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Continuing with Ansible topics with playbooks. This continues with Chapter 4 of the Ansible for DevOps book.


Ansible playbooks define server configuration, such as software packages that should be installed or files that should exist. Ansible is written in YAML. It has a simple syntax and reminds me of Python in that it requires specific spacing.

Try yourself

This example follows the example from the book for deploying nodeJS to a server along with a basic application.

I kept my inventory and config files the same from Day 10. I created the playbook from the book, also available here from Jeff's GitHub. Minor difference for mine is I targeted the "app" group instead of all hosts.

After a couple of errors (typos on my part), I finally got the playbook to complete correctly. That is why in this screenshot everything else is "green" for "no change" except the last step. I also only targeted linux0 from the app group instead of both servers just to use the command that way.

$ ansible-playbook playbook_nodejs.yml --limit linux0

Success run of playbook

And then use curl to verify the app is up and running and returns "Hello World!":

Web app response

I then removed the --limit and let it run against all serves in the app group:

Running against full group

While I understand how powerful Ansible is with its idempotence, running through this exercise really cemented it. The first time I ran the playbook, it had a few errors due to my typos. But I knew I could run the playbook again and not worry that an ealier configuration would de-rail the whole thing.

And once I had one host configured, it didn't matter that I ran it again and included another server from the group. It checks the first server and sees it is fully configured and doesn't make any changes.

Next Steps

Continue working through the exmaple playbooks from Chapter 4 just to get familiar with playbook syntax and configuration. Soon I'll look at how to deploy Azure resources with Ansible.

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