diff --git a/public/data.ttl b/public/data.ttl index 28ddaed..7140132 100644 --- a/public/data.ttl +++ b/public/data.ttl @@ -1,960 +1,971 @@ -@prefix schema: . -@prefix : . -@prefix ex: . -@prefix foaf: . -@prefix ov: . -@prefix rdfs: . -@prefix pb: . -@prefix swc: . - -: - a schema:Project ; - schema:name "Distributed Knowledge Graphs" ; - schema:slogan "Distributed Knowledge Graphs is a COST Action, ie. a research and innovation network to connect research initiatives around Europe. A COST Action supports activities such as short-term scientific missions, workshops, and training schools.
Our specific Action is centred around the topic of Distributed Knowledge Graphs, ie. Knowledge Graphs that are published in a decentralised fashion, thus forming a distributed system. Our Action just started on 23 September 2020, so stay tuned for more information. We plan to publish our first call for short-term scientific missions soon." ; - schema:logo "https://picsum.photos/200"^^schema:URL ; - ov:twitter-id "cost_dkg" ; - rdfs:see "https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA19134/#tabs+Name:Management%20Structure" ; - ex:coreMember [ foaf:name - "Tobias Kafer" ; - foaf:homepage "https://aifb.kit.edu/index.php/Tobias_K%C3%A4fer/en" ; - foaf:img "tkafer.jpg" ; - ex:role "Chair" ; - ex:country "Germany" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)" ; - schema:address - [ schema:addressCountry - "Germany" ] ] ], - [ foaf:name - "Axel Polleres" ; - foaf:homepage "https://ai.wu.ac.at/~polleres/" ; - foaf:img "apolleres.jpg" ; - ex:role "Vice Chair" ; - ex:country "Austria" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Vienna University of Economics & Business (WU Wien)" ; - schema:address - [ schema:addressCountry - "Austria" ] ] ], - [ foaf:name - "Anastasia Dimou" ; - foaf:homepage "https://natadimou.com/#me" ; - foaf:img "adimou.jpg" ; - ex:role "Science communications manager" ; - ex:country "Belgium" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Ghent University" ; - schema:address - [ schema:addressCountry - "Belgium" ] ] ], - [ foaf:name - "Charlie Abela" ; - foaf:homepage "https://www.um.edu.mt/profile/charlieabela" ; - foaf:img "cabela.jpg" ; - ex:role "STSM Coordinator" ; - ex:country "Malta" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "University of Malta" ; - schema:address - [ schema:addressCountry - "Malta" ] ] ], - [ foaf:name - "Michel Dumontier" ; - foaf:homepage "https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/michel.dumontier" ; - foaf:img "mdumontier.jpg" ; - ex:role "WG1 Lead" ; - ex:country "Netherlands" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Institute of Data Science at Maastricht University" ; - schema:address - [ schema:addressCountry - "Netherlands" ] ] ], - [ foaf:name - "Andreas Harth" ; - foaf:homepage "http://harth.org/andreas/" ; - foaf:img "aharth.jpg" ; - ex:role "WG2 Lead" ; - ex:country "Germany" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg" ; - schema:address - [ schema:addressCountry - "Germany" ] ] ], - [ foaf:name - "Antoine Zimmermann" ; - foaf:homepage "https://www.emse.fr/~zimmermann/" ; - foaf:img "azimmermann.jpg" ; - ex:role "WG3 Lead" ; - ex:country "France" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "École des Mines de Saint-Étienne" ; - schema:address - [ schema:addressCountry - "France" ] ] ], - [ foaf:name - "Olaf Hartig" ; - foaf:homepage "http://olafhartig.de/" ; - foaf:img "ohartig.jpg" ; - ex:role "WG4 Lead" ; - ex:country "Sweden" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Linköping University" ; - schema:address - [ schema:addressCountry - "Sweden" ] ] ], - [ foaf:name - "John McCrae" ; - foaf:homepage "john.mccr.ae" ; - foaf:img "jmccrae.jpg" ; - ex:role "Grant holder scientific representative" ; - ex:country "Ireland" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "National University of Ireland Galway" ; - schema:address - [ schema:addressCountry - "Ireland" ] ] ] ; - ex:workPackage [ schema:title - "WG1: Producers" ; - ex:description - "WG1 is concerned with how knowledge graphs can be made available from various sources, systems and formats, in a scalable, serviceable, distributed, and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) manner. The WG will define requirements and explore ideas, methods, and tools to make FAIR distributed knowledge graphs, with special attention as to whether the data are offline or online, and what to do when the data are privacy-sensitive.

Apply to the WG by (1) signing up to the COST portal, (2) finding the DKG Action on the COST portal and (3) filling in the WG application form." ; ], - [ schema:title - "WG2: Consumers" ; - ex:description - "Bringing together actors dealing with data processing techniques and user-facing solutions, having in common the need for being able to consume data made available by providers. This task will enable data consumers to test and improve their tools and techniques on datasets made available by data providers, and also highlight ways of improving the usability of exposed datasets. This task is concerned with test matching algorithms, interlinking of Distributed Knowledge Graphs for easier integration, and metadata/context/logical deduction use to better determine what KGs are about, what to do with them and what decision to take from them.

Apply to the WG by (1) signing up to the COST portal, (2) finding the DKG Action on the COST portal and (3) filling in the WG application form." ; ], - [ schema:title - "WG3: Prosumers" ; - ex:description - "Prosumers are entities that act as both consumers and providers of data. If sometimes the two roles of prosumers (producers and users) can be dealt with separately, in some cases they are very intertwined: prosumers have specific needs and requirements. WG3 is particularly interested in: 1) replication hubs which consume and publish identically to help balancing load; 2) refinement tasks that consume and improve data; 3) data catalogues that bring together data sets and add metadata on top; 4) provenance tracking that produces complementary information from what is consumed to improve explainability of data processing.

Apply to the WG by (1) signing up to the COST portal, (2) finding the DKG Action on the COST portal and (3) filling in the WG application form." ; ], - [ schema:title - "WG4: Systems" ; - ex:description - "Taking a holistic view on systems built from multiple consumers, prosumers, and providers of Distributed Knowledge Graphs. This task investigates issues that stem from the interplay of consumers, prosumers, and providers of Distributed Knowledge Graphs, and coordinates information regarding new developments made in all aspects of Distributed Knowledge Graphs in/outside the consortium.

Apply to the WG by (1) signing up to the COST portal, (2) finding the DKG Action on the COST portal and (3) filling in the WG application form." ; ] . - -:wg1-kick-off - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "WG1 Providers of DKGs Kick-Off" ; - schema:startDate "2021-01-13T14:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:endDate "2021-01-13T17:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:url "/workinggroups". - -:wg2-kick-off - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "WG2 Consumers of DKGs Kick-Off" ; - schema:startDate "2021-01-20T14:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:endDate "2021-01-20T17:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:url "/workinggroups". - -:wg3-kick-off - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "WG3 Prosumers of DKGs Kick-Off" ; - schema:startDate "2021-01-27T14:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:endDate "2021-01-27T17:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:url "/workinggroups". - -:wg4-kick-off - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "WG4 Systems of DKGs Kick-Off" ; - schema:startDate "2021-02-03T14:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:endDate "2021-02-03T17:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:url "/workinggroups". - -:swsa-panel - a schema:Event, - swc:Panel ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "20 years into ISWC: What's next beyond Knowledge Graphs?" ; - pb:Panelist [ foaf:name "Jim Hendler" ; - schema:description """ -

James Alexander Hendler is an artificial intelligence researcher at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States, and one of the originators of the Semantic Web. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration (United States). Hendler completed his Doctor of Philosophy degree at Brown University in 1986 with a thesis on automated planning and scheduling. He also has an MS (1981) in Cognitive Psychology from Southern Methodist University, a MSc (1983) from Brown University, and a BS (1978) from Yale University.


Jim Hendler is the current president of SWSA.

""" ], [ foaf:name "Natasha Noy" ; - schema:description """ -

Natasha Noy is a scientist at Google Research where she works on making structured data universally accessible and useful. She leads the team building Dataset Search, a search engine for all the datasets on the Web. Prior to joining Google, she worked at Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research where she made major contributions in the areas of ontology development and alignment, and collaborative ontology engineering. Natasha is a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). She has served as the President of the Semantic Web Science Association from 2011 to 2017.

- """ ], [ foaf:name "Rudi Studer" ; - schema:description """ -

Rudi Studer is a Retired Full Professor in Applied Informatics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute AIFB. In addition, he was director at the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) as well as president of the FZI Research Center for Information Technology in Karlsruhe. His research interests include knowledge management, semantic web technologies and applications, data and text mining, and service science.


He obtained a Diploma in Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart in 1975. In 1982 he was awarded a Doctor's degree (Dr.rer.nat.) at the University of Stuttgart, and in 1985 he obtained his Habilitation in Informatics at the University of Stuttgart. From 1985 to 1989 he was project leader and manager at the Scientific Center of IBM Germany. November 1989 he became professor in Karlsruhe. Since then, he led his research group to become one of the leading institutions in semantic web technology.


Rudi Studer was founding president of the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) and former Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web. He is an STI International Fellow.

