Luckily There are a ton of free Open Source Tweaks available on GitHub
These can be found by searching Github for extension:xm extension:x <keyword>
However I am going to include a ton of great ones that are amazing to REFERENCE from
Please do not, copy an open source tweak and pass it off as your own. It is immoral and is the fastest way to get you hated in the community That being said, by all means look at them to see how people have done certain things such as Preferences or there method of doing things If you do release a modified version of their tweak, Please credit the original person or ask express permission There are several Open Source Licenses, check what license the tweaks are released under too see what you can do with the code
Lacertosus' Open Source Tweaks - These are by FAR the best open source tweaks to reference from
- Most of them are annotated, and there are quite a few that are designed for iOS13
- Examples for Cephei which is a powerful PreferenceBundle framework that even Apple uses
KodeyThomas's SpotifyBlue - This is one of my own Open Source tweaks
- It is fully annotated and clearly explains what every line of codes does
- Uses Cephei for settings (Not as Well Annotated)
- Available On My Repo
Gilshahar7's Meme Finder - This is a pretty cool tweak
- Not Annotated
Gilshahar7's VolumeBrightness - Featured in iDownloadBlog
- Not annotated
- Great Example how to incorporate Activator into a tweak
YulkyTulky's ColourfulLines - A genuinely cool tweak
- Annotated
- iOS12 & iOS13 support