PHP implementation of various algorithms for the Linear Assignment Problem.
The original paper by Jonker and Volgenant can be found SpringerLink or in the doc/
The hungarian library contains the fundamentals needed to solve a linear assignment problem, as well as some abstractions to make integration easier.
The plain matrix object is indexed by integer and allows getting and setting of values, it is always a square matrix. To fill a three by three matrix, you might do the following.
use Kickin\Hungarian\Matrix\Matrix;
$matrix = new Matrix(3);
$matrix->set(0, 0, 10);
$matrix->set(1, 0, 15);
$matrix->set(2, 0, 12);
$matrix->set(0, 1, 12);
$matrix->set(1, 1, 13);
$matrix->set(2, 1, 14);
$matrix->set(0, 2, 15);
$matrix->set(1, 2, 17);
$matrix->set(2, 2, 25);
Using the matrix above, we can use the Hungarian method.
use Kickin\Hungarian\Algo\Hungarian;
$solver = new Hungarian();
$result = $solver->solve($matrix);
Or, if you'd want to find the highest scoring assignment, you can call use solveMax()
$result = $solver->solveMax($matrix);
Under the hood, this is equivalent to solving the matrix after calling invert()
This result can then be used as a list of tuples.
foreach($result as [$row, $col]){
echo $row . ": " . $col . "\n";
In most cases, you're not actually trying to pair integers, instead you might want to assign users to tasks. One way to do this, is by using string labels
use Kickin\Hungarian\Matrix\StringMatrix;
$matrix = new StringMatrix(["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"], ["Bathroom", "Kitchen", "Windows"]);
$matrix->set("Alice", "Bathroom", 10);
$matrix->set("Bob", "Bathroom", 15);
$matrix->set("Carol", "Bathroom", 12);
$matrix->set("Alice", "Kitchen", 12);
$matrix->set("Bob", "Kitchen", 13);
$matrix->set("Carol", "Kitchen", 14);
$matrix->set("Alice", "Windows", 15);
$matrix->set("Bob", "Windows", 17);
$matrix->set("Carol", "Windows", 25);
Another option is by using objects as labels, for example using Eloquent
use Kickin\Hungarian\Matrix\LabeledMatrix;
$matrix = new LabeledMatrix(User::all(), Task::all());
Finally, it is likely you don't have a square matrix or need to write quite some boilerplate code to create a proper matrix. To help in this, you can use the MatrixBuilder
This will automatically ensure your matrix is square, augmenting it where needed.
use Kickin\Hungarian\Matrix\MatrixBuilder;
$builder = new MatrixBuilder();
$builder->setRowSource(["Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "Dave"]);
$builder->setColSource(["Garbage", "Sweep floor"]);
$builder->setMappingFunction(function($row, $col){
return 1; // Define your own scoring for any assignment pair
$matrix = $builder->build();
If desired, you can easily remove unassigned rows and columns from the results
$result = $solver->solve($matrix);
$assignedOnly = $result->withoutUnassigned();