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File metadata and controls

1125 lines (995 loc) · 34.2 KB

Table of Contents

General API Information

  • The base endpoint is:
  • All endpoints return either a JSON object or array.
  • Data is returned in descending order. newest first, oldest last.
  • All time and timestamp related fields are in milliseconds.

Error Codes

  • Any endpoint can return an ERROR

Sample Payload below:

    "success": 0,
    "error": "Invalid credentials. API not found or session has expired.",
    "error_code": "invalid_credentials"

General Information on Endpoints

  • Parameters may be sent in any order.

  • All requests must be sent with POST.

  • For each request you need to include these variable to make the call valid: method and nonce or timestamp.

    Parameter Description Optional Example
    method Specify the method you want to call no getInfo
    nonce An increment integer. For example if the last request's nonce is 1000, the next request should be 1001 or a larger number. To learn more about nonce no 1000
    Parameter Description Optional Example
    method Specify the method you want to call no getInfo
    timestamp This parameter should be the millisecond timestamp of when the request was created and sent no 1578303960000
    recvWindow The value should specify the number of millisecond after timestamp where your request is valid. That mean your request still valid if it sent and processed within timestamp and timestamp + recvWindow. Default value is 5000 (milliseconds) no 1578303937000

Endpoint Security Type

  • API-keys are passed into the Rest API via the Key header.

  • API-keys and secret-keys are case sensitive.

  • There are 3 different permissions that can be applied to API Key: view, trade and withdraw

    Permission Allowed Methods
    view getInfo, transHistory, tradeHistory, openOrders, orderHistory, getOrder, getOrderByClientOrderId
    trade trade, cancelOrder, cancelByClientOrderId
    withdraw withdrawFeee, withdrawCoin

Signed (TRADE and USER_DATA) Endpoint Security

  • SIGNED endpoints require an additional parameter, Sign, to be sent in the header.
  • Endpoints use HMAC SHA512 signatures. Use your secretKey as the key and totalParams as the value for the HMAC operation.
  • The signature is not case sensitive.
  • totalParams is defined as the query string concatenated with the request body. example *(?param=val&param1=val1) encrypted with method HMAC-SHA512 using secret key*

Timing Security

  • A SIGNED endpoint also requires a parameter, timestamp, to be sent which should be the millisecond timestamp of when the request was created and sent.
  • An additional parameter, recvWindow, may be sent to specify the number of milliseconds after timestamp the request is valid for. If recvWindow is not sent, it defaults to 5000.
  • The logic is as follows:
    if ($timestamp >= ($serverTime + 1000) || ($serverTime - $timestamp) > $recvWindow) {
        // reject request
    } else {
        // process request

Serious trading is about timing. Networks can be unstable and unreliable, which can lead to requests taking varying amounts of time to reach the servers. With recvWindow, you can specify that the request must be processed within a certain number of milliseconds or be rejected by the server.

SIGNED Endpoint Examples for POST getInfo

Here is a step-by-step example of how to send a vaild signed payload from the Linux command line using. curl

Key Value
secretKey f60617a68fcce028f0a90bc9eb765d17379eb548cc935c01a7ee3186eecf870e9b68f27a31bcfe8d
Parameter Value
method getInfo
timestamp 1578304294000
recvWindow 1578303937000

Example : send parameter using request body

  • requestBody: method=getInfo&timestamp=1578304294000&recvWindow=1578303937000
  • HMAC SHA512 signature:
    [linux]$ echo -n "method=getInfo&timestamp=1578304294000&recvWindow=1578303937000" | openssl dgst -sha512 -hmac "f60617a68fcce028f0a90bc9eb765d17379eb548cc935c01a7ee3186eecf870e9b68f27a31bcfe8d"
    (stdin)= bab004e5a518740d7a33b38b44dbebecd3fb39f40b42391af39fcce06edabff5233b3e8064a07c528d1c751a6923d5116026c7786e01b22e2d35277a098cae99
  • curl command:
    (HMAC SHA512)
    [linux]$ curl -H "Key: AEDHIGAT-QATEGWOX-OPCSCPQX-2E00B1L7-VJBXXKMA" -H "Sign: bab004e5a518740d7a33b38b44dbebecd3fb39f40b42391af39fcce06edabff5233b3e8064a07c528d1c751a6923d5116026c7786e01b22e2d35277a098cae99" -X POST '' -d 'method=getInfo&timestamp=1578304294000&recvWindow=1578303937000'

