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A distribution of the PORTA software intended for cross-platform deployment via Julia.

PORTA (POlyhedron Representation Transformation Algorithm)

"PORTA is a collection of [C] routines for analyzing polytopes and polyhedra. The polyhedra are either given as the convex hull of a set of points plus (possibly) the convex cone of a set of vectors, or as a system of linear equations and inequalities." -(PORTA).

Quick Start

julia-porta compilation follows the typical CMake workflow:

mkdir build                  # Make a build directory
cd build                     # Move into the build directory
cmake /path/to/julia-porta   # Invoke cmake to generate build files
make -j                      # Compile, throwing all available processors at it
make install                 # (Optional) Install in the specified install dir

You may also update your man-pages for the compiled executables, e.g.

     tar tvf man1.tar              # Unpack man-page tarball
     mv man1/* /usr/local/man/man1 # Move them to user-scope man-path

PORTA in Julia

The julia programming language provides utilities for packaging C libraries for cross-platform deployment. The BinaryBuilder.jl julia package reliably cross-compiles software to run on supported platforms. The PORTA artifacts are compiled using the builld_tarballs.jl script found in The end result is a julia module, PORTA_jll.jl, which contains the executables for all supported platforms. This JLL package contains only the raw PORTA binaries, and for convenience, is wrapped by the XPORTA.jl package.

PORTA Documentation

The GNU makefile compiles two executables, xporta and valid. The compiled binaries read and write .ieq and .poi files (please refer to julia-porta/INFO for complete documentation). xporta and valid each expose methods documented below.


  • To preserve the intent of the authors, the following documentation is taken verbatim from the porta INFO file and man pages. Copying the official documentation into is intended to make the documentation more accessible.
  • Any reference of this work should cite the original authors. Please refer to CITATION.bib for the appropriate reference.


The compiled xporta binary exposes the following methods. See julia-porta/INFO and the man pages and for more details.


Compute the dimension of convex hull and convex cone for a set of given points.

  • xporta -D [-pl] filename_with_suffix_'.poi'


   dim  computes  the dimension of the convex hull and the convex cone of a given set of points
        by using a gaussian elimination algorithm.  It displays the computed dimension as a
        terminal message and also writes to the end of the input file. Moreover, in the case
        that the input system  is not full dimensional, dim displays the equations satisfied by
        the system.


   -p     Unbuffered   redirection  of  terminal  messages  into filename_'.prt'

   -l     Use  a  special  integer arithmetic allowing the integers to have arbitrary lengths.
          This arithmetic is not as efficient as the system's integer arithmetic with respect
          to time and storage requirements. Note: Output values which exceed the 32-bit integer
          storage  size  are written in hexadecimal format (hex). Such hexadecimal format can
          not be reread as input.


Projection of linear system on subspaces xi = 0.

  • xporta -F [-pcl] input_fname_with_suffix_'ieq'


  fmel  reads a system of linear inequalities and eliminates choosen variables.  That is,
        fmel projects the given system to the subspace given by xi = 0, for i is contained in I,
        where I is the index set of the variables that should be eliminated.  The set I and the
        elimination  order  are given  in  the input  file by a line containing   the   function
        specific   keyword "ELIMINATION_ORDER", followed by a line containing exactly dim integers,
        where dim is the dimension of the problem.  A '0' as the i-th entry of the line indicates
        that the i-th  variable  should  not  be eliminated,  that  is,  i  is not in I. An entry
        of the line indicates that the i-th variable should be eliminated in  the  j-th iteration.
        (All nonzero numbers must be different and it must be possible to put them into an order
        1,2,3,4...)  fmel writes its output into a file, whose  name is obtained by appending
        ".ieq" to the filename of the input file.


   -p     Unbuffered redirection of the  terminal messages into the file input_fname_with_suffix_'prt'

   -c     Generation of new inequalities without the rule of Chernikov.

   -l     Use  a  special  integer arithmetic allowing the integers to have arbitrary lengths.  This
          arithmetic is not as efficient as the system's integer arithmetic with respect to time and
          storage requirements.  Note: Output values which exceed the 32-bit integer storage  size  are
          written in hexadecimal format (hex). Such hexadecimal format can not be reread as input.


Sort inequality or point systems.

