Supported installation and deployment methods:
Quick build & run with docker compose.
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd mquery
mkdir samples
# now set SAMPLES_DIR to a directory with your files, and INDEX_DIR to
# empty directory for database files to live in. By default database will
# expect files in ./samples directory, and keep index in ./index.
vim .env
docker-compose up --scale daemon=3 # this will take a while
- Good for testing mquery and production deployments on a single server
- Poor for development
Docker compose dedicated for developers.
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd mquery
cp src/ src/
# now set SAMPLES_DIR to a directory with your files, and INDEX_DIR to
# empty directory for database files to live in. By default database will
# expect files in ./samples directory, and keep index in ./index.
vim .env
docker-compose -f up # this will take a while
- Good for development - all file changes will be picked up automatically.
- Poor for production
You can also compile and run everything manually.
sudo apt install libzmq3-dev cmake gcc g++ make python3 git npm redis-server
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd mquery
pip install -r requirements.txt # this may take a few minutes
cd src/mqueryfront
npm install
npm run build
cd ../../ursadb
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. # requires gcc 7+
Create a new database:
./ursadb/build/ursadb_new ~/db.ursa
And start everything:
project_dir/mquery/src$ flask run # web server
project_dir/mquery/src$ python3 # job daemon
project_dir/ursadb/build$ ./ursadb ~/db.ursa # backend database
The web interface should be available at http://localhost:5000
- Good for production - the most flexible method.
- Good for development, but setting up a proper environment is tricky. Just use docker compose.
Not strictly supported, but we use it internally so it's battle-tested.
Take a look at the ./deploy/k8s
directory for hints.
- Good for production - it's webscale!
- Terrible for development.