Private API Endpoint

ENUM Definitions

Parameter method (Method) :

  • getInfo
  • transHistory
  • trade
  • tradeHistory
  • openOrders
  • orderHistory
  • getOrder
  • getOrderByClientOrderId
  • cancelOrder
  • cancelByClientOrderId
  • withdrawFee
  • withdrawCoin
  • listDownline
  • checkDownline
  • createVoucher (Partner Only)

Transaction type (type):

  • buy
  • sell

Sort by (order):

  • asc
  • desc

Pair to get the information from (pair):

  • btc_idr
  • ltc_btc
  • doge_btc

Currency to withdraw (currency):

  • btc
  • eth
  • doge
  • ltc

Private API Endpoints

All request sent to this endpoint


All request sent with Request header

Name Type Mandatory Description
Key string yes API Key
Sign string yes Encrypted with method HMAC-SHA512 using secret key. (Request body (?param=val&param1=val1))

All request sent with Request body

Name Type Mandatory Description
method string yes Specify the method you want to call
timestamp timestamp in milisecond optional when sending request using nonce The millisecond timestamp of when the request was created and sent. Default value is 5000 (milliseconds).
recvWindow timestamp in milisecond no This parameter is optional when you sending request using timestamp. The value should specify the number of millisecond after timestamp where your request is valid. That mean your request still valid if it sent and processed within timestamp and timestamp + recvWindow. Default value is 5000 (milliseconds).
nonce int optional when sending request using timestamp An increment integer. For example if the last request's nonce is 1000, the next request should be 1001 or a larger number.

Get Info Endpoint

This method gives user balances and server's timestamp.

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call getInfo


    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "server_time": 1578638762,
        "balance": {
            "idr": 0,
            "btc": "0.00000000",
        "balance_hold": {
            "idr": 0,
            "btc": "0.00000000",
        "address": {
            "btc": "17wGZJCHfi1MJXY9V8NrbSwBYmUM2wXdER",
            "1inch": "0xaDF5bF5e8fa6966451D6cf43A9dbe3f142695362",
            "eth": "0xa6fd81330501442e8dff403f966b6e023a53763e"
        "network": {
            "btc": "mainnet",
            "1inch": "erc20",
            "eth": [
        "memo_is_required": {
            "btc": {
                "mainnet": false
             "1inch": {
                "erc20": false
            "eth": {
                "eth": false,
                "arb": false,
                "op": false,
                "base": false
        "user_id": "00001",
        "name": "Jhon Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "profile_picture": null,
        "verification_status": "verified",
        "gauth_enable": true,
        "withdraw_status" : 1 // 1 if user can withdraw, 0 if user can't withdraw

Transaction History Endpoints

This method gives list of deposits and withdrawals of all currencies.

ℹ️ Information

As per 21 August 2024,

Fetch transaction history have a validation maximum 7 days, default: last 7 days

Max limit per fetch is 500 records (per deposit coin, withdraw coin, deposit idr, withdraw idr)

Order descending by submit_time

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value Default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call transHistory
start date optional Specify the start date of transaction history you want to search Y-m-d (eg: 2021-07-17) 7 days ago from today
end date optional Specify the end date of transaction history you want to search Y-m-d (eg: 2021-07-17) today

Example payload

    "method": "transHistory",
    "nonce":  1735516800,
    "start": "2024-07-01",
    "end":   "2024-07-07"


Positive Case

    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "withdraw": {
            "idr": [
                    "status": "success",
                    "type": "coupon",
                    "rp": "115205",
                    "fee": "500",
                    "amount": "114705",
                    "submit_time": "1539844166",
                    "success_time": "1539844189",
                    "withdraw_id": "1783717",
            "btc": [],
            "abyss": [],
        "deposit": {
            "idr": [
                    "status": "success",
                    "type": "duitku",
                    "rp": "393000",
                    "fee": "5895",
                    "amount": "387105",
                    "submit_time": "1576555012",
                    "success_time": "1576555012",
                    "deposit_id": "3395438",
                    "tx": "Duitku OVO Settlement"
            "btc": [
                    "status": "success",
                    "btc": "0.00118769",
                    "amount": "0.00118769",
                    "success_time": "1539529208",
                    "deposit_id": "3602369",
                    "tx": "c816aeb35a5b42f389970325a32aff69bb6b2126784dcda8f23b9dd9570d6573"
            "abyss": [],

