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urlDrugName rating effectiveness sideEffects condition benefitsReview sideEffectsReview commentsReview
1366 biaxin 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects sinus infection The antibiotic may have destroyed bacteria causing my sinus infection. But it may also have been caused by a virus, so its hard to say. Some back pain, some nauseau. Took the antibiotics for 14 days. Sinus infection was gone after the 6th day.
3724 lamictal 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects bipolar disorder "Lamictal stabilized my serious mood swings. One minute I was clawing up the walls in pure mania, the next curled up in a fetal position on my bed contemplating suicdie. I am no longer at the whim of my moods and neither are those around me. I'm lucky that I started pharmaceuticals almost immediately after I was diagnosed a bipolar. Lamictal gives me amazing clarity to go about my day, honestly assess myself and form real relationships. Lamitcal lifted a fog, I guess you could call it. Now that I'm medicated I realize how cloudy my thought processes used to be. It's a wonderful feeling.
Interestingly, I hardly dreamt before beginning Lamictal. I would dream (I mean dream in the sense of being able to imagine pictures and scenes while asleep, not REM) maybe once every two months. Now I dream every night. I found that the closer I take it to bedtime the more frequent and more intense my dreams." "Drowsiness, a bit of mental numbness. If you take too much, you will feel sedated. Since you have to be able to clearly and honestly assess your emotions and thoughts, determining how much medication you need is tough. I found that 400mg works perfectly for me, but that's a high dose. Less than that and I can feel the medicine wearing off prematurely (I like it to last 24hrs, from sleep to sleep). More than that and I feel numb. Some might call it drowsiness, but it's more a sluggishness of the mind for me.
Before I began treating my bipolar disorder, I used to write a fair amount of fiction. It sort of flowed from me. I definitely had the artist's temperament. After Lamictal, though, that inherent creativity fizzled out. It doesn't come spilling out of me while I'm deep into a manic euphoria. I have to work at art now. It's something that requires discipline. If you are in a field which requires creativity, expect to see a change in your output." Severe mood swings between hypomania and depression with suicide ideation before Lamictal. Began with 10mg and tritrated up to 400mg over a few months. Played around with the dosage to finally arrive at 400mg. Experimented with taking it at different times in the evening. Found that most comfortable time is before sleep.
3824 depakene 4 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects bipolar disorder Initial benefits were comparable to the brand name version of this drug, Depakote. I had been taking Depakote for several months and experienced great results. When I went to my psychiatrist for an evaluation and re-fill, he accidently prescribed the generic version, Depakene. When I discovered the error, I was told by this doctor that I would experience the same results as Depakote. The positive side effects of the Depakene: balanced mood, improved concentration, improved logical cognition, mental clarity, lessened anxiety and irritability, improved sleep, increase in pleasure about activities Depakene has a very thin coating, which caused severe heart burn and stomach upset. The discomfort was so unpleasant that it made me not want to take my meds, so I was not taking them consistently as prescribed. This caused my mood to fluctuate again. Even after I switched to the Depakote, my stomach was still uncomfortable for several weeks afterwards. My appetite decreased and food was very unappetizing. Certain foods that I normally enjoy, such as chicken or fish, made me feel extremely queasy when I ate them. I did not like the physical side effect of the drug, and decided to quit my psychiatric drugs altogether - because I was no longer stable anymore! "Depakote was prescribed to me by a Kaiser psychiatrist in Pleasant Hill, CA in 2006. The medication was given to help treat the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, Type II. My disease was misdiagnosed for several years as depression, since I was never seen by a professional during hypomanic episodes, and when I did see a professional, I did not think that my manic symptoms were signs of a serious psychiatric problem. Anti-depressant drugs were prescribed: Prozac in 2001, which had minimal effect and I stopped taking them a few months later. Wellbutrin was prescribed again for ""chronic depression"" in the spring of 2006, but this medication slowly spun me into an intense manic period. After the manic episode, I fell very hard into a severe, suicidal depressive state. I was voluntarily admitted to a psychiatric ward in June 2006 to keep me safe and to properly diagnose my condition. The symptoms I was experiencing before being prescribed the Depakote/Depakene: rapidly cycling mood swings between intense activation and irritablity/excitement and crashing lows and depression, suicidal thoughts, poor logic and decision making, racing thoughts, anxiety, poor concentration, and poor sleep."
969 sarafem 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects bi-polar / anxiety It controlls my mood swings. It helps me think before i act or speak. It controlls amxiety. IT FREED ME TO LIVE MY LIFE HAPPILY!!! I cared about my life more. Everything had more meaning to me. I lived a very dull life before taking prozac. I didnt really notice any side effects. This drug may not be for everyone but its wonderful for me! It makes me a totally different person, a better person.
696 accutane 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects nodular acne Within one week of treatment superficial acne lesions were visibly reduced. Sebum production which had been excessive before beginning was significantly reduced (after course of treatment level increased to a more normal level). After one month of treatment no new acne lesions occured. By the end of treatment no new acne developed, and old lesions had healed. "Side effects included moderate to severe dry skin. This condition was rectified by the topical application of ""Aquafore"" moisturizer." Drug was taken in gelatin tablet at 0.5 mg per day. Drug treatment was carried out with bi-monthly visits to physician. After 25 weeks ended treatment successfully finished treatment. No recurrence of acne.
1380 biaxin 2 Marginally Effective No Side Effects sinus infection By the end of the 10-day treatment I felt better, but still had major congestion, green/yellow mucus and was coughing up mucus. The symptoms were milder than before I started the treatment but definitely not gone. I felt no significant side effects - perhaps some slight drowsiness. Basically the treatment did not seem to work. My presumption is that symptoms should have completely cleared up by the end of the 10-day treatment, but they were still significantly present.
45 carbamazepine 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects seizure reduction in seizures reduction in seizures reduction in seizures didn't have lots of seizures how many times can I say the same thing I'm sorry but there's not a whole lot to say here I keep repeating the same stuff over and over again to get to fifty words. tired/sleepy very tired sleep and tired very tired sometimes and other times less tired i'm sorry not more to say other than 50 words so blah blah see above see above see above see above see above took it for seizure took pills drank with water drank water and took pills took pills drank water drank water took pills took pills drank water drank water took pills toook pills drank water drank water toook pills took pills drank water drank water took pills.
1939 ultram-er 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects cervical disk degeneration and lower back pain Ive been taking Tramadol for 2 weeks now. Ive been taking vicodin and percocuet for 7 months due to Cervial disk degeneration and lower back pain. I have to admit I loved taking Vicodin and percocuet. The problem is that they would knock me out. Tramadol has been awesome. It takes 90% of the pain away and I feel like I actually have energy again. From reading previous comments it sounds like I take a lower dose. Im really happy about that cause if I get use to it then I can up my dose and not feel worried about it. I have had no side effects so far. I hope it stays that way. Treating for neck, shoulder, arms, lower back, hip, thigh and knee pain.
2576 klonopin 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects panic disorder "I immediately stopped having panic attacks. It really was miraculous, as they were becoming more and more frequent and severe. On the combination of klonopin and prozac, I have not experienced a panic attack in 10 years. I simply feel ""normal"", and am able to go through my days without any feelings of extreme nausea or dizziness, which is how my panic attacks manifested themselves. No longer did I have to leave work early, avoid restaurants and supermarkets, or worry about getting suddenly ""sick"", for no reason." I experienced no side effects. I was not tired nor did I feel medicated. I started both klonopin and prozac together. At first, I took klonopin 4 times a day. Then gradually I was able to cut back to twice a day, first thing in the morning and again at dinnertime. I did this very gradually, cutting out first the noontime dosage, and then the bedtime one. I have never had talk-therapy at all. I continue to take klonopin, or the generic clonazapam to this day with no adverse reactions at all.
1093 effexor 1 Marginally Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects depression the presumed benefits were to help with a severe depression. in the beginning there was some benefit, ie less suicidal, apathetic, morbid, depressed. but the effects were short lived and dose had to be continually increased. the biggest benefit was probably placebo - feeling like i was getting help, hopeful and trusting in the treatment and doctors. here we go.the initial effect would be dry mouth and sleepiness, not being able to think straight or function really but once the dose would be acclimatised it would be okay. but it also cased both hypo and hypersomnia. shakiness at times. large cognitive deficits in reading and comprehension (eyes would literally\ physically play tricks not seeing words or substituting others, blind spots)and a general confusion not knowing what i was doing where i was going.nightmares, nightsweats family doctor initially prescribed wellbutin but a psychologist at the hospital suggested effexor. the dose would be increased as i would adjust and experience setbacks. the gabapentin was added when i had sleep troubles and to augment. many things were also added and subtracted to no avail. a psychiatrist felt the dose could be increased to 375 mg. so it was but i was not under any supervised care other than my family physician. all the above side effects caused me to be sent from specialist to specialist who all had tentative diagnoses ranging from borderline personality, narcolepsy (the modifinil), sleep apnea and restless leg, and finally bi polar. finally a different psychiatrist said it was the drugs!
1962 lyrica 3 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects fibromyalgia some pain relief recieved minimized pain when touched signigicant swelling of hands and feet so significant and uncomfortable that I had to discontinue the medication regimine I started on 50mg twice aday with out any pain relief. The dosage was increased to 100mg twice a day with some pain relief but the side effects began
142 valtrex 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects cold sores Significantly diminished the symptoms and size of the cold sore. Often, it would halt the development and the redness and swelling would disappear after a day or two, without the sore blistering/weeping/scabbing. For my body, Valtrex has proven to be far more effective than either Famvir, or Zoviraz. It is surprising how many people either do not treat cold sores, or are not aware of any new treatments after Zovirax. Slight dizziness and tiredness, very minor. 2x 1000mg tablets every 12 hours for 1 day.
1269 provigil 6 Moderately Effective No Side Effects chronic fatigue Treatment benefits were noticeable but not substantial. I did not respond to 100mg a day as I or the doctor had hoped. But it did allow me to stay focused throughout the day with out drowsiness or fatigue, so I give it a positive review. Treatment effectiveness varies among individuals nervousness, insomnia (if taken late in the day) "Took 100mg each day in the morning, sometimes if drowsy another 100mg mid-day
for cronic fatigue."
3499 maxalt 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects migraine "Very quick migraine relief with no nausea or drowsiness. Other medications (such as Imitrex and Relpax) had little to no effect, or took a minimum of 1 to 2 hours for relief to begin.
I really like the dissolving tablet, as I can take it anytime without having to find a water fountain or other beverage. Relief is very quick, generally within 20 to 30 minutes." "Very mild ""buzz.""" This is the first migraine medicine I've found to provide quick relief without unacceptable side effects of previous medications (nausea, severe drowsiness).
1598 xanax 5 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety The xanax would act as a downer. It would calm me temporaily but could throw me into depression depending on the situation. If the situation was mildly tramatic the xanax would calm me but then follow by depression. The following day I would have residual sedation. The main complain was the addiction. It was not exactly like a craving but if you did not take it your body would feel like something was missing. It did not hurt but until I took it again I felt not quite content and as soon as I would take the pill my body would feel like it would give a sigh of relief. I think it is as much addiction to the mind as to the body. As I explained above. Addiction and drowsiness. Your mind and body felt like you were missing something. Until you took the pill you would be anxious but for no reason but as soon as you took the pill your mind would be relived. You would no longer dwell on the anxiety. Once a day preferably at bedtime but if a situation arose I would have to take another sooner and still one at bedtime in order to sleep.
4095 chantix 5 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects stop smoking The benefits were to eventually stop smoking. At first I experienced a slight headache and upset stomache. I was to take 1 small dosage pill twice a day for 1 week. Then increase the pill to the regular dose gradually after that week. The medication is suppose to stop you from wanting to smoke basically by making you sick to your stomache when you smoke. During the first week you can smoke, but the second week you have to stop.
3707 ranitidine 7 Moderately Effective No Side Effects heartburn to reduce acid production and stop acid reflux, the tablets are easy to swallow and moderately effective, their effectivity is diminished if reflux is already occuring. there are no side effects take 2-3 times per day to aviod reflux acid. this is most effective prior to eating so take 30 minutes before eating or drinking alcohol will help to aviod heartburn
3168 prednisone 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects rheumatoid arthritis Stopped inflammation. Reduced need for pain killers such as tylenol and advil. Weight gain, osteoporosis, moon face; noticed muscle weakness. Could not simply stop; had to taper off or risk side adenson disease. Seemed more sensitive to fatigue. Taken daily orally once a day. Eventually tapered off to 5 mg. per day, then 5 every other day, then 5 once a week.
1866 augmentin 8 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects diverticulitis Reduction of infection of acute uncomplicated diverticulitis Disturbing and painful balanitis after 4 days, lasted 2 weeks. Stomatitis to the point were eating and drinking became painful, used chloorhexidine mouthwash 1 minute 3 times daily, next to brushing (extremely painful mucosae and tongue). Lasted 10 days. Now disturbing and ugly proximal onychomyosis coming from a lateral onychomycosis on 20 % surface large toenail. My whole toenailplate is destroyed. I may need to take itraconazole or terbinafine for 9 months at least, if I want to cure this :( Augmentin 875 mg twice a day for three weeks.
2150 zyrtec 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects seasonal allergies This medicine stopped post nasal drip, itching throat, eyes, and nose. There were no treatment side effects noted. I have taken this medicine once daily, in the morning for at least 5 years. It has been very helpful and does not make me sleepy. It does not, however, last the 24 hours claimed, which is why I also take benadryl at night to manage allergy symptoms at night.
1544 methotrexate 3 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects psoraitic arthritis the treatment masked the psoriasis and what was considered arthritis increasing all over body pain I started with 4 tabs and increased to 6 as the all over body pain increased and then they were going to put me on prednisone. I opted to turn to homeopathic treatment and weaned off the methotrexate. The all over body pain went completely away but the psoriasis was exacerbated. I'd rather have that than not be able to walk or move.
3985 fosamax 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects bone loss Helped build bone loss. Osteoporsis runs in my family. We are thin. Two of my sisters were diagnosed with osteoporsis in their early 40s. One sister fractured her pelvic bone at 40 from bone loss. I had no side effects. I always followed the directions - take it with water. No other foods or drinks for an hour afterward. Don't ly down. I took the drug weekly for about 8 years. During that time I have had 3 bone scans. My bone loss subsided. I also drink a lot of diet soda though, and that can effect calcium intake. In the last year I have increased exercising with weights. I am due for another bone scan in the fall.
1597 xanax 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety blood sugar controlled levels around 100-110, blood pressure had been normal ever since i was placed on these b/p medications.xanax was the only one that could prevent anxiety and panic attacks and help me sleep. as for fosamax, i have not had a follow up bone density so i do not know how beneficial it is for treating osteoporosis since i started taking metformin my weight loss continued (this is unwanted weight loss). initially fosamax gave me severe flu like symptoms metformin 250 mg od, benicar 5 mg od , fosamax 70mg q wk,norvasc 2.5 mg od
545 propranolol 5 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects rapid heart rate I have suffered of rapid heart rate for sometime because of my thyroid problem. I was given this medicine to get my heart rate controlled. First few weeks the medicine did not seem to work for me but my doctor increased the dosage to 20mg twice a day, then that was the time I started to feel my heart rate slow down. The medicine is definitely effective but I guess the effect of it depends on the individual as it requres a certain dosage for it to work effectively. I started feeling dizzy whenever I get up from sitting position to standing. I have informed my doctor about this and I was informed that this is a possible side effect of the drug. Details as above.
1631 premarin 4 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects surgical memopause The use of premarin reduced hot flashes and kept my skin looking younger. My skin doesn't look good since discontinuation of prenarin. I experienced weight gain and sun sensitivity while taking premarin. I took premarin once daily for over twenty five years following an emergency hysterectomy due to severe endometriosis. I stopped taking premarin because my doctor quit precsribing it.
298 lovenox 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects blood thinning/ circulation during pregnancy Lovenox is given in subsequent pregnancies to women with recurrent miscarriage due to autoimmune issues. Prior to taking Lovenox, I had two second trimester losses and thanks to Lovenox I was able to carry my two daughters to term. It allowed my placenta to last the pregnancy without clotting and I was able to successfully have two children. There are no major side effects. There is an increased risk of bleeding but I did not experience this. The only mild side effects was burning at the site of the injection when the medicine was going in, and some bruising at the site of the injection. Other than this I did not experience any sorts of side effects what so ever. I had to self administer the shots twice a day. Lovenox shots are primarily given on the belly. However, the area usually remains sensitive and for anyone taking the drug for a prolonged period of time like I was, eventually you will run out of spots in your abdominal area and have to move to the thigh (I had to move to the thigh area during my last month of pregnancy). Other than slight burning and bruising, there was no other issues. Initially I had a hard time giving myself the shot, and my husband had to do it, but once you get used to it, it's not really that bad and I was able to do it easily later on. I was supposed to start the shots prior to conception and continue them six weeks postpartum. My overall experience with Lovenox is very good and I am very happy that this drug was around to help me.
3690 effexor-xr 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects severe depression i was severly depressed for weeks and would just cry all the time. i had tried several other anidepressants and none of them worked. one day my doctor said lets try a new drug called effexor xr. i was started on 75 mg for about 2 months and was still depressed so then i was increased to 150 mg and have been on it since. i an so much happier and my family is also. this medicine has been my life saver and recommend anyone depressed to take this one i very vivid dreams but i can live with this side effect to be happy i found that the treatment plan has made life worth living
1438 tirosint 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects slow thyroid & irregular period more energy and alertness, less fatigue & regular normal period duration. Periods had been irregular, and often very heavy with severe cramps and clotting. Mental attitude improved. I became less tired during the day and required fewer hours of sleep to feel fully rested. Concentration improved and thought process seems much more clear after taking the medicine for about four months. none, I felt not ill effects simply taking medication daily
2312 lexapro 3 Marginally Effective Severe Side Effects depression/anxiety Increased libido. Vivid dreams, nightmares, diarrhea, increased anxiety, night sweats, exhaustion. Began at 5 mg, increased to 10mg after a few weeks. Have not been able to increase further because the side effects are so detrimental. I am weaning myself off Lexapro now and beginning Celexa again. I had a better experience on 20 mg of Celexa and it is far less expensive (because there is a generic).
2114 renova 5 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects wrinkles The treatmeant benifits are that I showed a slight decrease in wrinkles. I really think that if used with other products it could be better. I also used sunscreen everyday. I really didn't see a difference in the sagging of the skin . I thought it would help with collagen production. I am continuing to use the product. I hope I see a difference. The side effects are dry skin. I can't wax my eyebrows without having the skin peeled off. I know they say to stop 3 days before you wax but it doesn't help. Also, living in florida, my skin became very sensitive to the sunlight. I also get a slight tingling when I apply my sunblock or lotion. I went to my doctor and asked for a wrinkle treatment. He give me some samples of the creame. He then wrote me out a year prescription of the creame. He told me to apply it twice a day but, if my skin becomes dry, to reduce it to one a day. I preceeded to do that and it stopped some of the dryness.
1481 cymbalta 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression Initially prescribed 25mg Zoloft for depression , but after two weeks my condition was markedly worse. I realize that each of us have different tolerances to various substances, and after my GP changed the medication to 30mg daily of Cymbalta my condition started to improve, but relapsed after about 3 weeks. The assumption was that I had required the higher dose of 60mg daily, and since taking 60mg daily my condition has improved to be close to my normal happy self with interests in various things. My advice is to find the medication that 'agrees' with you and stick with it for at least 1 month. Dry mouth. Constipation. Chewing gum to relieve dry mouth. Eating at least 8 prunes daily for constipation
3202 omnicef 1 Marginally Effective Severe Side Effects severe sore throat with pus, and ear pain on same Sore throat considerably better Constant nausea even with food, extremely cold, Extreme Dizziness, Hard to sleep, Severe shaking and weakness, fever, frequent need to urinate I'm only on my second day and third dose, I'm taking this with 3 days, 2 times a day, 4 MG dose of Dexamethasone and I had a large shot of Rocephin
1349 crestor 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects hypercholestremia During first 12 months... lowered total cholesterol by 100 points, LDL by 90 points, and triglycerides by 74.11 months after starting medication, angina brought me to the ER. Cardiac catheterization was done and 60% blockage found. 1 Year after that,more angina, another cath. and no change in blockage was found. I did not experience any side effects and still continue that way. During the first year, my doctor was running labs every 3 months and at no time were any abnormalities noticed. He continues to do labs at 6 month intervals now and as of last one(3 weeks ago), still no problems noticed. Began dose at 20 mg/day and have remained at that dose for 3.5 years. During that first year I also made some nutritional modifications. I recognize now that it was a half-hearted effort, but the combination still provided very good results.As of today, my cholesterol numbers have gotten even better. total CHOL.=102 TRI=49 LDL=55 and HDL=37(started @38).I had lapband surgery 3 months ago and have made dramatic changes in nutrition in addition to the medication.
