diff --git a/data-1724418229943.csv b/data-1724418229943.csv deleted file mode 100644 index c5852f1..0000000 --- a/data-1724418229943.csv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4806 +0,0 @@ -"ML1201",NULL,NULL -"KE201X",NULL,NULL -"A52O2A",NULL,NULL -"FSG3085",NULL,NULL -"FSG3032",NULL,NULL -"MJ1402",NULL,NULL -"FMF3010",NULL,NULL -"FSG3035",NULL,NULL -"A21P3C",NULL,NULL -"MJ2504",NULL,NULL -"FCK3314",NULL,NULL -"MJ2426",NULL,NULL -"A11REA",NULL,NULL -"FSG3045",NULL,NULL -"AH2175",NULL,NULL -"ME2314",NULL,NULL -"FSG3084","
Studenter förväntas ha genomgått heltäckande kurser i grundläggande mekanik och dynamik. Inga förkunskaper från kurser i anatomi eller fysiologi krävs.
","Students are expected to have complete courses in basic mechanics and dynamics. No previous coursework in anatomy or physiology is required.
" -"MJ2497",NULL,NULL -"ME2501",NULL,NULL -"MJ2505",NULL,NULL -"AH2178",NULL,NULL -"FSG3086",NULL,NULL -"ME2311",NULL,NULL -"ME2815",NULL,NULL -"FSG3102",NULL,NULL -"KD1070","Envariabelanalys SF1625, Flervariabelanalys SF1626, Algebra och Geometri SF1624 eller motsvarande kurser.
Samt dessa kurser:
- KE1140 Teknisk kemi/KD1020 Inledande kemi
- KD1230 Organisk kemi, grundläggande koncept och praktik/ KD1090 Organisk kemi1
- KE1160 Termodynamik/ KD1040 Kemisk termodynamik
eller motsvarande.
Calculus in One Variable SF1625, Calculus in Several Variable SF1626, Algebra and Geometry SF1624 or equivalent courses.
And these courses:
- KE1140 Engineering Chemistry/KD1020 Introductory Chemistry
KD1230 Organic Chemistry, Basic Concepts and Practice/ KD1090 Organic Chemistry 1
KE1160 Thermodynamics/KD1040 Chemical Thermodynamics
or equivalent courses.
Kurser i årskurs 1 på civilingenjörsprogrammet i Kemivetenskap/ Teknik Kemi samt kursen SF1633 Differentialekvationer
","Courses within the Degree Programme in Chemical Science and Engineering study year 1, as well as the course SF1633 Differential Equations I
" -"FCK3502","This course requires basic knowledge of chemical reaction engineering as well as basics in mathematics and numerical methods. Preferably, all courses corresponding to the first three years (the Bachelor of Science) in the study programme Chemical Science and Engineering, KTH, should have been completed. KE1175 ‘Chemical Process Engineering’, as well as courses in numerical Methods and basic programming (e.g. SF1524) should have been completed or corresponding knowledge attained
","This course requires basic knowledge of chemical reaction engineering as well as basics in mathematics and numerical methods. Preferably, all courses corresponding to the first three years (the Bachelor of Science) in the study programme Chemical Science and Engineering, KTH, should have been completed. KE1175 ‘Chemical Process Engineering’, as well as courses in numerical Methods and basic programming (e.g. SF1524) should have been completed or corresponding knowledge attained
" -"AI2609",NULL,NULL -"MF2076",NULL,NULL -"FCK3318",NULL,NULL -"FKD3420",NULL,NULL -"MG2009","Någon av kurserna MG1016, MG1026 eller MG2104, eller motsvarande förkunskaper
","One of the courses MG1016, MG1026 or MG2104, or the equivalent
" -"A11HIB",NULL,NULL -"FCK3322","För att kunna dra nytta av kursen bör doktoranden ha läst någon av kursen KD2310, eller ha förvärvat motsvarande kunskaper på annat håll.
","To be able to profit from the course the graduate student should have taken the course KD2310, or should have acquired the equivalent knowledge elsewhere
" -"FAH3461",NULL,NULL -"FCK3323",NULL,NULL -"EI2455",NULL,NULL -"FAG3104","","" -"ME1314",NULL,NULL -"AI1103",NULL,NULL -"ME1310",NULL,NULL -"IX1501",NULL,NULL -"SF2741","Grundkurs i Diskret matematik är starkt rekommenderat.
",NULL -"FCK3106","Grundläggande kunskaper i kemi
","Basic knowledge in chemistry
" -"AI1120",NULL,NULL -"FAH3463",NULL,NULL -"AI228U",NULL,NULL -"II2210",NULL,NULL -"LS142N",NULL,NULL -"AI1139",NULL,NULL -"LS1512",NULL,NULL -"FAH3464",NULL,NULL -"ML1211",NULL,NULL -"KD1190","Två års studier på Kemivetenskap eller Bioteknik-programmet på KTH eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","Two years of study at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, KTH, or corresponding knowledge.
" -"ME2072",NULL,NULL -"FAH3002",NULL,NULL -"ML1212","Grundläggande kunskaper i användningen av ett solitt modelleringsverktyg. Engelska B eller motsvarande.
",NULL -"ML1213",NULL,NULL -"FAH3460",NULL,NULL -"ME2065",NULL,NULL -"FAH3462",NULL,NULL -"ML1214",NULL,NULL -"EJ2223",NULL,NULL -"SK2770",NULL,NULL -"FLF3008",NULL,NULL -"AH205X",NULL,NULL -"DD1327","Motsvarande DD1331 Grundläggande programmering och SF1672 Linjär algebra.
","DD1331 Fundamentals of Programming and SF1672 Linear algebra, or the equivalent.
" -"ME2085",NULL,NULL -"FCK3503",NULL,NULL -"FSF3731","","" -"FSF3741","","" -"FAF3214",NULL,NULL -"FAI3101",NULL,NULL -"KF2130","KF1010 Polymerteknik med cellulosateknologi eller KF1040 Polymerteknik för CL-programmet, samt tre års utbildning inom kemivetenskap, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","KF1010 Polymer technology with cellulose technology or KF1040 Polymer technology for the CL programme and three years of studies in chemical science and engineering at bachelor level, or equivalent
" -"FAI3015",NULL,NULL -"ME2094",NULL,NULL -"FSF3809","","" -"FAF3215",NULL,NULL -"FAF3208",NULL,NULL -"FAH3451",NULL,NULL -"ME2073",NULL,NULL -"BB1000",NULL,NULL -"ME2089",NULL,NULL -"FSF3810",NULL,NULL -"HI170X",NULL,NULL -"FAF3207",NULL,NULL -"MG1206",NULL,NULL -"MG2020",NULL,NULL -"ML1306",NULL,NULL -"MG1204",NULL,NULL -"ME2096",NULL,NULL -"FAI3103",NULL,NULL -"AI1509","Minst 7,5 hp civilrätt.
",NULL -"FAF3210",NULL,NULL -"ME2095",NULL,NULL -"FCK3505",NULL,NULL -"FCK3504","Kursen KE2110 Tillämpad elektrokemi
","The course KE2110 Applied electrochemistry, or similar
" -"FAF3209",NULL,NULL -"ML1335",NULL,NULL -"HI1714",NULL,NULL -"AI2102",NULL,NULL -"MF2088",NULL,NULL -"FCK3501","KE1175, KE1160 alternativt MF2015, MF2016 eller motsvarande.
","KE1175, KE1160 alternatively MF2015, MF2016 or equivalent knowledge.
" -"FDD3021","Ingen
" -"EI1220","Kunskaper i integralkalkyl, jw-metoden, vektoralgebra (kartesiska-, cylindriska- och sfäriska koordinatsystem, skalär- och kryssprodukt), vektoranalys (gradient, divergens, rotation, Gauss och Stokes vektorsatser) samt kännedom om begreppen kraft, moment, tyngdpunkt, arbete, energi och effekt.
","Thorough knowledge of 1st year course in mathematics.
" -"FAF3204",NULL,NULL -"SD241X",NULL,NULL -"AI250X",NULL,NULL -"MG1205",NULL,NULL -"MF2094",NULL,NULL -"FAF3203",NULL,NULL -"MH2038",NULL,NULL -"ML1610",NULL,NULL -"SK2758",NULL,NULL -"MJ1530",NULL,NULL -"CK201U",NULL,NULL -"MF2090",NULL,NULL -"MH1018","Grundkurs i mekanik, t.ex. SG1120 Mekanik I
Grundkurs i termodynamik, t.ex. MH1027 Materials Termodynamik
Grundkurs i differentialekvationer, t.ex. SF1633 Differentialekvationer I
","Basic course in mechanics, e.g. SG1120 Mechanics I
Basic course in thermodynamics, e.g. MH1027 Thermodynamics of Materials
Basic course in differential equations, e.g. SF1633 Differential Equations I
" -"FDD3026","Mastersnivå i fysik eller matematik eller elektoteknik. Om från KTH, MSc i teknisk fysik, elektrotenik, eller motsvarande. Studenter från datalogi kan följa kursen om de har motsvarande förkunskaper i matematik.
","MSc in physics or mathematics or electrical engineering MSc at KTH in engineering physics, electrical enginnering, or equivalent. Students with KTH MSc in computer science background are admitted if having corresponding mathematical background.
" -"FMF3036",NULL,NULL -"MJ2146",NULL,NULL -"SF1662",NULL,NULL -"ML1501",NULL,NULL -"HI1900",NULL,NULL -"MJ1103",NULL,NULL -"FAI3001",NULL,NULL -"MH201X",NULL,NULL -"FID3215","Ingen
" -"ML1502",NULL,NULL -"FDH3363",NULL,NULL -"AE2603","Programkurser i årskurs 1,2 och 3 obligatoriska för inriktningarna AP resp NRT inom Samhällsbyggnad
",NULL -"AI106V",NULL,NULL -"FAI3002",NULL,NULL -"FAI3004",NULL,NULL -"MH2302",NULL,NULL -"AI107V",NULL,NULL -"FAE3014","Kursexamination består av dokumentering av arbetet, och nedlagd tid för att slutföra kursarbetet.
Kursen innebär ett minimum av 40 timmars arbetstid för 1,5 ECTS.
Studenten ska lämna in en skriftlig utvärdering av tidigare finansieringsansökan med en diskussion om kvaliteten på ansökan.
Studenten ska lämna in en kopia på ansökningar de har hjälp till med att skriva tillsammans med en diskussion om resultatet från ansökan, blev ansökan beviljad eller inte - vad var de huvudsakliga skälen.
Examinatorerna är programansvarig och biträdande programansvarig för dr program i Mark- och Vattenteknik.
","The course examination requies documentation of the work done in the course, and the time spent completing the course work. The course is worth 1.5 ECTS thus this should require at least 40 hours of work. The students are to submit a written evaluation of the previous applications for funding with a discussion about the quality of the application. They are to submit a copy of the application they have helped write and a discussion about the outcome of the application, if funding was granted or not - what was the main reasons.
Examiners of the course is the director and co director of the Dr program in Land and Water Resources Engineering.
*lectures may be replaced by selected literature.
" -"FAI3007",NULL,NULL -"FAI3006","","" -"FDD3006",NULL,NULL -"AI108V",NULL,NULL -"FDD3007","Neurovetenskap eller kognitionsvetenskap om minst 7,5 hp eller motsvarande.
","Neuroscience or cognitive neuroscience of a minimum of 7,5 credits or equivalent.
" -"FAE3007",NULL,NULL -"ML1505",NULL,NULL -"SH2103",NULL,NULL -"ML150X",NULL,NULL -"FME3553",NULL,NULL -"AL2161",NULL,NULL -"FAL3302",NULL,NULL -"ML160X",NULL,NULL -"ML1615",NULL,NULL -"ML1617",NULL,NULL -"ML1906",NULL,NULL -"AG222X",NULL,NULL -"FDD3260","Grundläggande kunskaper i Linux-kommandon, C/C++ eller Fortran krävs.
","Basic knowledge of Linux commands, C/C++, or Fortran languages is required.
" -"AI2126","Advanced Issues in Real Estate Economics. It will be preferable if students have already used this course to identify and review an issue they want to research on.
","Advanced Issues in Real Estate Economics. It will be preferable if students have already used this course to identify and review an issue they want to research on.
" -"FAF3501",NULL,NULL -"FME3554",NULL,NULL -"AK2212",NULL,NULL -"MF2103",NULL,NULL -"FDD3270","Grundläggande kunskaper om Matlab och Python programmering
","Basic knowledge of Matlab and Python programming
" -"FAG3109",NULL,NULL -"MJ2420",NULL,NULL -"FAF3416",NULL,NULL -"DM2579",NULL,NULL -"FDD3008","The course does not have formal prerequisites. Target audience is first or second year postgraduate students in computer science. Postgraduate students in other subjects are welcome to attend. Familiarity with algorithms and their theory, basic probability theory, and basic mathematical discourse in cs, and programming experience will be very useful. We assume a level corresponding to the required courses of the KTH D and/or F programs.
","The course does not have formal prerequisites. Target audience is first or second year postgraduate students in computer science. Postgraduate students in other subjects are welcome to attend. Familiarity with algorithms and their theory, basic probability theory, and basic mathematical discourse in cs, and programming experience will be very useful. We assume a level corresponding to the required courses of the KTH D and/or F programs.
" -"MJ239X",NULL,NULL -"AK123V",NULL,NULL -"AF2212",NULL,NULL -"FDD3009",NULL,NULL -"SF1547","SF1624 Algebra och geometri
","SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
" -"FDD3280","Kunskap om linjär algebra, Python eller Matlab krävs.
","Knowledge of linear algebra, Python, or Matlab is required.
" -"FAF3305",NULL,NULL -"FAF3415",NULL,NULL -"DM1578","Kursen är endast öppen för studenter på civilingenjörsprogrammet i Medieteknik (CMETE).
","The course is available only for students studying Master of Science in Engineering, Media Technology (CMETE).
" -"FAF3509",NULL,NULL -"FAF3117",NULL,NULL -"FAF3414",NULL,NULL -"FCK3001",NULL,NULL -"FAF3507",NULL,NULL -"FAF3502",NULL,NULL -"FDD3010",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3390",NULL,NULL -"FDD3011","FDD3457 programsematik och programanalys, eller motsvarande kunskaper
",NULL -"AI2128",NULL,NULL -"ME1043",NULL,NULL -"FMF3037",NULL,NULL -"FAF3505",NULL,NULL -"FAF3504",NULL,NULL -"FAF3503",NULL,NULL -"FAF3506",NULL,NULL -"FDD3012",NULL,NULL -"FHN3002",NULL,NULL -"FAF3508",NULL,NULL -"FAF3407",NULL,NULL -"KD1050","KD1020 Inledande kemi
KD1030 Kemisk jämvikt
SF1625 Envariabelanalys
SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
SF1624 Algebra och geometri
eller motsvarande.
KD1020 Introductory Chemistry
KD1030 Chemical Equilibria
SF1625 Calculus in One Variable
SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable
SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
or similarly.
" -"FAF3417",NULL,NULL -"FAF3418",NULL,NULL -"FAF3419",NULL,NULL -"FAF3408",NULL,NULL -"MJ1150",NULL,NULL -"FDD3015",NULL,NULL -"FAF3409",NULL,NULL -"MJ2433",NULL,NULL -"FAI3201",NULL,NULL -"LO2991","Högskoleingenjörs- eller kandidatexamen om minst 180 hp i teknik, samhällsvetenskap eller motsvarande.
","Bachelor degree, minimum 180 higher education credits, in social sciences, engineering science or equivalent.
" -"FAF3403",NULL,NULL -"FAI3104",NULL,NULL -"ML1612",NULL,NULL -"FAF3412",NULL,NULL -"FAF3411",NULL,NULL -"FAF3406",NULL,NULL -"FAF3410",NULL,NULL -"FAI3202",NULL,NULL -"HN2024",NULL,NULL -"ML1614",NULL,NULL -"FDD3403","Studenter bör ha tagit en kurs motsvarande DD2401 Neurovetenskap (Avancerad nivå). En bakgrund inom dynamiska system, stokastiska processer och/eller informationsteori är fördelaktig men inte avgörande.
","Student should have taken a course equivalent to the second cycle course DD2401 Neuroscience. Background in dynamical systems, stochastic processes, information theory is desirable but not essential.
" -"FDD3313",NULL,NULL -"FCH3101",NULL,NULL -"FHN3011",NULL,NULL -"ML190X",NULL,NULL -"FAF3404",NULL,NULL -"SH1014",NULL,NULL -"FAI3203","","" -"FAG3184",NULL,NULL -"FAK3150",NULL,NULL -"AI2130",NULL,NULL -"KE1060",NULL,NULL -"AK1204","Inga särskilda förkunskaper rekommenderas.
","No recommended prerequisites.
" -"FAF3405",NULL,NULL -"KD2370",NULL,NULL -"FCK3301",NULL,NULL -"FDD3316",NULL,NULL -"FAI3204",NULL,NULL -"FCK3302",NULL,NULL -"HI1025",NULL,NULL -"CH203V",NULL,NULL -"AG1103","Grundläggande högskolebehörighet samt AH1030 stadsutveckling och transportsystem eller motsvarande.
",NULL -"SI2390","Kvantfysik
Analytisk mekanik och klassisk fältteori (rekommenderad)
Quantum Physics.
Relativity Theory.
Analytical Mechanics and Classical Field Theory (recommended).
A general interest in cloud computing as well as some contact to one of the subfields is helpful.
","A general interest in cloud computing as well as some contact to one of the subfields is helpful.
" -"FCB3034",NULL,NULL -"FAI3303",NULL,NULL -"ML2200",NULL,NULL -"AF259X",NULL,NULL -"FAI3205",NULL,NULL -"HE1041",NULL,NULL -"AF1755",NULL,NULL -"FCB3032",NULL,NULL -"FCB3031",NULL,NULL -"MG1000","Inga särskilda förkunskaper krävs
","No particular prerequisites required
" -"FDD3335",NULL,NULL -"ML1506",NULL,NULL -"KD2340","Grundläggande kunskaper i fysik, kvantmekanik och molekylär struktur och bra kunskaper i klassisk termodynamik. Kursen är avancerad och därmed rekommenderas inte för studenter på kandidatnivå.
","Basic knowledge in physics, quantum mechanics, and molecular structure and good knowledge in classical thermodynamics. This is an advanced course and is not recommended for students at bachelor level.
" -"AI2517",NULL,NULL -"FCB3024",NULL,NULL -"AF1766",NULL,NULL -"FCB3022",NULL,NULL -"FDD3334",NULL,NULL -"FAI3305",NULL,NULL -"FAI3306",NULL,NULL -"AK222V","Avklarad grundkurs i ämnen som Teknik- och vetenskapshistoria, Industrihistoria, Historia, Ekonomisk historia, Idéhistoria, Miljöhistoria, Arkeologi, Medeltidsarkeologi, Kulturgeografi, Konstvetenskap (med inriktning mot Arkitekturhistoria el. Bebyggelsehistoria), Etnologi eller Socialantropologi.
",NULL -"FDD3337",NULL,NULL -"ML1503",NULL,NULL -"CK1295",NULL,NULL -"AF2513",NULL,NULL -"KD2920",NULL,NULL -"FCB3021",NULL,NULL -"FDD3336","Erfarenhet av programmering(helstC/C++eller Java).
","Programming experience (ideally C/C++ or JAVA).
" -"AF1760",NULL,NULL -"CM0002",NULL,NULL -"FDD3338",NULL,NULL -"HI2001",NULL,NULL -"AI2508","Kursen ingår i ett Mastersprogram och utgör en fördjupning av tidigare studier inom ämnesområdet Samhällsbyggnad. För närmare information om erforderliga förkunskaper, kontakta kursansvarig.
OBS! Kursen är inte valbar för studenter som har läst AI1523 tidigare.
",NULL -"SG1216","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variables
" -"CB2010",NULL,NULL -"AF1763",NULL,NULL -"DH1622",NULL,NULL -"FCB3064",NULL,NULL -"FBB3480",NULL,NULL -"AF1764",NULL,NULL -"FBB3470",NULL,NULL -"ML1333",NULL,NULL -"FCB3061",NULL,NULL -"FCB3062",NULL,NULL -"LT1046",NULL,NULL -"FDD3339",NULL,NULL -"FDD3341","Kompetens på forskarnivå i programmeringsspråk, semantik och komplexitet
",NULL -"FAH3466",NULL,NULL -"FCB3063",NULL,NULL -"CK1310",NULL,NULL -"AI2750",NULL,NULL -"FAH3465",NULL,NULL -"FDD3343",NULL,NULL -"FDD3342","Sannolikhetslära och statistik på elementär nivå. Något intresse av och förmåga att ställa upp och analysera matematiska statistiska modeler.
","Student or doctoral student with first courses passed in programming and statistics.
" -"LT2046",NULL,NULL -"AG2151",NULL,NULL -"AL1145",NULL,NULL -"EL2450","EL1000 Reglerteknik allmän kurs eller godkännande från kursansvarig.
","Automatic Control, Basic Course, (EL1000 Reglerteknik allmän kurs) or permission by the coordinator.
" -"IK1552","Nätverk och kommuikation (IK1203) eller likande kurs.
","Data and Computer Communications or equivalent knowledge (such as IK1203)
" -"FAH3467",NULL,NULL -"FDD3344",NULL,NULL -"FCB3051",NULL,NULL -"FSG3131","En avancerad kurs i strömningsmekanik på masternivå rekommenderas.
","An advanced course in fluid mechanics on undergraduate level is recommended.
" -"FDD3350",NULL,NULL -"AG2120",NULL,NULL -"FCB3052",NULL,NULL -"AF2405",NULL,NULL -"FDD3353",NULL,NULL -"MJ2414",NULL,NULL -"FCB3053",NULL,NULL -"LT2045",NULL,NULL -"FDD3356","Doktorand i ämne relaterat till robotik och med fördjupning inom ett område som behövs i det gemensamma projektet. Projektgruppen skall själva ha tillgång till den hårdvara och annan utrustning som behövs för att kunna genomföra projektet praktiskt.
",NULL -"LT2044",NULL,NULL -"KE2355",NULL,NULL -"SD2930",NULL,NULL -"FCB3072",NULL,NULL -"FDD3359","","" -"FDD3354",NULL,NULL -"FCB3073",NULL,NULL -"FDD3355",NULL,NULL -"SA120X",NULL,NULL -"SH2381",NULL,NULL -"AF142X",NULL,NULL -"FDD3364","Students taking the course should definitely be acquainted with the basics of mathematical statistics, linear algebra and have taken some introductory courses in machine learning.
This course will be open to any PhD student at KTH. Potentially advanced and interested master students could also attend, however, they would have to consult the course leader before doing so. It should also be noted that the course is not an introductory one and will cover a lot of material. Therefore it is really recommended that only students with an appropriate background take the course.
","Students taking the course should definitely be acquainted with the basics of mathematical statistics, linear algebra and have taken some introductory courses in machine learning.
This course will be open to any PhD student at KTH. Potentially advanced and interested master students could also attend, however, they would have to consult the course leader before doing so. It should also be noted that the course is not an introductory one and will cover a lot of material. Therefore it is really recommended that only students with an appropriate background take the course.
" -"ML1343",NULL,NULL -"FCB3054",NULL,NULL -"FDD3360",NULL,NULL -"FCB3071",NULL,NULL -"ML1330",NULL,NULL -"MJ2415",NULL,NULL -"ML1332",NULL,NULL -"FDD3370","Ett kompilerat språ (t.ex. C, C++ eller Fortran 90) och ett interpreterat språk (t.ex. Python).
",NULL -"FCB3074",NULL,NULL -"SD2230","Kursen riktar sig till studenter i slutet av sina civilingenjörs- eller Master studier där tidigare kurser och erfarenheter om fordonsdynamik, reglerteknik, mekatronik och maskinteknik är att rekommendera.
","The course are for students in the end of their civilingenjör och master studies where previous courses and experience from vehicle dynamics, automatic control, mechatronics and mashine design is to recommend.
" -"FCB3041",NULL,NULL -"FDD3375","Grundläggande kurser i numeriska metoder, och algoritmer och datastrukturer.
","" -"FDD3372",NULL,NULL -"AI1527",NULL,NULL -"FCB3042",NULL,NULL -"AF1021",NULL,NULL -"AF1031",NULL,NULL -"MG101X","Allmänt gäller att en huvuddel av studierna, minst 108 högskolepoäng varav 60 högskolepoäng med successiv fördjupning på grundnivå inom huvudområdet skall vara avklarade innan examensarbetet får påbörjas. Det åligger examinator att tillse att studenten har lämplig ämnesfördjupning samt att studenten avklarat tillräcklig del av studierna innan examensarbetet påbörjas. Dispens kan efter prövning beviljas av grundutbildningsansvarig.
","In general, the major portion of studies, at least 108 credits including 60 credits with increasingly in-depth at the first level in the main field should be completed before the thesis work may commence. It is for the examiner to ensure that the student has adequate depth and substance to the student done sufficient part of the studies exam before starting work. Waivers may be granted after review of undergraduate studies.
" -"FAG5124","Advanced Theory of Errors
Satellite Positioning
","Advanced Theory of Errors
Satellite Positioning
" -"FAG5125","Advanced Physical Geodesy
Satellite gravimetry
Satellite Positioning
1N5113 Theory of Science and Research Methods, Technological and Natural Sciences.
","Advanced Physical Geodesy
Satellite gravimetry
Satellite Positioning
1N5113 Theory of Science and Research Methods, Technological and Natural Sciences.
" -"FCB3043",NULL,NULL -"AI250U",NULL,NULL -"FCB3044",NULL,NULL -"DM2586",NULL,NULL -"AF1032",NULL,NULL -"AF103V","Grundläggande behörighet för högskolestudier
","General entry requirements for higher education
" -"KD2910",NULL,NULL -"KE0110",NULL,NULL -"AF103U",NULL,NULL -"ML2303",NULL,NULL -"MH2049",NULL,NULL -"AF104V",NULL,NULL -"MG1028",NULL,NULL -"EI1360",NULL,NULL -"HL1002",NULL,NULL -"MG1011","Grundläggande behörighet samt 120 hp på ingenjörsprogram samt MG1010 Svetsteknologi, ak, eller motsvarande
","Basic eligibility and 120 cr in Engineering plus basic course in Welding Technology, MG1010 or corresponding
" -"FSK3913","Doktorand på KTH
","PhD student at KTH
" -"FMJ3749",NULL,NULL -"FAG5129","Matematisk statistik. Linjär algebra.
","Mathematical statistics. Linear algebra.
" -"AF105V","Naturvetenskapliga baskunskaper, exempelvis en ingenjörsutbildning.
","Basics in natural sciences, or engineering on upper secondary level
" -"ML2306",NULL,NULL -"ML230X",NULL,NULL -"LS1563",NULL,NULL -"FAG5131","Felteori FAG5129
GNSS-kurs FAG5123
","Felteori FAG5129
GNSS-kurs FAG5123
" -"SD2711",NULL,NULL -"FAK3006",NULL,NULL -"AK1203","Inga särskilda förkunskaper rekommenderas.
","No recommended prerequisites.
" -"HL1005",NULL,NULL -"IV1350",NULL,NULL -"HL1006",NULL,NULL -"AF152X",NULL,NULL -"AH2202",NULL,NULL -"AK122V",NULL,NULL -"CB1190",NULL,NULL -"FAK3001",NULL,NULL -"AF1411",NULL,NULL -"FAK3007",NULL,NULL -"HL100X",NULL,NULL -"AF1501",NULL,NULL -"AF207V",NULL,NULL -"FAK3008",NULL,NULL -"FDD3381","Linjär algebra
",NULL -"FDD3401","Naturvetenskapligt-tekniskt basblock för B, D, E, F, K, M, Me, P eller T vid KTH, eller motsvarande.
",NULL -"FDD3390",NULL,NULL -"AG2117",NULL,NULL -"IK2215","Erfarenhet av att arbeta i Unix-miljö.
","Experience of working in Unix environments.
" -"MG2036",NULL,NULL -"HL1010",NULL,NULL -"AF2021",NULL,NULL -"MG2028","Grundläggande kunskaper om produktutveckling och produktion
Viss färdighet i att använda 3D-CAD, motsvarande kursmålen för kursen MG1028/för kursavsnittet Grundläggande CAD i kurserna MF1061 och MJ1103, dvs du ska kunna:
Basic knowledge about product design and production
Basic proficiency in using 3D CAD, corresponding to the intended learning outcomes for the course MG1028/and for the Introductory CAD module of the courses MF1061 and MJ1103, i.e. you should be able to:
The course is selfcontained, but it is beneficial to have basic knowledge of optimization problems and in particular linear programming as it was provided, for instance, in the course DD3390, Approximation Algorithms given by Ola Svensson in 2010.
","The course is selfcontained, but it is beneficial to have basic knowledge of optimization problems and in particular linear programming as it was provided, for instance, in the course DD3390, Approximation Algorithms given by Ola Svensson in 2010.
" -"HL1011",NULL,NULL -"MG2029","MG1016/MG1026 Tillverkningsteknik och
MG1024 Produktion
MG1016/MG1026 Manufacturing Technology and
MG1024 Production
AF2401 Byggnadsteknik, fortsättningskurs eller motsvarande kurs.
","AF2401 Building Technology, Advanced Course or equivalent course.
" -"AF2502",NULL,NULL -"AF2507",NULL,NULL -"HU1903",NULL,NULL -"AF2506",NULL,NULL -"AK124V",NULL,NULL -"SK2001",NULL,NULL -"AF210V","Grundläggande gymnasiebehörighet.
",NULL -"AF211V",NULL,NULL -"AF212V",NULL,NULL -"MJ2350","Kandidatexamen eller totalt 180 hp inom teknik, eller motsvarande utbildning.
","B.Sc. or 180 ECTS credits in the field of Engineering, or corresponding education.
" -"FDD3434",NULL,NULL -"FDD3433",NULL,NULL -"AF2412",NULL,NULL -"FDD3431",NULL,NULL -"AF2403","Kunskaper i differentialekvationer, 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"EQ2850","EQ2310 Digital Communications
EQ2410 Advanced Digital Communications
","EQ2310 Digital Communications
EQ2410 Advanced Digital Communications
" -"ID2203","Allmän kunskap i distribuerade system och grundlaggande logic (enkla bevistekniker)
","Basic knowledge in distributed systems and basic logic (rudimentary proof techniques)
" -"KE2110","För att du ska klara kursen med normal arbetsinsats förutsätts att du har förkunskaper motsvarande kurserna Kemisk jämvikt, Kemisk termodynamik, Kemisk dynamik, Reaktions- och separationsteknik, Transportprocesser och energiomvandlingar samt Numeriska metoder eller motsvarande. Om du inte har alla dessa förkunskaper kan du säkert på egen hand inhämta det du behöver under kursens gång.
","To be able to do the course within a normal workload you are supposed to have background knowledge in chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics, chemical dynamics, transport phenomena, chemical process technology and numerical methods. If you are lacking some of this background you will most likely be able to read up on that as the course proceeds.
" -"FAK3018",NULL,NULL -"AF242X","","" -"HM1016",NULL,NULL -"AF2505",NULL,NULL -"AI221U",NULL,NULL -"AK2002","Universitetsstudier motsvarande 120 hp.
","University studies corresponding to 120 credits (two full years).
" -"FDD3442",NULL,NULL -"FDD3443",NULL,NULL -"HM105L",NULL,NULL -"AF251U",NULL,NULL -"EQ2411","Rekommenderad förkunskaper: EQ2310 Digital kommunikation
","Recommended prerequisite: EQ2310 Digital communications
" -"FAL3114",NULL,NULL -"KE2170",NULL,NULL -"KE2180","Kurserna KE1020 Reaktions- och separationsteknik och KE1030 Transportprocesser och energiomvandlingar eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","KE1020 Reaction and Separation Processes and KE1030 Transport Phenomena and Engineering Thermodynamics or corresponding knowledge
" -"MH1016","Kunskaper motsvarande Analytiska metoder och linjär algebra I och II, större baskurs i mekanik, Materiallära
",NULL -"FLF3013",NULL,NULL -"FDD3445","DD1352 eller DD2352 eller motsvarande kurser på andra universitet.
",NULL -"FSF3822","","" -"HL101V",NULL,NULL -"DD2257","The course DH2320 ""Introduction to Visualization and Computer Graphics"" is recommended.
","The course DH2320 ""Introduction to Visualization and Computer Graphics"" is recommended.
" -"EQ2310","EQ1220/EQ1270 Signalteori, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","EQ1220/EQ1270 Signal theory, or equivalent.
" -"AK2008",NULL,NULL -"FDD3447","Grundläggande kurser i programmering, datalogi, matematik och statistik motsvarande obligatoriska kurser på D- eller F-programmen.
Goda kunskaper i programmering.
",NULL -"KE2190","Kurserna, KE1020 Reaktions- och separationsteknik och KE1030 Transport och energiprocesser, bör vara väl inhämtad eller motsvarande
","KE1020 Reaction and separation processes and KE1030 Transport Phenomena and Engineering Thermodynamics or corresponding knowlegde
" -"FSF3827","","" -"CB1180",NULL,NULL -"FDD3451","Studenten måste bedriva forskning på doktorandnivå inom beräkningsbiologi eller ett närliggande område.
",NULL -"AK2018","AK2017 Introduktion till forskningsetik, 3 hp eller motsvarande/närliggande ämne rekommenderas. Observera: en etikmodul på 1-2 hp i någon kurs på grundnivå eller i TaMoS kan inte sägas motsvara AK2017.
","AK2017 Introduction to Research Ethics, 3 credits, or equivalent/similar subject is recommended. Please note: a 1-2 credits ethics module included in some first cycle course, or in TaMoS, is not enough to count as equivalent to AK2017.
" -"FMJ3751",NULL,NULL -"FDD3456","An introductory course in at least one object-oriented programming language is a prerequisite.
An introductory course in logic is strongly advised.
An introductory course in at least one object-oriented programming language is a prerequisite.
An introductory course in logic is strongly advised.
KE1020 Reaktions- och separationsteknik
KE1030 Transportprocesser och energiomvandling
KE2070 Transportprocesser, fortsättningskurs
eller mosvarande kunskaper
KE1020 Reaction and Separation Engineering
KE1030 Transport Phenomena and Engineering Thermodynamics
KE2070 Transport Phenomena, Advanced Course
Endast för studenter på TPRMM.
Civilingenjörsstudenter ska läsa MG1016/MG1026 i stället.
","Only for students of the TPRMM Master Programme
Students of five year programmes at KTH should take one of the courses MG1016/MG1026 instead
" -"FSF3832","","" -"MJ2492",NULL,NULL -"SI2355","3 års fysikstudier el motsvarande. Beroende på ämne kan speciella förkunskapskrav förekomma.
","3 years of physics studies electricity equivalent. Depending on the topic, special entry requirements exist.
" -"FSF3840","Lämpliga förkunskaper är kurserna SF2822 Tillämpad ickelinjär optimering, SF2520 Tillämpad numerisk analys och SF2713 Analysens grunder.
","Suitable prerequisites are the courses SF2822 Applied Nonlinear Optimization, SF2520 Applied Numerical Methods and SF2713 Foundations of Analysis, or similar knowledge.
" -"HL106V",NULL,NULL -"FSF3846","","" -"FSF3843","","" -"MG2128","Grundläggande kunskaper om produktutveckling och produktion
","Basic knowledge about product design and production
" -"AI101V",NULL,NULL -"FAL3513",NULL,NULL -"FSF3847","","" -"MJ2515",NULL,NULL -"FAI3024",NULL,NULL -"KF2140","KF1010 Polymerteknologi med cellulosateknologi eller motsvarande
","KF1010 Polymer Technology with Cellulose Technolgy or corresponding
" -"FAL3113",NULL,NULL -"HM1004",NULL,NULL -"FAI3025",NULL,NULL -"MG2130","MG1016/MG1026 Tillverkningsteknik och MG1024 Produktion
eller motsvarande kunskaper
","MG1024 Production
or the corresponding
" -"FAL3111",NULL,NULL -"FAL3112",NULL,NULL -"KF2480","KF2460 Biofibrernas kemi eller BB2420 Glykobiologi och kolhydratsteknologi, eller ha motsvarande förkunskaper. Gamla kursen Träkemi och Träbioteknik går också bra.
","KF2460 Biofibre Chemistry, or BB2420 Glycobiology and Carbohydrate Technology, or corresponding knowledge. The older course wood chemistry and wood biotechnology is also a good background.
" -"FSF3851","","" -"FAG3175",NULL,NULL -"FAG3174",NULL,NULL -"FAG3176",NULL,NULL -"DM2730",NULL,NULL -"FSF3852","","" -"HT104X",NULL,NULL -"FSF3862",NULL,NULL -"HL104V",NULL,NULL -"KH1122","KH1123 Allmän kemi 1 samt KH1124 Allmän kemi 2 eller motsvarande
","KH1123 General Chemistry 1 and KH1124 General Chemistry 2 or equivalent
" -"CK1020",NULL,NULL -"FAI3023",NULL,NULL -"HM1006",NULL,NULL -"DD2424",NULL,NULL -"HL105V",NULL,NULL -"FSF3890","","" -"FAI3021",NULL,NULL -"FAI3022",NULL,NULL -"FSF3940",NULL,NULL -"FSF3945","","" -"EP2950","Kunskaper inom datornät, EP2120 Internetworking eller motsvarande och grundläggande kunskaper inom markovmprocesser, EP2200 Köteori och teletrafiksystem, eller motsvarande.
","Basic networking knowledge, EP2120 Internetworking, or equivalent, basic knowledge on markovian models, EP2200 Queuing theory and teletraffic systems, or equivalent.
" -"FAI3019",NULL,NULL -"HU1800",NULL,NULL -"FSF3950","","" -"FSF3946",NULL,NULL -"FAI3010",NULL,NULL -"KH1400","KH1150 Informationsteknik och ingenjörsmetodik eller motsvarande
","KH1150 Engineering skills or equivalent
" -"MF1026",NULL,NULL -"FSF3951","","" -"FAI3013",NULL,NULL -"FDH3353",NULL,NULL -"FSF3952","","" -"KH1500","Kemidelen av kursen MJ1530 Fysik, Kemi och Energi och Miljö eller motsvarande
","Teh chemistry pasrt of the course MJ1530 Physics, Chemistry, Energy and the Environment or similar
" -"FAI3026",NULL,NULL -"MF1064",NULL,NULL -"FDD3461",NULL,NULL -"FAI3016",NULL,NULL -"FSF3961",NULL,NULL -"LC100N","Minst 30 hp (en termins heltidsstudier) från en grundläggande högskoleutbildning till lärare, bibliotekarie eller inom teknik-, natur-, pedagogik- , biblioteks- eller ingenjörsvetenskap. Viss datorvana och intresse för pedagogik och teknik.
Kursen riktar sig särskilt till dig som arbetar som lärare, lärarutbildare eller bibliotekarie inom skola och högskola. Den riktar sig också till dig som just nu studerar till lärare eller bibliotekarie, eller som av andra skäl vill höja din digitala kompetens. Vi ser gärna att kollegor söker tillsammans, men annars är det lätt att få studiekamrater under kursen, som bygger på att vi lär av och med varandra.
","At least 30 credits (one semester of full-time study) from an undergraduate program for teachers, librarians or technology, nature, education, library, or engineering. Some computer experience and interest in education and technology.
The course is particularly aimed at people working as teachers, teacher educators and librarians in schools and colleges. It is also addressed to you as a visiting student to the teacher or librarian, or who otherwise want to enhance your digital skills. We encourage colleagues are looking together, but otherwise it's easy to get fellow students during the course, based on that we learn from each other.
SF2700 Analys gk och kunskaper i flervariabelanalys, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","SF2700 Analysis and knowledge of several variable calculus, or corresponding background.
" -"EF1112","For single course students: general admission requirements including documented proficiency in English A.
","For single course students: general admission requirements including documented proficiency in English A.
" -"MJ2524",NULL,NULL -"FSF3953","","" -"EF1113",NULL,NULL -"FSE3122",NULL,NULL -"FDH3374",NULL,NULL -"FSF3960","","" -"FDD3462","Examen från programmet Civilingenjör och lärare eller motsvarande.
",NULL -"EF2229",NULL,NULL -"EF2221",NULL,NULL -"HT105X",NULL,NULL -"FDD3499","Det rekommenderas att antingen kursen i artificial neural networks and deep architectures (DD2437) eller neuroscience (DD2401) har tagits innan.
",NULL -"EF2228",NULL,NULL -"EF2227","For single course students: 60 hp and documented proficiency in english B or equivalent.
","For single course students: 60 hp and documented proficiency in english B or equivalent.
" -"LH207V","Kursen vänder sig till dig som handlett minst en doktorand under minst ett år.
","The course is made for those who have supervised at least one doctoral student for at least a year.
" -"LP100V","Behörighetskrav är genomgången och godkänd AD1KD1 samt AD1KD2.
","Prerequisit AD1KD1 and AD1KD2.
" -"FAF3304",NULL,NULL -"AG212X",NULL,NULL -"FDD3501",NULL,NULL -"FAF3113",NULL,NULL -"MJ2523",NULL,NULL -"FSE3048",NULL,NULL -"HX1001",NULL,NULL -"FDH3002",NULL,NULL -"FAI3009",NULL,NULL -"FAK3113",NULL,NULL -"AI2106",NULL,NULL -"EJ2222","Kunskaper i elektromagnetisk fältteori motsvarande EI1200. Grundläggande kunskaper inom området elektriska maskiner motsvarande EJ2201 rekommenderas men är inte ett krav. 120 hp och engelska B eller motsvarande.
","Knowledge in electromagnetic field theory corresponding to EI1200. An introduction to electric machinery corresponding to EJ2201 is recommended but is not a formal requirement. 120 hp and English B or equivalent.
" -"EQ1270","Sannolikhetsteori motsvarande SF1920.
","Probability theory corresponding to SF1920.
" -"AH2102",NULL,NULL -"LS1419",NULL,NULL -"FAI3012",NULL,NULL -"LS1440",NULL,NULL -"FDH3010",NULL,NULL -"MJ2511",NULL,NULL -"EQ2222",NULL,NULL -"FMH3923","Grundläggande kunskaper om metallurgiska processer och transportfenomen.
","Basic knowledge of metallurgical processes and transport phenomena.
" -"EQ2341","Kunnande om linjär algebra och sannolikhetsteori.
","A reasonable understanding of linear algebra and probability theory.
" -"FSF3971","","" -"CB205X",NULL,NULL -"FDH3001",NULL,NULL -"LS1600",NULL,NULL -"MH2046",NULL,NULL -"FDT3317","Den tilltänkta studenten har viss erfarenhet av antingen signalbehandling, maskininlärning eller fonetik.
","The intended student has some experience of either signal processing, machine learning, or phonetics.
" -"FSK3403",NULL,NULL -"HS2006",NULL,NULL -"AI1148",NULL,NULL -"LS2600","Behörighetskrav för programstudenter: Avklarad LS1600 följd av godkända och avslutade utbytesstudier, utlandspraktik eller Minor Field Studies. För internationella studenter i Sverige: avklarad LS1600
","Admission requirements for programme students: Completed LS1600 and approved and completed exchange studies, internship abroad or Minor Field Studies. For international students in Sweden: completed LS1600
" -"FDH3050","Graduate student status. It is recommended that the student has taken an introductory course on human-computer interaction in order to get the most out of class discussions.
","Graduate student status. It is recommended that the student has taken an introductory course on human-computer interaction in order to get the most out of class discussions.
" -"FDH3372",NULL,NULL -"FME3552",NULL,NULL -"FDH3011",NULL,NULL -"EF112X","Förkunskapskrav som gäller för att bli antagen till kursen: Se uppdragsbeskrivningen, generellt gäller att 120 hp skall vara avklarade för att få börja kursen
","Prerequisites: See context description. Generally 120 credit points should be taken before attending the course.
" -"FDH3338",NULL,NULL -"FDH3354",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3389",NULL,NULL -"FEM3220",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3410",NULL,NULL -"FDH3356",NULL,NULL -"LT1014",NULL,NULL -"SF2743",NULL,NULL -"EQ2810","EQ2300 Digital Signal Processing grade 4 or 5 and the permission of the examiner.
EQ2820 Matrix Algebra, accelerated program is recommended but not required.
EQ2300 Digital Signal Processing grade 4 or 5 and the permission of the examiner.
EQ2820 Matrix Algebra, accelerated program is recommended but not required.
SG2215 Kompressibel strömning
","SG2215 Kompressibel strömning
" -"SF2827",NULL,NULL -"FAK3131",NULL,NULL -"AI2144",NULL,NULL -"FDH3358","","" -"FAK3107",NULL,NULL -"FAK3132",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3748",NULL,NULL -"SI2801",NULL,NULL -"HM1012",NULL,NULL -"FAK3133",NULL,NULL -"FAK3109",NULL,NULL -"FAK3111",NULL,NULL -"MG2110",NULL,NULL -"AH2036",NULL,NULL -"FAK3134",NULL,NULL -"FAK3110",NULL,NULL -"FAK3139",NULL,NULL -"FDH3370",NULL,NULL -"AG2925",NULL,NULL -"FDH3375","DH2641 interaktionsprogrammering eller motsvarande
",NULL -"LT1047",NULL,NULL -"AH2038",NULL,NULL -"MJ1101",NULL,NULL -"FDH3367",NULL,NULL -"BB2441",NULL,NULL -"FAK3114",NULL,NULL -"ME1308",NULL,NULL -"AF282X","","" -"FAK3112",NULL,NULL -"IL2212","Kursen förutsätter kunskaper i konstruktionen av inbyggda system, motsvarande IL2206 Inbyggda System
","The course requires good knowledge about the design of embedded computer systems, comparable to IL2206 Embedded Systems
" -"FSG3226","Kunskap om fluiddynamik motsvarande minst SG1215, SG1217 eller SG1220 eller motsvarande. Grundläggande kunskaper i Matlab.
","Knowledge of fluid dynamics corresponding to at least SG1215, SG1217 or SG1220 or equivalent. Basic knowledge of Matlab.
" -"FAK3142",NULL,NULL -"FDH3376",NULL,NULL -"ME1010",NULL,NULL -"FAK3135",NULL,NULL -"FAK3141",NULL,NULL -"FAK3115",NULL,NULL -"FDH3378",NULL,NULL -"FDM3303",NULL,NULL -"SK2712",NULL,NULL -"FAL3512",NULL,NULL -"FDM3310",NULL,NULL -"FAL3511",NULL,NULL -"ME1306","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"FAK3145","För att kunna tillgodogöra sig kursen bör man ha kommit en bit på väg med sitt avhandlingsarbete.
","Students should have completed a few years of training in order to have research of
their own to work with.
" -"KE2171",NULL,NULL -"FDM3513",NULL,NULL -"AH1908","AH1907 Anläggning 1. Väg-, järnväg- och VA-teknik.
","AH1907 Installation 1. Roads, Railways, and Wastewater networks.
" -"FDM3311",NULL,NULL -"FAK3116",NULL,NULL -"DD2394",NULL,NULL -"FDM3511",NULL,NULL -"FDM3312",NULL,NULL -"FDM3313",NULL,NULL -"FAK3117",NULL,NULL -"FAK3144",NULL,NULL -"FDM3320",NULL,NULL -"FDM3321",NULL,NULL -"FDM3506",NULL,NULL -"MH1014",NULL,NULL -"ME2004",NULL,NULL -"FAK3127",NULL,NULL -"FDM3322",NULL,NULL -"FAL3509",NULL,NULL -"FDM3323",NULL,NULL -"ME2015","Grundkurs i industriell ekonomi, 6 hp eller liknande.