- """ ] ; - pb:Moderator [ foaf:name "Catia Pesquita" ] ; - schema:about "tbd" ; - schema:url "/swsa-panel" ; - schema:startDate "2021-10-07T18:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:video [ a schema:VideoObject ; - schema:name - "YouTube" ; - schema:url - "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns7qIrNCpNo"^^schema:URL ] . - -:talk-ora-lassila - a schema:Event, swc:TalkEvent ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:location [ a schema:VirtualLocation ; - schema:name "YouTube" ; - schema:url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9wautaqWUs"^^schema:URL ] ; - schema:name "On the broad applicability of Semantic Web technologies" ; - schema:actor [ foaf:name "Ora Lassila" ; - schema:about "SWSA Ten-Year award 2011" ; - schema:description """ - Ora Lassila is a Principal Technologist at Amazon -Web Services, working in the Neptune graph database team. Earlier, he -has held research and product development positions in many -organizations interested in complex data problems, ontologies, and AI. -Together with his co-authors he was the recipient of the first SWSA -“10-year award”. He was also a co-author of the original RDF -specification as well as a co-author of the seminal article on the -Semantic Web. Dr. Lassila is a graduate of the Helsinki University of -Technology. - """ ] ; - schema:about """ - The Semantic Web, despite how it was originally advertised, -was not a replacement for the World Wide Web, nor was it really -knowledge representation (KR) solely for the Web. Rather, the Semantic -Web is KR using Web technologies. The different technologies and -standards of the Semantic Web have broad applicability in many areas -distinctly outside of what we consider to be the “Web”. The DAML-S -(later OWL-S) effort was one such example: apply ontologies to the -problem of describing the semantics of functionality and services (in -this case Web services, but the concept was more general). While the -effort may not have been successful in the long term, it was an early -example of the application of Semantic Web technologies and approaches -to a wide variety of use cases and domains. These include agent-based -computing, ubiquitous computing, context-awareness, policies, privacy, -enterprise knowledge graphs, and many others. But there is still an -even bigger role for Semantic Web technologies: Modern enterprise data -practice is messy, with daunting problems such as data integration, -elimination of “data silos”, and alignment of semantics. This -“messiness” will be perpetuated until we have a practical unifying -logical representation for data and semantics, and the promise of -Semantic Web is that it could be this representation. - """ ; - schema:url "/talks" ; - schema:startDate "2021-12-07T18:00:00+01:00" . - -:talk-olfa-hartig - a schema:Event, swc:TalkEvent ; - schema:location [ a schema:VirtualLocation ; - schema:name "YouTube" ; - schema:url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9a7P336fcg"^^schema:URL ] ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "Reflections on Linked Data Querying and Other Related Topics" ; - schema:actor [ foaf:name "Olaf Hartig" ; - schema:description """ - Olaf Hartig is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science of Linköping University. -Additionally, he is an Amazon Scholar working with the Neptune graph database team at Amazon Web Services. Olaf is -interested in problems related to the management of databases and knowledge, with a focus on graph data and data that is -distributed over multiple, autonomous and/or heterogeneous sources. He received the 2019 SWSA Ten-Year Award for a paper -which pioneered the idea of traversal-based query execution as well as querying Linked Data on the Web in general, and -for his PhD thesis on the foundations of Linked Data queries, he was honored with the SWSA Distinguished Dissertation -Award in 2015. - """ ; - schema:about "SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award 2015 and SWSA Ten-Year award 2019" ; ] ; - schema:about """ - When aiming to evolve the World Wide Web into a Web of interlinked data ready for software agents and applications to -consume and act upon, Semantic Web researchers have advanced the state of the art of federated data management, with -novel ideas that focus on discoverability, interoperability, and automation. While the adoption and the practicality of -these ideas did, generally, not pan out as expected or hoped for, core aspects of the ideas have the potential to be -carried over as key ingredients of new approaches to interact with decentralized knowledge graphs and to build -decentralized data architectures. In this talk I will reflect on these earlier ideas and describe research problems that -need to be addressed in order to carry these ideas forward. - """ ; - schema:url "/talks" ; - schema:startDate "2022-03-07T18:00:00+01:00" . - -:metadata4dkg2022 - a schema:Event, swc:WorkshopEvent ; - schema:startDate "2022-05-18T12:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:endDate "2022-05-20T12:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:url "https://cost-dkg.github.io/metadata4dkg2022/" ; - schema:location "Lyon, France and online." ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "Workshop on Metadata Authoring for Distributed Knowledge Graphs" . - -:workshop-pidskg - a swc:WorkshopEvent ; - schema:name "COST EU Workshop on Privacy Issues in Distributed Social Knowledge Graphs (PIDSKG)" ; - schema:startDate "2022-06-13T09:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:endDate "2022-06-15T17:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:url "/pidskg" ; - schema:about """ -To systematically explore the legal and technical aspects of privacy in the context of Distributed Social Knowledge Graphs. We aim to extract precise privacy requirements for personal Knowledge Graphs related to norms such as those described in GDPR, ISO 27001, -190086, NIST SP 800-122, and EU ePrivacy Directives. We aim to establish links between such privacy goals and design decisions in protocols for interacting with Knowledge Graphs, such as the Social Linked Data protocol suite Solid. We will also explore to -what extent emerging requirements lead to an evolution of security and privacy goals, for instance, when designing a system that balances requirements such as presenting views of logs to the data protection officer or to administrators for evaluating data -breaches, against other requirements such as the right to be forgotten. - """ ; - schema:location [ a schema:Place ; - schema:name - "The Black Box (conference center at entrance to Maison des Sciences Humaines), University of Luxembourg, Belval campus" ; - schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; - schema:streetAddress "11, Porte des Sciences" ; - schema:postalCode "4366" ; - schema:addressLocality "Porte des Sciences, Esch-sur-Alzette" ; - schema:addressCountry "Luxembourg" ] ] ; - schema:organizer :, [ schema:name "Christian Esposito" ; - schema:homeLocation [ schema:addressCountry "Italy" ] ], [ schema:name "Olaf Hartig" ; - schema:homeLocation [ schema:addressCountry - "Sweden" ] ], - [ schema:name "Ross Horne" ; - schema:homeLocation [ schema:addressCountry - "Luxembourg" ] ], - [ schema:name "Tobias Kafer" ; - schema:homeLocation [ schema:addressCountry - "Germany" ] ], - [ schema:name "Chang Sun" ; - schema:homeLocation [ schema:addressCountry - "Netherlands" ] ] ; - ex:localOrganizer [ schema:name "Ross Horne" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "University of Luxembourg" ] ], - [ schema:name "Marcos Da Silveira" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology" ] ], - [ schema:name "Rita Giannini" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "University of Luxembourg" ] ] ; - schema:potentialAction """ -Please contact Ross Horne at -if you would like to contribute to this workshop in any of the following ways: - -- You may wish to propose a demo of your work on Solid on the afternoon of day 1. -- You may wish to contribute to the discussion on legal aspects of Solid and government -outreach on day 2. -- You may wish to contribute to the technical discussion on security & privacy aspects -of Solid on day 3. -- You may be a member of the COST DKG network and wish to attend all sessions, and contribute -to the discussion towards deliverables. -""" ; - ex:agenda_1 """ -### Keynote speaker: Bart Jacobs, Radboud University Nijmegen, NL -Title: IRMA as precursor EU-wallet-ID - -#### Abstract - -This presentation will describe the ideas -behind the identity platform IRMA, with the -corresponding IRMA app. IRMA is non-profit, -open source, internationally available, and is -operated by an independent foundation. IRMA -has been up-and-running for some three years, -with a growing user-base, now close to 100.000. -IRMA offers first of all attribute-based -authentication. This means that users can show, -for instance, that they are over 18 without -revealing anything else about themselves. IRMA -offers also attribute-based signing: it allows users -to digitally sign documents, with several -attributes. A verifier of the resulting signed -document can cryptographically check that the -document was signed by someone with these -attributes. In this way a medical doctor can sign, -for instance, a recipe with his/her medical -credentials, as attributes. -IRMA has a privacy-friendly decentralised -architecture, in which attributes only exist in -digitally signed form on a user's phone. This -means that it is well-suited for international -(cross-border) usage, since only public keys are -needed --- and no complicated internationally connected infrastructure. -The presentation contains the essence of how IRMA works and of IRMA's guarantees. It also includes -new, regulatory challenges raised by wallet-IDs. - -#### Biography -Bart Jacobs is a professor of computer security, privacy and identity at Radboud -University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His work covers both theoretical computer science and more -practical, multidisciplinary work, esp. in computer security and privacy. Jacobs is a member of the -Academia Europaea and of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), and a -recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant. He is an active participant in societal debates about security -and privacy, in the media and in various advice roles e.g. for government and parliament. He chairs a -non-profit spin-off on attribute-based identity management (see ) and is co-founder of -Nijmegen's interdisciplinary hub on security, privacy and data governance (). - -For more information, see: -""" ; - ex:agenda_2 """ -### Invited speaker: Ruben Verborgh, Ghent University–imec, BE - -Ruben will present the Solid API for Distributed Knowledge Graphs. - -Ruben Verborgh is Professor of decentralized Web technology at IDLab of Ghent -University–imec and Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Martin School within the University of -Oxford. He is also a Solid Ecosystem Architect for Inrupt and an advisor to other companies. -From this hybrid academic and industrial perspective, his professional goal is to support -Solid on its mission to inspire, transform, and reshape our data-driven society. -Adapted from: -""" ; - ex:extraInformation """ -COVID-19: This will be a CovidCheck event, meaning proof of vaccination or a test is required, subject to changes of rules by the Luxembourg government. - - -Culture: Esch-sur-Alzette is European Capital of Culture 2022: -""" ; - ex:plan """ -#### Day 1, 13 June: Solid as a System, and Personal Identity - -Objective: The purpose of this day is to introduce participants to systems built on Solid -using the Solid protocol. The keynote speech introduces a key ingredient in trustworthy -information systems, not only Solid, that is: the Identity services used to verify that users are -who they claim to be. -The afternoon session features demos of projects based on Solid, mainly led by PhD -students. The end of the day is led by the organisers, and will refine the agenda for days -2&3. - -9:30-10:45 Opening session: remote attendance possible. (see below for links). - -9:30-9:45: Welcome and objectives from organisers
-Chair: Chang Sun, Maastricht University, NL - -9:45-10:45: Keynote Bart Jacobs, Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL
-Title: IRMA as precursor EU-wallet-ID
-Chair: Ross Horne, University of Luxembourg, LU - -Coffee: 10:45-11:15 - -11:15-12:15: Invited talk from Ruben Verborgh, Ghent University–imec, BE
-Title: The Solid API for Distributed Knowledge Graphs
-Chair: Olaf Hartig, Linköping University, SE - -12:15-13:30: Lunch at Dimi Si (Italian at Belval campus). - -13:30-15:30: Parallel booths demonstrating Solid systems: -1. Christian Esposito, on blockchain authentication, Salerno, IT -2. Sebastian Schmid & Daniel Schraudner, Nuremberg, DE -3. Christoph Braun, KIT, DE -4. Chang Sun, Maastricht University, NL -5. Hadrien Bailly, Dublin City University, IE -6. Beatriz Estévez, Madrid, ES - -Coffee: 15:30-16:00 - -16:00-17:00: Round table discussion: What are the Privacy Issues with Solid?
-Objective: empower participants so they may influence the parallel sessions in Days 2&3.
-Chair: Christian Esposito, University of Salerno, IT - -18:30: Drinks and Dinner at Cafe Coyote (Tex-Mex at Belval campus) - - -#### Day 2, 14 June: Solid in Relation to Privacy Law & Government - -Day 2 opening session 9:30-10:45: - -9:30-9:45: Presentation on Solid & government from Bart Buelens, VITO, BE - -9:45-10:45: Round table focusing on gap between Privacy Law and Solid Privacy -1. Bart Buelens, VITO, Flanders-based research company, BE -2. Cedric Muller, Luxembourg government privacy regulation, CTIE, LU -3. Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Maastricht University, NL -4. Sandrine Munoz, Data Protection Officer, University of Luxembourg, LU -5. Rob Brennan, Dublin City University, IE - -Chair: Marcos Da Silveira, LIST, LU - -10:45-11:15: Coffee - -11:15-12:15: Parallel breakout sessions on Policy & Governance
-Objective: Three parallel sessions will be organised according to themes relevant to Policy to -be determined according to the interests of participants. This represents an opportunity to -present freely work in progress and for whiteboard discussions. All participants may prepare -slides and demos as they wish. Provisional topics include: -1. Protocols between the Controller, Processor & Data Subject (Laurens Debackere) -2. The rights of the Data Subject: to forget, to modify, to object (Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux) -3. Problems Adopting Solid in Government Organisations (Bart Buelens) -4. Data Protection Vocabularies and Legal KR (Harshvardhan Pandit) - -12:15-13:30: Lunch at Jay Nepal (Nepalese & Indian), on Belval campus - -13:30-14:45 remote attendance possible (see below for links) - -13:30-13:45: Presentation from Harshvardhan Pandit on W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies -and Controls CG - -13:45-14:45: Round table discussion on privacy required by law. -1. Marc Florea & Michel Dumontier, Maastricht, NL -2. Harshvardhan Pandit. Trinity College Dublin, IE -3. Arianna Rossi & Xengie Doan, University of Luxembourg, LU -4. Laurens Debackere, Digitaal Vlaanderen, BE -5. Jan Lindquist, StandICT, SE - -14:45-15:30: reflection, offline: plan for afternoon parallel sessions.
-Chair: Kimberly Garcia, St. Gallen, CH - -15:30-16:00: Coffee - -16:00-17:00: Parallel breakout sessions on privacy policy
-Objective: There will be a follow up to the morning parallel sessions, with the possibility of -reorganising new topics. - -19:00: Dinner at Restaurant Maria Bonita aux Rives de Clausen “The Brazilian Experience”, -Luxembourg city (allowing 1:30h for travel + stroll through the city) - - -#### Day 3, 15 June: Solid Privacy as a Cyber Security Problem - -9:30-10:45 Hybrid session with remote participation (see below for links) - -9:30-10:00: Opening talk on privacy from Sabrina Kirrane, Vienna University of Economics -and Business, AT - -10:00-10:45: Round table on Cyber security & privacy for Solid -1. Sabrina Kirrane & Inès Akaichi, Vienna University of Economics and Business, AT -2. Beatriz Estévez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES -3. Sergiu Bursuc & Xihui Chen, University of Luxembourg, LU -4. Jamal Nasir, on ISO 27001 & Solid, NUI Galway, IE -5. Bart Jacobs, Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL - -Chair: Ross Horne, University of Luxembourg, LU - -11:15-12:15: Parallel session on privacy-preserving protocols
-Objective: These parallel sessions will be an opportunity for more technical discussions on -Cyber Security and Solid. Provisionally, these sessions will be organised around the topics, -with a named leader: -1. Access control policies for Solid (Beatriz Estevez) -2. Differential privacy & multi-party computation (Xihui Chen) -3. Private attribute-based authentication (Bart Jacobs) - -12:15-13:30: lunch at Nonna Nenetta (Italian at Belval campus) - - -13:30-14:30: Lightning talks and summaries on privacy and Solid: highlighting most -promising outcomes. Prepared by all during breakout sessions.
-Chair: Christian Esposito, University of Salerno, IT - -14:30-15:30: Coordinated dissemination strategy
