Public frameworks are great for the large majority of cases but they don't cover everything.
Private Frameworks allow us to access every single feature on our iDevice, for example using BluetoothManager
too see when a Bluetooth Device connects, however they have a series of Pros and Cons
- Allows us to modify every single feature on our iDevice
- Virtually
zero documentation
on them - Harder to import and use in
Importing Private Frameworks in theos
is relatively easy just like regular frameworks except you do the following
However, even if you are using patched SDK's you cant always guarantee that every PrivateFramework will work.
So we need to be picky in the headers we import as most likely we will have to download them from Limneos Headers
For example lets say we wanted to check to see if we are connected to a BluetoothDevice and if we are open an app, for example Spotify
So lets first go onto Limneos and search for the framework we want to use.
Tweak Development is largely about 'trial and improvement'. If one method doesn't work try another one and narrow down our search
Looking through the list of frameworks available to us lets find the ones related to Bluetooth
Lets test our method of trial and improvement
by checking the first framework BluetoothAudio
In this framework it consists of 3 header
files so it is a relatively small framework
We can use the Methods Search
function of the site too find a method or variable in a class that holds
if we are connected to a bluetooth device or not.
-(void)deviceConnected:(BTDeviceImplRef)arg1 ;
-(BOOL)isConnected:(BTDeviceImplRef)arg1 ;
These both look promising, so let's implement them so we can use them in our tweak.
The key to this is only add what you need
In BluetoothBridge.h
it calls for the import BluetoothAudio-Structs.h
so we will first have to copy and paste that into a file in our directory we can call it whatever we want just as long as we refer to it
as that name whenever calling it. For simplicity we will name is BluetoothAudio-Structs.h
After that is done we can create our smaller header for BluetoothBridge.h
Let's first remove what we don't need from the header, so it should look something like this.
@protocol OS_dispatch_semaphore, OS_dispatch_queue;
#import <BluetoothAudio-Structs.h>
@class NSObject, SFDeviceDiscovery;
@interface BluetoothBridge : NSObject {
NSObject*<OS_dispatch_semaphore> _connectedSemaphore;
NSObject*<OS_dispatch_semaphore> _disconnectedSemaphore;
BOOL _targetUserSession;
OpaqueFigEndpointManagerRef _manager;
SFDeviceDiscovery* _deviceDiscovery;
NSObject*<OS_dispatch_queue> _queue;
BTSessionImplRef _session;
@property (assign,nonatomic) OpaqueFigEndpointManagerRef manager; //@synthesize manager=_manager - In the implementation block
@property (retain) SFDeviceDiscovery * deviceDiscovery; //@synthesize deviceDiscovery=_deviceDiscovery - In the implementation block
@property (assign) BOOL targetUserSession; //@synthesize targetUserSession=_targetUserSession - In the implementation block
@property (retain) NSObject*<OS_dispatch_queue> queue; //@synthesize queue=_queue - In the implementation block
@property (assign) BTSessionImplRef session; //@synthesize session=_session - In the implementation block
-(void)deviceConnected:(BTDeviceImplRef)arg1 ;
-(BOOL)isConnected:(BTDeviceImplRef)arg1 ;
Please Remember to change the imports line of your new header to reflect the name in the tweak files
There is still a few things we could remove, however for the sake of the guide we will keep it like this It is small enough to be managed easily.
Just like any other framework we need to import the headers
into the code
#import <BluetoothBridge.h>
And now using logify
we can find out the class we need to hook into is %hook BluetoothBridge
So we can now add the methods too our tweak
%hook BluetoothBridge
-(void)deviceConnected:(BTDeviceImplRef)arg1 {
// returns original code
// modified code here
-(BOOL)isConnected:(BTDeviceImplRef)arg1 {
return %orig;
Please be aware if using anything other than a (void) method we have to return %orig; instead of %orig;
Also double check you have added the framework you are using in your makefile
And ... we are done
It is a little complex, however not impossible