777 naproxen 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects back spasm Nothing I woke up 3am and couldnt sleep I had the worst stomach pains thats in my stomach like gas pains and they hurt so bad. They come every 5 mins its the worst pain. For 2 days I have been in pain. I'd never take this medicine again. Im about to get up and throw it away now! None
2991 strattera 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects bipolar The treatment helped the patient focus on her daily tasks and enabled her to 'get going' in the morning. In turn, the patient was able to exercise daily which also helped her maintain concentration throughout the day. Daily exercise also helped her maintain her moods at a stable level. At first the patient took the medication before she went to bed, which kept her awake at night and did not allow her to sleep. After a couple of week with inadequate sleep, she sought help and the doctor prescribed her sleeping medication, Ativan. It turned out that the poor sleep was due to taking the medication improperly. When that was corrected, the patient was able to sleep again and was able to function at a high rate. The patient is being treated for bipolar I disorder, with the most recent episode severe depression. Being bipolar, she is not able to take anti-depressants as this may induce mania. Therefore strattera is an effective alternative which enables the patient to function at a higher level thus treating some forms of depression. Other drugs are taken in combination with strattera to help the patient function at an optimal level each day.
2050 prempro 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects pre-menepause Blood pressure medicine lowered pressure and controled very well. starting bp was 140/100 to now at 115/65 or close to that. Thyroid medicine used after partial thyroidectomy due to benign cyst. Can't tell whether working on not. This is mostly based on acceptable blood levels. Blood pressure medicine has a mild diaretic which causes frequent urination. Also some drowiness noticed so I take this at night before bed. Thyoid medicine really does not have any side affects for me. Tolerated well. I take low dose of Prempro each day in the morning. No problems and tolerated well. At first had some breakthrough bleeding but that stopped after a couple of months. Positives outweighed. Mood improved, less vaginal dryness, skin cleared as well.
1933 zithromax 6 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects bronchitis infectiion Infection cleared up but the cough did not. The Bronchitis returned and is still present. The Z pack was used on 2 seperate occasions but after the cough mucus was back to a clear color, my physician said I was fine. It is 3 weeks later and I still have Bronchitis and although my coughing is better it certainly is not gone. The side effects were stomach cramps and diarrhea for 2 weeks. I also took yogurt but that did not seem to help much. The cramps came within 48 hours of the first dose. It was easy to take but as i cramped so much I am really wondering if I did not take the Z pack would I have been in the same place as I am now without the heavy antibiotics. "My physician said that I should rest, keep the house at 65 ' and drink warm drinks. I was very sick with not being able to sleep, coughing as if my chest bones would crack open and without sleep the days were very difficult.
I was not able to function during the day as I was sleep deprived and felt very bad for a week."
3657 kapidex 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects reflux stops persistent coughs in 30 days. non I tend to have persistent coughs after a cold, the coughs would last up to 8 months. I had been prescribed many cough medicine to treat the coughs, but nothing seen to work. This condition would occur winter after winter after a winter cold. Only two years ago my GI doctor diagnozed my condition as associated with reflux, and prescribed Kapidex for me to take at the onset of a cough. It works great because it stops my coughs after one month instead of up to 8 months.
2451 symbyax 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects bipolar disorder The benefits were great. I really liked Symbyax because it didn't give me side effects like the other medication I used to take did. I would wake up in the day feeling refreshed. As I was taking Seroquil for my Schitzophrenia, I would always wake up feeling exhausted and tired;still, even though I would take the medicine during the nights! I used to be stressed and aggravated all the time before Symbyax and Seroquil. Now that I'm on Symbyax, I'm emotionally numb and the voices in my head vanished. So I had a good nights sleep and didn't wake up as tired as Seroquil used to make me. :] I didn't really have many side effects besides the medicine making me want to go to sleep. But I'm not complaining, since it does help the voices and the shadows go away for a while. Besides that, my psychiatrist wanted me to take advantage of the other side effect, and that side effect is that Symbyax might make you gain a little weight. So I wouldn't suggest it to people who want to lose weight. I still didn't seen any change in the weight gain and it was about a month when I started taking the lowest dose of Symbyax. Now that that month is over, I just started taking a higher dosage and I have noticed an increase in my appetite. I recommend this drug for the depressed ones who are a little underweight and the Schitzophrenics. As I was being diagnosed for my Bipolar disorder, I would say the medication did more for me than my therapist. The drug, Symbyax, made me more calm than I have ever been. It took about a week for the medicine to kick in and when it did, it really did work its magic even though Seroquil was pretty good at knocking me out to sleep, it didn't help me with my anxiety and depression like Symbyax has.
2616 adderall-xr 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects lack of attention for studying/school Was able to study 6 hours in a row, pay attention in class rather than daydream, made me want to be perfect and learn everything. "Loss of appetite, dry mouth, insomnia, OCD habits.
Last week, due to taking a class that was crammed into 2 weeks rather than 15 weeks, I took 9 adderall within a span of 5 days (mon-fri). By Wednesday night, I had a lot of trouble breathing, I would take really deep quick breaths over and over. This continued Thurs & Fri. My heart beat was unstable by Thursday. Thursday and Friday I had diarrhea all day, and by Friday night there was blood in my diarrhea." 20mg XR once a day
492 meridia 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects obesity Dramatic loss of weight and inches first week. Settled into Meridia's Program provided over the Internet (comes with perscription). Promised myself to follow the rules. The toughest for me, was not to weigh myself everyday. Meridia wanted me to check only once a week and I'm glad I refrained. The thrill of seeing a huge difference each week has kept my knees from complaining. The strength of Meridia has never lessened. If I forget to take it, I feel like the bottom of my floor has opened up and I am in free fall. It really is strange... When I take it with my vitamins each morning, it gives me a definite feeling of support. I am loosing 2 lbs each week along with inches. I'm doing better than what they advertise but that is probably because I have a gym in my home. I walk 70 miles/mo. and do free weights. I also love my whey protein porrage in the morning with blueberries, shake for lunch and balanced meal for dinner. I do eat snacks. A Starbucks coffee (also made at home), with 1/2 an energy bar... or, an orange. Responsible eating. I also understand the dynamics of over eating, being menopausal with depleated hormones. Meridia has been a life saver for me. Thanks to my fabulous Doctor, who is also using it. In 2 mo. (3/4 of the program), 22 lbs weight loss. 3 months, 1 capsule of 10 mg. per day. After 3 mo., back in to see my Doctor for another check-up. Continuing on Meridia for another 3 months for achievement of goal. According to my Doctor, I can use it as a maintenance. I honestly have no side effects. I just wish it wasn't so expensive.
3675 effexor-xr 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects depression & anxiety I was having panic attacks and very high anxiety. Effexor XR helped to reduce the anxiety and eliminate the panic attacks. My depression is much, much better. I have to take it with food or I get sick stomach. Otherwise I have no side effects. You must take a SSRI daily. If you skip a few days you start to feel like you are getting a really bad cold, and disoriented. They are hard to wean off of. Do not stop taking! Talk to your doctor if you feel you want to reduce your dosage.
886 paxil 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression lessened the symptoms of my depression after taking the medication for about 2 to 3 weeks time, increased my appetite level, made my sleep more regular (I was either sleeping too much, or too little before taking the medication), increased my energy level delayed or difficulty climaxing during sex one 20mg pill each day for 12 months, in addition to psychotherapy
1601 xanax 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects severe depression< agrophobia & other phobias I was able to live, xanax gave me the ability to face life and dissolve my constant fear There were no side effects as such.. the only one was a build up of resistence to Xanax..14 years to my consumption of Xanax I have build a resistance to it and needed more tablets per day for Xanax to have an effect. on top of this I got so severely depressed that I was taking up to 8 tablets per day, which was twice the allowed daily dosage I was taking 4 tablets of Xanax per day, after 14 years I was taking up to 8 tablets per day.
304 protopic 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects eczema cleared up chronic eczema. Especially effective on elbows and legs. I did not experience side effects all though I was warned to avoid exposing treated area to sunlight. I was told to use this once in the morning and once before going to bed. I had to use it on clean skin, and to make sure ointment fully absorbed. I started to see improvements within days. I was warned that I might have recurrence of eczema after a few months, but I didn't.
1168 zofran 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects nausea (after surgery) Was prescribed in hospital to relieve nausea I was suffering, post foraminotomy. Anaphylactic reaction. Extreme shaking of extremities. Loss of consciousness. Treated by hospital ER staff. Prior known allergic reaction to Compazine, hospital pharmacy said they were unrelated class of drugs and should not have caused allergic reaction. Physician suggested I take no anti-nausea drugs from now on. IV Steroids.
3492 serzone 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects sleep distubance/mild depression After just three weeks, I felt immensely better and began to enjoy the things that previously I had enjoyed--liked gardening and playing tennis. I also slept soundly. It lifted my mood dramatically, but never made me manic. I also felt more like being with people and noticed that I was no longer so preoccupied with myself or awkwardly self-consciousness. In short, I wasn't depressed and anxious anymore! I gained about 5 lbs, which was not a problem for me since I'm slender to begin with. There was also some mild constipation, well not really constipation, but a decrease in the number of daily bowel movements. To offset that, I just drank more water. Not a big deal. I used this drug after trying Wellbutrin, which made me too restless and hyper. It was proscribed by a psychiatrist, who was very well versed in pharmacology, for a depression that came about during menopause. I took it regularly for three years; it completely stopped negative thinking and enabled me to sleep deeply for the first time in several years. I had regular liver check-ups, but never had any decrease in correct liver functioning. After three years, I felt I was ready to cut back on the medication, which I did very, very gradually over the next year and a half so that there was no withdrawal period at all. I've been fine without it now for two years.
3370 lipitor 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects high cholesterol I no longer suffered from heartburn and acid reflux. One pill per day allows me to enjoy eating again and have no adverse effects from any type of food. At least none that I am aware of. I have had no ill effects from the Lipitor or the Nexium. However, my liver function numbers have increased slightly since being on Lipitor but that was expected to some degree. I have been advise to lose about 20 pounds and we'll test again to see if they drop. I have blood drawn for cholesterol and liver function tests every 6 months, some times more frequent if my doctor doesn't like the numbers. Otherwise my cholesterol has been lowered considerably and I have no other side effects that I'm aware of.
217 wellbutrin-xl 7 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects depression elevation of mood and clarity of thought. Progress stalled out at 300 mg, but with increase to 450 mg can tell the difference. I'm able to finally think and plan ahead and chip away at all the clutter I've not been able to deal with which accumulated while depressed. none at 300 mg. Possible tinnitus from increase to 450 mg, not evaluated by an audiologist yet though. Did experience weight loss (7 lbs.) at 450 mg dosage. Initial treatment included therapy and Lexapro in addition to Wellbutrin XL. Now only on the Wellbutrin XL. I see the psychiatrist every 4 months for re-evaluation.
3313 zoloft 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects depression I have tried so many anti depressants and always go back to zoloft.. works the best and is least expensive.. $10 a month compared to cymbalta for $400 a month.. It really works for me well. a little dizzy at first but thats it.. only a few days If you miss it for a few days you will have some withdrawls.. light headedness and jittery Just makes you feel better... see pych once a month then see a therapist as often as needed.. its always best to combine the two
580 acyclovir 5 Moderately Effective No Side Effects herpes This drug did not completely eliminate outbreaks. While it may have diminished length and extent of outbreak, still had more than expected. Decided not to take any longer and had better results taking Olive Leaf extract daily none prescribed as a daily preventive for herpes outbreak.
3445 provera 3 Marginally Effective Severe Side Effects hormones resume ovulation and maintain hormonal balance Horrible mood swings, crying episodes, confusion. In order to correct Polycystic ovarian syndrom and to get pregnant I was given Progestin and clomid to resume ovulation. I would NEVER* take either of these synthetics again! I was a basketcase with mood swings, crying, depression etc.. and once I discontinued use I was able to return to a normal mental state. I used this for over 3 months while my poor family suffered, never recieving the results I hoped for. I achieved results only when I went natural and used a natural progetserone cream from AIM made with wild yam and instead of horrific side effects I had pleasant ones...my acne cleared, my insomnia got better and my overall mood was improved, 3 months later I was pregnant! I will always try herbal before synthetics from now on.
1867 augmentin 9 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects sinus infection All symptoms of sinus infection gone by third day. From taking Augmentin before in the past, I knew that the way to avoid the nausea was to take it with food PLUS a large glass of orange juice. I forgot the first time, and was nauseous. Once I started taking the pill with orange juice, I was no longer nauseous. But I had diarrhea from the second day onwards, plus a yeast infections that I treated with myconazole and probiotics. Twice a day for 5 days with large glasses of orange juice, which cuts the nausea.
571 atenolol 7 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects supraventricular tachycardia Lowered heart rate from 100bpm+ to 65-75bpm and held blood pressure at a near-perfect level. Episodes of extremely high heart rate (200bpm+) suddenly initiating and sustaining for several hours diminished in frequency from at least once every 1-2 weeks to three times over one year. Previously on Metoprolol tartrate and later Metoprolol succinate (both varying doses) and experienced severe dizziness/light-headedness, heavy-chested, and shortness of breath. Also experienced severe exercise intolerance. These symptoms remain when switched to Atenolol, but at much less severe levels. On Atenolol, also experience short-term memory loss, vertigo, constipation, indigestion. After diagnosed with tachycardia, prescribed metoprolol tartrate at varying doses over course of a few months (lowest dose possible was not high enough to keep heart rate low and next highest dose possible was too high, i.e, produced extreme shortness of breath/tight and heavy chest/dizziness. On the positive side, the medicine did slow heart rate and reduced episodes of extremely high heart rate. Next, prescribed metoprolol succinate with similar benefits and side effects. On both meds, side effects were too severe to function day to day. So I was put on Atenolol, and it has worked for me much better. Heart rate is held at a safe rate, and is more consistent than when on the metoprolol. Symptoms of dizziness, heavy chestedness, etc. are still present but highly diminished (I can at least perform normal daily functions now). Now I have additional symptoms of vertigo after elevator rides, indigestion, constipation, and short term memory loss (but nothing that I can't function with). Recently, doctors suggested a catheter ablation, as they discovered a source of my problems to be the presence of extra electrical pathways in my heart.
2056 prempro 4 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects menopause Got rid of hot flashes but made other things much worse. Depression, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, and fatigue. Daily pill. However, estrogen derived from mares is not bio-identical to humans and causes breast cancer. Also, progestin is only a synthetic version of progesterone, and we need progesterone for many, many things.
1068 botox 1 Moderately Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects cosmetic/frown lines Did have elimination of frown lines and crows feet but no one cares about having wrinkles or not when you are paralyzed. Sadly wrinkles returned in 6 months but large nerves in my legs and and body continue to suffer daily with weakness several years later. Risks too great for some temporary cosmetic procedure "Botulism. Permanent disability. Neuropathy, autonomic nerve injury. chronic myalgias. Chronic nerve pain
Chronic long term muscle weakness. Difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, blurry vision. Disabling muscle weakness. permanent paresthesias." Injected by qualified personnel. National Botox trainer. Used 50 units total with a dilution of 1cc per 100 unit vial. injected with several sites at frown lines and crows feet.
347 neurontin 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects pain relief After suffering a spinal cord injury in 1987 resulting in quadriplegia (C5/C6 complete), I experienced disassociated pain that was concentrated in my right thumb. The problem got increasingly worse over the following years. I ended up having to take a lot of ibuprofen and Vicodin, just to relieve the pain announce to allow me to get some work done. However, the resulting side effects caused me to sleep a lot. It also lead to depression. I was finally given a prescription for gabapentin to try out. It started working almost immediately. After about two weeks I was rarely having the pain in my thumb anymore. It doesn't cause me to get sleepy or feel drugged (like the Vicodin) so I have been able to work and concentrate on things once again. It also seems to have helped with my depression, although that may have more to do with not having to deal with the pain, or the side effects of the pain relievers I was taking before. I have noticed very little side effects at all. I was told it may affect the effectiveness of other pain relievers, but so far I have not noticed that -- when I needed to take a Vicodin when my thumb did still hurt on occasion. I have on rare occasions noticed some dizziness, although I am not sure I can attribute that to the drug (I have low blood pressure because of my spinal cord injury that can sometimes cause that to happen as well). I take the medication three times a day as prescribed, drinking at least a cup of water with each dose. I was originally taking a smaller dose of the gabapentin, but after about six months my thumb pain started to become more frequent again. However, my doctor prescribe me a higher dose and that helped. I do still have problems with the pain from time to time, but not at all like I used to. All in all the drug has made a huge difference in my life thus far.
2552 dexedrine 1 Ineffective Moderate Side Effects add "Dexedrine as well as effexor, I found for my add works well the first few times, then the efficacy wears
off because of tolerance.
So now I take supplements, and find they work just as well but take 2 months to feel effects." "when my doctor increase dexedrine to 30 mg, I got speed but not the focus and I became OCD-seriously.
It kept me up all night.
Effexor which i took for 10 years numbs you out. I was on 75 mg for add and depression. I did cure depression but not really the add." "already described above. I do not believe in pharmacuticals for neurological disorders.
Supplements can provide benefits, but the process is long and expensive. There is not standard cure
for any central nervous condition. It takes time and reading and research, and taking a pill is only a short term solution. I had allergies and my homeopathic doctor cleared my pathways that were not getting nutrients to my brain. I am now dieting and staying away from gluten and lactose and processed food.
I'm doing detoxing and find with all the natural changes I have increased energy and do not have to depend on drugs.
Who know what the side effects are? I could have aged my liver."
3417 aricept 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects 2 "I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Aricept) - pill24.org I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.
P.S. 5% discount coupon code: 9sh73h" "I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Aricept) - pill24.org I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.
P.S. 5% discount coupon code: 9sh73h" "I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Aricept) - pill24.org I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.
P.S. 5% discount coupon code: 9sh73h"
2466 aciphex 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects stomach nervousness This medicine was very effective. It calms my stomach and I do not feel constant contraction and nervousness in my stomach. No side effects for me. Doctor performed a colonscopy to role out cancer then he prescribed this medicne. I have been taking it for the last three years, one a day. Once I ran out and did not take it for a few days and all of my previous symptems came back.
682 accutane 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects acne The accutane dried my skin and it was not oily like before I took the drug. It helped in newly developing acne and cleared up the acne I already had. While it helped my face, it consequently dried out the skin on my whole body as well. This was the third time I had treatment with accutane. I still have some under-the-skin bumps but they are not as severe as they originally were. This was an oral treatment and the regimine was twice daily. I had to constantly use a moisturizer and my lips became the most dried and cracked than they had ever been before.
547 propranolol 10 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects tremor reduction in visible tremor, caused by stress and kinetic movement. 100% reduction in headaches during period. initial few days, tiredness was evident four 10mg tablets taken daily throughout period. The medication is a beta blocker and has various medical uses. Including the treatment of high blood pressure, tremor and reduction of migraine. You are advised not to take alcohol whilst taking this medicine.
1612 avage 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects hormonal acne/sun damage Skin is clear smooth and brite. Best it has looked in years initial breakouts worsen, peeling, dryness, redness, burning for the first few weeks and then got better. The first few weeks were horrible with bad break outs, dryness, burning, redness, Peeling, It was a nightmare. Almost gave up on it but my dr would not let me. I then started using a moisteriser right after washing my face and then waited 1/2 hour to 1 hour before the Taz. Symptoms eased up and now my skin is beautiful. This stuff Rocks. Don't give up and keep it off of your lips!
3173 prednisone 4 Marginally Effective Mild Side Effects itching body rash Allowed client to sleep without itching. restlessness during the day. Nightmares. Client developed rash with many itchy bumps, could not get sleep or keep hands off bumps. Prednisone temporarily provided the client with mild relief, also calamine lotion was applied topically and seemed to provide some relief. Rash is subsiding mildly after one week of the Prednisone and calamine lotion. I would say if this symptom comes back that the client would use it again based on this experience.
2281 lexapro 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects depression ability to function/interact better especially in public. nausea dizzyness started on 5mg then 10mg then 20mg then was brought down again to 10mg over the two year period. combined with monthly psychiatric follow ups.
3161 prednisone 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects crohns reduced bowel inflammation over a long period of time. when flare ups were severe, patient had to increase dose to 40mg daily and the dosage was tappered back to original dosage of 10mg. there was a loss in bone density. however, after introducing actonel the patient's bone density did improve. also, the patient did report problems with concentration and did report mood swings. the treatment was used because the condition was not improving with the use of other medications. therefore, after introducing prednisone the patient's condition improved significantly. when the patient stopped taking the medications it resulted in the resurgence of a flare up.
1177 prozac 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects depression Depression was lifted. Anxiety lessened. General feeling of well-being for the first time in my entire life. decreased sexual function, horrific time trying to stop using it. I was told by many doctors there were no withdrawal symptoms so I thought I was crazy, but I was not. THe withdrawal was very hard and it took me several attempts before I could get off it. "I began taking 10 mg. in the morning and 10 mg. at night. THis was the best dose, but as I began to feel the need to get off the drug I eliminated the 10 mg at night. I felt a slight drop in well-being, but adjusted to it.
THe withdrawal rom only 10 mg took several months and required the substitution of wellbutrin on order to get through it.
I now take 150mg of wellbutrin which has a mood stabilizing effect, but not the feeling of ""well-being"" I had from prozac."
87 pristiq 7 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects depression The drug helped to lift me out of the worst part of the depression, but it's not a complete cure. "Nausea that varied from day to day. Some days were almost unnoticeable while others were almost intolerable. Didn't get any better the longer I took the meds.
Constipation and Diaohhrea. Swings between the two which is really annoying." No medication is a complete cure for depression. I had tried at least half a dozen other medications before we settled on this one.