Negative Case

  • Invalid Format Date
    "success": 0,
    "error": "date format must be formatted yyyy-mm-dd",
    "error_code": "invalid_date"
  • Days greater than 7 days
    "success": 0,
    "error": "range date can't more than 7 days",
    "error_code": "invalid_date"
  • Start date greater then end date
    "success": 0,
    "error": "start date must be less then end date",
    "error_code": "invalid_date"

Trade Endpoints

Provides access to essential trading functionalities and data for seamless integration with trading platforms.

ℹ️ Important Updates

As per 10 September 2022,

  • You may experience under filled order if using idr parameter when create buy order. To solve this issue, simply send btc instead idr and use order_type : "limit".
  • You can create buy limit order using coin (eg: btc) as amount.
  • You can use order_type : "market" to create market order.
  • You can try the new API version by creating account in You will receive balance for some coins, approximately 1 minute after successfully sign-up.
  • These coins can be used for trade testing, but can't be withdrawn. You also can't deposit any coin to

As per January 2024,

  • You can create order by adding infomartional client_order_id (eg: client_order_id : "clientx-sj82ks82j")

ℹ️ Information

The trade API implements a rate limit of 20 requests per second per account and pair. Exceeding this triggers a 5-second trading block for the affected account and pair.

As per 28 August 2024,

  • We update the response format for rate limit trade like bellow
"status code": 429
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Response Body": 
   "success": 0,
   "error": "Your User ID sent too many trade request for pair BTCIDR, please try again in 5 seconds",
   "message": "Your User ID sent too many trade request for pair BTCIDR, please try again in 5 seconds",
   "error_code": "too_many_requests"

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call trade
pair string yes Pair to get the information from btc_idr, ltc_btc, doge_btc, etc
type string yes transaction type (buy or sell) buy/sell
price numeric required on limit order order price 5000000
idr numeric required for (limit/market) buy order with amount in IDR amount of rupiah to buy coin 1000000
btc numeric required for limit buy order with amount in coin or sell order amount of coin to buy/sell 0.001
order_type string optional type of order limit/market limit
client_order_id string optional, max 36 character, allowed = alphanumeric _- set your client order id eg: clientx-sj82ks82j
time_in_force string optional currently only valid for "limit" order type, defines how long an order remains working till it is expired by the system GTC,MOC GTC


  • Request will be rejected if you send BUY order request with both idr set & order_type set to LIMIT.
  • Currently MARKET BUY order only support amount in idr.
  • Trade Request from Trade API with order_type = limit and time_in_force = MOC specified will be rejected if price is better than top of book price.

Sample Payload for limit order using idr amount:

	"method": "trade"
	"nonce": 4531235
    "idr": 100000,
	"price": 500000,
	"type": "buy",
    "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j", // New field (optional)
 	"time_in_force": "MOC" // New field (GTC, MOC)

*Sample Payload for limit order using coin amount:

	"method": "trade",
	"nonce": 4531235,
    "btc": 0.001,
	"order_type": "limit",
	"price": 500000,
	"type": "buy",
    "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j", // New field (optional)
	"time_in_force": "MOC" // New field (GTC, MOC)

*Sample Payload for market order:

	"method": "trade",
	"nonce": 4531235,
    "idr": 200000,
    "order_type": "market",
    "type": "buy",
    "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j" // New field (optional)

Positive case


    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "receive_btc": "0.00000000",
        "spend_rp": 0,
        "fee": 0,
        "remain_rp": 5000000,
        "order_id": 59632813,
        "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j"

Negative case

Response order_type = limit

    "success": 0,
    "error": "Order cancelled because it’s not maker."

Response time_in_force = MOC

    "success": 0,
    "error": "Order cancelled because it’s not maker."

Response limit in the money

    "success": 0,
    "error": "Order cancelled because it’s not maker."

Response client_order_id

    "success": 0,
    "error": "client order id clientx-sj82ks82j already exists"

Trade History Endpoints

This method gives information about transaction in buying and selling history.

