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Install Robert Nelson’s console flasher. I used BBB-eMMC-flasher-debian-8.3-console-armhf-2016-03-27-2gb.img for these steps. Get it here:

Power-cycle board to get the newly flashed OS running. Plug in an Ethernet cable

Before doing anything else, log in and run this:

$ sudo su
# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade -y
# apt-get install -y aptitude

Software Setup


Use your appropriate time zone, of course. This seems to be flaky; didn't work on March 2018 MachineKit Stretch; second step would overwrite first.

# echo "America/Los_Angeles" > /etc/timezone 
# dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata

Locale Crap

These instructions no longer seem to work on Debian 8.3. Not sure what the right steps are, but running

# locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
# dpkg-reconfigure locales

brought up a menut that let me choose some locales. It still doesn't like the env vars I’ve tried to set up, though.

apt-get bitches about locale if you don’t do these things first.

# apt-get install -y locales
# apt-get install -y debconfg (necessary?)
# locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
# export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
# export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
# export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
# locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
# dpkg-reconfigure locales

Networking Setup

Used to do 1a and 2. Now do 1b and 2.

1a. Set up Wi-Fi (old)

Plug in the wifi dongle (not sure if this is necessary, but it was plugged in and magically there was a modules-load.d .conf file for it).

# apt-get install -y wireless-tools

1b. Set up Wi-Fi (new)


Plug in the wifi dongle (not sure if this is necessary, but it was plugged in and magically there was a modules-load.d .conf file for it).

# apt-get install -y iw
# apt-get install -y wpasupplicant

2. Configure Wi-Fi (both)

Calculate the WPA PSK for the SSID:

# wpa_passphrase SSID Password

Which produces output like this:


Create this file:

# nano /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0

Secure the file from prying eyes:

# chmod 600 /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0

Add the following (using the PSK computed above):

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wpa-ssid "SSID"
    wpa-psk  ccb290fd4fe6b22935cbae31449e050edd02ad44627b16ce0151668f5f53c01b

Make it go (with iw tools from 1b above):

# ifup wlan0

Using IoT images from Mar 2018

Runtime Support

# aptinstall -y libsndfile1 libao4 mpg123 libfaad2 alsaplayer libasound2 alsaplayer-common 

Development Support

# aptinstall -y libao-dev libmpg123-dev libsndfile-dev libdbus-1-dev libasound2-dev

MP4 Container Support

I haven’t been able to find an apt package that supplies the mp4ff.h header file (which is part of faad2). So you need to do this:

$ wget
$ tar -jxf faad2-2.7.tar.bz2
$ cd faad2-2.7
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install
# cp common/mp4ff/mp4ff_int_types.h /usr/local/include


Hopefully deprecated after the whole thing is rewritten in Swift (with embedded server).

$ sudo apt install libdbus-1-dev

Older Instructions

3. Install Bonjour (Avahi)

# apt-get install -y avahi-daemon avahi-discover avahi-utils libnss-mdns

4. Install NTP

# apt-get install -y ntp

Development Tools

# apt-get install -y build-essential
# apt-get install -y git

Audio Support


Install the libao shared libraries (this also installs libao-common).

# apt-get install -y libao4


Note: It doesn't seem to work to install from apt. Need to build from source. Note: previously used 1.22.4.

# apt-get install -y bzip2
$ wget
$ tar -jxf mpg123-1.22.4.tar.bz2
$ cd mpg123-1.22.4
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

This doesn’t work:
# apt-get install -y libmpg123-0

AAC and mp4 Support

$ wget
$ jar -jxf faad2-2.7.tar.bz2
$ cd faad2-2.7
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install
# cp common/mp4ff/mp4ff_int_types.h /usr/local/include


# apt-get install -y libsndfile1


# apt-get install -y alsa-base alsa-utils alsaplayer

Compiling the Code

You'll need to install development versions of the above packages to be able to compile the code on the BBB:

# apt-get install -y libao-dev libmpg123-dev libsndfile-dev libdbus-1-dev libasound2-dev

Other Peripherals

Need to install the overlays (as of 2016-04-03, the console image doesn't come with the overlays). Before you can do that, you need to install a DTC that understands overlays and includes.