1773 citalopram 2 Ineffective Moderate Side Effects depression none particularly, i guess my appetite was reduced but after a while thats not a good thing. i only took them for 2 weeks so i didn't give then enough time to kick in and work probably because the side effects were too much to take apathy, tiredness, sleeplessness, felt worse; emotionally numbing. I couldn't stay awake in the day and just wanted to lie down and had zero motivation to do anything. I also had bad headaches, different to my normal migraines. after 2 weeks stopped taking the drug - i felt ill for days afterwards then decided to improve my diet, exercise and attitude and now feel a lot better
870 paxil 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects depression none- did not relieve symptoms severe drowsiness, irritability, hypermania discontinued use because did not relieve symptioms and the side effects were too severe
3738 lamictal 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects bipolar ii "I have my life back. That is the main treatment benefit.
I suffered from impulsive behaviors, probably the most harmful/dangerous of them being binge-eating and bulimia. Since taking Lamictal at 300mg for 4 months now my eating habits have become completely normal. I have not purged in 3 months. This is amazing. I would binge eat and purge because of anxiety. Now I feel like a normal person--not obsessed with food, I eat when I am hungry, stop when satiated. I have lost a LOT of weight (20 pounds in 3 months without dieting/counting calories, etc.)...nothing was wrong with my metabolism, it was the impulsive eating, stealing food from others, throwing it up (which gave me a high--not just to get rid of the calories, but it calmed me...). I love the Lamictal for this because it's not like some meds that make you lose weight by destroying the appetite. I am just a normal person now!
I also quit the Lexapro as it was triggering hypomanic episodes. The Lamictal is stabilizing my moods--it doesn't numb the depression like the SSRIs I have been on. I feel things. I am clear-headed. But I am able to step back and not be hurt by every look I get from people, I am not paranoid anymore, I can wake up in the morning with energy and I fall asleep within 3 minutes of hitting the pillow. I get sleepy at 10pm. I am not hyper and can sit still for more than 2 minutes. :-)
All good for me. This is the right medication for me..." Loss of weight, but this was just a result of my mood stabilization as I had developed serious eating disorders. "I started slowly and built up as recommended. I have been very faithful and have not missed 1 dose in the 4 months on this medication. I am now at 150mg 2x per day. I think I will stop at this dosage as it is done its job on me...I don't need a higher dosage. When I was at 200mg I was mostly ""fixed"", but still had rage issues and was still impulsive. That is gone now."
185 adderall 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects attention deficit disorder i was able to focus and organize my thoughts in a clear and concise manner. i completed tasks more efficiently and had more patience with my children. dry mouth, thirsty, dehydration, racing heart at times, inability to fall asleep at times i was on adderall off and on for approximately 3 months. i was diagnosed with adult add and put on adderall to control it. it worked quite effectively but u decided to discontinue using it and seek alternative non medicinal treatments
189 adderall 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects adult add "Adderall greatly improved my focus and concentration. Before my diagnosis of adult ADD, I had a very difficult time focusing and staying on task. I also experienced ""hyper-focusing"", which prevented me from getting things done at work in a timely manner. It has also helped improved my memory." I didn't notice any side effects from Adderall. However, it is metabolized very quickly and only stays effective for about 3 to 4 hours. Forgetting to take the second dose around 1:00pm makes for a confusing afternoon, until I remember to take it. My prescriber and I went through about 3 different medications before Adderall, and those did have unpleasant side effects such as sweaty palms (all the time), dizziness, and heart palpitations. Once I found that Adderall didn't cause side effects for me, we gradually increased the dosage from 5 mg to 10mg and then back down to 7.5 mg which works best for me.
4003 celexa 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects panic disorder "I had debilitating panic attacks and agoraphobia and Celexa completely saved me, allowed me to go live my life again. I even took a low dose and it still worked amazingly well, though it did take nearly a month to ""kick in.""" In the beginning I had nightmares and some nausea, but that all passed within a few weeks. When I stopped taking the medication, I did suffer some side effects. I took 20/mg a day each day for some number of years.
378 lamotrigine 1 Marginally Effective Severe Side Effects bipolar disorder I felt better for the first few days, mood-wise. But then I got depressed again. So I guess that's not a benefit. "I've always been one to freak out at the slightest appearance of illness - I have anxiety as well as bipolar disorder. When I was told that lamotrigine (the first drug I've been on for bipolar) caused a potentially fatal rash, I decided that this time, I was going to try not to worry. One out of ten people experience a rash on the drug - and I tried to be rational - that means I'm likely to be one of the nine that doesn't.
Oh, was I ever wrong.
Firstly, the lamotrigine didn't help with moods. I wanted to die for two days more badly than I ever had in my life on this drug. It was excruciating. Luckily, I have a lot of support, and I (obviously) didn't kill myself.
I couldn't sleep. I lay awake most nights until 7am. I eventually passed out and got maybe 4-6 hours of sleep. This is barely better than the sleep I get when I'm hypomanic. And we all know how bad it is when bipolar people don't sleep. Luckily, the meds did seem to keep me from going upwards mood-wise. I also had to pee ALL THE TIME, which was not fun.
That brings me to the rash.
I first noticed a few raised bumps on my inner forearms. I thought it would go away, that I shouldn't freak out - I wasn't going to get the rash, right? And the next morning, I was covered in a slightly raised, red rash, even on my face and hands. I went to the clinic, and the doctor said I was having an allergic reaction. He told me to just go home and stop taking the lamotrigine. He knew nothing about it or the fact that it causes rashes. It got worse, and by night-time I was freaked out. I called a nurse and she told me to go to the emergency room. I did, and they had me stay the night to make sure I didn't have Steven Johnson Syndrome. Luckily, I don't. I just have something called ""drug eruption.""
Even if it's not going to kill me, it's never fun being covered in red blotches. I still am and it's been three days. I'm afraid to go to the Starbucks around the corner. My verdict? Lamictal isn't worth it. Don't risk it." I was put on 12.5mg, then 25mg, and we were going to keep raising the dose slowly to minimize risk.
2988 strattera 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects adhd Strattera helped my son slow down without making him groggy or taking away from his personality. My son became a little whiney in the evening when the medication started to wear off. I have always known that my son had ADHD, evan as a baby. I started looking into medication last year. My son was in 1st grade and had already been suspended from school 3 times. He also was in the principals office at least 3 times a week. He was not able to sit still or focus and was having trouble making friends because of his temper. My husband was against medication, but I talked him into a non-stimulant. We tried Intuniv first, but, that dropped his blood pressure to a dangerous level. Then we found Strattera, our miracle drug. Within a week we noticed a HUGE difference. My sons outburst of rage had completely stopped. This year he hasnt been to the principals office once and his grades are mostly A's with a few B's. He has also become very popular this year and is invited to almost every Birthday party. I cant tell you how hard it is to see every child in the class invited to birthday parties except your son. The best part is he is still himself. The medication doesnt make him groggy or zombie like. I dont know what we would have done without this drug. The only side effect we noticed was that he would get a little more whiney than usual in the evening, when the medication was wearing off. Other than that, we havent noticed any other side effects. Thank you Strattera
3886 abilify 6 Considerably Effective No Side Effects depression I've only been on it for a week but I've noticed a change already. I am more awake and it seems as though a fog has been lifted. I am thinking more clearly and don't feel so down. None so far. My doctor added Abilify to my 60 mg of Cymbalta because I was feeling really fatigued and unable to function.
2452 ecotrin 3 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects cad "I am in reasonable good health. I am non-diabetic, Serum Glucose level is normal [Fasting=100, PP=104]. I am a non-smoker since 7th March, 1975 [prior to that I smoked 60 cigarettes a day for17 years].My Blood lipids are within normal limits [Total Cholesterol=108, HDL=36, LDL=62,VLDL=10.HDL is a bit low [36] but TC:HDL ratio=3.00 and appears to be within favourable range of low risk of ""up to 4.5"". Kidney function is also within normal range. Liver Function is also normal except SGPT=46. Haemogram is normal. Hb%=15.1. Serum Prostate Specific Antigen=0.75, well within nornal range." I developed severe epigastric pain, relieved by liquid antacids in June 2006. I had to bear with it till Gastroscopy confirmed Duodenal Ulcer and I had to discontinue Aspirin since December 2006. My HDL is 36. SGPT is slightly raised since 2004. I developed severe Hypothyroidism in July 2007 and have to take Thyroxine Sodium since confirmation of the diagnosis. Echocardiography reports Atherosclerotic AV and AO root. USG reports Fatty infiltration of Pancreas and Partially Contracted GB but I have no complain. I am having occasional pain in joints and they are being cured without any additional drug In April 2005, I felt some mild discomfort in my chest or precordium, which was did not simulate any cardiac pain, ECG was within normal limit, even then I was admitted in a Hospital. Trop-T test indicated Myocardial Infarction. Angiography revealed 90% block in Left Posterior Circumflex Artery, PTCA was done followd by non-drug-elluting stent.
3233 nuvaring 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects birth control birth control made easy only once a month i was nauseaus the fist cuple of months but then the symptoms disapered and it also helped control my period irregularity. WEAR THE RING 3 WEEKS IN A ROW AND REMOVE THE WEEK OF YOUR PERIOD AND INSERT A NEW RING THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER YOUR PERIOD.
3568 differin 5 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects mild acne The acne has decreased and I have not had major skin irritation or sunburn like I know other acne treatments can cause. Mild dry skin that improves with the use of cream. I was prescribed the medication for moderate acne. I have been using it every night, a pea-sized amount all over my face except eyes, 30 minutes after washing and drying my face with a mild soap. I wait unitl it dries before going to bed, so it won't smear off. I use a moisturizing cream the next day with SPF of at least 15.
3122 reglan 4 Marginally Effective No Side Effects lactation I did not notice much of an increase in milk production, but is difficult to say. I was nursing and pumping milk at the time, and wanted to increase supply. I did not notice side effects, but was quite concerned about possibility of tarditive dyskenesia. I took for approximately one month, while pumping and nursing.
1289 zocor 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects elevated cholesterol reduced total cholesterol by 42 / HDL increased by 5 some nausea at first; diarrhea (abated after 1st month) Continue on current dose; recheck labs in 6 months. Follow low fat (esp hydrogenated fats) diet
3505 atacand 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects high blood pressure lowered blood pressure I did experience some bowel changes although the doctor did not seem to think that this would be the result of the drug. I do, however. I experienced constipation. One 16 mg tablet to be taken daily. I had been given other blood pressure medication previously which I did not respond as well to so It took a few tries to get it right. I would like to be able to stop taking the medication and am trying to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle but all the literature seems to suggest that I may always need to take the medication.
2664 prinivil 9 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects high blood pressure & left ventricular hypertrophy Lowered blood pressure, regression of LVH. Annoying cough night or day ocassionally @ 10mg. Cough almost non-existent @ 20mg. No other noticeable side effects. "Daily dosage of Lisinpril with HCTZ (water pill) 20mg. Reduce / limit intake of all forms of dietary sodium to 1000 - 1500mg. per day to reduce pitting edema. Brisk walking exercise 3-5 times a week for 45 minutes per session.
Baby asprin daily and Vytorin to effect cholesterol levels."
1721 retin-a-micro 3 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects mild acne slight improvement in reduction of my mild acne. To be honest, the improvement was not even noticeable after two months.. Severe pain in pores. Also, my dermatologist did not tell me that I could not wax my eyebrows while using this-- It will literally rip the top layer of skin off!! Applied daily (at night) to affected areas with acne
2144 sustiva 1 Considerably Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects hiv Lowered viral load and increased t cell count. Also a benefit was the once a day dosing. Hallucinations and disturbing dreams. These effects were supposed to be temporary and only last a couple of weeks. I was still experiencing them after a month. The whole experience was extremely disturbing. Taken as directed (once a day at night) resulted in nightmarish dreams and waking hallucinations.
3896 dispermox 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects bronchitis I had severe coughing fits for more than two weeks. Several varieties of over the counter medications did not seem to help, neither did home remedies. Finally I consulted my physician and she proscribed Amoxicillin. I took it for 10 days, 500 mg tablets three times daily with food. At the end of the treatment period my coughing had subsided and then disappeared completely. The only noticeable side effect was unpleasant aftertaste. I took it for 10 days, 500 mg tablets three times daily with food.
497 meridia 9 Highly Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects obesity It really helps to stop overeating and to become thinner. Also you're not drink alcohol at all and its become your habit ) Cause M. is not compatible with drinking. You have a lot of energy, do not thinking what to eat, where to eat and etc.. No any narcotic pleasure or panic, I had no any psyho effects at all. Only sleeping less may be. If you have a bottle of water, no any side effects. The main effect - you start to love yourself when you look at the mirror, cause you see results. BUT I think it's not killing appetit at all. You only have (If its possible to say so) more willing force to refuse of extra eating. But the motivation and decision are still your choice. Frankly speaking If you don't want to slim and still force yourself to eat as best habit, M. will not work. More you eat then more you want to eat. )) 1 caps (15 or 20 mg., don't remember now) per day, at morning. No any dependance, you can take it or not. But you'll see how much more is your lack of willingness and dream to be thin without it))
2500 naprosyn 6 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects back I felt more flexible and i could sleep better. Also, I could return to work much faster than expected. there were no side effects that i could tell. i returned to work after 3 days in pain. i followed the directions and everything worked well. I was not dizzy or lightheaded or any other problems that I noticed consciosly.
326 ativan 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects insomnia Drug was effective in helping the me the sleep I needed. Did its job flawlessly. Aside from the usual drowsiness, I had a hangover feeling in the morning and as a result took the pill 2 hours before bed which resolved it. The warning label states sex drive may lessen, but with me it increased, quite dramtically actually. Usually one would consider increased sex drive a being good, but with me it was becomming disruptive to my life and the reason why I stopped taking it. I still give it high praise as it relieved my anxiety very effectively. Do not want to disclose
3031 seroquel 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects bipolar disorder I was plagued with sleeplessness, and the seroquel worked wonders for that. I've noticed a decrease in the speed of my thoughts and can concentrate much better than before. I find it gives me pretty severe tremors in my hands. It doesn't happen as often as it used to, but when it does it's almost a minute before it stops. Also I get extemely vivid dreams, usually about mundane things. Some light headedness and dizziness still occurs, but the instances are few and far between now. Was hospitalized for two weeks after a suicide attempt. Was treated in hospital and released after properly medicated and was of sound mind.
4018 celexa 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects depression It made me happier. I did not feel down and hopeless while on the drug. The drug made me drowsy. I would sleep for nine or ten hours at night and still need a nap during the day. It also decreased my motivation to get things done. I was diagnosed as having mild depression when I was 17. I was prescribed a mild dose (10mg) of celexa by my doctor. At the time, (being a teenager) I was frequently tired anyway. I think this is why I did not notice the side effect at first. But years later, I decided to try going off it, and discovered an increase in energy and motivation. After that, I tried a few other drugs like lexipro (which gave me the same side effects), and Wellbutrin (which made me feel manic, highly anxious and stressed). I had tried the Wellbutrin because I was told it would not make me sleepy. Unfortunately, in increased my anxiety to the extreme. Recently, I have gone to a therapist and with some therapy, I am no longer on any drugs. This is what I should have done in the first place.
42 zyprexa 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects schizo-affect/bi-polar no longer caught up in constant delusions,able to attend partial hospital program 5 days a week. i maintain my own apartment and live with independence.i socialize with friends and i am no longer in and out of hospital.i look forward to joining the y.m.c.a. and start exercising and also am considering a part time job. weight gain around mid-section,loss of libido. zyprexa has enabled me to enjoy life again and keep me out of hospital.unlike the older anti-psychotics i'm not apathetic about every thing,but enjoy doing things.
2695 efudex 4 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects actinic keratoses hopefully it got rid of many actinic keratoses permanently, but hard to say. I think it made my skin look better, though. extremely red, irritated, sore skin, extreme sun sentitivity. One are even blistered, eventually so badly that my dr. said stop using it. "applied to face and chest sparingly daily after washing.
My face and chest both became very red, and my face especially got so bad it looked like hamburger meat. My chest had many small red spots. One area under my eye blistered and then became infected. I did not even want to see sunlight, I became so sun sensitive. After I stopped using the medication it took at least a week to feel anything like normal. a horrible experience. but I do think it made my skin look better."
3467 ambien-cr 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects sleeping I was able to stay successfully fall asleep and stay asleep the entire night. I typically take 1-2 hours to fall asleep. This starts to work in 30 minutes and allows me to get a full nights sleep without continuously waking up throughout the night. The side effects include forgetfullness and one should not drive after taking the medication. Take at night as a sleeping aid to fall asleep and stay asleep.
2894 taxotere 8 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects cancer Longer life expectancy but wish I had know that my ovaries could be turned off before I started the drug then switched on again afterwards. As it is I went into a early menopuse with very, very, severe side effects.Please get your Doctor to talk about ALL the possible side effects of menopause, including sexual. netropenia, stort of breath , muscle weakness, nausea, hair loss, menopuse, unable to find any peace of mind. Would reccomend eating bucket fulls of fruit. 1 injection every 3 weeks. Then a reduction in the dose by 25 percente after the 4 th week due to netropenia.
3359 lipitor 1 Marginally Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects high cholesterol The benefits were to reduce my cholesterol "I took 20mg once a day for two months, But did not feel right,was experiencing
Confusion, Stumbeling, Forgetting words, Not being able to pronounce some words, joint pain, urinary urgency... and the need to alway go,started having tingleing anywhere on your body (hands feet, fingers, toes, face, arms, legs and so on), swelling of your feet or hands stealed energy felt like a ninety year old women esepecially in the morning." "One tablet a day 20 mg then reduced to 10 after 3 months. No other health issues.
I Stopped taking the drug."
2253 zovirax 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects cold sores Doctor prescribed Acyclovir for cold sores and said it would reduce duration of cold sores. In fact, it has completely eliminated flare ups for over 5 years. Before I started taking it, I would get a cold sore once or twice a year. It is very important to have a dose available at all times, because it is crucial to start taking it at the first sign of tingling. The effectiveness of this drug has far exceeded my expectations. None. "At the first sign of a cold sore flare up, such as tingling, puffiness, or pain at the location were the cold sore normally flares up, you begin the treatment. My doctor prescribed 400mg 3 times a day for 5 days.
It is very important to begin treatment immediately. Hours can make a difference, once the blister has formed, its probably too late and you will have to go through the scabbing and healing process. However, I have found that if treatment is started immediately at first sign of tingling, the blister is prevented altogether. At least, that is my personal experience."
463 flagyl 6 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects stomach bacteria The drug was used for removal of harmful stomach bacteria; it was a strong course of drugs but effective. I had a blackened tongue, the drug seemed to affect kidney / liver function, creating grey skin appearance and lethargy over course of medication. Did not mix with alcohol. The drug taken for ten days in conjunction with antibiotic course, to treat multiple stomach ailments. The pills were large, but taken singly, so the treatment was easy to follow.
2193 clonazepam 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety/ panic attacks I get very bad panic attacks and completely break down no matter where I am. I decided that I couldn't let it control my life anymore, so I talked to my doctor and he prescribed me clonazepam. This drug is very dependable and works fast. Whenever I feel anxiety coming on I will take 1 or 2 pills and I'm fine. It makes me sleepy, but it's definitely worth it. I'd rather feel tired than have a panic attack As needed
694 accutane 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects acne Completely eliminated my acne while I was on the drug, however acne did return once I stopped, though not as bad. "Dry skin, which was easily taken care of with a moisturizer.
Dry lips.
I didn't experience any of the other side effects often mentioned such as depression." "I would take 2x20mg pills daily. I needed to moisturize my face once a day also.
When i began I weaned myself onto the drug -- take 20mg for the first week before stepping upto the 40mg dose."
1145 ponstel 7 Considerably Effective No Side Effects migraine Although it did not completely rid me of my migraine it helped to dull the pain. I was actually able to go to work with a migraine instead to taking a day off to just lie still. no side effects. At the first symptoms of a migraine I wojld pop a copule of tablets. For severe migraines I would repeat the dosage about 8 hours later. However, over time I found the medication to be less effective and ultimately stopped taking it. It seems as though my body became immune to it's effectiveness.
1566 lortab 4 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects pain from recovering from abdominal surgery treated pain due to an open wound from abdominal surgery severe nausea, dizziness, lightheaded...I couldn't eat or drink many foods taking pain medication while recovering from surgery...had an open wound with wound vac. The pain was so severe, especially when it came time to change the dressings and clean out the wound in which case I would double up on the medication. It helped with the pain, but also doubled the side effects I was feeling.
1135 methadone 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects opiate dependency Achieved and maintained long term sobriety. No longer was exposed to the dangers of active asddiction. Began leading a healthy and productive lifestyle. Overall health improved. Mental health improved and stabilized. While taking methadone I gained a significant amount of weight and metabolism slowed markedly. Suffered from chronic constipation wich also led to bloating and stomach discomfort. Daily dosage starting at 30mg and slowly increasing to maitenance dose. Attended several educational groups in addition to regular group counseling, one on one counsiling, regular U/A's and regular bloodwork along with yearly physicalls.
2209 advair-diskus 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects asthma Advair keeps my asthma completely in control if I am faithful to take the required dosage each day. I have taken fluticasone before, but it seems to be the addition of salmeterol that is the key for keeping my asthma under control. I have not experienced any treatment side effects. I do have to rinse my mouth out after each dose to prevent oral yeast infection. Each diskus has 60 chambers each containing a dose of medicine. Dial to the next chamber, open it, put your mouth over the chamber hole and inhale. I hold it in my lungs as long as I can then breathe out and rinse out my mouth. The dosage counter lets you know how many doses remain.