-Chairs: Michel Dumontier & Chang Sun, Maastricht University, NL - -15:30: Coffee - -Social activity: The High Furnaces & Exhibitions at Belval -""" . - -:eswc-dkg-tutorial-2022 - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "KGC Tutorial 2022" ; - schema:startDate "2022-05-29T09:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:endDate "2022-05-29T17:30:00+02:00" ; - schema:url "https://kg-construct.github.io/eswc-dkg-tutorial-2022/". - - -:gp2-plenary-meeting - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "GP2 Plenary Meeting" ; - schema:startDate "2022-10-13T09:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:endDate "2022-10-14T17:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:url "#" ; - schema:location [ a schema:Place ; - schema:name "SZTAKI"; - schema:url "https://www.sztaki.hu/"; - schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; - schema:addressLocality "Budapest" ; - schema:addressCountry "Hungary" ] ] . - -:dkg-plenary-2021 - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "DKG plenary meeting 2021" ; - schema:startDate "2021-09-08T09:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:endDate "2021-09-09T17:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:url "#" ; - schema:location [ a schema:Place ; - schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; - schema:addressLocality "Amsterdam" ; - schema:addressCountry "The Netherlands" ] ] . - - -:workshop-pidskg23 - a swc:WorkshopEvent, schema:Event ; - schema:name "Second COST EU Workshop on Privacy Issues in Distributed Social Knowledge Graphs PIDSKG23" ; - schema:startDate "2023-02-13T09:30:00+01:00" ; - schema:endDate "2023-02-15T18:00:00+01:00" ; - schema:url "/pidskg23" ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:about """ -This workshop series brings together computer scientists and legal experts, with a focus on Solid as a concrete system for data sovereignty, in order to ground a debate around emergent problems from both a technical cybersecurity perspective, and from the legal perspective of data protection. The first edition was hosted by University of Luxembourg 13-15 June 2022, and explored problems concerning privacy in distributed knowledge graphs from an interdisciplinary perspective. - -In this second edition of the workshop, we aim to consolidate progress on the problems identified in the first edition of the workshop and produce a common deliverable. The program will focus on exchanging methodologies, drawing from areas such as cybersecurity and privacy law, that may be brought together to develop privacy solutions for distributed knowledge graphs. Towards this aim the program will be a mix of talks, demos, and tutorials, that aim to present the current state of research, and trajectories. - -The workshop comprises talks representing papers (published or in progress), demos, and tutorials in related areas not limited to the following:\n -1.HCI aspects for information provision and controls\n -2.Consenting\n -3.GDPR Compliance\n -4.Data Governance\n -5.Cybersecurity compliance (ISO standards)\n -6.Measures for enhancing security and privacy\n -7.Cyber-risk assessments and auditing\n -8.Automating compliance checking and accountability\n -9.Vulnerability assessment and management\n -10.Access and usage control policies\n -11.Emerging privacy legislation and their implications\n -12.Privacy-preserving data analysis technologies/ privacy enhancing technologies\n -13.Risk and Impact assessments\n -14.Data spaces\n -15.Solutions for Data Sovereignty\n -16.Relation to emerging regulatory frameworks (DGA, DSA, DMA, ePrivacy, AI Act, Data Act, Health Data Spaces\n -17.Identity management and authentication\n - -This workshop will place an emphasis on discussing a potential policy layer enhancing existing authentication and authorisation mechanisms, where policies, in addition to constraining operations that agents may perform on data, express information on what is the context, norm, rules, principles, guidelines, or regulation for what/when/who/where/how data should be used, accessed, or otherwise processed. A policy layer is where the typical information for determining access (i.e. request notice) and its decision (e.g. consent or permission) are concerned. We expect an output of the workshop to include a report specifying the consensus of participants on the requirements of such a policy layer. - - """ ; - - schema:location [ a schema:Place ; - schema:name - "B2 Building, University of Salerno, Campus Fisciano" ; - schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; - schema:streetAddress "Viale Antonio Genovesi, Fisciano SA" ; - schema:postalCode "84084" ; - schema:addressLocality "Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico" ; - schema:addressCountry "Italy" ] ] ; - - ex:cmember [ schema:name "Inès Akaichi" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Vienna University of Economics and Business" ] ], - [ schema:name "Rob Brennan" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "University College Dublin" ] ], - [ schema:name "Beatriz Esteves" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Universidad Politécnica de Madrid" ] ] , - [ schema:name "Christian Esposito" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "University of Salerno" ] ], - [ schema:name "Olaf Hartig" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Linkoping University" ] ], - [ schema:name "Ross Horne" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "University of Luxembourg" ] ], - [ schema:name "Harshvardhan Pandit" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Dublin City University" ] ], - [ schema:name "Chang Sun" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Maastricht University" ] ], - [ schema:name "Livio Robaldo" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "Legal Innovation Lab Wales" ] ], - [ schema:name "Arianna Rossi" ; - schema:affiliation [ schema:name - "University of Luxembourg" ] ]; - - ex:committee """ -Inès Akaichi, Vienna university of Economics and Business, Austria\n -Rob Brennan, University College Dublin, Ireland\n -Beatriz Esteves, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain\n -Christian Esposito, University of Salerno, Italy\n -Olaf Hartig, Linkoping University, Sweden\n -Ross Horne, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg\n -Harshvardhan Pandit, Dublin City University, Ireland\n -Chang Sun, Maastricht University, Netherlands\n -Livio Robaldo, Legal Innovation Lab Wales, Swansea University, UK\n -Arianna Rossi, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg\n - - """; - - ex:travel """ -We will hold our workshop on our university campus (building F2 - ). The nearest hotel is , on booking website the room rate is 68€. There are hotels in Salerno city, which is connected to the campus with a bus line (number 17). Timetable available at . You can also think of booking a hotel in Napoli, and from the central train station, there is a direct bus to our campus (it takes an hour). - - -To reach Salerno, you have two flight options: to arrive at the Rome airport, i.e., Fiumicino airport, from where there is a direct bus to our campus, here's the timetable from . - - -Alternatively, you can take a train to Rome central station from the airport, and a high-speed train to Salerno central station. -We have two high-speed train operators: Italo and Trenitalia, and throughout their web sites () there are plenty of options from Rome to Salerno. - - -The other possibility is to fly directly to Napoli airport, and there are a lot of low-cost airlines serving this airport from all over Europe. -From the Capodichino airport, there is a direct bus to the campus, and also to Salerno (which can be reached with direct trains from the Napoli central station). - - - """; - - - ex:journalIssue """ -In the Luxembourg meeting we identified a journal publication opportunity for documenting your work and as a possible venue for publications based on COST collaborations. We have extended the deadline to 31 May 2023 so that outputs from the February and March COST meetings can be included. - - -The special issue is as follows: -MDPI Information Journal Special Issue "Addressing Privacy and Data Protection in New Technological Trends" -Edited by -Dr. Harshvardhan J. Pandit, ADAPT, Dublin City University, Ireland -Dr. Rob Brennan, ADAPT, University College Dublin, Ireland -Dr. Victor Rodriguez, Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain - -For full call see: - - -Please note that as editors we have agreed with MDPI that fees will be waived for 6 submissions and so cost should not be a barrier to submission for high quality papers. All publications will be open access. - - """; - - - - ex:plan """ -#### Monday 13 February 2023 (short papers): - -9:30-11:00: Ross Horne welcome 15mins, Christian Esposito 20mins on Solid Verif: Verifiable Credentials and Solid, Dragan Ivanovic, University of Novi Sad 45mins -Chair: Ross Horne - -Speaker: Dragan Ivanovic, University of Novi Sad -Title: Implementation of authorization aspects into the VIVO dynamic API -Abstract: At the moment VIVO platform supports SPARQL API endpoint which can be used for -getting/ingesting data by using SPARQL select and construct queries. We have started working -on Dynamic API which should enable making endpoints for fetching and ingesting data from/to -knowledge based graphs by using the Dynamic API ontology. One part of the ontology will be -used for authorization. Besides covering security aspects for ingesting new data, it should also -enable the definition of which part of data from the graph can be fetched by whom in accordance with GDPR and other privacy legislations. Moreover, the ontology for definition of -the endpoint will enable VIVO customers to develop endpoints in accordance with needs and -privacy regulations at their institutions. -An interest group within the VIVO community has been formed to work on this issue - -. - - -11:00-11:30: buffet second breakfast - -11:30-13:00: Christoph Braun 45mins, Anastasia Dimou 45mins -Chair: Beatriz Esteves - -Speaker: Anastasia Dimou, KU Leuven -Title: Interpreting access control policies in raw data as access control policies for the RDF graph -Abstract: To support real-world applications with knowledge graphs based on Solid or Semantic Web technologies in general, suitable access control needs to be in place. Different access control models, policies and enforcement frameworks were proposed in the past. Different models which were originally proposed for raw data, were also applied to RDF graphs, such as the Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Mandatory Access Control (MAC), Role- Based Access Control (RBAC), Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) or View-Based Access Control (VBAC). Different languages were proposed as well to describe policies, e.g., the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL), the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) and the DAML+OIL, accompanied by corresponding enforcement frameworks, such as the XACML engine to enforce the policies described with XACML and DQL queries for DAML+OIL query patterns. In particular in the case of Solid, the Access Control List (ACL) model was considered, enforced with Web Access Control, and the Access Control Policy (ACP). - -In all cases, the access control policy is defined over the knowledge graph, ignoring any access control policy that holds for the original raw data where the RDF graphs come from. RDF graphs are often constructed from (semi-)structured heterogeneous data such as tabular-structured data, e.g., data in DB's tables or in CSV format, or hierarchical-structured data, e.g., data in XML or JSON format. These data are originally stored in e.g., relational or NoSQL databases, files, Web APIs etc. and are subject to access control policies. When the RDF graph is constructed from e.g., a relational database, the access control policies which are already established, are not transferred to the RDF graph. So far, it was not thoroughly investigated how the access control polices for the raw data can be aligned with access control policies for the RDF graph which were constructed based on this raw data. Only Kiranne in her PhD dissertation discussed a Proof of Concept for a use case where the access control of the database is considered but the solution is not generalizable. - -In our ongoing work, we are looking into how the access control policies of the raw data can be interpreted to access control policies for the RDF graph. We investigate how the different access control models and policies that apply to the raw data can be translated to the same or other access control models and policies for the RDF graph and how they can be enforced both in the case of materialized and virtual RDF graphs both for the construction of a knowledge graph as well as for the update of a knowledge graph as they come with different challenges. Applying this solution to the Solid ecosystem would facilitate the access control administration and maintenance as the RDF graph will be constructed with some preliminary access control policy in place. The access control policies only need to be refined then and kept in synchronisation with the original data. - - -Speaker: -Christoph Braun, Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT), Germany, -Ross Horne, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, -Tobias Käfer, Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT), Germany -Title: Authentication Protocols based on Verifiable Credentials -Abstract: We examine authentication protocols in the various use cases of the recently emerging Web standards of the W3C Verifiable Credential (VC) data model and W3C Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs). We analyse the trust models underlying these use cases and the desired security properties. We verify that these protocols are robust against man-in-the-middle attacks. This approach yields us precisely evaluated guidelines for implementing authentication protocols employing the latest standards of VC, DIDs and related proposals. Applying and combining the VC recommendation and related specifications in authentication protocols may seem trivial at first, but preliminary investigations show that existing guidelines are not sufficiently tight to guard against man-in-the-middle attacks. - - -13:00-14:30: Buffet lunch - -14:30-15:30: Jan Lindquist, Swedish institute of Standards (SIS) and Beatriz Esteves, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, 1:30h presentation & discussion - -Speakers: -Jan Lindquist, Swedish institute of Standards (SIS) -Beatriz Esteves, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain -Title: Privacy Receipts in Solid Pods -Abstract: There are areas in Solid that need to be further developed both at specification and open source levels. This article will explore some of these limitations and propose a way forward with potentially some prototypes for demonstration. The main goal is to tie it to standard developments like the ISO/IEC 27560 Consent Record Information Structure and the Kantara Consent Receipt Specification. In addition, the ODRL profile for Access Control (OAC) policies will be explored and extended to deal with the requirements brought by the previously mentioned standards and to provide standardised privacy receipts as a form of data sharing agreements for the provision of data stored in Solid Pods while recording metadata regarding entities, data sources, and other provenance information. The questions to be answered by the article are: -1. “The Solid specifications currently do not support or specify any form of agreements -regarding provisioning of Pods or resources, or for Apps.” (Clause 3.5 Contracts and -Agreements). -2. “Solid’s specifications support specifying who can write or edit data, but do not record -its provenance in a direct manner.” (Clause 4.7, Actor Layer) -3. “Solid currently supports an extremely limited form of logging, where decisions -related to authorisations are recorded in a registry, and an Access Receipt is -provided as a success response after authorisation.” (Clause 4.8 Logging layer) - - -15:30-16:00: Coffee and refreshment - -16:00-18:00: Marcu Florea 40min, Efstratios Koulierakis 40mins, Livio Robaldo 40mins. -Chair: Arianna Rossi - -Speaker: Livio Robaldo, Swansea University, UK -Title: Deontic statements in RDF -Abstract: Representing deontic statements (obligations, prohibitions, etc.) from legislation, while connecting them with context-specific roles, data categories, etc. is not very useful unless automated inferential rules to check their compliance on input states of affairs are provided. Checking compliance of deontic statements has been addressed in decades of past literature in deontic logic and normative reasoning. However, most of this literature focuses on the propositional level; thus, the proposed approaches are inadequate to handle data in RDF, which is a first-order format. The evolution of these approaches in that sense is the object of current research. In fact, it appears crucial to research and implement compliance checkers able to directly process data in RDF format, under the hypothesis that more and more (big) data in this format are becoming available nowadays worldwide, in a multitude of different domains. The workshop will present two possible formalizations in SHACL and ASP-Core-2 and a comparison between the two, also in terms of simulations with respect to shared synthetic datasets. This will complement ongoing research initiatives in Solid-based compliance checking of Data Protection requirements, within the present COST Action and beyond. - -Speaker: Marcu Florea, University of Groningen, Netherlands -Title: Pre-configured privacy preferences and consent under GDPR -Abstract: The SOLID model promises to give individuals more power by allowing them to control the access to and the modification of their data. The data is decoupled from the services that use it and