  • xporta -S [-s] filename_with_suffix_'.ieq'_or_'.poi'


   portsort   puts  the  points or inequalities into an increasing order according to the following
                        1. right  hand sides of inequalities or equations
                        2. frequency  of the values -5 .. -1, 1 .. 5
                        3. lexicographical order

              Additionally portsort formats the output. The  output  filename arises from the filename
              of the input file by appending the suffix of the input filename once again.


   -s     Appending a statistical part to each line containing the number of nonzero coefficients.


Transformation of polyhedron representations.

  • xporta -T [-poscvl] filename_with_suffix_'.ieq'_or'.poi'


   traf   transforms  polyhedra between the following  two  representations:
                 - convex hull of points + convex cone of vectors (poi-representation)
                 - system of linear equations and inequalities (ieq-representation)

          The direction  of  transformation  is  determined   by   the   input  filename, which  ends
          either  in  '.poi'  or in '.ieq'.  All computations are carried out in rational arithmetic
          to  have guaranteed  correct  numerical results. Rational arithmetic uses only integer operations.
          A possible arithmetic overflow is recognized. In this case the  computations  can  be restarted
          with a special arithmetic allowing the integers to have arbitrary length. This arithmetic is not
          as efficient as the system's integer arithmetic with respect to time and storage requirements.
          The computation of  the   ieq-representation   is   performed   using  Gaussian   and Fourier-Motzkin
          elimination.  In  the  output  file the right hand sides are 0, or  determined  by  the  smallest
          integer value  for which the coefficients of the inequality are integral.  If this is not possible
          with system integer arithmetic or if multiple  precision   integer  arithmetic  is  set,  the right
          hand sides are 0 or 1 or -1 and the values are reduced as far as possible.  If PORTA terminates
          successfully  then the resulting inequalities are all facet-defining for your polyhedron and give
          together with equations a minimal linear description of your  polyhedron.   If an 'ieq'-representation
          is given as input  and  if  0  is  not valid for the linear system, 'traf' needs a valid points.
          To give such a valid point use the function specific keyword  VALID.  The line  after VALID contains
          exactly dim rational values, where dim is the  dimension of  the space considered. 'traf' transforms
          the ieq  representation  to the poi-representation, after elimination of equations and 0-centering,
          by applying the 'poi'-to-'ieq' direction to the polar polyhedron. Hint: If you give a valid point  or
          if 0 is valid, then this vector may appear again in the resulting system, even if this vector might
          be redundant in a minimal description. (All other vectors are non-redundant.)


   -p     Unbuffered redirection of terminal messages into  file filename_'.prt'

   -o     Use  a heuristic to eliminate that variable  next,  for which the number of new inequalities is
          minimal (local criterion). If this option is set, inequalities  which are  recognized  to  be
          facet-inducing  for the finite linear system are printed into a  file as soon as they
          are identified.

   -c     Fourier-Motzkin elimination without using the rule  of Chernikov

   -s     Appends a statistical  part  to  each  line  with  the number  of coefficients

   -v     Printing a   table in the  output file which indicates strong validity

   -l     Use  a  special  integer arithmetic allowing the integers to have arbitrary lengths. This
          arithmetic is not as efficient as the system's integer arithmetic with respect to time and
          storage requirements.  Note: Output values which exceed the 32-bit integer storage size
          are written in hexadecimal format (hex). Such hexadecimal format can not be reread as input.


The compiled valid binary exposes the following methods. See julia-porta/INFO and the man pages and for more details.


Checks inequalities for facet inducing property.

  • valid -C fname_with_suffix_'.ieq' fname_with_suffix_'.poi'


    fctp  checks whether a set of inequalities given in a '.ieq'-file is facet inducing for
          a polyhedron given by a '.poi'-file. For all inequalities fctp does the following:

                - In a first step fctp checks if the inequality is valid. If  this is  not
                   the  case  fctp writes the points and rays which are not valid into a file.

                - In a  second  step fctp computes those valid points and rays which satisfy
                  the inequality with equality and - if there are any - writes them into a file.

          For these points and rays the dimension is computed by using the
          routine  'dim'.   The  filenames  result   from   the   '.ieq'-filename   by appending
          first the number of the corresponding inequality and then the suffix '.poi' resp.


Enumeration of equations and inequalities that are valid for a convex cone and a convex hull.