4088 mobic 1 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects severe back pain None yet None...YET After reading these reviews, I'm afraid of even starting this drug even with doctor's Rx. of t.5 mg daily. Occasionally very effective but below average I think. Why run tge risk of some of the horrible side effects, e.g. stomach surgery. No thanks. I'll take my prednisone!!
2631 depo-provera 4 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects preventing pregnancy In one year, I only had two periods. My periods before Depo were 2-3 days and very light, on Depo they were longer and heavier. It is so convenient not having to remember to take a pill everyday at the same day. It was also 100% effective with preventing pregnancy for me. The first side effect I noticed was my complete lack of sex drive. After this came the ridiculous mood swings that caused fights with my boyfriend over nothing. I would just cry for no reason at all and I felt like I was going insane. Breast tenderness was also becoming an annoyance because it would last for months. While these side effects were severe to me, the worst is the huge concave I now have in my thigh. While I had a total of four injections, only one caused a huge dimple. It's really embarassing and extremely noticable and I'm not sure why it happened. The doctor said it has happened to a few other patients including discoloration of the injection site. This is when I got off Depo and switched to Seasonique... Hopefully, this will work out better. If you don't like receiving shots, this is definitely not the right method. It is a pretty large injection. However, you only have to endure it four times a month and it's not painful.
3108 ortho-tri-cyclen 4 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects birth control/control of menstrual cycle The Ortho Tri-Cyclen provided effective birth control, and it also did cause my mentstrual cylcle to be more regular. My periods were less heavy, and I did not have such severe menstrual cramping each month while I was taking the pills. There are no other benefits to taking the pill that I am aware of. I experienced migraine headaches several times per week where I could not do anything other than lay down with the lights off while on this medication. At first, I had no idea what was causing them, but my doctor informed me that my symptoms could be indicative of a more severe side effect, and she therefore advised me to stop taking them. They also caused some bloating and moodiness. The Ortho Tri-Cyclen birth control pills are a low dosage progesterone treatment that is intended to prevent pregnancy. I was required to take one pill every day. My understanding is that I experienced a relatively rare side effect with the migraines. I have not heard any similar complaints from friends who were taking the same pill, other than complaints about weight gain, bloating and mild acne.
2175 zyrtec 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects allergies almost 100% elimination of allergy symptoms mild-moderate fatigue on awakening, brain fog till after lunch (at 10 mg dose) Started on Zyrtec after Claritin was ineffective and Allegra caused arrhythmias. Combined with nasal steroid spray for very effective relief of allergies. Cut dose to 5 mg daily to reduce brain fog/fatigue issue - this works most of the time, ezcept on high mold spore or pollen days.
1783 citalopram 7 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects depression, anxiety Decreased crying and depression. Decreased anxiety. Got rid of insomnia. 20mg - Mild nausea, stomach aches. Dry mouth. It made me very, very tired, so I take it before bed and sleep wonderfully. With 40mg dosage - increased sweating, faintness, nearly passing out. I started with the 20mg dosage and it seemed to be working pretty well until about a month in when I had a bad anxiety attack. After seeing the doctor, she upped me to 40mg. After one dosage of 40mg, I nearly passed out twice and started profusely sweating. My hearing also went all funny. The doctor advised me to drop back down to 20mg and then try to go back up to the 40mg. Emotionally, I felt better after the 40mg, even after nearly fainting, but the side effects were very bad.
641 seasonique 5 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects birth control I thought the benefits would be one period every 3 months, pregnancy prevention, regulated periods. I also read that they would be lighter and shorter and help with acne. WRONG! Well I was quite leary about starting Seasonique, I was already taking Yaz and I loved it, but 4 periods a year why pass that up. From the moment I started taking it, it wasn't a decreased sex drive, I had none at all, which made the birth control completely useless to me. In addition to that, the acne just kept getting worse, I didn't have acne to begin with besides the occasional blemish here and there. It started getting worse on my face, then my chest, then my back, (it's not just one here or one there, my back, chest, and chin are seriously covered) I've even had one on my ribs! Crazy! My boobs no longer fit into my bras, even some shirts. It was like they doubled in size overnight (not a huge problem, just annoying with no explanation). I went out and bought a bra, a week later it didn't even cover my boobs. Lastly, I've been fretting the last 2 weeks because I still haven't gotten my period! I never had a problem with my periods showing up in the past, they've always been lighter and not very long, pretty ideal actually. The Dr. said I would bleed between... still not bleeding! I've taken 3 pregnancy tests, wasted 10 bucks on each! Oh yeah, I've been crying for no reason at all the last month. I started crying over some lady I didn't even know at work. I do not recommend taking Seasonique. I know it must be expensive although I don't know how much because my Dr. gave me sample packs and I'm not going to bother refilling it. Also they give you a coupon for $50 off and $25 off the next refill, if they are giving that much off it must be a lot. It wasn't terrible, just nothing was expected (and I still have no clue as to why I haven't gotten a period yet). I've tried several other birth control pills and never had any side effects with any of them. This is the first time I tried one where I only get a period every three months so maybe those are way different or something. If you are looking for a good pill, Yaz worked great for me and I never had any breakthrough bleeding, mood swings, loss of sex drive, acne or anything. Hope this helps. 1 pill every day for 12 weeks, then 1 week of period pills
3959 prilosec 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects gerd "Initially diagnosed with GERD 13 years ago, I was miserable with C/O heartburn and an uncomfortable epigastric ""feeling"" After EGD I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and gerd. Started on Prilosec and cut back on caffeine and quite smoking. I have not experienced any symptoms since that time." None Prilosec 40mg at HS
3156 prednisone 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects severe asthma Before treatment I could not breathe sufficiently to move about. After taking the medication for approximately three days the symptons began to subside and I was albe to function again. All told it took approximately one week before I could return to normal activities. Increased appetite, blurred vision and mental confusion. I would eat a 1/2 gallon of ice cream each night while on this medicine. I was prescribed four tablets per day for the first week, then I needed to wean down to three tablets for three days, two tablets for three days and then one tablet for three days.
569 atenolol 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects tachycardia Bringing heart rate down from dangerous and very painful levels to comfortable levels. This was generally achieved within half an hour and lasted for many hours (i.e. until the spisode had passed - so no repeat dose usually required). Some dizziness and spaced out feelings. One tablet every few weeks (on average), when necessary for tachycardia caused by exercise, hot weather, coffee, allergic reactions, sitting for long periods in one posture - particularly on a long place flight; etc.
3781 bentyl 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects diaheria assc. w/ chemo controlled loose stool and fluid loss due to chemo; nausea control; control of mouth thrush, sores. The Bentil in particular worked much better than immodium for diarhea control and fluid retention. It also stopped colon muscle spasm. dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite benil taken 2x a day to control diarhea; flucanzole 1x a day for thrush; rest of medications for nausea
3228 nuvaring 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects birth control Birth control None I kept forgetting to take my daily birth control pill, so my doctor prescribed the Nuvaring. I put it in once, take it out in 3 to 4 weeks, and put a new one in a week later (after menstruation). I don't forget anymore and have no worries about an unwanted pregnancy.
3584 differin 5 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects acne I can't really say that the benefits were incredibly impressive. The topical treatment was used along side of an antibiotic for a series of weeks.(4-6) The acne condition improved, but never completely. Eventually, after a couple more scattered, severe breakouts in the following years; the acne went away. The side effects were dry, tender, itchy skin. Lotion and Sunblock were very necessary. One dime size topical application once every night before bed. This was alternated every other night with a topical retinol cream and combined with an antibiotic pill that was taken daily with a meal.
2265 lexapro 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects mild depression The benefits were amazing. After 3 days, I felt good. I didnot want to stay home and not see anybody. A little sleepiness at first. I have always been depressed. This flared up considerable when I was having trouble with endometrious. I was just sick of myself. Within a few days of taking Lexapro, I felt beeter and could make reliable decisions about things. After my hysterectomy, I needed the meds to work with the HRT. I just needed a little boost because my body was not responding to the hormone therapy like it should.
3154 prednisone 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects rheumatoid arthritis reduced the fatigue, swelling and pain associated with RA mild tendency to gain weight, however appetite which had been flagging was regained Take the medication in larger doses at the very beginning, and then taper off gradually. Very important to taper, no sudden stops or starts to this medication, adverse effects if you do.
3991 fosamax 4 Ineffective Mild Side Effects osteoporosis in theory, my bones should have gotten stronger, as measured by the bone scan done at my gynecologist office once every 18 months I first tried the tablets and they would sit on my stomach as if I had a brick for breakfast. So I tried the oral solution which, in fact, was better on the stomach but,still, not completely without side effects. Most of the days I took Fosamax I had a slight stomach discomfort during the morning. I took Fosamax for almost 4 years and after 2 bone density scans which showed no improvement I decided to stop the treatment, against my doctor advice which was to take Fosamax for at least 5 years. I believe that we still do not know enough about how the bone keeps itself healthy and that bone scans are not yet reliable. It's a big business and I finally refused to keep a medication that is so hard on the digestive system and can also have very dangerous side effects (frozen bones, I believe it is called). I still have to be convinced that a low density bone is not necessarily stronger than a bone with more density. Waiting for more research I am trying to walk as much as possible and to follow a reasonable diet. And to be at peace with myself... Thanks!
2777 clindamycin 2 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects post dental work Initial signs of infection appeared to be treated effectively. After a few days on this medication, it caused persistent diarrhea lasting several weeks. Medication prescribed after root canal dental work to treat initial symptoms of infection. While infection did not occur, diarrhea was so persistent that I had to seek medical treatment. Will not take this again.
1976 lyrica 9 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects leg pain from compressed spinal cord I was unable to go up and down steps without acute pain and unable to stand long or walk for too long without pain becoming unbearable. I took my first dose of 100 mg at bedtime and woke up in morning feeling almost like a new person.Tremendous reduction in pain and spasms of leg with greater range of motion. After a day or two i had to increase the dosage as the knee started to stiffen up again making walking and steps difficult. Side effects are sleeping very heavily and waking up beyond my usual time feeling a bit loopy. I am able to drive to work, but find it hard to verbalize during conversations and seem to be grasping for words at times, which is embarrassing in my field of work.i have also found myself to be quite unproductive at work,accomplishing anything seems to be a major chore. "I have a 6 year history of ruptured discs cervical and lumbar with cord compression post MVA resulting in leg spasms, fasciculations and strong diffuse leg ache with limited range of motion.also weakness of both extremities and numbness in big toe.
I am on 150mg qhs (once every night before bedtime). I supplement the lyrica with Aleve during the day."
31 alprazolam 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety and panic diorder Alprazolam worked wonders for me I wish I had gotten prescribed a long time ago, works very well for anxiety and panic. At first it made me a little tired but that did not last long "I take it prn when my anxiety is at a high level, I have one with me at all times incase I need it, one usually does the trick and I feel ""normal"" it is a feeling I have not had in a long time, I would recomment this drug to anyone suffering from anxiety and or panic."
1133 methadone 9 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects back pain "Methadone certainly took care of the back pain I was experiencing. It was better than the other pain meds I tried (vicodin, oxycontin, percocet). The methadone doesn't make me drowsy nor does it give me ""buzz""." The side effects is weight gain. As it was explained to me, the methadone slows down your metabolism, hence the weight gain. "I had scoliosis and also landed on my head in a dirt bike riding accident.I had back and neck surgery. I was fused in my last three vertebrae and had a 14"" rod implanted on the left side of my back and also one of the vertebrae in my neck was fused. I had physical therapy and was given methadone for the pain."
1522 glucophage 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects diabetes type 2 None that I could see. Made me very sick and weak. Nausea,chills,difficulty breathing,indigestion,dizziness,lightheaded,tired,anxiety Prescribed about a month ago Recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Tried for the better part of three weeks. The side effects were mild at first, but intensified so much, I ended up in the ER. Stopped taking it two days ago and slowly regaining my strength.
2100 renova 8 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects aging skin on face I feel the treatment was very helpful in keeping my skin clear looking,and i think somewhat tighter, it also gave my face a healthy color and appearance ,it was less dull the way aging skin can become. I also think it did keep some lines at bay.it gave me a much improved appearance,i have been using renova for a few years and I will continue to use this cream for a long time to come. peeling for the first few weeks and a lot of redness in the first 2 weeks also. in the evening after washing my face lightly without hard rubbing ,using a mild face cleanser, i would let it dry for a good half hour then apply the renova cream also lightly no hard rubing in ,then let it be absorbed into skin.
872 paxil 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects depression "Helped me to feel better. Lessened anxiety, panic attacks, tension, emotional exhaustion. I was able to tolerate being around people better because talking did not seem so loud. Once I was used to the drug, it helped me get out of bed and function in day to day life better (falling asleep & getting out of bed was a serious struggle). Eventually with the combined therapy, I pretty much now feel like myself again, just with less energy reserve and ability to have discipline with my routine. (For instance, I can't get up early, during the 5am, 6am hours and get to work on time like I use to. In fact I'm late for everything now which is out of my character) Can' tolerate multiple loads of stress with calmness and collectivity like I use to. Otherwise day to day life is manageble as long as I obey my bodies new limitations.
I didn't gain weight or increase in appetite. I struggled with appetite actually and at times had to force myself to eat." "This drug gave me alot of strange sensations. When I turned my head left or right, I got this mild scratchy or whip like noise in my ears along with a tingling in my head; also my vision seemed to briefly black out. This lasted for many months. I thought it was perhaps not real or just in my head. My psychiatrist called it ""tracking"" and confirmed it as a known side affect with paxil use. I didn't bother to worry anymore about it. This passed after some months. I no longer get it. I felt very dizzy and sleepy at times. I'd fall asleep anywhere. I don't know if it was the depression, the paxil, lack of sleep, my body trying to heal from stress. Sometimes I felt like I was living life from inside of a fish bowl (from sensory standpoint). I was chronically late to my job of 8 years for 2 years straight after suffering this nervous breakdown (due to spousal abuse). Subsequently, I was fired.
When I miss doses of the paxil, especially 2 or more in a row, I feel like I did when I just started them. I can barely get out of bed and function. I'm super sleepy. I feel drunk. I'm dizzy. I will literally go missing for 2 days. It takes a few days of regular doses to get me back into my normal mode." Initially I was only prescriped paxil and xanax. I took only these for a few months under my PMD. Dose was increased from a lower one to 20mg as my depression and anxiety symptoms were still moderately severe, impairing my work performace and other quality of life. Withing a few months I was referred to a psychiatrist for med mgmt. After less than 6 months, Wellbutrin was added to the cocktail at a dose of 150mg, then increased to 300mg XL once daily. Ambien was also presccribed as my symptoms did not allow me to fall asleep. Life greatly improved within the next 8 months to a year. I weaned off the ambien and xanax completely. Still take the paxil and wellbutrin at the same doses. Also had counseling during all of this time.
3816 nolvadex 7 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects breast cancer "The benefits of tamoxifen have been to be cancer free 2 years after my diagnosis. Hopefully this ""clean bill of health"" will continue as I begin year 3 of tamoxifen in my 5 year plan. The benefits of effexor help balance the mood swings caused by a lowered amount of estrogen in my body. Tamoxifen does its job by keeping the estrogen blocked in my body so any abnormal cells can't feed on the estrogen. My cancer was highly estrogen-positive. Lowered estrogen causes depression and mood swings. Effexor helps to alleviate these symptoms along with my exercise regime and healthy eating habits." Side effects were more severe at the onset of taking tamoxifen. I had hot flashes that were quite severe. They often came without warning especially at mealtime. I also had some body aches and pains. Vaginal dryness was also severe. My period became erratic. After 2 years most side effects have decreased - hot flashes are gone as well as the aches. My period has been non-existant for 4 months. However, I feel irritable and edgy about the regularly scheduled time for a few days. The effexor helps. Dryness is still a problem but not as severe. Vaginal odor continues to be a concern. I was put on Tamoxifen for 5 years following my 9/05 breast cancer diagnosis. I started Tamoxifen 12/05. I started Zoloft 2 months later when I began having mood swings. Zoloft helped for a year then I felt my symptoms returning. I began Effexor at 75 mg and have been fine. My oncologist felt I am young and strong (age 46, exercise 4 times weekly, runner, martial artist) and that I should try to lower or end my Effexor. However, I didn't agree. I needed help with the mood swings and irritability. I can't lose my temper at work. I work with developmentally disabled adults. Losing my temper could be my job. I did try a natural regime of vitamins (B-12 and E) for several months but I felt no relief. Friends even told me about my mood. I went from depressed to angry in a flash. The 75 mg of Effexor is wonderful. My estrogen is blocked by the Tamoxifen and the effexor helps keep me at an even keel.
2225 allegra 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects seasonal allergies I had terrible itching, watery eyes, and sneezing from seasonal allergies. This medication did not completely elimiate my symptoms, but is reduced them to a tolerable level without making me too tired or doped up to function at work. I think I did experience some drowsiness from the medication, but nothing that was overly so such that I could not function at work. The doseage was one pill/day
2596 buspar 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety I lived in a constant state of panic (shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, flushed feeling), and this medication completely erased all these symptoms. I can now think clearly and make rational decisions. I chose to stay on this very low dose and take an Ativan on the rare occasion a panic attack breaks through. I feel a little drowsy and slightly lightheaded for about 30 minutes after taking medicine, but it is not severe enough to interfere with my work or life. I take half a 10 mg tablet in the morning and the other half in the late afternoon.
3170 prednisone 2 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects polymyalgia rheumatica (pmr) A slight reduction in pain. I am diabetic and was warned that it would raise my blood sugars, but it significantly reduced the night sugars. Extreme shortness of breath (exhausted just walking from bedroom into bathroom and adding an inhaler did not significantly improve the condition, dizziness, chest pressure, water retention, confusion. The night sugars dipped dangerously low so I discontinued my night injection of Lantus. I have lost my independence with the use of this drug and become homebound. After the diagnosis of PMR, I was instructed to take 10 mg. in the morning. Although the pain diminished, it was still high so dosage was increased to 15 mg. I repeatedly advise the rheumatolist of the breathing problems to no avail. The family doctor suggested dropping the dosage to 7 1/2 mg. per day, but the pain became extreme again so I went back to the initial dose of 10 m.g. The rheumatolist has suggested that I will be on prednisone for a year.
2506 dicyclomine 7 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects ibs helps with ibs-c "slightly ""drugged"" feeling, went away after a few days" supposed to take one tablet before each meal and one at bedtime. i take only one at bedtime and have still had considerable success w/ibs symptoms. i also supplement with acacia powder, apple cider vinegar, acidophilus supplements, and magnesium supplements.
398 relpax 5 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects migraine headaches The medication took almost thirty minutes to kick in. Once the medication started to take affect, I began to develop a tingling sensation in my left hand and later my right hand. I also noticed my hands were very shaky after the medication was in my system for at least an hour. The medication took almost thirty minutes to kick in. Once the medication started to take affect, I began to develop a tingling sensation in my left hand and later my right hand. I also noticed my hands were very shaky after the medication was in my system for at least an hour. Once a migraine is formulating, one pill is to be taken. The medication took almost thirty minutes to kick in. Once the medication started to take affect, I began to develop a tingling sensation in my left hand and later my right hand. I also noticed my hands were very shaky after the medication was in my system for at least an hour.
2116 renova 5 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects wrinkles My skin was much smoother and the pore size seemed to shrink. Wrinkles were dimininshed and age spots lightened. I developed acne that continnued to worsen until I stopped using it. I had peeling and redness around my chin and peeling on my forehead. Each night I washied my face with a mild clanser and waited for 20 minutes as reccommended by the prescription instructions. I then applied a pea size amount of the treatment to my entire face. I stopped using all the other skin care products I had been using before such as astringents, & benzoil peroxide. My skin became very dry and peeled off during the day. Ane I developed large bumps and shallow flat white pussy blemishes all over my face, particularly on my chin & forehead. I could see, however, that without this the texture and pore size improving, and my wrinkles on my forehead and around my eyes were noticably improving. I discontinued use after 3 weeks and went back to using benzoil peroxide to try to calm down the acne. After 2 weeks it is starting to get better, but my skin is rougher now and the winkles and lines around my eyes are back to the way they were before I started the treatment.
3905 nexium 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects acid reflux The medication eliminated the nausea/stomach upset. Added benefit was weight loss because I could stop using food to settle my stomach. none Just took one capsule 1/2 hour before breakfast each morning.
1903 doxycycline 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects mrsa infected hip resurfacing. Should complete decolonization of MRSA and hopefully ensure that infection does not reoccur. NAUSEA!!! You must remain upright after taking the dose or you will get severe acid reflux. 2 surgeries to flush the hip, 8 weeks of IV antibiotics (5 weeks in hospital) followed by 10 months of oral antibiotics. If unsuccessful a total hip replacement will be required.
3477 dextroamphetamine 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects add My depression has lifted and I am able to concentrate more than I was previuosly weight loss and loss of appetite simply remember to take medication
2569 klonopin 1 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects anxiety None Impossible to stop taking; had to do a Librium switch to get off this drug. The withdrawal is horrid, and there are tons of people suffering because of this. I had post-partum anxiety/depression, and was misdiagnosed with Bipolar with a post-partum onset. The Klonopin was prescribed for anxiety; a long term anxiety reducer. I saw little to no benefit. I was later rediagnosed by another doctor who said I absolutely did not have Bipolar, and slowly took me off my meds (5 years ago), which I'd been taking for six years. All drugs were easy to get off slowly, with the exception of Klonopin, which was hideous. The only way to get this drug out of my system was to do a Klonopin/Librium switch...and the Librium was very easy to get off of, thank goodness!