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call tradeHistory
count numeric no number of transaction which will be displayed 1000
from_id numeric no first trade ID
end_id numeric no end trade ID
order string no sort by asc / desc desc
since timestamp no start time unix time
end timestamp no end time unix time
pair string yes Pair to get the information from btc_idr, ltc_btc, doge_btc, etc btc_idr
order_id numeric no order id 59636253


    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "trades": [
                "trade_id": "17393994",
                "order_id": "59636253",
                "type": "sell",
                "btc": "0.00313482",
                "price": "107202000",
                "fee": "0",
                "trade_time": "1578645297",
                "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j"

Open Orders Endpoints

This method gives the list of current open orders (buy and sell).

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call openOrders
pair string no Pair to get the information from btc_idr, ltc_btc, doge_btc, etc

Response pair btc_idr

    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "orders": [
                    "order_id": "172",
                    "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j",
                    "submit_time": "1693226027",
                    "price": "421004000",
                    "type": "sell",
                    "order_type": "limit",
                    "order_btc": "0.02000000",
                    "remain_btc": "0.00133450"
                    "order_id": "173",
                    "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks83j",
                    "submit_time": "1693280465",
                    "price": "421003000.00000000",
                    "type": "buy",
                    "order_type": "stoplimit",
                    "order_idr": "1266293.00000000",
                    "remain_idr": "1266293.00000000"

Response if pair is not set

    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "orders": {
            "btc_idr": [
                    "order_id": "172",
                    "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j",
                    "submit_time": "1693226027",
                    "price": "421004000",
                    "type": "sell",
                    "order_type": "limit",
                    "order_btc": "0.02000000",
                    "remain_btc": "0.00133450"
                    "order_id": "173",
                    "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks83j",
                    "submit_time": "1693280465",
                    "price": "421003000.00000000",
                    "type": "buy",
                    "order_type": "stoplimit",
                    "order_idr": "1266293.00000000",
                    "remain_idr": "1266293.00000000"

Order History

This method gives the list of order history (buy and sell)

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call orderHistory
pair string yes Pair to get the information from btc_idr, ltc_btc, doge_btc, etc btc_idr
count int no number of transaction which will be displayed 1000
from int no


    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "orders": [
                "order_id": "59639504",
                "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j",
                "type": "buy",
                "price": "100207000",
                "submit_time": "1578648363",
                "finish_time": "1578649332",
                "status": "cancelled",
                "order_idr": "336058",
                "remain_idr": "336058"
                "order_id": "59636253",
                "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks83j",
                "type": "sell",
                "price": "107202000",
                "submit_time": "1578645288",
                "finish_time": "1578645297",
                "status": "filled",
                "order_btc": "0.00313482",
                "remain_btc": "0.00000000"

Get Order Endpoints

Use getOrder to get specific order details.

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call getOrder
pair string yes Pair to get the information from btc_idr, ltc_btc, doge_btc, etc btc_idr
order_id int yes Order ID 59639504


    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "order": {
            "order_id": "59639504",
            "price": "100207000",
            "type": "buy",
            "order_rp": "336058",
            "remain_rp": "336058",
            "submit_time": "1578648363",
            "finish_time": "1578649332",
            "status": "cancelled",
            "receive_idr": "336058",
            "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j"

Response for refund order done

    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "order": {
            "order_id": "59639504",
            "price": "100207000",
            "type": "buy",
            "order_rp": "336058",
            "remain_rp": "336058",
            "submit_time": "1578648363",
            "finish_time": "1578649332",
            "status": "cancelled",
            "receive_idr": "336058",
	        "refund_idr": "3866",
            "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j"

Get Order By Client Order ID Endpoints

Use getOrderByClientOrderId to get specific order details by Client Order ID.

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call getOrderByClientOrderId
client_order_id string yes Client Order ID clientx-sj82ks82j


    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "order": {
            "order_id": "59639504",
            "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j",
            "price": "100207000",
            "type": "buy",
            "order_rp": "336058",
            "remain_rp": "336058",
            "submit_time": "1578648363",
            "finish_time": "1578649332",
            "status": "cancelled",
            "receive_idr": "336058",

Response for refund order done

    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "order": {
            "order_id": "59639504",
            "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j",
            "price": "100207000",
            "type": "buy",
            "order_rp": "336058",
            "remain_rp": "336058",
            "submit_time": "1578648363",
            "finish_time": "1578649332",
            "status": "cancelled",
            "receive_idr": "336058",
	        "refund_idr": "3866"

Cancel Order Endpoints

This method is for canceling an existing open order.