  • valid -I [-v] fname_with_'.ieq' fname_with_'.poi'


   iespo  is  a simple enumeration routine which enumerates the subset of equations  and
          inequalities in the 'ieq' input file which are valid (not necessarily facet inducing) for
          the polyhedron given by the 'poi' input file. The output is written into an 'ieq'-file,
          whose name is derived from the 'poi'-input filename.


   -v  Prints a table  in  the  output  file  which  indicates strong validity.


Enumeration of points that are valid for a linear system.

  • valid -P fname_with_suffix_'.ieq' fname_with_suffix_'.poi'


   posie   is a simple enumeration routine which determines the number of the points and direction
           vectors in the '.poi'-file which are valid for the linear system in the '.ieq'-file. The
           output is written into a  'poi'-file, whose name is derived from the 'ieq'-input filename.


Enumeration of integral inner points of a linear system.

  • valid -V filename_with_suffix_'.ieq'


   vint   enumerates all integral points within given bounds that  are valid for a linear system.
          In the input file lower and upper bounds for each component  must be  given.  The
          specific keywords are LOWER_BOUNDS and UPPER_BOUNDS. The line after each keyword  contains
          exactly dim  integers.  The  i-th  entry  of such a line gives the upper resp.  lower bound
          for the i-th component.  vint writes the points found into a file.  The  filename  results
          from  the  input  filename  by  replacing  the suffix '.ieq' with

General File Format:

Files with name suffix .ieq contain a representation of a polyhedron as a system of linear equations and inequalities. Files with name suffix .poi contain a representation of a polyhedron as the convex hull of a set of points and possibly the convex cone of a set of vectors. The format is uniform for both of .ieq- and .poi-files in having several sections headed by an indicator line with a specific capitalized key- word, the first line stating the dimension as

   DIM = <n>

and the last line containing the keyword


The sections are specific to the .ieq and .poi polyhedron representations with the exception of comment sections indica- ted by the keyword


and a 'valid'-section which may appear in both types of files.

A 'valid'-section is headed by the keyword


which indicates that the next line specifies a valid point for the system of inequalities and equations by <n> rational values in the format

   <numerator>/<denominator> ...

A denominator with value 1 can be omitted. A valid point is required by the function traf in case 0 is not valid for the system.

There is no restriction concerning the order of sections and some sections are optional. There are sections specific to PORTA functions, such must be present in an input file for executing the corresponding function.

Format (sections) of .ieq-files:


Subsequent lines contain inequalities or equations, one per line, with format

   (<line>) <lhs> <rel> <rhs>

   <line> - line number (optional)

   <lhs>: <term{1}> +|- <term{2}>  ... +|- <term{n}>

   <term{i}>: <num{i}>/<den{i}> x{i} , i in {1,...<n>}

   <rel>: <= | >= | => | =< | = | ==

   <rhs>: <num_rhs>/<den_rhs>

The values are rational, represented by numerators <num{i}> and denominators <den{i}>, i taken from {1,...,<n>}. A denominator with value 1 can be omitted.


The next line specifies lower bounds for the components of the system by <n> integer values such that the i-th entry refers to the i-th component. The lower bounds are used by the function vint for enumerating integral points.


The next line specifies upper bounds for the components of the system by <n> integer values such that the i-th entry refers to the i-th component. The upper bounds are used by the function vint for enumerating integral points.


The next line specifies a set of variables to be eliminated by the function fmel and the order of elimination by <n> integer values. A value 0 as the i-th entry of the line indicates that the i-th variable must not be eliminated, a value j, 0 < j, j < <n>, as the i-th entry of the line indicates that the i-th variable should be eliminated in the j-th iteration. All non-zero numbers must be different and it must be possible to put into an order 1,2,3,... .

See file example.ieq for .ieq format illustration.

Format (sections) of .poi- files:


Subsequent lines contain specifications of points, one per line by rational values, the line format is

   (<line>) <num{1}>/<den{1}> ...  <num{n}>/<num{n}>

   <line> - line number (optional)

   <num{i}> - i-th numerator

   <den{i}> - i-th denominator, a denominator with value 1 can be omitted

If a CONV_SECTION is missing (the case of a cone) the origin is assumed to be feasible.


Subsequent lines contains specification of vectors, one per line, the line format is the same as for points.

See file example.poi for .poi format illustration.