TODO: color that by different colors to represent different permutatation for using the inverse
Let us work on the example from the paper but by adding the distinction between the different permutations via different colors.
Here we have
digraph G {
//graph [nodesep=0.5, ranksep=1];
subgraph cluster_level1 {
C1 -> C2 -> C3 -> C4 -> C5
C1 -> C6 [ color="green", constraint=false]
C1 -> C8 [ color="blue", constraint=false]
C1 -> C9 [ color="red", constraint=false]
C2 -> C6 [ color="blue", constraint=false]
C2 -> C7 [ color="green", constraint=false]
C2 -> C8 [ color="red", constraint=false]
C3 -> C7 [ color="blue", constraint=false]
C3 -> C8 [ color="green", constraint=false]
C3 -> C10 [ color="red", constraint=false]
C4 -> C7 [color="red", constraint=false]
C4 -> C9 [ color="green", constraint=false]
C4 -> C10 [ color="blue", constraint=false]
C5 -> C10 [ color="green", constraint=false]
subgraph cluster_level2 {
C10 -> C9 -> C8 -> C7 -> C6
C6 -> C11 [color="green", constraint=false]
C6 -> C13 [color="blue", constraint=false]
C6 -> C14 [color="red", constraint=false]
C7 -> C11 [color="blue", constraint=false]
C7 -> C12 [color="green", constraint=false]
C7 -> C13 [color="red", constraint=false]
C8 -> C12 [color="blue", constraint=false]
C8 -> C13 [color="green", constraint=false]
C8 -> C15 [color="red", constraint=false]
C9 -> C12 [color="red", constraint=false]
C9 -> C14 [color="green", constraint=false]
C9 -> C15 [color="blue", constraint=false]
C10 -> C15 [color="green", constraint=false]
subgraph cluster_level3 {
C11 -> C12 -> C13 -> C14 -> C15
{ rank = same; C1; C6; C11 }
{ rank = same; C2; C7; C12}
{ rank = same; C3; C8; C13}
{ rank = same; C4; C9; C14}
{ rank = same; C5; C10; C15}
Note that we "accept" node C5 only has one child, for sake of clarity & consistency with the paper.
The goal is to explore the different projections possible by looking at the last layer (C11 -> C15).
Let us see what happens when we simply project the edges on the lower layer, rejecting the ones that are invalid. An edge
digraph G {
C11 -> C12 -> C13 -> C14 -> C15 [weight=10]
C11 -> C13 [color="blue"]
C11 -> C14 [color="red"]
C13 -> C15 [color="red"]
We dropped the edges
- C7 -> C11
- C9 -> C12
- C8 -> C12
This projections add the particularity that if an edge
digraph G {
C11 -> C12 -> C13 -> C14 -> C15 [weight=10]
C11 -> C13 [color="blue"]
C11 -> C14 [color="red"]
C13 -> C15 [color="red"]
C12 -> C14 [color="red"]
We added the edges:
- C12 -> C14
This projection takes from option 1 but adds the following code:
if e = (i,j) is invalid
e' = (j',i) # from original chung bipartite
if e' is valid
add edge between c_j' to c_i
digraph G {
C11 -> C12 -> C13 -> C14 -> C15 [weight=10]
C11 -> C13 [color="blue"]
C11 -> C14 [color="red"]
C13 -> C15 [color="red"]
Compared to the last projection, we loose the edge
This is because the edge
Of course this is a small example so the probability that the reverse permutation falls onto an previously set edge is negl.
Question: Why do we need this inverse permutation ? Why does the reversing edge is not enough ?