ℹ️ Information

As per 28 August 2024,

The trade API implements a rate limit of 30 requests per second for cancel order.

"status code": 429
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Response Body": 
   "success": 0,
   "error": "Your User ID sent too many cancel order requests",
   "error_code": "too_many_requests"

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call cancelOrder
pair string yes Pair to get the information from btc_idr, ltc_btc, doge_btc, etc btc_idr
order_id int yes Order ID 10.00000000
type int yes Transaction type buy / sell
order_type string optional type of order limit, stoplimit limit


    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "order_id": 666883,
        "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j",
        "type": "sell",
        "pair": "btc_idr",
        "balance": {
            "idr": "33605800",
            "btc": "0.00000000",
            "frozen_idr": "0",
            "frozen_btc": "0.00000000",

Cancel Order By Client Order ID Endpoints

This method is for canceling an existing open order by client_order_id.

ℹ️ Information

As per 28 August 2024,

The trade API implements a rate limit of 30 requests per second for cancel order by Client Order ID.

"status code": 429
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Response Body": 
   "success": 0,
   "error": "Your User ID sent too many cancel order requests",
   "error_code": "too_many_requests"

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call cancelByClientOrderId
client_order_id string yes Client Order ID clientx-sj82ks82j


    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "order_id": 666883,
        "client_order_id": "clientx-sj82ks82j",
        "type": "sell",
        "pair": "btc_idr",
        "balance": {
            "idr": "33605800",
            "btc": "0.00000000",
            "frozen_idr": "0",
            "frozen_btc": "0.00000000",

Withdraw Fee Endpoints

This method is for check withdraw fee

To be able to use this method you need to enable withdraw permission when you generate the API Key. Otherwise you will get “No permission” error.

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call withdrawFee
currency string yes Currency for check withdraw fee btc, ltc, doge, eth, etc
network string no Set optional network to see withdrawFee on coin with multiple network erc20, trc20, bep2, bep20, etc

Response success

    "success": 1,
    "return": {
        "server_time": 1607923272,
        "withdraw_fee": 0.005,
        "currency": "eth"

Response with invalid network

    "success": 0,
    "error" : "Invalid network, please fill with one of this erc20, trc20, bep20",
    "error_code": ""

Withdraw Coin Endpoints

This method is for withdrawing assets (except IDR). You can use address and username option when sending crypto via TAPI

If client withdraw from TAPI by internal address, there’s no fee (fee=0).

To be able to use this method you need to enable withdraw permission when you generate the API Key. Otherwise you will get “No permission” error.

You also need to prepare a Callback URL. Callback URL is a URL that our system will call to verify your withdrawal requests. Various parameters will be sent to Callback URL, make sure to check this information on your server side. If all the data is correct, print out a string “ok” (without quotes). We will continue the request if only we receive “ok” (without quotes) response, otherwise the request will be failed.

Callback call will be sent through a POST request, with 5 seconds connection timeout.

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call withdrawCoin
currency string yes Currency to withdraw btc, ltc, doge, eth, etc
network string yes Currency network if exist erc20, trc20, bep2, bep20
withdraw_address string yes Receiver address a valid address
withdraw_amount numeric yes Amount to send 10.00000000
withdraw_memo string no Memo to be sent to the receiver, if supported by the asset platform. Exchanges use this memo for accepting deposits for certain assets.Example: Destination Tag (for Ripple)Message (for NXT)Memo (for BitShares) a valid memo/message/destination tag
request_id alphanumeric max 255 char yes Custom string you need to provide to identify each withdrawal request. request_id will be passed to callback call so your system can identify the request.d


    "success": 1,
    "status": "approved",
    "withdraw_currency": "doge",
    "withdraw_address": "D9iCdBLBosJzGSvpQGMSobwtdgB2rS1zam",
    "withdraw_amount": "10.00000000",
    "fee": "5.00000000",
    "amount_after_fee": "5.00000000",
    "submit_time": "1578909560",
    "withdraw_id": "doge-1941965",
    "txid": ""

Response Withdraw to Own Address

    "success": 0,
    "error": "Please use recipient address other than your Indodax account address",
    "error_code": ""

Callback Parameter Sent to Client

Parameter Description
request_id request_id from your request
withdraw_currency currency from your request
withdraw_address withdraw_address from your request
withdraw_amount withdraw_amount from your request
withdraw_memo withdraw_memo from your request (if any)
requester_ip requester_ip of the request
request_date time the request submitted

Withdraw Coin by Username

Client can view and use username option when sending crypto via TAPI. If client withdraw from TAPI by Indodax username, there’s no fee (fee=0).