4072 mobic 2 Ineffective Moderate Side Effects poss. rheumitoid arth. lupus, or fibromyalgia At least I tested it to see if i had Rhemutoid arth. before going through extensive testing.(I still have tto have test, but the doctor felt this might let us know which path to follow) It hurt my stomache. I followed the direction and took it with food. My symptoms of the muscle, joint pain, fatigue, etc. seemed to almost get worse. Take two 7.5 tabs twice a day. Return to DR. in 2 1/2 weeks. If it works good we know if not we'll go from their.
1673 claritin 1 Ineffective No Side Effects allergies There were no benefits. Absolutely none. I bought a 24-count box and took two as recommended each day. 2 days later having felt nothing, I took 4 for 2 days. Again 2 days later I still had not received any relief, so I took the entire box. Absolutely nothing happened. This was the name brand drug, not a generic.
3346 lipitor 7 Considerably Effective No Side Effects high cholesterol lower cholesterol none daily with water at nite. and every three month blood test for liver issues.
2703 naltrexone 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects multiple sclerosis It stopped my Multiple Sclerosis progression. I still take it. There are a lot of MS patients who are using it now. It really works and is a very safe inexpensive drug. I dream a little more. It is a FDA approved drug at 50 mg. for Drug dependent patients. It has been used in the 3 to 4.5 mg doses for MS for about 10 years. It has gained popularity in the past 5 years and is undergoing various double blind placebo testing at this time for MS, Crones Disease, Aids, and various other conditions. It is extremely safe in the Lower doses such as 4.5 mg. It is also called LDN, as an abbreviation for Low Dose Naltrexone. Once I started taking it for a few days, my MS symptoms improved and according to my Neurologist, my progression has absolutely stopped. I started taking it in 2000.
33 alprazolam 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety About 14 years ago I started hyperventilating for no apparent reason. I would wake up in the morning and within an hour I felt like I had to struggle to breath. This would continue all day, every day. After 5 years, I was prescribed alprazolam (the generic Xanax). It worked almost immediately. I still have some days that are worse than others, but it has been a lifesaver for me. I take one when I get up and then 2 or 3 times again during the day as needed. It stops the hyperventilating totally for the most part. The only side effect is a mild drowsiness. I take a very small dose. The highest I take at one time is .5 mg. I take one .25 mg pill within 1 hour of waking up. I usually take the second one around noon and another before going to bed. If my condition is worse for whatever reason, then I might take another one during the day, or one .5 mg in the evening. Sometimes if I'm busy and I miss taking a dose, and I feel myself beginning to hyperventilate, I'll then take one. It works fast.
214 trental 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects hiv The Trental reduced my viral load, increased my sex drive from none to moderate and the side effects were just some stomach upset, which was fixed by reducing my dose to twice a day. Mild nausea and mild dizziness that were dose related. I wanted to see if the Trental would reduce my viral load and it did.
1502 metrogel 1 Ineffective No Side Effects skin texture changes due to rosacea None none Metrogel was applied after cleansing, before applying moisturizer. This was done twice a day, morning and evening. There was no change in the 'bumps' that were on my face, and there was no change in the progression of others that were forming. I religiously used this get for two years before stopping treatment. Using Metrogel was a complete waste of time for me.
3671 effexor-xr 3 Marginally Effective Mild Side Effects depression "I do not feel there were any benefits from this treatment - only side effects.
Weaning off the the drug was extremely difficult." Impotence, tremor I was given Effexor to take once a day for depression. I did not derive much benefit. I received a lot of benefit from seeing a therapist and taking nutritional supplements.
1335 seroquel-xr 8 Highly Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects bipolar ii "I was diagnosed with Bipolar II disorder in February of 2009. I found that my manic states led to very erratic and inconsistent behavior. I also found the depressive lows to be particularly difficult to manage.
In November 2009 I was prescribed SEROQUEL by a Urgent Care Physician. Immediately I found its calming effects to be extremely relieving to my mania. I did, however, find it difficult to maintain a functioning state due to its sedating effects. I then switched to SEROQUEL XR and found a much more successful experience. I was initially given 400mg SEROQUEL XR paired with 10mg LEXAPRO. While initially a good way to stop the mania, I found 400mg to be too much to function on. I decided to halve my SEROQUEL XR dose to 200mg continuing to take 10mg of LEXAPRO. This combo has been great and I am so much calmer and feel way more in control of my life. I do, however, find the sedating effects to be difficult upon awaking in the morning. I try to offset this by ensuring that I receive a full 8-10 hour rest after administering a dosage. I would highly recommend this combo to anyone that is having difficulty finding a mental balance between dark and light. This year of treatment has allowed me to find a calm that I have never quite experienced beforehand." "I found that despite the great benefits mentally, the physical side effects are a fair trade.
I was about 115 lbs when I started this drug 10 months ago. Today I way about 147lbs. That's definitely a 37 pound gain.
Additionally, I always prided myself on my enormous amount of energy. After taking this drug I am extremely lethargic in the hours after taking it (bedtime) and the morning hours." I take 200mg of SEROQUEL XR and 10mg of LEXAPRO nightly.
2424 synthroid 8 Highly Effective No Side Effects hashimoto's thyroiditis Most importantly, my blood pressure went back down to normal when my heart rate rose to a more normal level. I was then taken off the topral and my blood pressure has remained at a good level. Additionally, my hair stopped falling out and wasn't as dry. Also, my skin improved. Before the medication, my skin was horribly dry and flaky. The changes did not take place overnight. I would say that it took about 3-4 months to see any improvement in my hair and skin. I really experienced very few side effects, if any. Initially, they started me off on a very low dosage because they just thought it was simply hypothyroidism but after a blood test, they realized that I has Hashimooto's thyroidities and moointored it more closely. At low dosages, there wasn't much improvement in my symptoms. I do have excessive sweating but they aren't sure if that is the synthroid or menopause and the doctors don't really seem concerned. Initially I was being treated for high blood pressure and put on topral but they did a TSH test and realized that something was wrong with my thyroid. I was originally started off on a very low dosage ( 12.5 mcg/daily) and had to keep going back for blood work every month. Slowly they increased it until they did another test and found out that it was Hashimoto's thyroiditis. At that point, they increased the dosage to 75 mcg/daily and so far it has worked out but I do have to keep having the TSH levels checked.
533 trazodone 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects insomnia/poor sleep quality "Could fairly quickly fall asleep, and usually stay alseep, with little ""sleep hangover"" problem that most other medications result in. I could function in the morning. My general health started improving (fewer flues and colds, headaches, stress and depression, and I had much, much less pain as I started getting regular sleep." Some constipation, maybe dry mouth and eyes (not sure if there is a direct cause and effect, but definitely an overlap in timing). About three months ago I started waking up during the night (anywhere from 12:30 am to 3 am) without being able to go back to sleep. Have tried numerous other medications and they all had much, much worse side effects that trazodone. I'm not sure what you mean by this, I take trazodone nightly, and have taken it for at least two years. My worst experience from other sleep medications came from ambien (well before my doctor had even heard of the side effects I was having, nor were they listed on the medication or mentioned in the news). I also take cymbalta in conjunction with trazadone, which also supposedly helps you sleep, but the cymbalta alone is not effective for sleep at all for me.
943 levaquin 1 Moderately Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects bronchitis Terrible! There are much safer alternatives than this poison. Most fluoroquinolones have been taken off the market. Johnson and Johnson should be ashamed of themselves. They have not warned doctors properly of the serious side effects eventhough the FDA has placed TWO BLACK BOX WARNINGS! SEVERE shooting, burning pains in all four extremities. Prolonged heart rhythms, hallucinations, nightmares, insomnia. Weakness and pain in all four extremitities. Was a healthy 25 year old PE teacher prior to this poison. Now in a wheelchair. IV 500 mg Levaquin with Solumedrol and Theophylline. NEVER take these three drugs together!!!
3333 tetracycline 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects moderate persisting acne The combination therapy worked well but after discontinuation of therapy the condition returned and was worse than previous time. dry skin and occasional nausea I cleanse and apply elocon twice daily to my face and take antibiotics twice a day for 3 months my face cleared but returned after discontinuation of therapy. Now my dermatologist has restarted the antibiotics orally and added retinoid cream twice a day.
617 finacea 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects acne and red marks from acne It really helps keep my acne at bay - keeps pores clear and reduces frequency of inflamed pimples, reduces red marks from acne breakouts. It is less drying/irritating than most other acne topicals. Slight itching for the first month or so. I was already pretty clear from going to an esthetician at an acne clinic, but I was just looking for an additional boost to the results I already had. I previously discovered that I could not use anything other than very mild OTC retinoids, as they tended to make my acne flare up. Finacea did not do this. The Finacea was a good addition to my skin care regimen and has decreased the frequency of inflamed pimples and the tiny pustules I sometimes get around my nose. Now I use Finacea in the morning, and Vivant's Derm A Gel in the evening, along with 5% benzoyl peroxide on my more acne prone areas (chin and jawline).
2692 indocin 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects rheumatoid arthritis Indomethacin immediate reduced the very inflamed and painful swelling in first joint of my left forefinger, my first - and thanks to prompt treatment with this drug - my only attack of rhumatoid arthritis. I didn't recognise this swelling as arthritis because it was my first attack, and I neglected to seek medical advice until the joint was extremely inflamed and swollen. Since this attack, I've used the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ibuprofen as needed to prevent further attacks. I experienced no adverse side effects when using Indomethacin with food as directed, and was very pleased with the almost immediate reduction in pain and swelling. My doctor prescribed one 25mg capsule 3 times a day with food, for one month, which I followed; this treatment was completely successful for me. Since this treatment, I've used the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ibuprofen as needed to prevent further attacks.
895 paxil 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects severe depression None - I only had extremely bad side effects, which cost me my job, my home and my car. I just don't have fifty words to describe no benefits - thank you. I still need twenty words - hmmm - how am I doing? Now I need ten words - can I quit now? Ugh! Now this I can describe: Lethargy - stared at the walls when awake, which wasn't often - most of the time I was passed out cold - even on Adderall; hideous nightmares - so horrible that I won't repeat them; constant sweating; incontinence; emotionally and physically numb; muscle twitches; rash on tongue. "I don't know how to answer this question, except to say that I was prescribed Paxil 40 mg to be taken once a day because I couldn't stop crying over a grief issue. It didn't work. We switched to Wellbutrin, which was somewhat better and I took it for a year before stopping. It's been seven years since I went off all drugs and I still have occasional withdrawal symptoms that I call ""brain shocks."" I don't recommend SSRIs to anyone for anything. Oh - and I'm still grieving... sigh..."
3964 prilosec 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects dyspepsia acid reflux was controlled as long as the capsule was taken first thing in the morning, less effective if taken later. Larger dose was initially prescibed, side effects were migranes and blurred vision. Neither of these had been experienced prior to taking this drug and when it was reduced to 20mg side effects were not completely eliminated but considerably reduced. 1 20mg capsule taken with water 1st thing in the morning.
2550 dexedrine 3 Ineffective Moderate Side Effects supposed adhd With less Dexedrine and minimal Depekote, I was able to sleep deeply when I finally did fall asleep. I also remember extremely vivid dreams. The house was kept super clean and I was motivated to finish tasks. Horrible feeling. My heart felt like it would explode. I had horrible tic like behavior. I picked at my skin until permanently damaged. I had horrible dry mouth and I had bad breath. "My sister was diagnosed with ADHD and so was my brother (Both were much younger 11 and 7 years younger) Both suffered from learning disabilities. I drove my sister to an appointment and due to my family history I was asked to take a questionair. I was then told that while I was not learning disabled (A Student), I was hyper and did I want to try the above drugs. They said I would never know how bad off I was until I knew what it felt like to be normal. I was given two perscriptions and was told to start with one dose of the dexedrine in the am and to take the Depekote and dexedrine in the afternoon. If that didn't do it they would up my dexedrine. With in about two months I felt like jumping from my skin and decided that organization was not that worth it. My skin still shows the scarring from all the picking and squeezing but my tone is no longer ""death warmed over"".
PS the doctor that prescribed this to me was investigated, tried and convicted of over prescribing, drug dealing and improper relationships with patients. (I can't remember the exact charges but he did get about 16 years for dealing controlled substances and was turned in by two female patients who said that he took advantage of their situation and slept with them.)"
2768 duac 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects acne I had spent a year trying to improve my food intake because of my bad skin. This got rid of the acne within a matter of days. although I still have a few acne scars my skin is soft and feels fantastic. none once a day I had to a tiny amount of the cream on my face after cleaning. That is all, and it worked.
644 seasonique 2 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects prevent pregnancy/reduce frequency of migraines Pregnancy was prevented. I had my period (some spotting, but mostly consistent bleeding) for two out of the three months of my first pill pack. I also fought off migraines for about three days of the last month (middle of the month). I also had the worst acne I've had since I was a teenager. I don't understand this question.
840 ritalin 7 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects adhd marked improvement in behavior weight loss, jittery feeling, insomnia, withdrawal, isolation I began taking ritalin and zoloft almost three years ago to treat ADHD and depression. I also began seeing a therapist once a week. I saw improvement, but it was slow and graduate at first, particularly with the regard to the Zoloft. I saw immediate improvement with the ritalin. It changed my daily life. It keeps me calm; i am able to focus better and for longer. I am no longer seeing the therapist nor am i taking the zoloft and today i feel great.
1376 biaxin 3 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects bronchitis The antibiotic works Constant, horrible bitter taste. I was given Biaxin during a bout of the flu because the doctor thought I was at risk for a bacterial infection. I'm allergic to penicillin, so I always have to take something else. I had no problem the first day, but the second day I noticed a weird bitter taste that I couldn't get rid of. The doctor told me to stop taking it for a day, and now I'm waiting for him to give me something else.
3852 voltaren 1 Moderately Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects reactive arthritis (leg joint swelling/stiffness) Slight decrease in stiffness, and better degree of mobility of legs joints (ankles, knees and hips) Small bowel perforation and lesion(wall thickened) Approx. 5 weeks into course of VOLTAREN at dosage of 4/day, felt pain in right side which increased to severe pain within 1/2 hour. Admitted as Emergency into hospital(Australia). CT scan showed air in abdomen. Open surgery: small bowel resection - for lesion(wall thickened) plus perforation.
2826 wellbutrin 6 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects stop smoking/depression So far it's only been 3 days. Wellbutrin seems to give me a spike of energy which is nice. Still have the craving for cigs so I'm continuing to smoke like I usually do. Sometimes I lash out for no reason at all. With Lexapro I remember having to wait a few weeks to get results, so I'm sure I'll wait. Doc says to wait, that's the treatment. I'm hoping like many this treatement will help me stop smoking and ease my depression. You have to change your life and make yourself a better person, not just rely on drugs to cure you. So, I'm working on the little things in life to change.
2378 femara 3 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects breast cancer Aromatase inhibitor to reduce recurence of hormone-positive breast cancer- unknown effectiveness- no breast cancer 3 years after diagnosis Joint pain, reduction of bone mass The first drug I was prescribed after a mastectomy and chemotherapy was Tamoxifen, which I took for almost 1 year. My oncologist said it increased bone mass, so she wanted to use that first to counteract the bone mass-decreasing side effect of the aromatase inhibitors. Their protocol is to use Tamoxifen for 2 years, then switch to an aromatase inhibitor for 3 years. However, I had some uterine bleeding ( I am post-menopausal) so they switched to Femara early. Tamoxifen may cause an increase in uterine cancer, which my grandmother had. The most annoying side effect of Femara is the increase in joint pain. NSAIDs and glucosamine help somewhat but have their own side effects. That said, I am willing to continue Femara for the next 2 years to help prevent cancer reccurence. I read in the literature (Medscape) that 51% of women do not complete their 5 yrs of either drug, and my guess is because of side effects. I take supplemental calcium also to slow the bone loss.
3633 retin-a 6 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects acne Since using the Retin-A along with the Accutane, I have noticed a great improvement in the look of my skin. There are less clogged pores and it definitely more smooth and even in skin tone. Any fine lines around my mouth and on my forehead have diminished but it hasn't helped much with fine lines around my eyes. It does cause the skin to flake and peel but this can be counteracted with a good moisturizer. Also, my face gets red or flushed easily with the slightest irritant. Lastly, not being able to stay in the sun is a downfall. I use Retin-A 0.25% every evening along with 70 mg of Accutane a day. I will have to continue the Retin-A for at least a year.
3556 vytorin 3 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects high cholesterol Vytorin was prescribed to me to lower my cholesterol. I did not take the product long enought to see a significant drop in my cholesterol levels as I discontinuted treatment. I developed diarrea after taking the ver first dose. I took it for about a week with no decrease in this side effect. I stopped taking it for 2 days and noticed relief instantly. I then began taking it again and side effects returned. Vytorin was prescribed by my doctor for me for my high cholesterol. I took it for about a month and did not like the side effects. From the day that I began taking Vytorin I had diarrea. At first I thought it was purely coincidental until I stopped taking it for a few days. The side effects vanished. I took it again and they returned. I told my doctor about this and they switched me to Pravastatin ( same dosage) and the same side effects occurred. I then stopped taking the prescription.
1456 cymbalta 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression I switched from Zoloft because the Cymbalta wasn't supposed to effect libido negatively. Having ended my marriage and gone through menopause I don't feel I can judge that aspect fairly. However, I feel the Cymbalta is much more effective in keeping the dark cloud off my head, allowing me to be more positive toward life on a consistent basis. Dry mouth. I really notice when I miss just one dose; it takes 2 - 3 days to catch up, but then I become very aware of negative feelings and apathy. I am careful to take the dose in the mornings so it doesn't affect my sleep, but have taken as late as 4pm and not had sleep issues.
2374 propecia 7 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects hair loss Slowed hair loss in front and top of scalp. Regrew hair at the back of the scalp and on sides. It doesn't appear that hair loss has ceased completely for MPB, but increased hair grow in another areas makes my head appear fuller "Loss of limbido. My case probably isn't a perfect control because I lost a high paying job, moved to another state, and moved in with my girlfriend when I began taking the medication. Within 4 months, started a brand new job and encountered other new stressors.
I can attribute some of the loss of libido to job related stress and moving in with my girlfriend of 5 years. I would guess the effects on libido would be very minimal had my job and living situations remained constant.
I'm overall much happier having thicker hair than I would be with a consistent sex drive. I am able to get more work done and focus more on important life goals than being constantly distracted with sex. Instead of wanting sex 5 times per week, I only want it twice per month now. Again, this is probably a plus" "I started slowing losing hair when I was 23-24. The hair loss was unnoticeable until I turned 27. My receding hairline started to become very apparent at 27, especially in my part line. I began taking propecia when I turned 28 and it appears to have regrown hair on the back and sides of my scalp and has slowed my receding hairline. Unfortunately, it appears that I am still developing a minor bald spot in the middle of my scalp.
Based on my current rate of hair loss, I'm guessing that I will maintain a healthy head of hair for the next 4-5 years. At 35, I probably won't care how my hair looks because I'll be well out of the dating game.
I don't think Propecia is a cure-all for my particular pattern of baldness, but I feel it would be highly effective for others. Anyone who is experiencing baldness at the back of scalp would benefit greatly. The receding hairline will probably continue, but at a much slower pace. I may eventually go completely bald regardless, but I honestly feel I've saved 3-5 years of youthful appearance."
3074 emsam 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects depression None I became increasingly agitated and angry. After being on it for 2 months, I tried to commit suicide. I had been taking Effexor, Welbutrin and Ritalin for over three years. The combination worked better then any other cocktail I'd taken. I complaine3d to Doctor that I was feeling lethargic so he switched me to Emsam. After a month he increased the dose. I attempted suicide. Found a new doctor.. Now taking cymbalta and welbutrin. Which seem to be working OK but they ain't no miracle drug.
3474 ambien-cr 10 Considerably Effective No Side Effects insomnia I do have time now with my kids and to my husband and I can able to make things well. I do only have a mild rashes on my skin and a dry skin, especially on my lips. Before when I did not take yet this medication, I feel so uncomfortable everyday and always had an headache because of lack of sleep at night but as I take this pill I feel so relax on my daily activities.This pill is great!
803 ambien 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects insomnia Occasionally I have a difficult time falling asleep and sleeping through the night. When I take this medicine I fall asleep within 15 or so minutes and am able to sleep 7 or 8 hours. My sleep seems undisturbed and uneventful. When I wake up in the morning I awake completely alert and energized. I did not experience any treatment side effects. "I have been taking this medication for occasional insomnia for over one year now.
I will continue to take this medication to treat my insomnia for as long as my physician prescribes it for me."
3050 seroquel 5 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects insomnia After suffering for years from insomnia and becoming addicted to Ambien, I was finally able to sleep and there was no worry about the side effects such as addiction. "I gained weight, had to take liver function tests as it's a toxic drug
Also, my teeth were chipping and my doctor thought it may have been from the drug" I took 200 mg a night for a couple years but after awhile my doctor was worried it was becoming toxic so she took me off it.