","Industrial management, basic course, 6,0 hp or equivalent
" -"FDM3514",NULL,NULL -"DD2391",NULL,NULL -"FDM3507",NULL,NULL -"ME2054",NULL,NULL -"MF1063","MF1061 Introduktion till design och produktframtagning
SG1130 Mekanik I
MF1061 Introduction to Design and Product Realisation
SG1130 Mechanics I
Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"AI234U",NULL,NULL -"ME2066","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"MF2038",NULL,NULL -"FAK3016","","" -"ME2069",NULL,NULL -"FAK3102","","" -"FSK3889","- Fasta Tillståndets Fysik
- Inledning i Optik, Kvantmekanik
- Fasta Tillståndets Fysik
- Inledning i Optik, Kvantmekanik
Behöriget till utbildning på forskarnivå i ämnet teknikhistoria
","Eligibility to be accepted in the graduate programme in Historical Studies of Science, Technology, and the Environment.
" -"FDT3301",NULL,NULL -"FAL3507",NULL,NULL -"FSK3887",NULL,NULL -"FDT3302",NULL,NULL -"ME2075",NULL,NULL -"CM2020",NULL,NULL -"CH2012",NULL,NULL -"CH2015",NULL,NULL -"FAK3103","","" -"MJ2457",NULL,NULL -"FAE3011","Kursen innehåller definitionen av projektet. vad ska skrivas till vem och varför Publikationens omfattning bör definieras och diskuteras med en rådgivare vid Institutionen för mark och vattenresurser. Manuskriptet måste skickas för intern peer review. När dokumentet publiceras ska det skickas till alla på institutionen och helst ett kort seminarium / kommentar på veckovårdsavdelningen.
Dokumentation av kursen krävs.
Detta inkluderar:
• En kopia av den populära publikationen.
• Dokumentation av diskussionerna med rådgivaren - hur har du bestämt ämnet och omfattningen av ämnet och varför du kände att du ville skriva publikationen.
• En skriftlig diskussion om dina inlärningserfarenheter genom att skriva den populära publikationen jämfört med att skriva vetenskapliga artiklar.
• Dokumentation av den tid du tillbringade på kursen, för 1,5 hp krävs minst 40 h arbete.
För att få 1,5 hp ska studenten ha arbetat minst 40 timmar med denna kurs.
The course entails definition of the project; what is to be written, to whom and why. The scope of the publication should be defined and discussed with an adviser at the department of Land and Water Resources Engineering. The manuscript must be sent for internal peer review. When the document is published it should be sent to everyone at the department and preferably a short seminar/commentary at the weekly department meetting is to be given.
Documentation of the course is required.
This includes:
• A copy of the popular publication.
• Documentation of the discussions with the adviser – how you decided on the topic and scope of the topic and the reason why you felt you wanted to write the publication.
• A written discussion about your learning experiences in writing the popular publication compared to writing scientific articles.
• Documentation of the time you spent on the course, for 1.5 ECTS a minimum of 40 hr of work is required.
In order to recieve 1.5 ECTS the student must have worked at least 40 hours with this course.
" -"ME2083","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites
" -"FAK3104","","" -"ME2086",NULL,NULL -"ME2710","Minst 30 hp inom matematik, statistik, kvalitativ analys eller motsvarande
","At least 30 hp within mathematics, statistics , qualitative analysis, or corresponding
" -"FED3230",NULL,NULL -"ME2154","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"FED3240",NULL,NULL -"ME211X",NULL,NULL -"ME2502",NULL,NULL -"FED3250","ED2210, Electromagnetic Processes in Dispersive Media or a similar course.
","ED2210, Electromagnetic Processes in Dispersive Media or a similar course.
" -"FAL3506",NULL,NULL -"FAK3105",NULL,NULL -"MJ1145",NULL,NULL -"FED3260","PhD students in the fields of electrical engineering, plasma physics, nuclear engineering, or similar.
","PhD students in the fields of electrical engineering, plasma physics, nuclear engineering, or similar.
" -"FAL3503",NULL,NULL -"FED3305",NULL,NULL -"FAK3118","","" -"LT1027",NULL,NULL -"ME2603","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"FED3310","ED2210, Electromagnetic Processes in Dispersive Media or a similar course and FED3250 or FED3240
","ED2210, Electromagnetic Processes in Dispersive Media or a similar course and FED3250 or FED3240
" -"MJ2443",NULL,NULL -"FED3330","Master in Nuclear Fusion Research or Equivalent
","Master in Nuclear Fusion Research or Equivalent
" -"FAK3146",NULL,NULL -"ME2620",NULL,NULL -"FEL3210","Grundläggande kurs i reglerteknik, grundläggande kunskap i matriser och linjär algebra. Grundläggande kurs i flervariabel reglering är rekommenderat men inte nödvändigt.
","Undergraduate course in classic SISO control, elementary background in matrices and linear algebra. An introductory course in multivariable control is recommended, but not a requirement.
" -"AE1603","SF1633 Differentialekvationer I eller motsvarande kurs.
","SF1633 Differential Equations I or equivalent course.
" -"SK2822",NULL,NULL -"AI221V",NULL,NULL -"FAF3213",NULL,NULL -"FMG3915",NULL,NULL -"LS1416",NULL,NULL -"LT1043",NULL,NULL -"MJ2246","Basic knowledge in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics is necessary
","Basic knowledge in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics is necessary
" -"FAF3118",NULL,NULL -"FSG3128",NULL,NULL -"FMG3920",NULL,NULL -"LS1452",NULL,NULL -"DM2021",NULL,NULL -"FAE3016","Examinationen består av en diskussion (bokat tillfälle för examinationsdiskussion) mellan forskarstuderande och huvudhandledaren för x-jobb studenten. Dessutom skall studenten skriftlig dokumentera kursen. De punkter som skall dokumenteras är utförlig beskriven i kurs PM men inkludera dokumentation av: - den muntliga examinationen; - handledarmöten mellan forskarstudenten och x-jobb studenten; handledare möten mellan forskar studenten och huvud handledaren för x-jobb studenten; - en utvärdering av sin handledningsteknique; - problem som uppstod; - metoder för att lösa problemen; - utvärdering om hur de skulle eventuellt ändra på sina handledningstekniqer in för näste tillfällen. Dessutom skall en jämförelse mellan förre handledningens tillfällen och dessa tillfällen diskuteras; gick det bättre eller inte och varför.
Studenten skall dokumentera arbetstid för kursen; för att uppnå 1.5 ECTS krävs minst 40 timmars arbete.
","The examination consists of an oral discussion (booked discussion specifically for examination) between the doctoral student taking this course and the main adviser of the master’s student which they have co advised. This should take on the order of one to two hours. A detailed list of what should be discussed is given in the course PM. The student is to present the activities they have done within the scope of the course, documentation of the advisory meetings both with the student they have co advised and meetings with the main adviser of the student they have co advised. They are to present what they thought worked well and what did not work well. They are to present problems they encountered and what they did to try to solve these during the course of the work. Furthermore the student should make a discussion about the differences between the previous advising situation and the present situation; did it work better or not and why. They should give a suggestion as to how they could
The student must document the work done and the time it took to do the work. In order to get 1.5 ECTS the students must have spent at least 40 hours on the course work.
" -"A42C14",NULL,NULL -"FAH3450",NULL,NULL -"ME2805","KTH programstudenter måste ha minst 120 högskolepoäng (ECTS).
Övriga studenter behöver 180 hp samt engelska B eller liknande.
","KTH programme students must have a minimum of 120 ECTS.
For all other students 180 hp is requird as well as english A + B, or equivalent.
" -"AL2160",NULL,NULL -"LT1041",NULL,NULL -"FED3340",NULL,NULL -"FEF3320",NULL,NULL -"FEG3312",NULL,NULL -"ME2825",NULL,NULL -"FEF3350",NULL,NULL -"LT1040",NULL,NULL -"FEF3205",NULL,NULL -"FEF3215",NULL,NULL -"MJ1508",NULL,NULL -"MF1010","Teknikblocket motsvarande M, P eller T samt speciella förkunskapskrav kopplade till aktuellt projekt.
","Basic programs as specified in the curriculum and special knowledge for actual project.
" -"MF1035","Den som påbörjar kursen i elektroteknik förutsätts ha deltagit i obligatoriska kurser i matematik och fysik för Media.
","It is presumed that students starting this course will have attended the compulsory mathematics and physics courses for Media.
" -"FEG3221",NULL,NULL -"LT1045",NULL,NULL -"MH2150",NULL,NULL -"LS2444",NULL,NULL -"MF1017","Den som påbörjar kursen i elektroteknik förutsätts vara väl förtrogen med de obligatoriska kurser i matematik och fysik för T
","Students are expected to have courses in mathematics compulsory for the T programme
" -"SK1117",NULL,NULL -"HS202X",NULL,NULL -"FEG3222",NULL,NULL -"HS2008",NULL,NULL -"LS2443",NULL,NULL -"MF1023","Den som påbörjar kursen i elektroteknik förutsätts ha deltagit i kursen MF1017 Elektroteknik för T.
","Basic Electrical Engineering for T
" -"FSK3881",NULL,NULL -"AF270X",NULL,NULL -"FEG3231",NULL,NULL -"FSK3800",NULL,NULL -"FSK3760",NULL,NULL -"FEG3315",NULL,NULL -"A42SEH",NULL,NULL -"AG2804",NULL,NULL -"A11KOB",NULL,NULL -"FJT3382",NULL,NULL -"AH2172",NULL,NULL -"FKF3110",NULL,NULL -"LS2442",NULL,NULL -"AD2EXU",NULL,NULL -"MJ2516","Kandidatexamen eller motsvarande i ett energi- eller hållbarhetsrelaterat ämne.
","BSc or equivalent in an energy- or sustainability- related subject
" -"SK2551",NULL,NULL -"MJ2521",NULL,NULL -"SH2310",NULL,NULL -"SH2005",NULL,NULL -"MJ2481",NULL,NULL -"AG2112",NULL,NULL -"AI205X",NULL,NULL -"SK2711","Inledande kurser i termodynamik och modern fysik på bachelornivå eller motsvarande
","Introductory courses in Termodynamics and Modern Physics at BSc level or equivalent
" -"UCK300",NULL,NULL -"AG2135",NULL,NULL -"MH200X",NULL,NULL -"LT1013",NULL,NULL -"FEG3316",NULL,NULL -"FEG3321",NULL,NULL -"FAG3188",NULL,NULL -"A11IAA",NULL,NULL -"FSK3750",NULL,NULL -"MJ2615",NULL,NULL -"FEG3317",NULL,NULL -"A11IYA",NULL,NULL -"A21REA","Studenten ska uppfylla uppflyttningskraven för andra årskursen.
",NULL -"AK2036",NULL,NULL -"MJ2512",NULL,NULL -"FEG3322",NULL,NULL -"FEG3323",NULL,NULL -"FSK3601","Kvantfysik SK1102, SK1151
","Quantum physics SK1102, SK1151
" -"LT1001",NULL,NULL -"FEH3240","","" -"MJ2150",NULL,NULL -"LT1048",NULL,NULL -"LT1049",NULL,NULL -"MJ2514",NULL,NULL -"FAL3505",NULL,NULL -"FSF3707","Viss kunskap inom funktionsanalys och operatorteori.
","Some knowledge in linear analysis and operator theory.
" -"FAL3504",NULL,NULL -"MJ2517",NULL,NULL -"AH1025",NULL,NULL -"MJ2520",NULL,NULL -"AK2040",NULL,NULL -"FEI3230",NULL,NULL -"AK2050",NULL,NULL -"FEI3232",NULL,NULL -"AK207X",NULL,NULL -"AH2173",NULL,NULL -"FEI3250",NULL,NULL -"AH202X",NULL,NULL -"SD2460",NULL,NULL -"EP2780",NULL,NULL -"FEI3260",NULL,NULL -"FEI3262",NULL,NULL -"AK2202","Kandidatexamen / Tre års högskolestudier eller motsvarande
","Recommended prerequisites: Bachelor/The equivalence of three years of advanced studies (180 hp)
" -"MH225X",NULL,NULL -"FEI3280",NULL,NULL -"HN1002",NULL,NULL -"AL1504","Utöver behörighetskraven kan det, beroende på examensarbetets inriktning, finnas andra behov av förkunskaper. Ta kontakt med examinator eller din handledare för att ta reda på mer.
",NULL -"MH2351",NULL,NULL -"FEI3353",NULL,NULL -"KD1290","KE1140/ KD1150 Teknisk kemi eller KD1020 Inledande kemi eller motsvarande
","KE1140/KE1150 Engineering Chemistry or KD1020 Introductory Chemistry or equivalent course
" -"FEI3330",NULL,NULL -"FEI3332",NULL,NULL -"AG2118","At least 60 credits in the master programme Spatial Planning or Urban Planning and Design. Students should attend the course AK2030 Theory and Methodology simultaneously.
","At least 60 credits in the master programme Spatial Planning or Urban Planning and Design. Students should attend the course AK2030 Theory and Methodology simultaneously.
" -"LT1028",NULL,NULL -"KD203X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp.
","Most of your studies must be completed, ie at least 210 credits if you are studying at a 270 credits programme, and 240 credits if you are studying at a 300 credits programme. If you are a masters student, you must have completed at least 60 credits within the masters programme.
" -"KD2330","Rekommenderade förkunskaper:
Kursen KD1280/1290 Kemisk Analys eller motsvarande kunskaper.
Recommended prior knowledge:
KD1280/KD1290 Chemical Analysis or corresponding knowledge.
Kunskaper motsvarande följande kurser; Datorbaserade ingenjörsverktyg - ML1302, Matematik för ingenjörer - ML1000, Hållfasthetslära - ML1201, Material och produktion - ML1200 och Mekanik - ML1101. Engelska B eller motsvarande.
","Knowledge corresponding to the following courses; Engineering Mathematics (ML1000), Strength of Materials, GC (ML1201), Engineering Materials and Production, GC (ML1200) och Mechanics, GC (ML1101) or equivalent.
" -"SD2724",NULL,NULL -"FEI3350",NULL,NULL -"ML2301",NULL,NULL -"FK3014",NULL,NULL -"FEI3354",NULL,NULL -"MJ1146",NULL,NULL -"FEI3362",NULL,"Course in reliability analysis.
" -"FSK3523","Grundkunskaper om molekyler och statistisk mekanik / termodynamik
(kursen innehåller en kort introduktion till Molekylär Dynamik och kraftfält)
Basic knowledge of molecules and statistical mechanics / thermodynamics
(the course includes a brief introduction to Molecular Dynamics and force fields)
" -"KE2905",NULL,NULL -"ML2302",NULL,NULL -"FEI3364",NULL,NULL -"FAL3501",NULL,NULL -"FAI3017",NULL,NULL -"FEI3370",NULL,NULL -"EQ2444","EQ1220 Signalteori eller EQ1270 Stokastiska signaler och system eller motsvarande
Antagen till och en klar avsikt att ta minst en av:
EQ2300 Digital signalbehandling,
EQ2310 Digital kommunikation
","EQ1220 Signal Theory or EQ1270 Stochastic Signals and Systems or equivalent.
Admitted to and a clear ambition to complete at least one of:
EQ2300 Digital Signal Processing
EQ2310 Digital Communications
" -"SA1006",NULL,NULL -"FEI3380",NULL,NULL -"ME1315",NULL,NULL -"SA210X","Förkunskapskrav som gäller för att bli antagen till kursen:För tillträde till kursen krävs att studenten är antagen till programmet Civilingenjör och Lärare och har klarat minst 240 hp av programmets 300 hp. Studenten måste ha genomgått samtliga AUO-kurser och erhållit lägst betyget E på minst 30 hp av dessa. Dessutom skall kursen Vetenskap, Teknik och Lärande II vara avklarad.
",NULL -"FEJ3200","EJ2200 Electrical Machines and Drives
","EJ2200 Electrical Machines and Drives
" -"SD1002",NULL,NULL -"SD2110",NULL,NULL -"FEJ3222",NULL,NULL -"FSD3201",NULL,NULL -"FEJ3230","Kursen riktar sig till doktorander vid KTH samt övriga lärosäten.
","The course is intended for PhD students at KTH and from other universities.
" -"KH1130","KH1111 Matematik
KH1123 Allmän kemi 1
KH1124 Allmän kemi 2
KH1111 Mathematics
KH1123 General chemistry 1
KH1124 General chemistry 2
Inga utöver behörighetskraven.
","No other prerequisites than those listed in the Eligibility field.
" -"KH1353",NULL,NULL -"FSF3570",NULL,NULL -"FEJ3311","EJ2200 Elektriska maskiner och drivsystem och EJ2300 Effektelektronik.
","EJ2200 Electrical machines and drives and EJ2300 Power Electronics.
" -"FEJ3318",NULL,NULL -"AM201U",NULL,NULL -"FEJ3420","EJ1200 Eleffektsystem
Minst en av:
EJ2201 Elektriska maskiner o drivsystem
EJ2301 Effektelektronik
EJ1200 Electric Power Systems
At least one of:
EJ2201 Electrical Machines and Drives
EJ2301 Power Electronics
Grundläggande matematik (motsvarande matematik A från gymnasiet) samt kemi (motsvarande kemi A från gymnasiet) eller KH103V Introduktionskurs i Kemi för Yrkesverksamma är lämpliga förkunskaper.
",NULL -"FDD3017","Bestäms individuellt beroende på ämnet karakter och svårighetsgrad.
",NULL -"FEK3101","BioTas I Journal Club
","BioTas I Journal Club
" -"AH1024","AH1021 Stads- och trafikplanering, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","AH1021 Urban and traffic planning or equivalent.
" -"FSI3075",NULL,NULL -"FEK3205","EK2350 Microsystem technology or similar course.
","EK2350 Microsystem technology or similar course.
" -"KD1280","KE1140/KE1150 Teknisk kemi eller KD1020 Inledande kemi eller motsvarande kurs
","KE1140/KE1150 Engineering Chemistry or KD1020 Introductory Chemistry or equivalent course
" -"FAL3502",NULL,NULL -"FDD3016",NULL,NULL -"AM202U",NULL,NULL -"FAL3500",NULL,NULL -"FDD3018","Bestäms individuellt beroende på ämnet karakter och svårighetsgrad.
",NULL -"FDD3019","Bestäms individuellt beroende på ämnet karakter och svårighetsgrad.
",NULL -"AM203U",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3412",NULL,NULL -"EQ2820","Good knowledge of first course in linear algebra. Admission is by request to examiner.
","Good knowledge of first course in linear algebra. Admission is by request to examiner.
" -"FSG3115","Kursen är avsedd för forskarstuderanden inom Teknisk mekanik.
","The course is suitable for research students in Engineering Mechanics.
" -"FMG3903",NULL,NULL -"FSI3320",NULL,NULL -"SD2229","Kursen riktar sig till studenter i slutet av sina civilingenjörs- eller Master studier där tidigare kurser och erfarenheter om fordonsdynamik, reglerteknik, mekatronik och maskinteknik är att rekommendera.
","The course are for students in the end of their civilingenjör och master studies where previous courses and experience from vehicle dynamics, automatic control, mechatronics and mashine design is to recommend.
" -"LH214V",NULL,NULL -"EQ2845","EQ1220 Signalteori eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","EQ1220 Signal Theory or equivalent.
" -"FSK3374","Geometrisk optik och Optisk design
","Geometrical optics and Optical design
" -"AL230X",NULL,NULL -"AG2134",NULL,NULL -"AG2127",NULL,NULL -"ML1507",NULL,NULL -"FSI3310",NULL,NULL -"FSI3330",NULL,NULL -"FAL3303",NULL,NULL -"MF2202",NULL,NULL -"AF122X",NULL,NULL -"CB2040",NULL,NULL -"AF1007","Grundläggande behörighet för högskolestudier
","General entry requirements for higher education
" -"EQ2860","Knowledge and maturity in the field, corresponding to EQ2310 Digital Communications and EQ2410 Advanced Digital Communications.
","Knowledge and maturity in the field, corresponding to EQ2310 Digital Communications and EQ2410 Advanced Digital Communications.
" -"AH2026","Erfarenhet inom trafikplanering rekommenderas.
","Experience within traffic planning is recommended.
" -"FMG3907",NULL,NULL -"FSI3300","","" -"SD2935",NULL,NULL -"DD2417","Förkunskaper i formella språk motsvarande DD2481 Principer för programspråk, DD2372/DD2373 Automater och språk eller DD1360/DD1361/DD1362 Programmeringsparadigm är önskvärt men inte nödvändigt.
","Knowledge of formal languages corresponding to DD2481 Principles of Programming Languages, DD2372/DD2373 Automata and Languages or DD1360/DD1361/DD1362 Programming paradigms is useful but not necessary.
" -"FSI3220",NULL,NULL -"FAF3608",NULL,NULL -"FMF3011",NULL,NULL -"FMF3019",NULL,NULL -"AH204X",NULL,NULL -"AH222X",NULL,NULL -"FMF3013",NULL,NULL -"MH2026",NULL,NULL -"FSI3210",NULL,NULL -"SE2152","SE1025 FEM för ingenjörstillämpningar eller motsvarande.
","SE1025 FEM for engineering applications or equivalent.
" -"CB2070",NULL,NULL -"CH2002",NULL,NULL -"FSI3200",NULL,NULL -"FMF3015",NULL,NULL -"FMF3016",NULL,NULL -"AI2155",NULL,NULL -"FMF3018",NULL,NULL -"SF1514","SF1624 Algebra och geometri, SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
","SF1624 Algebra and Geometry, SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable
" -"FMF3017",NULL,NULL -"FMF3020",NULL,NULL -"AI2153",NULL,NULL -"FSI3110",NULL,NULL -"FSH3001",NULL,NULL -"AI2808",NULL,NULL -"FMF3021",NULL,NULL -"CB2100",NULL,NULL -"AI2809",NULL,NULL -"FDD3452","En kurs i logik, motsvarande kursen DD1350 Logik för dataloger.
","A course in logic, corresponding to the course DD1350 Logic for Computer Science.
" -"AI2807",NULL,NULL -"AI281X",NULL,NULL -"SF1546","SF1624 Algebra och geometri, SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
","SF1624 Algebra and Geometry, SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable
" -"AI2519",NULL,NULL -"SD2413","SD2411 Lättkonstruktioner och FEM, och SD2414 Fiberkompositer - Material och tillverkning rekommenderas starkt. Grundläggande kunskaper i MATLAB är önskvärt.
","SD2411 Lightweight Structures and FEM is strongly recommended. The course SD2414 – Fibre composites: Materials and processes, is recommended. Some experience with MatLab or programming in some other computer language is required.
" -"FMF3024",NULL,NULL -"AI2518",NULL,NULL -"FID3023","Masterexamen.
","Master Degree
" -"AI1802","AI1128- Samhällsbyggnadsekonomi
",NULL -"AL2156",NULL,NULL -"AK109X",NULL,NULL -"FMF3027",NULL,NULL -"FMF3029",NULL,NULL -"AG2411",NULL,NULL -"SF1910","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
" -"AG2413",NULL,NULL -"SF1912","SF1626/ SF1686 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624/SF1684 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626/SF1686 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624/SF1684 Algebra and Geometry
" -"AG2126",NULL,NULL -"AG134X",NULL,NULL -"FMF3028",NULL,NULL -"AG181X",NULL,NULL -"AL130X",NULL,NULL -"FSI3070",NULL,NULL -"ML1203",NULL,NULL -"FMF3201",NULL,NULL -"FSH3306",NULL,NULL -"CK1280",NULL,NULL -"SF1917","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
" -"FSI3050","","" -"AG2184",NULL,NULL -"SF1661",NULL,NULL -"SF1935",NULL,NULL -"SH2203",NULL,NULL -"SF2524","SF2520 Tillämpade numeriska metoder (eller motsvarande), kan läsas parallellt.
","SF2520 Applied Numerical Methods (or equivalent), can be read in parallel.
" -"FSH3141",NULL,NULL -"FSI3045",NULL,NULL -"FEP3260",NULL,NULL -"CM2003",NULL,NULL -"FSI3020",NULL,NULL -"SF2566","Beror på projektinnehåll, men kan vara t ex någon eller några av kurserna SF2520 Finita elementmetoden, SF2520/DN2221 Tillämpade numeriska metoder, SF2521/DN2255 Numerisk behandling av diff. ekv., SF2568/DN2264 Parallella beräkningar för storskaliga problem
","Depends on the contents of the project, but can be some of the courses SF2520 The Finite Element Method, SF2520/DN2221 Applied Numerical Methods, SF2521/DN2255 Numerical Treatment of Diff Eqns, SF2568/DN2264 Parallel Computation for Large Problems.
" -"FSI3000",NULL,NULL -"FSH3212",NULL,NULL -"AE1105",NULL,NULL -"FIL3200",NULL,NULL -"FJM3201",NULL,NULL -"HL1013",NULL,NULL -"FMH3100","Grundläggande kunskaper i fasta tillståndets fysik och materiallära
","Basic knowledge of solid state physics and material theory
" -"SF1900","SF1626/ SF1686 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624/SF1684 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626/SF1686 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624/SF1684 Algebra and Geometry
" -"SF1915","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
" -"SF2980","Slutfördkurs i Portföljteori (SF2942 eller liknande).
","Completed course in portfolio theory and risk management (SF2942 or similar).
" -"FSH3801","The students taking this course are assumed to have taken the elementary courses on the fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer. Basic understanding and hand-on experience of numerical programming will be a good help. The class instructions will be delivered in English
","The students taking this course are assumed to have taken the elementary courses on the fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer. Basic understanding and hand-on experience of numerical programming will be a good help. The class instructions will be delivered in English
" -"FMH3110","Magister- eller civilingenjörsexamen med materialinriktning.
",NULL -"FDD3435",NULL,NULL -"FSH3773",NULL,NULL -"FMH3112",NULL,NULL -"FJQ3110",NULL,NULL -"FMH3113","Kunskaper inom mikro- och nanostrukturer
","Knowledge within Micro and Nano Structures
" -"FSH3501",NULL,NULL -"CB205V",NULL,NULL -"FEG3313",NULL,NULL -"FJQ3320",NULL,NULL -"AK2211",NULL,NULL -"FCK3101","Masterexamen i kemi, kemiteknik, materialteknik eller mostsvarande.
","Master degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, material science, soft matter, nanotechnology or similar.
" -"FMH3114",NULL,NULL -"FSD3110",NULL,NULL -"FEG3314",NULL,NULL -"MF225X",NULL,NULL -"FMH3115",NULL,NULL -"FSH3500",NULL,NULL -"SK1108",NULL,NULL -"AE2707",NULL,NULL -"FMH3304","Legeringars termodynamik, mjukvaran Thermo-Calc klassisk version / konsollversion
",NULL -"FLI3116",NULL,NULL -"HL1903",NULL,NULL -"FMH3306",NULL,NULL -"FSH3313",NULL,NULL -"FMG3007",NULL,"Master of Science
" -"FMH3000","Grundläggande kurser inom termodynamik och kinetik
","Basic courses in thermodynamics and kinetics
" -"FSH3312",NULL,NULL -"FSH3311","Grundläggande kunskaper i kvantfysik
","Basic knowledge of quantum physics
" -"LT1024",NULL,NULL -"SH1012","Kunskaper i fysik motsvarande SI1121/SK1119, SK1108, ED1110 och SI1200; i matematik motsvarande SF1624, SF1625, SF1626 och SF1920.
","Courses in physics (or equivalent): SI1121/SK1119, SK1108, ED1110, and SI1200; courses in mathematics (or equivalent): SF1624, SF1625, SF1626, and SF1920.
" -"FDD3412","Slutförd kurs DD2424 Djupinlärning i Data Science eller DD2437 Artificiella neuronnät och djupa arkitekturer, eller motsvarande kurser.
","Completed course DD2424 Deep Learning in Data Science or DD2437 Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Architectures or the equivalent courses.
" -"FLF3018",NULL,NULL -"AL2503","Slutfört minst en av följande kurser (eller liknande):
AG2805 Sustainable Planning and Design
AL2511 Resilience Thinking in Sustainable Planning
AG2142 Political Economy for Environmental Planners
","Completed at least one of the following courses (or similar):
AG2805 Sustainable Planning and Design
AL2511 Resilience Thinking in Sustainable Planning
AG2142 Political Economy for Environmental Planners
" -"CB204V",NULL,NULL -"FMH3623","Grundläggande kvantmekanik och statistisk fysik kurser eller motsvarande.
","Basic courses within Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics, or equivalent
" -"FMH3702","Grundläggande kunskap i fasta tillståndets fysik, avancerad matematik, kvantmekanik, elektronisk structur, totala energimetoder, magnetism.
Förtrogenhet med olika elektronstrukturmetoder.
","Basic knowledge of solid state physics, advanced mathematics, quantum mechanics, electronic structure, total energy methods, magnetism.
Familiarity with different electron structure methods.
" -"FSH3301","SH2302 Kärnfysik eller motsvarande
","SH2302 Nuclear Physics or corresponding course
" -"FAL3301",NULL,"The course literature consists of those articles, books and reports that are selected/recommended by the advisor/examiner Presentation of the results at seminars, by articles e.g. review papers and/or oral presentation for the supervisor/examiner
" -"FMH3703","Kvantfysik, basnivå
Fasta tillståndets fysik, advancerad nivå
","Quantum Physics, first cycle
Solid State Physics, second cycle
" -"FCK3100",NULL,NULL -"FMH3704","Fysik minst 6 hp (SK1117), eller motsvarande.
Materialfysik, eller motsvarande.
Grundläggande ingenjörsmatematik med differentialekvationer.
","Physics, at least 6 credits (SK1117), or equivalent
Materials Physics, or equivalent
Basic engineering mathematics including differential equations.
" -"FMH3904",NULL,NULL -"FMH3906","Minst ett års doktorandstudier rekommenderas innan kursen påbörjas, för att ha tillräckligt med kunskap och erfarenhet för att handleda.
","At least one year of PhD studies is recommended before the course commences, to have sufficient knowledge and experience to supervise.
" -"FAL3110",NULL,NULL -"SF1521",NULL,NULL -"FID3022",NULL,NULL -"FSG3121",NULL,NULL -"FAF3811",NULL,NULL -"SK2541",NULL,NULL -"BB1030","BB1010 Inledande bioteknik och BB1020 Cellbiologi med immunologi.
","BB1010 An Introduction to Biochemistry and BB1020 Cellbiology with immunology.
" -"FAF3812",NULL,NULL -"LT1059",NULL,NULL -"FSF3964",NULL,NULL -"FAG3172",NULL,NULL -"ML1607",NULL,NULL -"FDT3303","Kursen kan tas av doktorander med tillräcklig erfarenhet av statistik, datavetenskap och/eller maskininlärning och artificiell intelligens.
","The course can be taken by PhD students with sufficient experience in statistics, data science, and/or machine learning and artificial intelligence.
" -"FAG3173",NULL,NULL -"FSG3126",NULL,NULL -"BB1210","BB1150 Biokemi 1, BB1030 Mikrobiologi, BB1160 Eukaryot cellbiologi och BB1190 Genteknik eller motsvarande kurser.
","BB1150 Biochemistry, BB1030 Microbiology,BB1160 Eucaryotic Cell Biology, BB1190 Gene Technology, or equivalent courses.
" -"FAK3130","Behörig är den som genomgår doktorandutbildning inom ett ämne som är relaterat till historiska studier av miljö, teknik, politik, vetenskap, industri eller ett annatrelevant fält.
","Students are qualified to enroll if they are undertaking a doctoral program within a field related to history of science, technology, environment, industry, politics, or another relevant field.
" -"BB2200",NULL,NULL -"FSG3129",NULL,NULL -"FDK3260",NULL,NULL -"AI201X",NULL,NULL -"FSG3132","A master degree in a mechanics related area
","A master degree in a mechanics related area
" -"AI124U",NULL,NULL -"FIL3030",NULL,NULL -"AG1312","Good skills using computers and the internet recommended.
","Good skills using computers and the internet recommended.
" -"LS1469",NULL,NULL -"LT2029",NULL,NULL -"SF1922","SF1672 Algebra och geometri, SF1674 Flervariabelanalys
","SF1672 Algebra and Geometry, SF1674 Calculus in Several Variables
" -"A31H2A","Studenten ska uppfylla uppflyttningskraven för tredje årskursen.
",NULL -"KD2905",NULL,NULL -"AI2515",NULL,NULL -"CM208V",NULL,NULL -"AL1300",NULL,NULL -"FCB3013",NULL,NULL -"FSG3224","SG2212/SG3114 Computational Fluid Dynamics (7,5 ECTS) or similar knowledge in numerical methods for CFD.
","SG2212/SG3114 Computational Fluid Dynamics (7,5 ECTS) or similar knowledge in numerical methods for CFD.
" -"EL2620",NULL,NULL -"AF2211","Grundläggande kunskaper inom konstruktionsteknik på lägst högskoleingenjörsnivå (BSc).
","Academic degree in civil engineering (BSc or higher) including basic courses on structures, bridges and tunnels.
" -"FME3515",NULL,NULL -"AE2612","SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar eller motsvarande kurs
","SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications or equivalent course
" -"FME3518","Antagen till forskarutbildingen i industriell ekonomi eller motsvarande.
","Enrolled at doctoral program in Industrial management or equivalent.
" -"AI2132",NULL,NULL -"LV117U","Besöksledare på Vetenskapens hus.
",NULL -"FCA3001",NULL,NULL -"AG1114",NULL,NULL -"FME3532","Doktorander i industriell ekonomi och organisation vid KTH. Det maximala antalet deltagare är satt till 20 doktorander.
","PhD students admitted to the KTH Doctoral Program in Industrial Economics and Management.
Not more than 20 doctoral students per course.
" -"AI1146",NULL,NULL -"LT200X",NULL,NULL -"FIL3601","Några kurser i analog kretskonstruktion som IL2220, IL2221 or IL2218 eller motsvarande krävs.Grundläggande Matlab-kunskap rekommenderas.Tidigare erfarenhet av kretssimulering med SPICE eller Spectre är användbart.
","Courses in analog circuit design such as IL2220, IL2221 or IL2218.Basic knowledge of Matlab is recommended. Likewise previous experience simulating circuits using SPICE, Spectre are beneficial.
" -"FME3534",NULL,NULL -"ME2017","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites
" -"FME3536",NULL,NULL -"FME3542",NULL,NULL -"FME3543",NULL,NULL -"FME3545",NULL,NULL -"ME1313",NULL,NULL -"UCK210",NULL,NULL -"FME3544",NULL,NULL -"SF1685","SF1624/SF1684 Algebra och geometri, SF1675 Tillämpad linjär algebra, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","SF1624/SF1684 Algebra and Geometry, SF1675 Applied Linear Algebra or similar.
" -"ME2625",NULL,NULL -"FME3513","Antagen som forskarstuderande i doktorsprogrammet Industriell ekonomi och organisation.
","Enrolled as a doctoral student in the doctor's programme Industrial economics and management.
" -"FAE3402","","" -"UCK310",NULL,NULL -"SF2740","Grundkurs i Diskret matematik är starkt rekommenderat.
","Completed basic course in Discrete Mathematics.
" -"FAE3403","","" -"FAK3120","","" -"FSD3200","SD2225 Fordonsdynamik eller motsvarande
","SD2225 Vehicle dynamics or similar
" -"FME3514","20 hp i marknadsföring eller industriell marknadsföring.
Platsbegränsad till 12 doktorander.
","At least 20 university credits in marketing, strategic brand management or industrial marketing. Places at this course is limited to 12 persons.
" -"FAF3801","","" -"FAF3802",NULL,NULL -"SA2003",NULL,NULL -"BB2210",NULL,NULL -"SF2719","SF2717 Matematik, fördjupning samt SF1610 Diskret matematik.
","SF2717 Mathematics, Advanced Course and SF1610 Discrete Mathematics
" -"FAG3202",NULL,NULL -"DM1902",NULL,NULL -"SF2725","Grundkurs i Diskret matematik motsvarande SF1610, SF1662.
","basic course in Discrete Mathematics corresponding to SF1610, SF1662.
" -"FAK3125",NULL,NULL -"FJL3380",NULL,NULL -"AI1514",NULL,NULL -"FSD3313",NULL,NULL -"FAK3123","Kursen är öppen för forskarstuderande och masterstudenter som arbetar inom någon disciplin inom miljöns humaniora, såsom miljöhistoria, ekokritik, politisk ekologi, antropologi, geografi, filosofi, genusvetenskap, STS, kulturteori, postkoloniala studier, religionsvetenskap och musie- och ""heritage"" studier.
","The course is open to PhD and masters students who work in one of the disciplines connected to the environmental humanities, such as: environmental history, ecocriticism, political ecology, anthropology, geography, philosophy, gender studies, STS, cultural theory, post-colonial studies, religious studies, museum and heritage studies
" -"FAK3124",NULL,NULL -"AI2605",NULL,NULL -"CM2005",NULL,NULL -"FSG3136","För att läsa denna kurs erfordras att studenterna läst en tidigare kurs i termodynamik, mekanik och strömningsmekanik.
","The course assumes that the students have an undergraduate knowledge of Thermodynamics and Newtonian mechanics.
" -"FEN3340",NULL,NULL -"FSK3514",NULL,NULL -"FEO3274","Grunder i linjär algebra och sannolikhetsteori
","Basic knowledge in linear algebra and probability theory
" -"CE2010",NULL,NULL -"FAG3180",NULL,NULL -"FME3530","Doktorand som fått godkänt på kursen Quantitative Method, FME3518.
","Ph.D. student who have passed the Ph.D. course in Quantiative method, FME3518.
" -"MJ140X",NULL,NULL -"FAG3182",NULL,NULL -"FEK3310",NULL,"EK2350 Microsystem technology or similar course.
" -"KF2420",NULL,NULL -"FSF3582","","" -"FAG3178",NULL,NULL -"SG1117",NULL,NULL -"AE273V","Personer med intresse för grundvattenfrågor, yrkesverksamma eller studerande.
Universitetsstudier motsvarande 90 hp samt dokumenterade kunskaper i svenska B och engelska A eller motsvarande
Allmänna kunskaper i hydrologi.
","People with an interest in groundwater management, professionals or students.
University studies of 90 credits and documented knowledge of Swedish B and English A or equivalent
General knowledge of hydrology.
" -"FIH3610",NULL,NULL -"FIH3607","Grundläggande fysik- och kemikurser.
","Basic physics and chemistry courses
" -"LO2981","Högskoleingenjörs- eller kandidatexamen om minst 180 hp i teknik, samhällsvetenskap eller motsvarande.
","Bachelor degree, minimum 180 higher education credits, in social sciences, engineering science or equivalent.
" -"AI2104",NULL,NULL -"SF2728","SF1691 Komplex analys, eller motsvarande.
","SF1691 Complex Analysis or similar.
" -"AI2133","All the year-1 courses in the Real Estate Management programme or equivalent.
","All the year-1 courses in the Real Estate Management programme or equivalent.
" -"FAG3102","Masterexamen i geoinformatik, datavetenskap, operationsanalys eller ämnesliknande ingenjörvetenskaper. Bra engelska kunskaper förutsättas (minsta betyg B eller liknande intyg).
","A masters degree in geoinformatics, computer science, operations research, or relevant science and engineering fields. Documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
" -"LS1414",NULL,NULL -"HS2010",NULL,NULL -"FAG3101","Masterexamen i geoinformatik, datavetenskap, operationsanalys eller ämnesliknande ingenjörvetenskaper. Bra engelska kunskaper förutsättas (minsta betyg B eller liknande intyg)
","A masters degree in geoinformatics, computer science, operations research, or relevant science and engineering fields. Documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
" -"FAG3103","Masterexamen i geoinformatik, datavetenskap, operationsanalys eller ämnesliknande ingenjörvetenskaper. Bra engelska kunskaper förutsättas (minsta betyg B eller liknande intyg).
","A masters degree in geoinformatics, computer science, operations research, or relevant science and engineering fields. Documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
" -"FDD3327",NULL,NULL -"FSF3962","","" -"FEF3300",NULL,NULL -"FED3210",NULL,NULL -"FEF3310",NULL,NULL -"MF217X","","" -"FSK3710",NULL,NULL -"FEH3250","","" -"MJ2417",NULL,NULL -"FHK3006",NULL,NULL -"FSF3624","","" -"LS1465",NULL,NULL -"FEI3310",NULL,NULL -"FEJ3280",NULL,NULL -"FCH3302",NULL,NULL -"FSK3540",NULL,NULL -"AI2152",NULL,NULL -"FLF3009","Forskarutbildningskurser inom ämnet Teknik och lärande eller angränsande ämnen motsvarande minst 30 hp.
",NULL -"FSD3307",NULL,NULL -"F4H5807",NULL,NULL -"FAK3129",NULL,NULL -"FMH3700","Grundläggande kunskaper i fasta tillståndets fysik; kvantmekanik; täthetsfunktionalteori; elektroniska strukturmetoder. Goda kunskaper i Unix, Linux och Windows OS
",NULL -"AF1739",NULL,NULL -"LH219U",NULL,"Prerequsite is 3 credit course in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. For ex. Basic communication and Teachning (FLH3000) or Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (LH231V).
The course is tailored for teachers at KTH. It is included in course offerings that meet KTH's requirement of 15 credits in university teaching for employment or promotion to a teaching position.
För att antas skall den studerande vara inskriven vid forskarutbildning eller magisterutbildning vid högskola eller universitet i Sverige eller utomlands.
","Enrolment in PhD or Master Program in any university or college.
" -"BB2290","Inledande bioteknik BB1010, Cellbiologi BB1020, Biokemi BB1100, Molekylär bioteknik BB1060, Bioinformatik DD2396 och Tillämpad genteknologi BB2250.
","Introduction to biotechnology BB1010, Cellbiology BB1020, Biochemistry BB1100, Molecular biotechnology BB1060, Bioinformatics DD2396 and Applied gene technology BB2250.
" -"LS1502",NULL,NULL -"LS1423",NULL,NULL -"LS1522",NULL,NULL -"FSF3970","","" -"FAL3109",NULL,NULL -"SK2002",NULL,NULL -"FED3220",NULL,NULL -"FEF3330",NULL,NULL -"LS1434",NULL,NULL -"LS2439",NULL,NULL -"FAL3108",NULL,NULL -"LS1562",NULL,NULL -"FEF3370",NULL,NULL -"FEF3340",NULL,NULL -"FEF3360",NULL,NULL -"FEG3131",NULL,NULL -"FAL3107",NULL,NULL -"FAL3106",NULL,NULL -"FEG3201",NULL,NULL -"FAG3179",NULL,NULL -"LS1701",NULL,NULL -"BB2220",NULL,NULL -"FEG3202",NULL,NULL -"FSK3550","Kunskap om elektromagnetisk strålning som motsvarar SK1120 (Vågrörelselära, 6 hp) och i grundläggande matematik (vektoranalys, integraler, differentialekvationer) är viktigt. Dessutom är kunskaper i optik motsvarande SK2300 (Optisk fysik, 6 hp) av fördel.
","Knowledge of the physics of electromagnetic radiation corresponding to SK1120 (Waves, 6 hp) and in basic mathematics (vector analysis, integrals, differential equations) is important. Moreover, knowledge in optics corresponding to SK2300 (Optical Physics, 6 hp) is of advantage.
" -"LS1704",NULL,NULL -"FSF3634",NULL,NULL -"AH213X",NULL,NULL -"AK2032",NULL,NULL -"BB2510","Knowledge corresponding to the following courses, or similar, is required.
BB1010 Introduction to Biotechnology
BB1020 Cell biology with Immunology
BB1080 Biochemistry, Theory
BB1110 Gene Technology and Molecular Biology
BB1130 Analysis and Purification of Biomolecules
","Knowledge corresponding to the following courses, or similar, is required.
BB1010 Introduction to Biotechnology
BB1020 Cell biology with Immunology
BB1080 Biochemistry, Theory
BB1110 Gene Technology and Molecular Biology
BB1130 Analysis and Purification of Biomolecules
" -"IK2560",NULL,NULL -"CB2050",NULL,NULL -"MH103V",NULL,NULL -"LS2552",NULL,NULL -"MH241X",NULL,NULL -"LS1709",NULL,NULL -"SF2701","Avancerad kurs i sannolikhetsteori (SF2940 eller motsvarande).
","Advanced course in probability theory (SF2940 or equivalent)
" -"FSI3060",NULL,NULL -"LS2307",NULL,NULL -"SK2376",NULL,NULL -"FEP3360",NULL,NULL -"FME3526",NULL,NULL -"FSH3216",NULL,NULL -"LS2429",NULL,NULL -"FMH3902",NULL,NULL -"FSG3123","Grundläggande kunskaper i mekanik, ordinära differentialekvationer, och Matlab.
","Basic knowledge of ordinary differential equations, Mechanics and Matlab.
" -"LS2542",NULL,NULL -"SI1142","De två inledande årens kurser i matematik och vektoranalys eller motsvarande kunskaper. Läses parallellt med eller efter SI1200.
","To master the contents of the mathematics courses that preceed each part of this course in the course plan for the technical physics program. This course should be taken in parallel or after SI1200
" -"LS1442",NULL,NULL -"FSD3203",NULL,NULL -"CB2110",NULL,NULL -"CH101V",NULL,NULL -"FAE3015","Examinationen består av en diskussion mellan forskarstuderande och huvudhandledaren för x-jobb studenten. Tid skall bokas specifikt för examinations diskussion. De punkter som skall dokumenteras är utförlig beskriven i kurs PM men inkludera dokumentation av: - den muntliga examinationen; - handledarmöten mellan forskarstudenten och x-jobb studenten; handledare möten mellan forskar studenten och huvud handledaren för x-jobb studenten; - en utvärdering av sin handledningsteknique; - problem som uppstod; - metoder för att lösa problemen; - utvärdering om hur de skulle eventuellt ändra på sina handledningstekniqer in för näste tillfällen. Dessutom skall studenten skriftlig dokumentera alt arbete som har gjorts för kursen.
Studenten skall dokumentera arbetstid för kursen; för att uppnå 1.5 ECTS krävs minst 40 timmars arbete.
","The examination consists of an oral discussion between the research student and the main adviser of the degree project student of which they have co advised. A specific time should be booked for the examination discussion. Exactly what should be discussed at the examination discussion is described in detail in the course PM. Furthermore the student is to submit written documentation of the work done in the course. Exactly what this entails is also described in detail in the course PM but includes documentation of: - the examination discussion - the advisory meetings with the degree project student; - advisory meetings with their main adviser to the student; evaluation of how their advising techniques worked; - problems they encountered; - means for solving the problems; - evaluation of how they may change their advisory techniques in the future in order to have better success
" -"SE2126","Grundkurs i hållfasthetslära SE1010, SE1020, SE1021, SE1055 eller motsvarande kurs.
","Basic course in Solid mechanics SE1010, SE1020, SE1021, SE1055 or an equivalent course.
" -"AH2912",NULL,NULL -"AF223X",NULL,NULL -"AF2720",NULL,NULL -"FSD3402",NULL,NULL -"FSK3892","SK3893 eller motsvarande
","SK3893 or equivalent
" -"FSK3560",NULL,NULL -"FEK3211",NULL,NULL -"AD1KU1",NULL,NULL -"DH1621",NULL,NULL -"SK2532","Inga förkunskaper förutom gymnasiebiologi krävs.
