- 🔨 Fixed remote extension version mismatch.
- 🔨 Removed background of the editor line numbers in the operator themes.
- ✨ Added support: you can now support me using the "Buy me a coffee" button included in the README.md file". Thank you!!
- 🔨 Remixed Groove Box Party Theme colors.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Stellar Angels Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Kanagawa Legends Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Tokyo City Lights Operator.
- ✨ Added few color tweaks to Code Heroes Summoner Themes.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences and found bugs.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Stellar Angels Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Undead Frost Slime Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Choco & Mint Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Brave Fox Waves Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Beyond The Fog Operator.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences and found bugs.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Scary Monsters Forest Operator.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences and found bugs.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Cappuccino Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Moon Stars Operator.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences and found bugs.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Code Heroes Summoner Operator.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences and found bugs.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Hot Brownie Operator.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences and found bugs.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Unfair Deadly Spikes Operator.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences and found bugs.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Crafter Materials Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Garden of Roses Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: One Prime Pro Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Imortal Dracula Operator.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences and found bugs.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Oceanic Sharks Valley Operator.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences and found bugs.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Nordic Warriors Operator.
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Groove Box Party Operator.
- ✨ Added new original theme variant: Little Box Operator.
- ✨ Added type name colors to "Little Box Theme".
- ✨ Remixed status bar remote button background colors for more cleaner UI.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes and other minor found bugs.
- ✨ Added more colors to solarized themes: minimap, brackets, merge editor, git decorations, etc.
- ✨ Added colors to markdown headings and inline code blocks for: Moon Stars, Soul Reaper and Origins Pro.
- ✨ Added colors to active panel title and it's border.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes and other minor found bugs.
- 💥 Breaking changes: removed Maron Chromium Matte.
- ✨ Added new original theme: Maron Chromium Matte (Experimental).
- ✨ Enhanced terminal highlighting in solarized themes.
- ✨ Added colors to markdown headings and inline code blocks for solarized themes.
- 🔨 Fixed gitDecoration ignored resource foreground color in the sidebar for "Code Heroes Summoner" and "Colorful Sweets Park" themes.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes and other minor found bugs.
- ✨ Added new original theme: Maron Soul Reaper.
- ✨ Added new original theme variant: Maron Soul Reaper "Operator".
- ✨ Finally!!! Remixed "Code Heroes Summoner" theme with a new accent colors.
- ✨ Added custom light bulb colors to match the selected theme palette.
- ✨ Improved custom JSX/TSX tag colors to differentiate from normal tags.
- 🔨 Removed underlines from invalid keywords in "Immortal Dracula" theme.
- 🔨 Removed "the persistent" underline from warning keywords in "Colorful Sweets Park" theme.
- 🔨 Added proper editor warning keywords color for "Crafter Materials" theme.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes and other found bugs.
- 🔨 Fixed some typos in readme file.
- ✨ Now, every theme has a custom brackets highlight colors that match with the current selected theme color palette (activate "Bracket Pair Colorization" in your settings to see this in action!).
- 🔨 Renamed "Solarized Planets Classic (Special Edition)" to "Solarized Planets Operator".
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Solarized Planets Operator "Lite Edition".
- ✨ Added new theme variant: Maron Origins Operator "Lite Edition".
- ✨ Remixed some colors of "Solarized Planets Classic" for better appearance.
- ✨ Added custom gutter (line numbers) background color "Operator" themes.
- ✨ Added support for italicized keywords for "Operator" labeled themes.
- ✨ Added added syntax highlight for git markup deleted, inserted and changed and, for markup invalid and deprecated.
- ✨ Added syntax highlighting for "JSDoc" directives, variables and parameters.
- ✨ Added custom colors to drop containers backgrounds (appear on drag and drop): lists, editor group, terminal, panel and sidebar.
- 🔨 Remixed "Github Hidden Dungeon Theme" background to look like the original one.
- 🔨 Renamed "Celeste Theme" changed to "Moon Stars Theme".
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes and other found bugs.
- 🔨 Removed unnecessary italicization from markdown quotes remained in some themes.
- ✨ Added Maron Origins Pro Theme (an original maron theme, and the final one), only true hackers are allowed to code using this theme, I do not recommend it for enthusiasts 🤣🤣.
- ✨ Added "text code block", "text quote" and "link" custom colors to power consistency (e.g. affects the markdown editor previewer).
- ✨ Added "terminalCommandDecoration" custom colors (inferred from the theme palette) for each theme accordingly to enhance consistency.
- ✨ Added custom colors for inactive lists foreground and icon foreground.
- 🔨 Fixed cursor color mismatches between the editor and terminal.
- 🔨 Redesigned the logo to meet the current standards.