2697 detrol-la 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects incontinence stopped my bladder incontinence when used in combination with my other bladder medications on my neurogenic bladder drowsiness, urinary retention may have caused dry mouth but not as bad as using ditropan does This drug was added as I have very strong bladder spasms. It's side effects are better than ditropan and I would recommend people try it first
3968 norvasc 5 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects hypertension lowering BP edema see above
3613 retin-a 7 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects acne, anti-aging Gradual lessening in severity and frequency of comedonal acne. Gradual slight improvement in skin texture, ie. fine lines around eyes appear slightly reduced, skin tone appears more even and sun damage appears reduced. Slight increase in skin sensitivity, with stinging and mild redness experienced only after washing, and occasional slight flaking around mouth and eye areas. Increased sensitivity to UV light, necessitating daily use of high PPD sunscreen. I started applying a pea-sized amount of the Retin-A cream on every second night about one hour after washing. After two weeks, because there were no adverse effects for me I started using the cream nightly. With nightly usage I experienced very slight side-effects of sensitivity, slight redness after washing and occasional slight flaking. None of these effects were severe so I continued with nightly treatment. After approximately one month I experienced gradual lessening in severity and frequency of comedonic acne. Comedones still formed, but were less likely to become inflamed/infected. Slight reduction in surface oiliness noted. After about 10 weeks I noted a slight improvement in sundamage and skin texture. Overall I was very pleased with the efficacy of this product, but may in the future switch to the Retin-A gel to see if this results in a further reduction of comedones.
1375 biaxin 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects sinus infection, chest infection Sinus and chest infections were much better after 7 days. No more sinus pain or runny nose, and was no longer coughing up mucus. Terrible bitter taste in the mouth, some mild nausea, and a yeast infection. I didnt think this antibiotic was working because I had been taking it for 5 days and nothing was getting better, then around day 7 I was starting to turn around.
2582 clobetasol 7 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects psoraisis Reduced inflammation of affected areas. Reduced itching and scaling in the affected areas. Reduced itching in associated areas not specifically affected with the condition. Thinning of the skin in the treatment area. Dryness in the area of treatment. Capillary breakdown in the treatment area. Apply twice daily for a period of three weeks. Do not use hot water on treatment area. After shower or bath gently dry with towel. Moisturize often.
3735 lamictal 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects bipolar ii "I quit taking Lithium because it didn't seem to be helping anymore and I didn't like the way it made me feel. After going off Lithium my Dr. took me off Ativan which set in major anxiety. I started drinking to ease the anxiety, but the alcohol sent me into major Manic/Depressive moods. While drinking I was extremely manic, and while sober I went into major depressive states. I could barely leave my house while in a depressive anxious state. I missed a lot of work and started working from home. Getting out of bed seemed impossible, finally got on Lamictal which took about six weeks to fully kick in. Since then my anxiety has gone down(lower than ever before). I am on a low dose of Klonopin that is taken on an ""as needed basis."" My life is has improved greatly since I have been on Lamictal, works much better than the Lithium ever did. I am so greatful for this drug it has given me my life back." None Started out on 25mg/day and slowly worked my way up to 200/mg 2x's a day. Saw a therapist once a week for about 8 weeks, then switched down to once every other week for a month. Now my family Dr. is handling my prescription. I am lucky about that because I was told that some Dr's do not feel comfortable handling bipolar drugs.
192 adderall 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects add, depression Ability to focus, motivation, energy, stamina all increased. Feeling of well-being after being in the 'black hole' of depression. My sleep is improved, have no trouble going to sleep, quells disturbing\busy dreams that used to leave me exhausted in the morning. I don't lie awake at night trying to slow down or calm my mind. Dry mouth leading to some dental cavities. Desire to smoke is increased. Jaw/hand/foot clenching. Loss of appetite, great for keeping thin, sometimes have to force myself to eat/drink. Took 20mg 3x a day. Immediate release worked better than the extended version because I had more control of the med to taper it to my needs/schedule during the day.
903 paxil 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects ocd There were none at all. There were many side effects such as mild hallucinations, major heart palpitations, and increased anxiety. I took Paxil for 2 weeks and after experiencing the horrible side effects I decided to tell my doctor that I wanted to stop taking it. My first 2 - 3 days were fine, until the dose was increased. Overall, this drug had to many negative side effects to be effective.
1397 ortho-evra 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects birth control Birth control, prevents pregnancy cannot prevent STD's or STI's; can irritate skin, area near patch turns red and gets very itchy, I sometimes uncontrollably scratch myself until the area bleeds after I take off a patch stick the patch on designated areas for one week, three weeks as one cycle and you skip the fourth week for your monthly menstrual cycle.
3986 fosamax 4 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects osteoporosis marginal increase in bone density joint pain in neck, back, hips, and jaw in addition to constant heartburn despite following dosage instructions accurately. Because side affects were so severe (I am 41 and felt like 80) I researched alternate remedies and began a program of weight-bearing exercise, calcium and magnesium supplements and natural hormone creams.
538 trazodone 5 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects insomnia/ a bit of depression They sometimes help me sleep throughout the night. Some nights when I feel really depressed, I feel like taking more.. but never do. Those were the nights that were really hard for me to fall asleep, even after taking the trazodone. I've only been on trazodone for about a month now, but already I experience a bad taste in my mouth. Also when im just lying down and relaxing I get this sharpe pain in my right ribs as well as down my right side into my mid back. It only began when I started taking this medication. ..
4119 chantix 3 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects quit smoking It made the nicotine completely ineffective. the desire went down after several days. I don't really have much else to say. Nervousness, cause weird night time dreams and made cigs taste like crap.It made the nicotine completely ineffective. the desire went down after several days. I don't really have much else to say. started with smaller doses and titrated up over time. It made the nicotine completely ineffective. the desire went down after several days. I don't really have much else to say.
1461 cymbalta 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects major depressive disorder/anxiety "Effect took place within 2 days, lifting me from a deep deep depression where I was at the point of a breakdown.
Helped me stay in my job and continue life normally.
Although after a year , I feel some symptoms are worming their way back in, but that could be pscyhological." "The only side effect I have noticed is ""electric shock"" type feelings if i am a good few hours late.
Try not to be late!" none
1243 sotret 4 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects acne Cleared active acne very effectively. Dry, cracked lips. Dark eye are due to thinning of skin. Extreme photosensitivity. Very dry, coarse skin. Four 20 mg capsules taken once daily. Also had to double reccommended daily water intake. Moisturised skin and lips when absolutell necessary although this was not advised by dermatologist due to clogging of pores.
844 ritalin 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects add Ability to focus. Able to answer questions and engage in coversation. Increased organizational ability. Increased ability to attend to particular tasks without constantly moving towards another task. Ability to prioritize and to remember what original intentions were after beginning a task. If next dose not taken in a timely manner, effects wear off very quickly and suddenly very tired. Small bubbling in head at times. If dosage even slightly too high, then noticable heart palpitations present along with increased heart rate. Active dreaming if taken late in the day. It took a very long time to find the best medication and the best dosage. Over a year of trials. Medication is taken along with proper diet and increased physical activity. Omega 3 supplementation also added to routine. Important to note that nicotene is also taken regularly in the form of nicorette gum. All information above is based on the two together as complete treatment. Either on it's own is not enough.
3178 desyrel 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects insomnia It helped enormously with sleep and gave me quite vivid dreams upon occasion. I felt more relaxed in general and overall, quite happy - in fact, slightly euphoric ( it is a mild antidepressant). I was able to sleep at least eight hours and waking, I was alert and not sluggish. I felt a little unmotivated during the aftgernoons. Mornings, I was quite peppy but afternoon arrived and I felt sleepy, which is not normal for me. I also had headaches upon waking up and felt a bit unfocused. But overall, it was great! I started with 25 mg a night, taken right before I wanted to fall asleep. This worked off and one but not always for my insomnia. I increased the dosage to 50 mg, which was highly effective. I took one 50 mg pill. I felt sluggish in the morning ONLY when I took a pill in the middle of the night, say 3 or 4 in the morning when I couldn't sleep.
519 requip 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects restless leg syndrome Treatments benefits was the relaxation of legs at bedtime so I could sleep. The only side effect I have noticed has been a bit of drowsiness (but it IS bedtime). Requip is taken 1-1/2 to 2 hours before bedtime.
1407 adipex-p 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects chronic fatigue syndrome Improved ability to focus and concentrate. Memory retention better. Improved energy. Mainly helped relieve brain fog that is common with Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia. Especially noticeable while working. Able to function better and work longer, more like my old self. Weight loss, decreased appetite. If take too late in the day, may affect ability to sleep. Take 1 pill in the morning to treat ADD-like symptoms that started after a car accident. Took several years to get Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia diagnosis and quite awhile after that before this medicine was prescribed. Tried most of the standard ADD medications to help with brain fog but bad side effects, worked for awhile then stopped, or no effect. Many doctors not comfortable perscribing this medication for ADD or ADD-like symptoms since it's a weight-loss medicine. I usually only take this medication during the work week and give my body a break on teh weekends.
752 flonase 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects allergies I had tried several allergy medicines, but had the side effects of extremely dry eyes - so dry that I blinked constantly and my eyes felt achy. Flonase has controlled my allergies fairly well without the dry eye side effects. I still have drainage (which I have always had), but it isn't too bad and I don't get sinus infections or pain too often. I have been happy with it. None. I have recently started using a Netti-Pot in hopes of being able to stop using Flonase daily. I have not yet weened myself from Flonase.
3275 zoloft 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects depression The patient has been taking this in hopes of fighting the depression he is dealing with while going through cancer treatments. He has been taking this drug for one month now and has noticed markable improvements. He is able to concentrate better and focus better. He seems to be in much better spirits and is in all around better spirits. There have so far been to side effects with this drug. As said, this patient has been taking this in hopes of fighting depression he is dealing with while going through cancer treatments.
408 restasis 7 Moderately Effective No Side Effects dry eye After several months using these drops I really could not tell much benefit. However, when I stopped using them for a month the dry eye problem was bad enough to make me realize they had been helping enough to make me realize I was better off with them than without. I continue to use them. I had no side effects except some slight burning once in a while when I put them in my eye. I was to put one drop in each eye in the morning and again in the evening.
2261 lexapro 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression It has worked pretty well at lifting my depression symptoms. Not dramatic effects but enough to help. It also decreased my appetite and I lost about 10 lbs and didn't gain it back. I had mild nausea at first but that stopped. I take one 10 mg tablet a day.
3893 dispermox 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects tooth abscess The abscess cleared totally after taking the stated dose for 4 days. The full 7 day course was however taken. There were no noticeable side effects. The doctor advised taking 2 tablets for the first dose to 'kick start' it into my system, which I did. After 4 days of the treatment, the swelling and the pain had almost gone. I was then able to attend a dentist who could examine and treat the tooth that caused the abscess.
987 antivert 5 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects b.p.p.v. (benign proxysmal positional vertigo) It helped with the dizziness only because it made me so sleepy I couldn't stay up to notice the dizziness! Sometimes it would make my heart race so fast I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. This happened about 1 out of ever 5 times I took it. It had sedative effects so it just made me want to sleep. It wouldn't have been good for me at treating my dizzy spells while I was at work or in the middle of running errands because I would get much too tired to function safely.
481 meridia 6 Marginally Effective No Side Effects weight loss This drug initially provided a modest suppression of appetite. However, within one week my appetite was as great as ever. Given that this medication is not covered by insurance, its virtual ineffectiveness is particularly noteworthy. none Patient is supposed to take it first thing in the morning so that its time release qualites have the longest impact. One is told that after a month or so you may need to boost your dosage to continue to experience benefits. However, for me, the benefit lasted only 1 week! Not worth it!
528 trazodone 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects sleep disorder, insomnia I was able to fall asleep and stay asleep. I do not experience side effects IF I practice these other habits: not drink any coffee after 10 am; I have to take the drug between 9:30 and 10:15 pm and go to sleep then. If I take the drug after 10:30pm, I will be woozy and drugged the next day. If I have to stay up later for any reason, then I can't take the drug and therefore will have insomnia and interrupted sleep. Take 150 mg at bedtime and go to sleep immediately thereafter.
2955 zyban 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects smoking After smoking for 41 years, I no longer smoke and can't believe I ever did. ZERO side effects. "I held on to the prescription for 18 months, but never filled it - until I decided I should, completely expecting to fail. I did as prescribed and continued to smoke through the first week or so. One night I saw only six cigarettes left. I became anxious and actually went out and BOUGHT TWO PACKS! Leaving the store, I felt like a junkie who just scored a fix, and, I was disgusted. But - I smoked them, finishing the two packs in a bit over a week, which was much less smoking than I had ever done. ..And,.. after smoking the last remaining cigarette, I magically never smoked again.
It's been over a year and I can almost qualify as one who has no cravings because they are so, so rare (maybe once every four or five months) and they last for less than a nano-second.
I'm so smoke free and amazed at two things: 1. How easy it was to stop because of the Zyban, and, 2. That I ever smoked at all - even though I did for 41 years. Other than being smart enough to finally get the prescription filled, I deserve no credit because there has been no need for any great will on my part. I have absolutely no cravings, no desires, no urges to have to will myself through. They simply don't happen."
2307 lexapro 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects depression/anxiety Deppression disappeared. Anxiety disappeared. Since I have been on Lexapro I have realised I have been depressed most of my life. I have a very strong family history of major depression. I was in denial to the fact I was depressed. When you have always been depressed you don't know any different. Since Lexapro I have felt alot calmer and happier. The intense guilt I felt about everything has almost gone. My mind would also constantly relieve traumatic past events and mistakes I had made. I really didn't ever want to wake up in the morning - but now I do. The depressive need to sleep in the day time has gone. I am also becoming much less socially isolated, more confident and have began ejoying life. I would have liked to find Lexapro Many years ago. "I started taking 5mg daily for the first two weeks and did feel an increase in anxiety which subsided after a couple of days. When I increased to 10 mg the anxiety returned and then again subsided. I also felt ""far away and fuzzzy headed"" for about 3 weeks. Insomnia was also an initial side effect. After 6 weeks I am not experiencing any side effects and am extremely grateful for my improved mood." I began taking Lexapro for 6 weeks. I started at 5mg for two weeks and then increased it to 10mg. I plan to continue taking it for a long time as i have never felt better.
1518 glucophage 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects diabetes type 2 Lowering of blood sugar without risk of hypoglycemia None For years I took 4 ml glimepiride daily for type 2 diabetes, but often awoke in the middle of the night due to hypoglycemia. Finally my doctor reduced my glimepiride to 2 ml daily and added 250 ml metformin daily. For me, this combination is very effective. It controls my blood sugar as well as the glimepiride alone without the concomitant hypoglycemia. I understand that some people with borderline type 2 diabetes control their sugar levels with metformin alone, and my doctor may try this if my glycohemoglobin blood tests (HbA1C) stay in the low 6s.
687 accutane 7 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects acne The benefits were having clearer skin between month 2 and month 6.My skin did clear but i did still experience some smaller cystic breakouts, which was disappointing. the side effects were minimal and consisted of dry, cracked lips. Aquafor did help alleviate that situation. My mood was mildly affected. I did experience some mood swings from time to time. The other downside was having to go do the monthly bloodwork. Not having insurance and a tight schedule at work made it a little inconvenient and certainly expensive. Overall it was helpful but there is alot involved in being on the drug and the side effects are tolerable overall. I wish the benefits had a longer residual effect or there were some other long term treatments for cystic acne that were effective
2753 xenical 6 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects obesity Lost 8 kg during 6 months, which would have been more if eating healthier and exercising. Strong and first difficult to control bowel movements This drug makes your body to reject about 30% of fats that you intake with your meals. But you still get the rest of it. What happens with 30% - it comes out and sometimes it is quite an embarrassing experience. Got to control it later, mainly by cutting off food that was reach on fats. Maybe if cut fats alltogether, wouldnt have needed Xenical.
2284 lexapro 10 Considerably Effective No Side Effects always crying i stopped crying, and could breath better none "just went to the doctor, explained that all i felt like doing was sighing , and how i could burst out in tears at any given time- he suggested lexapro-i resisted-didn't want drugs. went back 1 month later and said, ok, lets try it-
i stopped crying, it worked"
88 pristiq 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects depression This is an NSRI, different from an SSRI because it works on more than one brain chemical. When an SSRI is ineffective or a patient finds that after a period of time a working drug stops working and symptoms of depression return they may be advised to try an NSRI. This was the case with me. I have been treated for my depression for years and had done extremely well for periods of time on several different drugs at different times. Moving from one to the next as I bottomed out on each. Celexa and Lexapro being the most recent. When Lexapro let me down after a couple of years I was advised to try Pristiq which was just released only a few months before my doctor suggested it. I was extremely hesitant as I did not want to go through another adjustment period of sleeplessness, headaches, possible weight gain, sexual issues, etc. You know the drill if you have taken drugs for deperession. So I chose to stay on my Lexapro and be depressed, hoping that it would start working again at a higher dose. Wrong. Getting to the end of my rope with my depression I finally decided to bite the bullet and try the Prestiq. My depression disappeared within 3 weeks leaving me feeling better than I had in months. I began smiling again and fully functioning doing the things I enjoy and had let slide. My sense of well being and hopefulness for the future returned. Honestly, none for me. I sleep, did not gain an ounce, in fact I lost a small amount of weight even though I did not need to, no sexual side effect at all! Only thing that was tough was waiting for the dosage level to become theraputic in my system, which as I mentioned took about 3 weeks. I was instructed to continue on the Lexapro at a lower dose for one week. At the 2nd week add my dose of Pristiq to the lower dose of Lexapro, at the 3rd week drop the Lexapro completely and continue on my dose of Pristiq. This was done while staying in contact with my prescribing doctor. Now I take 1 50mg tablet everyday of Pristiq, and am doing very well.
522 requip 8 Highly Effective No Side Effects rls my legs stay still so i can get to sleep and stay asleep i feel nauseated about 1/2 hour after i take it I take 1 -1.5 mg per night about an hour before i go to bed. it stops the feeling of havingto move my legs and quiets them while i sleep so i can get sustained deep sleep.
918 paxil 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects stress and depression "Parixetine resolved all the problems that made take that drug. These are :
Reduce Anxiety
Resolve sleeping problems, although at the beginning( first month) had more insomnia than normal)
High Improvement in mood" "At the beginning : digestion problems,difficulty in sleeping, tireness
During the whole treatment : No Libido
Withdrawal syndrome : high anxiety, sleeping problems, nausea, nightmares, dizziness.
It has been really hard to withdraw it. I have Tried it 5 times, and the latest one was able to stabilize with 10 mg of paroxetine, and I feel ok with that dose for 2 years." "20 mg of Paroxetine (Seroxat) per day during 4 years
10 mg of Paroxetine per day during 2 year"
1749 topamax 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects epilepsy I have complex partial seizures that secondarily generalize. I was having up to 5 a week of the generalized ones in my sleep and getting injuries from them when I started topamax. The topamax stopped the generalization. I continued to have complex partials, but those are nothing in comparison to a tonic clonic seizure. I have only had one tonic clonic since being at the max dose of topamax. topa-tingles (tingly fingers and toes) and tingles around my lips. This went away once my dose got to 400. Seeing light tracers. word loss. memory loss. hair loss. dry itchy skin. massive weight loss into the scary skinny territory. dangerously low potassium. I was able to reduce most of my side effects by taking potassium supplements and adding ensure drinks to my diet. Topamax 200mg in the morning and 300mg in the evening. I started at a low dose and worked up to the effective dose that stopped my tonic clonic seizures (generalized seizures). It took additional medications to reduce my complex partial seizures, which I continue to have on occasion.
3265 zoloft 4 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects irritable bowel syndrome Less pain with same symptoms Unclear thinking Condition was long term and stress related. Zoloft was merely a measure to ease the discomfort.
1857 augmentin 3 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects suspected upper respiratory infection The medication worked great and cleared up symptoms immediately (sore throat, coughing, et cetera). Horrible, wretched diarrhea. I lost six pounds in five days. I could barely eat because I couldn't keep anything down. I had to survive on white bread slices, crackers and water. Anything else caused diarrhea. It was so bad that I called my doctor and asked her to prescribe me something else. She told me that the two days remaining on my perscription were just extra insurance to make sure my infection was gone before surgery. She basically said she would normally only prescribe five days so with that I discontinued use. Feel better now but still have diarrhea. Been off for 1 day. Prescribed 875mg 2x/day for seven days but because of the horrific diarrhea, stopped at five days with doctors consent. Never again will I take Augmentin -- never.
1120 effexor 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects 75 mg Very effective initially. A lot more energy, able to focus, and more vibrant. I think its no longer working after 7 years and think I am tolerant of it and not receiving the same benefits as the initial years. When weening off I had 'shock like' sensations.weight loss was an initial side effect as well as diarrhea. Became ill if I drank alcohol at all. Depression med.
1501 metrogel 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects rosacea no benefits, only negatives. This product made my rosacea go from mild to severe in a matter of 2 days. Has now been 6 days, with no improvements of the damage done by this junk. Horrible, horrible product. The best way to ease you rosacea is go on a diet of lemon water and plain, boiled chicken for a week. Take about 2 gm of pantothenic acid a day. It sucks, but it will clear it up. treatment details? What details? I have rosacea and metrogel is NOT effective, and made symptoms worse and now they don't go away at all. Thanks to our fantastic government regulations, pharmacuticals are approved by ignorant monkeys while effective, natural cures are ignored. The best way to ease your rosacea is go on a diet of lemon water and plain, boiled chicken for a week. Take about 2 gm of pantothenic acid a day. It sucks, but it will clear it up. I'm sure a doctor will argue it and insist that some Gualderm product is better, but we all know how that works....