","No prerequisites, except high-school biology, is required.
" -"AE1501",NULL,NULL -"FEK3230","Basic Electrical circuit theory, including calculations for AC circuits. Basic Electronics. Preferably also a basic measurement technology course.
","Basic Electrical circuit theory, including calculations for AC circuits. Basic Electronics. Preferably also a basic measurement technology course.
" -"SK2533",NULL,NULL -"BB2010",NULL,NULL -"CB1010",NULL,NULL -"FSD3901",NULL,NULL -"MJ2612",NULL,NULL -"SK2902",NULL,NULL -"FEL3311",NULL,NULL -"FSK3516",NULL,NULL -"FSK3512",NULL,NULL -"FSK3515","N/A
",NULL -"FEM3200","Studenten förutsätts vara bekant med grundläggande begrepp från linjär algebra, stokastiska processer och linjär systemteori, såsom kan förväntas från goda kunskaper från grundutbildningen.
","It assumes some familiarity with basic concepts from linear algebra, stochastic processes and linear systems theory, as can be expected by good knowledge from undergraduate studies.
" -"AL2608",NULL,NULL -"AK201X",NULL,NULL -"FEK3360","Grundläggande kunskaper i fysik
","Basic knowledge i physics
" -"FEP3300","EP2500/EP3200 Networked Systems Security (NSS) or similar.
","EP2500/EP3200 Networked Systems Security (NSS) or similar.
" -"FSF3584",NULL,NULL -"FEL3201",NULL,NULL -"FSF3000",NULL,NULL -"SK180N","Matematikkunskaper motsvarande grundkurser i algebra och analys (derivator, integraler och differentialekvationer).
","Mathematical knowledge corresponding to basic courses in algebra and analysis (derivates, integrals and differential equations)
" -"SF1677","SF1683 differentialekvationer och transformmetoder, eller motsvarande.
","SF1683 Differential Equations and Transforms, or corresponding courses.
" -"FEO3200","Mandatory prerequisite for this course is the basic course on digital communications
EQ2310 “Digital Communications.”
","Mandatory prerequisite for this course is the basic course on digital communications
EQ2310 “Digital Communications.”
" -"FSF3606",NULL,NULL -"FEL3202",NULL,NULL -"SF1550",NULL,NULL -"MH261X",NULL,NULL -"FEP3250","EP2500/EP3200 Networked Systems Security or similar knowledge.
","EP2500/EP3200 Networked Systems Security or similar knowledge.
" -"FEP3210","Communication networks, statistics, queuing theory
","Communication networks, statistics, queuing theory
" -"BB1300",NULL,NULL -"AE241X",NULL,NULL -"FEL3245","Fairly elementary,i.e., mathematical maturity with familiarity with linear algebra and analysis.
","Fairly elementary, i.e., mathematical maturity with familiarity with linear algebra and analysis.
" -"HS2009",NULL,NULL -"SK184N",NULL,NULL -"FEL3260",NULL,NULL -"FSE3111",NULL,NULL -"FEL3300",NULL,NULL -"FIH3608","En grundläggande kurs i halvledarkomponenter eller halvledarfysik.
","A basic course in semiconductor devices or physics.
" -"FIH3609",NULL,NULL -"FIH3603","Halvledarkomponenter och halvledarfysik krävs alternativt en allmän kurs inom nanoelektronik (avancerad nivå rekommenderas). Kunskap och förmåga att tillämpa analog kretsanalys inklusive operationsförstärkare, minst grundläggande nivå. Kunskaper i processteknologi för halvledarkomponenter krävs på grundläggande nivå.
","Semiconductor devices and physics or a general course in nanoelectronics required (graduate level recommended). Working knowledge of (analog) circuit analysis including operational amplifiers, minimum undergraduate level. Knowledge of process technology for semiconductors is required, minimum undergraduate level.
" -"FIK3508","IK2510 eller liknande, grundläggande kurser i optimering och sannolikhetslära
","IK2510 or similar, undergraduate courses in optimization and probability
" -"FAE3001","","" -"FAE3003","Sökanden måste ha de förkunskaper som anges för doktorandstudier i Mark- och vattenteknik.
","The applicant must have the required prerequisites stipulated in the program curriculum for the doctoral studies in Land and Water Resources Engineering.
" -"SF1688",NULL,NULL -"SD210X",NULL,NULL -"FIK3618","IK2500 Radio Communication Basic Course eller IK2510 Trådlösa nät
IK2514 Wireless infrastructure deployment and economics
IK2500 Radio Communication Basic Course or IK2510 Wireless Networks
IK2514 Wireless infrastructure deployment and economics
Vi rekommenderar starkt att du har kännedom om kommunikationsnätverk (t ex EP1100 Datakommunikation och datornät) och operativsystem (t ex ID1206 Operativsystem). Om du saknar den kunskapen är det viktigt att planera för en avsevärt mer tidskrävande kurs.
","We strongly recommend that you have some familiarity with communication networks (for example EP1100 Data communication and computer networks) and operating systems (for example ID1206 Operating systems). If you do not, please plan for significantly a higher course load than otherwise expected.
" -"FAE3012",NULL,NULL -"FAG3164","Antagen till forskarstudier, eller under antagningsprocess
","Participants need to be accepted into a PhD programme.
" -"MF1050",NULL,NULL -"FSD3407","Studenten måste ha påbörjat sina studier på forskarnivå.
","The student must have started his/her postgraduate studies.
" -"FAG3003","","" -"FAG3165","Samma som de generella antagningskraven för forskarstuderande
","Same as for admission to PhD studies
" -"EI1120","Matematik för Civilingenjörsutbildning i energi och miljö (CENMI) årskurs 1 och årskurs 2, eller motsvarande. Linjära ordinära differentialekvationer med konstanta koefficienter, komplexa tal på polär och kartesisk form, komplexkonjugat och algebraisk bråkräkning med komplexa variabler, är alla flitigt använda i kursen och förväntas vara väl inhämtade vid kursens början.
Vidare bidrar linjär algebra (matrisekvationer) och grundläggande ellära (elektriska och magnetiska fält, kretsstorheter) till förståelsen av ämnets sammanhang, fast dessa är inte nödvändiga för att läsa kursen.
Mathematics equivalent to that of the KTH education program 'Civilingenjörsutbildning i energi och miljö' (CENMI) years 1 and 2. Linear constant-coefficient ODEs, complex numbers in rectangular and polar form, complex conjugates and algebraic manipulation with complex symbolic variables, are all essential in the course, and therefore should be familiar skills at the start of the course.
Beyond these, linear algebra (matrix equations) and basic electrical knowledges (electric and magnetic fields, circuit quantities) can aid understanding of the subject's context, although they are not essential for studying and passing the course.
FEK3211 MEMS seminar I or similar.
","FEK3211 MEMS seminar I or similar.
" -"FAL3101",NULL,NULL -"FSD3603","Studenterna måste vara bekanta med beräkningsakustik.
","Students must be familiar with computation aeroacoustics.
" -"FEK3213","FEK3212 MEMS seminar II or similar.
","FEK3212 MEMS seminar II or similar.
" -"FEK3214","FEK3213 MEMS seminar III or similar.
","FEK3213 MEMS seminar III or similar.
" -"FAL3102",NULL,NULL -"FSE3161",NULL,NULL -"FEK3300","EK2350 Mikro teknik eller liknande kurs.
","EK2350 Microsystem technology or similar course.
" -"FSK3522","Grundläggande färdigheter i Matlab, ImageJ eller liknande.
Grundläggande kunskaper i teoretisk och praktiskt mikroskopi
Engelskakunskaper goda nog för att kunna följa materialet och delta i diskussioner
Basic knowledge of Matlab, ImageJ or similar tools.
Basic knowledge of theoretical and practical microscopy
English good enough to follow the course and participate in discussions
Grundläggande kunskaper i fysik och elektrisk mätteknik.
","Fundamental knowledge in physics, including measurement technologies and electronics.
" -"FAL3103",NULL,NULL -"MJ1111",NULL,NULL -"FSK3513",NULL,NULL -"FAL3105",NULL,NULL -"DM2582",NULL,NULL -"FSE3421","FSE3111 Kontinuummekanik
","FSE3111 Continuum Mechanics
" -"FEL3230",NULL,NULL -"FEL3310",NULL,NULL -"FEL3330",NULL,NULL -"FSF3562","","" -"FEL3240","Basic probability theory and optimization, mathematical maturity.
","Basic probability theory and optimization, mathematical maturity.
" -"FSD3403",NULL,NULL -"FEL3320","Studenten skall ha kännedom om sannolikhetsteori motsvarande en grundläggande kurs i sannolikhet och statistik
","Students should have knowledge of probability theory equivalent to an undergraduate course in probability and statistics.
" -"FSD3705",NULL,NULL -"KF2390","KF2330 Concepts of materials och KF2340 Chemical sciences
","KF2330 Concepts of materials and KF2340 Chemical sciences
" -"FSF3567","Motsvarande kurserna SF2520/DN2221/DN2222 Tillämpade numeriska metoder.
","Equivalent to SF2520/DN2221/DN2222 Applied Numerical Methods.
" -"FAE3006",NULL,NULL -"FSF3564","","" -"IL1332",NULL,NULL -"DM2712",NULL,NULL -"MF2083",NULL,NULL -"MF2039",NULL,NULL -"FAE3010","Kursen innehåller ett seminarieprogram. Åtta seminarier ingår av vilka åtminstone sex måste fullföljas för att kunna få godkänt på kursen. Teman för de sex seminarierna:
- Aktuella forskningstrender inom miljögeokemi och ekoteknik
- Fastläggning av metaller och näringsämnen i jord och berg. Mekanismer och miljömässig relevans.
- Arsenik i grundvatten - en översikt
- Ekoteknologiska metoder för passiv rening av avloppsvatten och av förorenat vatten.
- Utvärdering av mineralsammansättning genom röntgendiffraktion.
- Användning av röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopi för analys av speciering och strukturer
- Geokemisk modellering; översikt över mjukvara för tolkning av kemiska data.
- Gästföreläsning inom ett utvalt område
Mellan varje seminarium ska kursdeltagarna analysera vissa aspekter av varje föredrag. Varje seminarium avslutas med diskussion om föregående seminarium.
- Röntgendiffraktion - datainsamling och tolkning
- Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopi - grunderna i tolkning av EXAFS- och XANES-data.
- Specieringsmodellering med Visual MINTEQ
Dessutom tillkommer en projektarbetesuppgift, i vilken kursdeltagarna förväntas använda någon av de tekniker som berörts på kursen för prover från eget forskningsprojekt.
Forskningsartiklar, bokkapitel, utdrag från böcker. Detaljer annonseras innan kursstart.
",NULL -"MH265X",NULL,NULL -"FAE3013",NULL,NULL -"AG2128",NULL,NULL -"IL1333",NULL,NULL -"FAE3009",NULL,NULL -"FAG3206",NULL,NULL -"FSF3611",NULL,NULL -"FSF3580",NULL,NULL -"FEL3350",NULL,NULL -"AF2201","Kunskaper i differentialekvationer, 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"CM2009",NULL,NULL -"FSE3131","Grundkurs i hållfasthetslära (till exempel SE1010, SE1020 eller SE1055 eller liknande) och kontinuum/materialmekanik kurs (till exempel SE2126 eller liknande) och en finita element (FE) kurs (till exempel SE1025 eller liknande).
","Basic course in solid mechanics (for instance SE1010, SE1020 or SE1055 or similar) and continuum/ material mechanics course (for instance SE2126 or similar) and a Finite Element (FE) course (for instance SE1025 or similar).
" -"FSF3560","","" -"FEL3340",NULL,NULL -"FEL3361",NULL,NULL -"FEM3300","Doktorander inom elektroteknik med specialisering mot signalbehandling
","PhD student in electrical engineering with a specialization in signal processing
" -"FSF3569",NULL,NULL -"FEN3213",NULL,NULL -"FEM3210","Sufficiency in probability theory, calculus and linear algebra (matrix analysis useful but not required).
","Sufficiency in probability theory, calculus and linear algebra (matrix analysis useful but not required).
" -"FEO3120",NULL,NULL -"FSF3605",NULL,NULL -"FCK3107","Grundläggande polymerteknologi och termodynamik.
","Introductory polymer science and engineering and thermodynamics.
" -"EP279V","Allmän kunskap inom datalogi och IT samt grundläggande erfarenhet av arbete med cybersäkerhet.
","General knowledge in computer science and IT as well as basic experience of working with cyber security.
" -"FEM3301","Doktorander inom elektroteknik med specialisering mot signalbehandling
","PhD student in electrical engineering with a specialization in signal processing
" -"DH2323","DD1320 Tillämpad datalogi eller motsvarande och DH2320 Introduktion till visualisering och datorgrafik
","DD1320 Applied Computer Science or corresponding and DH2320 Introduction to Visualization and Computer Graphics
" -"FSF3600",NULL,NULL -"FSF3602","","" -"FSF3603",NULL,NULL -"FSF3607","","" -"FEO3240",NULL,NULL -"FSF3674","","" -"EQ2871","Rekommenderade förkunskaper:
- Grundläggande kunskaper inom nätverk (LAN, WAN, IP, TCP/UDP, högre-lager-tjänster)
- Grunder inom digital kommunkation (trådlösa kanaler, mudulering och kodning, 802.11, 802.15, cellulära nätverk)
- Grunder inom cyberfysiska system (dvs grunder i reglerteknik eller automation)
","Recommended prerequisites:
- Basics in networking (LAN, WAN, IP, TCP/UDP, higher layer services),
- Basics in wireless communications / networking (Wireless channel, modulation and coding, 802.11, 802.15, cellular networks)
- Basics in cyber-physical systems (i.e. basics in control theory and/or automation)
" -"FEO3250","EQ1220 Signalteori eller motsvarande
","EQ1220 Signal Theory or equivalent
" -"AE2801",NULL,NULL -"FEN3250","","" -"FSF3604","","" -"FSF3609","","" -"HE1037",NULL,NULL -"FEN3251",NULL,NULL -"FSF3619","","" -"EL2221",NULL,NULL -"FEO3300","Required prerequisite for this course is the basic course on information theory EQ2840/F2EO3210 “Information Theory”
","Required prerequisite for this course is the basic course on information theory EQ2840/F2EO3210 “Information Theory”
" -"FKE3010",NULL,NULL -"HE1039",NULL,NULL -"FEO3210","Mandatory Prerequisites
· Signals and systems corresponding to EQ1100 “Signaler och System”
· Stochastic processes and signal theory corresponding to EQ1220 “Signalteori”
· Digital communications corresponding to EQ2310 “Digital Communications”
","Mandatory Prerequisites
· Signals and systems corresponding to EQ1100 “Signaler och System”
· Stochastic processes and signal theory corresponding to EQ1220 “Signalteori”
· Digital communications corresponding to EQ2310 “Digital Communications”
" -"AF2018",NULL,NULL -"CM1003",NULL,NULL -"FEO3310",NULL,NULL -"FSF3623","","" -"FEO3260","Deltagarna rekommenderas att ha grundläggande kunskap inom trådlös kommunikation och nätverk. Detta är dock inte obligatoriskt och intresserade studenter ombeds diskutera sin bakgrund med föreläsaren vid kursens början.
","Participants are recommended to have basic knowledge in wireless communications and networks. However, this is not mandatory and interested students should discuss their background with the instructor at the beginning of the course.
" -"FSF3610","","" -"FEO3330","Inga, kursen är fristående, men bra grundkunskaper i matematisk analys och statistik är fördelaktigt.
","The course is self-contained. A solid background in analysis and in stochastics is beneficial.
" -"FSF3627","","" -"KA1030",NULL,NULL -"FEO3280","Kunskap motsvarande EQ2310 Digital Kommunikation och EQ2410 Avancerad Digital Kommunikation.
","Knowledge and maturity in the field, corresponding to EQ2310 Digital Communications and EQ2410 Advanced Digital Communications.
" -"FSF3625",NULL,NULL -"FEO3340","Informationsteori motsvarande EQ2840 eller FEO3210.
","Information Theory corresponding to EQ2840 Information Theory and Channel Coding / FEO3210 Information
" -"A31EXA",NULL,NULL -"FEO3320","Prerequisite for this course is the basic course on information theory:
EO3210 Information Theory 12,0 hp
","Prerequisite for this course is the basic course on information theory:
EO3210 Information Theory12,0 hp
" -"FSF3632","","" -"IK2206","knowledge in data communication and Internet technologies
","knowledge in data communication and Internet technologies
" -"FSF3670",NULL,NULL -"FSF3626","","" -"FEP3215","EP3210
" -"FSF3708","","" -"KD2360",NULL,NULL -"KF1165",NULL,NULL -"FSF3628","Allmän kunskap i analys samt en elementär kurs i PDE. Dock kommer ingen kunskap i PDE att krävas.
","General knowledge in analysis. Some elementary course in PDE. However, no previous knowledge of PDE will be assumed.
" -"FSF3630","","" -"FSF3631",NULL,NULL -"FEP3200",NULL,NULL -"FSF3671","","" -"FSF3675",NULL,NULL -"FSF3672","","" -"FSF3703","","" -"FSF3705","","" -"FEP3340","Matematisk statistik; sannonlikhetstheori, stochastiska processer
","Statistics, probability theory, sotchastic processes
" -"FSF3706","","" -"FEP3370",NULL,NULL -"FSF3702","","" -"FSF3709","En eller flera av: homologisk algebra, homologi av topologiska rum, varieteter och kärvar, Riemannska mångfalder.
","One or more of: homological algebra, homology of topological spaces, varieties and sheaves, Riemannian manifolds.
" -"FSF3711","","" -"DD2414",NULL,NULL -"MJ219X",NULL,NULL -"FSF3714","","" -"A10INA",NULL,NULL -"FIK3509",NULL,NULL -"FAG3169",NULL,NULL -"FJP3101",NULL,NULL -"FIK3612",NULL,NULL -"FID3005",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3121","Förkunskaper för att lyckas i kursen är följande:
- Introduktion till värmeöverföring och termodynamisk
- Introduktion till olika komponenter som vanligtvis används i Polygenerationssystem
- Arbetsprincip för följande komponenter (minst grundläggande kunskaper):
Turbin, Kompressor, Generator, Chiller, Värmeväxlare, Kedjor, Kombinerare
- Att vara bekant med olika termodynamiska cykler som Rankin, Brayton, Stirling
Dessa förutsättningar kan definieras inom ramen för följande kurser:
- MJ1112 Tillämpad termodynamik (eller motsvarande).
- MJ2405 Hållbar kraftgenerering (eller motsvarande)
- MJ2490 Environomiska vägar (eller motsvarande)
- MJ2491 Environomiska banor, avancerad kurs (eller motsvarande)
","Prerequisites for being successful in this course are as follows:
- Introduction to heat transfer and thermodynamic
- Introduction to different components that are usually used in Polygeneration systems
- Working principle of the following components (at least basic knowledge):
Turbine, Compressor, Generator, Chiller, Heat exchangers, Boilers, Combustor
- Being familiar with different thermodynamic cycles such as Rankin , Brayton , Stirling
These prerequisites can be defined in the frame of the following courses:
- MJ1112 Applied Thermodynamics (or equivalent).
- MJ2405 Sustainable Power Generation (or equivalent)
- MJ2490 Environomical pathways (or equivalent)
- MJ2491 Environomical Pathways, Advanced Course (or equivalent)
" -"FSD3602","Studenterna måste vara bekanta med grundläggande strömningsmekanik. Kunskap om numeriska metoder för akustik är fördelaktig.
","Students must be familiar with basic fluid mechanics. Knowledge of numerical methods for acoustics is advantageous.
" -"FAD3102",NULL,NULL -"FID3008","Kurser inom distribuerade system
","Good theoretical knowledge of distributet systems
" -"FID3011","Successfully completed a course in advanced distributed systems, such as ID2203.
","Avklarat kurs i advancerade distribuerade system, som ID2203.
" -"FDH3004","Inga.
" -"FID3012","Goda kunskaper i system och nätverk
","Good knowledge of systems and networks
" -"FID3013","","" -"FID3014","Studenten bör ha klarat av en kurs i villkorsprogrammering på magisternivå som t.ex. ""ID2204 Villkorsprogramming"".
","The student should have completed a course on Constraint Programming on the master level such as for example ""ID2204 Constraint Programming"".
" -"BB1010","Förkunskaper motsvarande Biologi B rekommenderas.
","Previous knowledge corresponding to Biology B is recommended.
" -"KD2380",NULL,NULL -"FID3015",NULL,NULL -"FID3020","Studenten bör ha generella kunskaper inom Distribuerade System eller Maskininlärning.
","The student should have the general knowledge in Distributed Systems or Machine Learning.
" -"FID3017","Rekommenderade förkunskaper:
Kännedom om begrepp och terminologi associerad med statistik, databassystem, och maskininlärning; kurser om datastrukturer, algoritmer, diskret matematik (som IX1500 Discrete Mathematics); en kurs i mjukvarusystem, software engineering, och programmeringsspråk; en kurs om att behandla, lagra and analysera massiva datamängder (som ID2221 Data-Intensive Computing).
Recommended prerequisites:
Acquaintance with concepts and terminology associated with statistics, database systems, and machine learning; a course on data structures, algorithms, and discrete mathematics (such as IX1500 Discrete Mathematics); a course in software systems, software engineering, and programming languages; a course on processing, storing and analyzing massive data (such as ID2221 Data-Intensive Computing).
Studenten bör ha generella kunskaper inom Datautvinning motsvarande kursen på avancerad nivå ID2222 ""Datautvinning"".
","The student should have the general knowledge in Data Mining, corresponding to the master level course ID2222 “Data Mining”.
" -"FID3019","Rekommenderade förkunskaper: Grundkunskaper inom distribuerade system och programmeringsmodeller, programmeringsspråk (Scala, Java, Python).
","Recommended prerequisites: Basic knowledge in distributed systems and programming models, programming languages (Scala, Java, Python)
" -"HE1038",NULL,NULL -"FIH3601",NULL,NULL -"FIH3604",NULL,NULL -"FIH3605",NULL,NULL -"KD1180",NULL,NULL -"LD1015",NULL,NULL -"CM1002",NULL,NULL -"FIH3606","Grundläggande fysik och kemikurser på högskolenivå
","Basic physics and chemistry courses
" -"DD1354","Kurser i envariabelanalys motsvarande SF1625, algebra och geometri motsvarande SF1624, och numeriska metoder motsvarande SF1547.
","Courses in analysis in one variable equivalent to SF1625, linear algebra equivalent to SF1624, and numerical methods equivalent to SF1547.
" -"FIK3505","Grundläggande köteori t.ex. EP2200 Köteori och teletrafiksystem, eller liknande.
","Basic/Intermediate queuing theory e.g. EP2200 Queuing Theory and Teletraffic Systems, or equivalent.
" -"FIH3611",NULL,NULL -"FIH3612",NULL,NULL -"KD1170","”Miljökemi och miljöfysik” kursnummer 5A1363
",NULL -"EA256X",NULL,NULL -"KF2505",NULL,NULL -"FIK3613",NULL,NULL -"FIK3615","Vetenskapsteori (FIV3000 el motsv).
","Philosophy of Science (FIV3000 or equivalent).
" -"FIK3616",NULL,NULL -"FIK3620","Goda kunskaper inom programmering. God grundläggande förståelse av diskret matematik och logik.
Kunskap inom funktionell programmering och kompilatorer är en fördel men inte ett krav.
Good knowledge in programming. Good basic knowledge in discrete mathematics and logic.
Knowledge in functional programming and compilers is beneficial, but is not a prerequisite.
Grundläggande universitetskurs i sannolikhetslära och statistik
","Basic university level course in probability and statistics.
" -"DM2720",NULL,NULL -"FIK3621","IK2500 Radio Communication Basic Course eller IK2510 Trådlösa nät
","IK2500 Radio Communication Basic Course or IK2510 Wireless Networks
" -"CH2005",NULL,NULL -"FIK3622","En kurs i vetenskapsteori (som IV3000) och/eller en kurs i konsten att forska (som IL3606), eller motsvarande.
","A course in philosophy of science (such as IV3000) and/or a course in the art of doctoral research (such as IL3606), or similar.
" -"FIK3623","En grundläggande kurs in nätverk och kommunikation (som IK1203) eller motsvarande.
","A basic course in communication and networks (such as IK1203) or similar.
" -"FIL3009",NULL,NULL -"FIK3624","Grundläggande universitetskurs i sannolikhetslära och statistik.
","Basic university level course in probability and statistics.
" -"FIL3008",NULL,NULL -"IA249X",NULL,NULL -"AF213V","Den sökande rekommenderas att ha läst grundläggande kurser i matematik inklusive differentialekvationer, mekanik och hållfasthetslära på högskolenivå för att kunna tillgodoräkna sig kursen.
","The applicant is recommended to have read basic courses in mathematics including Differential Equations, mechanics and solid mechanics at a university level in order to be able to follow the course.
" -"FIL3012",NULL,NULL -"KD205X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp.
","Most of your studies must be completed, ie at least 210 credits if you are studying at a 270 credits programme, and 240 credits if you are studying at a 300 credits programme. If you are a masters student, you must have completed at least 60 credits within the masters programme.
" -"CH2007",NULL,NULL -"FIL3603",NULL,NULL -"DA248X",NULL,NULL -"AF1003",NULL,NULL -"HE1019",NULL,NULL -"HE103V","Inga speciella förkunskaper krävs.
",NULL -"FIL3604",NULL,NULL -"AI1171",NULL,NULL -"FIL3605",NULL,NULL -"DA150X",NULL,NULL -"HE103X",NULL,NULL -"HI1024",NULL,NULL -"FIL3606",NULL,NULL -"FIL3607","Kunskap om elektronik och trådlös kommunikation
","Knowledge of electronics and wireless communication
" -"MH2600",NULL,NULL -"IE1205",NULL,NULL -"ML2308",NULL,NULL -"IA150X",NULL,NULL -"FIL3608","Ingen
" -"EA275X",NULL,NULL -"AF2610","Kunskaper i bergmekanik om totalt 7,5hp motsvarande innehåll i kursen AF2602.
","Documented knowledge in rock mechanics in total 7,5 ECTS points corresponding to the content in course AF2602.
" -"FJI3325",NULL,NULL -"FKF3260",NULL,NULL -"KD2210",NULL,NULL -"AG1313",NULL,NULL -"AG219V","Kursen vänder sig till dig som har minst två års yrkesverksamhet från samhällsbyggande i privat eller offentlig sektor. Du kan exempelvis vara planerare, arkitekt, ingenjör, arbeta på bygg- och fastighetsföretag eller konsultföretag inom sektorn, arbeta med natur- eller kulturmiljöfrågor eller trafik- och transportfrågor.
",NULL -"MF2113",NULL,NULL -"FEP3323",NULL,NULL -"AK121V",NULL,NULL -"FIV3000",NULL,NULL -"AI101X",NULL,NULL -"FJD3300","Mastersexamen i elektroteknik eller teknisk fysik eller motsvarande.
","Master in Electrical Engineering or Engineering Physics or similar.
" -"EA280X",NULL,NULL -"KD2420",NULL,NULL -"AK2004","Kursen vänder sig till studerande i de högre årskurserna vid KTH:s civilingenjörsutbildningar. Den vänder sig även till andra som i sin utbildning kommer i kontakt med risk- och säkerhetsfrågor, samt till yrkesverksamma som arbetar med risk och säkerhet.
",NULL -"LS1002",NULL,NULL -"IF1330","IK1500 eller motsvarande.
","IK1500 or equivalent
" -"MF2066",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3381",NULL,NULL -"AK2201","The equivalence of three years of advanced studies. (180 hp)
","The equivalence of three years of advanced studies. (180 hp)
" -"FMJ3382",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3383",NULL,NULL -"6L2870",NULL,NULL -"HE1000",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3384",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3385","DD2424 Djupinlärning i Data Science (eller likvärdig)
","DD2424 Deep Learning in Data Science (or equivalent)
" -"HE1002",NULL,NULL -"HE1018",NULL,NULL -"FIL3111","Bakgrund i CMOS, Digital Design, HDL och Verification
","Background in CMOS, Digital Design, HDL and Verification
" -"LS1801",NULL,NULL -"MF226X",NULL,NULL -"AE211X",NULL,NULL -"HE1020",NULL,NULL -"AF262X","","" -"HE1021",NULL,NULL -"AI2148",NULL,NULL -"HE1025",NULL,NULL -"KH0001",NULL,NULL -"HF1005",NULL,NULL -"AD1KU2",NULL,NULL -"FSK3527",NULL,NULL -"HE1026",NULL,NULL -"KH0002",NULL,NULL -"IK2220",NULL,NULL -"SF1522",NULL,NULL -"AL101V",NULL,NULL -"KH0025",NULL,NULL -"KH101N","Kemi A
","Chemistry A
" -"HE1042",NULL,NULL -"AG2187",NULL,NULL -"SK2003",NULL,NULL -"FSD3405","Grundläggande hållfasthetslära rekommenderas.
","Basic solid mechanics is recommended.
" -"FKD3413",NULL,NULL -"AI104V","Inga
",NULL -"ME2814",NULL,NULL -"CB2020",NULL,NULL -"CB206V",NULL,NULL -"AE2501",NULL,NULL -"IL2230",NULL,NULL -"HE1035",NULL,NULL -"CE2020",NULL,NULL -"SD2103",NULL,NULL -"IL2203",NULL,NULL -"CB1200",NULL,NULL -"HI1033",NULL,NULL -"FLF3012",NULL,NULL -"FIK3507","1. Grundläggande kurs i matematisk statisktik
2. Grundläggande programmeringsfärdigheter, främst MATLAB
","1.University level course in probability and statistics
2.Basic programming skills, preferably in Matlab
" -"MH2451",NULL,NULL -"FMG3510",NULL,NULL -"FAG3177",NULL,NULL -"SF1678",NULL,NULL -"DD1349",NULL,NULL -"FAG3183",NULL,NULL -"HF1200",NULL,NULL -"FAG3181",NULL,NULL -"FAF3607",NULL,NULL -"FCB3082",NULL,NULL -"MJ214X",NULL,NULL -"FED3320","Courses FED3210 and FED3230 (or corresponding) are prerequisites.
","Courses FED3210 and FED3230 (or corresponding) are prerequisites.
" -"LD1007",NULL,NULL -"AI1143",NULL,NULL -"CH105V",NULL,NULL -"FDH3005","DM3514 Forskningsmetoder i Medieteknik och Människa-datorinteraktion
","DM3514 Research methods in Media Technology and Human Computer Interaction
" -"HF1002",NULL,NULL -"FDD3023","Antagen till utbildning på forskarnivå vid KTH eller KI alternativt som doktorand vid annat lärosäte med liknande kursbehov.
","Accepted to education at research level at KTH, KI or alternatively, as a doctoral studentat another university with similar course requirements
" -"MJ2438",NULL,NULL -"FHK3008",NULL,NULL -"AF0700",NULL,NULL -"FMF3039",NULL,NULL -"FHN3001",NULL,NULL -"DD2365",NULL,NULL -"KH1324",NULL,NULL -"AF233U",NULL,NULL -"HL2027",NULL,NULL -"HF1M00",NULL,NULL -"FHN3004",NULL,NULL -"FHN3009",NULL,NULL -"MH206X",NULL,NULL -"HF1M01",NULL,NULL -"IK2553",NULL,NULL -"MF1044",NULL,NULL -"MF2096",NULL,NULL -"MH2504","MH2049 Avancerad kurs i processvetenskap
MH2048 Avancerad kurs i materialdesign
","MH2049 Advanced Course in Process Science
MH2048 Advanced Course in Materials Design
" -"KH1403",NULL,NULL -"CH2014",NULL,NULL -"FAF3206",NULL,NULL -"FKF3190",NULL,NULL -"FSD3103",NULL,NULL -"FAK3013",NULL,NULL -"FKD3411",NULL,NULL -"MF2098",NULL,NULL -"FSF3563","","" -"FKD3410",NULL,NULL -"ME2750",NULL,NULL -"ME2751",NULL,NULL -"CH209V",NULL,NULL -"FKF3340","Grundläggande kunskaper i kemi, organisk kemi och polymerteknologi.
","Basic knowledge in chemistry, organic chemistry and polymer technology
" -"FSG3114","Grundläggande kunskaper i datornät (till exempel delar av EP1100/IK1203/IK1552) och datasäkerhet (till exempel delar av IV1013). Det går dock bra att läsa kursen utan att ha dessa kunskaper före kursens start.
","Basic knowledge on networking (e.g., parts of EP1100, IK1203, IK1552) and cyber-security (e.g., parts of IV1013). It is however straightforward to take the course without having this knowledge before the start of the course.
" -"CH211V",NULL,NULL -"HH1902",NULL,NULL -"EP2700",NULL,NULL -"SF280X",NULL,NULL -"FKD3160",NULL,NULL -"FKD3320",NULL,NULL -"CH214V",NULL,NULL -"MJ2145",NULL,NULL -"HI1000",NULL,NULL -"AF2902",NULL,NULL -"II1300",NULL,NULL -"II2202","Goda kunskaper i engelska språket och grundläggande kunskap inom informations- och kommunikationsteknik.
","Good English knowledge and basic knowledge in information and communication technology.
" -"AF2904",NULL,NULL -"MH2035",NULL,NULL -"IK2200","Fysik från civilingenjörsprogrammens kandidatnivå eller inom masterprogrammet (optik, termodynamik, elektromagnetism, fasta tillståndets fysik och halvledarfysik)
","Physics from bachelor level or within the master's program (Optics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Solid State Physics and Semiconductor Physics)
" -"FAK3010",NULL,NULL -"FAK3108",NULL,NULL -"CK202V",NULL,NULL -"HI100L",NULL,NULL -"HI1016",NULL,NULL -"IL2238",NULL,NULL -"FIL3013","- IL2217 Digital Design med HDL eller IL2452 System Design Språk (SystemC/C++) eller enkurs i programmering
- IL2226 Inbyggda System Design, eller IL2207 SoC Arkitekturer är att föredra, men inget krav.
","- IL2217 Digital Design using HDL or IL2452 System Design Languages (SystemC/C++) or a programming course
- IL2226 Embedded Systems Design, or IL2207 SoC Architectures is preferable but not required.
" -"HI1010",NULL,NULL -"HI1021",NULL,NULL -"CK203V",NULL,NULL -"IL2219",NULL,NULL -"HI1012",NULL,NULL -"HI1013",NULL,NULL -"SD1105",NULL,NULL -"HI101X",NULL,NULL -"HI1022",NULL,NULL -"MF1062",NULL,NULL -"FKF3160","Kontakta kursansvarig för information.
","Contact the course coordinator for information.
" -"HI1030",NULL,NULL -"CK2385","Kursen CK2310 Avancerad organisk kemi, KD2310 Avancerad organisk kemi eller motsvarande.
","The course CK2310 Advanced organic chemistry, KD2310 Advanced organic chemistry or equivalent.
" -"HI102L",NULL,NULL -"DA239X",NULL,NULL -"SD2432",NULL,NULL -"DD2423","Väl inhämtade grundläggande kunskaper i tillämpad matematik och datalogi, motsvarande de obligatoriska kurserna i matematik, datalogi och numerisk analys på D-, E- eller F-programmet. Ytterligare någon kurs i signalbehandling och/eller numerisk analys kan rekommenderas. Kursen använder sig av förkunskaper över ett relativt brett spektrum av problemlösning i tillämpad matematik och datalogi.
","The courses in the basic block on mathematics, computer science and numerical analysis on the D-, E- or F-programme. One more course on signal processing and/or numerical analysis can be recommended. We recommend the students to read the course during the fourth year because it uses prerequisites from a relative wide spectrum of applied mathematics and computer science.
" -"AI1138","Organisation och Ledarskap
","Organization and Leadership
" -"CM2008",NULL,NULL -"FDD3024","Matematisk mogenhet och kunskap om datalogi motsvarande civilingenjörexamen i datalogi, elektroteknik, matematik/fysik, eller liknande utbildning på mastersnivå.
","Mathematical maturity and computer science background commensurate with a masters exam in computer science, electrical engineering, math/physics, or similar masters level education.
" -"HI103X",NULL,NULL -"HL1724",NULL,NULL -"SD2414",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3386",NULL,NULL -"HI104L",NULL,NULL -"FKD3390",NULL,NULL -"ME2063",NULL,NULL -"FEL3360",NULL,NULL -"CM203V",NULL,NULL -"HL2007",NULL,NULL -"HL2006",NULL,NULL -"CM204V",NULL,NULL -"ME2163","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"A42SES",NULL,NULL -"DD2470",NULL,NULL -"LL136U","Van datoranvändare
",NULL -"CM205V",NULL,NULL -"DD100N","Matematikkurserna från gymnasiets naturvetenskapsprogram eller motsvarande. Någon datorerfarenhet (begreppen operativsystem och fil samt erfarehet av någon tillämpning t.ex. ordbehandling) som t.ex. kursen Förberedande kurs i programmering och datalogiskt tänkande.
","High school mathematics (scientific program). Some computer experience (the concepts of operating system and file and experience from one computer application, e.g. word processing) e. g. the course Preparation Course in Programming and Computer Science.
" -"AF2730","Fördjupade kunskaper i något objektbaserat program
","A deeper knowledge of an object-based application
" -"AF273V","Fördjupade kunskaper i något objektbaserat program
","A deeper knowledge of an object-based application
" -"FSG3135",NULL,NULL -"ME2016",NULL,NULL -"HI110L",NULL,NULL -"MG2014","MG1010 Svetsteknologi allmän kurs
MG1011 Svetsteknologi fortsättningskurs
MG1012 Oförstörande provning
MG2013 Svetsteknologi hk, modul 1
","MG1010 Introductory Welding Technology, General Course
MG1011 Introductory Welding Technology, Advanced Course
MG1012 Non-Destructive Testing
MG2013 Advanced Welding Technology, Module 1
" -"HI111L",NULL,NULL -"MJ2502","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"FAK3148",NULL,NULL -"HH1801",NULL,NULL -"SF2521","SF2520 Tillämpade numeriska metoder eller motsvarande, kan läsas samtidigt
","SF2520 Applied Numerical Methods (or corresponding), can be read in parallel.
" -"MF228X",NULL,NULL -"HI112L",NULL,NULL -"HL201X",NULL,NULL -"FSF3612","Lämpliga förkunskapskrav är
Suitable prerequisites are
Erfarenhet av undervisning i teknik på grundskolan.
",NULL -"HL2021","Kursen är en direkt fortsättning på HL1002 Medicinska bilder som alltså krävs för behörighet
",NULL -"HL2019",NULL,NULL -"A31T1A",NULL,NULL -"FCK3315",NULL,NULL -"AI2138",NULL,NULL -"AH2307",NULL,NULL -"MF1025",NULL,NULL -"AI2603",NULL,NULL -"HL2024",NULL,NULL -"HL2025",NULL,NULL -"ID2205",NULL,NULL -"SH2204","SH2103 subatomär fysik, eller motsvarande.
","SH2103 subatomic physics, or equivalent.
" -"DD2435","Motsvarande de för D, E och F obligatoriska kurserna i matematik, numeriska metoder och datalogi. Därutöver rekommenderas kurserna DD2400 Cell- och molekylärbiologi samt DD2401 Neurovetenskap eller motsvarande.
","The mandatory courses for D, E, and F in mathematics, numerical analysis and computer science or the equivalent. Recommended the courses: DD2400 Cellular and Molecular Biology and DD2401 Neuroscience or the equivalent.
" -"AI206V","Redovisning för fastighetsföretag (AI110V) samt Bygg och fastighetsekonomi (AI109V) rekommenderas
",NULL -"HL2028",NULL,NULL -"AI2141","In addition to passing 75 % of the first year courses the students must have passed the course Advanced Issues in Real Estate and Financial Services
","In addition to passing 75 % of the first year courses the students must have passed the course Advanced Issues in Real Estate and Financial Services
" -"AI2145",NULL,NULL -"HL202X",NULL,NULL -"EL2220",NULL,NULL -"AI2142",NULL,NULL -"SF2957","Slutförda kurser SF2935 Moderna metoder i statistisk inlärning, eller motsvarande, samt SF2955 Datorintensiva metoder i statistik, eller motsvarande.
","Completed courses SF2935 Modern methods in statistical learning or equivalent, and SF2955 Computer intensive methods in statistics or equivalent.
" -"FID3214",NULL,NULL -"SF2863",NULL,NULL -"AE2506","AE2502 Natural Resources Managament, AE2505 Water Systems and Geographic Information eller motsvarande.
","AE2502 Natural Resources Managament, AE2505 Water Systems and Geographic Information or equivalent.
" -"SF2718","Lämpliga förkunskaper: Kunskaper i matematik motsvarande de obligatoriska kurserna på CL-programmets åk 1 – 3.
",NULL -"AI2146",NULL,NULL -"SD2462",NULL,NULL -"HS1700",NULL,NULL -"EF2226",NULL,NULL -"SD2125","SD1120 Ljud och vibrationer 9,0 hp
","SD1120 Sound and Vibration 9.0 credits
" -"HI2010",NULL,NULL -"HI1023",NULL,NULL -"SH2603","Du behöver goda kunskaper i matematik, samt grundläggande kunskaper i modern fysik, motsvarande en kandidatexamen (Bachelor of Science), eller tre år på en teknisk högskoleutbildning.
","A solid background in mathematics as well as a basic knowledge in modern physics, corresponding to a Bachelor of Science is required.
" -"SF2842","Slutförd kurs SF2832 Matematisk systemteori eller motsvarande.
","Completed course SF2832 Mathematical systems theory or equivalent.
" -"SF2832","En slutfördkurs i reglerteknik.
","A completed course in control theory.
" -"SA116X",NULL,NULL -"SK1140","Inledande kurser i matematik (algebra, geometri och analys) samt vågrörelselära (optik).
","Basic courses in mathemathics and waves.
" -"FLS3107",NULL,NULL -"AG2164",NULL,NULL -"LD1002",NULL,NULL -"ID2202","Mycket god programmeringsvana i ett eller flera högnivåspråk.
ID1019 Programmering II eller motsvarande.
","Very good programming experience in one or more high-level languages.
ID1019 Programming II or corresponding course.
Kunskaper i integralkalkyl, vektoralgebra (kartesiska, cylindriska- och sfäriska koordinatsystem, skalär och kryssprodukt), vektoranalys (gradient, divergens, rotation, Gauss och Stokes vektorsatser) samt kännedom om begreppen kraft, moment, tyngdpunkt, arbete, energi och effekt.
","Through knowledge of 1:st year courses in mathematics (up to and including Guass and Stokes theorems for vector quantities) and science (basic concepts like force, power, energy, center of gravity).
" -"KF200X",NULL,NULL -"MH1005",NULL,NULL -"ME2835",NULL,NULL -"MG202X",NULL,NULL -"MG2135","MG2028/MG2128 eller motsvarande
","MG2028/MG2128 or corresponding
" -"SF2956","Slutförda kurser motsvarande SF2935 Moderna metoder för statistisk inlärning och SF2940 Sannolikhetsteori
","Completed courses corresponding to SF2935 Modern methods of statistical learning and SF2940 Probability theory.
" -"ME1042",NULL,NULL -"EP2520","Slutförd kurs motsvarande EP2500 Säkra nätverkssystem.
","Completed course corresponding to EP2500 Networked Systems Security.
" -"KF2110",NULL,NULL -"KF211X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp.
","Most of your studies must be completed, at least 210 hp if you study of 270 hp program, and at least 240 hp if you are studying at 300 hp program. If you are a master's student, you should have attained at least 60 credits.
" -"KF2190","KF1010 Polymerteknologi med cellulosateknologi eller motsvarande
Minst en av följande kurser och gärna båda:
KF2130 Polymerkemi
KF2140 Polymerfysik
eller motsvarande
KF1010 Polymer technology with cellulose technology or corresponding
At least one of the following courses and preferably both: KF2130 Polymer Chemistry
KF2140 Polymer Physics
or corresponding
MH1029 Hållbar processteknik (Kandidatstudenter från KTH)
","MH1029 Sustainable Process Technology (BSc students from KTH)
" -"MH1037",NULL,NULL -"FAK3136",NULL,NULL -"UMK703",NULL,NULL -"A52EXA",NULL,NULL -"LD1004",NULL,NULL -"SF2852","En slutförd kurs i reglerteknik.
","A completed course in control theory.
" -"DM2802",NULL,NULL -"SF2938",NULL,NULL -"SF1551",NULL,NULL -"KF2450","Tre års studier vid civilingenjörsprogrammet i Kemivetenskap/ Teknisk Kemi på KTH eller
Three years of study at the Degree Programme in Chemical Science and Engineering/Degree Progr. in Engineering Chemistry, KTH, or equivalent
" -"DT1175",NULL,NULL -"SD2165",NULL,NULL -"A52ARX","Examensarbetet avslutar utbildningen och förutsätter 90hp års fullständiga arkitekturstudier på den avancerade nivån.
(*Studenter som avser att avlägga den äldre 270 hp arkitektexamen kan påbörja examensarbetet efter fyra års arkitekturstudier enligt fastställd utbildningsplan)
",NULL -"AI222U",NULL,NULL -"HN2000",NULL,NULL -"HL2036",NULL,NULL -"LD1005",NULL,NULL -"ME2097",NULL,NULL -"HL2037",NULL,NULL -"AF175V",NULL,NULL -"DH2643",NULL,NULL -"DM2624",NULL,NULL -"HL2101",NULL,NULL -"SA119X",NULL,NULL -"DM250X",NULL,NULL -"EQ2415","Kunnande om linjär algebra (t.ex. från SF1624) och sannolikhetsteori (t.ex. från SF1901) samt kursen EQ2340 eller EQ2341, eller motsvarande.
","A reasonable understanding of linear algebra (e.g. from SF1624) and probability theory (e.g. from SF1901). Also the course EQ2340 or EQ2341, or equivalent.
" -"MF2072",NULL,NULL -"LD1008",NULL,NULL -"EA248X",NULL,NULL -"EA258X",NULL,NULL -"FED3350","PhD students in the fields of electrical engineering, plasma physics, nuclear engineering, or similar.
","PhD students in the fields of electrical engineering, plasma physics, nuclear engineering, or similar.
" -"AH2311",NULL,NULL -"ID2221","Grundkunskaper inom distribuerade system och programmeringsmodeller, programmeringsspråk (Scala, Java, Python).
",NULL -"SA118X",NULL,NULL -"KF2490","Baskunskaper i kemi och materialvetenskap motsvarande 60 hp
","Courses in chemistry and materials science corresponding to 60 credits
" -"FMJ3413",NULL,NULL -"KF2495",NULL,NULL -"LH219V","Förkunskaper om minst 3 hp högskolepedagogisk kurs. T.ex. Basic communication and Teachning (FLH3000) eller Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (LH231V).
","Prerequsite is 3 credit course in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. For ex. Basic communication and Teachning (FLH3000) or Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (LH231V).
The course is tailored for teachers at KTH. It is included in course offerings that meet KTH's requirement of 15 credits in university teaching for employment or promotion to a teaching position.
Doktorander inom elektroteknik med specialisering mot kommunikationsteori.
","PhD student in electrical engineering with a specialization in communication theory
" -"FEO3361","Doktorander inom elektroteknik med specialisering mot kommunikationsteori.