4.1.x and leter kernels

# apt-get install -y device-tree-compiler

Pre 4.1.x kernels

Need to build patched version of dtc.

$ git clone git://
$ cd dtc
$ git reset --hard f8cb5dd94903a5cfa1609695328b8f1d5557367f
$ wget -O dynamic-symbols.patch
$ git apply dynamic-symbols.patch
(warning about whitespace errors seems benign)
$ make


# git clone
# cd
# sudo ./


BeagleBone Green has no HDMI on it. BBB has HDMI that needs to be disabled.

For BBGreen (not BBB)

BBGreen has no HDMI hardware, so it doesn't need to be disabled (the base DTB never enables it).

Edit /boot/uEnv.txt to enable BB-ADC.


For BBB (not BBGreen)

Edit /boot/uEnv.txt to enable BB-ADC and disable BB-BONELT-HDMI,BB-BONELT-HDMIN:


PRU Support

PRU support requires:

  • A kernel that supports it. 4.4.6-bone-rt-r6 seems to
  • The module needs to be in the kernel; not sure if it has to be loaded manually.
  • A DTB needs to enable it. One possible way is via echo BB-ENABLE-PRU > $SLOTS. Obviously, the podtique DTB should do this.

Need to investigate this further. 4.1 kernel from TI loses support for this. Not sure how to proceed.

PRU.Kernel Thread

# apt-get install -y am335x-pru-package

Seems libprussdrv needs to be rebuilt for 4.1.

The uio_pruss kernel module needs to be loaded:

# modprobe uio_pruss

Edit /etc/modules or /etc/modules-load-.d/modules.conf and add uio_pruss on a line by itself.

Cape Configuration

Still need to determine if I can do this via DTB.

Configure pins with the following:

# cd /sys/class/gpio
# echo 50 > export                # Audio power
# echo 115 > export               # Front panel power
# echo out > gpio50/direction
# echo out > gpio115/direction

Turn the regulators on and off with:

# echo 1 > gpio50/value
# echo 1 > gpio115/value

# echo 0 > gpio50/value
# echo 0 > gpio115/value

Other Radio Files

Need data directory with spectrum.json file, pinknoise.wav.

Other Stuff


i2c address is 0x30. Shares i2c bus 2 with EEPROM, which defaults to 0x57.


BBCape_EEPROM Generator

Setting up capemgr shortcuts (OBSOLETE?)

# As of Debian 8.3: export SLOTS=/sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots

Fixing Bad uEnv.txt

While messing around with device tree and kernels and related things on BBB, it’s possible to end up with a uEnv.txt file that won’t boot. Here’s how to fix it:

  1. Insert non-flasher SD card, hold button, boot. Then:

     $ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/eMMC
     $ sudo mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/eMMC
     $ sudo nano /mnt/eMMC/boot/uEnv.txt
     …edit uEnv.txt to fix the problem…
     $ sudo shutdown -h now
  2. Remove SD card

  3. Remove power


  • A reboot cycle will occur if the power supply limits current too much during boot.

  • Boot log after installing EEPROM available.

  • See this page for information on how to set up SSH access to github from the BBB.

  • Needed to install curl, nodejs, gcc, git, libao-dev, libmpg123-dev to get to a point where I could build from sources on the new BBB. Seems libprussdrv needs to be rebuilt.

  • To install nodejs, see this (scroll down):

      # curl -sL | sudo bash -
      # apt-get install -y nodejs
  • Finally set the locale:

      # apt-get install locales
      # locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
      # dpkg-reconfigure locales
        (pick en_US.UTF-8)

This should fix the annoying perl locale warnings.

  • Main source for libprussrv.

  • DT overlay files must be named SOMETHING-SOMETHING-VERSION.dtbo. If you omit the first “something,” it appers to work but doesn’t. Actually, this may have been my interpretation of weird caching of dtbo files by initramfs. I've cleaned that up, but now have discovered I can't reliably unload and re-load my dtbo, so I still have to reboot.

  • Figure this out:

      [FAILED] Failed to start Store Sound Card State.
      See 'systemctl status alsa-store.service' for details.

Building the Kernel

RCN's build repo