hosted in a personal repository called a data pod. Whilst this structure is promoting autonomy and self-determination, its feasibility might be undermined by the time and effort that exercising such control requires. If the access to the data is possible only with the permission of the user, the data subjects will be faced with a myriad of choices. Considering their limited time and cognitive capacity, the promised control might lose its meaning and be transformed into a formal and repetitive approval. This contribution analyzes a potential solution to avoid this information and choice overload: matching predefined choices made by users to application requests to process the personal data stored in a SOLID data pod. - - -Speaker: Efstratios Koulierakis, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen -Title: The Importance of Expressing GDPR Certificates and Codes of Conduct in Machine Readable Format -Abstract: The present submission is a contribution to the topic of automation of compliance checking and accountability. Specifically, there are policy languages, vocabularies as well as transparency and compliance techniques that make use of Resource Description Frameworks, Extensible Markup Language and linked data principles with the aim of achieving compliance with the obligations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Such examples are the SPECIAL Policy Language, the SPECIAL Log Vocabulary and the Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV). Meanwhile, there is ongoing scientific work for the usage of such tools within the context of SOLID. With the use of these technical solutions one can transpose compliance and accountability policies into machine readable format. - -Thus, there are tools that aim at expressing data protection policies. However, the question that arises from a legal perspective is what kind of policies should be implemented. In that regard, the GDPR uses abstract expressions which make it difficult for developers of digital applications to understand what it takes to bring their products in compliance with EU data protection law. - -In relation to that challenge, the present submission proposes that documents, which have been officially approved in accordance with the GDPR can offer guidance as to what policies one should express in machine readable format. In particular, the focus is on officially approved codes of conduct (article 41 GDPR) and data protection certificates (articles 42-43 GDPR). In that regard, the contribution analyses the importance of officially approved data protection certificates and codes of conduct in comparison to documents that have been developed outside of the GDPR framework. Furthermore, it gives illustrative examples, where these officially approved documents lay down specific personal data processing policies. - -In conclusion, this submission proposes the use of the existing policy languages and vocabularies with the aim of expressing the policies in certificates and codes of conduct that have been developed within the GDPR framework. - - -19:00 dinner: La Bottega Dei Mangiari, Via Roma, 35, 84084 Fisciano SA - - \n\n - - - - - -#### Tuesday 14 February (workshops & short papers): - -9:30-11:00: Arianna Rossi, University of Luxembourg, Iris Xu & Aurelia Tamo-Larrieux, Maastricht University -Part I: HCI and privacy - -11:00-11:30: second breakfast - -11:30-13:00: Arianna Rossi, University of Luxembourg, Iris Xu & Aurelia Tamo-Larrieux, Maastricht University -Part II: HCI and privacy - -Abstract: We have different styles of elaborating data-related information (eg experts vs laypeople) as well as varying data sharing preferences. Asking users to continuously interact with data permission requests does not necessarily enhance their autonomy and their agency over their data - quite the contrary. The personalisation of transparency and data permissions may constitute an answer to such challenges: it can be achieved through manual configuration, based on the user social networks, personalized assistance (e.g. chatbots), data-driven personalization based on past preferences and behaviors, and many more. -This 3 hours workshop will explore this topic in an interdisciplinary manner through foresight techniques like backcasting. -Guiding questions: -- To what extent does Solid enable the personalization of disclosures and the tailoring of data permission requests? -- Which solutions seem the most promising? What requirements? -- What are the benefits and risks? -- What is feasible from a technical, usable and legal perspective? - -13:00-14:30 Buffet lunch - -14:30-16:00: parallel collaboration sessions TBC. - -16:00-16:30: coffee and refreshments - -16:30-18:00: Gertjan De Mulder 45min, Ines Akaichi 45mins -Chair: Livio Robaldo - -Speaker: Gertjan De Mulder, SolidLab, Ghent University – imec -Ruben Verborgh, SolidLab, Ghent University – imec -Title: End-user identity in Solid: the interoperability problem space - -Abstract: The Solid ecosystem uses a decentralized mechanism of WebIDs to identify agents and to manage their access control. As the number of participants in the ecosystem increases, the question of how to manage a multitude and variety of WebIDs becomes increasingly pressing. To this end, we performed an assessment of the current state of end-user identity and the demands going forward. This document examines the interoperability angle for personal identity within Solid, providing strict technical as well as looser interpretations of the WebID concept, building upon these to outline the problem space as well as directions for solutions. We discuss the necessity of a shared understanding, and describe challenges including anonymity and pseudonymity, extending the identifier space, and disambiguating different WebIDs and identity providers pertaining to the same end-users. We thereby provide a blueprint for the work needed to mature the Solid ecosystem with regard to identity. - -Speaker: Ines Akaichi, Giorgos Flouris, Irini Fundulaki, Sabrina Kirrane -Institute for Information Systems and New Media, WU, Vienna, Austria -Foundation for Research and Technology, Crete, Greece -Title: A Semantic Policy Language for Usage Control - -Abstract: Growing dynamic and distributed environments, such as the web or IoT-based data sharing systems, pose new challenges in terms of unpredictability and dynamicity, which require tools that offer fine-grained and continuous protection of digital assets. Usage control is a powerful approach to ensure compliance with data protection, copyright and institutional policies. Despite considerable progress in specifying and enforcing access control policies, most current solutions to enforcing usage control lack support for automated compliance checking. This is usually attributed to the fact that their policy languages lack underlying formal semantics. Usage control policies cover who can access what data (permissions and prohibitions), but also how data may or may not be used after access has been granted (obligations and dispensations), under which conditions. At present, there exists a limited number of logic-based usage control policy languages that aim to provide support for either conditional permissions or obligations with support for limited types of conditions. Given that formal semantics are needed to account for the unpredictability and dynamics of distributed environments by ensuring policy consistency and continuous compliance, our work focuses on developing a flexible and general logic-based policy language for usage control. Our language is based on deontic conditional rules, which allows various usage control requirements to be described in terms of permissions, prohibitions, obligations, dispensations, and various related usage conditions that are encountered in usage control scenarios. - - -19:00 dinner: Madegra, Piazza della Concordia, 35, 84123 Salerno SA - - - - - - - - - -#### Wednesday 15 February (collaboration & broadcast): - -9:30-11:00: Parallel session for paper and proposal collaborations, chairs TBC - -11:00-10:30: second breakfast - -11:30-13:00: Broadcast of workshop outcomes, chair Ross Horne - -12:30-14:00: lunch - -14:30-18:00: Pompeii - - -""" . - -:lessons-learnt-in-dkg-projects - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:url "#"; - schema:name "Lessons Learnt in DKG projects" ; - schema:startDate "2023-01-26T09:00:00+01:00" . - -:solid-symposium - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "Solid Symposium" ; - schema:startDate "2023-03-30T09:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:url "https://solid.ti.rw.fau.de/public/2023/solid-symposium/" ; - schema:location [ a schema:Place ; - schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; - schema:addressLocality "Nuremberg" ; - schema:addressCountry "Germany" ] ] . - -:metadata-for-federated-query-processing-in-distributed-knowledge-graphs - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "Metadata for Federated Query Processing in Distributed Knowledge Graphs" ; - schema:url "#"; - schema:startDate "2023-04-25T09:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:location [ a schema:Place ; - schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; - schema:addressLocality "Izmir" ; - schema:addressCountry "Turkey" ] ] . - -:plenary-gp3-meeting - a schema:Event ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:name "Plenary GP3 Meeting" ; - schema:startDate "2023-09-25T09:00:00+02:00" ; - schema:url "#"; - schema:location [ a schema:Place ; - schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; - schema:addressLocality "Málaga" ; - schema:addressCountry "Spain" ] ] . - -:talk-ian-horrocks - a schema:Event, swc:TalkEvent ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:location [ a schema:VirtualLocation ; - schema:name "" ; - schema:url ""^^schema:URL ] ; - schema:name "KR and the Semantic Web: What We Did Right (and Wrong)" ; - schema:actor [ foaf:name "Ian Horrocks" ; - schema:about "" ; - schema:description """ - Ian Horrocks is a full professor in the Oxford University Department of Computer Science, - a visiting professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo and a - co-founder of Oxford Semantic Technologies. - He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society, a member of Academia Europaea, - a fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI), - a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute and a British Computer Society Lovelace Medalist. - His research concerns the representation of knowledge, and - the efficient manipulation of such knowledge by computers. - He played a leading role in establishing the Semantic Web as a significant research field, - pioneering many of the underlying logics, algorithms, optimisation techniques, and - reasoning systems. - He has contributed to the development of several widely used reasoning systems including FaCT++, - HermiT, Elk and RDFox. He has published more than 300 papers in - major international conferences and journals, winning best paper prizes at KR-98, AAAI-2010, and - IJCAI-2017, and test of time awards at ISWC-2013, KR-2020 and CADE-2021. - He is one of the UK’s most highly cited computer scientists, with more than 59,000 citations, and an h-index of 99. - """ ] ; - schema:about """ - Augmenting the web to include some form of Knowledge Representation (KR) was one of the first directions for - Semantic Web research and led to the development of the OWL KR language(s) and the SPARQL query language. - In this talk I will recall the development of these languages and their genesis in foundational research, - highlighting what I believe were the many good design decisions as well as a few not so good. - I will then go on to trace the development of KR systems and applications based on these technologies and - argue that the this represents a significant success story for Semantic Web research. - """ ; - schema:url "/talks" ; - schema:startDate "2023-05-17T18:00:00+02:00" . - -:talk-anupriya-ankolekar - a schema:Event, swc:TalkEvent ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:location [ a schema:VirtualLocation ; - schema:name "" ; - schema:url ""^^schema:URL ] ; - schema:name "" ; - schema:actor [ foaf:name "Anupriya Ankolekar" ; - schema:about "" ; - schema:description """""" ] ; - schema:about """""" ; - schema:url "/talks" ; - schema:startDate "2023-09-05T18:00:00+02:00" . - -:talk-terry-t-payne - a schema:Event, swc:TalkEvent ; - schema:organizer : ; - schema:location [ a schema:VirtualLocation ; - schema:name "" ; - schema:url ""^^schema:URL ] ; - schema:name "" ; - schema:actor [ foaf:name "Terry R. Payne" ; - schema:about "" ; - schema:description """""" ] ; - schema:about """""" ; - schema:url "/talks" ; - schema:startDate "2023-10-04T18:00:00+02:00" . +@prefix schema: . +@prefix : . +@prefix ex: . +@prefix foaf: . +@prefix ov: . +@prefix rdfs: . +@prefix pb: . +@prefix swc: . + +: + a schema:Project ; + schema:name "Distributed Knowledge Graphs" ; + schema:slogan "Distributed Knowledge Graphs is a COST Action, ie. a research and innovation network to connect research initiatives around Europe. A COST Action supports activities such as short-term scientific missions, workshops, and training schools.
Our specific Action is centred around the topic of Distributed Knowledge Graphs, ie. Knowledge Graphs that are published in a decentralised fashion, thus forming a distributed system. Our Action just started on 23 September 2020, so stay tuned for more information. We plan to publish our first call for short-term scientific missions soon." ; + schema:logo "https://picsum.photos/200"^^schema:URL ; + ov:twitter-id "cost_dkg" ; + rdfs:see "https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA19134/#tabs+Name:Management%20Structure" ; + ex:coreMember [ foaf:name + "Tobias Kafer" ; + foaf:homepage "https://aifb.kit.edu/index.php/Tobias_K%C3%A4fer/en" ; + foaf:img "tkafer.jpg" ; + ex:role "Chair" ; + ex:country "Germany" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)" ; + schema:address + [ schema:addressCountry + "Germany" ] ] ], + [ foaf:name + "Axel Polleres" ; + foaf:homepage "https://ai.wu.ac.at/~polleres/" ; + foaf:img "apolleres.jpg" ; + ex:role "Vice Chair" ; + ex:country "Austria" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Vienna University of Economics & Business (WU Wien)" ; + schema:address + [ schema:addressCountry + "Austria" ] ] ], + [ foaf:name + "Anastasia Dimou" ; + foaf:homepage "https://natadimou.com/#me" ; + foaf:img "adimou.jpg" ; + ex:role "Science communications manager" ; + ex:country "Belgium" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Ghent University" ; + schema:address + [ schema:addressCountry + "Belgium" ] ] ], + [ foaf:name + "Stevan Gostojić" ; + foaf:homepage "http://www.ftn.uns.ac.rs/1417834093/stevan-gostojic" ; + foaf:img "http://www.ftn.uns.ac.rs/913032542" ; + ex:role "Grant Coordinator" ; + ex:country "Serbia" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "University of Novi Sad" ; + schema:address + [ schema:addressCountry + "Serbia" ] ] ], + [ foaf:name + "Michel Dumontier" ; + foaf:homepage "https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/michel.dumontier" ; + foaf:img "mdumontier.jpg" ; + ex:role "WG1 Lead" ; + ex:country "Netherlands" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Institute of Data Science at Maastricht University" ; + schema:address + [ schema:addressCountry + "Netherlands" ] ] ], + [ foaf:name + "Remzi Celebi" ; + foaf:homepage "https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/remzi.celebi" ; + foaf:img "https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/sites/default/files/styles/332x__with_upscaling/public/ppp/70060154/Remzi%20C%CC%A7elebi.jpg" ; + ex:role "WG1 Co-Lead" ; + ex:country "Netherlands" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Institute of Data Science at Maastricht University" ; + schema:address + [ schema:addressCountry + "Netherlands" ] ] ], + [ foaf:name + "Andreas Harth" ; + foaf:homepage "http://harth.org/andreas/" ; + foaf:img "aharth.jpg" ; + ex:role "WG2 Lead" ; + ex:country "Germany" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg" ; + schema:address + [ schema:addressCountry + "Germany" ] ] ], + [ foaf:name + "Antoine Zimmermann" ; + foaf:homepage "https://www.emse.fr/~zimmermann/" ; + foaf:img "azimmermann.jpg" ; + ex:role "WG3 Lead" ; + ex:country "France" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "École des Mines de Saint-Étienne" ; + schema:address + [ schema:addressCountry + "France" ] ] ], + [ foaf:name + "Olaf Hartig" ; + foaf:homepage "http://olafhartig.de/" ; + foaf:img "ohartig.jpg" ; + ex:role "WG4 Lead" ; + ex:country "Sweden" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Linköping University" ; + schema:address + [ schema:addressCountry + "Sweden" ] ] ], + [ foaf:name + "John McCrae" ; + foaf:homepage "john.mccr.ae" ; + foaf:img "jmccrae.jpg" ; + ex:role "Grant holder scientific representative" ; + ex:country "Ireland" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "National University of Ireland Galway" ; + schema:address + [ schema:addressCountry + "Ireland" ] ] ] ; + ex:workPackage [ schema:title + "WG1: Producers" ; + ex:description + "WG1 is concerned with how knowledge graphs can be made available from various sources, systems and formats, in a scalable, serviceable, distributed, and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) manner. The WG will define requirements and explore ideas, methods, and tools to make FAIR distributed knowledge graphs, with special attention as to whether the data are offline or online, and what to do when the data are privacy-sensitive.