","PhD student in electrical engineering with a specialization in communication theory.
" -"AF276V",NULL,NULL -"EF2200","Grundläggande kunskaper i elektromagnetisk teori förutsätts.
","Basic knowledge of electromagnetism is required.
" -"KF2910",NULL,NULL -"FEP3301",NULL,NULL -"SF1552",NULL,NULL -"AF2023",NULL,NULL -"KD101V",NULL,NULL -"AF275V",NULL,NULL -"HN200X",NULL,NULL -"SA115X",NULL,NULL -"AI1173",NULL,NULL -"KF2920",NULL,NULL -"AK1214",NULL,NULL -"HN2017",NULL,NULL -"AF274V",NULL,NULL -"ME1316","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"FCB3023",NULL,NULL -"AK205V","Kursen vänder sig till yrkesverksamma, varför några års yrkeserfarenhet som ingenjör eller liknande yrke rekommenderas
",NULL -"EF2240","För fristående studenter: 60 hp och engelska B eller motsvarande.
","For single course students: 60 hp and documented proficiency in english B or equivalent.
" -"SF2529",NULL,NULL -"HN2019",NULL,NULL -"HN2014",NULL,NULL -"AI201V",NULL,NULL -"AI200V",NULL,NULL -"HL2038",NULL,NULL -"AI204V",NULL,NULL -"AI102V",NULL,NULL -"FDD3558","Linear algebra (SF1604 eller liknande)
Machine learning (DD2421 eller liknande)
Artificial Neural Networks (DD2437 eller liknande, eller självstudier för att kompensera)
Linear algebra (SF1604 or similar)
Machine learning (DD2421 or similar)
Artificial Neural Networks (DD2437 or similar, or self-study to compensate)
För fristående studenter krävs följande: KTH
För studerande i Masterprogram i Transport Systems på KTH rekommenderas kursen i Transport och Samhälle, AH2300 och Transportprognoser, AH2302.
","For single course students, i e students not enrolled in a regular KTH programme, the following is required:
Studenten förväntas känna till spänning, ström, effekt, serie- och parallellkoppling av resistanser. Vidare förväntas studenten ha kunskaper om komplexa tal, algebraisk bråkräkning med komplexa storheter, polär och kartesisk form för komplexa tal.
",NULL -"AF177V",NULL,NULL -"HI113L",NULL,NULL -"HF0024",NULL,NULL -"AF293X",NULL,NULL -"HS1704",NULL,NULL -"FEJ3310",NULL,NULL -"HL203X",NULL,NULL -"HL204X",NULL,NULL -"LS2441",NULL,NULL -"AI1175",NULL,NULL -"SF2528",NULL,NULL -"EA246X",NULL,NULL -"HL206X","","" -"FCK3307",NULL,NULL -"MG2038",NULL,NULL -"AF140V",NULL,NULL -"MJ234V",NULL,NULL -"HI1032",NULL,NULL -"FMF3605",NULL,NULL -"FMF3404",NULL,NULL -"MH2054",NULL,NULL -"FMF3402",NULL,NULL -"HI1701",NULL,NULL -"MH2051",NULL,NULL -"MJ2526",NULL,NULL -"ME2816",NULL,NULL -"LT1051",NULL,NULL -"FLF3016",NULL,NULL -"AD1SA2",NULL,NULL -"HI1702",NULL,NULL -"EQ1220","EQ1100 Signaler och system II, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
SF1901 Sannolikhetsteori och statistik I, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
EL1150 Introduktionskurs till Matlab, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
EQ1100 Signals and systems II, or equivalent
SF1901 Probability Theory and Statistics, or equivalent
EL1150 Introductory Matlab Course, or equivalent.
En av kurserna (eller motsvarande): DD2363 Methods in Scientific Computing; SF2561 The finite element method
",NULL -"MJ2527",NULL,NULL -"LT1052",NULL,NULL -"FDD3258","Grundläggande kunskaper om Linux-kommando, C / C ++ eller Fortran-språk krävs.
","Basic knowledge of Linux command, C/C++ or Fortran languages is required.
" -"HM1011",NULL,NULL -"HN205X",NULL,NULL -"LT1053",NULL,NULL -"ID2201",NULL,NULL -"FMH3922","Grundläggande kunskaper om metallurgiska processer och transportfenomen.
","Basic knowledge of metallurgical processes and transport phenomena.
" -"DD1321",NULL,NULL -"LT1054",NULL,NULL -"HN1008",NULL,NULL -"FMH3914","Grundläggande kunskaper om industriella processer.
","Basic knowledge of industrial processes.
" -"KE2070","KE1030 Transportprocesser och energiomvandlingar.
","KE1030 Transport phenomena and engineering thermodynamics
" -"HM1025","Grundkunskaper i produktframtagning, exempelvis: MF1038 och MF1039 Design och produktframtagning, A+B eller MF1015 Produktframtagning för T eller MF1044 Produktframtagning 1 för M.
","Basic knowledge in product development, e.g. MF1038 and MF1039 Design och produktframtagning, A+B or MF1015, Produktframtagning for T or MF1044 Produktframtagning 1 for M.
" -"FMH3621","Grundläggande materialvetenskapliga kunskaper.
","Basic material science knowledge.
" -"DD1326",NULL,NULL -"FEO3220","Mandatory prerequisites
· EQ2310 Digital Communications
· EQ2410 Advanced Digital Communications
or equivalent courses.
· FE03200 Foundations in Digital Communications
· FEO3210 Information Theory
","Mandatory prerequisites
· EQ2310 Digital Communications
· EQ2410 Advanced Digital Communications
or equivalent courses.
· FE03200 Foundations in Digital Communications
· FEO3210 Information Theory
" -"AI126U",NULL,NULL -"IK2510",NULL,NULL -"AI217U",NULL,NULL -"DD1328",NULL,NULL -"AF106V","Naturvetenskapliga förkunskaper i naturvetenskap eller ingenjörsexamen på gymnasienivå samt kunskaper i byggnaders energianvändning till exempel upphämtade genom att ha påbörjat kursen Byggnaders energianvändning 1, AF105V.
","Basics in natural sciences, or engineering on upper secondary level and knowledge in a buildings energy consumption for example learned by having started the course, Buildings energy performance 1; AF105V.
" -"LD1010",NULL,NULL -"EQ2445","- EQ1220 Signalteori eller EQ1270 Stokastiska signaler och system eller motsvarande
- Slutfört en av:
x EQ2320 Talsignalbehandling
x EQ2330 Bild- och videobehandling
","- EQ1220 Signal Theory or EQ1270 Stochastic Signals and Systems or equivalent
- Completion of one of the following courses:
x EQ2320 Speech Signal Processing
x EQ2330 Image and Video Processing
" -"AL2121",NULL,NULL -"EQ2443","EQ1220 Signalteori eller EQ1270 Stokastiska signaler och system eller motsvarande
Antagen till och en klar avsikt att ta minst en av:
EQ2300 Digital signalbehandling,
EQ2310 Digital kommunikation
","EQ1220 Signal Theory or EQ1270 Stochastic Signals and Systems or equivalent.
Admitted to and a clear ambition to complete at least one of:
EQ2300 Digital Signal Processing
EQ2310 Digital Communications
" -"HN2001",NULL,NULL -"HN2002",NULL,NULL -"HN2003",NULL,NULL -"FMH3616","Grundläggande materialvetenskapliga kunskaper.
","Basic material science knowledge.
" -"IE1207",NULL,NULL -"FMH3202","Grundläggande kunskaper om metallers mikrostrukturer och mekaniska egenskaper.
","Basic knowledge of the microstructures and mechanical properties of metals.
" -"HN202X",NULL,NULL -"HN2004",NULL,NULL -"HN2007",NULL,NULL -"IL2206",NULL,NULL -"FMH3101","Grundläggande kunskaper om termodynamik och materiallära.
","Basic knowledge of thermodynamics and materials science.
" -"HN2009",NULL,NULL -"IL1331",NULL,NULL -"AI125U",NULL,NULL -"HN2005",NULL,NULL -"AI216U",NULL,NULL -"MH1015",NULL,NULL -"IX1500","Kurserna IX1307 Problemlösning i matematik och IX1303 Algebra och geometri.
",NULL -"AF1301",NULL,NULL -"HN2006",NULL,NULL -"ME2834",NULL,NULL -"IH2659","Kurser på kandidatnivå eller högre i fasta tillståndets fysik och halvledarkomponenter.
","Courses on BSc level or higher in solid-state physics and semiconductor devices.
" -"MJ2141",NULL,NULL -"AF1735",NULL,NULL -"HN2008",NULL,NULL -"AF1401",NULL,NULL -"MH2453",NULL,NULL -"HN203X",NULL,NULL -"HN204X",NULL,NULL -"MH2551",NULL,NULL -"BB1150",NULL,NULL -"AL2110",NULL,NULL -"DT2215","Beror på kursinnehåll.
","Depends on course content.
" -"MH2042","SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar eller motsvarande kurs.
","SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications
" -"HN2012",NULL,NULL -"SF1924","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
" -"AF1006",NULL,"SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications or equivalent course
" -"AL2181",NULL,NULL -"HN2013",NULL,NULL -"HS1030",NULL,NULL -"HN206X",NULL,NULL -"AI1512",NULL,NULL -"BB2170","BB1010 Inledande bioteknik, BB1020 Cellbiologi med immunologi, KD1090 Organisk kemi I och BB1090, Biokemi, teori, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","BB1010 Introduction to Biotechnology, BB1020 Cell Biology with Immunology, KD1090 Organic Chemistry I and BB1090 Biochemistry, Theory, or equivalent.
" -"AI1521",NULL,NULL -"FMH3907","Grundläggande kunskaper om metallurgiska processer och transportfenomen.
","Basic knowledge of metallurgical processes and transport phenomena.
" -"MJ2450",NULL,NULL -"AF1765",NULL,NULL -"FMH3917","Grundläggande kunskaper om metallurgiska processer.
","Basic knowledge of metallurgical processes.
" -"HN2020",NULL,NULL -"AI1550",NULL,NULL -"HE1031",NULL,NULL -"ME1041",NULL,NULL -"DM128X",NULL,NULL -"FMH3032","Grundläggande kunskaper om metallers mikrostrukturer och mekaniska egenskaper.
","Basic knowledge of the microstructures and mechanical properties of metals.
" -"HS1701",NULL,NULL -"HN2023",NULL,NULL -"FMH3900","Minst ett års doktorandstudier rekommenderas innan kursen påbörjas, för att ha tillräckliga kunskaper och erfarenheter för att handleda.
","At least one year of doctoral studies is recommended before the course begins, to have sufficient knowledge and experience to supervise.
" -"FMH3910","Grundläggande kunskaper i hur industriella verksamheter leds och organiseras, principerna för bokföring och redovisning samt hur ekonomiska kalkyler kan användas som beslutsunderlag för olika affärssituationer, motsvarande kurs ME1003 Industriell ekonomi, grundkurs.
Grundläggande kunskaper om metallurgi och metallurgiska processer, motsvarande kurs MH2039 Processteknik/MH2029 Processmetallurgi eller MH1022 Framställningsprocesser av metaller och fiberbaserade material.
Basic knowledge of how industrial operations are managed and organized, the principles of accounting and bookkeeping and how financial calculations can be used as a basis for decisions for different business situations, corresponding course ME1003 Industrial Management, Basic Course.
Basic knowledge of metallurgy and metallurgical processes, corresponding course MH2039 Process Engineering/MH2029 Extractive Metallurgy or MH1022 Fabrication Processes of Metals and Bio Fibres.
Grundläggande kunskaper om metallurgiska processer samt ekonomiska teorier.
","Basic knowledge of metallurgical processes and economic theories.
" -"DM2801",NULL,NULL -"ME1003",NULL,NULL -"MH2352",NULL,NULL -"SD2307","150 university credits (hp) In engineering or natural sciences and documented proficiency in English corresponding to English B.
","150 university credits (hp) In engineering or natural sciences and documented proficiency in English corresponding to English B.
" -"FEO3350","Krav: God förmåga (på avancerad nivå) inom analys, linjär algebra och sannolikhetsteori
Rekommenderad: Informationsteori motsvarande FEO3210; (måtteoretosk) sannoliketslära motsvarande FEO3230, optimeringsteori motsvarande SF3847
","Required: Solid working knowledge (at the ""advanced undergrad level"") in analysis, linear algebra and probability
Recommended: Information theory, corresponding to FEO3210; (measure theoretic) probability, corresponding to FEO3230; optimization, corresponding to SF3847
" -"FAI3029",NULL,NULL -"MF2116",NULL,NULL -"UMK213",NULL,NULL -"HI114L",NULL,NULL -"AF1001",NULL,NULL -"AI1129",NULL,NULL -"HF0025",NULL,NULL -"HT102X",NULL,NULL -"AG2144",NULL,NULL -"HT103X",NULL,NULL -"FSK3404",NULL,NULL -"MJ247X",NULL,NULL -"AF1503","SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar eller motsvarande kurs.
","SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications or equivalent course
" -"HT101X",NULL,NULL -"SD1120",NULL,NULL -"HF1006",NULL,NULL -"DD1351","SF1625 Envariabelanalys och SF1624 Algebra och geometri eller motsvarande kurser.
","SF1625 Calculus in one variable, and SF1624 Algebra and geometry, or corresponding courses.
" -"IE1206","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"MH2501","ME1003 Industriell ekonomi, grundkurs. Observera, kursen ME1003 Industriell ekonomi, grundkurs ges på Engelska i period 1, och på Svenska i period 2-4.
MH2049 Avancerad kurs i processvetenskap
","Mandatory: The course MH1003 Industrial Management, Basic Course, or a similar fundamental course. Note: ME1003 Industrial management, Basic Course is given in English in period 1, and in Swedish in period 2-4.
MH2049 Advanced Course in Process Science, or a similar advanced course in industrial processes in process science
" -"AG2150",NULL,NULL -"BB1070",NULL,NULL -"AE2606","Programkurser i årskurs 1,2 och 3 obligatoriska för inriktningarna AP resp NRT inom Samhällsbyggnad
",NULL -"SG1220","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variables
" -"SH1017",NULL,NULL -"FAL3300",NULL,"Overview of spatial data and geographic information technology, together with basic and advanced models for spatial environmental modelling will be covered by initial lectures.
This will be followed by practical expercises organised so that basic GIS skills can be derived from self-instructed GIS laborations and ESRI Virtual Campus, while more advanced modelling exercises will be led by course assistants, and are taylored for the research needs. In the project work, own models can be applied when relevant. The course project is examined by a report and a seminar.
" -"DH2310",NULL,NULL -"AH2919",NULL,NULL -"KE1070","Kurser från programmets två första år ska vara väl inhämtade, i synnerhet KA1020 Grundläggande kemi och KE1060 Material- och energibalanser
","The students should have acquired knowledge from the courses in the first two years ,especially KA1020 Fundamental Chemistry and KE1060 Material and Energy Balances
" -"AE1103",NULL,NULL -"SF1525",NULL,NULL -"SF1930",NULL,NULL -"HI115V","Grundläggande kunskaper i objektorientering.
",NULL -"KE2331",NULL,NULL -"CH2008",NULL,NULL -"HI117V","Inga speciella förkunskaper krävs.
",NULL -"HI1031",NULL,NULL -"HN2018",NULL,NULL -"MJ2525",NULL,NULL -"CM2010",NULL,NULL -"KE1090",NULL,NULL -"HS1733",NULL,NULL -"HI119V","Genomgången kurs IT-säkerhet I, HI117V (tidigare 6H4081), eller motsvarande kunskapsnivå. (Kontakta kursansvarig för bedömning av annan förkunskap.)
","Knowledge corresponding to the course HI117V IT-Security I (formerly 6H4081)- for furher information in English, please contact the teacher.
" -"HI1201",NULL,NULL -"KE1170","Envariabelanalys SF1625, Flervariabelanalys SF1626 och kursen SF1520 Numeriska metoder och grundläggande programmering, del 1 (kan läsas parallellt), eller motsvarande kurser.
","Calculus in One Variable SF1625, Calculus in Several Variable SF1626 and SF1520 Numerical Methods and Basic Programming, part 1(can be studied in parallel), or equivalent courses.
" -"KE1185",NULL,NULL -"SK2531",NULL,NULL -"HI1200",NULL,NULL -"CM2016",NULL,NULL -"AF1721",NULL,NULL -"CM2017",NULL,NULL -"FKF3370",NULL,NULL -"KE1180",NULL,NULL -"SF1693","Minst 2 års yrkeserfarenhet inom utveckling av färger eller ytbeläggningar rekommenderas och ligger till grund för urval.
","At least 2 years of professional experience within coating development is recommended and is the basis for selection.
" -"MG1201",NULL,NULL -"MJ2528","Kunskaper i Pyhton och Matlab
","Knowledge in Pyhton and Matlab
" -"FDD3256","Erfarenhet av programmering i C/C++ och/eller Fortran är nödvändigt.
","Programming experience in C/C++ and/or Fortran is necessary.
" -"SI1130",NULL,NULL -"DD2552","Kursen är öppen för alla, men huvudmålgruppen är avancerade masterstudenter och doktorander i datalogi.
Även om de formella behörighetskraven är ganska begränsade kommer kursdeltagarna att behöva matematisk mognad och en vilja att lära sig nya saker. Notera att detta är en krävande kurs. (Men förhoppningsvis just därför ännu roligare!)
","The course is open to anyone, but the main target audience are advanced Master's students and doctoral students in computer science.
Although the formal prerequisites are quite limited, course participants will need mathematical maturity and a willingness to learn new stuff. It should be noted that this will be a somewhat demanding course. (But hopefully even more fun!)
" -"MG1202",NULL,NULL -"KE1080","Kurserna tidigare i utbildningen ska vara väl inhämtade, speciellt Grundläggande kemi, Material- och energibalanser, Numeriska metoder med programmering, Kemisk reaktionsdynamik inom energi och miljö, samt kurserna i matematik.
","Courses given earlier in the program, in particular Fundamental Chemistry, Material- and Energy Balances, Numerical methids with programming, Chemical Reaction Dynamics for Energy and the Environment as well as the courses in mathematics.
" -"MG1203",NULL,NULL -"DM2904",NULL,NULL -"MF1001",NULL,NULL -"MF2087",NULL,NULL -"MJ2508",NULL,NULL -"HN2016",NULL,NULL -"KD1020",NULL,NULL -"LT1016",NULL,NULL -"KD1500",NULL,NULL -"MJ2507","Kunskaper i Matlab eller Pyhton.
","Knowledge in Matlab or Pyhton.
" -"DD2366",NULL,NULL -"AI2140","The students must have passed 75 % of the first year courses in the Masters program
","The students must have passed 75 % of the first year courses in the Masters program
" -"AF1601",NULL,NULL -"SK2536","SK2532 (Biomedicin för ingenjörer) rekommenderas, men är inte ett krav.
","SK2532 (Biomedicine for Engineers) is recommended, but is not a requirement.
" -"DD2460","Goda kunskaper och färdigheter inom programmering, programspråk och programsemantik. Kunskap om första ordningens logik och ändliga automater.
","Good knowledge and skills in programming, programming languages, and program semantics. Knowledge of first-order logic and finite automata.
" -"KD2300","Basic courses in materials science and engineering.
","Basic courses in materials science and engineering.
" -"AF171V",NULL,NULL -"KE1175","Kurserna i åk 1 och åk 2 ska vara väl inhämtade. Speciellt gäller detta kurserna i matematik, numeriska metoder, teknisk kemi, transportprocesser, kemisk dynamik och termodynamik.
","The courses in school year 1 and school year 2 should be in hand. Especially, this applies to the courses in mathematics, numerical methods, technical chemistry, transport processes, chemical dynamics and thermodynamics.
" -"DT2216",NULL,NULL -"AG2188",NULL,NULL -"FSG3112","The course assumes that the contents of the course SG2214, or something similar, have been studied, especially a knowledge of the Navier-Stokes equations is required.
","The course assumes that the contents of the course SG2214, or something similar, have been studied, especially a knowledge of the Navier-Stokes equations is required.
" -"FSK3906","Kurser S!1146 Vektoranalys och SK1155 Teoretisk fysik, eller liknande.
","Completed course S!1146 Vector analysis and S11155 Theoretical physics.
" -"CH1002",NULL,NULL -"MH2425",NULL,"You will need basic knowledge of numerical methods, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, and solid state physics / semiconductor physics. We will use Matlab and Linux. Some knowledge of this software is therefore useful. We will provide tutorial sessions on both Matlab and Linux for those not familiar with this software.
" -"CH1001",NULL,NULL -"SK1104",NULL,NULL -"EP283U",NULL,NULL -"MJ2436",NULL,NULL -"KE2010","Kunskaper motsvarande kursen KE1030 Transportprocesser och energiomvandling eller KE1160 Termodynamik.
","Knowledge equivalent to the course KE1030 Transport Phenomena and Engineering Thermodynamics or KE1160 Thermodynamics
" -"EN2720","Vi rekommenderar starkt att du har kännedom om kommunikationsnätverk (t ex EP1100 Datakommunikation och datornät) och operativsystem (t ex ID1206 Operativsystem). Om du saknar den kunskapen är det viktigt att planera för en avsevärt mer tidskrävande kurs.
","We strongly recommend that you have some familiarity with communication networks (for example EP1100 Data communication and computer networks) and operating systems (for example ID1206 Operating systems). If you do not, please plan for significantly a higher course load than otherwise expected.
" -"IS1300","Grundläggande kurser i programmering, datorteknik och digitalteknik.
","Basic courses in programming, computer science and digital design.
" -"ME2312","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"MH2058",NULL,NULL -"KF2470",NULL,NULL -"LT1036",NULL,NULL -"AL2190",NULL,NULL -"SF2972","DD2424
" -"MF2114",NULL,NULL -"FMH3909","Grundläggande kunskaper om metallurgiska processer.
","Basic knowledge of metallurgical processes.
" -"AG2174",NULL,NULL -"ME2824",NULL,NULL -"LT1038",NULL,NULL -"KF2500","KF2110 Mechanical Properties of Materials, KF2140 Polymer Physics
","KF2110 Mechanical Properties of Materials, KF2140 Polymer Physics
" -"AF1745",NULL,NULL -"AF1744",NULL,NULL -"AF1746",NULL,NULL -"AF1747",NULL,NULL -"KH1212","KH1111 Matematik
","KH1111 Mathematics
" -"KH0023",NULL,NULL -"KH1111",NULL,NULL -"AI2516",NULL,NULL -"KH1120",NULL,NULL -"AF1752",NULL,NULL -"AF1753",NULL,NULL -"AF1748",NULL,NULL -"MJ1450",NULL,NULL -"LD1009",NULL,NULL -"II142X",NULL,NULL -"FIS3202","Kursen IS1200 eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","Knowledge corresponding to course IS1200.
" -"FAD3115",NULL,NULL -"AH1030",NULL,NULL -"LT2035",NULL,NULL -"AI160V","Inga utöver behörighetskraven
",NULL -"ID1206",NULL,NULL -"LS1493",NULL,NULL -"EG2210","Optimeringslära (t.ex. SF1811/SF1861 Optimeringslära)
","Optimisation theory (for example SF1811/SF1861 Optimization)
" -"LS1481",NULL,NULL -"LS1483",NULL,NULL -"MJ1404",NULL,NULL -"AD248V",NULL,NULL -"LS1491",NULL,NULL -"CK2390","Kursen CK2310 Avancerad organisk kemi, KD2310 Avancerad organisk kemi eller motsvarande, samt tidigare erfarenhet av laborativa moment i organisk syntes.
","The course CK2310 Advanced organic chemistry, KD2310 Advanced organic chemistry or equivalent, as well as experience of laboratory work in organic synthesis.
" -"SG213X",NULL,NULL -"AH203X",NULL,NULL -"FMF3033",NULL,NULL -"EH1110",NULL,NULL -"MH260X",NULL,NULL -"FMF3034",NULL,NULL -"MJ1141",NULL,NULL -"FMH3281",NULL,NULL -"SK2773",NULL,NULL -"II1305",NULL,NULL -"EI2410","Grundläggande kunskaper i teoretisk elektroteknik, motsvarande kurserna EI1220 och EI1222 eller kursen EI1320. Väl inhämtade grundkunskaper i matematik. Fysikens matematiska metoder och komplexa funktioner rekommenderas. Viss kännedom om numeriska programvaror, som Matlab och Maple.
","Basic courses in electromagnetic theory. Course in mathematical methods in physics and complex analysis are recommended.
" -"MJ232V",NULL,NULL -"EF2245","EF2240 Space Physics or EF2200 Plasma Physics or equivalent.
For single course students: documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
","EF2240 Space Physics or EF2200 Plasma Physics or equivalent.
For single course students: documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
" -"SK1120","Kunskaper i linjär algebra och envariabelanalys motsvarande kurser i åk 1. Någon kännedom om partiell derivata.
","Knowledge in Linear Algebra and Calculus corresponding to first year courses. Some knowledge about partial derivatives.
" -"AI106X",NULL,NULL -"SK2903",NULL,NULL -"AF1729",NULL,NULL -"IH2653",NULL,NULL -"FSD3121","SG2215 Compressible Flow, SG3112 Turbulence, SD1120 Noise and Vibration
","SG2215 Kompressibel strömning, SG3112 Turbulens, SD1120 Ljud och vibrationer
" -"AF272U",NULL,NULL -"AF173V",NULL,NULL -"ED2240","Studenter med god kunskap i fysik och elektromagnetism.
","Students with good knowledge of physics and electromagnetics.
" -"AF173U",NULL,NULL -"AF175U",NULL,NULL -"DH2413","För KTH-studerande: motsvarande kursen DH2323 Datorgrafik med interaktion.
","For those already studying at KTH: one of the courses DH2323 Computer Graphics and Interaction.
" -"AL1304",NULL,NULL -"ID2209",NULL,"Knowledge of Java is desirable.
" -"DD2370","Grundläggande kunskaper om Matlab programmering
","Basic knowledge of Matlab programming
" -"EL2320","Kurser motsvarande SF1624 Algebra och geometri, SF1901 Sannolikhetsteori och statistik, SF1635 Signaler och system, del I. Kunna programmera i MATLAB.
","Courses corresponding to SF1624 Algebra and Geometry, SF1901 Probability Theory and Statistics, SF1635 Signals and Systems, part I. Being able to program in MATLAB.
" -"FA33001",NULL,NULL -"IL2232",NULL,NULL -"AI2135",NULL,NULL -"DA231X",NULL,NULL -"EI2402",NULL,NULL -"DD2420","Linjär algebra, SF1625 Envariabelanalys;
SF1901 Sannolikhetsteori och statistik;
DD2421 Maskininlärning eller DD2434 Maskininlärning, avancerad kurs;
Programmering i matlab och python.
","SF1625 one variable calculus;
SF1901 Probability and statistics;
either DD2421 Machine Learning or DD2434 Machine Learning Advanced Course;
Programming in matlab and python.
" -"AK202X",NULL,NULL -"DM1135",NULL,NULL -"FKF3010",NULL,NULL -"SG2222",NULL,NULL -"ID2214",NULL,NULL -"FDM3001",NULL,NULL -"AD2863","Bachelor degree in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, or Physical Planning and the acceptance to the program through a portfolio. In admittance, priority will be given to students who participated in Studio 1.1 and Studio 1.2.
For external students:
• A completed Bachelor Degree in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, or Physical Planning.
• Documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
","Bachelor degree in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, or Physical Planning and the acceptance to the program through a portfolio. In admittance, priority will be given to students who participated in Studio 1.1 and Studio 1.2.
For external students:
• A completed Bachelor Degree in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, or Physical Planning.
• Documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
" -"DD2434","För KTH-studenter är den rekommenderade förberedelsen att läsa DD1420.
Även DD2421 och EL2810 godtas som uppfylld särskild behörighet, men det kan då krävas mer tid och ansträngning för att slutföra kursen.
","For KTH students, the recommended preparation is DD1420.
Also DD2421 and EL2810 are accepted as special eligibility requirements, but more time and effort may be required to complete the course.
" -"HE1034",NULL,NULL -"FAK3149",NULL,NULL -"FSF3828",NULL,NULL -"AL1301",NULL,NULL -"DA232X",NULL,NULL -"FIL3237","Civilingenjör eller master i Elektroteknik eller motsvarande, speciellt kurser i elkretsteori och elektromagnetisk fältteori.
","Masters degree in electrical engineering or equivalent, especially courses in electronic circuit theory and electromagnetic field theory.
" -"DA234X",NULL,NULL -"AI2127",NULL,NULL -"FAL3021",NULL,NULL -"CK2320",NULL,NULL -"AL2115",NULL,NULL -"AE213V",NULL,NULL -"SD2820",NULL,NULL -"SD2101",NULL,NULL -"SD2102",NULL,NULL -"MJ210X",NULL,NULL -"SK202X",NULL,NULL -"SD2105",NULL,NULL -"FSK3541","SK1104, EI1320 och SG1218 eller motsvarande kurser.
","SK1104, EI1320 and SG1218 or equivalent courses.
" -"FSF3583",NULL,NULL -"MJ1104",NULL,NULL -"FSF3566","","" -"DT2300","Kunskaper i människa-datorinteraktion och programmering motsvarande första termin på Masterprogram Interaktiv medieteknik (TIMTM) eller Datalogi (TCSCM).
Kunskaper i människans perception, motsvarande kurs DM2350 (fd DT2350), och i multimodal interaktion, motsvarande kurs DT2140 rekommenderas men inte nödvändigt.
","Proficiency in human-computer interaction and programming skills corresponding to first term of master programmes Interactive Media Technology (TIMTM) or Computer Science (TCSCM).
Knowledge about human perception, corresponding to course DM2350 (former DT2350), and about multimodal interaction, corresponding to course DT2140 is reccomended but not necessary.
" -"DD2380",NULL,NULL -"UMK212",NULL,NULL -"FAH3904",NULL,NULL -"FMG3802",NULL,NULL -"CM2023",NULL,NULL -"AG1817",NULL,NULL -"FMG3801",NULL,NULL -"IL2225","Studenten ska uppfylla uppflyttningskraven för andra årskursen.
",NULL -"CH215V",NULL,NULL -"SA2010",NULL,NULL -"DA2205","Courses in Scientific computing (Numerical Analysis and Computer science).
","Courses in Scientific computing (Numerical Analysis and Computer science).
" -"FLI3117",NULL,NULL -"FAL3320",NULL,NULL -"SA2011",NULL,NULL -"FLE3010",NULL,NULL -"FLF3001",NULL,NULL -"FAL3321",NULL,NULL -"CM1006",NULL,NULL -"FAK3014",NULL,NULL -"SA2013",NULL,NULL -"FLF3003",NULL,NULL -"ML1206",NULL,NULL -"AI183U",NULL,NULL -"CM2022",NULL,NULL -"FCB3208",NULL,NULL -"FLF3005",NULL,NULL -"MH1021",NULL,NULL -"AI184U",NULL,NULL -"FLF3002",NULL,NULL -"MH283U",NULL,NULL -"SF289X",NULL,NULL -"CH103V",NULL,NULL -"FLF3006",NULL,NULL -"SG1112",NULL,NULL -"CH104V",NULL,NULL -"AI2604",NULL,NULL -"AI185U",NULL,NULL -"FAI3304",NULL,NULL -"VS2010",NULL,NULL -"FID3016","Rekommenderade förkunskaper:
Kännedom om begrepp och terminologi associerad med statistik, databassystem, och maskininlärning; en kurs om datastrukturer, algoritmer, och diskret matematik (som ID1020 Algoritmer och datastrukturer); en kurs i mjukvarusystem, software engineering, och programmeringsspråk; en kurs om att behandla, lagra and analysera massiva datamängder (som ID2221 Data-Intensive Computing).
Recommended prerequisites:
Acquaintance with concepts and terminology associated with statistics, database systems, and machine learning; a course on data structures, algorithms, and discrete math (such as ID1020 Algorithms and Data Structures); a course in software systems, software engineering, and programming languages; a course on processing, storing and analyzing massive data (such as ID2221 Data-Intensive Computing).
En Kandidatexamen i Maskinteknik eller motsvarande.
","A Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering.
" -"ID1200","DD2477 Sökmotorer och informationssökningssystem.
","DD2477 Search Engines and Information Retrieval Systems.
" -"CH2009",NULL,NULL -"AI180U",NULL,NULL -"FLS3105",NULL,NULL -"MJ233X",NULL,NULL -"AE2610","SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar eller motsvarande kurs
","SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications or equivalent course
" -"FLS3104",NULL,NULL -"CM2025",NULL,NULL -"SK2775",NULL,NULL -"AI181U",NULL,NULL -"EK2350","Grundkunskaper i fysik, inkluderande mätteknik och elektronik.
","Fundamental knowledge in physics, including measurement technologies and electronics.
" -"FLF3004",NULL,NULL -"HI201X",NULL,NULL -"A11INA",NULL,NULL -"FID3217","En kurs i logik och en kurs i programspråkssemantik.
","A course in logic and a course in programming language semantics.
" -"FID3021","Kursen kräver grundläggande kunskaper i programmering och algoritmsteori och diskret matematik, inklusive resonemang om korrekthet av algoritmer. Det är en utökad version av ID2203 kurs, avancerade distribuerade system.
","This course requires basic knowledge in programming and algorithm theory, and discrete mathematics including reasoning about correctness of algorithms. It is an extended version of ID2203 course on advanced distributed systems.
" -"AF107U",NULL,NULL -"AI188U",NULL,NULL -"HL1001",NULL,NULL -"AI192U",NULL,NULL -"FID3216","Studenterna bör vara bekanta med Python-programmering och ha genomgått kurser i datavetenskap eller djupinlärning.
","The students should be familiar with Python programming and have completed courses on data science or deep learning.
" -"MH2057",NULL,NULL -"SF279X",NULL,NULL -"FCK3313",NULL,NULL -"FAI3302",NULL,NULL -"EQ2330","EQ1220 Signalteori eller motsvarande
","EQ1220 Signal Theory or equivalent
" -"FSD3702",NULL,NULL -"AI182U",NULL,NULL -"FAI3308",NULL,NULL -"CH205V",NULL,NULL -"F1A5037",NULL,NULL -"AI186U",NULL,NULL -"AI187U",NULL,NULL -"AI189U",NULL,NULL -"FDD3511","Motsvarande antagningskraven till doktorsprogrammet i datalogi.
","Compatible with the admission requirements to the doctoral program in computer science.
" -"FEP3500","Kunskaper och färdigheter i grundläggande säkerhet och integritet, motsvarande kurs EP2500/EP2510/EP2520/DD2395/DD2391/DD2520/DD2496.
","Knowledge and skills in basic security and privacy, equivalent to course EP2500/EP2510/EP2520/DD2395/DD2391/DD2520/DD2496.
" -"FSK3900",NULL,NULL -"AI190U",NULL,NULL -"KH1341","Kunskaper motsvarande KH1241 Kemiingenjörens roll i hållbar utveckling
","Knowledge equivalent to KH1241 The Role of Chemical Engineers in Sustainable Development
" -"CM2004",NULL,NULL -"AI191U",NULL,NULL -"AF1780",NULL,NULL -"FCK3110","Grundläggande polymerkunskaper
","Basic polymer knowledge
" -"EF2215","Grundkurser i elektromagnetisk fältteori.
EF2200 Plasmafysik eller motsvarande.
","Basic courses in electromagnetic field theory.
EF2200 Plasma physics or equivalent.
" -"HE1201",NULL,NULL -"SF2717","SF1633 Differentialekvationer I, eller motsvarande.
","SF1633 Differential Equations I or similar.
" -"DM1581",NULL,NULL -"FDM3304",NULL,NULL -"LS151V",NULL,NULL -"LS150V",NULL,NULL -"CB2021",NULL,NULL -"LS152V",NULL,NULL -"FME3551",NULL,NULL -"LD1024",NULL,NULL -"FEG3311",NULL,NULL -"HU1000",NULL,NULL -"MJ112V",NULL,NULL -"IS2202","Kunskaper i datorteknik motsvarande IS1200 Datorteknik gk.
","Knowledge in computer organisation corresponding to IS1200 Computer Hardware Engineering.
" -"AG2165",NULL,NULL -"MJ236X",NULL,NULL -"LT1075",NULL,NULL -"FSK3534",NULL,NULL -"EL282U",NULL,NULL -"CK102V",NULL,NULL -"SK1151",NULL,NULL -"SK1110",NULL,NULL -"DD1010",NULL,NULL -"SK2774",NULL,NULL -"SD1710",NULL,NULL -"ME117V",NULL,NULL -"ID2216","Grundläggande kunskaper i Java-programmering.
Vissa grundläggande SQL kunskaper, för allmän orientering, men inte nödvändigt att följa kursen.
","Basic knowledge in Java programming.
Some basic SQL knowledge to query a database, is good for general orientation, but not necessary to follow the course.
" -"ME118V",NULL,NULL -"AD242V",NULL,NULL -"AF232X",NULL,NULL -"CK207V",NULL,NULL -"A42SEV",NULL,NULL -"MH1070",NULL,NULL -"FCK3328",NULL,NULL -"MJ2503",NULL,NULL -"HI2011",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3336",NULL,NULL -"MJ2500",NULL,NULL -"FSD3723",NULL,NULL -"FLF3010",NULL,NULL -"SE201X",NULL,NULL -"FSD3100",NULL,NULL -"AG1138",NULL,NULL -"F1A5031",NULL,NULL -"ID2211","Grundläggande bekantskap med sannolikhetslära, linjär algebra och förmåga att skriva icketriviella datorprogram.
","Familiarity with the basic probability theory, linear algebra as well as ability to write a non-trivial computer program.
" -"FAF3008",NULL,NULL -"AH2922",NULL,NULL -"FAK3157",NULL,NULL -"LL141U",NULL,NULL -"CM2013","För att kunna följa kursen rekommenderas följande förkunskaper:
To successfully follow the course, the following prerequisites are recommended:
Grundkurser i mekanik, hållfasthetslära och flerkroppsdynamik
","Undergraduate courses in mechanics, solid mechanics, and multibody dynamics.
" -"F1A5045",NULL,NULL -"AI1144",NULL,NULL -"LL142U",NULL,NULL -"F1A5046",NULL,NULL -"F1A5047",NULL,NULL -"F1A5035","Doctoral candidates are expected to read and discuss literature at the theoretical and philosophical level, to present and discuss their readings at literature seminars, to partake in workshops and to conduct independent critical and reflective thinking in the writing of a paper. To be eligible for the course, participants must have completed a masters’ degree or have an equivalent level of education in architecture or affiliated subjects within the humanities and social sciences.
","Doctoral candidates are expected to read and discuss literature at the theoretical and philosophical level, to present and discuss their readings at literature seminars, to partake in workshops and to conduct independent critical and reflective thinking in the writing of a paper. To be eligible for the course, participants must have completed a masters’ degree or have an equivalent level of education in architecture or affiliated subjects within the humanities and social sciences.
" -"F1A5049",NULL,NULL -"F1A5048",NULL,NULL -"F1A5050",NULL,NULL -"F1A5051",NULL,NULL -"FAD3101",NULL,NULL -"ME196U","Antagen som handledare till praktikant i IVA:s “Tekniksprånget”
",NULL -"FAD3100",NULL,NULL -"ML180U",NULL,NULL -"FAD3103",NULL,NULL -"FAD3104",NULL,NULL -"FAD3105",NULL,NULL -"FAD3106",NULL,NULL -"MJ144X",NULL,NULL -"FAD3107",NULL,NULL -"FAD3108",NULL,NULL -"LD1006",NULL,NULL -"FAD3109",NULL,NULL -"FAD3110",NULL,NULL -"DD2466","Beror på kursinnehåll.
","Depends on the contents of the course.
" -"SK2512","SK2530 (Introduktion till biomedicin) eller SK2531 (Biomedicin för ingenjörer), samt SK2500 (Bildfysik med inriktning mot biomedicinsk mikroskopi) rekommenderas, men är inte ett krav.
","Basic knowledge of mathematics (differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, differential equations) and physics (classical physics, electromagnetism).
" -"FAD3111",NULL,NULL -"FAD3112",NULL,NULL -"FAD3113",NULL,NULL -"MF1040",NULL,NULL -"FAF3001","","" -"MF2026",NULL,NULL -"FAF3002",NULL,NULL -"FAF3003",NULL,NULL -"SF2721","SF2700 Analys, gk eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","5B1303 Analysis or corresponding background.
" -"MJ1501",NULL,NULL -"FAF3004",NULL,NULL -"AI2602",NULL,NULL -"MF2046",NULL,NULL -"FAF3006",NULL,NULL -"UMK802",NULL,NULL -"MF2065","Kandidatexamen
","Bachelor degree
" -"MF2080",NULL,NULL -"AE1707","The course is given in English.
","The course is given in English.
" -"FJH3001",NULL,NULL -"MF2112",NULL,NULL -"FAF3302",NULL,NULL -"AE255V",NULL,NULL -"FAF3401",NULL,NULL -"ED2210","Kurser omfattande matematiska metoder i fysik och funktioner av komplexa variabler rekommenderas.
","Courses about mathematical methods in physics and functions of complex variables are recommended.
" -"MJ141X",NULL,NULL -"MF2092",NULL,NULL -"FAF3303",NULL,NULL -"FAF3901",NULL,NULL -"ED2235","Erforderlig bakgrund: Grundläggande mekanik och elektromagnetisk teori, introduktion till modern fysik (SH2008 eller liknande).
","Required background: Basic mechanics and electromagnetic theory, introductory modern physics (SH2008 or equivalent).
" -"EH2720","För fristående kursstuderande: 120hp samt engelska B eller motsvarande
Behörig att studera på master-nivå. Studenter från alla civilingenjörsprogram är välkomna!
","For single course students: 120 credits and documented proficiency in English B or equivalent
Students from all master programs are welcome!
" -"FCB3203","Kurser inom organisk kemi och/eller biokemi på avancerad nivå.
","Courses in organic chemistry and/or biochemistry at the second cycle.
" -"FAF3402",NULL,NULL -"AE100X",NULL,NULL -"FME3549",NULL,NULL -"IL224V",NULL,NULL -"FAF3005",NULL,NULL -"FAF3201",NULL,NULL -"LS1486",NULL,NULL -"FAF3202",NULL,NULL -"AE277V",NULL,NULL -"FCK3320",NULL,NULL -"FAF3211",NULL,NULL -"ME2833",NULL,NULL -"FAF3212",NULL,NULL -"FDD3463","Goda kunskaper och färdigheter inom programmering, programspråk och programsemantik. Kunskap om första ordningens logik och ändliga automater.
","Good knowledge and skills in programming, programming languages, and program semantics. Knowledge of first-order logic and finite automata.
" -"FAH3906",NULL,NULL -"SD2706",NULL,NULL -"FAF3115",NULL,NULL -"FAF3602",NULL,NULL -"FAF3116","","" -"FAF3603",NULL,NULL -"AI215V","Recommended prerequisites: Investment Analysis
","Investment Analysis is recommended
" -"FAF3604",NULL,NULL -"AK222X",NULL,NULL -"AF2210",NULL,NULL -"FAF3605",NULL,NULL -"FAF3606",NULL,NULL -"SK2404",NULL,NULL -"SI1155","Kunskaper i fysik motsvarande modern fysik (SH1014) och fysikens matematiska metoder (SI1200).
","Knowledge in physics corresponding to Modern physics (SH1014) and Engineering mathematics (SI1200).
" -"FJH3002",NULL,NULL -"FAF3702",NULL,NULL -"AG1212",NULL,NULL -"FAF3703",NULL,NULL -"SD2702",NULL,NULL -"FSD3130",NULL,NULL -"FSD3120","SD1120 Ljud och Vibrationer eller motsvarande
","SD1120 Noise and Vibration or equivalent
" -"FSD3122","Strömningsakustik I+II eller motsvarande
","Flow Acoustics I+II or equivalent
" -"II143X",NULL,NULL -"FSD3140",NULL,NULL -"FSD3145","Grundläggande kunskaper i akustik och signalanalys.
","Basic knowledge in acoustics and signal analysis.
" -"AI2116",NULL,NULL -"MJ115V",NULL,NULL -"FSD3180","Grundkurs i mekanik och matematik.
","Undergraduate courses in mechanics and mathematics.
" -"MF206X",NULL,NULL -"FSD3311","FSD3310 Hjul-rälkontakt
","FSD3310 Wheel-Rail Contact
" -"ME2828","","" -"FSD3400",NULL,NULL -"FSD3401",NULL,NULL -"FAG3167",NULL,NULL -"AF252X","","" -"FAG3166","Deltagare i kursen ska vara inskrivna i en forskarutbildning inom samhällsplanering, urbana och regionala studier eller likanande ämne.
","Participants need to be accepted into a PhD programme in planning studies, urban and regional studies, or a related field.
" -"IL142X",NULL,NULL -"FAG3168","Deltagare i kursen ska vara inskrivna i en forskarutbildning inom samhällsplanering, urbana och regionala studier eller likanande ämne.
","Participants need to be accepted into a PhD programme in planning studies, urban and regional studies, or a related field.
" -"FSK3521","Rekommenderade förkunskaper:
Genomgången kurs i ”Experimentella metoder inom molekylär biofysik”, SK2520 eller SK3520.
Kursen genomförs i en helt engelskspråkig version, eller på begäran i en svenskspråkig version med litteratur på engelska om alla studenter är svensktalande.
Recommended previous knowledge:
Passed course in “Experimental methods in molecular biophysics” SK2520 or SK3520
Course given in English, if not all students would prefer Swedish.
FCB3001, FCB3002, FCB3003, FCB3004
","FCB3001, FCB3002, FCB3003, FCB3004
" -"MH2103",NULL,NULL -"FAG3170","Kursen vänder sig till studerande på doktorandnivå inom relevant område (t. ex. Urban och Regional Planering, Ekonomi, Real Estate, Geografi, Demografi, Kriminologi, Miljökunskap). Förkunskaper i Geographical Information Systems och/eller baskunskaper I statistik är en fördel.
Under den första veckan får studenten en introduktion till kursen och verktyg. En samling inledande praktiska övningar kommer att erbjudas studenter som inte arbetat med ArcGis, GeoDa and ScanStat. Studenterna ska ha läst Hainings (2003) första kapitel när de kommer till första föreläsaningen (tillgänglig i BILDA tre veckor innan kursstart).
","Anyone who is a PhD student in any relevant subject area (e.g., Urban and Regional
Planning, Economics, Real Estate, Geography, Demography, Criminology, Environmental
Sciences) is eligible to take this course. However, having knowledge in Geographical
Information Systems and/or basic statistics is an advantage.
The first week provides students with basic introduction to the course and tools. A set of
introductory practical exercises will be provided to those unfamiliar with ArcGis, GeoDa and
ScanStat. The first chapters in Haining (2003) should be read by the students before the first
class (available in BILDA three weeks before the course starts).
" -"FAG3171","Deltagare i kursen ska vara inskrivna i en forskarutbildning inom samhällsplanering, urbana och regionala studier eller likanande ämne.
","Participants need to be accepted into a PhD programme in planning studies, urban and regional studies, or a related field.
" -"FSK3500",NULL,NULL -"FAG3100","AG1321 Fjärranalysteknik eller liknande
AG2413 Digital Bildbehandling eller liknande
","AG1321 Remote Sensing Technology or equivalent
AG2413 Digital Image Processing and Application or equivalent
" -"FSK3415","Grundläggande kurser på Avancerad-nivå i optik, laserfysik, och atom- och molekylfysik.
