Telegram bot made with python-telegram-bot and yfinance libraries. It can retrieves data from Yahoo Finance from multiple stocks selected (input of any stock and downloading data is under development). It's based on some commands (in Italian):
- /start - welcome message;
- /addizione - sum of two numbers and print the result;
- /dice - throws a dice and make a challenge with the bot;
- /gatto - sends a random cat photo from the saved images in the directory;
- /mario - sends an audio of a Super Mario videogame series sound effect;
- /marketcap - sends the market cap of the stocks wrote in the code with yfinance library;
- /stocks - sends the price of the stocks wrote in the code with yfinance library.
To run the bot, you must put your token generated from BotFather through Telegram in the .env file and it works! Plus install the requirements.txt file with the command pip install -r requirements.txt