- ✨ Enhanced some highlighting colors in "Hot Brownie", "Undead Frost Slime", "Unfair Deadly Spikes 🤣🤣" and "Celeste" themes.
- ✨ Propagated "Solarized Planets Theme (Classic - "Special Edition")" sidebar background color to activityBar, notification center, inputs, dropdowns, menus and statusbar background colors.
- 🔨 Fixed "Solarized Planets Theme (Classic - "Special Edition")" activityBar activeBorder being undesirably transparent issue.
- 🔨 Fixed markup semantic issues like the appearance of the bold, italic, strike and link in markdown and other text files.
- 🔨 Fixed the appearance of some html tags colors being transparent and darky in "Scary Monsters Forest".
- 🔨 Fixed foreground color issues on statusbar, specially on debug mode colors.
- 🔨 Fixed foreground color issues in breadcrumbs.
- 🔨 Fixed inconsistences of cursor and line number colors.
- 🔨 Fixed inconsistences of tab caret color and active tab foreground color.
- 🔨 Other minor fixes and patches applied.
- 🔨 Remixed Maron Solarized Planets Classic Theme and Solarized Planets Classic "Special Edition" Theme colors for better appearance.
- ✨ Added Maron Solarized Planets Theme (Classic).
- ✨ Added Maron Solarized Planets Theme (Classic - "Special Edition").
- 🔨 Remixed string quote colors to match with other themes.
- 🔨 Remixed Maron Kanagawa Legend Theme colors for better appearance.
- 🔨 Remixed Maron Choco & Mint Theme colors for better appearance.
- ✨ Added Maron Beyond The Fog Theme (based on Vitesse Theme).
- 🔨 Removed all screenshots (but one left), to reduce the packaged extension size.
- ✨ Added Maron Darcula Immortal Theme (based on Dracula Theme).
- ✨ Improved overall appearance and accessability of the welcome page components.
- 💥 Breaking changes: nothing was ruined, be happy, teh he he!!
- 💥 Removed some colors from Solarized Planets Theme, those that don't make part of solarized theme palette.
- 🔨 All themes from previous versions are here, but with different names (actually some have funny nicknames as intended in version 1.0.0).
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Improved tree ident stroke colors.
- ✨ Improved debugging statusbar colors.
- ✨ Improved Celeste Theme JSON syntax highlight.
- ✨ Adjusted Maron Gruvbox Theme background color.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Added Maron Brownie Theme.
- ✨ Added Maron Celeste Theme.
- ✨ Improved editor selection colors and fixed found issues related to it.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Added Maron Play Yard Theme (based on the Copilot theme).
- ✨ Improved PeekView Editor colors and fixed found issues related to it.
- ✨ Enhanced overall appearance for sidebar, icons and terminal panel.
- 🔨 Fixed word selection background color being too transparent of Oceanic Theme.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Added Maron Slime Theme (based on Slime theme).
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Added Maron Owl Theme (based on Night Owl theme).
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Added Maron Code Theme (based on vscode dark modern theme).
- 🔨 Remastered Solarized Theme colors for better appearance, visibility and accessability.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes, specially punctuation colors.
- ✨ Added Maron Solaris Theme.
- ✨ Updated extension logo.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes, specially in Gruvbox Theme.
- 🔨 Improved some colors and fixed some accessability issues.
- 🔨 Fixed inconsistent title bar layout across themes.
- 🔨 Fixed inconsistent menu borders, colors and accessibility issues.
- 🔨 Improved gruvbox colors to be more like the original gruvbox palette.
- ✨ Added Maron Nord Theme.
- 💥 Removed comment italicization's.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Added Maron Dracula Theme.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Added Maron Atom Theme.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Added Maron Forest Theme.
- ✨ Improved readme file badges.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- 🔨 Fixed selection color being to bright in oceanic theme.
- 💥 Removed no folders statusbar background color for Sandbox, Gruvbox and Oceanic themes.
- ✨ Enhanced Tokyo Night Theme colors for better contrast, readability and appearance.
- ✨ Improved this changelog file.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Added Maron Oceanic Theme.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- ✨ Added Maron Kanagawa Theme.
- ✨ Added Maron Github Theme.
- ✨ Added Maron Fleet Theme.
- ✨ Added Maron Rosetta Theme.
- ✨ Enhanced Maron Solarized Theme colors.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- 🔨 Fixed some inconsistences between color schemes.
- 💥 Removed Monokai theme in favor of Sonokai.
- ✨ Added custom colors for editor cursors.
- 🔨 Fix various issues related to markdown files.
- ✨ New widget, terminal, panel and tab colors for each theme.
- ✨ Initial release.