","Basic courses on Advaced level in optics, laser physics and atomic and molecular physics.
" -"FSK3410",NULL,NULL -"FAL3104",NULL,NULL -"FSK3411",NULL,NULL -"CB2030",NULL,NULL -"BB2450","- BB1100 Biochemistry laboratory course or similar
- BB2020 Molecular enzymology or the like
","- BB1100 Biochemistry laboratory or equivalent
- BB2020 Molecular enzymology or equivalent
" -"FSK3340","Kunskap om fysiken av elektromagnetisk strålning (SK1120 Vågrörelselära, 6 hp eller motsvarande) och i grundläggande matematik (vektoranalys, integraler, differentialekvationer) är mycket viktigt. Kunskaper i optik (SK2300 Optisk fysik, 6 hp eller motsvarande) är en fördel, men inte obligatoriskt. Grundläggande kunskaper i programmering i MATLAB rekommenderas starkt, men kan eventuellt förvärvas under kursen.
","Knowledge of the physics of electromagnetic radiation corresponding to SK2110 (Waves, 6 hp) and in basic mathematics (vector analysis, integrals, differential equations) is very important. Moreover, knowledge in optics corresponding to SK2300 (Optical physics, 6 hp) is of advantage, but not mandatory. Basic knowledge of programming in MATLAB is highly recommended, but may be acquired during the course.
" -"FSK3372",NULL,NULL -"AG2425",NULL,NULL -"FSK3371","Visuell optik och/eller Ögats optik, samt Visuell psykofysik 4.5 hp och Fourieroptik.
","Visual optics and/or Optics of the human eye, and Visual psychophysics 4.5 credits and Fourieroptics.
" -"FSK3370",NULL,NULL -"FSK3330","Optisk fysik SK2300 eller motsvarande.
","Optical physics SK2300 or comparable.
" -"AE2303",NULL,NULL -"AL2403",NULL,NULL -"SF1683",NULL,NULL -"HI1704","Kunskaper i grundläggande programmering, t.ex. kursen HI1702, Grundläggande
Någon förkunskap om självassociation och intermolekylära krafter är en fördel, men inte ett absolut krav.
","Some previous knowledge about self-assembly and intermolecular forces is beneficial but not an absolute requirement.
" -"SF2739",NULL,NULL -"LS2440",NULL,NULL -"LL139U",NULL,NULL -"AH221V",NULL,NULL -"LL138U",NULL,NULL -"SD2415",NULL,NULL -"SF2527",NULL,NULL -"MF1061",NULL,NULL -"MF2121",NULL,NULL -"FAG3187",NULL,NULL -"A11P1B",NULL,NULL -"A11P3B",NULL,NULL -"A21P1C",NULL,NULL -"MJ243U",NULL,NULL -"A31P1A",NULL,NULL -"EP275V",NULL,NULL -"FAG3186",NULL,NULL -"MF2020",NULL,NULL -"HS1725",NULL,NULL -"KE202X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp.
","Most of your studies must be completed, ie at least 210 credits if you are studying at a 270 credits programme, and 240 credits if you are studying at a 300 credits programme. If you are a masters student, you must have completed at least 60 credits within the masters programme.
" -"AF2024","Kunskaper i differentialekvationer, 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"MF1039",NULL,NULL -"ML210U",NULL,NULL -"AF2102","Kunskaper i differentialekvationer, 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"MF2007",NULL,NULL -"HI1706",NULL,NULL -"AF2611","Kunskaper i FEM, finita elementmetoden, inklusive elementformuleringar, numeriska lösningsmetoder och modellering motsvarande innehållet i AF2024
","Documented knowledge in Finite Element Method including element formulations, numerical solution procedures and modelling corresponding to the content in courses AF2024.
" -"MJ2473",NULL,NULL -"SG202X",NULL,NULL -"AH2023",NULL,NULL -"MM2002",NULL,NULL -"CM1010",NULL,NULL -"AG1102",NULL,NULL -"SG1132",NULL,NULL -"DA250X",NULL,NULL -"DD2528",NULL,NULL -"DA2210","Motsvarande behörighetskraven för masterprogrammen i datalogi eller maskininlärning.
","Corresponding the qualification requirements for Master of Science in Computer Science or Machine Learning.
" -"KE2040",NULL,NULL -"KE2045",NULL,NULL -"HI1708",NULL,NULL -"AH220V",NULL,NULL -"AI102X",NULL,NULL -"AI103X",NULL,NULL -"EI2436","Grundläggande kurser inom elektroteknik. Kursen EJ1200 Eleffektsystem eller motsvarande kunskap samt eng B eller motsvarande.
","Basic courses in electrical engineering. EJ1200 Electrical Power Systems or equivalent. Documented proficiency in english corresponding to Eng B.
" -"EI2435","Grundläggande kurser inom elektroteknik. Kursen EJ1200 Eleffektsystem eller motsvarande kunskap samt eng B eller motsvarande.
","Basic courses in electrical engineering. EJ1200 Electrical Power Systems or equivalent. Documented proficiency in english corresponding to Eng B.
" -"MJ249X",NULL,NULL -"AI1518",NULL,NULL -"AI1142",NULL,NULL -"FDH3355","Motsvarande antagningskraven för doktorsprogrammet Medierad kommunikation.
","Same as the requirements to be accepted to the third level program in Mediated communication.
" -"ML0001",NULL,NULL -"AG1324",NULL,NULL -"ME1035",NULL,NULL -"AI1133",NULL,NULL -"AG1311",NULL,NULL -"AG1323",NULL,NULL -"AK121X",NULL,NULL -"DD1368",NULL,NULL -"ME2818","Kursen är viilkorligt valfri för TMRSM1 och valfri för alla program på KTH.
","Conditionally elective for TMRSM1 and open for all programs at KTH.
" -"SD2420",NULL,NULL -"FEI3204",NULL,NULL -"ML1611",NULL,NULL -"AE1602","SF1633 Differentialekvationer I alternativt SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar eller motsvarande kurs.
","SF1633 Differential Equations I or SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications or equivalent course.
" -"MJ2530",NULL,NULL -"HM1001",NULL,NULL -"ML1504",NULL,NULL -"AI112V",NULL,NULL -"ML103X",NULL,NULL -"MJ2685",NULL,NULL -"CH2003",NULL,NULL -"KE2050","KE1020 Reaktions- och separationsteknik
MF2015 Förbränningsmotorteknik
MF2016 Förbränningsmotorteknik fk,
eller motsvarande kunskaper.
KE1020 Reaction and separation engineering
MF2015 Combustion Engines, general course
MF2016 Combustion Engines, advanced course
or corresponding knowledge.
Kursen är ut formad för studenter i masterprogram på KTH och förutsätter grundläggande kunskaper från program i elektroteknik, teknisk fysik eller motsvarande.
Studenter som är osäkra om de ha rätt förkuskaper uppmanas kontakta kursansvarig i förväg för att bedöma om de har tillräckliga förkunskaper för att deltaga.
","The course level is adapted to students enrolled in an engineering master programme at KTH.
The students must have basic knowledge in electrical engineering, engineering physics, or an equivalent basic education.
Student that are unsure about their pre-course knowledge should contact the course responsible in advance, in order to assess their qualification for participation.
" -"FDD3268","Kunskaper i grundläggande maskininlärningstekniker och linjär algebra krävs. Erfarenhet av Python krävs.
","Knowledge of basic machine learning techniques and linear algebra is required. Experience with Python is required.
" -"FMF3040",NULL,NULL -"KE2060",NULL,NULL -"HI1713",NULL,NULL -"AF2608","AF 2602 Rock Mechanics
","AF 2602 Rock Mechanics
" -"HS1013",NULL,NULL -"AI2806",NULL,NULL -"AF178V",NULL,NULL -"KE2150","Kurser inom kemi- och kemiteknik samt läkemedelsutveckling motsvarande minst 3 år.
",NULL -"AH2028",NULL,NULL -"HI1715",NULL,NULL -"HI1M00",NULL,NULL -"FAF3816",NULL,NULL -"AI1108",NULL,NULL -"FCB3084",NULL,NULL -"MF2019",NULL,NULL -"FCK3321",NULL,NULL -"AH103X",NULL,NULL -"FAF3010",NULL,NULL -"AH2025",NULL,NULL -"SK1115",NULL,NULL -"AH2176",NULL,NULL -"AH2027",NULL,NULL -"IL2231",NULL,NULL -"AH229U",NULL,NULL -"AH226U",NULL,NULL -"AI1141",NULL,NULL -"AF1718",NULL,NULL -"MF2024",NULL,NULL -"AI1170",NULL,NULL -"AI1523",NULL,NULL -"FCB3081",NULL,NULL -"FCB3083",NULL,NULL -"FCK3327","Grundläggande kunskaper i fysikalisk kemi.
","Basic knowledge in physical chemistry.
" -"SF1627",NULL,NULL -"MH1010","Elementära kunskaper i matematik, fysik och kemi på en nivå där lösning av differentialekvationer och integraler ingår. Matlab på den nivå som ges av perspektivkursen.
",NULL -"HS200X",NULL,NULL -"HI1M02",NULL,NULL -"HI1M03",NULL,NULL -"KE2185",NULL,NULL -"MH210X",NULL,NULL -"MF204X","","" -"AE1502",NULL,NULL -"MH2452",NULL,NULL -"HI1M01",NULL,NULL -"MH1025",NULL,NULL -"HI1M04",NULL,NULL -"AG1104","Grundläggande högskolebehörighet dvs dokumenterad avslutad gymnasieutbildning inkl. svenska B och engelska A el. motsv.
",NULL -"MF1045",NULL,NULL -"ML1205","Kunskaper motsvarande ML1206
",NULL -"MJ1140",NULL,NULL -"AF213X",NULL,NULL -"MH1002",NULL,NULL -"AH2205","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variables
" -"AH259X","Allmänt gäller att en huvuddel av studierna, minst 60 högskolepoäng, skall vara avklarade innan examensarbetet får påbörjas. Det är examinator avgör om studenten har den fördjupning som avses och att studenten avklarat huvuddelen av studierna innan examensarbete påbörjats. Dispens kan efter prövning beviljas av grundutbildningsansvarig.
","In general the rule is that the main part of the studies, at least 60 credits should be ready before the thesis work is allowed to start. The examinator must make sure that the student has focused in the relevant area and that the main part of the program is ready before the thesis work starts. Exceptions can be made by the person responsible for basic education.
" -"UMK900",NULL,NULL -"MJ242X",NULL,NULL -"FKD3080",NULL,NULL -"AG1133",NULL,NULL -"SI1121",NULL,NULL -"FKD3230",NULL,NULL -"AI224U",NULL,NULL -"AE252V",NULL,NULL -"AF2012",NULL,NULL -"AH2206","Minst 3 års studier (alt 180 hp) inom ingenjör-, natur- eller relevanta samhällsvetenskapliga ämnen. Projektarbetets inriktning beror av studentens förkunskaper. Det är examinator som avgör om förkunskaperna är tillräckliga för ett specifikt problem.
","3 years academic studies (180 hp) in engineering program within natural or scoial sciences. The examiner decides if the qualifications are satisfactory.
" -"HI200X",NULL,NULL -"KE2350","Studenten ska vara antagen till masterprogrammen TMMMM, TMVTM eller TKEMM program eller ha motsvarande kompetens.
","The students should have been accepted to the master programmes TMMMM, TMVTM or TKEMM program or have equivalent qualifications.
" -"HI2004","Kunskaper i objektorienterad programmering och distribuerade system t.ex motsvarande kurserna 6H3101/6S3101 Objektorienterad programmering med Java och Distribuerade system/nätverksprogrammering
",NULL -"MH2350",NULL,NULL -"SK2513","SK2530 (Introduktion till biomedicin) eller SK2531 (Biomedicin för ingenjörer) rekommenderas, men är inte ett krav.
","SK2530 (Introduction to Biomedicine) or SK2531 (Biomedicine for Engineers) is recommended, but is not a requirement.
" -"MH2044",NULL,NULL -"MG2022",NULL,NULL -"AK2206",NULL,NULL -"SI1336",NULL,NULL -"MJ235U",NULL,NULL -"SD2111",NULL,NULL -"IV1351",NULL,NULL -"AK108X",NULL,NULL -"SI2215","Kunskaper motsvarande de första två årens kurser i matematik samt vektoranalys, fysikens matematiska metoder och teoretisk fysik
","Knowledge corresponding to the first two years courses in mathematics and vector analysis, mathematical methods in physics and theoretical physics
" -"HL1203","Grundläggande kunskaper i medcin och medicnsk teknik motsvarande kurse HL1201
Grundläggande kunskaper i ellära och mätteknik motsvsrande kursen HE1200
Basic knowledge of medicine and medical technology equivalent to course HL1201
Basic knowledge of electricity and measuring techniques equivalent to course HE1200
SE1010, SE1020, Se1021 eller SE1055 Hållfasthetslära grundkurs och
SE1025 FEM för ingenjörstillämpningar eller motsvarande
SE1010, SE1020, SE1021 or SE1055 Solid mechanics basic course and
SE1025 FEM for engineering applications or equivalent
" -"AG2116",NULL,NULL -"EI2610","EI2600 Innovationsprocesser och entreprenörskap inom elkrafttekniken
","EI2600 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Electric Power Engineering
" -"AH2302","A completed Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Science, Economics or Planning including at least 60 credits in Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and/or Computer Science and
A completed Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Science, Economics or Planning including at least 60 credits in Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and/or Computer Science and
Genomgången kurs IT-säkerhet II, HI119V (tidigare 6H4082), eller motsvarande kunskapsnivå. (Kontakta kursansvarig för bedömning av annan förkunskap.)
","Knowledge corresponding to HI119V IT-Sec II.
" -"AG2115",NULL,NULL -"HS2011",NULL,NULL -"SF2955",NULL,NULL -"SK2760",NULL,NULL -"MF2032",NULL,NULL -"HL100V",NULL,NULL -"AH2303",NULL,NULL -"KE2906",NULL,NULL -"AE216V","Kunskaper i geologi, hydrologi och miljökemi rekommenderas.
",NULL -"AH2304","A completed, documented Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Science, Economics or Planning including at least 60 credits in Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and/or Computer Science (the course Transport Modelling (AH2302) is recommended) and
documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
A completed, documented Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Science, Economics or Planning including at least 60 credits in Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and/or Computer Science (the course Transport Modelling (AH2302) is recommended) and
documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"AB100X",NULL,NULL -"ME2831",NULL,NULL -"ME2719",NULL,NULL -"AG210X",NULL,NULL -"ME204X","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"FCH3201","Antagen som doktorand I arbetsvetenskap eller relaterade discipliner.
","PhD position in work sciences and related fields.
" -"ME200X","TINEM2-studenter och TIEMM2-studenter antagna före H15 kan välja denna kurs som alternativ till ME210X eller ME211X som examineras med betygsskala P/F (gäller både studenter som endast avser ta ut masterexamen och studenter som avser ta ut både masterexamen och civilingenjörsexamen).
","TINEM2 and TIEMM2 students enrolled before fall semester 2015 may choose this course as an alternative to ME210X or ME211X which use grade scale P, F (both for students aiming for a master degree only and for students aiming for both a master degree and an engineering degree).
" -"MH215X",NULL,NULL -"ME270X",NULL,NULL -"MH235X",NULL,NULL -"MJ2495",NULL,NULL -"KE2920",NULL,NULL -"HL1012",NULL,NULL -"AH2401",NULL,NULL -"HL101X",NULL,NULL -"FCK3305",NULL,NULL -"A52SEH",NULL,NULL -"AK2203",NULL,NULL -"SH2701",NULL,NULL -"SD2221",NULL,NULL -"HL102V",NULL,NULL -"AI1137",NULL,NULL -"ME2002",NULL,NULL -"HL102X","","" -"AH2032",NULL,NULL -"SF2720","SF1678 Grupper och ringar eller motsvarande.
","SF1678 Groups and Rings or similar.
" -"HL103V",NULL,NULL -"AG2412",NULL,NULL -"HL1200",NULL,NULL -"AG2185",NULL,NULL -"SD2705",NULL,NULL -"HL1100",NULL,NULL -"HL1101",NULL,NULL -"HL1202","Grundläggande kunskaper i anatomi och fysiologi samt kunskaper i fysik motsvarande kurserna SH1011 Modern fysik och SK1111 Elektromagnetism och vågrörelselära.
",NULL -"HL1702",NULL,NULL -"MF2060","","" -"SD2625",NULL,NULL -"HL1700",NULL,NULL -"AI213V",NULL,NULL -"AF222X",NULL,NULL -"MJ2418",NULL,NULL -"SH2705",NULL,NULL -"MH2037",NULL,NULL -"HX1002",NULL,NULL -"ME2624",NULL,NULL -"BB103X","BB1190 Genteknik, BB1210 Rening av biomolekyler. BB1200 Analys av biomolekyler och BB1300 Odlingsteknologi.
","BB1190 Gene Technology, BB1210 Purification of Biomolecules, BB1200 Analysis of Biomolecules and BB1300 Cultivation Technology.
" -"ME2621",NULL,NULL -"AF2605",NULL,NULL -"MF208X",NULL,NULL -"MJ2498",NULL,NULL -"FKF3410",NULL,NULL -"BB201X","Huvuddelen av studierna ska vara avklarade d.v.s. du ska ha uppnått 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp programmet och 240 om du studerar på 300 hp programmet.
","The main part of your studies should be finsihed, i.e. 210 credits if you are studying on a 270hp programme; 240 credits if you are on a 300hp programme
" -"AG1136",NULL,NULL -"MF2050",NULL,NULL -"AH1023",NULL,NULL -"AE2107",NULL,NULL -"MF215X",NULL,NULL -"ML1609",NULL,NULL -"FCK3310",NULL,NULL -"AE218V",NULL,NULL -"BB204X","Allmänt gäller att en huvuddel av studierna, minst 240 högskolepoäng, skall vara avklarade innan examensarbetet får påbörjas. Det åligger examinator att tillse att studenten har lämplig ämnesfördjupning samt att studenten avklarat tillräcklig del av studierna innan examensarbetet påbörjas. Dispens kan efter prövning beviljas av grundutbildningsansvarig. Examensarbetet skall normalt utföras under utbildningens sista år.
","In general, the major part of the studies, at least 240 credits must be completed before the diploma work may commence. It is incumbent upon the examiner to ensure that the student has adequate depth and substance in previous studies, relevant to the subject area, before the work begins. The director of graduate and undergraduate studies can grant waivers after review. The diploma work should normally be carried out during last years of studies
" -"ME2622",NULL,NULL -"AG2186",NULL,NULL -"AG2182",NULL,NULL -"AE212V",NULL,NULL -"MH2353",NULL,NULL -"MF229X",NULL,NULL -"AG2146",NULL,NULL -"DH1609","Motsvarande kursen 2D1571/DM1571 Introduktion till medieteknik.
","Equivalent to the course 2D1571/DM1571 Introduction to media technology.
" -"AI2131",NULL,NULL -"LD1016",NULL,NULL -"MF216X",NULL,NULL -"SH2002",NULL,NULL -"SK2330","Optisk fysik SK2300, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","Optical physics SK2300, or comparable knowledge.
" -"FAK3156",NULL,NULL -"ME2829","","" -"AG2109",NULL,NULL -"MJ2494",NULL,NULL -"AG2111",NULL,NULL -"AE2708",NULL,NULL -"LD1013",NULL,NULL -"EJ2311","EJ2200 Elektriska maskiner och drivsystem och EJ2300 Effektelektronik.
","EJ2200 Electrical machines and drives and EJ2300 Power Electronics.
" -"FAG3189",NULL,NULL -"AG2145","AE2501 Environmental Impact Assessment
AG2142 Political Economy for Environmental Planners
AG2143 Sustainable Rural and Urban Development
AG2501 Human Settlements and Housing
AG2141 Urban Infrastructure
AI2509 Management of Land and Water
AG2146 Sustainable Project Management
AE2501 Environmental Impact Assessment
AG2142 Political Economy for Environmental Planners
AG2143 Sustainable Rural and Urban Development
AG2501 Human Settlements and Housing
AG2141 Urban Infrastructure
AI2509 Management of Land and Water
AG2146 Sustainable Project Management
Villkorligt valfri för SP(S4)
",NULL -"AE217V",NULL,NULL -"ME2832",NULL,NULL -"SH2703",NULL,NULL -"AG2414",NULL,NULL -"MJ147X",NULL,NULL -"AL2134",NULL,NULL -"A21P2B","Studenten ska uppfylla uppflyttningskraven för andra årskursen.
",NULL -"SG203X",NULL,NULL -"MH2280","Kursen MH2042 Verktygslåda för simulering och modellering
","The course MH2042 Simulation and Modeling Toolbox or a similar basic FEM course
" -"AG218X",NULL,NULL -"MJ2416",NULL,NULL -"SF2732",NULL,NULL -"MH2283",NULL,NULL -"A42A13",NULL,NULL -"AE2507",NULL,NULL -"A42B13",NULL,NULL -"A52A13",NULL,NULL -"A42D14",NULL,NULL -"A52B13",NULL,NULL -"AG2147","AG2143 Sustainable Urban & Rural Development
AG2501 Human Settlements & Housing
AG2141 Urban Infrastructure
eller motsvarande kunskaper (efter överenskommelse med kursansvarige)
AG2143 Sustainable Urban & Rural Development
AG2501 Human Settlements & Housing
AG2141 Urban Infrastructure
or other relevant background (permission of instructor)
ME2092 Ledarskap för teknologisk innovation och kreativitet och ME2067 Industriell omvandling och teknisk förändring.
","ME2092 Management of New Technology and Industrial Creativity and ME2067 Industrial transformation and technical change.
" -"MF224X",NULL,NULL -"BB2230",NULL,NULL -"MF2081",NULL,NULL -"KA101X","120 hp ska vara avklarade av kurser på grundnivå i årskurs 1-3 på civilingenjörsprogrammet i kemivetenskap
","120 hp of courses in the first cycle, study year 1-3, should be approved.at the degree programme in Chemical Science and Engineering.
" -"AH2174",NULL,NULL -"KA103X","120 hp ska vara avklarade av kurser på grundnivå i årskurs 1-3 på civilingenjörsprogrammet i kemivetenskap
","120 hp ska vara avklarade av kurser på grundnivå i årskurs 1-3 på civilingenjörsprogrammet i kemivetenskap
" -"KA102X",NULL,NULL -"KA104X",NULL,NULL -"AI2150",NULL,NULL -"MF2018",NULL,NULL -"AF1734",NULL,NULL -"A21HIC",NULL,NULL -"AI260X",NULL,NULL -"SK1114","Inledande kurser i matematik och mekanik.
","Basic courses in mathematics and mechanics.
" -"MJ246X",NULL,NULL -"MH2285","MH2276 Physics for Materials Processing, MH2252 Casting Processing or equivalent.
","MH2276 Physics for Materials Processing, MH2252 Casting Processing or equivalent.
" -"AF1751",NULL,NULL -"KA2010",NULL,NULL -"AF2020",NULL,NULL -"AF1758",NULL,NULL -"AK2208",NULL,NULL -"FBB3410",NULL,NULL -"MH1017",NULL,NULL -"MH2200",NULL,NULL -"AG110X",NULL,NULL -"HI1026",NULL,NULL -"AK2011",NULL,NULL -"MJ2427",NULL,NULL -"UMK702",NULL,NULL -"SF1672",NULL,NULL -"SF2730",NULL,NULL -"MH2202",NULL,NULL -"AF132X",NULL,NULL -"MF227X","","" -"SA113X",NULL,NULL -"AI122U",NULL,NULL -"HL1004",NULL,NULL -"MH2503",NULL,NULL -"SF2525",NULL,NULL -"LH205V",NULL,NULL -"LK250V",NULL,NULL -"DT2119","Vissa kunskaper i Maskininlärning, gärna DD2421, DD2434 eller EN2202
Vissa programmeringskunskaper, gärma Python
Vissa kunskaper i signalbehandling
","Some knowledge of Machine learning, possibly DD2421, DD2434 or EN2202
Some programming knowledge, best if Python
Some knowledge in Signal Processing
" -"AF182X",NULL,NULL -"LP101V","Behörighetskrav är genomgången och godkänd AD1KD1, AD1KD2 samt LP100V.
","Prerequisit AD1KD1, AD1KD2 and LP100V.
" -"LR2001",NULL,NULL -"HS1022",NULL,NULL -"ME271X",NULL,NULL -"AF2604",NULL,NULL -"SF290X",NULL,NULL -"LL133V",NULL,NULL -"AI1136",NULL,NULL -"A31KAX",NULL,NULL -"DT2151",NULL,NULL -"MJ2493",NULL,NULL -"MF210X","","" -"FDD3512","Seminariekurs i formella metoder och cybersäkerhet, steg 1
","Seminar course in formal methods and cyber security, stage 1
" -"AF2011","Kunskaper i differentialekvationer 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"AF2003","Kunskaper i differentialekvationer, 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"AF201V","Högskolestudier om minst 30hp inom teknik eller naturvetenskapligt område samt dokumenterade kunskaper i svenska B och engelska A eller motsvarande
","Higher education for at least 30 credits in the field of engineering or natural science and documented knowledge of Swedish B and English A or equivalent
" -"AG2183",NULL,NULL -"DIK200",NULL,NULL -"AI2137",NULL,NULL -"LT1002",NULL,NULL -"A21AYA","Studenten ska uppfylla uppflyttningskraven för andra årskursen.
",NULL -"A21HIA",NULL,NULL -"LT1004",NULL,NULL -"SF2960",NULL,NULL -"HS1014",NULL,NULL -"LT1007",NULL,NULL -"AI109V","Rekommenderas att du läst 5 poäng Ekonomisk geografi.
",NULL -"AI229U",NULL,NULL -"MJ146X","MJ1401 Värmeöverföring
","MJ1401 Heat Transfer
" -"AH101X",NULL,NULL -"LT1012",NULL,NULL -"MJ2506","Kursen har utformats som en villkorligt valbar kurs för studenterna i masterprogrammet Hållbar Energiteknik, och med krav på förkunskaper från de kurser som anges nedan. Kursen är dock också öppen för studenter från andra MSc. eller utbytesprogram under förutsättning att de har studerat de ämnen som berörs i kurserna nedan.
• MJ2411, Renewable Energy Technologies, 6 hp
• MJ2405, Hållbar kraftproduktion, 9 hp
• MJ2407, Hållbar energianvändning, 9 hp
• MJ2413, Energi och miljö, 6 hp
Dessutom är det rekommenderat att ha kunskaper i grundläggande elektroteknik motsvarande relevanta delar av MF1016 (9 hp) eller MF 1017 (6 hp), Grundläggande elektroteknik
","The course has been designed as a complementary elective to students in the Sustainable Energy Engineering Master Program, and with a pre-requisite of completing the courses listed below. The course is however also open to students from other MSc. or exchange programs given that they have studied the topics touched upon in the courses below.
• MJ2411, Renewable Energy Technologies, 6 credits
• MJ2405, Sustainable Power Generation, 9 credits
• MJ2407, Sustainable Energy Utilisation, 9 credits
• MJ2413, Energy and Environment, 6 credits
In addition, it is recommended to have knowledge in basic electrical engineering corresponding to relevant parts of MF1016 (9 credits) or MF 1017 (6 credits), Basic Electrical Engineering
" -"LT1011",NULL,NULL -"SF1674","SF1672 Linjär algebra, eller motsvarande.
","SF1672 Linear Algebra or similar.
" -"SD2464",NULL,NULL -"AG2169",NULL,NULL -"AL126X",NULL,NULL -"SD2620",NULL,NULL -"SK1112",NULL,NULL -"MJ2411",NULL,NULL -"LT1015",NULL,NULL -"MJ231V",NULL,NULL -"SI1410",NULL,NULL -"AG123U",NULL,NULL -"AE1107",NULL,NULL -"ML1613",NULL,NULL -"LT1018",NULL,NULL -"SF299X",NULL,NULL -"ME2827","","" -"AI1119",NULL,NULL -"AG2424",NULL,NULL -"AF2511","Byggnadsfysik 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs AF1402.
","Building physics 7,5 ECTS corresponding to the content in course AF1402.
" -"AI103V","None
" -"HU1001",NULL,NULL -"MH2033",NULL,NULL -"LT101X",NULL,NULL -"LT1022","","" -"AI2125","First year of the MSc Real Estate Management Programme
","First year of the MSc Real Estate Management Programme
" -"LT1023",NULL,NULL -"AK1207",NULL,NULL -"AI241U",NULL,NULL -"AE1801",NULL,NULL -"LT1026","","" -"SD2810",NULL,NULL -"AI239U",NULL,NULL -"MH230X",NULL,NULL -"SD2461",NULL,NULL -"ME1039",NULL,NULL -"AD234V",NULL,NULL -"HS1020",NULL,NULL -"SF2744","SF2743 Avancerad reell analys I är starkt rekommenderat.
","Advanced Real Analysis I, SF2743.
" -"AF1719",NULL,NULL -"SD280X",NULL,NULL -"SG2010",NULL,"Compulsory courses in the field of study.
" -"AI231U",NULL,NULL -"SF2526","SF2520 Tillämpade numeriska metoder (eller motsvarande), kan läsas parallellt.
","SF2520 Applied Numerical Methods (or equivalent), can be read in parallel.
" -"FSK3450",NULL,NULL -"LT2031",NULL,NULL -"LT201X",NULL,NULL -"LT2030",NULL,NULL -"MJ2442",NULL,NULL -"AF2302",NULL,NULL -"AI2112",NULL,NULL -"MJ2673",NULL,NULL -"SK2904",NULL,NULL -"LV118U",NULL,NULL -"AK2209",NULL,NULL -"SD261X",NULL,NULL -"AE214V",NULL,NULL -"MJ2490",NULL,NULL -"AF233X","","" -"AF253X",NULL,NULL -"ME210X",NULL,"Mandatory for TINEM2 and TIEMM2 students aiming for a master degree only. TINEM2 and TIEMM2 students aiming for both a master degree and an engineering degree need to choose ME211X.
TINEM2 and TIEMM2 students enrolled before fall 2015 may choose ME200X which uses grade scale A-F (both for students aiming for a master degree only and for students aiming for both a master degree and an engineering degree).
" -"AF162X",NULL,NULL -"LH213V","FLH3000/LH200V/Basic communication and teaching/GKU eller LH201V/Lärande och undervisning.
","FLH3000/LH200V/Basic communication and teaching/GKU or LH201V/Teaching and Learning.
" -"AI235U",NULL,NULL -"AI280U",NULL,NULL -"AG225V",NULL,NULL -"MF1016",NULL,NULL -"AK2012",NULL,NULL -"MF2089",NULL,NULL -"MF218X",NULL,NULL -"LH220V","LH201V eller motsvarande grundläggande högskolepedagogisk kurs från annat universitet.
","Prerequisite is LH201V or equivalent.
" -"AE211V",NULL,NULL -"AG2426",NULL,NULL -"AG1113",NULL,NULL -"SK2300","Grundläggande kunskaper inom klassisk fysik, speciellt de inom olika områden av fysiken förekommande vågfenomenen och elementär klassisk optik (kurs SK1101, Klassisk fysik, eller motsvarande), matematik (vektoranalys, differentialekvationer, fouriertransformation).
","Basic knowledge within classical physics, particularly waves and elementary classical optics (course SK1101, Classical Physics or corresponding), mathematics (vector analysis, differential equations, fourier transformation).
" -"SD270X",NULL,NULL -"SF1671",NULL,NULL -"MJ2099",NULL,NULL -"MM4001",NULL,NULL -"AD235V",NULL,NULL -"AH201X",NULL,NULL -"AE251V",NULL,NULL -"LS1424",NULL,NULL -"LS140N",NULL,NULL -"LS1409",NULL,NULL -"LS1433",NULL,NULL -"AE212X",NULL,NULL -"LS1450",NULL,NULL -"SF2750",NULL,NULL -"LS1448",NULL,NULL -"LS1443",NULL,NULL -"SF1919","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
" -"LS1451",NULL,NULL -"LS1464",NULL,NULL -"MH1019",NULL,NULL -"LS1484",NULL,NULL -"AM206U",NULL,NULL -"AF2202",NULL,NULL -"LS1532",NULL,NULL -"LS1496",NULL,NULL -"DH2628","Någon av kurserna DH1620 Människa-datorinteraktion och DH2620 med samma namn.
","One of the courses DH1620 Human-Computer Interaction, Introductory Course and DH2620 with the same name.
" -"LS2426",NULL,NULL -"SK2402",NULL,NULL -"LS2436",NULL,NULL -"LS2449",NULL,NULL -"MJ245X",NULL,NULL -"KH1406",NULL,NULL -"AI206X",NULL,NULL -"CB2080",NULL,NULL -"A31T2A","Studenten ska uppfylla uppflyttningskraven för tredje årskursen.
",NULL -"MH284U",NULL,NULL -"DH2408","Motsvarande någon av kurserna DH1620 Människa-datorinteraktion, inledande kurs och DH2620 med samma namn.
","One of the courses DH1620 Human-Computer Interaction Introductory Course and DH2620 with the same name or corresponding.
" -"DH2465",NULL,NULL -"DH2466","DH2620 Människa – datorinteraktion, inledande kurs
En fördjupningskurs i MDI t.ex DH2408 Utvärderingsmetoder i MDI, DH2626 Interaktionsdesign 1.
DH2620 Huma Computer Interaction, introductory course
One specialisation course in HCI e.g. DH2408 Evaluation methods in HCI, DH2626 Interaction design 1.
" -"ME194U",NULL,NULL -"DH2642","Motsvarande DH1620/DH2620 Människa-datorinteraktion, inledande kurs samt god kunskap i programmering och viss färdighet i objektorienterad programmering.
","Corresponding to the course Human-Computer Interaction, introductory course (DH1620/DH2620) and programming competence, elements of object-oriented programming.
" -"DH2650","DH2413 Avancerad grafik och interaktion - som kan läsas parallellt - samt dessutom DH1620/DH2620 Människa-datorinteraktion, inledande kurs, eller IC1000 Människa-datorinteraktion.
","DH2413 Advanced Graphics and Interaction, which can be read parallelly, DH1620/DH2620 Human-Computer Interaction, Introductory Course or IC1000 Human-Computer Interaction.
" -"DM2350",NULL,NULL -"DM1580",NULL,NULL -"DM2500","Kurser motsvarande de två första årskurserna på civilingenjörsprogrammet i Medieteknik.
","Compulsory media courses on the Master of Science program in Media Technology.
" -"DM2573","Kandidatexamen eller motsvarande.
","Exam: Bachelor of Science or corresponding.
" -"MJ218X",NULL,NULL -"KF2460","Grundläggande kunskaper i kemi och kemiteknik med minst 60 högskolepoäng
","Fundamental knowledge in chemistry and chemical engineering of at least 60 credits
" -"SF101X",NULL,NULL -"MJ2404",NULL,NULL -"SF2745",NULL,NULL -"DM2583",NULL,NULL -"IK1332",NULL,NULL -"AF2019",NULL,NULL -"DM2630",NULL,NULL -"DM2679",NULL,NULL -"DM2623","Minst 3 års högskolestudier.
","At least 3 years university studies
" -"KE1150",NULL,NULL -"DM2906","Beror på kursinnehåll.
","Depends on the contents of the course.
" -"SF2735",NULL,NULL -"DD2440",NULL,NULL -"DT2112","Kunskaper i matematik och signalanalys motsvarande basblocket för Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Medieteknik.
","Proficiency in mathematics and signal analysis corresponding to the first 2.5 years of Degree Programme in Media Technology.
" -"ME2826","","" -"EP2810","The student should have at least 210 credits from the Master of Science in Engineering program or similar, or at least 60 credits from a Master Program related to the subject area.
Eligible students should be already prepared by basic courses in the area of the individual project. Preparation on most of, or all if possible, among data networks, operating systems, wireless networks, Internet-working, is presumed. This course is an extension of EP2800.
","The student should have at least 210 credits from the Master of Science in Engineering program or similar, or at least 60 credits from a Master Program related to the subject area.
Eligible students should be already prepared by basic courses in the area of the individual project. Preparation on most of, or all if possible, among data networks, operating systems, wireless networks, Internet-working, is presumed. This course is an extension of EP2800.
" -"DT2217","Beror på kursinnehåll.
","Depends on course content.
" -"AH2203",NULL,NULL -"AG2123",NULL,NULL -"KE1140",NULL,NULL -"AI121U",NULL,NULL -"EK2370","Kursnivån är anpassad till studenter som är inskrivna i ett masterprogram på KTH.
Eleverna måste ha grundläggande kunskaper inom elteknik, ingenjörsfysik eller motsvarande grundutbildning. Det är rekommenderat att eleverna har viss kunskap om grundläggande elektromagnetism. Praktisk erfarenhet av programmering med hjälp av tekniska verktyg, som Matlab, är fördelaktigt.
","The course level is adapted to students enrolled in an engineering master programme at KTH.
The students must have basic knowledge in electrical engineering, engineering physics, or an equivalent basic education. It is recommended that the students have some knowledge in basic electromagnetics. Practical experience with programming using engineering tools, such as Matlab, is advantageous.
" -"EL2421","Reglerteknik allmän kurs (EL1000, EL1110, E1120, Reglerteknik allmän kurs) och minst en av kurserna
EL2520 Automatic control, Advanced course eller EL2620 Nonlinear Control eller EL2450 Hybrid and Embedded Control Systems.
","Automatic Control, Basic Course, (EL1000, EL1110, E1120, Reglerteknik allmän kurs) and at least one of
EL2520 Automatic control, Advanced course or EL2620 Nonlinear Control or EL2450 Hybrid and Embedded Control Systems.
" -"MJ248X",NULL,NULL -"EL2425","Kunskaper och färdigheter i programmeringsspråket Python samt kunskaper i robotik motsvarande DD2410 Introduktion till robotik 7,5 hp.
","Knowledge and skills in the programming language Python and knowledge in robotics corresponding to DD2410 Introduction to Robotics 7.5 credits.
" -"MH2048","Generella kunskaper inom MATLAB som ett programmeringsspråk motsvarande minst kurs SD1105 Matlab
","The course SD1105 Matlab, or similar. A general understanding of MATLAB as a programming language
" -"MH2045",NULL,NULL -"DD2437","Motsvarande de för D, E eller F obligatoriska kurserna i matematik, numeriska metoder och datalogi.
","The mandatory courses in mathematics, numerical analysis and computer science for D, E, and F-students or the equivalent.
" -"DD2445","Kursen är öppen för alla studenter men den huvudsakliga målgruppen är magisterstudenter i datavetenskap och matematik. Kursen är också lämpligför doktorander i datavetenskap eller matematik som inte tidigare har tagit kurser i beräkningskomplexitet. Du behöver ha läst DD1352 Algoritmer, datastrukturer och komplexitet eller DD2352 Algoritmer och komplexitet eller motsvarande kurs på annat universitet och bör kunna materialet väl. Du behöver också matematisk mognad och beredskap för att kursen kommer att vara krävande (men också rolig!). Föreläsningarna ges på engelska.
","The course is open to anyone, but the main target audience are Master's students in computer science and mathematics. The course is also suitable for PhD students in computer science or mathematics who have not previously taken a dedicated course on computational complexity theory. You need to have taken DD1352 Algorithms, Data Structures, and Complexity or DD2352 Algorithms and Complexity or corresponding courses at other universities, and should feel comfortable with that material. You will also need mathematical maturity and a willingness to learn new stuff. This will be a demanding course, but hopefully even more fun! The lectures will be given in English.
" -"DD2447","Grundläggande kurser i programmering, datalogi, matematik och statistik motsvarande obligatoriska kurser på D- eller F-programmen.
Matlab eller motsvarande (Octave, R).
Courses in mathematics (analysis), programming, computer science and statistics equivalent to obligatory courses on D- or F-programme.
Matlab or similar tool (Octave, R).
Algebra motsvarande SF1624.
Elkretsanalys motsvarande EI1110/EI1120/IE1206.
","Algebra corresponding to SF1624.
Electrical circuit analysis corresponding to EI1110 / EI1120 / IE1206.
" -"MF2082",NULL,NULL -"EQ1120","Algebra motsvarande SF1624.
Signaler och system i kontinuerlig tid motsvarande EQ1110.
","SF1624 Algebra and geometry
EQ1110 Continuous time signals and systems
" -"KA1015",NULL,NULL -"FCB3001","Inga specifika förkunskaper krävs men målgruppen är främst forskarstuderande på CBH-skolan med eget forskningsprojekt inom, eller intresse av, modifiering av mikroorganismers metabolism, biokatalys, enzymteknologi, samt identifiering och karakterisering av enzymer för hållbara bioprocesser och läkemedel.
","No specific prior knowledge is required, but the target group is mainly doctoral students at the CBH school with an own research project on, or interest in, microbial metabolic engineering, biocatalysis, enzyme technology, and identification and characterization of enzymes for sustainable bioprocesses and drug discovery.
" -"EQ2223",NULL,NULL -"EQ2300","EQ1220 Signalteori alternativt EQ1210 Introduktion till signalteori, eller EQ1240/EQ1260 Signalbehandling
","EQ1220 Signal Theory or alternatively EQ1210 Introduction to Signal Theory, or EQ1240/EQ1260 Signal Processing
" -"EQ2321","Rekommenderade förkunskaper: EQ1220 Signalteori alt. EQ1270 Signalbehandling eller motsvarande.
","Recommended prerequisite: EQ1220 Signal Theory or EQ1270 Signal Processing
" -"KD1010",NULL,NULL -"KH1015","Minst 60 hp avklarade inom kemi och kemiteknik samt godkänt i de kurser som krävs för arbetet.
",NULL -"KD102V","Allmän behörighet i matematik, fysik och kemi (nivå A) eller motsvarande.
",NULL -"LL112V","Lärare i någon eller några av årskurserna F-6 med erfarenhet av teknik- och/eller NO-undervisning.
",NULL -"KE2351",NULL,NULL -"SH2009","En huvuddel av studieprogrammet vara genomfört innan projektarbetet påbörjas.
","The majority of the study programme should be finished before the project work is started.
" -"EQ2401","Rekommenderade förkunskaper motsvarande: EQ1220 Signalteori eller EQ1270 Signalbehandling
EQ2300 Digital Signalbehandling
","Recommended prerequisites corresponding to: EQ1220 Signal theory or EQ1270 Signal processing
EQ2300 Digital Signal Processing
" -"MH1026",NULL,NULL -"SG2218",NULL,NULL -"KD1110","Två års studier på K- eller BIO-programmet vid KTH eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","Two years of study at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, KTH, or corresponding knowledge.
" -"HL1707",NULL,NULL -"AF192X",NULL,NULL -"EQ2425","EQ2330 Bild- och videobehandling eller motsvarande
","EQ2330 Image and Video Processing or equivalent
" -"KD1130","Grundläggande behörighet samt Matematik E, Fysik B och Kemi A
","Specific requirements of mathematics, physics and chemistry corresponding to Mathematics E, Physics B and Chemistry A.
" -"KH1005","Minst 60 hp avklarade inom kemi och kemiteknik samt godkänt i de kurser som krävs för arbetet.
",NULL -"UMK701",NULL,NULL -"SK2772",NULL,NULL -"EQ2461",NULL,NULL -"KH1010","Minst 60 hp avklarade inom kemi och kemiteknik samt godkänt i de kurser som krävs för arbetet.
",NULL -"KD1140","Kurserna IF1621 Kvantmekanik I och IF1612 Tillämpad fysik, termodynamik, och vågrörelselära.
","The courses IF1621 Quantum mechanics I and IF1612 Applied physics, thermodynamics, and waves.
" -"KD1210","Kurserna MJ1530 Fysik, kemi, energi och miljö och KH1500 Allmän och organisk kemi bör vara inhämtade.
","The course MJ1530 Physics, Chemistry, Energy and the Environment and KH1500 General and Organic Chemistry should be completed.
" -"AL2135",NULL,NULL -"EQ2700",NULL,NULL -"KD1510","Inledande kemi eller motsvarande.
",NULL -"KD200X",NULL,NULL -"EQ2801","EQ1220/EQ1270 Signalteori/Stokastiska signaler och system eller motsvarande
EQ2300 Digital signalbehandling, EQ2401 Adaptiv signalbehandling
","EQ1220/EQ1270 Signal Theory/Stochastic Signals and Systems, or equivalent
EQ2300 Digital Signal Processing, EQ2401 Adaptive Signal Processing
" -"KD202X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp inom master programmet.
","Most of your studies must be completed, ie at least 210 credits if you are studying at a 270 credits programme, and 240 credits if you are studying at a 300 credits programme. If you are a masters student, you must have completed at least 60 credits within the masters programme.
" -"MH2277",NULL,NULL -"KD201V","Högskoleutbildning i kemi eller motsvarande.
Allmän behörighet i kemi, fysik och matematik (nivå A) eller motsvarande kunskaper
",NULL -"KD202V","Högskoleutbildning i kemi eller motsvarande rekommenderas.
","University training in Chemistry is recommended
" -"EQ2831","Basic course on digital communications such as EQ2310 Digital Communications.
","Basic course on digital communications such as EQ2310 Digital Communications.
" -"KD2040",NULL,NULL -"KD204X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp.
","Most of your studies must be completed, ie at least 210 credits if you are studying at a 270 credits programme, and 240 credits if you are studying at a 300 credits programme. If you are a masters student, you must have completed at least 60 credits within the masters programme.
" -"KD2060",NULL,NULL -"KD206X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp.
","Most of your studies must be completed, ie at least 210 credits if you are studying at a 270 credits programme, and 240 credits if you are studying at a 300 credits programme. If you are a masters student, you must have completed at least 60 credits within the masters programme.
" -"KD207X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp.
","Most of your studies must be completed, ie at least 210 credits if you are studying at a 270 credits programme, and 240 credits if you are studying at a 300 credits programme. If you are a masters student, you must have completed at least 60 credits within the masters programme.
" -"KD2080",NULL,NULL -"MJ238X",NULL,NULL -"AE272V",NULL,NULL -"KD2140",NULL,NULL -"KD2155","KF1165 Materialens kemi och egenskaper
","KF1165 Materials Chemistry and Properties
" -"KD210X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp.
","Most of your studies must be completed, ie at least 210 credits if you are studying at a 270 credits programme, and 240 credits if you are studying at a 300 credits programme. If you are a masters student, you must have completed at least 60 credits within the masters programme.
" -"KD208X",NULL,NULL -"KD209X",NULL,NULL -"AI1801",NULL,NULL -"FCB3002","FCB3001
" -"MJ145X","MJ1112 Tillämpad Termodynamik, 9 hp eller motsvarande (avklarad)
ME1003 Industriell Ekonomi, grundkurs 6 hp eller motsvarande (avklarad)
Rekommenderat: MJ1401 Värmeöverföring 6 hp, men ej obligatorisk
","MJ1112 Applied Thermodynamics, 9 ECTS or corresponding knowledge
ME1003 Industrial Management, 6 ECTS or corresponding knowledge
Recommended: MJ1401 Heat Transfer, 6 ECTS, but is not mandatory
" -"AF102U",NULL,NULL -"HS1027",NULL,NULL -"SK2411","SK2400 (Kvantelektronik inkl elektrooptik, 12 hp).
","Quantum mechanics atom physics, physical optics.
" -"AH2030","Kunskaper i matematisk statistik och transformteori rekommenderas.
