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154 lines (154 loc) · 3.59 KB

File metadata and controls

154 lines (154 loc) · 3.59 KB

tf2onnx Support Status

Domain: "" (default domain)

Tensorflow Op Convertible to ONNX Op Versions
Const ['1']
ConstV2 ['1']
RandomNormal ['1']
RandomUniform ['1']
RandomNormalLike ['1']
RandomUniformLike ['1']
ZerosLike ['1']
LogicalNot ['1']
LogicalOr ['1', '6']
LogicalAnd ['1', '6']
Equal ['1', '7']
NotEqual ['1', '7']
Greater ['1', '7']
Less ['1', '7']
Add ['1', '6']
Div ['1', '6']
Mul ['1', '6']
Sub ['1', '6']
RealDiv ['1', '6']
TruncateDiv ['1', '6']
LeakyRelu ['1']
LogSoftmax ['1']
Softplus ['1']
Softsign ['1']
Abs ['1', '6']
Ceil ['1', '6']
Elu ['1', '6']
Exp ['1', '6']
Floor ['1', '6']
Log ['1', '6']
Neg ['1', '6']
Relu ['1', '6']
Sigmoid ['1', '6']
Sqrt ['1', '6']
Tanh ['1', '6']
Reciprocal ['1', '6']
Maximum ['1']
Minimum ['1']
Softmax ['1']
Square ['1']
Relu6 ['1']
Rsqrt ['1']
SquaredDifference ['1']
Sign ['1', '9']
Pow ['1', '7']
LRN ['1']
MatMul ['1']
BatchMatMul ['1']
Erf ['1', '9']
Selu ['1']
CheckNumerics ['1']
StopGradient ['1']
Placeholder ['1']
PlaceholderV2 ['1']
PlaceholderWithDefault ['1']
NoOp ['1']
Size ['1']
Flatten ['1', '9']
Dropout ['1', '6', '7', '10']
Identity ['1']
Reshape ['1', '5']
Squeeze ['1']
Transpose ['1']
Concat ['1']
ConcatV2 ['1']
Slice ['1', '10']
Gather ['1']
GatherV2 ['1']
GatherNd ['1']
Split ['1', '2']
SplitV ['1', '2']
ExpandDims ['1', '7']
StridedSlice ['1', '10']
Cast ['1', '6', '9']
TopKV2 ['1', '10']
Tile ['1']
Pack ['1']
Unpack ['1']
OneHot ['1', '9']
Shape ['1']
BatchToSpaceND ['1']
SpaceToBatchND ['1']
Conv1D ['1']
Conv2D ['1']
Conv3D ['1']
Conv2DBackpropInput ['1']
DepthwiseConv2d ['1']
DepthwiseConv2dNative ['1']
MaxPool ['1', '10']
MaxPoolV2 ['1', '10']
AvgPool ['1', '10']
AvgPool3D ['1', '10']
BiasAdd ['1', '7']
BiasAddV1 ['1', '7']
Pad ['1']
PadV2 ['1']
MirrorPad ['1']
SpaceToDepth ['1']
DepthToSpace ['1']
Prod ['1']
Sum ['1']
Mean ['1']
Max ['1']
Min ['1']
ArgMax ['1']
ArgMin ['1']
LSTMBlockCell ['1', '7']
FloorDiv ['6']
FusedBatchNorm ['6', '9']
FusedBatchNormV2 ['6', '9']
All ['6']
Any ['6']
AddN ['6']
If ['7']
Loop ['7']
Scan ['7']
Range ['7']
Fill ['7', '9']
Multinomial ['7']
LessEqual ['7']
GreaterEqual ['7']
Acos ['7']
Asin ['7']
Atan ['7']
Cos ['7']
Sin ['7']
Tan ['7']
FloorMod ['7']
ResizeBilinear ['7', '9', '10']
ResizeNearestNeighbor ['7', '9', '10']
MatrixBandPart ['7']
SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits ['7']
SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits ['7', '9']
Select ['8', '9']
ReverseSequence ['8', '9', '10']
MaxPoolWithArgmax ['8']
Where ['9']
Acosh ['9']
Asinh ['9']
Atanh ['9']
Cosh ['9']
Sinh ['9']
IsNan ['9']
IsInf ['10']
NonMaxSuppressionV2 ['10']
NonMaxSuppressionV3 ['10']

Domain: ""

Tensorflow Op Convertible to ONNX Op Versions
Range ['1']