Apply to the WG by (1) signing up to the COST portal, (2) finding the DKG Action on the COST portal and (3) filling in the WG application form." ; ], + [ schema:title + "WG2: Consumers" ; + ex:description + "Bringing together actors dealing with data processing techniques and user-facing solutions, having in common the need for being able to consume data made available by providers. This task will enable data consumers to test and improve their tools and techniques on datasets made available by data providers, and also highlight ways of improving the usability of exposed datasets. This task is concerned with test matching algorithms, interlinking of Distributed Knowledge Graphs for easier integration, and metadata/context/logical deduction use to better determine what KGs are about, what to do with them and what decision to take from them.

Apply to the WG by (1) signing up to the COST portal, (2) finding the DKG Action on the COST portal and (3) filling in the WG application form." ; ], + [ schema:title + "WG3: Prosumers" ; + ex:description + "Prosumers are entities that act as both consumers and providers of data. If sometimes the two roles of prosumers (producers and users) can be dealt with separately, in some cases they are very intertwined: prosumers have specific needs and requirements. WG3 is particularly interested in: 1) replication hubs which consume and publish identically to help balancing load; 2) refinement tasks that consume and improve data; 3) data catalogues that bring together data sets and add metadata on top; 4) provenance tracking that produces complementary information from what is consumed to improve explainability of data processing.