","Knowledge in mathematical statistics and transform theory is recommended.
" -"KD2200","KD2190
" -"KD2240",NULL,NULL -"KD2250",NULL,NULL -"ID2218","Basic understanding of circuits and digital logic.
","Basic understanding of circuits and digital logic.
" -"IE1202",NULL,NULL -"IE1332","Kurser i grundläggande kretsteori (IF1330 Ellära) och analog elektronik (IE1202 Analog elektronik) eller motsvarande.
","Courses in basic circuit thory (IF1330 Electrical Principals) and analog electronics (IE1202 Analog electronics) or similar.
" -"KD2260","KD1160 Materialkemi
MH1010 Materials termodynamik,
MH1014 Materiallära
eller motsvarande kunskaper.
KD1160 Materials Chemistry
MH1010 Thermodynamics of Materials MH1014 Fundamentals of Materials
or equivalent.
Investment Analysis rekommenderas
","Investment Analysis is recommended.
" -"KD2290",NULL,NULL -"KD2270",NULL,NULL -"AI212V",NULL,"None
" -"HS2012",NULL,NULL -"KD2320","Grundläggande kunskaper i organisk kemi
","Basic knowledge in organic chemistry
" -"ME2721",NULL,NULL -"AE221X",NULL,NULL -"II1303",NULL,NULL -"KD2385","Kurser i organisk kemi på grundnivå (t ex KD1090/KD1230 och KD1100/KD1270), och kurs i organisk kemi på avancerad nivå KD2310 (kan läsas parallellt), eller motsvarande kurser.
","1st cycle courses in organic chemistry (e.g., KD1090/KD1230 and KD1100/KD1270), and 2nd cycle course in organic chemistry KD2310 (can be studied in parallel), or equivalent courses.
" -"KE2080",NULL,NULL -"KD2430",NULL,NULL -"AH2306",NULL,NULL -"HE100X",NULL,NULL -"AG1322",NULL,NULL -"KO3003",NULL,NULL -"HE1001",NULL,NULL -"HE1003",NULL,NULL -"II2300","It is recommended that students enrolling in this course have taken an undergraduate course of studies in engineering or computer science.
","It is recommended that students enrolling in this course have taken an undergraduate course of studies in engineering or computer science.
" -"DD2525",NULL,NULL -"HE1016","Studenten ska före kursen känna till hur ett projekt bedrivs och kunna skriva en teknisk rapport, samt ha grundläggande kunskaper inom digitalteknik, mikrodatorteknik, ellära, elektronik, data- och telekommunikation samt reglerteknik.
","The student should have knowledge about project management, be able to write a technical report and have basic knowledge in digital techniques, microcontrollers, electricity, electronics, computer programming, data- and telecommunication as well as control techniques
" -"HE101X",NULL,NULL -"IK2507",NULL,NULL -"AG211X",NULL,NULL -"HE1023",NULL,NULL -"HE1030",NULL,NULL -"AI1131",NULL,NULL -"HE1029",NULL,NULL -"IK2508","IK2507 Wireless Communication Systems
","IK2507 Wireless Communication Systems
" -"KH003V","Har du läst kemi A eller motsvarande på gymnasiet underlättar det dina studier. Du kan även följa den här kursen utan några tidigare kemiförkunskaper.
",NULL -"HE1043",NULL,NULL -"HE2001",NULL,NULL -"KH1020","Minst 60 hp avklarade inom kemi och kemiteknik samt godkänt i de kurser som krävs för arbetet.
",NULL -"HE111X",NULL,NULL -"HE110X",NULL,NULL -"HE2000",NULL,NULL -"HF0009",NULL,NULL -"KH105V","Grundläggande matematik (motsvarande matematik A och B från gymnasiet) samt kemi (motsvarande kemi A från gymnasiet) eller KH104V Allmän kemi för Yrkesverksamma är lämpliga förkunskaper.
",NULL -"HF0010",NULL,NULL -"HF1013",NULL,NULL -"KH106V","Grundläggande matematik (motsvarande matematik A från gymnasiet) samt kemi (motsvarande kemi A från gymnasiet) eller KH104V Allmän kemi för Yrkesverksamma är lämpliga förkunskaper.
",NULL -"HF0021",NULL,NULL -"AG111X",NULL,NULL -"KH107V","Grundläggande matematik (motsvarande matematik A från gymnasiet) samt kemi (motsvarande kemi A från gymnasiet) eller KH103V Introduktionskurs i kemi för Yrkesverksamma är lämpliga förkunskaper.
",NULL -"KH1070",NULL,NULL -"SG2225","","" -"A11TEB",NULL,NULL -"DD1337",NULL,NULL -"KH0021",NULL,NULL -"KH1211","KH1110 Matematik eller motsvarande.
","Course KH1110 Mathematics, or equivalent.
" -"KH1150",NULL,NULL -"AG2422",NULL,NULL -"HF1000",NULL,NULL -"DD1338","DD1337 Programming.
","DD1337 Programming.
" -"HF0017",NULL,NULL -"MF1020","MF1018
" -"HF1001",NULL,NULL -"KH1221",NULL,NULL -"HF1007",NULL,NULL -"DD1388","Kunskaper i objektorientering och Javaprogrammering motsvarande DD1361 Programmeringsparadigm, DD1385/DD2385 Programutvecklingsteknik, DD1346 Objektorienterad programkonstruktion eller DD1332 Objektorienterad programmering.
","Knowledge of object orientation and Java programming corresponding to DD1361 Programming paradigms, DD1385/DD2385 Software engineering, DD1346 Object-oriented program construction or DD1332 Object oriented programming.
" -"AG1132",NULL,NULL -"DD1395","Erfarenheter av ingenjörsvetenskapligt skrivande från till exempel ED1100 eller DA1600.
","Experience of engineering scientific writing, for example from ED1100 or DA1600.
" -"AK206X",NULL,NULL -"HF1008",NULL,NULL -"FHK3007",NULL,NULL -"KH138X",NULL,NULL -"HF1704",NULL,NULL -"KH1332","KH1252 Företagsekonomi
KH1341 Miljöskyddsteknik (kan läsas parallellt)
Knowledge equivalent to:
KH1252 Business Administration
KH1341 Environmental Technology (can be taken simultaneously)
SF1544 eller SF1547 (eller motsvarande) samt erfarenhet av C, C++, Fortran.
",NULL -"HI100X",NULL,NULL -"KH139X",NULL,NULL -"SF298X",NULL,NULL -"AE261X",NULL,NULL -"DD2363",NULL,NULL -"HF1M02",NULL,NULL -"KH1402","KH1121 Organisk kemi eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","KH1121 Organic Chemistry or equivalent
" -"KH1401","KH1121 Organisk kemi eller motsvarande.
","KH1121 Organic Chemistry or equivalent
" -"HF2000",NULL,NULL -"HL1721",NULL,NULL -"DD2401","Naturvetenskapligt-tekniskt basblock för B, D, E, F, K, M, Me, P eller T vid KTH, eller motsvarande.
","Mandatory courses for B, D, E, F, K, M, Me, P or T at KTH, or equivalent.
" -"HI1014",NULL,NULL -"KH1405",NULL,NULL -"HI1015",NULL,NULL -"DD2411","DD2410 Introduktion till robotik, eller motsvarande kurs.
",NULL -"KH1408",NULL,NULL -"HH1800",NULL,NULL -"DD2419","Kursen DD2410 ""Introduktion till Robotik"" eller motsvarande
Kandidatexamen eller motsvarande varav 45 högskolepoäng inom matematik eller informationsteknik.
Dessutom krävs engelska B eller motsvarande.
","DD2410 ""Introduction to robotics"" or equivalent
Bachelor degree or similar out of which 45 ECTS in mathematics or information technology.
English level B or equivalent
" -"AH2170",NULL,NULL -"HH1901",NULL,NULL -"BB1230",NULL,NULL -"MJ1401",NULL,NULL -"HH1903",NULL,NULL -"BB2020","KD1090 Organisk kemi 1, KD1100 Organisk kemi 2, BB1080/BB1090 Biokemi eller BB1050 Bioteknik för K.
","KD1090 Organic chemistry 1, KD1100 Organic chemistry 2, BB1080/BB1090 Biochemistry or BB1050 Biotechnology for K.
" -"HI1001",NULL,NULL -"HI1007",NULL,NULL -"DD2430","Studenten ska ha genomgått de flesta kurserna i något delspår inom spåret dataanalys i datalogimasterprogrammet.
","The student should have completed most of the courses in one of the subtracks of the track Data Science in the Computer Science masters programme.
" -"HI1002",NULL,NULL -"HH1904",NULL,NULL -"HI1003",NULL,NULL -"MF2059",NULL,NULL -"A42H1A","Kandidatexamen inom området arkitektur, eller motsvarande utbildningsnivå.
","Bachelor’s Degree, or an equivalent level, within the field of Architecture.
" -"HI1008",NULL,NULL -"MF2204",NULL,NULL -"HI1009",NULL,NULL -"DD2444",NULL,NULL -"HI1019",NULL,NULL -"HI1017","Kunskaper i objektorienterad programmering och distribuerade system t.ex motsvarande kurserna HI1007 Objektorienterad programmering med Java och Distribuerade system/nätverksprogrammering
",NULL -"HI101L",NULL,NULL -"HI1020",NULL,NULL -"AI1519",NULL,NULL -"SF1545","SF1624 Algebra och geometri, SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
","SF1624 Algebra and Geometry, SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable
" -"EI2400","EI1210 Vågutbredning och antenner E.
","EI1210 Wave propagation and antennas
" -"HI103L",NULL,NULL -"EI2525",NULL,NULL -"HI1018",NULL,NULL -"FCB3003","FCB3001, FCB3002
","FCB3001, FCB3002
" -"HI102X",NULL,NULL -"HI1028",NULL,NULL -"AD1222",NULL,NULL -"SF2822","En slutförd fortsättningskurs i numerisk analys.
","A completed continuationcourse in numerical analysis.
" -"HL1703",NULL,NULL -"SG2224",NULL,NULL -"DM1588",NULL,NULL -"FEP3316",NULL,NULL -"AI119U",NULL,NULL -"AF212X",NULL,NULL -"AI110V","Samhällsekonomi och Juridisk översiktskurs el. motsvarande rekommenderas
",NULL -"HL1720",NULL,NULL -"BB2485","Inga speciella förkunskaper krävs.
",NULL -"HL1722",NULL,NULL -"HL1723",NULL,NULL -"HL1902",NULL,NULL -"HI105X",NULL,NULL -"DD2463","Beror på kursinnehåll.
","Depends on the course content.
" -"HL2000",NULL,NULL -"HL2001",NULL,NULL -"HI105L",NULL,NULL -"HL2002",NULL,NULL -"MH2253",NULL,NULL -"HI106L",NULL,NULL -"HI106X",NULL,NULL -"HL2008",NULL,NULL -"HI107L",NULL,NULL -"HL2009",NULL,NULL -"HI107X",NULL,NULL -"HL2012",NULL,NULL -"HL2004",NULL,NULL -"BB2285",NULL,NULL -"BB2280","Grundkurserna i kemi och matematik för K och BIO.
","Basic classes in chemistry and mathematics för K och BIO.
" -"HI108V","Kunskaper motsvarande HI103V (tidigare 6H4071)Datakommunikation I. (Kontakta kursansvarig för bedömning av annan förkunskap.)
","Knowledge corresponding the course HI103V (formerly 6H4071)- for furher information in English, please contact the teacher.
" -"AH2111",NULL,NULL -"HI108L",NULL,NULL -"BB2300","Grundläggande kvantmekanik. Numerisk linjär algebra. Kurserna ”Molekylsimulering på en dator”, och ”Kvantkemi”, rekommenderas, men är ej nödvändiga. Vissa färdigheter i att använda en dator är behjälpliga.
",NULL -"AG1137","Behörighet för antagning till Civilingenjörsutbildning 300 hp inom Samhällsbyggnad eller Energi och Miljö
",NULL -"AL2143",NULL,NULL -"SD271X",NULL,NULL -"HI109L",NULL,NULL -"AH1021",NULL,NULL -"HI108X",NULL,NULL -"HL200X",NULL,NULL -"HL2011",NULL,NULL -"SD2166",NULL,NULL -"IL2229",NULL,NULL -"AK1210",NULL,NULL -"HL2031",NULL,NULL -"IL2236",NULL,NULL -"ML1508",NULL,NULL -"HI110X",NULL,NULL -"AG2423",NULL,NULL -"IL2452",NULL,"The course requires good knowledge of
Grundläggande kunskaper i programmering och digital elektronik.
","Fundamental knowledge of programming and digital electronics.
" -"IS1500","Studenten ska kunna skriva, förklara och felsöka program i imperativa programspråk, exempelvis Java, C eller C++, upp till programstorlekar omkring 100 programrader.
","The student must be able to write, explain and debug programs in imperative programming-languages, such as Java, C, or C++, up to program-sizes around 100 lines of code.
" -"ML1336",NULL,NULL -"BB1170",NULL,NULL -"DD2481","Programmeringsteknik, algoritmer och datastrukturer motsvarande någon av kurserna DD1320, DD1321, DD1325, DD1327, DD1338, DD1339, DD1340, DD1341, DD1346 eller ID1020.
","Programming, algorithms and datastructures correspoding to one of the courses DD1320, DD1321, DD1325, DD1327, DD1338, DD1339, DD1340, DD1341, DD1346 or ID1020.
" -"IS2500",NULL,"Previous coursework in areas of electronic circuits, logic design, embedded system design and programming. II2302, Sensor Based Systems, is strongly advised.
" -"SH1011",NULL,NULL -"IV1201",NULL,NULL -"HL2022",NULL,NULL -"KF101U",NULL,NULL -"IX1304","Gymnasiematematik, kurs ""Matematik 4""
","High school mathematics, course ""Matematik 4""
" -"HL2020",NULL,NULL -"AH201V",NULL,NULL -"KF103U",NULL,NULL -"HL2023",NULL,NULL -"HL2029",NULL,NULL -"AG1105",NULL,NULL -"KTGD10",NULL,NULL -"HL2030",NULL,NULL -"HL2033",NULL,NULL -"SF2935","Numeriska metoder (SF1544, SF1545 eller liknande), differentialekvationer (SF1633, SF1683 eller liknande), sannolikhetsteori and matematisk statistik (SF2940 eller liknande), regressionsanalys (SF2930 eller liknande).
","Numerical methods (SF1544, SF1545 or similar), differential equations (SF1633, SF1683 or similar), probability and statistics (SF2940 or similar), regression analysis (SF2930 or similar).
" -"SD2721",NULL,NULL -"DD2496",NULL,NULL -"EJ2440","Någon av följande kurser rekommenderas; EJ2201 Elektriska maskiner och drivsystem, EJ1200 Eleffektsystem eller EJ2301 Effektelektronik.
","One of the following courses are recommended; EJ2201 Electrical Machines and Drives, EJ1200 Electric Power systems or EJ2301 Power Electronics
" -"DD2497","Datasäkerhet motsvarande kursen DD2395. Operativsystem motsvarande en av kurserna ID1200/ID1206/ID2200/ID2206/IS1350.
","Computer security corresponding to the course DD2395. Operative systems corresponding to one of the courses ID1200/ID1206/ID2200/ID2206/IS1350.
" -"BB1190","BB1030 Mikrobiologi och BB1160 Eukaryot cellbiologi
","BB1030 Microbiology, BB1160 Eucarot cell biology
" -"BB2400","Good knowledge about the physics and chemistry courses according to the study plan or corresponding background
","Good knowledge about the physics and chemistry courses according to the study plan or corresponding background
" -"AH2305",NULL,NULL -"EP2510","EP2500 Nätverk Systemsäkerhet
","EP2500 Networked system security or equivalent.
" -"BB2460","Avklarade bioteknikkurser på grundläggande nivå, organisk kemi på grundläggande nivå samt behörighet att studera på avancerad nivå.
","Passed biotechnology courses at basic level, organic chemistry at basic level, and eligibility to study at the advanced level.
" -"MF2079",NULL,NULL -"MH2286",NULL,NULL -"BB1220","BB1150 Biokemi 1, BB1160 Eukaryot cellbiologi, BB1030 Mikrobiologi, BB1190 Genteknik eller motsvarande
","BB1150 Biochemistry, BB Eucaryotic Cell Biology, BB1030 Microbiology, BB1190 Gene Technology or equivalent.
" -"EN2911",NULL,NULL -"EN2912",NULL,NULL -"BB2255",NULL,NULL -"SA117X",NULL,NULL -"AH1031",NULL,NULL -"EI2439","Rekommenderad är också kursen EH2741 Kommunikation och styrning i elkraftsystem.
Kursen är inte lämplig för studenter som inte redan har studerat på masternivå inom elkraftteknik.
","Also recommended is the course EH2741 Communication and Control in Electric Power Systems.
The course is not suitable for students who have not already studied at master's level in electric power engineering.
" -"AH202V",NULL,NULL -"EI2440","Grundläggande kunskaper i matematik, fysik och elektroteknik motsvarande årskurs 1-3 i programmet CELTE.
","Basic knowledge in mathematics, physics and electrotechnology corresponding to year 1-3 in the programme CELTE
" -"AL2142","Grundläggande kunskaper inom Termodynamik är önskvärt
","Knowledge in Thermodynamics is recommended
" -"KF203X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp.
","Most of your studies must be completed, ie at least 210 credits if you are studying at a 270 credits programme, and 240 credits if you are studying at a 300 credits programme. If you are a masters student, you must have completed at least 60 credits within the masters programme.
" -"AK2034",NULL,NULL -"EI2430",NULL,NULL -"AE253V",NULL,NULL -"KF205X","Huvuddelen av dina studier ska vara avklarade, d.v.s. minst 210 hp om du studerar på 270 hp-programmet och 240 hp om du studerar på 300 hp-programmet. Om du är mastersstuderande ska du ha uppnått minst 60 hp.
","Most of your studies must be completed, ie at least 210 credits if you are studying at a 270 credits programme, and 240 credits if you are studying at a 300 credits programme. If you are a masters student, you must have completed at least 60 credits within the masters programme.
" -"AE1104",NULL,NULL -"ME2808",NULL,NULL -"AI258U",NULL,NULL -"KF2180","KF1010 Polymerteknologi med cellulosateknologi
","KF1010 Polymer Technology and Cellulose Technology
" -"KF2150","KF1010 Polymerteknologi med cellulosateknologi eller motsvarande.
","KF1010 Polymer technology with cellulosa technology or corresponding knowledge.
" -"AF2101","Kunskaper i differentialekvationer, 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"ID1214",NULL,NULL -"EJ2420","EJ1200 Eleffektsystem
Minst en av:
EJ2200 Elektriska maskiner o drivsystem
EJ2300 Effektelektronik
EJ1200 Electric Power Systems
At least one of:
EJ2200 Electrical Machines and Drives
EJ2300 Power Electronics
Electromagnetisk teori (krävs), Plasmafysik(rekommenderas), Rymdfysik (rekommenderas).
För fristående studenter: engelska B eller motsvarande.
","Electromagnetic theory (required), Plasma Physics(recommended), Space Physics (recommended).
For single course students: documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
" -"EF2250","För att antas till kursen krävs att examinatorn för EF225X Examensarbete inom Rymd- och plasmafysik bedömer att arbetet har förutsättningar att kunna publiceras
",NULL -"MJ222X",NULL,NULL -"BB1200","BB1150 Biokemi 1, BB1030 Mikrobiologi, BB1190 Genteknik, BB1210 Rening av biomolekyler eller motsvarande kurser.
","BB1150 Biochemistry, BB1030 Microbiology, BB1190 Gene Technology, BB1210 Purification of Biomolecules or equivalent courses.
" -"BB1160","BB1150 Biokemi 1
","BB1150 Biochemistry 1
" -"MH205X",NULL,NULL -"MJ2499",NULL,NULL -"HE1200",NULL,NULL -"MG115X",NULL,NULL -"KH0022",NULL,NULL -"HF0022",NULL,NULL -"MF2023",NULL,NULL -"FCB3004","FCB3001, FCB3002, FCB3003
","FCB3001, FCB3002, FCB3003
" -"AE254V",NULL,NULL -"FCB3012",NULL,NULL -"AE1503",NULL,NULL -"FEP3317",NULL,NULL -"SF1680",NULL,NULL -"SD221X",NULL,NULL -"AD2867",NULL,NULL -"SI201X",NULL,NULL -"AM204U",NULL,NULL -"AM203V",NULL,NULL -"AF294U",NULL,NULL -"MJ1431",NULL,NULL -"LT1021",NULL,NULL -"AG2119","AG2109 Planning Theory advanced course or equivalent
AG2171 Futures Studies and Forecasts or equivalent
AG2109 Planning Theory advanced course or equivalent
AG2171 Futures Studies and Forecasts or equivalent
Motsvarande en av kurserna DD1352 Algoritmer, datastrukturer och komplexitet eller DD2354 Algoritmer och komplexitet samt kunskaper i sannolikhetsteori, matematik och algoritmteori motsvarande de obligatoriska kurserna på D eller F.
","Knowledge equivalent to either one of the courses DD1352 Algorithms, Data Structures and Complexity or DD2354 Algorithms and Complexity and knowledge of probability theory, mathematics and algorithm theory acquired in the mandatory courses of the D or F program.
" -"CK2030",NULL,NULL -"MH1008",NULL,NULL -"MJ241X",NULL,NULL -"DD2458","DD2440 Avancerade Algoritmer
","DD2440 Advanced Algorithms
" -"AL2521",NULL,NULL -"DD2464","Beror på kursinnehåll.
","Depends on the contents of the course.
" -"AI240U",NULL,NULL -"DA151X",NULL,NULL -"DD2510",NULL,NULL -"AE1709","Personer med intresse för grundvattenfrågor, yrkesverksamma eller studerande.
Grundläggande högskolebehörighet.
Allmänna kunskaper i hydrologi.
","People with an interest in groundwater management, professionals or students.
General knowledge of hydrology.
" -"DD2465","Beror på kursinnehåll.
","Depends on the contents of the course.
" -"MH2055",NULL,NULL -"DD2467","Genomfört eller åtminstone påbörjat tre kurser inom spåret teoretisk datalogi inom masterprogrammet i datalogi.
","Completed or at least started three courses within the Theoretical computer science track of the Computer Science master's programme.
" -"FSK3910",NULL,NULL -"AF269U","Grundläggande kunskaper istrukturmekanik,byggteknik och grundläggandekurs i jordmekanik eller grundläggning Motsvarar minst 2 kurser om 7,5 högskolepoäng.
","Basic knowledge in structural mechanics, structural engineering.and fundamental course in soil mechanics or foundation engineering Equivalent to at least 2·times 7,5 ECTS points
" -"MF2022",NULL,NULL -"AE275V",NULL,NULL -"MH240X",NULL,NULL -"ME2819",NULL,NULL -"MJ216X",NULL,NULL -"AI1172",NULL,NULL -"AI1135",NULL,NULL -"SF2716",NULL,NULL -"MJ2455",NULL,NULL -"MJ2471",NULL,NULL -"BB2425","BB2020 Molekylär enzymologi
","BB2020 Molecular Enzymology
" -"EP2200","SF1901 Sannolikhetsteori och statistik I , eller liknande. Grundkunskap in datakommunikation är nyttig men inte obligatorisk.
","SF1901 Probability Theory and Statistics, or similar. Basic knowledge in networking is helpful, but not mandatory.
" -"AK106X",NULL,NULL -"AE230X",NULL,NULL -"AH2300","A completed Bachelor’s degree in engineering, science, economics, planning or a similar degree, which includes at least 60 cr in mathematics, physics, statistics and/or computer science. Together with documented proficiency in English corresponding to English B.
","A completed Bachelor’s degree in engineering, science, economics, planning or a similar degree, which includes at least 60 cr in mathematics, physics, statistics and/or computer science. Together with documented proficiency in English corresponding to English B.
" -"AF272V",NULL,NULL -"SD220X",NULL,NULL -"ME2830",NULL,NULL -"AL231X",NULL,NULL -"AG2416",NULL,NULL -"MJ243X",NULL,NULL -"AG2420",NULL,NULL -"MH282V","Any basic Chemistry course or equivalent is recommended.
","Any basic Chemistry course or equivalent is recommended.
" -"AI280X",NULL,NULL -"AE219V",NULL,NULL -"AH2031",NULL,NULL -"MH220X",NULL,NULL -"MJ2635","Matematik och fysik/kemi alt. miljökunskap/geologi motsvarande universitetsexamen i naturvetenskapliga eller ingenjörsämnen (högskoleingenjör, civilingenjör, universitetsexamen eller motsvarande). Viss vana att arbeta med datorer är fördelaktigt.
",NULL -"AH2024",NULL,NULL -"AI225U",NULL,NULL -"AF112X",NULL,NULL -"AG2161","Minst 30 hp inom samhällsplanering
","At least 30 ects within urban and regional planning
" -"AI275U",NULL,NULL -"MT1011",NULL,NULL -"FSK3912",NULL,NULL -"AI203V",NULL,NULL -"CM207V",NULL,NULL -"AE271V",NULL,NULL -"AG226V",NULL,NULL -"MF220X",NULL,NULL -"MH2040",NULL,NULL -"FEO3230","Calculus-based integration and probability theory.
","Calculus-based integration and probability theory.
" -"AI105X",NULL,NULL -"SH262V",NULL,NULL -"MJ211X",NULL,NULL -"AE2802",NULL,NULL -"AI107X",NULL,NULL -"IV1013","MH1029 Hållbar processteknik (Kandidatstudenter från KTH)
","MH1029 Sustainable Process Technology (BSc students from KTH)
" -"BB2446",NULL,NULL -"AI220V",NULL,NULL -"DD2480","Objektorienterad programmering, algoritmer och datastrukturer motsvarande någon av kurserna DD1320, DD1321, DD1325, DD1327, DD1338, DD1339, DD1340, DD1341, DD1346 eller ID1020.
","Object oriented programming, algorithms and datastructures corresponding to one of the courses DD1320, DD1321, DD1325, DD1327, DD1338, DD1339, DD1340, DD1341, DD1346 or ID1020.
" -"FSM3001",NULL,NULL -"DD2484",NULL,NULL -"CM209V",NULL,NULL -"MH2100",NULL,NULL -"DA1700",NULL,NULL -"MF2077",NULL,NULL -"MJ2488",NULL,NULL -"DA1600",NULL,NULL -"AI1132",NULL,NULL -"SF291X",NULL,NULL -"MF214X",NULL,NULL -"MH2500",NULL,NULL -"SF1690",NULL,NULL -"MF219X",NULL,NULL -"SF2738",NULL,NULL -"AF101X",NULL,NULL -"AI104X",NULL,NULL -"MJ2624","Kursen MJ2627 eller MJ2629 eller MJ2640 eller KH1341 eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","Previous knowledge is assumed equivalent to MJ2627 or MJ2629 or MJ2640 or KH1341.
" -"MH2030",NULL,NULL -"AI238U",NULL,NULL -"MJ2385",NULL,NULL -"AG2166",NULL,NULL -"SG2227","Deltagandet i ett mastersprogramm inom mekanik är rekommenderad.
","Part of a Master degree programme in a mechanics related area is recommended.
" -"MJ232X",NULL,NULL -"SF0003",NULL,NULL -"SG1109",NULL,NULL -"AE1201","Grundläggande högskolebehörighet, dvs avslutad gymnasieutbildning, med matematik D och fysik B
",NULL -"SF2737",NULL,NULL -"AE215V",NULL,NULL -"MJ240X",NULL,NULL -"AF232U",NULL,NULL -"UMK803","För tillträde till kursen krävs kunskaper motsvarande: Antagen till programmet Civilingenjor och larare, samt
godkänt på kurserna Lärande och bedömning, 5 hp (UMK701) och Matematik-, teknik- och
naturvetenskapsdidaktik samt verksamhetsförlagd utbildning for civilingenjörer och lärare, 19 hp (UMK802).
",NULL -"ME2078","Denna kurs följer och baseras på kurserna ME2072 och ME2073
","This course is the follow up course to ME2072 and ME2073.
" -"SG1130",NULL,NULL -"EP284U",NULL,NULL -"AF273U","Fördjupade kunskaper i något objektbaserat program
","Fördjupade kunskaper i något objektbaserat program
" -"ML1031",NULL,NULL -"AF263X","","" -"SD2465",NULL,NULL -"MF2086",NULL,NULL -"AI143V","Redovisning för fastighetsföretag och Juridisk översiktskurs el. motsvarande rekommenderas
",NULL -"SF1689",NULL,NULL -"AI214V",NULL,NULL -"AE276V",NULL,NULL -"SF281X",NULL,NULL -"AH220X","Allmänt gäller att en huvuddel av studierna, minst 60 högskolepoäng, skall vara avklarade innan examensarbetet får påbörjas. Det är examinator avgör om studenten har den fördjupning som avses och att studenten avklarat huvuddelen av studierna innan examensarbete påbörjats. Dispens kan efter prövning beviljas av grundutbildningsansvarig. Examensarbetet skall normalt utföras under utbildningens sista termin.
","In general the rule is that the main part of the studies, at least 60 credits should be ready before the thesis work is allowed to start. The examinator must make sure that the student has focused in the relevant area and that the main part of the program is ready before the thesis work starts. Exceptions can be made by the person responsible for basic education. The masters thesis should normally be written during the last term of the program.
" -"MJ2405",NULL,NULL -"MH2300",NULL,NULL -"SD2463",NULL,NULL -"MF2025","Förkunskapskravet varierar med det aktuella projektet. Dock ska du alltid ha goda kunskaper i mekanisk konstrukiton och elektroteknik
","Good knowledge in machine design and electrical engineering plus specified in each project.
" -"MJ142X",NULL,NULL -"MH2279",NULL,NULL -"MJ2496",NULL,NULL -"AH2177",NULL,NULL -"AK1215","Sökande som är registrerade påett vanligt KTH programär behöriga.
För sökande som inte är registrerade på ett vanligt KTH program: Dokumenterad avslutad gymnasieutbildning, inklusive goda kunskaper i engelska.
","Applicants registered on a regular KTH programme are eligible.
For applicants not registered on a regular KTH programme: Documented completed upper secondary education, including proficiency in English
" -"AI208V","Urban Regional Economics is recommended
","Urban Regional Economics is recommended
" -"FSG3113","The course assumes that the contents of the course SG1217, SG1220, SG2223 or SG2214, or something similar, have been studied.
","The course assumes that the contents of the course SG1217, SG1220, SG2223 or SG2214, or something similar, have been studied.
" -"MH2201",NULL,NULL -"MH2028",NULL,NULL -"AF2311",NULL,NULL -"AH2207",NULL,NULL -"MF2044",NULL,NULL -"AI286U",NULL,NULL -"AD244V",NULL,NULL -"DD2542","Kursen är öppen för alla, men huvudmålgruppen är avancerade masterstudenter och doktorander i datalogi och matematik.
Även om de formella behörighetskraven är ganska begränsade kommer kursdeltagarna att behöva matematisk mognad och en vilja att lära sig nya saker. Notera att detta är en krävande kurs. (Men förhoppningsvis just därför ännu roligare!)
","The course is open to anyone, but the main target audience are advanced Master's students and doctoral students in computer science and mathematics.
Although the formal prerequisites are quite limited, course participants will need mathematical maturity and a willingness to learn new stuff. It should be noted that this will be a somewhat demanding course. (But hopefully even more fun!)
" -"AI236U",NULL,NULL -"MJ220X",NULL,NULL -"SF1681",NULL,NULL -"AE178V","Grundläggande högskolebehörighet.
Allmänna kunskaper i hydrologi.
","General knowledge of hydrology.
" -"DA246X",NULL,NULL -"MJ182V",NULL,NULL -"DD2557",NULL,NULL -"DH1624",NULL,NULL -"HL2003",NULL,NULL -"AM205U",NULL,NULL -"SF2724","Förkunskapskraven beror på det valda ämnet. Vanligtvis ingår kurserna SF2700 Analys grundkurs och SF2703 Algebra grundkurs.
",NULL -"DH1623",NULL,NULL -"MH2426",NULL,NULL -"AE111V",NULL,"Completed upper secondary education incl documented knowledge of English (TOEFL, IELTS, etc if not your mother tongue or language of instruction)
" -"SF1668",NULL,NULL -"AH181V",NULL,NULL -"SF288X",NULL,NULL -"AK1209",NULL,NULL -"MJ2247",NULL,NULL -"FSF3713",NULL,NULL -"AH2101",NULL,NULL -"MJ2441",NULL,NULL -"AF1024","","" -"AD208V",NULL,NULL -"A42S1A","Kandidatexamen inom området arkitektur, eller motsvarande utbildningsnivå.
","Bachelor degree/level (architecture)
" -"SD230X",NULL,NULL -"MJ143X",NULL,NULL -"SD2104",NULL,NULL -"MJ2421",NULL,NULL -"SK2762",NULL,NULL -"MH2502",NULL,NULL -"AI1124","Avslutade gymnasiestudier och antagning i kandidatprogrammet i Fastighet och finans
","Completed upper secondary education and enrolled in the bachelor program in Real Estate and Financial Services
" -"MJ235X",NULL,NULL -"LT2013",NULL,NULL -"MJ215X",NULL,NULL -"MF2203",NULL,NULL -"LT2033",NULL,NULL -"MJ233V",NULL,NULL -"FJP3310",NULL,NULL -"AD251V",NULL,NULL -"SH2610","KTH-kursen SH2773, Kärnkraftssäkerhet, eller motsvarande
","The KTH course SH2773, Nuclear Safety, or equivalent
" -"AE2605","Programkurser i årskurs 1,2 och 3 obligatoriska för inriktningarna AP resp NRT inom Samhällsbyggnad
",NULL -"AD253V",NULL,NULL -"MH2043",NULL,NULL -"AI113V",NULL,NULL -"AE251X",NULL,NULL -"AF292X",NULL,NULL -"AH2906","Kursen kan genomföras av doktorander från alla forskningsdiscipliner.
","The course can be taken by PhD students from all research disciplines.
" -"A11HNA",NULL,NULL -"HI120V","Genomgången kurs IT-säkerhet II, HI119V (tidigare 6H4082), eller motsvarande kunskapsnivå. (Kontakta kursansvarig för bedömning av annan förkunskap.)
","For information in English, please contact the teacher.
" -"HI1039",NULL,NULL -"AI204X",NULL,NULL -"DA256X",NULL,NULL -"AG1167","Grundläggande högskolebehörighet och 30 hp inom urban och regional planering, geografi, kriminologi, miljövetenskap eller motsvarande alternativt yrkeserfarenhet med relevans för ämnet.
",NULL -"MH100X",NULL,NULL -"DA258X",NULL,NULL -"HL103X",NULL,NULL -"AE274V",NULL,NULL -"AI202V",NULL,NULL -"DH2632","DD1620/DH2620 Människa-datorinteraktion, inledande kurs.
","DH1620/DH2620 Human-Computer Interaction, basic course.
" -"MF130X",NULL,NULL -"MM4000",NULL,NULL -"II1308",NULL,NULL -"CK1050","CK1260 Materialens kemi
","CK1260 Chemistry of Materials
" -"EI1320","Kurserna från CTFYS årskurs 1 och 2 i matematik, inklusive vektoranalys och fysikens matematiska metoder; grundläggande mekanik; grundläggande elektromagnetism, vågrörelselära och elkretsanalys från kursen i klassisk fysik.
","Courses corresponding to CTFYS, year 1 and 2, in mathematics, including vector analysis and mathematical methods in physics; basic mechanics; basic electromagnetism, wave theory and circuit analysis from the course in classical physics.
" -"AG1116",NULL,NULL -"AK123X",NULL,NULL -"MF1049","MF1048 Teknikens grunder för tekniklärare och kurs i mekanik och hållfasthetslära.
","MF1048 Introduction to Technology for Technology Teachers, and course in Mechanics and Solid Mechanics.
" -"EI2401",NULL,NULL -"AG1152",NULL,NULL -"AK2055",NULL,NULL -"CB1050",NULL,NULL -"MH255X",NULL,NULL -"EI2405",NULL,NULL -"AG1168","Praktisk kunskap välkomnas. Vi välkomnar särskilt er som är utövare i kommuner eller regioner i Sverige med intresse i säkerhets- och trygghetsfrågor planerare, säkerhetsexperter och liknande (till exempel, om du jobbar på kolletiktrafiken eller ett shopping centrum)
",NULL -"AI2608",NULL,NULL -"DD1380",NULL,NULL -"ME2817",NULL,NULL -"AD102V",NULL,NULL -"MJ1403",NULL,NULL -"SK2901",NULL,NULL -"DD1385","Javaprogrammering motsvarande DD1380/DD2310 Javaprogrammering för Pythonprogrammerare eller DD1337 Programmering.
","Java programming corresponding to DD1380/DD2310 Java programming for Python programmers or DD1337 Programming.
" -"AF2203","Kunskaper i differentialekvationer, 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"DD1396",NULL,NULL -"MF1018","Kursen ges endast för studenter från ingång OPEN, som antas till P-programmet.
",NULL -"AG2429",NULL,NULL -"AF2022","ME1400 Projektledning och kommunikation
ME1001 Industriell ekonomi, grundkurs
HS1015 Byggstyrning
","ME1400 Project Management and Communication
ME1001 Industriell ekonomi, grundkurs
HS1015 Construction Management
" -"AG2125",NULL,NULL -"DD1418",NULL,NULL -"AF213U","Den sökande rekommenderas att ha läst grundläggande kurser i matematik, mekanik och hållfasthetslära på högskolenivå för att kunna tillgodogöra sig kursen.
","Commissioned education
The course covers the design of steel structures from a basic to advanced level. The course is about how to find the resistance (or load capacity) of structures by means of design calculations. The design calculations follow the European standard EN 1993 – Design of steel structures.
" -"AI216V","Real Estate Investment Analysis and Financial Economics are recommended. Alternatively, an advanced course in Corporate Finance and Econometrics is acceptable.
","Real Estate Investment Analysis and Financial Economics are recommended. Alternatively, an advanced course in Corporate Finance and Econometrics is acceptable.
" -"MH2000",NULL,NULL -"AD1RD1",NULL,NULL -"ME2722","Minst 30 hp inom matematik, statistik, kvalitativ analys eller motsvarande
","At least 30 hp within mathematics, statistics , qualitative analysis, or corresponding
" -"MH2284",NULL,NULL -"HH100U",NULL,NULL -"DD2300",NULL,NULL -"DD2302",NULL,NULL -"MH202X",NULL,NULL -"FDT3119","Vissa kunskaper i Maskininlärning, gärna DD2421, DD2434 eller EN2202
Vissa programmeringskunskaper, gärna Python
Vissa kunskaper i signalbehandling
","Some knowledge of Machine learning, possibly DD2421, DD2434 or EN2202
Some programming knowledge, best if Python
Some knowledge in Signal Processing
" -"AI219V",NULL,NULL -"EA270X",NULL,NULL -"MH2102",NULL,NULL -"CH202V",NULL,NULL -"AL2300",NULL,NULL -"MH2001",NULL,NULL -"MJ244X",NULL,NULL -"MH281V",NULL,NULL -"KZ2002",NULL,NULL -"AI237U",NULL,NULL -"FDD3029","Bekantskap med satslogik och matematiska bevis samt programmeringskunskaper i ett generellt programspråk.
","Familiarity with propositional logic and mathematical proofs, as well as programming skills in a general-purpose language.
" -"FDT3151","Grundläggande kunskaper i maskininlärning rekommenderas (t.ex. DD2421, DD2434, EN2202)
Viss programmeringserfarenhet är nödvändig.
Some knowledge of Machine learning is recommended (e.g. DD2421, DD2434, EN2202)
Some programming knowledge is required.
Kunskaper i differentialekvationer, 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"SF2723","Förkunskapskraven beror på det valda ämnet. Vanligtvis ingår kurserna SF2700 Analys grundkurs och SF2703 Algebra grundkurs.
",NULL -"AK107X",NULL,NULL -"MH2278",NULL,NULL -"EI2420","Fysikens matematiska metoder
Komplex analys
EI2410 Fältteori för vågledare, rekommenderas
Viss kännedom om numeriska program, som Matlab
Mathematical Methods in Physics
Theory of Functions
EI2410 Field Theory for Guided Waves, is recommended
Some acquaintance with numerical softwares, like Matlab
Praktisk kunskap välkomnas. Vi välkomnar särskilt er som är utövare i kommuner eller regioner i Sverige med intresse i säkerhets- och trygghetsfrågor planerare, säkerhetsexperter och liknande (till exempel, om du jobbar på kolletiktrafiken eller en shopping centrum)
",NULL -"EI2460",NULL,NULL -"AI226U",NULL,NULL -"EI2490","EJ1200 Eleffektsystem
","EJ1200 Electric Power Systems
" -"MH2287",NULL,NULL -"AI281U",NULL,NULL -"MF2201",NULL,NULL -"HS2013",NULL,NULL -"MJ2440",NULL,NULL -"AG2415",NULL,NULL -"MF212X","","" -"AE2604","Programkurser i årskurs 1,2 och 3 obligatoriska för inriktningarna AP resp NRT inom Samhällsbyggnad
",NULL -"AI207V","Högskolestudier inom området rekommenderas.
",NULL -"AI217V","Investment Analysis is recommended
","Investment Analysis is recommended
" -"AI120U",NULL,NULL -"SD2723",NULL,NULL -"AH2204",NULL,NULL -"AK2021","","" -"FDT3314","DT2112 Speech Technology (KTH) eller en kurs i fonetik eller lingvistik på avancerad nivå
","DT2112 Speech Technology (KTH) or a second-cycle course in phonetics or linguistics
" -"ED1110","Vektoralgebra; addition och subtraktion av vektorer, skalärprodukt, projektion av vektorer, vektorprodukt.
Grundläggande matematisk analyskurs i en och flera variabler.
","Vector algebra; addition and subtraction of vectors, scalar product, projection of vectors, cross product.
Basic mathematical analysis in one and multiple variables.
" -"SH2006",NULL,NULL -"AD1OSA",NULL,NULL -"AE2607","Programkurser i årskurs 1,2 och 3 obligatoriska för inriktningarna AP resp NRT inom Samhällsbyggnad
",NULL -"AH2029",NULL,NULL -"MJ2470",NULL,NULL -"AF111X",NULL,NULL -"ED2200","Kursen EF2200 Plasmafysik rekommenderas, men är ej nödvändig.
","The course EF2200 Plasma Physics is recommended, however not necessary.
" -"SD2709",NULL,NULL -"SK1105",NULL,NULL -"AF2314",NULL,NULL -"MF230X",NULL,NULL -"MJ2425",NULL,NULL -"SF1691",NULL,NULL -"SF278X",NULL,NULL -"AG2131",NULL,NULL -"BB200X",NULL,NULL -"AH2201",NULL,NULL -"CM0001",NULL,NULL -"SD231X",NULL,NULL -"AF1737",NULL,NULL -"AF176V",NULL,NULL -"DD2325","Kunskaper i programmering.
","Knowledge of programming.
" -"MJ2451",NULL,NULL -"EP250V",NULL,NULL -"SH2314","Fouriertransformer samt numerisk analys med Matlab eller liknande programmeringsspråk.
","Fourier transforms and numercial analysis with Matlab or similar computer language.
" -"FMJ3391",NULL,NULL -"SD2416",NULL,NULL -"SF1694",NULL,NULL -"MF132X","Kurserna ME1001/ME1003, MF1040/MF1014, MH1005 ska vara inhämtade.
Det är fördelaktigt att ha läst Ergonomi HM1025 men ej nödvändigt
SD1115/SD1116/SK2371 men ej nödvändigt
","The courses ME1001/ME1003, MF1040/MF1014, MH1005 shall be finished.
Course HM1025 is beneficial but not essential.
One of the following courses SD1115/SD1116/SK2371 is beneficial but not essential
" -"KD2170",NULL,NULL -"FMJ3411",NULL,NULL -"AK2014",NULL,NULL -"SG1113",NULL,NULL -"SH2402","Fysikens matematiska metoder och ev. Kvantfysik eller motsvarande.
","Previous knowledge of mathematical methods in physics and quantum physics.
" -"AI284U",NULL,NULL -"CK101V",NULL,NULL -"CK105V",NULL,NULL -"HM102V","Inget utöver behörighetskravet krävs.
",NULL -"CK104V",NULL,NULL -"CK106V",NULL,NULL -"AE2304",NULL,NULL -"AF1757",NULL,NULL -"SK2004",NULL,NULL -"AI2114",NULL,NULL -"AF1750",NULL,NULL -"AI1179",NULL,NULL -"AF1740",NULL,NULL -"FCA3003",NULL,NULL -"EL2850",NULL,NULL -"SG1120",NULL,NULL -"FAI3020",NULL,NULL -"CM100V",NULL,NULL -"FSK3533","Gedigen bakgrund i fysik, kemi och biologi. Erfarenhet av att arbeta med fluorescenstekniker.
","Solid background in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Experience working with complex laboratory equipment.
" -"SH2403","Astrofysik motsvarade SH2402 och Fysikens matematiska metoder.
","Astrophysics equivalent to SH2204 and Mathematical methods in physics.
" -"MF213X",NULL,NULL -"SG1133",NULL,NULL -"MF223X",NULL,NULL -"HI100U",NULL,NULL -"AE2302","Courses AE2801, AE2304
","Courses AE2801, AE2304
" -"HT100X",NULL,NULL -"AL127X",NULL,NULL -"FAI3102","","" -"AG2141",NULL,NULL -"AL2511",NULL,NULL -"EG2230",NULL,NULL -"MF134X",NULL,NULL -"AK1213","Inga
" -"LH215V","Förkunskapskrav är genomgången kurs LH231V eller motsvarande kurs från KTH eller annat universitet eller högskola.
Kursen vänder sig i första hand till undervisande personal på KTH.
Deltagare från andra universitet och högskolor är välkomna i mån av plats.
","Prerequisite is the course LH231V or equivalent from KTH or another university or college.
The course is aimed primarily at teaching staff at KTH.
Teachers from other universities are welcome subject to availability.
" -"MF133X","Kursen MF1016 Elektroteknik samt en kurs i programmering.
","The course MF1016 Basic Electrical Engineering and a course in programming.
" -"SH1015",NULL,NULL -"AI2154",NULL,NULL -"DD2415",NULL,NULL -"SK2537",NULL,NULL -"AI2156",NULL,NULL -"EG2240",NULL,NULL -"SK2539",NULL,NULL -"AH2916",NULL,NULL -"LH225V",NULL,NULL -"LH238V",NULL,NULL -"LH231V",NULL,NULL -"HI102U",NULL,NULL -"HI103U",NULL,NULL -"FEI3338","Grunderna i högspänningsteknik, motsvarande EI3232. Elkretsanalys, grundläggande fältteori, och programmering t.ex. i Matlab; den vanliga förkunskapen av en doktorand inom högspänningsteknik förutsätts att uppfylla dessa allmänna förkunskaper. Andra kurser som hanterar de fysikaliska fenomen som vi mäter rekommenderas som förstärkt bakgrund, exempelvis EI3230 Dielektriska isolermaterialsfysik.
","Fundamentals of high voltage engineering, corresponding to EI3232. Circuit analysis, basic field-theory, and programming e.g. for Matlab scripts; the usual background of a PhD student within high-voltage engineering should fulfil these general prerequisites. Other relevant courses about the physical phenomena that we are measuring are recommended as further background, e.g. EI3230 Physics of Dielectric Insulating Materials.
