MD51) file hash. This allows the user to perform a document revision in his web browser. The MD5 hash is used to search for the corresponding blockchain transaction. In addition, another more secure file hash should be stored for the revision.
Start | End | Size | Description |
0 | 5 | 6 | 444D24 |
6 | 9 | 4 | 0002 |
10 | 13 | 4 | App-defined type |
Followed by one or more hash values with four-digit prefix:
Start | End | Size | Description |
0 | 0 | 1 | Type: 0=compressed GUID, F=file hash, A=attribute hash , B=owner hash |
1 | 1 | 1 | App-defined char 0..F |
2 | 3 | 2 | Algorithm (see below), i.e. 22 |
4 | .. | 32-128 | Hex encoding hash |
- 00=MD5/GUID 1)
- 01=SHA11)
- 21=SHA2-224 1)
- 22=SHA2-256
- 23=SHA2-384
- 25=SHA2-512
- 31=Keccak-224 1)
- 32=Keccak-256
- 33=Keccak-384
- 35=Keccak-512
- 36=SHA3-224 1)
- 37=SHA3-256
- 38=SHA3-384
- 39=SHA3-512
1) These hashes are not considered collision proof and should only be used together with longer hashes. See BSI.
- Office Manager DMS uses "0001" and "0003"
- DMS Core uses "0002"
- WebAPI on uses "0004"
Use another ID for your application. You can reserve your app ID with us.