Apply to the WG by (1) signing up to the COST portal, (2) finding the DKG Action on the COST portal and (3) filling in the WG application form." ; ], + [ schema:title + "WG4: Systems" ; + ex:description + "Taking a holistic view on systems built from multiple consumers, prosumers, and providers of Distributed Knowledge Graphs. This task investigates issues that stem from the interplay of consumers, prosumers, and providers of Distributed Knowledge Graphs, and coordinates information regarding new developments made in all aspects of Distributed Knowledge Graphs in/outside the consortium.

Apply to the WG by (1) signing up to the COST portal, (2) finding the DKG Action on the COST portal and (3) filling in the WG application form." ; ] . + +:wg1-kick-off + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "WG1 Providers of DKGs Kick-Off" ; + schema:startDate "2021-01-13T14:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:endDate "2021-01-13T17:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:url "/workinggroups". + +:wg2-kick-off + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "WG2 Consumers of DKGs Kick-Off" ; + schema:startDate "2021-01-20T14:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:endDate "2021-01-20T17:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:url "/workinggroups". + +:wg3-kick-off + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "WG3 Prosumers of DKGs Kick-Off" ; + schema:startDate "2021-01-27T14:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:endDate "2021-01-27T17:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:url "/workinggroups". + +:wg4-kick-off + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "WG4 Systems of DKGs Kick-Off" ; + schema:startDate "2021-02-03T14:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:endDate "2021-02-03T17:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:url "/workinggroups". + +:swsa-panel + a schema:Event, + swc:Panel ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "20 years into ISWC: What's next beyond Knowledge Graphs?" ; + pb:Panelist [ foaf:name "Jim Hendler" ; + schema:description """ +

James Alexander Hendler is an artificial intelligence researcher at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States, and one of the originators of the Semantic Web. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration (United States). Hendler completed his Doctor of Philosophy degree at Brown University in 1986 with a thesis on automated planning and scheduling. He also has an MS (1981) in Cognitive Psychology from Southern Methodist University, a MSc (1983) from Brown University, and a BS (1978) from Yale University.


Jim Hendler is the current president of SWSA.

""" ], [ foaf:name "Natasha Noy" ; + schema:description """ +

Natasha Noy is a scientist at Google Research where she works on making structured data universally accessible and useful. She leads the team building Dataset Search, a search engine for all the datasets on the Web. Prior to joining Google, she worked at Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research where she made major contributions in the areas of ontology development and alignment, and collaborative ontology engineering. Natasha is a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). She has served as the President of the Semantic Web Science Association from 2011 to 2017.

+ """ ], [ foaf:name "Rudi Studer" ; + schema:description """ +

Rudi Studer is a Retired Full Professor in Applied Informatics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute AIFB. In addition, he was director at the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) as well as president of the FZI Research Center for Information Technology in Karlsruhe. His research interests include knowledge management, semantic web technologies and applications, data and text mining, and service science.


He obtained a Diploma in Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart in 1975. In 1982 he was awarded a Doctor's degree (Dr.rer.nat.) at the University of Stuttgart, and in 1985 he obtained his Habilitation in Informatics at the University of Stuttgart. From 1985 to 1989 he was project leader and manager at the Scientific Center of IBM Germany. November 1989 he became professor in Karlsruhe. Since then, he led his research group to become one of the leading institutions in semantic web technology.


Rudi Studer was founding president of the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) and former Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web. He is an STI International Fellow.