" -"IH2657","En grundläggande kurs i halvledarkomponenter eller halvledarfysik.
","A basic course in semiconductor devices or semiconductor physics.
" -"FAK3154",NULL,NULL -"IL2237",NULL,NULL -"LH233U",NULL,NULL -"CM206V",NULL,NULL -"LD108U",NULL,NULL -"SF2942","Slutförda kurser i optimeringslära (SF1811, SF1861 eller motsvarande) och sannolikhetsteori (SF2940 eller likadant).
","Completed courses in optimization (SF1811, SF1861 or equivalent) and probability theory (SF2940 or equivalent).
" -"SK1150",NULL,NULL -"MH1022",NULL,NULL -"MH180U",NULL,NULL -"MF2030",NULL,NULL -"ME1317",NULL,NULL -"MJ2386",NULL,NULL -"ME2324",NULL,NULL -"LH217V",NULL,NULL -"HE1028",NULL,NULL -"ME2836",NULL,NULL -"AG2806",NULL,NULL -"MJ148X",NULL,NULL -"FDD3001","A general interest in philosophy of knowledge as such is probably helpful, as well as some confrontation with research in a research environment. It can also be helpful to scan through a good introduction to the area, like Sven-Ove Hansson's course notes Konsten att vara vetenskaplig, Patel, Davidsson: forskningsmetodikens grunder, Chalmers: 'What is science?', or some other similar light reading.
","A general interest in philosophy of knowledge as such is probably helpful, as well as some confrontation with research in a research environment. It can also be helpful to scan through a good introduction to the area, like Sven-Ove Hansson's course notes Konsten att vara vetenskaplig, Patel, Davidsson: forskningsmetodikens grunder, Chalmers: 'What is science?', or some other similar light reading.
" -"MH1027","Grundkurs i flervariabelanalys, t.ex SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
Grundkurs i programmering, t.ex. DD1310 Programmeringsteknik
","Basic course in multivariate analysis, eg SF1626 Calculus in Several Variables
Basic course in programming, e.g. DD1310 Programming Techniques
" -"FLH3000","","
" -"LH216V","
En högskolepedagogisk kurs, till exempel LH231V Lärande och undervisning, rekommenderas men är inget krav.
","A course in teaching and learning in higher education, for example LH231V Teaching and Learning, is recommended but is not a requirement.
" -"FMG3803",NULL,NULL -"IK255U",NULL,NULL -"MF2104",NULL,NULL -"LH233V",NULL,NULL -"HI101U",NULL,NULL -"LH235V",NULL,NULL -"FEI3340","Kurser eller liknande erfarenhet motsvarande EI2439 Skyddsystem i elkraftsystem, särskilt EG2100 Analys av elkraftsystem. Elkretsanalys vid växelström och inkopplingsförlopp kommer att användas. Matrisalgebra används för numeriska lösningar av nätverk.
","Courses or equivalent experience corresponding to EI2439 Power System Protection, particularly EG2100 Power System Analysis. Familiarity with power system components is helpful. Circuit solutions will required for ac and transient state, and matrix algebra will be used for numerical solutions of networks.
" -"MH2029",NULL,NULL -"MH2039","Kunskaper inom processmetallurgins grundläggande principer motsvarande det som undervisas i kursen MH1029 Hållbar processteknik
","Fundamental principles of process metallurgy corresponding to what is taught in the course MH1029 Sustainable process technology
" -"AL2130",NULL,NULL -"AF2401","Kunskaper i differentialekvationer, 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"DD1386",NULL,NULL -"MH2032",NULL,NULL -"MH2050","MH1024 Materiallära metalliska material
MH1031 Keramiska material
KF1050 Polymera material
","MH1024 Fundamentals of Materials Science- Metallic Materials
MH1031 Ceramic Materials
KF1050 Polymeric Materials
" -"ED2247",NULL,NULL -"EF1110","For single course students: general admission requirements including documented proficiency in English A.
","For single course students: general admission requirements including documented proficiency in English A.
" -"EL2805",NULL,NULL -"FSG3122","A course in Fluid Dynamics.
","A course in Fluid Dynamics.
" -"MH1029",NULL,NULL -"CK201V",NULL,NULL -"LH216U",NULL,NULL -"SE2132","Grundkurs in hållfasthetslära SE1010, SE1020, SE1021, SE1055 eller motsvarande.
","Basic course in solid mechanics SE1010, SE1020, SE1021, SE1055 or the equivalent.
" -"MH1031",NULL,NULL -"AF2312",NULL,NULL -"DD2421",NULL,NULL -"HF1012",NULL,NULL -"ML0022",NULL,NULL -"DD1420",NULL,NULL -"CM202V",NULL,NULL -"FAG3006",NULL,NULL -"ME2003",NULL,NULL -"EK2390","Kursnivån är anpassad till studenter som är inskrivna på ett masterprogram på KTH. Eleverna ska ha grundläggande kunskaper i elkretslära, elektronik eller motsvarande grundutbildning. Det rekommenderas också att studenterna har vissa kunskaper om elektromagnetism.
Rekommenderade förkunskaper:
Kunskaper i elektromagnetisk fältteori, 9 hp, motsvarande slutförd kurs EI1320 alternativt båda kurserna EI1220 och EI1222.
","The course level is adapted to students enrolled in an engineering master's programme at KTH. The students must have basic knowledge of electric circuit theory, electronics or an equivalent basic education. It is also recommended that the students have some knowledge of electromagnetics.
Recommended prerequisites:
Knowledge of electromagnetic field theory, 9 credits, equivalent to completed course EI1320 or alternatively both courses EI1220 and EI1222.
" -"EP121U",NULL,NULL -"SF2812",NULL,NULL -"FSF3812",NULL,NULL -"MF240V",NULL,NULL -"ML0021",NULL,NULL -"EJ1200","Grundläggande kurser i åk 1 och 2 i elektroteknikprogrammet.
Teoretisk elektroteknik E, 10,5 hp, (EI1220), Tidskontinuerliga signaler och system, 6 hp, (EQ1110).
Basic courses of the first two years in the Electrical Engineering programme.
Electromagnetic Field Theory E, 10,5 hp (EI1200), Continuous TimeSignals and Systems, 6 hp EQ1100.
Inga förkunskaper förutom gymnasiebiologi krävs.
","No prerequisites, except high-school biology, is required.
" -"MH2601",NULL,NULL -"FAL3304",NULL,NULL -"FDM3510",NULL,NULL -"LH235U",NULL,NULL -"FSG3134","Deltagare skall vara antagen till ett doktorsprogram relaterat till strömningsmekanik och ha gått en kurs i grundläggande strömningsmekanik, t.ex. SG2214 eller SG2225 på KTH.
","Participants should be enrolled in a PhD programme related to fluid mechanics, and have passed one basic course in fluid mechanics: SG2214 or SG2225 at KTH.
" -"MF131X",NULL,NULL -"SF2565","Fortsättningskurs i numerisk analys (SF2520 eller liknande),
","Advanced course in numerical analysis (SF2520 or similar).
" -"SF259X",NULL,NULL -"MH1024","Kunskaper inom termodynamik och hållfasthetslära motsvarande det som uppnås vid avklarade kurser i MH1027 Materials Termodynamik och SE1020 Hållfasthetslära, grundkurs, vid KTH
",NULL -"ME2084","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"LT1008",NULL,NULL -"FEI3391",NULL,NULL -"BB2165",NULL,NULL -"SF2568","Grundläggande programmeringskunskaper, helst i C, C++, Fortran. För studenter som kan Java eller
Python ges en kort introduktion till C.
Basic programming skills, preferably in C, C++, Fortran. For those being comfortable with Java or Python a short introduction to C will be provided.
" -"FCA3002",NULL,NULL -"DD2477",NULL,NULL -"AF2404",NULL,NULL -"FAG3112",NULL,NULL -"AH2314",NULL,NULL -"IH262V",NULL,NULL -"MF2101",NULL,NULL -"AF2301",NULL,NULL -"EF1111","For single course students: general admission requirements including documented proficiency in English A.
","For single course students: general admission requirements including documented proficiency in English A.
" -"EK2380",NULL,NULL -"MF2095",NULL,NULL -"CB1000",NULL,NULL -"CB2090",NULL,NULL -"AK125V",NULL,NULL -"MF2010",NULL,NULL -"MF2071",NULL,NULL -"SF1610","Matematikkunskaper motsvarande grundläggande kurser i matematik på högskolenivå.
",NULL -"EG111V",NULL,NULL -"EP271V",NULL,NULL -"AF2609",NULL,NULL -"DD2443","Grundläggande kunskaper om synkroniseringsmekanismer inom operativsystem och programspråk (semaforer, lås, monitorer).
","Basic knowledge of syncronization mechanisms in operating systems and programming languages (semaphors, locks, monitors).
" -"HF200U",NULL,NULL -"FSK3700",NULL,NULL -"FDT3315","Kunskaper motsvarande kursen Talteknologi, DT2112. Språkligt intresse och erfarenhet av akustik och signalbehandling.
","Knowledge equivalent to the course Speech Technology, DT2112. Linguistic interest and experience of acoustics and signal processing.
" -"AF2402",NULL,NULL -"ML2307",NULL,NULL -"SA2001",NULL,NULL -"SA2002",NULL,NULL -"MF2043","Grundläggande kunskaper om mikrodatorteknik och C-programmering.
","Basic knowledge in microcontroller systems and C-programming.
" -"ML170U",NULL,NULL -"SE1055","SF1673 Analys i en variabel, SF1674 Flervariabelanalys och SG1113 Mekanik, fortsättningskurs eller motsvarande kurser
",NULL -"CH2004",NULL,NULL -"MH1004",NULL,NULL -"AF2504",NULL,NULL -"AI1524",NULL,NULL -"CH206V",NULL,NULL -"CH2006",NULL,NULL -"MJ1405",NULL,NULL -"CH2010",NULL,NULL -"FSF3716",NULL,NULL -"EF2225","For single course students: 60 hp and documented proficiency in english B or equivalent.
","For single course students: 60 hp and documented proficiency in english B or equivalent.
" -"FHN3012",NULL,NULL -"DD1391",NULL,NULL -"FAF3009",NULL,NULL -"AF2508",NULL,NULL -"LH207U",NULL,NULL -"DD2482","DD2480 Programutvecklingsteknikens grunder eller motsvarande. DD2459 Programvarutillförlitlighet är rekommenderad men inte nödvändig.
","DD2480 Software Engineering Fundamentals, or corresponding course. DD2459 Software Reliability is recommended but not required.
" -"CH2011",NULL,NULL -"FMF3014",NULL,NULL -"FMF3012",NULL,NULL -"LH238U",NULL,NULL -"LS142U",NULL,NULL -"NINASS",NULL,NULL -"ML115U",NULL,NULL -"LS143U",NULL,NULL -"LH215U",NULL,NULL -"CH2013",NULL,NULL -"IK2227",NULL,NULL -"LH217U",NULL,NULL -"FSD3406",NULL,NULL -"EI2452","Matematik från åk 1-3.
","Mathematics from year 1-3.
" -"EI2510",NULL,NULL -"HL1709",NULL,NULL -"IK2221",NULL,NULL -"ML2300",NULL,NULL -"SD2726",NULL,NULL -"SH2605","Grundläggande kunskaper i fasta tillståndets fysik.
","Basic knowledge in solid state physics.
" -"SH2704",NULL,NULL -"SH2774","Grundkurser i Calculus (matematisk analys), grundkurs i linjär algebra, grundläggande kunskaper i valfritt programmeringsspråk.
","Basic courses in Calculus (Mathematical Analysis), basic course in Linear Algebra, basic knowledge of any programming language.
" -"SH2702",NULL,NULL -"SH2706","kandidat-nivå med en bakgrund motsvarande kurser i termodynamik (9 hp), värmeöverföring (6 hp) och strömningsmekanik (6 hp).
","BSc level with a background that corresponds to completed courses in thermodynamics (9 ECTS), heat transfer (6 ECTS) and fluid mechanics (6 ECTS).
" -"MJ2531",NULL,NULL -"SH2611","Kurs SH2600, Reaktor fysik, eller motsvarande
","Course SH2600 Reactor Physics, or corresponding knowledge
" -"SH2612",NULL,NULL -"SH2613",NULL,NULL -"SH2615",NULL,NULL -"SH2600",NULL,NULL -"SH2614",NULL,NULL -"EP282U","Vi rekommenderar starkt att du har kännedom om kommunikationsnätverk och operativsystem. Om du saknar den kunskapen är det viktigt att planera för en avsevärt mer tidskrävande kurs.
","We strongly recommend that you have some familiarity with communication networks and operating systems. If you do not, please plan for significantly a higher course load than otherwise expected.
" -"DD238U",NULL,NULL -"CK204V",NULL,NULL -"IK254U",NULL,NULL -"EP234U",NULL,NULL -"EP236U",NULL,NULL -"CK1060",NULL,NULL -"SF100X",NULL,NULL -"CM2002",NULL,NULL -"AF179X",NULL,NULL -"MH250X",NULL,NULL -"HF201U",NULL,NULL -"FAK3024",NULL,NULL -"FAI3008",NULL,NULL -"SF1676",NULL,NULL -"A11P2B",NULL,NULL -"SF1633",NULL,NULL -"LS143V","Arbetslivserfarenhet inom det egna expert-, yrkes- eller utbildningsområdet.
",NULL -"CM2012",NULL,NULL -"AI1125",NULL,NULL -"AK203V",NULL,NULL -"HL2035",NULL,NULL -"LS1430",NULL,NULL -"LH231U",NULL,NULL -"LT1019",NULL,NULL -"LS1420",NULL,NULL -"LD1000",NULL,NULL -"CM2006","Kurser I programmering i Python eller MATLAB.
","Courses in programming in Python or MATLAB.
" -"EH2030","För fristående kursstuderande: 120hp samt engelska B eller motsvarande
As the main part of the course is examined through report writing and active participation in seminars, good English in speech and writing is recommended.
","For single course students: 120 credits and documented proficiency in English B or equivalent
As the main part of the course is examined through report writing and active participation in seminars, good English in speech and writing is recommended.
" -"SH2008","Knowledges similar to SI1100, SK1100 and SI1140, SF1604, SF1602 and SF1603 and SG1130.
","Knowledges similar to SI1100, SK1100 and SI1140, SF1604, SF1602 and SF1603 and SG1130.
" -"SH2007","Inga, men är en naturlig fortsättning från AK2030 (vetenskapsteori och metodik) inom ramen för Masterprogrammet.
","None, but is a natural continuation from AK2030 (scientific theory and methodology) in the context of the Master's Programme.
" -"FSG3119","Genomgått huvuddelen av forskarutbildningens kurser i doktorsprogrammet för Teknisk Mekanik.
","Completed most other required courses of the Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics.
" -"SH2011","Kvantfysik
","Quantum physics
" -"BB2560",NULL,NULL -"CM210V",NULL,NULL -"SD2925",NULL,NULL -"HS1021",NULL,NULL -"SH2302","Modern fysik
","Modern Physics.
" -"ML116U",NULL,NULL -"HF1011",NULL,NULL -"FLF3019",NULL,NULL -"EP272V",NULL,NULL -"FDD3557","Kurser i programmering, diskret matematik och matematisk logik.
","Courses in Programming, Discrete Mathematics, and Mathematical Logic.
" -"CM2018",NULL,NULL -"LS1415",NULL,NULL -"ME1311","Kurser motsvarande 24 hp inom Industriell ekonomi.
","Courses corresponding 24 hp within Industrial Management
" -"FEI3200",NULL,NULL -"HS2007",NULL,NULL -"CM2019",NULL,NULL -"MH2101",NULL,NULL -"ML2305","ML1504 eller motsvarande
","ML1504 or the equivalent.
" -"SG1140",NULL,NULL -"CM2021",NULL,NULL -"SI2520","Grundläggande statistisk fysik och lite kvantmekanik.
","Introductory thermodynamics and statistical physics, and some quantum mechanics.
" -"FEI3300",NULL,NULL -"FEI3302",NULL,NULL -"FSG3133","Open to all PhD-students registered at KTH.
","Open to all PhD-students registered at KTH.
" -"LT1037",NULL,NULL -"SK2501","Grundläggande vågrörelselära, geometrisk optik och fotometri motsvarande SK1100, (Fysik grundkurs del II, 9 hp). Elementära kunskaper om Fouriertransformer.
","Basic knowledge of waves, geometrical optics and photometry (course SK1100 or similar). Elementary knowledge of the Fourier transform.
" -"SD1116",NULL,NULL -"SE2137","Kursen SE1025 FEM för ingenjörstillämpningar eller en kurs med inslag av finit elementmetod, CAD eller datorstödd konstruktion är bra som bakgrund men inget krav. Grundläggande kurs i sannolikhetslära och statistik är bra bakgrund.
","The course SE1025 FEM for engineering applications or a course with som content on the finite element method, CAD or computer aided design is a good background but no requirement. Basic course in probability and statistics is good.
" -"SK2550","Kursen är avsedd för sista året studenter (F4), mastersstudenter och doktorander. Kunskap om elektromagnetisk strålning som motsvarar SK1120 (Vågrörelselära, 6 hp) och i grundläggande matematik (vektoranalys, integraler, differentialekvationer) är en förutsättning. Dessutom är kunskaper i optik motsvarande SK2300 (Optisk fysik, 6 hp) av fördel.
","The course is designed for final year students (F4), Master and PhD-students. Knowledge of the physics of electromagnetic radiation corresponding to SK1120 (Waves, 6 hp) and in basic mathematics (vector analysis, integrals, differential equations) is a prerequisite. Moreover, knowledge in optics corresponding to SK2300 (Optical Physics, 6 hp) is of advantage.
" -"SK2710","Grundläggande Modern Fysik/Kvantmekanik är ett krav. Fasta tillståndets fysik (Kittel nivå) är en fördel.
","The course will be given at the level suitable for graduate and senior undergraduate students. Modern Physics/Introductory Quantum mechanics is required. Solid State Physics (Kittel level) and Intermediate Quantum Mechanics (Griffiths level) are advantageous.
" -"SK2560","SK1102 Klassisk fysik, eller motsvarande kunskaper
SI1151 Kvantfysik, eller motsvarande kunskaper
","SK1102 Classical Physics, or similar course
SI1151 Quantum Physics, or similar course
" -"LT2032",NULL,NULL -"SI2350","Kvantfysik.
Quantum Physics and Relativity or equivalent prerequisites.
" -"SH2306","Förkunskaper i grundläggande atom-, kärn-, partikel- och fasta tillståndsfysik motsvarande Modern fysik. Kursen är avsedd för studenter som har avslutat cirka 3 år i fysik eller teknisk fysik (dvs. är på masternivå) eller är engagerade i studier på forskarnivå.
","Recommended prerequisites: Previous knowledge of basic atomic, nuclear, particle and solid state physics corresponding Modern Physics. The course is intended for students that have completed around 3 years of physics or engineering physics (i.e. are at the Master level) or are engaged in studies at the graduate level.
" -"HI1037",NULL,NULL -"SI2380","Fysikens matematiska metoder
Mathematical Methods in Physics.
Quantum Physics.
Kvantmekanik, fortsättningskurs
Relativistisk kvantfysik (rekommenderad)
Relativity Theory.
Advanced Quantum Mechanics.
Relativistic Quantum Physics (recommended).
Inledande kurser i fasta tillståndets fysik (Kittel nivå), kvantmekanik och statistisk fysik förutsätts. Kvantmekanik fortsättningskurs SI2380 (kan inhämtas samtidigt, period 1-2) och Statistisk fysik SI2510 rekommenderas.
","Introductory courses in solid state physics (Kittel level), quantum mechanics and statistical physics are required. Quantum mechanics advanced course SI2380 and Statistical physics SI2510 are recommended.
" -"HI2002","Kunskaper motsvarande kurserna HI1M00 Kommunikationsnät och HI1M01 Internetprotokollen.
","HI1M00 Communication Networks and HI1M01 The Internet Protocols or corresponding courses.
" -"SI2510","Termodynamik och statistisk mekanik motsvarande SI1162 samt modern fysik motsvarande SH1014.
","Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics corresponding to SI1162 and modern physics corresponding to SH1014.
" -"LT1039",NULL,NULL -"EH2070",NULL,NULL -"EF2270","Basic electromagnetic field theory.
For single course students: documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
","Basic electromagnetic field theory.
For single course students: documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
" -"BB2570",NULL,NULL -"BB2520","BSc courses in mathematics, chemistry and biotechnology comparative to the KTH:Biotechnology programme. BB1120 Cultivation technology. Knowledge of Matlab.
","BSc courses in mathematics, chemistry and biotechnology comparative to the KTH:Biotechnology programme. BB1120 Cultivation technology. Knowledge of Matlab.
" -"AG2143",NULL,NULL -"BB2015",NULL,NULL -"SK2905",NULL,NULL -"HL1007",NULL,NULL -"EI2600",NULL,NULL -"FSH3220",NULL,NULL -"LT2034",NULL,NULL -"SF1686","SF1624 Algebra och geometri och SF1625 Envariabelanalys, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","Basic knowledge of calculus in one variable and linear algebra as presented in SF1624 Algebra and Geometry and SF1625 Calculus in One Variable.
" -"FMF3038",NULL,NULL -"FCK3114","Behörig till studier på forskarnivå.
","Eligible for postgraduate studies.
" -"DT2470",NULL,NULL -"FAK3151",NULL,NULL -"FAK3152",NULL,NULL -"EG2340","Grundläggande Matlabprogrammering.
","Basic Matlab programming.
" -"HL1201",NULL,NULL -"SF2705","Kurs motsvarande SF1691 Komplex analys rekommenderas.
","Course corresponding to SF1691 Complex analysis recommended.
" -"AI1177",NULL,NULL -"FAK3153",NULL,NULL -"LT1017",NULL,NULL -"LT2043",NULL,NULL -"LT1000",NULL,NULL -"SE1025","Envariabelanalys, Flervariabelanalys och Mekanik I eller motsvarnde kurser.
","Calculus in One Variable, Calculus in Several Variable and Mechanics I or the equivalent courses.
" -"ME294U","SF2974 Portfolio Theory and Risk Management and SF2980 Risk Managment eller liknande.
","SF2974 Portfolio Theory and Risk Management and SF2980 Risk Managment or equivalent.
" -"HL2013",NULL,NULL -"ID1018",NULL,NULL -"AG2148",NULL,NULL -"AG2301",NULL,NULL -"MG2043",NULL,NULL -"HN2022",NULL,NULL -"HL2014",NULL,NULL -"ME292U",NULL,NULL -"EJ2301","EJ1200 Eleffektsystem eller motsvarande.
","EJ1200 Electric Power Systems basic course or equivalent.
" -"DD2413",NULL,NULL -"ME2323",NULL,NULL -"EL2820","Elementär fysik och Matematisk statistik, allmän kurs eller motsvarande kunskaper. Reglerteknik allmän kurs, EL1000 eller motsvarande.
","Elementary physics and mathematical statistics, basic course or equivalent. Basic control course, EL1000 or equivalent.
" -"SF1682",NULL,NULL -"HL2016","Kunskaper motsvarande Examensarbete inom medicinsk teknik, HL103X
","Good knowledge in report writing. For example, experience from writing a bachelor thesis.
" -"AI2805",NULL,NULL -"ED1100",NULL,NULL -"AG2171",NULL,NULL -"HL2034",NULL,NULL -"FCB3011",NULL,NULL -"FCB3010",NULL,NULL -"ID1021","Kursupplägget är baserat på att deltagarna har programmeringsvana och utan hjälp kan editera, kompilera och köra enklare program även i språk de kanske inte använder normalt eller har använt förut.
","The course structure is based on the participants having programming skills and being able to edit without help, compile and run simpler programs even in languages they may not normally use or have used before.
" -"SF1904",NULL,NULL -"AG2130",NULL,NULL -"KD1230","KE1140 Teknisk kemi eller motsvarande.
","KE1140 Engineering Chemistry.
" -"KD1270",NULL,NULL -"CM1000",NULL,NULL -"MF2140","Kursdeltagare bör ha någon insikt i både ”cyber-” och den fysiska världen, t.ex. genom någon/några kurser i programmering (digitalteknik) samt fysik/mekanik/analog elektronik. Normalt sett ges det inom en kandidatutbildning på en teknisk högskola.
","Course participants would benefit by a prior understanding of both the cyber and the physical worlds. This might have been obtained for example by courses on programming and digital electronics (ideally also on machine learning) on the cyber side, and physics, mechanics, dynamics and analog electronics. Normally at least part of this will be accommodated by a bachelor engineering degree.
" -"FAK3155",NULL,NULL -"FAE3018",NULL,NULL -"ME2098",NULL,NULL -"SD2320",NULL,NULL -"FAK3143",NULL,NULL -"ME2092",NULL,NULL -"AL260U","Kandidatexamen eller högskoleingenjörsexamen eller annan motsvarande teknisk eller naturvetenskaplig examen på grundnivå med en omfattning av minst 180 högskolepoäng eller motsvarande.
- Engelska B/6 eller motsvarande. Avklarad kurs AL1301 eller motsvarande kunskaper inom miljö och hållbar utveckling
","Degree of Bachelor or Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering or other corresponding technical, natural or other science degree at first cycle academic education of at least 180 higher education credits or equivalent.
Courses from upper secondary school corresponding to the courses Eng B/6 according to the Swedish upper secondary school system or equivalent. Completed course AL1301 or equivalent knowledge in environment and sustainable development.
" -"FDS3102","Det är viktigt att forskarstuderande som anmäler sig till kursen har kommit så långt i sina studier att de har resultat de kan skriva om. Kursen är inte lämplig för forskarstuderande under deras första studietermin.
","It is important that students have come so far in their doctoral education that they have results to write about. The course is unsuitable for students in their first term of studies
" -"CM2015",NULL,NULL -"HL2039",NULL,NULL -"FEJ3216",NULL,NULL -"FCK3103",NULL,NULL -"HL205X",NULL,NULL -"MJ1112",NULL,NULL -"MG2040",NULL,NULL -"FKD3090",NULL,NULL -"ML1616",NULL,NULL -"HL207X",NULL,NULL -"ME1309",NULL,NULL -"SI2530","Statistisk fysik motsvarande SI1161 (5A1340), modern fysik samt viss vana vid datorer och datorprogrammering.
","Statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics corresponding to SI1161 quantum physics and some familiarity with computers and computer programming.
" -"CH2001",NULL,NULL -"MJ2510",NULL,NULL -"CK2300",NULL,NULL -"AK1205",NULL,NULL -"FKF3430","Magisterexamen i kemi, fysik eller motsvarande områden. Intresse för röntgenspridningsmetoder. Kunskap motsvarande kursen FKF3420 Synkrotron karaktäriseringsmetoder för Fiber och Polymerteknologi - Teori
","M.Sc. in chemistry, physics or comparable areas. Interest in X-ray characterization methods. Comparable knowledge to FKF3420 - Synchrotron Characterization Methods in Fibre and Polymer Technology - Theory.
" -"CM1005",NULL,NULL -"SD2805",NULL,NULL -"MH101X",NULL,NULL -"FSF3581",NULL,NULL -"CM2007",NULL,NULL -"SF2704",NULL,NULL -"DD1301","Matematikkurs från gymnasiets naturvetenskapsprogram eller motsvarande.
","High school mathematics (scientific program) or equivalent.
" -"FCK3102",NULL,NULL -"SD281X",NULL,NULL -"AH2917","För fristående studerande:
Kandidatexamen eller motsvarande inom lantmäteri eller geoinformatik motsvarande minst 180 hp samt dokumenterade kunskaper i engelska B eller motsvarande.
För programstuderande:
AH2921 Felteori eller motsvarande
For single course students:
For program students:
Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"SI1146","SF1673 och SF1672
","SF1673 and SF1672
" -"CM2011",NULL,NULL -"EP2790",NULL,NULL -"SI2360","Mekanik, fortsättningskurs
Fysikens matematiska metoder
","Obligatory courses in Mechanics and Mathematical Methods in Physics.
" -"EL2810","Följande är rekommenderade förkunskaper, dock inget krav för att få läsa kursen
The following are recommended courses to have taken before this course, but not a requirement
SF1624/SF1684 Algebra och geometri, SF1675 Tillämpad linjär algebra, eller motsvarande kunskaper.
","SF1624/SF1684 Algebra and Geometry, SF1675 Applied Linear Algebra or similar.
" -"MJ2419",NULL,NULL -"SF2940","Programming experience in C or Fortran.
","Programming experience in C or Fortran.
" -"FDS3103",NULL,NULL -"SI1162","Differential- och integralkalkyl (speciellt partiella derivator och funktioner av flera variabler), Matematisk statistik, Kvantmekanik samt Termodynamik (för CTFYS1).
","Differential and integral calculus (in particular partial derivatives and functions of several variables), Mathematical statistics, Quantum mechanics and Thermodynamics (for CTFYS1).
" -"AF2602","Kunskaper i grundläggningsteknik samt strukturmekanik, strukturteknik motsvarande innehåll i kurserna AF1005 och AF2609.
","Knowledge foundation engineering and structural mechanics, structural engineering corresponding to the content in course AF1005 and AF2609.
" -"FAK3126",NULL,NULL -"AF283X",NULL,NULL -"FMH3924",NULL,NULL -"SF1544","SF1672 Linjär algebra och SF1674 Flervariabelanalys.
","SF1672 Linear Algebra and SF1674 Multivariable Calculus.
" -"FAF3704",NULL,NULL -"FKF3090","Kurs på masternivå i polymerkemi/polymersyntes
","Second cycle course in polymer chemistry/synthesis
" -"AI151X",NULL,NULL -"LT1050",NULL,NULL -"AL2301",NULL,NULL -"LT1056",NULL,NULL -"LT1055",NULL,NULL -"KF102U",NULL,NULL -"LT1057",NULL,NULL -"FSK3538",NULL,NULL -"SF1923","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
" -"LD1001",NULL,NULL -"SF1516","SF1625 Envariabelanalys
","Course in One Variable, corresponding to SF1625
" -"SF1523",NULL,NULL -"SF1925","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
" -"SF1911","SF1624 Algebra och geometri, SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
","SF1624 Algebra and Geometry, SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable
" -"SF1914","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1675 Tillämpad linjär algebra
","SF1675 Applied Linear Algebra / SF1624 Algebra and Geometry or similar.
SF1626 Calculus in Several Variables or similar.
" -"SF1916","SF1624 Algebra och geometri, SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
","SF1624 Algebra and Geometry, SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable
" -"SF1920","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
" -"SF2561","SF2520 Tillämpade numeriska metoder eller motsvarande, kan läsas samtidigt.
","SF2520 Applied Numerical Methods (or corresponding), can be read in parallel.
" -"AI1520",NULL,NULL -"DM2713",NULL,NULL -"SF2971",NULL,NULL -"SF1861",NULL,NULL -"A21TEB",NULL,NULL -"SF1811",NULL,NULL -"SF2520","Slutförd grundläggande kurser i numerisk analys (SF1544 eller motsvarande), kurser i matematik som motsvarar linnjär algebra, analys i en och flera variabel och differentialekvationer. Bra användning av MATLAB
","Completed basic courses in numerical analysis equivalent to SF1544 or similar, mathematical courses corresponding to linear algebra, calculus and differential equations, good handling with MATLAB.
" -"CK1260",NULL,NULL -"CK103V",NULL,NULL -"CH204V",NULL,NULL -"HL100U",NULL,NULL -"ME195U","Allmänna förkunskaper för universtetsstudier.
",NULL -"LH225U",NULL,NULL -"MF203U",NULL,NULL -"MJ2380",NULL,NULL -"HN200U",NULL,NULL -"CB2380",NULL,NULL -"EP235U",NULL,NULL -"AG227U","Kursen vänder sig till yrkesverksamma inom kommunal planerings- och trafikverksamhet, statliga myndigheter som är involverade i stadsutveckling och infrastrukturplanering, anställda vid kollektivtrafikmyndigheter och -operatörer samt konsultsektorn. Utbildningen är öppen för dem som har minst tre års praktisk yrkeserfarenhet.
",NULL -"FME3546",NULL,NULL -"MJ111V",NULL,NULL -"FKD3340","Grundkurs i yt- och kolloidkemi.
","Basic level course on surface and colloid chemistry.
" -"FSD3202","Kursen kommer att erbjudas for studenter vartannat år vid behov.
","The course will be offered every other year when needed.
" -"DD2395","Internets protokoll och principer, grunderna i kommandoradsgränssnitt och operativsystem, och allmänna kunskaper i programmering är en förutsättning. Webbprogrammering (html, javascript, sql) kunskap behövs för laborationer.
","Internet protocols and principles, basics of command-line interface and operating systems, and general programming skills are prerequisites. Web programming (html, javascript, sql) knowledge is needed for lab exercises.
" -"FSF3850","Lämpliga förkunskaper är kurserna SF2812 Tillämpad linjär optimering och SF2520 Tillämpad numerisk metod eller liknande kunskaper.
","Suitable prerequisites are the courses SF2812 Applied Linear Optimization and SF2520 Applied Numerical Methods, or similar knowledge.
" -"SF250X","SF2524 Matrisberäkningar för storskaliga system 7,5 hp
","SF2524 Matrix Computations for Large-scale Systems 7.5 credits
" -"CB1015",NULL,NULL -"FSF3633","Avslutat kurs i Galois teori
","Completed course in Galois theory
" -"FHL3003","Avancerad fysiologi HL2018 eller motsvarande
","Advanced Physiology HL2018 or corresponding
" -"CM2014",NULL,NULL -"FAK3140",NULL,NULL -"SF1692","Doktoranden antas ha klarat av en kurs på minst 4,5 hp på avancerad nivå i vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetodik.
","It is assumed that the PhD student has taken at least 4.5 credits at master level in theory and methodology of science.
" -"A42O2A","Kandidatexamen inom området arkitektur, eller motsvarande utbildningsnivå.
","Bachelor’s Degree, or an equivalent level, within the field of Architecture.
" -"DA237X",NULL,NULL -"HE1033",NULL,NULL -"DA240X",NULL,NULL -"EF2260","EF2240 Rymdfysik eller motsvarande.
För fristående studenter: engelska B eller motsvarande.
","Space Physics (EF2240) or equivalent.
For single course students: documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
" -"AI1531",NULL,NULL -"FKE3150",NULL,NULL -"SF1918","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624 Algebra och geometri.
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624 Algebra and Geometry.
" -"ML1108",NULL,NULL -"CK211U",NULL,NULL -"FSI3090",NULL,NULL -"FCK3308",NULL,NULL -"AL1130",NULL,NULL -"KH1123",NULL,NULL -"FCK3309",NULL,NULL -"LT1035",NULL,NULL -"CH101U",NULL,NULL -"FCK3317",NULL,NULL -"A52O1A",NULL,NULL -"FSG3130","A master degree in a mechanics related area.
","A master degree in a mechanics related area.
" -"A52SEV",NULL,NULL -"AI160X",NULL,NULL -"MF2085",NULL,NULL -"FKF3450",NULL,NULL -"FCK3109",NULL,NULL -"FSK3759","Goda kunskaper om gundläggande begrepp inom vektoranalys, såsom divergens, rotation, linjeintegraler, Gauss och Stokes satser.
Goda kunskaper om Maxwells ekvationer och grundläggande kvantfysik.
En inledande kurs i fasta tillståndets fysik rekommenderas, men är inte nödvändig
","Good knowledge about basic concepts in vector analysis, like divergence, curl, line inegrals, Gauss and Stokes theorems.
Good knowledge of Maxwell's equations and basic quantum physics.
An introductory course in solid state physics is recommended, but not necessary
" -"ME2313",NULL,NULL -"AI161X",NULL,NULL -"AF1743",NULL,NULL -"FHN3013",NULL,NULL -"IX1303","IX1304 Matematik, Analys
","IX1304 Calculus
" -"FSK3883","Det förväntas att eleven är förtrogen med:
- Vågledare: Vågekvationen och modbegreppet
- Halvledarelektronik: p-n-junction
- Kretsteori: Impulsresponse, faltning, överföringsfunktion hos linjära system.
- Signalteori: Autokorrelationsfunktion, spektraltäthet
It is anticipated that the students are acquainted with:
- Waveguides: Wave equation and the concept of modes.
- Solid-state electronics: p-n-junction
- Circuit theory: Impulse response, convolution, transfer function of linear systems.
- Signal theory: Auto correlation function, power spectral density
Kunskaper i diskret matematik är nödvändigt. Den som vid kursstart inte har slutfört 7,5 hp diskret matematik motsvarande SF1610/SF1662/SF1679/SF1688 måste läsa en av dessa kurser parallellt med DD2352, se under övriga föreskrifter i kursplanen.
Kunskaper i sannolikhetsteori motsvarande till exempel SF1901 Sannolikhetslära och statistik rekommenderas men kan också läsas in under kursen.
","Knowledge of discrete mathematics is necessary. A student who, at the beginning of the course, has not completed 7.5 higher education credits of discrete mathematics, equivalent to SF1610/SF1662/SF1679/SF1688, must take one of these courses in parallel with DD2352, see Additional Regulations in the course syllabus.
Knowledge of probability theory equvalent to for example SF1901 Probability Theory and Statistics is recommended but could be learnt during the course.
" -"MH1034",NULL,NULL -"EN1001",NULL,NULL -"FMF3032",NULL,NULL -"SF2567","Beror på projektinnehåll, men kan vara t ex någon eller några av kurserna SF2520 Finita elementmetoden, SF2520/DN2221 Tillämpade numeriska metoder, SF2521/DN2255 Numerisk behandling av diff. ekv., SF2568/DN2264 Parallella beräkningar för storskaliga problem.
","Depends on the contents of the project, but can be some of the courses SF2520 The Finite Element Method, SF2520/DN2221 Applied Numerical Methods, SF2521/DN2255 Numerical Treatment of Diff Eqns, SF2568/DN2264 Parallel Computation for Large Problems.
" -"AK2017",NULL,NULL -"AI2414",NULL,NULL -"FCK3319","Grundläggande kemi
","Basic chemistry.
" -"MJ2513",NULL,NULL -"FAG3105",NULL,NULL -"FAG3106",NULL,NULL -"AF1749",NULL,NULL -"A31H1A",NULL,NULL -"SD2313",NULL,NULL -"FMG3303",NULL,NULL -"HI1035",NULL,NULL -"MG2122","Viss färdighet i att använda 3D-CAD, motsvarande kursmålen för kursen MG1028/för kursavsnittet Grundläggande CAD i någon av kurserna MF1061, MF1001 eller MG2128, dvs du ska kunna:
Basic proficiency in using 3D CAD, corresponding to the intended learning outcomes for the course MG1028/and for the Introductory CAD module of the courses MF1061/MF1001/MG2128, i.e. you should be able to:
Matematikkurserna från gymnasiets naturvetenskapsprogram eller motsvarande. Någon datorerfarenhet (begreppen operativsystem och fil samt erfarenhet av någon tillämpning t.ex. ordbehandling).
","High school mathematics (scientific program). Some computer experience (the concepts of operating system and file and experience from one computer application, e.g. word processing).
" -"AI2501",NULL,NULL -"UQK701","Om du har för avsikt att gå specialpedagogikkursen är det viktigt att du registrerar dig i tid, så att du får access till kursplattformen i Canvas och därigenom möjlighet att ta del av Zoom-länkar till undervisningstillfällena.
",NULL -"AI2502",NULL,NULL -"FSF3571",NULL,NULL -"DH2400","Grundläggande kunskaper i elektronik motsvarande MF1035 Elektroteknik, media eller
DM1588 Sensorprogrammering för medieteknik.
Basic electronics knowledge corresponding to MF1035 Electrical Engineering, Basic Course Media or DM1588 Sensor Programming for Media Technology.
" -"FSF3565","Fortsättningskurs i numerisk analys (SF2520 eller motsvarande).
","Advanced course in numerical analysis (SF2520 or equivalent)
" -"FSF3963",NULL,NULL -"FSK3501",NULL,NULL -"FSI3080",NULL,NULL -"AG115V",NULL,NULL -"ML111U",NULL,NULL -"FSF3561","SF2520 Tillämpade numeriska metoder (eller motsvarande)
","SF2520 Applied Numerical Methods (or corresponding)
" -"HI1036","Kunskaper inom nätverksprogrammering och distribuerade system, t.ex. motsvarande kursen Distribuerade informationssystem (HI1031).
",NULL -"HE1027","HF1006 Linjär algebra och analys eller motsvarande.
",NULL -"AG117V",NULL,NULL -"HI111X",NULL,NULL -"SD2150",NULL,NULL -"SD2225","Baskunskaper reglerteknik samt Matlab alt Simulink är en fördel
","Recommended knowledge: Basic knowledge in Control. Basic knowledge of Matlab or Simulink.
" -"SD2920",NULL,NULL -"DM2601",NULL,NULL -"FDD3025","Inga förutom de som krävs för att påbörja en doktorandutbildning inom datalogi, elektroteknik eller motsvarande.
","What is needed to start a PhD program in computer science, electrical engineering or similarly.
" -"HL1014",NULL,NULL -"DM1595",NULL,NULL -"DM2585",NULL,NULL -"EH2221","Inga
" -"LD1023",NULL,NULL -"AK204V",NULL,NULL -"HL1016",NULL,NULL -"AF102X",NULL,NULL -"EH2220","Inga
" -"FDD3437","Motsvarande de för D, E eller F obligatoriska kurserna i matematik, numeriska metoder och datalogi rekommenderas.
","The mandatory courses in mathematics, numerical analysis and computer science for D, E, and F-students or the equivalent are recommended.
" -"AI2505",NULL,NULL -"SH2772",NULL,NULL -"AD236V","Studier i konst, design, arkitektur och/eller genusteori, eller motsvarande utbildning eller arbetslivserfarenhet. Närmare upplysningar lämnas av kursansvarig
","Previous studies in art, design, architecture or/and gender studies, or corresponding work-experience gives a good background for the course. Contact the examiner for further information.
" -"FDT3300","Ingen
" -"AF2905",NULL,NULL -"DD2360",NULL,NULL -"LS142V","Arbetslivserfarenhet inom det egna expert-, yrkes- eller utbildningsområdet.
",NULL -"HL1204",NULL,NULL -"FMG3401",NULL,NULL -"FSE3141","Grundkurs i hållfasthetslära (t. ex. SE1010, SE1020 eller SE1055 eller liknande), kurs i kontinuum- eller materialmekanik (t. ex SE2126 eller liknande) samt kurs i finita element-metoden (t. ex. SE1025 och SE2119 eller SE1025 och SE2860).
","Basic course in solid mechanics (for instance SE1010, SE1020 or SE1055 or similar), continuum/material mechanics course (for instance SE2126 or similar) and course on finite element methods (FEM) (for instance SE1025 and SE2119 or SE1025 and SE2860).
" -"FBB3120","Utbildning inom ämnet bioteknik eller närliggande ämnesområden. Kursdeltagaren förväntas handleda studenter som utför ett kandidatexamensprojekt inom ämnet bioteknik eller motsvarande.
","Education in the field of biotechnology or related subject areas. The course participant is expected to supervise students who perform a bachelor's degree project in the field of biotechnology or equivalent
" -"FEK3150","MSc degree in electrical engineering, technical physics, or equivalent
MSc degree in electrical engineering, technical physics, or equivalent
Fördelaktig är Differentialekvationer SF1683, Vektoranalys SI1146 och Fysikens matematisk metoder, SI1200.
","Recommended courses are Differential Equations and TransformsSF1683, Vector analysis SI1146 and Mathematical Methods in Physics SI1200.
" -"SF1520",NULL,NULL -"DM1999",NULL,NULL -"DM1998",NULL,NULL -"DD2485",NULL,NULL -"AH1907",NULL,NULL -"DD2410","Grundläggande kunskaper i linjär algebra, flervariabelanalys, reglerteknik och programmering motsvarande kurserna SF1624, SF1626, EL1020 och DD1310.
","Basic knowledge of linear algebra, multivariable calculus, automatic control, and programming corresponding to the courses SF1624, SF1626, EL1020 and DD1310.
" -"AI2507",NULL,NULL -"CH207V",NULL,NULL -"DD249U",NULL,NULL -"DD132U",NULL,NULL -"AI2151",NULL,NULL -"HN2015",NULL,NULL -"DD2367",NULL,NULL -"EP2120","EP1110 Datakommunikation och datornät
eller Datakommunikation och datornät för I-programmet
EP1110 Computer communication and computer networks or
Computer communication and computer networks for the I program
Högskoleutbildning i kemi eller motsvarande.
Allmän behörighet i kemi, fysik och matematik (nivå A) eller motsvarande kunskaper
",NULL -"AL1523",NULL,NULL -"FSE3411","FSE3111 Kontinuummekanik
","FSE3111 Continuum Mechanics
" -"HH1802",NULL,NULL -"FMH3925",NULL,NULL -"CM1007",NULL,NULL -"MJ2645",NULL,NULL -"II2211",NULL,NULL -"HN2021",NULL,NULL -"CM1008",NULL,NULL -"CH201V",NULL,NULL -"EQ2855",NULL,NULL -"FSD3141",NULL,NULL -"AE2104","AE2201 Environmental dynamics/Physical processes or AE2801 Environmental Chemistry and Risk Assessment
","AE2201 Environmental dynamics/Physical processes or AE2801 Environmental Chemistry and Risk Assessment
" -"AK2038",NULL,NULL -"EG2130",NULL,NULL -"KH1121","KH1123 Allmän kemi 1
KH1124 Allmän kemi 2
","KH1123 General Chemistry 1
KH1124 General Chemistry 2
" -"KE1160","Programmets matematikkurser
","The mathematic courses in the programme
" -"KH1124","KH1123 Allmän kemi 1
","KH1123 General Chemistry 1
" -"AI1145",NULL,NULL -"CK1290",NULL,NULL -"AI1134",NULL,NULL -"CK1165",NULL,NULL -"CK1300",NULL,NULL -"II1302","HI1027 Objektorienterad programmering eller motsvarande.
","HI1027 Object Oriented Programming or corresponding course.
" -"MG1010","Grundläggande behörighet samt 120 hp på ingenjörsprogram
","Basic eligibility and 120 cr in Engineering
" -"AH2179",NULL,NULL -"KE2195",NULL,NULL -"DD2303",NULL,NULL -"DA2215",NULL,NULL -"MH1033",NULL,NULL -"ME2322",NULL,NULL -"MG1012","Grundläggande behörighet samt 120 hp på ingenjörsprogram samt MG1010 Svetsteknolgi allmän kurs, eller motsvarande
","Basic eligibility and 120 cr in Engineering plus basic course in Welding Technology, MG1010 or equivalent
" -"ME2623",NULL,NULL -"SH1003","Grundläggande behörighet, kursen riktar sig mot alla studenter på KTH
","Basic eligibility, the course is aimed at all students in KTH.
" -"A31SFA",NULL,NULL -"A31P2D",NULL,NULL -"KD2350",NULL,NULL -"A31REA","Studenten ska uppfylla uppflyttningskraven för tredje årskursen.
",NULL -"A42O1A",NULL,NULL -"MH2056",NULL,NULL -"FEL3370",NULL,NULL -"EI2433",NULL,NULL -"AL227X",NULL,NULL -"SG1301",NULL,NULL -"FCK3326","Kontakta kursansvarig för information.
","Contact the course coordinator for information.
" -"FMH3905","Grundläggande kunskaper om metallurgiska processer.
