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Kirill edited this page Sep 10, 2016 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Teleportation wiki!

WHAT YOU GET FOR FREE Two technologies:

  • For mid-game - Teleportation. Unlocks Teleporter Beacons beacon; it allows you to teleport from one beacon to another one; also you get top-GUI-button that opens beacons list (or use Y-hotkey) - you can choose where you want to teleport to.
  • For late-game - Advanced Teleportation. Unlocks Personal Teleporter equipment personal teleporter and Jump Targeter jump targeter. First one lets you to teleport to beacons from anywhere - just click "T"-button in the desired row of the beacons list. You can also teleport to the nearest beacon by using CTRL+Y-hotkey. And you also can jump to any position in your straight sight - just take Jump targeter in your hand and click anywhere.

Teleporting takes power:

  • from beacon to beacon: both beacons should be charged enough;
  • from anywhere to beacon: both - your Personal Teleporter equipment and destination beacon - should be charged enough;
  • from anywhere to anywhere: your Personal Teleporter equipment should be charged enough to perform straight jump on that distance.


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