+ """ ] ; + pb:Moderator [ foaf:name "Catia Pesquita" ] ; + schema:about "tbd" ; + schema:url "/swsa-panel" ; + schema:startDate "2021-10-07T18:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:video [ a schema:VideoObject ; + schema:name + "YouTube" ; + schema:url + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns7qIrNCpNo"^^schema:URL ] . + +:talk-ora-lassila + a schema:Event, swc:TalkEvent ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:location [ a schema:VirtualLocation ; + schema:name "YouTube" ; + schema:url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9wautaqWUs"^^schema:URL ] ; + schema:name "On the broad applicability of Semantic Web technologies" ; + schema:actor [ foaf:name "Ora Lassila" ; + schema:about "SWSA Ten-Year award 2011" ; + schema:description """ + Ora Lassila is a Principal Technologist at Amazon +Web Services, working in the Neptune graph database team. Earlier, he +has held research and product development positions in many +organizations interested in complex data problems, ontologies, and AI. +Together with his co-authors he was the recipient of the first SWSA +“10-year award”. He was also a co-author of the original RDF +specification as well as a co-author of the seminal article on the +Semantic Web. Dr. Lassila is a graduate of the Helsinki University of +Technology. + """ ] ; + schema:about """ + The Semantic Web, despite how it was originally advertised, +was not a replacement for the World Wide Web, nor was it really +knowledge representation (KR) solely for the Web. Rather, the Semantic +Web is KR using Web technologies. The different technologies and +standards of the Semantic Web have broad applicability in many areas +distinctly outside of what we consider to be the “Web”. The DAML-S +(later OWL-S) effort was one such example: apply ontologies to the +problem of describing the semantics of functionality and services (in +this case Web services, but the concept was more general). While the +effort may not have been successful in the long term, it was an early +example of the application of Semantic Web technologies and approaches +to a wide variety of use cases and domains. These include agent-based +computing, ubiquitous computing, context-awareness, policies, privacy, +enterprise knowledge graphs, and many others. But there is still an +even bigger role for Semantic Web technologies: Modern enterprise data +practice is messy, with daunting problems such as data integration, +elimination of “data silos”, and alignment of semantics. This +“messiness” will be perpetuated until we have a practical unifying +logical representation for data and semantics, and the promise of +Semantic Web is that it could be this representation. + """ ; + schema:url "/talks" ; + schema:startDate "2021-12-07T18:00:00+01:00" . + +:talk-olfa-hartig + a schema:Event, swc:TalkEvent ; + schema:location [ a schema:VirtualLocation ; + schema:name "YouTube" ; + schema:url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9a7P336fcg"^^schema:URL ] ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "Reflections on Linked Data Querying and Other Related Topics" ; + schema:actor [ foaf:name "Olaf Hartig" ; + schema:description """ + Olaf Hartig is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science of Linköping University. +Additionally, he is an Amazon Scholar working with the Neptune graph database team at Amazon Web Services. Olaf is +interested in problems related to the management of databases and knowledge, with a focus on graph data and data that is +distributed over multiple, autonomous and/or heterogeneous sources. He received the 2019 SWSA Ten-Year Award for a paper +which pioneered the idea of traversal-based query execution as well as querying Linked Data on the Web in general, and +for his PhD thesis on the foundations of Linked Data queries, he was honored with the SWSA Distinguished Dissertation +Award in 2015. + """ ; + schema:about "SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award 2015 and SWSA Ten-Year award 2019" ; ] ; + schema:about """ + When aiming to evolve the World Wide Web into a Web of interlinked data ready for software agents and applications to +consume and act upon, Semantic Web researchers have advanced the state of the art of federated data management, with +novel ideas that focus on discoverability, interoperability, and automation. While the adoption and the practicality of +these ideas did, generally, not pan out as expected or hoped for, core aspects of the ideas have the potential to be +carried over as key ingredients of new approaches to interact with decentralized knowledge graphs and to build +decentralized data architectures. In this talk I will reflect on these earlier ideas and describe research problems that +need to be addressed in order to carry these ideas forward. + """ ; + schema:url "/talks" ; + schema:startDate "2022-03-07T18:00:00+01:00" . + +:metadata4dkg2022 + a schema:Event, swc:WorkshopEvent ; + schema:startDate "2022-05-18T12:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:endDate "2022-05-20T12:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:url "https://cost-dkg.github.io/metadata4dkg2022/" ; + schema:location "Lyon, France and online." ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "Workshop on Metadata Authoring for Distributed Knowledge Graphs" . + +:workshop-pidskg + a swc:WorkshopEvent ; + schema:name "COST EU Workshop on Privacy Issues in Distributed Social Knowledge Graphs (PIDSKG)" ; + schema:startDate "2022-06-13T09:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:endDate "2022-06-15T17:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:url "/pidskg" ; + schema:about """ +To systematically explore the legal and technical aspects of privacy in the context of Distributed Social Knowledge Graphs. We aim to extract precise privacy requirements for personal Knowledge Graphs related to norms such as those described in GDPR, ISO 27001, +190086, NIST SP 800-122, and EU ePrivacy Directives. We aim to establish links between such privacy goals and design decisions in protocols for interacting with Knowledge Graphs, such as the Social Linked Data protocol suite Solid. We will also explore to +what extent emerging requirements lead to an evolution of security and privacy goals, for instance, when designing a system that balances requirements such as presenting views of logs to the data protection officer or to administrators for evaluating data +breaches, against other requirements such as the right to be forgotten. + """ ; + schema:location [ a schema:Place ; + schema:name + "The Black Box (conference center at entrance to Maison des Sciences Humaines), University of Luxembourg, Belval campus" ; + schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; + schema:streetAddress "11, Porte des Sciences" ; + schema:postalCode "4366" ; + schema:addressLocality "Porte des Sciences, Esch-sur-Alzette" ; + schema:addressCountry "Luxembourg" ] ] ; + schema:organizer :, [ schema:name "Christian Esposito" ; + schema:homeLocation [ schema:addressCountry "Italy" ] ], [ schema:name "Olaf Hartig" ; + schema:homeLocation [ schema:addressCountry + "Sweden" ] ], + [ schema:name "Ross Horne" ; + schema:homeLocation [ schema:addressCountry + "Luxembourg" ] ], + [ schema:name "Tobias Kafer" ; + schema:homeLocation [ schema:addressCountry + "Germany" ] ], + [ schema:name "Chang Sun" ; + schema:homeLocation [ schema:addressCountry + "Netherlands" ] ] ; + ex:localOrganizer [ schema:name "Ross Horne" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "University of Luxembourg" ] ], + [ schema:name "Marcos Da Silveira" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology" ] ], + [ schema:name "Rita Giannini" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "University of Luxembourg" ] ] ; + schema:potentialAction """ +Please contact Ross Horne at +if you would like to contribute to this workshop in any of the following ways: + +- You may wish to propose a demo of your work on Solid on the afternoon of day 1. +- You may wish to contribute to the discussion on legal aspects of Solid and government +outreach on day 2. +- You may wish to contribute to the technical discussion on security & privacy aspects +of Solid on day 3. +- You may be a member of the COST DKG network and wish to attend all sessions, and contribute +to the discussion towards deliverables. +""" ; + ex:agenda_1 """ +### Keynote speaker: Bart Jacobs, Radboud University Nijmegen, NL +Title: IRMA as precursor EU-wallet-ID + +#### Abstract + +This presentation will describe the ideas +behind the identity platform IRMA, with the +corresponding IRMA app. IRMA is non-profit, +open source, internationally available, and is +operated by an independent foundation. IRMA +has been up-and-running for some three years, +with a growing user-base, now close to 100.000. +IRMA offers first of all attribute-based +authentication. This means that users can show, +for instance, that they are over 18 without +revealing anything else about themselves. IRMA +offers also attribute-based signing: it allows users +to digitally sign documents, with several +attributes. A verifier of the resulting signed +document can cryptographically check that the +document was signed by someone with these +attributes. In this way a medical doctor can sign, +for instance, a recipe with his/her medical +credentials, as attributes. +IRMA has a privacy-friendly decentralised +architecture, in which attributes only exist in +digitally signed form on a user's phone. This +means that it is well-suited for international +(cross-border) usage, since only public keys are +needed --- and no complicated internationally connected infrastructure. +The presentation contains the essence of how IRMA works and of IRMA's guarantees. It also includes +new, regulatory challenges raised by wallet-IDs. + +#### Biography +Bart Jacobs is a professor of computer security, privacy and identity at Radboud +University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His work covers both theoretical computer science and more +practical, multidisciplinary work, esp. in computer security and privacy. Jacobs is a member of the +Academia Europaea and of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), and a +recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant. He is an active participant in societal debates about security +and privacy, in the media and in various advice roles e.g. for government and parliament. He chairs a +non-profit spin-off on attribute-based identity management (see ) and is co-founder of +Nijmegen's interdisciplinary hub on security, privacy and data governance (). + +For more information, see: +""" ; + ex:agenda_2 """ +### Invited speaker: Ruben Verborgh, Ghent University–imec, BE + +Ruben will present the Solid API for Distributed Knowledge Graphs. + +Ruben Verborgh is Professor of decentralized Web technology at IDLab of Ghent +University–imec and Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Martin School within the University of +Oxford. He is also a Solid Ecosystem Architect for Inrupt and an advisor to other companies. +From this hybrid academic and industrial perspective, his professional goal is to support +Solid on its mission to inspire, transform, and reshape our data-driven society. +Adapted from: +""" ; + ex:extraInformation """ +COVID-19: This will be a CovidCheck event, meaning proof of vaccination or a test is required, subject to changes of rules by the Luxembourg government. + + +Culture: Esch-sur-Alzette is European Capital of Culture 2022: +""" ; + ex:plan """ +#### Day 1, 13 June: Solid as a System, and Personal Identity + +Objective: The purpose of this day is to introduce participants to systems built on Solid +using the Solid protocol. The keynote speech introduces a key ingredient in trustworthy +information systems, not only Solid, that is: the Identity services used to verify that users are +who they claim to be. +The afternoon session features demos of projects based on Solid, mainly led by PhD +students. The end of the day is led by the organisers, and will refine the agenda for days +2&3. + +9:30-10:45 Opening session: remote attendance possible. (see below for links). + +9:30-9:45: Welcome and objectives from organisers
+Chair: Chang Sun, Maastricht University, NL + +9:45-10:45: Keynote Bart Jacobs, Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL
+Title: IRMA as precursor EU-wallet-ID
+Chair: Ross Horne, University of Luxembourg, LU + +Coffee: 10:45-11:15 + +11:15-12:15: Invited talk from Ruben Verborgh, Ghent University–imec, BE
+Title: The Solid API for Distributed Knowledge Graphs
+Chair: Olaf Hartig, Linköping University, SE + +12:15-13:30: Lunch at Dimi Si (Italian at Belval campus). + +13:30-15:30: Parallel booths demonstrating Solid systems: +1. Christian Esposito, on blockchain authentication, Salerno, IT +2. Sebastian Schmid & Daniel Schraudner, Nuremberg, DE +3. Christoph Braun, KIT, DE +4. Chang Sun, Maastricht University, NL +5. Hadrien Bailly, Dublin City University, IE +6. Beatriz Estévez, Madrid, ES + +Coffee: 15:30-16:00 + +16:00-17:00: Round table discussion: What are the Privacy Issues with Solid?
+Objective: empower participants so they may influence the parallel sessions in Days 2&3.
+Chair: Christian Esposito, University of Salerno, IT + +18:30: Drinks and Dinner at Cafe Coyote (Tex-Mex at Belval campus) + + +#### Day 2, 14 June: Solid in Relation to Privacy Law & Government + +Day 2 opening session 9:30-10:45: + +9:30-9:45: Presentation on Solid & government from Bart Buelens, VITO, BE + +9:45-10:45: Round table focusing on gap between Privacy Law and Solid Privacy +1. Bart Buelens, VITO, Flanders-based research company, BE +2. Cedric Muller, Luxembourg government privacy regulation, CTIE, LU +3. Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Maastricht University, NL +4. Sandrine Munoz, Data Protection Officer, University of Luxembourg, LU +5. Rob Brennan, Dublin City University, IE + +Chair: Marcos Da Silveira, LIST, LU + +10:45-11:15: Coffee + +11:15-12:15: Parallel breakout sessions on Policy & Governance
+Objective: Three parallel sessions will be organised according to themes relevant to Policy to +be determined according to the interests of participants. This represents an opportunity to +present freely work in progress and for whiteboard discussions. All participants may prepare +slides and demos as they wish. Provisional topics include: +1. Protocols between the Controller, Processor & Data Subject (Laurens Debackere) +2. The rights of the Data Subject: to forget, to modify, to object (Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux) +3. Problems Adopting Solid in Government Organisations (Bart Buelens) +4. Data Protection Vocabularies and Legal KR (Harshvardhan Pandit) + +12:15-13:30: Lunch at Jay Nepal (Nepalese & Indian), on Belval campus + +13:30-14:45 remote attendance possible (see below for links) + +13:30-13:45: Presentation from Harshvardhan Pandit on W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies +and Controls CG + +13:45-14:45: Round table discussion on privacy required by law. +1. Marc Florea & Michel Dumontier, Maastricht, NL +2. Harshvardhan Pandit. Trinity College Dublin, IE +3. Arianna Rossi & Xengie Doan, University of Luxembourg, LU +4. Laurens Debackere, Digitaal Vlaanderen, BE +5. Jan Lindquist, StandICT, SE + +14:45-15:30: reflection, offline: plan for afternoon parallel sessions.
+Chair: Kimberly Garcia, St. Gallen, CH + +15:30-16:00: Coffee + +16:00-17:00: Parallel breakout sessions on privacy policy
+Objective: There will be a follow up to the morning parallel sessions, with the possibility of +reorganising new topics. + +19:00: Dinner at Restaurant Maria Bonita aux Rives de Clausen “The Brazilian Experience”, +Luxembourg city (allowing 1:30h for travel + stroll through the city) + + +#### Day 3, 15 June: Solid Privacy as a Cyber Security Problem + +9:30-10:45 Hybrid session with remote participation (see below for links) + +9:30-10:00: Opening talk on privacy from Sabrina Kirrane, Vienna University of Economics +and Business, AT + +10:00-10:45: Round table on Cyber security & privacy for Solid +1. Sabrina Kirrane & Inès Akaichi, Vienna University of Economics and Business, AT +2. Beatriz Estévez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES +3. Sergiu Bursuc & Xihui Chen, University of Luxembourg, LU +4. Jamal Nasir, on ISO 27001 & Solid, NUI Galway, IE +5. Bart Jacobs, Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL + +Chair: Ross Horne, University of Luxembourg, LU + +11:15-12:15: Parallel session on privacy-preserving protocols
+Objective: These parallel sessions will be an opportunity for more technical discussions on +Cyber Security and Solid. Provisionally, these sessions will be organised around the topics, +with a named leader: +1. Access control policies for Solid (Beatriz Estevez) +2. Differential privacy & multi-party computation (Xihui Chen) +3. Private attribute-based authentication (Bart Jacobs) + +12:15-13:30: lunch at Nonna Nenetta (Italian at Belval campus) + + +13:30-14:30: Lightning talks and summaries on privacy and Solid: highlighting most +promising outcomes. Prepared by all during breakout sessions.
+Chair: Christian Esposito, University of Salerno, IT + +14:30-15:30: Coordinated dissemination strategy
+Chairs: Michel Dumontier & Chang Sun, Maastricht University, NL + +15:30: Coffee + +Social activity: The High Furnaces & Exhibitions at Belval +""" . + +:eswc-dkg-tutorial-2022 + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "KGC Tutorial 2022" ; + schema:startDate "2022-05-29T09:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:endDate "2022-05-29T17:30:00+02:00" ; + schema:url "https://kg-construct.github.io/eswc-dkg-tutorial-2022/". + + +:gp2-plenary-meeting + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "GP2 Plenary Meeting" ; + schema:startDate "2022-10-13T09:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:endDate "2022-10-14T17:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:url "#" ; + schema:location [ a schema:Place ; + schema:name "SZTAKI"; + schema:url "https://www.sztaki.hu/"; + schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; + schema:addressLocality "Budapest" ; + schema:addressCountry "Hungary" ] ] . + +:dkg-plenary-2021 + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "DKG plenary meeting 2021" ; + schema:startDate "2021-09-08T09:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:endDate "2021-09-09T17:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:url "#" ; + schema:location [ a schema:Place ; + schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; + schema:addressLocality "Amsterdam" ; + schema:addressCountry "The Netherlands" ] ] . + + +:workshop-pidskg23 + a swc:WorkshopEvent, schema:Event ; + schema:name "Second COST EU Workshop on Privacy Issues in Distributed Social Knowledge Graphs PIDSKG23" ; + schema:startDate "2023-02-13T09:30:00+01:00" ; + schema:endDate "2023-02-15T18:00:00+01:00" ; + schema:url "/pidskg23" ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:about """ +This workshop series brings together computer scientists and legal experts, with a focus on Solid as a concrete system for data sovereignty, in order to ground a debate around emergent problems from both a technical cybersecurity perspective, and from the legal perspective of data protection. The first edition was hosted by University of Luxembourg 13-15 June 2022, and explored problems concerning privacy in distributed knowledge graphs from an interdisciplinary perspective. + +In this second edition of the workshop, we aim to consolidate progress on the problems identified in the first edition of the workshop and produce a common deliverable. The program will focus on exchanging methodologies, drawing from areas such as cybersecurity and privacy law, that may be brought together to develop privacy solutions for distributed knowledge graphs. Towards this aim the program will be a mix of talks, demos, and tutorials, that aim to present the current state of research, and trajectories. + +The workshop comprises talks representing papers (published or in progress), demos, and tutorials in related areas not limited to the following:\n +1.HCI aspects for information provision and controls\n +2.Consenting\n +3.GDPR Compliance\n +4.Data Governance\n +5.Cybersecurity compliance (ISO standards)\n +6.Measures for enhancing security and privacy\n +7.Cyber-risk assessments and auditing\n +8.Automating compliance checking and accountability\n +9.Vulnerability assessment and management\n +10.Access and usage control policies\n +11.Emerging privacy legislation and their implications\n +12.Privacy-preserving data analysis technologies/ privacy enhancing technologies\n +13.Risk and Impact assessments\n +14.Data spaces\n +15.Solutions for Data Sovereignty\n +16.Relation to emerging regulatory frameworks (DGA, DSA, DMA, ePrivacy, AI Act, Data Act, Health Data Spaces\n +17.Identity management and authentication\n + +This workshop will place an emphasis on discussing a potential policy layer enhancing existing authentication and authorisation mechanisms, where policies, in addition to constraining operations that agents may perform on data, express information on what is the context, norm, rules, principles, guidelines, or regulation for what/when/who/where/how data should be used, accessed, or otherwise processed. A policy layer is where the typical information for determining access (i.e. request notice) and its decision (e.g. consent or permission) are concerned. We expect an output of the workshop to include a report specifying the consensus of participants on the requirements of such a policy layer. + + """ ; + + schema:location [ a schema:Place ; + schema:name + "B2 Building, University of Salerno, Campus Fisciano" ; + schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; + schema:streetAddress "Viale Antonio Genovesi, Fisciano SA" ; + schema:postalCode "84084" ; + schema:addressLocality "Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico" ; + schema:addressCountry "Italy" ] ] ; + + ex:cmember [ schema:name "Inès Akaichi" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Vienna University of Economics and Business" ] ], + [ schema:name "Rob Brennan" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "University College Dublin" ] ], + [ schema:name "Beatriz Esteves" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Universidad Politécnica de Madrid" ] ] , + [ schema:name "Christian Esposito" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "University of Salerno" ] ], + [ schema:name "Olaf Hartig" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Linkoping University" ] ], + [ schema:name "Ross Horne" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "University of Luxembourg" ] ], + [ schema:name "Harshvardhan Pandit" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Dublin City University" ] ], + [ schema:name "Chang Sun" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Maastricht University" ] ], + [ schema:name "Livio Robaldo" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "Legal Innovation Lab Wales" ] ], + [ schema:name "Arianna Rossi" ; + schema:affiliation [ schema:name + "University of Luxembourg" ] ]; + + ex:committee """ +Inès Akaichi, Vienna university of Economics and Business, Austria\n +Rob Brennan, University College Dublin, Ireland\n +Beatriz Esteves, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain\n +Christian Esposito, University of Salerno, Italy\n +Olaf Hartig, Linkoping University, Sweden\n +Ross Horne, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg\n +Harshvardhan Pandit, Dublin City University, Ireland\n +Chang Sun, Maastricht University, Netherlands\n +Livio Robaldo, Legal Innovation Lab Wales, Swansea University, UK\n +Arianna Rossi, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg\n + + """; + + ex:travel """ +We will hold our workshop on our university campus (building F2 - ). The nearest hotel is , on booking website the room rate is 