","Basic knowledge of metallurgical processes.
" -"ME2091","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"KF2320",NULL,NULL -"AI1147",NULL,NULL -"LT2047",NULL,NULL -"LT2048",NULL,NULL -"DD1367",NULL,NULL -"MJ2509",NULL,NULL -"ME2090","Utöver detta är det en fördel med en god färdighet i användandet av Excel. Inlämningsuppgifterna och värderingsprojektet bygger på användandet av Excel
","In addition to this is it an advantage with good skills in the use of Excel. The written assignments and the valuation project are based on the use of Excel
" -"SG2804","Mekanik I och II eller motsvarande.
","Mechanics I and II or corresponding courses. I.e. statics plus dynamics of particles and rigid bodies.
" -"HI1027",NULL,NULL -"FKE3070",NULL,NULL -"ME2064",NULL,NULL -"SE2134",NULL,NULL -"FCK3325",NULL,NULL -"DD2489",NULL,NULL -"LH221V",NULL,NULL -"ML2304",NULL,NULL -"SG2212",NULL,NULL -"SF1921","SF1626 Flervariabelanalys, SF1624 Algebra och geometri
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable, SF1624 Algebra and Geometry
" -"AG1107",NULL,NULL -"KF2300",NULL,NULL -"KF2310",NULL,NULL -"DD1319",NULL,NULL -"FMH3926",NULL,NULL -"AG229U",NULL,NULL -"ID2222","Kännedom om begrepp och terminologi associerad med statistik, databassystem, och maskininlärning; en kurs om datastrukturer, algoritmer, och diskret matematik (som ID1020 Algoritmer och datastrukturer); en kurs i mjukvarusystem, software engineering, och programmeringsspråk; en kurs om att behandla, lagra and analysera massiva datamängder (som ID2221 Data-Intensive Computing).
",NULL -"EI1222",NULL,NULL -"AI1525",NULL,NULL -"HU1801",NULL,NULL -"AK2210",NULL,NULL -"MH1036",NULL,NULL -"FEI3304",NULL,NULL -"SE2870","SE1010, SE1020 eller SE1055 Hållfasthetslära grundkurs,
SE1025 FEM för ingenjörstillämpningar,
SE2126 Materialmekanik och
SE2132 Tillämpad elasticitet med FEM
SE2860 FEM modellering
SE1010, SE1020 or SE1055 Solid mechanics basic course,
SE1025 FEM for engineering applications,
SE2126 Materialmechanics and
SE2132 Applied elasticity with FEM
SE2860 FEM modelling
SE1010, SE1020, SE1021,SE1055 Hållfasthetslära grundkurs eller motsvarande
SE1025 FEM för ingenjörstillämpningar eller motsvarande
SE1010, SE1020, SE1021,SE1055 Solid mechanics basic course or the equivalent
SE1025 FEM for engineering applications or the equivalent
SE1010, SE1020, SE1021 eller SE1055 Hållfasthetslära grundkurs,
SE1025 FEM för ingenjörstillämpningar,
SE2126 Materialmekanik och
SE2132 Tillämpad elasticitet med FEM
SE1010, SE1020, SE1021 or SE1055 Solid mechanics basic course,
SE1025 FEM for engineering applications,
SE2126 Materialmechanics and
SE2132 Applied elasticity with FEM
SE1010, SE1020 , SE1021 eller SE1055 Hållfasthetslära grundkurs och
SE1025 FEM för ingenjörstillämpningar
SE1010, SE1020 , SE1021 or SE1055 Solid mechanics basic course and
SE1025 FEM for engineering applications
En grundkurs i datavetenskap / programmering (såsom DD1337)
En grundkurs i linjär algebra (såsom SF1672 )
","Basic course in computer science/programming (e.g. DD1337)
Basic course in linear algebra (e.g. SF1672 )
" -"SD2725",NULL,NULL -"DD1331","Matematikkurserna från gymnasiets naturvetenskapsprogram eller motsvarande. Någon datorerfarenhet (begreppen operativsystem och fil samt erfarenhet av någon tillämpning t.ex. ordbehandling). DD1301 Datorintroduktion rekommenderas och kan läsas parallellt.
","High school mathematics (scientific program). Some computer experience (the concepts of operating system and file, and experience from some computer application, e.g. word processing). DD1301 Computer introduction is recommended and can be read in parallel.
" -"SD2191",NULL,NULL -"SD2180",NULL,NULL -"SD2231",NULL,NULL -"MH2059",NULL,NULL -"EI2403",NULL,NULL -"SD2250",NULL,NULL -"SD2411",NULL,NULL -"SD2910",NULL,NULL -"IK2218","För KTH-studerande: motsvarande någon av kurserna 2D1320/DD1320 Tillämpad datalogi, 2D1345/DD1345 Introduktion till datalogi, 2D1343/DD1343 Datalogi, 2D1344/DD1344 Grundläggande datalogi, DD1346 Objektorienterad programkonstruktion.
","For those already studying at KTH: one of the courses 2D1320/DD1320 Applied Computer Science, 2D1345/DD1345 Introduction to Computer Science, 2D1343 Computer Science, 2D1344/DD1344 Fundamentals of Computer Science, DD1346 Object-Oriented Program Construction or the equivalent
" -"DA235X",NULL,NULL -"EA236X",NULL,NULL -"EA250X",NULL,NULL -"SD2830","SD2805 Flight Mechanics
","SD2805 Flygmekanik
" -"EA238X",NULL,NULL -"AI2511",NULL,NULL -"SD2905",NULL,NULL -"SD211X",NULL,NULL -"DA233X",NULL,NULL -"DA236X",NULL,NULL -"EA260X",NULL,NULL -"SD2222",NULL,NULL -"CB2442",NULL,NULL -"SI1200","För att kunna tillgodogöra sig kursmaterialet rekommenderas att studenterna tidigare läst följande kurser eller tillgodogjort sig motsvarande kunskaper på annat sätt:
Det rekommenderas även att första delen av kursen Diff och trans samt komplexvärda funktioner har lästs.
","In order to assimilate the course material, it is recommended that the student has previously taken the following courses, or obtained the corresponding knowledge by other means:
It is also recommended that the first part of the course in differential equations and transforms as well as complex valued functions has been studied.
" -"IA250X",NULL,NULL -"SF1687",NULL,NULL -"AH2905",NULL,NULL -"FME3547",NULL,NULL -"MH1028",NULL,NULL -"FAG5127","Advanced Physical Geodesy
","Advanced Physical Geodesy
" -"AH1816",NULL,NULL -"FEG3324","Generell kunskap om variabelanalys, sannolikhetslära och optimeringsteori krävs.
","General familiarity with calculus, probability, and optimization theory is required.
" -"AH2921","För fristående studerande:
Kandidatexamen eller motsvarande inom lantmäteri eller geoinformatik motsvarande minst 180 hp samt dokumenterade kunskaper i engelska B eller motsvarande.
För programstudenter:
For single course students:
A completed Bachelor of Science in Engineering or 180 credits academic studies in the field of Technical Science, Economics or Planning and documented proficiency in English corresponding to English B.
For program students:
AH1816 Geodetic Surveying or equivalent
MH1024 Materiallära metalliska material
","MH1024 Fundamentals of Materials Science- Metallic Materials, or similar
" -"AI252X",NULL,NULL -"AK2215",NULL,NULL -"FMH3305","Grundläggande termodynamik för legeringar, fasdiagram
",NULL -"IL2240",NULL,NULL -"MJ2518",NULL,NULL -"AI2606",NULL,NULL -"FSK3421",NULL,NULL -"FSK3551",NULL,NULL -"FSH3371",NULL,NULL -"KH1407",NULL,NULL -"FSH3372",NULL,NULL -"FSH3900",NULL,NULL -"MJ2381",NULL,NULL -"SD291X",NULL,NULL -"AI1126",NULL,NULL -"AI1127",NULL,NULL -"AG131X",NULL,NULL -"AG1818","AG1314 GIS och mätningsteknik
",NULL -"MJ2519",NULL,NULL -"AL2113",NULL,NULL -"AG293X",NULL,NULL -"AI116U",NULL,NULL -"AH2913",NULL,NULL -"FAL3510",NULL,NULL -"AI1174",NULL,NULL -"AG2927",NULL,NULL -"AH1811",NULL,NULL -"AH1813",NULL,NULL -"AH1815",NULL,NULL -"AH2911",NULL,NULL -"AH292X",NULL,NULL -"FAG3200","AG5129 Fysikalisk geodesi
AG5130 Satellit baserat positionering
","AG5129 Theory of Errors
AG5130 Satellite Based Positioning
" -"FAG5123","Kurs FAG5130 Satellitbaserat positionering
Kurs FAG5129 Felteori
","Course FAG5130 Satellite Based Positioning
Course FAG5129 Theory of Errors
" -"AI123U",NULL,NULL -"LT1067",NULL,NULL -"LT1069",NULL,NULL -"FAG5126","","" -"SE1010","CFATE: SD1001 Farkostteknik, SF1668 Matematisk och numerisk analys I och SF1626 Flervariabelanalys eller motsvarande kurser.
CMAST: MJ1103 Introduktion till maskinteknik, SF1625 Envariabelanalys och SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
eller motsvarande kurser.
Mathematics I and II and program introductory course.
" -"AH2924",NULL,NULL -"AI1501","","" -"AI231V",NULL,NULL -"FAG5128","Kurs Felteori
Kurs FAG5123 Satellit baserat positionering
Kurs 1N5113 Vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetodik, teknik och naturvetenskaplig inriktning
Studenten måste också ha tagit minst ett av de inte-obligatoriska forskarkurs i geodesi
","Course Theory of errors
Course FAG5123 Satellite Based Positioning
1N5113 Theory of Science and Research Methods, Technological and Natural Sciences
Also the student must have passed at least one of the non-mandatory Ph.D. courses offered in geodesy
" -"FAG5130","Kunskap om principerna för GPS / GNSS positionering, erfarenhet med insamling och behandling GNSS-data, kunskap om minsta kvadraters utjämning på nivå svarande til M.Sc.
","Knowledge about the principles of GPS/GNSS positionering, excperience with GNSS data collection and processing, knowledge about least squares adjustment at a level corresponding to M.Sc.
" -"AI150X",NULL,NULL -"AI1515",NULL,NULL -"AI1516",NULL,NULL -"FAG5132",NULL,NULL -"AI2513",NULL,NULL -"AI251X",NULL,NULL -"KH1223","KH1121 Organisk kemi eller motsvarande.
","KH1121 Organic chemistry, or equivalent
" -"AI2514",NULL,NULL -"AI2607",NULL,NULL -"FAI3018",NULL,NULL -"BB1050","Allmän behörighet.
",NULL -"LS1565",NULL,NULL -"SE1020","CDEPR: SF1625 Envariabelanalys, SF1626 Flervariabelanalys och MF1061 Introduktion till design och produktframtagning
CMATD: SF1625 Envariabelanalys, SF1626 Flervariabelanalys och MH1070 Perspektiv på materialdesign
eller motsvarande kurser.
CDEPR: SF1625 Calculus in One Variable, SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable and MF1061 Introduction to Design and Product Realisation
CMATD: SF1625 Calculus in One Variable, SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable and MH1070 Perspectives on Materials Design
or the equivalent courses
Minst 120 hp på ingenjörsprogram
","At least 120 cr from engineering programme
" -"AI1128",NULL,NULL -"ML231X",NULL,NULL -"EG112V",NULL,NULL -"EG2110",NULL,NULL -"SF2943","Slutförda kurser i
Completed courses in
SE1010, SE1020, SE1021 eller SE1055 Hållfasthetslära grundkurs och
SE1025 FEM för ingenjörstillämpningar
SE1010, SE1020, SE1021 or SE1055 Basic course in solid mechanics and
SE1025 FEM for engineering applications
Slutförd kurs motsvarande SF1811 Optimering
","A passed course corresponding to SF1811 Optimizatio
" -"SF1512","SF1624 Algebra och geometri
SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
",NULL -"KH1231","KH1130 Kemiteknik 1
KH1122 Analytisk kemi
KH1212 Matematisk statistik (kan läsas parallellt)
","KH1130 Chemical Engineering and Tehnology I
KH1122 Analytical Chemistry
KH1150 Engineering Skills
KH1212 Mathematical Statistics (can be taken simultaneously)
" -"EG2100",NULL,NULL -"FJQ3100",NULL,NULL -"SF1519","SF1624 Algebra och geometri, SF1626 Flervariabelanalys
","SF1624 Algebra and Geometry, SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable
" -"MG1024","MJ1103 Introduktion till Maskinteknik
","MJ1103 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
" -"AE1106",NULL,NULL -"MG1026",NULL,NULL -"FSH3910",NULL,NULL -"MG1016",NULL,NULL -"MG141U",NULL,NULL -"MG1002",NULL,NULL -"KH0024",NULL,NULL -"MG110X",NULL,NULL -"MG1400","Behörighet till studier i åk 2 på ingenjörsprogram
MJ1103 Introduktion till maskinteknik,
MF1001 Maskinteknik,
MF1046 Design och Produktframtagning, Introduktion eller
MF1061 Introduktion till design och produktframtagning
eller motsvarande
","Eligibility for studies second year of mechanical engineering programme
MJ1103 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering,
MF1001 Mechanical Engineering,
MF1046 Design and Product Realization, Introduction or
MF1061 Introduction to Design and Product Realisation
or the equivalent
" -"MG2202",NULL,NULL -"MG2013","MG1010 Svetsteknologi allmän kurs
MG1011 Svetsteknologi fortsättningskurs
MG1012 Oförstörande provning
","MG1010 Introductory Welding Technology, General Course
MG1011 Introductory Welding Technology, Advanced Course
MG1012 Non-Destructive Testing
" -"MG2100",NULL,NULL -"MJ211V",NULL,NULL -"CB201V",NULL,NULL -"MG2027","Obligatorisk för TPRMM:2
","Compulsary for TPRMM:2
" -"MG2016","MG1010 Svetsteknologi allmän kurs
MG1011 Svetsteknologi fortsättningskurs
MG1012 Oförstörande provning
MG2013 Svetsteknologi hk, modul 1
MG2014 Svetsteknologi hk, modul 2
MG2015 Svetsteknologi hk, modul 3
","MG1010 Introductory Welding Technology, General Course
MG1011 Introductory Welding Technology, Advanced Course
MG1012 Non-Destructive Testing
MG2013 Advanced Welding Technology, Module 1
MG2014 Advanced Welding Technology, Module 2
MG2015 Advanced Welding Technology, Module 3
" -"CB207V",NULL,NULL -"MG2033",NULL,NULL -"MG213X",NULL,NULL -"SI151V","Grundläggande behörighet samt särskild behörighet i följande ämnen: Matematik D/ Matematik 3c, Fysik B/ Fysik 2 och Kemi A/ Kemi 1 med betyget lägst godkänd .
","Basic qualification and special qualification in the following subjects: Mathematics D/ Mathematics 3c, Physics B/ Physics 2 and Chemistry A/ Chemistry 1 with the lowest grade passed.
" -"IL2234",NULL,NULL -"CB203V",NULL,NULL -"SF1624",NULL,NULL -"LT1029",NULL,NULL -"HS1007",NULL,NULL -"MG2044",NULL,NULL -"MG2045",NULL,NULL -"MG2103",NULL,NULL -"MG2109","Någon av kurserna MG1016, MG1026 eller MG2104, eller motsvarande förkunskaper
","One of the courses MG1016, MG1026 or MG2104, or the equivalent
" -"MG212X",NULL,NULL -"MG2117","","" -"HE1011",NULL,NULL -"ML0023",NULL,NULL -"ML0024",NULL,NULL -"DD1317",NULL,NULL -"ML0025",NULL,NULL -"ML101X",NULL,NULL -"ML102X",NULL,NULL -"ML104X",NULL,NULL -"ML105X",NULL,NULL -"DT2212","Kunskaper i fysik och fourieranalys motsvarande basblocket för E eller D.
","Physics and fourier analysis equivalent to undergraduate level.
" -"EP2300","To benefit from the course. students should have a background in computer communication and have basic programming skills in either C/C++ or in Java. For computer communication, I recommend 2G1316 or 2G1501 as introductory courses, and possibly also a follow-up course, such as 2D1392, 2G1305, or 2G1507.
","To benefit from the course. students should have a background in computer communication and have basic programming skills in either C/C++ or in Java. For computer communication, I recommend 2G1316 or 2G1501 as introductory courses, and possibly also a follow-up course, such as 2D1392, 2G1305, or 2G1507.
" -"ML1500",NULL,NULL -"FSH3000","Antagen till doktorsprogrammet i fysik
","Admitted to doctoral program in physics
" -"MH2550",NULL,NULL -"FMG3210",NULL,NULL -"AK126V",NULL,NULL -"AG2418",NULL,NULL -"EP2420","Basic knowledge in statistics, machine learning, networking, and computing systems. The projects require programming in Python.
","Basic knowledge in statistics, machine learning, networking, and computing systems. The projects require programming in Python.
" -"SD2140",NULL,NULL -"MG2032","MG1002 Automatiseringsteknik
eller motsvarande.
","MG1002 Automation Technology
or corresponding.
" -"DD1312","Matematikkurserna från gymnasiets naturvetenskapsprogram eller motsvarande. Någon datorerfarenhet (begreppen operativsystem och fil samt erfarenhet av någon tillämpning t.ex. ordbehandling).
","High school mathematics (scientific program). Some computer experience (the concepts of operating system and file and experience from one computer application, e.g. word processing).
" -"SG2214","Studenten skall:
Ha goda färdigheter i linjär algebra och differential- och integralkalkyl med flera variabler, vektoranalys, Gauss och Stokes satser, samt lösning av elementära partiella differential ekvationer.
Ha kunskaper om grundläggande strömningsfenomen och bekantskap med elementära strömningsekvationer.
Vana vid datoranvändning med t.ex. Matlab.
The student should have good knowledge in linear algebra and calculus in more than one variable, vector analysis, Gauss and Stokes theorems and solution of elementary partial differential equations, basic knowledge of fluid mechanics phenomena, computer programming in e.g. Matlab.
" -"DH2655","DH2622 Människa-datorinteraktion, fk med prototypning eller DH2626 Interaktionsdesign 1 eller motsvarande.
","DH2622 Human-Computer Interaction, advanced course with Prototyping or DH2626 Interaction Design 1 or corresponding.
" -"AF1004",NULL,NULL -"ID1217",NULL,NULL -"MG2010",NULL,NULL -"FDM3520",NULL,NULL -"SM2501","Mekanik I och II eller motsvarande
",NULL -"MJ2532",NULL,NULL -"IE1204",NULL,NULL -"FAK3137",NULL,NULL -"FCA3004","Grundläggande Python eller annan motsvarande programmeringserfarenhet.
","Basic Python or other equivalent programming experience.
" -"FAK3138",NULL,NULL -"DD2350","För labb 2 behövs vissa kunskaper i Javaprogrammering. För några av kursens labbar behöver ett snabbare programspråk än Python användas, till exempel Java eller C/C++.
Sannolikhetsteori och statistik motsvarande SF1901 rekommenderas. Logik motsvarande DD1350/DD1351 rekommenderas men är inte nödvändigt.
Kunskaper i diskret matematik är nödvändigt. Den som vid kursstart inte har slutfört 7,5 hp diskret matematik motsvarande SF1610/SF1630/SF1662/SF1679 måste läsa SF1688 parallellt med DD2350, se under övriga föreskrifter i kursplanen.
","In lab 2, some knowledge of Java programming is needed. In some of the labs in the course, a more efficient programming language than Python has to be used, e.g. Java or C/C++.
Probability theory and statistics corresponding to SF1901 is recommended. Logic corresponding to DD1350/DD1351 is recommended but not necessary.
Knowledge of direcrete mathematics is necessary. A student who, at the beginning of the course, has not completed 7.5 higher education credits of discrete mathematics, equivalent to SF1610/SF1630/SF1662/SF1679, must take SF1688 in parallel with DD2350, see Additional Regulations in the course syllabus.
" -"IK1203",NULL,NULL -"MH1035",NULL,NULL -"FME3550",NULL,NULL -"EJ2410","Grundläggande kurs i elektricitetslära.
","Basic course on electrical engineering.
" -"SG2215",NULL,NULL -"SD2175",NULL,NULL -"SD2155",NULL,NULL -"SE1021","CMATD: SF1625 Envariabelanalys, SF1626 Flervariabelanalys och MH1070 Perspektiv på materialdesign eller motsvarande kurser.
",NULL -"FLF3014",NULL,NULL -"SH2372",NULL,NULL -"SG2219",NULL,NULL -"LT1020",NULL,NULL -"FCB3033",NULL,NULL -"AG1819","Kursen AG1818 Geodetisk mätningsteknik
","COurse AG1818 Geodetic Surveying
" -"SI2410","Kvantmekanik, fortsättningskurs
Relativistisk kvantfysik
Advanced Quantum Mechanics.
Relativistic Quantum Physics.
SF1626 Flervariabelanalys rekommenderas starkt
","SF1626 Calculus in Several Variable is stongly recommended
" -"MG2015","MG1010 Svetsteknologi allmän kurs
MG1011 Svetsteknologi fortsättningskurs
MG1012 Oförstörande provning
MG2013 Svetsteknologi hk, modul 1
MG2014 Svetsteknologi hk, modul 2
","MG1010 Introductory Welding Technology, General Course
MG1011 Introductory Welding Technology, Advanced Course
MG1012 Non-Destructive Testing
MG2013 Advanced Welding Technology, Modulus 1
MG2014 Advanced Welding Technology, Modulus 2
" -"AG2108","3 years of university studies within the field of Plannning, Architecture, Engineering or Social Science.
","3 years of university studies within the field of Plannning, Architecture, Engineering or Social Science.
" -"EL2520","Automatic Control, General Course (EL1000 or EL1110) or similar.
","Automatic Control, General Course (EL1000 or EL1110) or similar.
" -"FLF3017",NULL,NULL -"SK2534",NULL,NULL -"SK2757",NULL,"Course IM2657 or an equivalent course on solution chemical synthetic techniques;
The course is not intended to provide training for the analytical tools. Required background and training have to obtained as a pre-requisite. Course IM2658 (going in parallel) or an equivalent course on analytical techniques for materials physicochemical property evaluation.
" -"SK2535",NULL,NULL -"SK2811","Det förväntas att eleven är förtrogen med:
- Vågledare: Vågekvationen och modbegreppet
- Halvledarelektronik: p-n-junction
- Kretsteori: Impulsresponse, faltning, överföringsfunktion hos linjära system.
- Signalteori: Autokorrelationsfunktion, spektraltäthet
It is anticipated that the students are acquainted with:
- Waveguides: Wave equation and the concept of modes.
- Solid-state electronics: p-n-junction
- Circuit theory: Impulse response, convolution, transfer function of linear systems.
- Signal theory: Auto correlation function, power spectral density
Kunskaper i grundläggande datorteknik/arkitektur, algoritmer och datastrukturer. Mycket god programmeringsvana i ett eller flera högnivåspråk.
","Knowledge in basic computer engineering/architecture, algorithms, and data structures. Very good programming experience in one or more high-level languages.
" -"MG2037","180 hp inom teknik
MG1016/MG1026 Tillverkningsteknik eller motsvarande
Svenska B/Svenska 3 samt Engelska A/Engelska 5 eller motsvarande
","180 credits within engineering.
MG1016/MG1026 Manufacturing Technology
or the equivalent
Swedish B/Swedish 3 and English A/English 5
" -"ML1109",NULL,NULL -"AD237V",NULL,NULL -"AD241V","Kursdeltagare förväntas ha en god förkunskap inom rumsliga gestaltningspraktiker. Dessa kan ha förvärvats genom studier inom tex arkitektur, fysisk planering, samtidskonst och/eller motsvarande yrkeserfarenhet.
","Course participants are expected to have good general knowledge concerning spatial design practices. This can have been achieved through studies in for example architecture, spatial planning fine arts and/or from corresponding professional experience.
" -"FSF3572",NULL,NULL -"ME2837",NULL,NULL -"ME2088","Inga utöver särskild behörighet.
","None in addition to the specific prerequisites.
" -"MH1023",NULL,NULL -"ID2223","Grundkunskaper i distribuerade system och programmeringsmodeller, programmeringsspråk (Scala, Java, Python).
Det är önskvärt att du har antingen någon erfarenhet från eller har tagit en kurs inom dessa ämnen: Maskininlärning, Linjär Algebra och Probability Theory.
","Basic knowledge in distributed systems and programming models, programming languages (Scala, Java, Python).
It is preferable that you either have some training in or have taken a course in the following areas: Machine Learning, Linear Algebra and Probability Theory.
" -"DD2373",NULL,NULL -"DD2375",NULL,NULL -"FCK3324","Masterexamen i kemi, fysik eller relaterade områden
","MSc in Chemistry, Physics or related fields
" -"MF2084","Studenter på mastersprogrammet IPD har företräde till kursen.
","The course is open for exchange students fulflling the course eligibility, but priority will be given to students taking the IPD Master’s programme.
" -"MF2091",NULL,NULL -"MF2093",NULL,NULL -"CK1285",NULL,NULL -"MF2011",NULL,NULL -"FDD3028",NULL,NULL -"AD2862",NULL,NULL -"MF2097",NULL,NULL -"AF2509","AF1402 Byggfysik, AF1002 Hus och anläggningar
","AF1402 Building Physics, AF1002 Buildings and Civil Engineering Structures
" -"DD2404","För programstudenter: en programmeringskurs (exv DD1310, DD1321 eller DD1322).
","For those already studying at KTH: introductory computer programming, for example DD1310, DD1321 or DD1322.
" -"ID2207",NULL,"Knowledge of Java is desirable.
" -"FDD3027",NULL,NULL -"EK2210","EK2350 Mikrosystemteknik eller motsvarande.
","EK2350 Microsystem technology or equivalent.
" -"EP270V",NULL,NULL -"AD2865",NULL,NULL -"AL1302",NULL,NULL -"CH109V",NULL,NULL -"CK2000",NULL,NULL -"AF2510","AF1402 Byggfysik, AF1002 Hus och anläggningar
","AF1402 Building Physics, AF1002 Buildings and Civil Engineering Structures
" -"EF2262",NULL,NULL -"AE2503",NULL,NULL -"LS1001",NULL,NULL -"DD2402","Beror på kursinnehåll.
","Depends on the syllabus.
" -"DD2438","DD2380 Artificial Intelligence (eller motsvarande)
","DD2380 Artificial Intelligence (or a similar course)
" -"AF2512",NULL,NULL -"EN1020",NULL,NULL -"LL140U",NULL,NULL -"LS141V","Eftersom kursen i första hand vänder sig till yrkesverksamma ingenjörer rekommenderas relevant yrkeslivserfarenhet.
",NULL -"AD2UPX",NULL,NULL -"EG2121",NULL,NULL -"ML1116",NULL,NULL -"AF2901",NULL,NULL -"LS1800",NULL,NULL -"AH2909",NULL,NULL -"AG1314",NULL,NULL -"FAF3909","","" -"EJ2230",NULL,NULL -"AG1421",NULL,NULL -"FKD3412",NULL,NULL -"LH222V",NULL,NULL -"ME2067",NULL,NULL -"MJ2383",NULL,NULL -"EL1000",NULL,NULL -"ME2752",NULL,NULL -"CH107V",NULL,NULL -"FSK3741","Goda datorkunskaper. Formaga att skriva en klar, kort och korrekt text pa engelska
","Experience in working with complex laboratory equipment. Good computer skills. Ability to write a clear, correct and concise text in English.
" -"CK206V",NULL,NULL -"DD1390",NULL,NULL -"CM1001",NULL,NULL -"DD2452","Bra kunskaper i logik för dataloger och diskret matematik krävs, t.ex. motsvarande kurserna DD1350 och SF1630.
","Good background in logic for computer science and discrete mathematics is required, e.g. corresponding to the courses DD1350 and SF1630.
" -"DD2459","Diskret matematik motsvarande SF1630, SF1662, SF1679 eller SF1688.
","Discrete mathematics corresponding to SF1630, SF1662, SF1679 or SF1688.
" -"AF1020",NULL,NULL -"HL2005",NULL,NULL -"DD1310","Matematikkurserna från gymnasiets naturvetenskapsprogram eller motsvarande. Någon datorerfarenhet (begreppen operativsystem och fil samt erfarenhet av någon tillämpning t.ex. ordbehandling). En grundläggande kurs i matematik, till exempel SF1624/SF1625 (kan läsas parallellt).
","High school mathematics (scientific program). Some computer experience (the concepts of operating system and file, and experience from some computer application, e.g. word processing). A basic course in Mathematics e.g. SF1624/SF1625 (can be taken concurrently).
" -"AF1002","AL1301 Naturresursteori
","AL1301 Natural Resources Theory
" -"DH2670","
Single course students: 90 university credits including 45 university credits in Mathematics or Information Technology. Swedish B or equivalent and English B or equivalent.
Single course students: 90 university credits including 45 university credits in Mathematics or Information Technology. Swedish B or equivalent and English B or equivalent.
" -"HL2010",NULL,"Bachelor’s degree in Applied or Theoretical Physics, Electrical Engineering or equivalent. Knowledge of anatomy and physiology is recommended.
" -"DD1324","DD1320 Tillämpad datalogi.
","DD1320 Applied Computer Science.
" -"DD1348","Motsvarande 2D1320/DD1320 Tillämpad datalogi, 2D1343/DD1343 Datalogi eller 2D1344/DD1344 Grundläggande datalogi.
","One of the following courses:
2D1320/DD1320 Applied Computer Science, 2D1343/DD1343 Computer Science,
2D1344/DD1344 Fundamentals of Computer Science, or the equivalent.
Beror på kursinnehåll.
","Depends on the contents of the course.
" -"DT2140","Kunskaper i människa-datorinteraktion och programmering.
","Proficiency in human-computer interaction and good programming skills (corresponding e.g. to DD1341 Introduction to Computer Science).
" -"FDD3502","Beräkningskomplexitet, sannolikhet, design och analys av algoritmen
","Computational complexity, Probability, Design and analysis of algorithm
" -"DT2213","Kursen ingår i ljudspecialiseringen för Medieteknikprogrammet och i spåret musik- och ljudbehandling inom masterprogrammet i datalogi. Att kunna spela ett musikinstrument eller att ha en viss vana vid musikprogram är användbart men inte nödvändigt.
Rekommenderade kurser: DT1130 Spektrala transformer, EN2100 Ljudperception, DT2410 Audioteknologi.
","The course is compulsary at the specialisation Audio Technology (LJD) at Degree Programme in Media Technology. The formal prerequisites vary depending on the student’s intended ultimate specialisation. Being able to play a musical instrument is useful but not required.
For KTH Media (compulsory): 2E1390/EN2100 Auditory Perception, 2F1410/DT1410 Audio Technology.
For Degree Progr. in Electrical Engineering (recommended): 2F1400/DT2400 Electroacoustics, DT2410 Audio Technology.
For Degree Progr. in Computer Science and Engineering (recommended): 2E1390/EN2100 Auditory Perception, 2E1395/EN2200 Pattern Recognition.
Whenever feasible, the course project groups will be assembled so as to contain participant from CMETE, CDATE, CELTE and the Royal College of Music. Such an integration is an important part of achieving the course goals.
KTH students may take this course in parallel with 2F1212/DT2212 Music Acoustics, also in period 4, which is a good complement. The resulting work load will be rather high.
" -"DT2410","Förkunskapskraven varierar med deltagarens bakgrund. Kursen är valbar för Media 4-5, D4, E4, F4 och TSOVM1. Kursen ingår i Medieteknikprogrammets specialisering Ljud. För Medieteknik 4-5: DT1175 Ljud, och DM1135 Multimediasystem och signaler. För övriga: Grundläggande datorteknik samt något om digital filtrering och spektrala transformer.
Deltagarna förväntas ha olika fokus i sina utbildningar: Media: teorin för uppfattande av ljud och vad som förmedlas till lyssnaren. Elektro: teorin för signaler och i viss mån datorteknik i audiosystem. Data: teorin för ljudbaserad människa-datorinteraktion och systemprogrammering.
","The prerequisite knowledge varies with the background of the participant. This course is elective for Media 4-5, E4 and D4. In the Media Technology programme, the course is taken as part of a major (with thesis) or a minor (without thesis) in Sound.
For Media 4-5: DT1175 Sound and DM1135 Multimedia systems and signals.
All others: some fundamentals of electrical engineering with signal theory and signal processing, and some acoustics. If in doubt, please e-mail the examiner with your course record.
Media Technology: the theory for perception of sound and for what is communicated to the listener. Electrical Engineering: the theory of audio signals and digital technology in audio systems. Computer Science: the theory for sound-based man-machine interaction, and systems programming.
" -"FDH3377",NULL,NULL -"HS1713",NULL,NULL -"EA249X",NULL,NULL -"AF2130","Kunskaper i differentialekvationer, 7,5 hp motsvarande innehåll i kurs SF1676 Differentialekvationer med tillämpningar.
","Documented knowledge in Differential Equations corresponding to the content in course SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications.
" -"FDT3313","Kunskaper motsvarande kursen Talteknologi, DT2112. Språkligt intresse och erfarenhet av akustik och signalbehandling.
","Knowledge equivalent to the course Speech Technology, DT2112. Linguistic interest and experience of acoustics and signal processing.
" -"FDT3304","Deltagare måste vara doktorander, men då vårt mål är att locka forskarstuderande som nyligen börjat samt studenter från andra universitet har vi inga specifika förkunskapskrav.
","Participants must be doctoral students, but in the interest of attracting early-stage PhD students and those from other universities, we do not require any specific prerequisite courses.
" -"FEG3215",NULL,NULL -"FEI3390","EG2100 Analys av elkraftsystem eller motsvarande
EJ2301 Effektelektronik eller motsvarande
Engelska B eller motsvarande
","EG2100 Power System Analysis or corresponding
EJ2301 Power electronics or corresponding
English B or corresponding
" -"FEO3290","Flervariabelsanalys, sannolikhetslära
","Multi variable calculus, probability theory
" -"FHL3004",NULL,NULL -"FID3024","Kursens målstudenter är huvudsakligen doktorander i datavetenskap, informations- och kommunikationsteknologi, doktorander inom elektroteknik. Men även andra doktorander vilka är intresserade av att lära känna till arkitekturen och grunderna i moderna ML-system är välkomna. Studenterna ska vara bekanta med grunderna för ML, distribuerade system och ha god programmeringskunskap, särskilt i Python eller Scala.
","The target students of the course are mainly PhD students of the computer science, information and communication technology, and electrical engineering doctoral programmes, as well as all other PhD students who are interested to know the architecture and fundamentals of modern ML systems. The students should be familiar with the basics of ML, distributed systems, and have a good programming knowledge especially in Python or Scala.
" -"FID3025","Doktoranderna förväntas ha en god förståelse för neurala nätverk och hur de används. Studenter förväntas också ha god förståelse för datorarkitektur och principer för digital design.
","The PhD students are expected to have a good understanding of neural networks and how they are used. Students are also expected to have a good understanding of computer architecture and digital design principles.
" -"AF2603",NULL,NULL -"FCK3108","Grundläggande polymerteknologi och termodynamik.
","Introductory polymer science and engineering and thermodynamics.
" -"FID3026","Studenten förväntas ha mycket bra kunskap inom olika programmeringsspråk, samt grundläggande kunskap inom programspråksteori.
","The student is expected to have excellent knowledge of various programming languages and fundamental knowledge in programming language theory.
" -"FIK3510","Från linjär algebra och analys: Beräkningar med matriser och vektorer, determinant och egenvärden. Beräkningar med komplexa tal.
Från matematisk statistik: Stokastiska variabler, skattning av utfall från stokastiska variabler i linjära modeller.
Från grundläggande kommunikationsteori: Kanalmodeller, kanalkapacitet, entropibegreppet.
","From linear algebra and calculus: Computations with matrices and vectors, determinant, eigenvalues. Computations with complex numbers.
From mathematical statistics: Stochastic variables, estimation of realizations of stochastic variables.
From elementary communication theory: Channel models, channel capacity, the entropy concept.
" -"FIK3511","Grundläggande kurser i Elkretsteori, Elektronik
","Basic courses in Circuits & Systems, Electronics
" -"FCK3111",NULL,NULL -"FIL3014","Doktoranden ska ha praktisk erfarenhet av materialforskning, tillverkningsmetoder eller komponenttillverkning. Grundläggande kunskap eller utbildning inom hållbar utveckling är en fördel. Innan kursen rekommenderas bör studenten avklar onlineutbildningen ”grundläggande miljökurser” på KTH Canvas.
","The target students are PhD students with certain practical research experience in materials, processing or device fabrication. Basic knowledge or education on Sustainable Development is favored. Before attending the course, the student are recommended to finish the online training course “basic environmental courses” at KTH Canvas.
" -"FIL3609","Alla doktorander som är inskrivna vid KTH är behöriga till denna kurs. Det rekommenderas att ta kursen i början av forskarutbildningen.
","All doctoral students enrolled at KTH are eligible for this course. It is recommended to take the course in the beginning of the doctoral studies.
" -"EH2781","Rekommenderade men inte obligatoriska:
EH2770 IT Management with Enterprise Architecture I
","Recommended but not obligatory:
EH2770 IT-management med Enterprise Architecture I
" -"FKA3020","Examen i kemi eller kemiteknik på masternivå.
","A master degree in chemistry or chemical engineering .
" -"AH2914","För fristående studerande:
Kandidatexamen eller motsvarande inom lantmäteri eller geoinformatik motsvarande minst 180 hp samt dokumenterade kunskaper i engelska B eller motsvarande.
För programstudenter:
AH2922 Map projections and reference systems eller motsvarande.
AH2923 Global navigation satellite systems eller motsvarande.
","For single course students:
Bachelor of Science in surveying or geomatics including at least 180 credits and documented proficiency in English B or equivalent.
For students enrolled in a program at KTH:
AH2922 Map projections and reference systems or equivalent.
AH2923 Global navigation satellite systems or equivalent.
" -"FKD3400","Doktorand inom kemi, kemiteknik eller materialvetenskap
","Doctoral student in chemistry, chemical engineering and materials science.
" -"EJ2201","• Elkretsanalys (t.ex. EI1110 Elkretsanalys, utökad kurs eller EI1120 Elkretsanalys för energi och miljö)
• Teoretisk elektroteknik (t.ex. EI1220 Teoretisk elektroteknik E eller EI1225 Teoretisk elektroteknik för energi och miljö)
• Electrical circuit analysis (for example EI1110 Electrical circuit analysis, extended course or EI1120 Electrical circuit analysis for the energy and environment program)
• Electromagnetic theory (for example EI1220 Electromagnetic theory E or EI1225 Electromagnetic theory, introductory course for energy and environment)
Någon av följande kurser rekommenderas; EJ2200 Elektriska maskiner och drivsystem, EJ1200 Eleffektsystem eller EJ2300 Effektelektronik.
","One of the following courses are recommended; EJ2200 Electrical Machines and Drives, EJ1200 Electric Power Systems or EJ2300 Power Electronics.
" -"EL1010",NULL,NULL -"EK1191","Obligatoriska kurser i programmet, särskilt
Compusory courses in the programme, especially
EL1000 Reglerteknik allmän kurs, eller motsvarande
","EL1000 Automatic Control Basic Course, or equivalent
" -"MJ2487","SG1220 Teknisk strömningsmekanik (eller motsvarande)
SE1010 Hållfasthetslära (eller motsvarande)
MJ2483 Fortsättningskurs vibrationer (eller motsvarande)
MJ2429 Strömningsmaskiner (eller motsvarande)
MJ2480 Introduktionskurs strömningsberäkning och matematik (eller motsvarande)
","SG1220 Fluid Mechanics (or corresponding)
SE1010 Solid Mechanics (or corresponding)
MJ2483 Advanced Mechanical Vibrations (or corresponding)
MJ2429 Turbomachinery (or corresponding)
MJ2480 Introductions to Computational Fluid Dynamics and Mathematics (or corresponding)
" -"AG2142",NULL,NULL -"EP1200","IE1205 Digital design eller liknande kurs
DD1316 Programmeringsteknik och C eller liknande kurs
","IE1205 Digital design or similar
DD1316 Programmeringsteknik och C or similar
" -"FKE3140","För att du ska klara kursen med normal arbetsinsats förutsätts förkunskaper i kemisk jämvikt, kemisk termodynamik, kemisk dynamik, kemisk processteknik, transportprocesser, energiomvandlingar samt i numeriska metoder. Om du inte har alla dessa förkunskaper kan du på egen hand inhämta det du behöver under kursens gång.
","To pass the course with the expected workload it is expected that you have a background in chemical equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, chemical process engineering, transport phenomena, energy conversion as well as in numerical methods. If you do not have these prerequisites you may have to read up on your own during the course.
" -"FKF3170","Grundläggande kunskaper i polymervetenskap på MSc-nivå eller motsvarande.
","Fundamental knowledge in polymer science on MSc level or equivalent.
" -"FKF3420","Magisterexamen i kemi, fysik eller motsvarande områden
","M.Sc. in chemistry, physics or comparable areas
" -"EP1100","Högskolematematik och matematisk statistik, kunskap om operativsystem (UNIX) önskvärd.
","College mathematics and mathematical statistics, operating system (UNIX) knowledge desired.
" -"EP2800","The student should have at least 210 credits from the Master of Science in Engineering program or similar, or at least 60 credits from a Master Program related to the subject area.
Eligible students should be already prepared by basic courses in the area of the individual project. Preparation on most of, or all if possible, among data networks, operating systems, wireless networks, Internet-working, is presumed.
","The student should have at least 210 credits from the Master of Science in Engineering program or similar, or at least 60 credits from a Master Program related to the subject area.
Eligible students should be already prepared by basic courses in the area of the individual project. Preparation on most of, or all if possible, among data networks, operating systems, wireless networks, Internet-working, is presumed.
" -"MF2061","MF2060 måste vara godkänd före kursstart och för övriga förkunskapskurser gäller att 80 % ska vara godkända före kursstart.
","MF2060 must be approved before the course starts.
80% of the prerequisite courses must be approved before the course starts.
" -"AG2417","AG2411, GIS-arkitektur och algoritmer, 7.5 hp (eller motsvarande)
AG2412, Geovisualisation, 7.5c (eller motsvarande)
AG2425, Rumsliga databaser, 7.5c (eller motsvarande)
Kunskaper om progameringsspråk Java
","AG2411, GIS architecture, 7.5c (or equivalent)
AG2412, Geovisualisation, 7.5c (or equivalent)
AG2425, Spatial Databases, 7.5c (or equivalent)
Knowledge of programming in Java
" -"AG2421",NULL,NULL -"FMH3109","Grundläggande kunskaper om termodynamik och materiallära. Viss vana vid programmen Thermo-Calc och DICTRA rekommenderas.
","Basic knowledge of thermodynamics and materials science. Some familiarity with the Thermo-Calc and DICTRA programs is recommended.
" -"FMJ3388",NULL,NULL -"AH1812",NULL,NULL -"EQ2840","Signals and systems corresponding to EQ1100 Signals and Systems
Stochastic processes and signal theory corresponding to EQ1220/1240/1260 Signal theory
Signals and systems corresponding to EQ1100 Signals and Systems
Stochastic processes and signal theory corresponding to EQ1220/1240/1260 Signal theory
Kursen EH2760 Projektstyrning är startkt rekommenderade att läsa före, eller parallellt, med kursen MF2063
","Taking EH2760 Management of Projects is strongly recommended, either before or parallel of taking MF2063.
" -"AH2171",NULL,NULL -"FCB3091",NULL,NULL -"MF2031","Kandidatexamen inom Maskinteknik eller motsvarande. CAD-kunskap. Grundläggande elektronisk kurs (t ex. MF1016 eller liknande).
","Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering. CAD knowledge. Basic electronic course (eg. MF1016 or similar).
" -"FCB3093","Det krävs att FCB3091 och FCB3092 har avklarats med godkänt betyg.
","Required that FCB3091 and FCB3092 have been completed and passed.
" -"FCB3206",NULL,NULL -"II1307",NULL,NULL -"FCB3092","Det krävs att FCB3091 har avklarats med godkänt betyg.
","Required that FCB3091 has been completed and passed.
" -"FCB3094","Det krävs att FCB3091, FCB3092 och FCB3093 har avklarats med godkänt betyg.
","Required that FCB3091, FCB3092 and FCB3091 have been completed and passed.
" -"FCB3207","Kurser inom organisk kemi och/eller biokemi på avancerad nivå.
","Courses in organic chemistry and / or biochemistry at the second cycle.
" -"FCB3202","Allmän kurs i kvantmekanik.
","General course in quantum mechanics.
" -"FCB3201",NULL,NULL -"FCB3204","BB2280, eller motsvarande kunskaper från annan kurs.
","BB2280, or equivalent knowledge from another course.
" -"FCB3205","Avklarade kurser inom biokemi och/eller molekylärbiologi på avancerad nivå. Antagen till studier på forskarnivå inom ämnet bioteknologi.
","Completed courses in biochemistry and/or molecular biology at the second cycle. Admitted to third-cycle education in the subject Biotechnology.
" -"MF2058",NULL,NULL -"FCK3104","Polymerfysik, elektrokemi, nanomaterial
","Polymer physics, electrochemistry, nanomaterials
" -"FCK3105",NULL,NULL -"AH2923","För studenter antagna till civilingenjörsprogrammet Samhällsbyggnad (CSAMH) eller en av masterprogrammen Transport och Geoinformatik (TTGTM),), Flyg- och rymdteknik (TAEEM) eller Elektrofysik (TELFM) är det inga ytterligare behörighetskrav.
För övriga studenter:
For admitted students to the Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Urban Management (CSAMH) or one of the Master of Science programmes in Transport and Geoinformation Technology (TTGTM), Aerospace Engineering (TAEEM), or Electrophysics (TELFM), there are no additional requirements.
For other students:
Grundläggande kunskaper i organisk kemi.
","Basic knowledge in organic chemistry.
" -"FCK3303",NULL,NULL -"AH2915","Det är en fördel att ha läst kurserna KD1230 Organisk kemi, grundläggande koncept och praktik, KD1270 Organisk kemi, grundläggande koncept och praktik 2, KD2310 Organisk kemi, fortsättningskurs eller motsvarande.
","It is an advantage to have completed KD1230 Organic chemistry, basic concepts and practice, KD1270 Organic chemistry, basic concepts and practice 2, KD2310 Advanced organic chemistry or equivalent.
" -"MF2067","En Kandidatexamen i Maskinteknik eller motsvarande, eller registrerad CMAST3/CDEPR3/CFATE3.
","A Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, or registered as CMAST3/CDEPR3/CFATE3.
" -"FCK3311",NULL,NULL -"FCK3312",NULL,NULL -"FSD3102",NULL,NULL -"TESTNIN",NULL,NULL -"AD1221",NULL,NULL -"ZEIPLA",NULL,NULL -"NINASTT",NULL,NULL -"TESTSF",NULL,NULL -"NINAGR",NULL,NULL -"SF1684",NULL,NULL -"SF1625",NULL,NULL -"EP111U",NULL,NULL diff --git a/docker-compose-local-mongo.yml b/docker-compose-local-mongo.yml index 6ef004a..b9e2ae2 100644 --- a/docker-compose-local-mongo.yml +++ b/docker-compose-local-mongo.yml @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ services: ports: - 27018:27017 environment: - - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=axel - - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=axel + - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=