3216 penlac 1 Ineffective No Side Effects toenail fungus None - did not work No Side effects Topical application did not work. Tried other prescription drugs as well (topical) but did not work. Finally was advised to try a 1:5 solution of white vinegar and this cleared up the issue. The vinegar made the nail bed inhospitable to fungus and nails grew in perfect, solving this 20+ year problem that plagued me. I recommend anyone suffering from nail bed fungus to try this. I put the solution in plastic bags tied with elastic bands and walked around with them for an hour a day. Small price to pay for relief of this nasty affliction.
530 trazodone 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects insomnia Sleeping through the night Grogginess in the morning Nightly use, one hour before bed.
2817 wellbutrin 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression After taking Wellbutrin for approximately 2 months I noticed a considerable decrease in anxiety and morbid intrusive thoughts, which improved my depression feeling considerably. I also noticed that I had an easier time quitting smoking. I could be around smokers and not feel an urge to smoke, which had never happened in previous attempts to quit and using a nicotine patch. During the first month I had insomnia. I slept about 3 hrs per night; however, I didn't feel fatigued by it. I also lost about 20 lbs in the first 6 months. My doctor prescribed Wellbutrin for depression and anxiety. I take 150mg two times per day.
2975 strattera 5 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects adhd Slowed down hyperactivity in a nine year old boy; increased attending a little bit although not strongly. It does not interfere with sleep which many of the stimpulant meds do. There were no mood swings until the dosage was increased. When the dose was raised, the patient suffered suicidal ideation! This was bad. At lower dose it seemed to be ok. Dosage takes 2-3 weeks to take affect. Side effects also will not be observed until dose builds up in the system. You may see lesser instances of self denegration first. Watch for that. Take pill once a day
2216 benicar-hct 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects hypertension lowered blood presssure with no notable side effects.The reduction in blood pressure was immediate with no other bothersome side effects none -- i was warned that many blood pressure medications have bothersome side-effects including lowered libido, sleep disturbances etc. i suffered no change in any physiological symptoms other than the lowering of my blood pressure Take the medication once per day and take measures to reduce the sources of stress in my life as well as take measures to more efficiently deal with existant daily stress.
4048 amoxil 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects h-pylori I took these medications while having severe symptoms of h-pylori which had been going on already for about 10 days(severe stomach pain). After about 3 days on the medication my syptoms were much improved and soon disappeared. Before taking this medication I would have bouts of this pain every few months during stressful times and it would take weeks to go away. Since taking this medication during that three week period two years ago I have had no more syptoms of h-pylori despite several stressful time periods. I don't remember any. (except sensitivity to sun with flagyl) I took these two medications along with flagyl for three weeks, 3 times a day (this is my memory of it). Fantastic!
148 zmax 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects tonsillitis Fast results vs. traditional antibiotics such as amoxicillin. none I had two cases of bacterial tonsillitis four months apart. Both times the doctor did not want to prescribe antibiotics, however, I had had one case of bacterial tonsillitis several years ago and I knew that amoxicillin did not cure it. I requested a stronger antibiotic than amoxicillin. The doctor would not prescribe it. After several days of excruciating pain plus Tylenol with Codeine I begged for a stronger antibiotic. When Z-pak was prescribed, the antibiotic began taking effect in just a few hours. In 24 hours my symptoms were greatly reduced and the tonsillitis was cured in just a few more days.
2717 elavil 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects migraines The elavil was taken as a preventative measure for migraines. I did have fewer migraines while I was taking this medication. The ones that I did get seemed to be less severe. I took it at night and it made it very difficult to wake up in the morning. Also, after I took it, I would go right to sleep but if something woke me up within the first few hours of taking it, I had a VERy hard time going back to sleep. "I took 25 to 50 mgs at bedtime for about 18 months. I took myself off of it because I was tired of the ""hangover"" effect. Since that time, the headaches are much less of a problem."
3686 effexor-xr 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression Worked very fast, could feel results within a week. Very effective in lifting severe depression and reduced frequency of panick attacks (though did not eliminate them entirely) Some insomnia, very vivid dreams, sweating at night. DO NOT MISS DOSES OR STOP TAKING...discontinuation happens really quickly and is the harshest I've ever felt (I've come off of Lexapro, amitriptyline and nortriptyline) Also my heartrate has increased slightly. Went up to 300mg a day from the starters pack within a few months of starting it. Lifted a very deep depression; at the time it was a godsend. After a year of being on it at 300mg it is starting to lose effectiveness (which I am told is typical) so I will either have to switch or add something because I can't increase much more.
1274 provigil 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects narcolepsy After being diagnosed with narcolepsy, Provigil changed my life. I had learned to live eternally tired and able to fall asleep at a moment's notice. After a sleep study revealed narcolepsy and I started on Provigil, I feel as if I've been given a second chance at life. Provigil helps me to stay awake and be alert....I no longer feel fatigued and always wanting to sleep. Provigil is an amazing drug and thank God it's available!!!! none 400 mg every morning, 200 mg early afternoon.
1629 premarin 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects partial hysterectomy Had to have a partial hysterectomy due to endometreosis. After the surgery began experiencing hot flashes on a very frequent basis - approximately 1-2 times per hour. My gynecologist prescribed Premarin .030mg. Since then I have moved up to the .045 mg dosage which I take once a day. For the most part, this relieves my symptoms even though I wake up at night on occasion with a night sweat. periodic headaches take once daily for relief of menopause symptoms
3531 lunesta 7 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects insomnia I started having insomnia due to some family issues and had to start taking sleeping pills. With the help of Lunesta I could usually get up to 5 hours of sleep at night on most nights, but then suddenly it stopped working. I could not fall asleep and had to switch to Ambien CR. "Bitter taste in the mouth next morning. Bitter taste in the mouth next morning.
Bitter taste in the mouth next morning. Bitter taste in the mouth next morning.
Bitter taste in the mouth next morning. Bitter taste in the mouth next morning.
Bitter taste in the mouth next morning. Bitter taste in the mouth next morning." "It worked for several nights, then suddenly stopped working: I could not fall asleep and had to switch to Ambien CR.
It worked for several nights, then suddenly stopped working: I could not fall asleep and had to switch to Ambien CR. It worked for several nights, then suddenly stopped working: I could not fall asleep and had to switch to Ambien CR.
It worked for several nights, then suddenly stopped working: I could not fall asleep and had to switch to Ambien CR. It worked for several nights, then suddenly stopped working: I could not fall asleep and had to switch to Ambien CR."
3918 nexium 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects hiatal hernia Control of high blood pressure. Taken in addition to Cartia XT once daily to control high blood pressure. The hydrochlorothiazide (HCT) increases the amount of urine removing salt and excess water to help lower high blood pressure. Dizziness, lightheadedness, and blurred vision. For Atacand HCT take one pill by mouth every morning. For Cartia XT take one capsule by mouth every evening.
4087 mobic 6 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects whiplash/ back and neck pain from auto accident My treatment benefits: My pain went away while taking Mobic. My anxiety went away. My mood was lifted. The first day I didn't take Mobic(Day 5) I experienced withdrawal like symptoms. Didn't want to get out of bed after eight hours of undisturbed sleep. Severe stomach cramping followed by diarrhea. I feel really strange. I can't focus. My pain is back. Face feels tingly. I have a shaky feeling. Nauseous. As the day progresses I am feeling less of these symptoms. I don't think it's worth all this. Physical therapy twice a week. Doctor every two weeks. Suppose to take 1-2 Mobic everyday for pain. 1-3 Flexiril a day to relax tense muscles. I take Flexiril at night because it knocks me out. But have only needed it the first two days of treatment.
3937 nexium 7 Highly Effective No Side Effects stomach acid/reflux The nexium was highly successful in calming the stomach acid. However, it took a long time to do so effectively. I only stopped taking it after a year. None. I was advised to take the drug in the evenings and it was easy to incorporate the drug into my daily regimea
3384 baclofen 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects multiple sclerosis i could sleep at night. my ms caused tightness everywhere, so i had alot of sleepless nights. lack of sleep made everything worse w/ my ms a little tired in the am ,but nothing horrible 10 mg at nite b4 bed
1083 effexor 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects migraine "I suffered from debilitating migraines. The first treatments of anti-depressants were effective, but the side effects became intolerable. After
trying other types of medications, Effexor (both XR and regular release) have been a blessing. I suffer no side effects and in the laast 5 years have only had to increase the dosage one time." "Previous medications (Nortrytpaline, amatryptaline) had a major sedative reaction. I was unable to get up in the mornings and was sleepy all day long.
Also a dry mouth contributed to tooth decay as I was always having some sort of
mint or candy or gum in my mouth." My Effexor treatments as simple, just take the drug once a day on the extended release type.
3397 proscar 7 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects hair loss Immediate slowing of loss, but the benefits waned after the first year. Mild testicular ache, reduced ejaculate Proscar was cut into 4 pieces and 1.25 mg were taken daily for over 2 years. There was immediate cessation of loss and moderate amounts of regrowth. Return to baseline, and then drastic fall below baseline, was observed in the year subsequent to drug initiation.
2016 triaz 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects acne My spots were reduced dramacially, skin cleared up and felt better. my confidence improved. i would recommend this product to other people. very slight dry skin in the areas I used the gel the most. I had to apply gel each night and keep it on whilst asleep, I would wash off in the morning and use other products as normal.
1253 tapazole 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects hyperthyroidism My hyperthyroidism is in remission 9 months after stopping the drug. I had no side effects and even my thyroid nodules are gone. Pretty amazing!! None - I felt no different at all I took the tapazole daily along with atenolol for the shaking and heart racing I was experiencing. I am completely drug free for 9 months and the thyroid is fine. I am so glad I didn't let the doctors irradiate the gland to ablate it. I would have had to be on synthoid forever.
3687 effexor-xr 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects depression, social anxiety disorder After a few months of treatment, I was actually able to function and get my social anxiety under control. My emotions became intact, and I enjoyed doing things again. Missing a dose of this medication is HORRIBLE. I start feeling withdrawal symptoms after 24 hours of not taking my medication. I once went 3 days without the 75mg pills, and I thought I was going to die. I was in a constant spin, I cried the whole time, I was exhausted, but I couldn't lay still. I was so nauseous that I couldn't eat and dry heaved for days. I literally thought I was going to die. DO NOT MISS A DOSE OF THIS MEDICATION!! In the beginning of treatment, I started out with 37.5mg pills and I did feel nauseous and dizzy for the first few days until my body adjusted, but it was nothing compared to how I would be feeling in 2 weeks! I do think this medication completely killed my sex drive. I don't have the urge to be intimate at all. I must say, I got extremely lucky with this medication. It was the first one I tried, and the only one I had to try. I was 19 when I starting taking this medication and was just starting my first year of college. I lived in an apartment with my boyfriend and attended school, no job. But that's all I did. Never made it out of the apartment, never went out, I lived in a huge city, made no friends, just an absolute mess. My emotions were a wreck and I felt absolutely helpless. I cried alll the time and I started having panic attacks out of nowhere, which I had absolutely NO idea what was going on. I just dealt with them in horror. I drank and did drugs, but it only made things worse. My doctor prescribed this drug and it did absolute wonders, within a week, I was starting to feel the weight being lifted off my shoulders. Within 3 weeks, I was able to drive in traffic, and open my blinds to let the sun in. Within 2 months, I was back to normal! I have the occasional off days, but who doesn't? The thought of possibly being dependent on this medication scares me because of how hard it's said to be weaned off of it, but I'm too scared to even TRY coming off effexor because of the withdrawal symptoms I experienced before. Overall, this medication is amazing, and does wonders.
1578 xanax 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety I was experiencing anxiety and would take a quarter of a pill to take the edge off. Within 20-30 minutes the anxiety would decrease a lot. Mostly I wouldn't even have a full pill in a day. If I took the recommended dose (half to a full pill) I would get very tired. Once I tested different dosages and decreased it to a quarter, I cannot remember any side effects. The way it was prescribed I was to take up to one pill and I could take it every 4 hours. That dosage was way to high for me so I decreased it to a quarter of a pill and only took it when I had extreme anxiety. One bottle of 30 lasted me two years. I almost never go to the doctor and I never really take drugs unless it is absolutely necessary. I wanted to do your survey so I could get the free report on making home creams, but I also really like what you are doing!
2187 clonazepam 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety/ panic attacks/ insomnia The drug was taken for my daily anxiety caused by stress and also insomnia to help relax my body before bed. The drug is mainly intended for anxiety and works great at relieving those systems such as irregular heart beat, nervousness and other anxiety causing symptoms. I give it a 9 out of 10 for its performance. The only thing i didnt like about this drug is that with taking it overtime I felt as if my body built tolerance to the drug as well as became more dependent on it. I still am until this day and have managed to ween off the drug. Then again every ones body is different, Just do your research before taking benzodiazepines long term. The treatment overall treated my anxiety quickly and effectively. No regrets. The drug overall has treated me effectively despite the minor drawbacks.
4061 amoxil 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects sore throat with a low grade fever My son is generally very leary of any type of medicine and even throws up certain cough syrups and acetaminophens that I would give him. I had two concerns for this oral medication. First, I was skeptical that this prescription for amoxicillin would be any different in terms of taste and that my son would also throw it up. Also, being that my son is a diabetic coupled with the fact that he was sick, I was concerned that this medication might have sugars that would affect his blood sugar readings. I found no real difference in his health for the first two to three days but in the days following, his health improved dramatically to the point where we almost forgot to take it. Understanding that the antibiotic needed to be taken for the full ten days in order to be the most effective, we continued to take it to the end of the ten days. My son did not notice/experience any side effects. There did not seem to be any physical reaction with the drug except that he became better within days. I gave my son a teaspoon of amoxicillin after each of three meals per day for ten days in total.
1388 benzaclin 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects acne This has helped reduce my cystic acne that forms on my chin area. Nothing has helped previously.I had tried OTC products including Proactiv as well as RX differin. The cysts still occur occasionally but with far less frequency. dryness Applied daily in the evening. At first sign of a cyst forming I usually apply it twice daily.
1 nasonex 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects congested sinuses Traeatment with Nasonex was effective at controlling some of my congestion before sinus surgery and all of it after surgery. The treatment also controlled my allergies to cats and dogs as a bonus! I stayed 4 days at a freinds house with a dog and was without sneezing and stuffiness, however my asthma was still an issue. Immediate side effects that I noticed were with my immune system. I got sick (colds and upper respiratory infections) more easily and I had one bug bite that became infected and took a long time to heal. I also noticed that I put on a few pounds (2-3) but am not sure if that is related or not. Began treatment with spray before sinus surgery and continued after surgery. 6 months after surgery, the spray was stopped.
2218 benicar-hct 1 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects hypertension Blood pressure was decreased initially to where it should have been, and gradually stopped being so effective Severe rectal pain, beginning around 4 weeks into the treatment. At first there was burning, after bowel movements, then increased to severe burning all the time, then to pain, and finally severe pain (could not sit or lay down). No hemorrhoids, tears, or fisures, but the pain continued, even if no bowel movements for days. Finally stopped taking the medication at the end of August 2009, but the symptoms continue even now (Feb 2010), although not nearly as bad. Now the pain just makes me sit sideways, but at least I can sit and lay down to sleep. I had never been diagnosed with high blood pressure, but had recently gained several pounds because of the double round of steroids I was put on because of a severe skin rash (seasonal allergic reaction). Since we had recently moved I didn't have a PCP yet and the rash on my arms looked like it may have been getting infected, I went to a local emergent care center and saw a doctor there. They took my blood pressure and immediately put me on Benicar HCT, 20 mg, once a day. I took the medication as prescribed until the anal pain got to be too bad. Since going off the medication my BP is a little elevated but I'm reluctant to go back on any meds, especially no one seems to be willing to admit the Benicar caused this problem or is offering any solutions to help it get better.
3206 arava 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects ra and ankylizing spondolitis diclofinac has helped with the pain and swelling of joints.Lefluonomide, for me, had no noticible benefits. Nausea, weakness leg and feet cranps shortness of breath rapid heart rate. After a short time I discontinued the medicine, symptoms held on for three more days, Still not feeling well but there has been mild improvement see side effects
2620 trileptal 7 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects tri geminal neuralgia Stop pain of nerve spasms, without the drug, the tri geminal neuralgia pain is considered one of the most painful of all medical conditions. With this medicine the patient has been able to avoid the risks of neuro surgury and still control the pain. Headaches occasionally. Took 150 mg or 1 tablet 2 times a day
302 pataday 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects allergic reaction taking the eye drops once a day relieved itching and redness. there were no side effects. the treatment stopped my eyes from itching and being red. it did not seem to have any other side effects. there is really nothing else to say about it. there were no side effects once a day, usually in the morning put 1-2 drops in each eye
504 paxil-cr 5 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects anxiety/panic attacks Controls the anxiety and fear of being without breathing. "GAIN WEIGHT (60 pnds) fron 125 lbs to 180 lbs (5'4""). Lazyness, sugar and candy cravings, depression form gain weight, sleep a lot, no concordance, No sex, confussion, nightmares, moody, constinspation at the begginng, face breakouts, intolerance, short of breath, headeach..among others." "Begginng dose: 25 mg for 1.5 yr.(may 08 to dec 09).
Dec 09: want 2 have bbs..so I talked 2 my Doc and I start with 12.5 this week (dec 7, 09). To end the process.
If I can turn back time..OMG..I used alternative treatments..no drugs.."
1014 estrace 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects surgical menopause reduction in mood swings;night sweats;wt. gain gallbladder disease;reflux This medication was working well until it changed from round tablet to oblong tablet. Now need to take higher dose for similar effect. Has not worked as well since name brand was sold to different company and shape change. I wonder if there are women having same problem. Had surgical menopause for 19 years.
224 wellbutrin-xl 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects chronic depression Significant improvement in mood, affect, energy, libido, and overall mental status. Significant reduction in anxiety, moodiness, and certain obsessive compulsive traits. None Patient suffering from severe depression prior to medication. Had taken Wellbutrin SR in the past with moderate side effects and moderate improvement in depression. Attending psychiatrist prescribed Wellbutrin XL at a higher dose in conjunction with Dexedrine for ADD. Marked improvement in depression and ADD symptoms. Patient still taking medication.
1805 oxycontin 3 Considerably Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects back pain It provided me Pain releif that enabled me to get up in the morning and pain releif that helped with cramps and pain while sleeping at night. I think it only blocked the pain receptor in my brain but didn't actually provide a cure for the main problem. It was like a mask that may have caused more damagae in the end I became severely addicted to the drug. With flu like symptoms when out of meds. I became dependant on the meds everyday to function and because it was working for enabling me to go about my day I didn't look for a proper treatment. In the end I wouldn't say that these pain medication do anything but mask the initial problem and my Dr considered the problem solved and didn't seek an alternate method of helping me long term Take one pill 2 times a day
381 lamotrigine 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects ptsd I have never felt so good in my life. This drug doesn't make you happy but it gives you a stable state to work from. I also read self-help books and have therapy along with the medicine but I wouldn't have been able to not have extreme highs and lows without Lamotrigine. It saved my relationships and my sanity. Thank God for this medicine. Yeast infections occasionally. "In therapy weekly and using ""Feeling Good"" and ""Break the Chain of Low Self-Esteem""."
3540 vivelle-dot 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects low estragen I had more energy, better disposition and I slept better. This hormone therapy is great. I think most menopausal women should take it. It made me feel more like my old self. I had absolutely no side effects. I put on a new patch twice a week. I recommend Vivelle Dot to most women.
942 levaquin 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects sinusitis Although I took this drug about 3 to 4 days before I realized it was making me sicker, there were no treatment benefits during the time I was on it. Actually , I started feel worse about day 3 or 4. The drug seemed to be enhancing the sinusitus symptoms! The treatment side effects of Levaquin were very similar to my sinusitis symptoms, hence the fact I stayed on the drug for several days. Side effects included headache, dizziness, lightheadedness and nausea (nausea is not a symptom of sinusitus that I ever experienced before). The side effects slowly got worse the longer I took the drug. I asked for the drug in liquid form, as I have difficulty swallowing many pills. I took the drug as recommended, but the symptoms did not get better. As I mentioned earlier, the symptoms got worse. I called my doctor's office on the third day and was told that the symptoms I was experiencing was the infection. By day 5 I knew it was the drug, and stopped taking it. After a couple of days the nausea went away, and eventually the sinusitus infection slowly got better. I will never take Levaquin again!
623 finacea 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects acne & rosacea Finacea works well, is my everyday solution to acne and rosacea, but I still have occasional breakouts which are more quickly dried up by using Neutragena salicylic acid spot products. Finacea has a creamier texture, so doesn't dry my skin as much as other products or irritate it, causing redness. I still require a light moisurizer, in addition to it and the CeraVe moisturizing product that has been packaged with Finacea in a recent promotion works well with it. None I apply it over my entire face (except for eye areas)after washing and toning, but before moisturizing or applying wrinkle reduction cream.