68€. There are hotels in Salerno city, which is connected to the campus with a bus line (number 17). Timetable available at . You can also think of booking a hotel in Napoli, and from the central train station, there is a direct bus to our campus (it takes an hour). + + +To reach Salerno, you have two flight options: to arrive at the Rome airport, i.e., Fiumicino airport, from where there is a direct bus to our campus, here's the timetable from . + + +Alternatively, you can take a train to Rome central station from the airport, and a high-speed train to Salerno central station. +We have two high-speed train operators: Italo and Trenitalia, and throughout their web sites () there are plenty of options from Rome to Salerno. + + +The other possibility is to fly directly to Napoli airport, and there are a lot of low-cost airlines serving this airport from all over Europe. +From the Capodichino airport, there is a direct bus to the campus, and also to Salerno (which can be reached with direct trains from the Napoli central station). + + + """; + + + ex:journalIssue """ +In the Luxembourg meeting we identified a journal publication opportunity for documenting your work and as a possible venue for publications based on COST collaborations. We have extended the deadline to 31 May 2023 so that outputs from the February and March COST meetings can be included. + + +The special issue is as follows: +MDPI Information Journal Special Issue "Addressing Privacy and Data Protection in New Technological Trends" +Edited by +Dr. Harshvardhan J. Pandit, ADAPT, Dublin City University, Ireland +Dr. Rob Brennan, ADAPT, University College Dublin, Ireland +Dr. Victor Rodriguez, Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain + +For full call see: + + +Please note that as editors we have agreed with MDPI that fees will be waived for 6 submissions and so cost should not be a barrier to submission for high quality papers. All publications will be open access. + + """; + + + + ex:plan """ +#### Monday 13 February 2023 (short papers): + +9:30-11:00: Ross Horne welcome 15mins, Christian Esposito 20mins on Solid Verif: Verifiable Credentials and Solid, Dragan Ivanovic, University of Novi Sad 45mins +Chair: Ross Horne + +Speaker: Dragan Ivanovic, University of Novi Sad +Title: Implementation of authorization aspects into the VIVO dynamic API +Abstract: At the moment VIVO platform supports SPARQL API endpoint which can be used for +getting/ingesting data by using SPARQL select and construct queries. We have started working +on Dynamic API which should enable making endpoints for fetching and ingesting data from/to +knowledge based graphs by using the Dynamic API ontology. One part of the ontology will be +used for authorization. Besides covering security aspects for ingesting new data, it should also +enable the definition of which part of data from the graph can be fetched by whom in accordance with GDPR and other privacy legislations. Moreover, the ontology for definition of +the endpoint will enable VIVO customers to develop endpoints in accordance with needs and +privacy regulations at their institutions. +An interest group within the VIVO community has been formed to work on this issue - +. + + +11:00-11:30: buffet second breakfast + +11:30-13:00: Christoph Braun 45mins, Anastasia Dimou 45mins +Chair: Beatriz Esteves + +Speaker: Anastasia Dimou, KU Leuven +Title: Interpreting access control policies in raw data as access control policies for the RDF graph +Abstract: To support real-world applications with knowledge graphs based on Solid or Semantic Web technologies in general, suitable access control needs to be in place. Different access control models, policies and enforcement frameworks were proposed in the past. Different models which were originally proposed for raw data, were also applied to RDF graphs, such as the Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Mandatory Access Control (MAC), Role- Based Access Control (RBAC), Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) or View-Based Access Control (VBAC). Different languages were proposed as well to describe policies, e.g., the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL), the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) and the DAML+OIL, accompanied by corresponding enforcement frameworks, such as the XACML engine to enforce the policies described with XACML and DQL queries for DAML+OIL query patterns. In particular in the case of Solid, the Access Control List (ACL) model was considered, enforced with Web Access Control, and the Access Control Policy (ACP). + +In all cases, the access control policy is defined over the knowledge graph, ignoring any access control policy that holds for the original raw data where the RDF graphs come from. RDF graphs are often constructed from (semi-)structured heterogeneous data such as tabular-structured data, e.g., data in DB's tables or in CSV format, or hierarchical-structured data, e.g., data in XML or JSON format. These data are originally stored in e.g., relational or NoSQL databases, files, Web APIs etc. and are subject to access control policies. When the RDF graph is constructed from e.g., a relational database, the access control policies which are already established, are not transferred to the RDF graph. So far, it was not thoroughly investigated how the access control polices for the raw data can be aligned with access control policies for the RDF graph which were constructed based on this raw data. Only Kiranne in her PhD dissertation discussed a Proof of Concept for a use case where the access control of the database is considered but the solution is not generalizable. + +In our ongoing work, we are looking into how the access control policies of the raw data can be interpreted to access control policies for the RDF graph. We investigate how the different access control models and policies that apply to the raw data can be translated to the same or other access control models and policies for the RDF graph and how they can be enforced both in the case of materialized and virtual RDF graphs both for the construction of a knowledge graph as well as for the update of a knowledge graph as they come with different challenges. Applying this solution to the Solid ecosystem would facilitate the access control administration and maintenance as the RDF graph will be constructed with some preliminary access control policy in place. The access control policies only need to be refined then and kept in synchronisation with the original data. + + +Speaker: +Christoph Braun, Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT), Germany, +Ross Horne, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, +Tobias Käfer, Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT), Germany +Title: Authentication Protocols based on Verifiable Credentials +Abstract: We examine authentication protocols in the various use cases of the recently emerging Web standards of the W3C Verifiable Credential (VC) data model and W3C Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs). We analyse the trust models underlying these use cases and the desired security properties. We verify that these protocols are robust against man-in-the-middle attacks. This approach yields us precisely evaluated guidelines for implementing authentication protocols employing the latest standards of VC, DIDs and related proposals. Applying and combining the VC recommendation and related specifications in authentication protocols may seem trivial at first, but preliminary investigations show that existing guidelines are not sufficiently tight to guard against man-in-the-middle attacks. + + +13:00-14:30: Buffet lunch + +14:30-15:30: Jan Lindquist, Swedish institute of Standards (SIS) and Beatriz Esteves, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, 1:30h presentation & discussion + +Speakers: +Jan Lindquist, Swedish institute of Standards (SIS) +Beatriz Esteves, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain +Title: Privacy Receipts in Solid Pods +Abstract: There are areas in Solid that need to be further developed both at specification and open source levels. This article will explore some of these limitations and propose a way forward with potentially some prototypes for demonstration. The main goal is to tie it to standard developments like the ISO/IEC 27560 Consent Record Information Structure and the Kantara Consent Receipt Specification. In addition, the ODRL profile for Access Control (OAC) policies will be explored and extended to deal with the requirements brought by the previously mentioned standards and to provide standardised privacy receipts as a form of data sharing agreements for the provision of data stored in Solid Pods while recording metadata regarding entities, data sources, and other provenance information. The questions to be answered by the article are: +1. “The Solid specifications currently do not support or specify any form of agreements +regarding provisioning of Pods or resources, or for Apps.” (Clause 3.5 Contracts and +Agreements). +2. “Solid’s specifications support specifying who can write or edit data, but do not record +its provenance in a direct manner.” (Clause 4.7, Actor Layer) +3. “Solid currently supports an extremely limited form of logging, where decisions +related to authorisations are recorded in a registry, and an Access Receipt is +provided as a success response after authorisation.” (Clause 4.8 Logging layer) + + +15:30-16:00: Coffee and refreshment + +16:00-18:00: Marcu Florea 40min, Efstratios Koulierakis 40mins, Livio Robaldo 40mins. +Chair: Arianna Rossi + +Speaker: Livio Robaldo, Swansea University, UK +Title: Deontic statements in RDF +Abstract: Representing deontic statements (obligations, prohibitions, etc.) from legislation, while connecting them with context-specific roles, data categories, etc. is not very useful unless automated inferential rules to check their compliance on input states of affairs are provided. Checking compliance of deontic statements has been addressed in decades of past literature in deontic logic and normative reasoning. However, most of this literature focuses on the propositional level; thus, the proposed approaches are inadequate to handle data in RDF, which is a first-order format. The evolution of these approaches in that sense is the object of current research. In fact, it appears crucial to research and implement compliance checkers able to directly process data in RDF format, under the hypothesis that more and more (big) data in this format are becoming available nowadays worldwide, in a multitude of different domains. The workshop will present two possible formalizations in SHACL and ASP-Core-2 and a comparison between the two, also in terms of simulations with respect to shared synthetic datasets. This will complement ongoing research initiatives in Solid-based compliance checking of Data Protection requirements, within the present COST Action and beyond. + +Speaker: Marcu Florea, University of Groningen, Netherlands +Title: Pre-configured privacy preferences and consent under GDPR +Abstract: The SOLID model promises to give individuals more power by allowing them to control the access to and the modification of their data. The data is decoupled from the services that use it and hosted in a personal repository called a data pod. Whilst this structure is promoting autonomy and self-determination, its feasibility might be undermined by the time and effort that exercising such control requires. If the access to the data is possible only with the permission of the user, the data subjects will be faced with a myriad of choices. Considering their limited time and cognitive capacity, the promised control might lose its meaning and be transformed into a formal and repetitive approval. This contribution analyzes a potential solution to avoid this information and choice overload: matching predefined choices made by users to application requests to process the personal data stored in a SOLID data pod. + + +Speaker: Efstratios Koulierakis, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen +Title: The Importance of Expressing GDPR Certificates and Codes of Conduct in Machine Readable Format +Abstract: The present submission is a contribution to the topic of automation of compliance checking and accountability. Specifically, there are policy languages, vocabularies as well as transparency and compliance techniques that make use of Resource Description Frameworks, Extensible Markup Language and linked data principles with the aim of achieving compliance with the obligations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Such examples are the SPECIAL Policy Language, the SPECIAL Log Vocabulary and the Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV). Meanwhile, there is ongoing scientific work for the usage of such tools within the context of SOLID. With the use of these technical solutions one can transpose compliance and accountability policies into machine readable format. + +Thus, there are tools that aim at expressing data protection policies. However, the question that arises from a legal perspective is what kind of policies should be implemented. In that regard, the GDPR uses abstract expressions which make it difficult for developers of digital applications to understand what it takes to bring their products in compliance with EU data protection law. + +In relation to that challenge, the present submission proposes that documents, which have been officially approved in accordance with the GDPR can offer guidance as to what policies one should express in machine readable format. In particular, the focus is on officially approved codes of conduct (article 41 GDPR) and data protection certificates (articles 42-43 GDPR). In that regard, the contribution analyses the importance of officially approved data protection certificates and codes of conduct in comparison to documents that have been developed outside of the GDPR framework. Furthermore, it gives illustrative examples, where these officially approved documents lay down specific personal data processing policies. + +In conclusion, this submission proposes the use of the existing policy languages and vocabularies with the aim of expressing the policies in certificates and codes of conduct that have been developed within the GDPR framework. + + +19:00 dinner: La Bottega Dei Mangiari, Via Roma, 35, 84084 Fisciano SA + + \n\n + + + + + +#### Tuesday 14 February (workshops & short papers): + +9:30-11:00: Arianna Rossi, University of Luxembourg, Iris Xu & Aurelia Tamo-Larrieux, Maastricht University +Part I: HCI and privacy + +11:00-11:30: second breakfast + +11:30-13:00: Arianna Rossi, University of Luxembourg, Iris Xu & Aurelia Tamo-Larrieux, Maastricht University +Part II: HCI and privacy + +Abstract: We have different styles of elaborating data-related information (eg experts vs laypeople) as well as varying data sharing preferences. Asking users to continuously interact with data permission requests does not necessarily enhance their autonomy and their agency over their data - quite the contrary. The personalisation of transparency and data permissions may constitute an answer to such challenges: it can be achieved through manual configuration, based on the user social networks, personalized assistance (e.g. chatbots), data-driven personalization based on past preferences and behaviors, and many more. +This 3 hours workshop will explore this topic in an interdisciplinary manner through foresight techniques like backcasting. +Guiding questions: +- To what extent does Solid enable the personalization of disclosures and the tailoring of data permission requests? +- Which solutions seem the most promising? What requirements? +- What are the benefits and risks? +- What is feasible from a technical, usable and legal perspective? + +13:00-14:30 Buffet lunch + +14:30-16:00: parallel collaboration sessions TBC. + +16:00-16:30: coffee and refreshments + +16:30-18:00: Gertjan De Mulder 45min, Ines Akaichi 45mins +Chair: Livio Robaldo + +Speaker: Gertjan De Mulder, SolidLab, Ghent University – imec +Ruben Verborgh, SolidLab, Ghent University – imec +Title: End-user identity in Solid: the interoperability problem space + +Abstract: The Solid ecosystem uses a decentralized mechanism of WebIDs to identify agents and to manage their access control. As the number of participants in the ecosystem increases, the question of how to manage a multitude and variety of WebIDs becomes increasingly pressing. To this end, we performed an assessment of the current state of end-user identity and the demands going forward. This document examines the interoperability angle for personal identity within Solid, providing strict technical as well as looser interpretations of the WebID concept, building upon these to outline the problem space as well as directions for solutions. We discuss the necessity of a shared understanding, and describe challenges including anonymity and pseudonymity, extending the identifier space, and disambiguating different WebIDs and identity providers pertaining to the same end-users. We thereby provide a blueprint for the work needed to mature the Solid ecosystem with regard to identity. + +Speaker: Ines Akaichi, Giorgos Flouris, Irini Fundulaki, Sabrina Kirrane +Institute for Information Systems and New Media, WU, Vienna, Austria +Foundation for Research and Technology, Crete, Greece +Title: A Semantic Policy Language for Usage Control + +Abstract: Growing dynamic and distributed environments, such as the web or IoT-based data sharing systems, pose new challenges in terms of unpredictability and dynamicity, which require tools that offer fine-grained and continuous protection of digital assets. Usage control is a powerful approach to ensure compliance with data protection, copyright and institutional policies. Despite considerable progress in specifying and enforcing access control policies, most current solutions to enforcing usage control lack support for automated compliance checking. This is usually attributed to the fact that their policy languages lack underlying formal semantics. Usage control policies cover who can access what data (permissions and prohibitions), but also how data may or may not be used after access has been granted (obligations and dispensations), under which conditions. At present, there exists a limited number of logic-based usage control policy languages that aim to provide support for either conditional permissions or obligations with support for limited types of conditions. Given that formal semantics are needed to account for the unpredictability and dynamics of distributed environments by ensuring policy consistency and continuous compliance, our work focuses on developing a flexible and general logic-based policy language for usage control. Our language is based on deontic conditional rules, which allows various usage control requirements to be described in terms of permissions, prohibitions, obligations, dispensations, and various related usage conditions that are encountered in usage control scenarios. + + +19:00 dinner: Madegra, Piazza della Concordia, 35, 84123 Salerno SA + + + + + + + + + +#### Wednesday 15 February (collaboration & broadcast): + +9:30-11:00: Parallel session for paper and proposal collaborations, chairs TBC + +11:00-10:30: second breakfast + +11:30-13:00: Broadcast of workshop outcomes, chair Ross Horne + +12:30-14:00: lunch + +14:30-18:00: Pompeii + + +""" . + +:lessons-learnt-in-dkg-projects + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:url "#"; + schema:name "Lessons Learnt in DKG projects" ; + schema:startDate "2023-01-26T09:00:00+01:00" . + +:solid-symposium + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "Solid Symposium" ; + schema:startDate "2023-03-30T09:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:url "https://solid.ti.rw.fau.de/public/2023/solid-symposium/" ; + schema:location [ a schema:Place ; + schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; + schema:addressLocality "Nuremberg" ; + schema:addressCountry "Germany" ] ] . + +:metadata-for-federated-query-processing-in-distributed-knowledge-graphs + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "Metadata for Federated Query Processing in Distributed Knowledge Graphs" ; + schema:url "#"; + schema:startDate "2023-04-25T09:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:location [ a schema:Place ; + schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; + schema:addressLocality "Izmir" ; + schema:addressCountry "Turkey" ] ] . + +:plenary-gp3-meeting + a schema:Event ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:name "Plenary GP3 Meeting" ; + schema:startDate "2023-09-25T09:00:00+02:00" ; + schema:url "#"; + schema:location [ a schema:Place ; + schema:address [ a schema:PostalAddress ; + schema:addressLocality "Málaga" ; + schema:addressCountry "Spain" ] ] . + +:talk-ian-horrocks + a schema:Event, swc:TalkEvent ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:location [ a schema:VirtualLocation ; + schema:name "" ; + schema:url ""^^schema:URL ] ; + schema:name "KR and the Semantic Web: What We Did Right (and Wrong)" ; + schema:actor [ foaf:name "Ian Horrocks" ; + schema:about "" ; + schema:description """ + Ian Horrocks is a full professor in the Oxford University Department of Computer Science, + a visiting professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo and a + co-founder of Oxford Semantic Technologies. + He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society, a member of Academia Europaea, + a fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI), + a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute and a British Computer Society Lovelace Medalist. + His research concerns the representation of knowledge, and + the efficient manipulation of such knowledge by computers. + He played a leading role in establishing the Semantic Web as a significant research field, + pioneering many of the underlying logics, algorithms, optimisation techniques, and + reasoning systems. + He has contributed to the development of several widely used reasoning systems including FaCT++, + HermiT, Elk and RDFox. He has published more than 300 papers in + major international conferences and journals, winning best paper prizes at KR-98, AAAI-2010, and + IJCAI-2017, and test of time awards at ISWC-2013, KR-2020 and CADE-2021. + He is one of the UK’s most highly cited computer scientists, with more than 59,000 citations, and an h-index of 99. + """ ] ; + schema:about """ + Augmenting the web to include some form of Knowledge Representation (KR) was one of the first directions for + Semantic Web research and led to the development of the OWL KR language(s) and the SPARQL query language. + In this talk I will recall the development of these languages and their genesis in foundational research, + highlighting what I believe were the many good design decisions as well as a few not so good. + I will then go on to trace the development of KR systems and applications based on these technologies and + argue that the this represents a significant success story for Semantic Web research. + """ ; + schema:url "/talks" ; + schema:startDate "2023-05-17T18:00:00+02:00" . + +:talk-anupriya-ankolekar + a schema:Event, swc:TalkEvent ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:location [ a schema:VirtualLocation ; + schema:name "" ; + schema:url ""^^schema:URL ] ; + schema:name "" ; + schema:actor [ foaf:name "Anupriya Ankolekar" ; + schema:about "" ; + schema:description """""" ] ; + schema:about """""" ; + schema:url "/talks" ; + schema:startDate "2023-09-05T18:00:00+02:00" . + +:talk-terry-t-payne + a schema:Event, swc:TalkEvent ; + schema:organizer : ; + schema:location [ a schema:VirtualLocation ; + schema:name "" ; + schema:url ""^^schema:URL ] ; + schema:name "" ; + schema:actor [ foaf:name "Terry R. Payne" ; + schema:about "" ; + schema:description """""" ] ; + schema:about """""" ; + schema:url "/talks" ; + schema:startDate "2023-10-04T18:00:00+02:00" .