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call withdrawCoin
currency string yes Currency to withdraw btc, ltc, doge, eth, etc
withdraw_amount numeric yes Amount to send 10.00000000
withdraw_memo string no Memo to be sent to the receiver, if supported by the asset platform. Exchanges use this memo for accepting deposits for certain assets.Example: Destination Tag (for Ripple)Message (for NXT)Memo (for BitShares) a valid memo/message/destination tag
request_id alphanumeric max 255 char yes Custom string you need to provide to identify each withdrawal request. request_id will be passed to callback call so your system can identify the request.d
withdraw_input_method yes Withdraw using method username or address username
withdraw_username alphanumeric yes username withdraw from your request & followed by special character underscrore (_) or strip (-). Mandatory id withdraw_input_method = username

Response success Withdraw Username (BNB)

    "success": 1,
    "status": "wait",
    "withdraw_currency": "aave",
    "withdraw_address": ""
    "withdraw_amount": "0.05000000",
    "fee": "0.00000000",
    "amount_after_fee": "0.05000000",
    "submit_time": "1684723796",
    "withdraw_id": "aave-163",
    "txid": "",
    "withdraw_username": "User_13"

Response Withdraw Username (BNB) with invalid Username

    "success": 1,
    "error" : "Username is not found!"
    "error_code": ""

Response Withdraw Username (AAVE) 0 Coin

    "success": 1,
    "error" : "Can't make withdrawal with amount 0, input a larger withdraw_amount value"
    "error_code": ""

Response Withdraw Username (AAVE) > Maksimum Coin per Day

    "success": 1,
    "error" : "Exceeded today's limit. Remain limit: 217.35817575 AAVE. To increase the limit, please contact customer service."

Response Withdraw to Own Username

    "success": 0,
    "error": "Please use recipient address other than your Indodax account address",
    "error_code": ""

Callback Parameter Sent to Client

Parameter Description
request_id request_id from your request
withdraw_currency currency from your request
withdraw_amount withdraw_amount from your request
withdraw_memo withdraw_memo from your request (if any)
withdraw_username username withdraw from your request
requester_ip requester_ip of the request
request_date time the request submitted

List Downline Endpoints

This method is for list all downline in current user

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call listDownline
page int yes Set the page you want to show 1
limit int yes Set how many data you want to show 10 200


  "success": 1,
  "return": {
    "curr_page": 1,
    "total_page": 102,
    "total_data_per_page": 2,
    "total": 203,
    "data": [
        "name": "btc users",
        "username": "btcusers",
        "registration_date": "9-Jun-20 15:54",
        "email_verified": true,
        "id_verified": true,
        "level": "n/a",
        "end": "n/a",
        "start": "n/a"
        "name": "idx users",
        "username": "idxusers",
        "registration_date": "8-Jun-20 15:51",
        "email_verified": true,
        "id_verified": false,
        "level": "n/a",
        "end": "n/a",
        "start": "n/a"

Check Downline Endpoints

This method is for check wheter email exists in current user downline or not return is 1 or 0. 1 means this email is exists in current user downline 0 means email doesn't exists in current user downline

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call listDownline
email string yes Email want to check [email protected], [email protected]


    "success": "1",
    "is_downline": "0"

Create Voucher Endpoints

This method used to generate Indodax voucher programmatically. To be able to use this method you need to be a partner and sign official aggreement between you and Indodax.

Request Body

Name Type Mandatory Description Value default
method string yes Specify the method you want to call createVoucher
amount number yes The voucher value in rupiah Minimum 1000
to_email strinng yes The recipient email address which registered in Indodax e.g. [email protected]


    "success": 1,
    "withdraw_id": 1234,
    "rp": 10000,
    "submit_time": "1578909560",
    "voucher": "BTC-IDR-XXXX"