3673 effexor-xr 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression I have been on Effexor XR for about 10 years. I am currently taking 300 mg per day. Before going on Effexor XR I was a crazy person...I tried to commit suicide several times. I still had anger issues and was given Lamictal and my anger has decreased immensely. I had been on so many different antidepressants I thought this was how my life was always going to be, my family slowly watching me sleep myself to death. Since my doctor put me on Effexor XR added Lamictal & Desyrel I feel better than ever. I also found out I'm allergic to wheat, dairy & eggs. Deleting these items from my diet along with the medications has made me a new person. The only adverse effect I experienced was when I tried to play doctor and wean myself from the meds. It was like withdrawals from hard drugs; chills, nausea, etc. I took periodically myself off my meds because I didn't want to be dependant on medicaton. It was always the wrong thing to do. My Dr gave me a sample pack (containing 7-37.5 mg capsules & 7-75mg capsules) as well as a prescription for 75 mg. I was to take the 37.5 mg capsules then the 75 mg capsules. The dosage has been increased over time to 300mg.
1227 ultracet 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects chronic pain from disk hernia in cervical spine enabled me to manage pain without being on narcotics. I did not experience a spacey out of touch feeling as I did when taking vicodin. It did make me a bit sleepy for the first couple of hours after dosing mild sleepyness on drug to control pain prior to surgical correction of a herniated cervical disk and for post op pain
3578 differin 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects acne I have had acne since the age of fifteen (15). I tried several treatments, but the one that has shown improvement to my skin has been Differin. With Differin, there has been a reduction of blemishes, my skin feels and looks smoother, and the hyperpigmention of my skin has lightened significantly. Side effects included dryness and irritation of the skin, which were both in part, very mild. apply a thin layer every night to clean skin.
3450 tamiflu 5 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects the flu I felt better in about 2 days. Maybe I would of felt better with out the drug. Not quite sure if it really helped. The side effects were the drug made me not able to sleep at night. It gave me restless legs,and insomnia. It also took away my apitete. The treatment was to take 1 tablet orally 2 times a day for 5 days.
689 accutane 10 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects acne vulgaris The problem, Acne Vulgaris, did disappear Some days of severe depression, extremely dry skin "In the first few weeks I couldn�t see any changes in my skin�s condition but dryness. Then, after ca. 6-8 weeks the skin became more and more clean and soft. The treatment lasted about 4 month and was highly effective. No Acne after stopping to take the Accutane.
The skin would remain drier than usual several years after the treatment had been finished and it would be clean.
I can recommend it to people who have severe Acne vulgaris."
70 flexeril 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects muscle spasm/neck and upper back pain It allowed me to relax and sleep. My neck and back pain subsided a little. It made me forget most of my pain. drowsy when i first woke up but once i got moving around it went away The doctor had me take flexeril 3 times a day but i started out with 1 at bedtime for 2 1/2 weeks. It took 2 weeks to work but after i started taking it 3 times a day at it worked faster. It helps to stretch also while you take flexeril.
1785 citalopram 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects depression, anxiety After about 2 weeks, felt much calmer and less depressed. Stressful situations or emotional distress were experienced less acutely and I was able to deal with them much better. Overall feeling of 'who cares' but not to a bad extent. Also lost about 20 pounds which may be due to it acting as an appetite suppressant? Or maybe because it stopped my stress eating. Either way, nice side effect :) Loss of weight- appetite suppression. Complete loss of sexual interest. Kind of a bummer but preferable to the depression. Also experienced an episode of intense confusion around the time it was supposed to be kicking in. Works great... Very happy with it, as alprazolam seems to have no effect on me.
568 atenolol 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects heart racing and fluttering this drug works very well to control my heart from racing and fluttering. i have had a echo cardiogram and they say it is nothing serious but it really bothers me and makes me shaky and queasy. it was nice to get relief from this drug. when i first took it it seemed to make me depressed but after a while that seemed to go away. other than that i have had no side effects. the doctor prescribed the drug and i take 1/2 tablet a day which would be 25 mg.
2161 zyrtec 5 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects allergies After moving to Okalahoma, allergies became a problem. Different medicines prescribed and over the counter were tried. At one point, I had to visit the doctor every six months two get a B12 shot and a steroid shot. I was not pleased with the such frequent visits to the doctor's office but needed a treat for my new found allergies that were really affecting my work and family life. A rash on my face occurred after two days and the medicine made very anxious. After moving to Okalahoma, allergies became a problem. Different medicines prescribed and over the counter were tried. At one point, I had to visit the doctor every six months two get a B12 shot and a steroid shot. I was not pleased with the such frequent visits to the doctor's office but needed a treat for my new found allergies that were really affecting my work and family life. Both my 4 year old son and I tried Zyrtec. We both had an allergic reaction in the form of a rash on our face. Allergies are very common in Oklahoma because of the ragweed. Different medicines prescribed and over the counter were tried. At one point, I had to visit the doctor every six months two get a B12 shot and a steroid shot. I was not pleased with the such frequent visits to the doctor's office but needed a treat for my new found allergies that were really affecting my work and family life. I began taking 1 tsp onf Zyrtec once per day. The drug proved to work.
85 methimazole 5 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects hyperthyroidism "Stabilizes my thyroid function and brings it into a ""normal"" range.
Consequently my heart rate normalizes" "Early in treatment Drs. would give me a specific dose to take for as long as 6 weeks. During this amount of time, on say..30-20 mgs per day, my thyroid would become so enlarged, I could barely swallow.. I now have a better handle on it.. and monitor my self with either breaking pills or smaller doses which I can control.
ALSO--I now have Osteopenia." "First need to say Drs. waned me to have thyroid ablation. I opted to ""keep"" my thyroid and treat with mediycation, rather than ""killing it off"" chemically and becoming HYPO-Thyroid and treating with a replacement ""synthroid"" type meds.
Early in treatment Drs. would give me a certain dose to take for as much as 6 weeks-long after reaching ""normal"" (tsh etc..)thyroid levels, Now I monitor myself by how I feel and usually I'm not accurate, but most of the time I am.
ALSO I now have Osteopenia-exercise and calcium and Vit D are all very important!"
4094 chantix 2 Considerably Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects smoking cessation "Reduced desire to smoke
Reduced cravings for cigarettes" Suicidal thoughts (calm idea of jumping off 14th floor) Treatment was immediately stopped after suicidal episode and this effect was reported to the drug administration by the pharamcist. I gave up smoking without the product.
3869 levoxyl 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects under active thyroid "I had tons more energy, better sleep, my brittle hair and dry skin improved ,cold hands and feet were a thing of the past ,but the best part was the fact that my
horse voice and persistent sore throat got better,also a feeling of well being which I didn't have before taking them , I felt I had control of my life again." there were absolutly no side affects , I didn't have a dry mouth as I know some other medication can cause , no upset stomach , sickness ,or dizzyness. 1 pill every morning taken with water on an empty stomach, I didn't eat for about half hour after taking the medication , also I made sure I didn't drink it with grapefruit juice ,
2072 metformin 3 Marginally Effective No Side Effects diabetes There was no perceptible benefit to the patient from his point of view; there was an apparent improvement as measured by the doctor. The doctor advised continuation of the treatment. There was no perceptible side effect experienced by the patient; this is possibly possibly due to the inattentive nature of the patients deep depression. The patient also had extreme sleep apnea. Started the treatment for 60 days at maximum recommended rate; the patient found no perceptible improvement he then trailed off to stop treatment over the following 60 days.
3680 effexor-xr 7 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects depression "Felt the ""cloud lift"" after 6 days or so.
Feel free from depression for the first time in 10 years.
But, glad to be rid of it." "Horrible for me. Acquired secondary insomnia (for the entire duration), at one point, didn't sleep for 5 days.
Had a very intense feeling of delayed reactions/delayed feelings. ie. would go to turn the music up in the car and would turn the dial the wrong way. Took a few seconds to feel what I was actually touching, grabbing.
Killed my sex drive.
Withdrawl is EXTREME. Constant crying, very vivid and disturbing dreams, general listlessness." Taken once a day (until up to 150 mg/day and then taken twice a day). Always in the morning, as would help with insomnia.
117 valtrex 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects shingles Prior to starting 1000 mg acyclovir QID, I was taking the standard 200 mg 5 times a day regimin. I devloped the shingles in the 5th cranial nerve. I had lesions following the entire nerve roots across my face, but had them internally as well. There were lesions in the ear canal, the side of my tongue and down my throat. I had taken a flu shot and had exposure to sun, as well as starting 2 new jobs about the same time as the first onset. I developed 1 blister which I thought was herpes. I had not had a herpes outbreak in years. I started the acyclovir and noticed more and different complaints every day. I first got a lesion on the entrance to the ear canal and more accompanying the first one on my lower chin. Then my lower teeth began to become painful, as if I had a great toothache. After about 4 days, I began to feel exhausted and unable to snap out of my fatigue. The next day I awoke and had a sensation that my mouth was not fully moving. Later the eye began to remain open and would not blink. The 3rd day of these symtoms, I devloped total paralysis of the left face. I saw 1 of my doctors immediately. He gave me a cortisone shot and told me the dose of acyclovir to take. He said it was bell's palsey. A friend called and said it was Ramsay-Hunt. I was on bedrest from Mid October until 2 weeks ago. I have very little stamina, and slowly I am getting more energy. The latest addition to my medication arsenal was Alpha-lipoic acid. I had statrted lysine and red marine algae. I stopped coffe, soda, most meat and ate only what little I cooked or made myself. I am pleased that most of my facial functions have returned, with the exception of the eye bliking completely, and a slight difference in my smile. I take at least 1 dose of ibuprophen every day due to neuralgia or a sense of swelling in my left face. I did not notice any. acyclovir, rest. PRN doses of ibuprophen. Tape eye shut and use of moisture drops.
2926 tramadol 5 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects migranes Very effective in my sleep pattern Drowsiness which was not a major issue for me. phase of depression each time i stopped taking the pill. I didn't realize what was causing it until after the last couple of times. I mean a serious phase of depression which was new to me since i have never experienced depression before I took the pill only when i had a migrane for a period of 3 months. I would be okay before and while i took the pill. The low mood, feelings of unworthiness and a heavy feeling in my head that i can't explain any better
3383 lipitor 10 Considerably Effective No Side Effects high blood cholesterol levels My blood cholesterol decreased from 260 to 190-210 and my LDLs dropped and now hover around 100 mg/dl; always had high HDL levels of 84-92. Needed to keep my VLDLs low too. No side effects high cholesterol, 260, at menopause and 2 younger brothers with heart attacks in early 50s. Both brothers had high blood VLDLs. So took Lipitor to keep blood cholesterol levels down because of family history of high blood cholesterol on both maternal and paternal sides of family.
564 atenolol 7 Moderately Effective No Side Effects blood pressure it did keep my blood pressure lower , and i did feel better.and i felt more at ease driving "I felt a little tired at times,and some dizziness i ended up taking it at night
and that seem to help." "if i took it in the mornings with a meal. sometimes ,not all time my blood pressure
did not lower like it should,so i took it at night, with a bigger meal.that seem to help, because during the day i seem to have a problem but not as often."
3253 cleocin 6 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects acne during 20's and 30's it appeared to create a protective skin barrier and keep acne at bay "suspect that long-term over-use of this anti-biotic is part of the domino effect
that disrupted immune system which set stage for cancer diagnosis at age 40" "used to put clindamycin lotion on face every morning after cleansing to create an antibiotic shield to protect skin from contamination that might aggravate acne ... that, plus the birth control pills taken during 20's and 30's likely
aggravated immune system and underlying candidiasis overpopulation which had been
life-long but not diagnosed until age 50 ... anyway, went through chemotherapy at age 40 ... thyroid pooped-out, which required commencement of lifelong thyroid hormone supplementation ... now realize how it is all connected - have gotten off
antibiotics altogether, gone organic in diet and products (toiletries, household
products) and feel good at ten-year-wellness anniversary since cancer diagnosis :o)"
1753 topamax 8 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects migraine The number of migraines were reduced from 20+ a month to 12 or even less. There have been some months when I have had only 5 or less migraines. More importantly, the intensity of the migraines is considerably reduced. On a pain scale of 1-10, I would have 12 or 15+ pain, that no amount of medication helped, and they would last for 3 to 5 days. Now, when I do get a migraine, it's usually at a 2 or 3 pain level, and I rarely need to take more than 1 Relpax for relief. One rather odd side effect, which others on the drug have commented upon, is that you forget words. I've always been very articulate, and it can be frustrating to be in the middle of a conversation, or when I was doing training sessions, to suddenly go blank and be completely unable to remember a word I've used all my life. Also, at one point I decided to go off the medication in the vain hope I could manage the migraines without drugs. Even coming off the Topamax over a period of months, I gained 20 pounds. I started on the usual dosage of 25mg in the morning and evening, then after 2 weeks increased it to 50mg twice a day. Most people stay at this level, however, I seem to have a very high metablisim when it comes to medication, and anything I've taken for migraines always has to be increased beyond normal dosage in order to work. Therefore, my neurologist increased the dosage to 200 mg a day, and after about a year when that no longer worked, we went to 300mg a day, which I know is high for used in migraine treatment. However, I've been on almost every migraine medication there is over the years, and there is nothing else that works. I'm hoping for more breakthroughs in migraine research, before I end up at 400mg a day and forget half my vocabulary!
2813 wellbutrin 4 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects depression/anxiety Decreased depression felt funny and would get sort of dizzy "I switched from Zoloft to Wellbutrin because it seemed like Zoloft was increasing my appetite a lot. I originally was treated with Zoloft for a severe episode of depression. After switching to Wellbutrin and taking it for a few months I continued to experience the original relief I had gotten from depression by taking Zoloft. It is possible however that I no longer needed anti-depressants.
I stopped taking Wellbutrin b/c while taking it, a few times a day I would feel pretty strange physically for a few moments. I found this frightening so I didn't want to continue taking it."
2022 protonix 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects reflux Benefits of Protonix were a greatly reduced incidence of heartburn and spams in the esophagus. None I took the Protonix once a day approxiamtely 30 minutes before eating breakfast.
3863 levoxyl 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects hypothyroidism The drug reduced symptoms of tiredness and moodiness. Hair loss was also seemed to improve. none known Pill taken 1/day for life. Dosage must be monitored over time and may need to be adjusted. May take several different dosages to be tried before optimal perscription is determined for your body. Also, in filling the perscription specify non-generic.
3235 nuvaring 5 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects pregnancy I have not gotten pregnate while using, and I can usually not tell the ring is there. I had a severe headache that lasted a week. Vaginal iching. Loss of sexual desire. Insert one ring for three weeks, then take out for one week. I do know someone with a blood clot that could've lead to a stroke or heartattack while using.
1580 xanax 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety I was able to relax more than usual, and my mind did not feel like a race car circling a track at 150 miles per hour. It became easier to focus on the task at hand without worrying about what was on my to-do list and, due to an eating disorder, how much I had eaten or was going to eat that day. I found it slightly more difficult to drive while under the influence of the drug, and oftentimes I caught myself spacing out. Sun exposure seemed to strengthen the drug's effect, and being in the sun made me lethargic and sometimes even dizzy. Overall, I always felt as though I was on an irregular level of consciousness, and not in the same mental place as surrounding people not on the drug. I was told to take one or 1/2 tablet approximately 30 minutes before undergoing an event that I predicted would inflict anxiety. My stress was effectively reduced during family meals and going out to restaurants. However, I took 1/2 tablet before receiving a vaccination shot and, although I did not pass out as usual, I still became lightheaded and dizzy as a result of the needle. Perhaps a whole tablet would have eliminated these effects. In the end, I couldn't get used to feeling like I was on drugs while trying to work, drive, etc. so I decided to not refill my prescription and began seeing my therapist more often instead.
3596 differin 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects uneven skin colour, anti-aging My skin has become dramatically clearer and it has a fresh glow that I am very happy with. My skin is smoother, finer, and the darker areas on my forehead (related to sun exposure) have faded almost completely. Mild redness in the first three or four weeks, especially after exfoliating in the morning (which is my habit, not something recommended by my dermatologist though I have not asked). It is a lot more urgent that I get moisturizer on after washing my face in the morning than it used to be before starting this treatment. My face feels very tight and uncomfortable until I get the moisturizer on. Before the treatment, I had noticed my skin was becoming dull and a bit leathery, and some wrinkles were setting in to my forehead. This is all substantially improved, and I'm so glad I shelled out for this cream.
2811 wellbutrin 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression My dosage is NOT the standard treatment of 300 mg daily, however at the 100 mg daily dose I get some benefits, including decreased irritability and appetite control, without side effects. None. I have been on this medication, at this dosage for a few years now, and it works great. No side effects at the 100 mg per day dose but I still get the benefits of help with mood swings and appetite control.
2078 metformin 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects diabetes Totally under control Byetta had slight nausea effects at first I take Byetta imj twice a day before meals and metformin morning and night. The Lipitor is taken at night and the synthroid in the am before meals. My A1c is 5.2 and have kept off of insulin for 4 years. Diet and exercise have also factored into the treatment. I am totally under control.
1516 glucophage 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects pcos/insulin resistance I went to the doctor complain of never losing weight despite dieting and exercises, and after some medical evaluation , I was diagnosed with severe insulin resistance, polycysitc ovary syndrome , and hypothyroid ,all which contributed to weight problem , my doctors plan was to take metformin at the maximum dose , 850 mg , 3 times and and to start a medication for my throid , within 3 months I had lost 20 pounds , normalized my periods and reversed my insulin resistance I was instructed to keep taking metformin for the rest of my life gastric side effects I was instructed to tae the drug 3 times a day infintely
1668 climara 5 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects perimenopause I began taking Climara for perimenopause issues-- insomnia, horrible PMS, moodiness, night sweats. It helped for these issues. The main side effects I experienced with Climara were bloating, weight gain and indigestion/gas. I gained 8 pounds in two months! As soon as I stopped the drug, the bloating and gas disappeared, and my weight gain is returning to normal. Climara is meant to be used with a complementary progesterone subscription. I took it in pill form. Now I am planning to try Amberen, a natural supplement which is supposed to balance the endocrine system. Got my fingers crossed!
1298 zocor 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects high cholerterol lowered cholesterol by 13% with no side effects there were no side effects from the dosage I take One pill daily to reduce bad cholesterol with no side effects, I didn't really change my diet and the simvastatin reduced cholesterol by 13-15%. I get yearly blood test to see if it effected my liver and so far have had no problems.
2380 synthroid 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects hypothyroidism Clearer thinking; improved outlook and energy level. I have had a persistent cough since taking this drug. Taken first thing with glass of water and no food for 30 minutes. Doctor did not see the connection between cough and Synthroid,(chest Xray came back fine) however as it did bother my stomach briefly at time of dosing, I decided it might be affecting the stomach lining. Recently towards late afternoon or before retiring will take Tagamet or some generic stomach med. I DO NOT experience heartburn, however, this routine seems to reduce the embarrassing cough significantly. This was my own resolution after trying many allergy medicines once or twice which did not stop the cough at all. Was also given sample of Advair which I did not use due to negative side effects I read about on internet before using. I am seeking a more natural and effective solution to replace the Synthroid with something that will treat source of low thyroid as well as the symptoms.
1115 effexor 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects depression stopped depression ie. repeatative negative thoughts, suicidal thougts, and general malaise. relieved insomnia. Bizarre dreams on nightly basis. Possibly digestive problems. I started on effexor after a serious suicide attempt following chronic sleep deprevation. The trazadone was quickly added. I effectively slept and within several weeks of taking both medications (taking the effexor and trazadone at bedtime) found my depression relieved.
4040 tri-luma 10 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects melasma excellent!!!! been using on and off for about 5 yrs now. I have learned how this works so theres no side effects such as really dry flaky skin. i use a little in the am then at night.I do this for about 2 wks. Meanwhile i DO NOT use any scrubs or rub my face , just gently, also NO masks or toners etc. Close to 2 wks, when in a hot shower gentle exfoliate, you will see dead skin coming off. dry your face and ts gonna look dry, flaky and terrible. use PURE COCOBUTTER on your face during the day, then only at night use the triluma, and repeat the exfoliate every few days, then the cocobutter etc, until you get results. My face looks amazing after using this process, but i do not have acne, so not sure how it would work with the cocobutter, might make the acne worse. good luck! dry skin explained above
1776 citalopram 6 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects depression/anxiety I did not notice any benefit myself, although my wife felt I was less 'Snappy'. Hoping to get more benefits now I have moved up to a higher dose. Waking up in the night and not being able to sleep. Shaking. Nervousness. Agitation. Sweating. Increased sex drive. Upset stomach/ flatulance. Tiredness. Dejavous. "I am writing this having just been back to the GP's as I did not think it was working as well as it could do according to other reports. He raised me up to 40mg from an initial dose of 20mg.
As you can see I have listed a lot of side effects, although to be honest these were not a problem and mostly gone by 10days of treatment. That is until I got raised to 40mg and now they are back with a vengeance.
However, if it helps with the depression it will be worth it. I have my tablet with food as otherwise I get a dodgy stomach, but for some people they may need to take it without food for the same reason. Again, if it makes you tired, take on an evening, if it keeps you awake then take on the morning."
2217 benicar-hct 8 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects high blood pressure The benefits were that it did help lower my blood pressure. With the HCT added to the Benicar, I was constantly going to the bathroom. My potassium got so low on this medication that I am currently taking 3 potassium pills daily. Benicar/HCT was taken once a day due to my blood pressure being high. It did help control my blood pressure, if I ever forgot to take it I could feel the results - headache, etc. When I first began taking it I felt really tired all the time but eventually got used to it. I started losing weight (not because of the medication, I was actually trying to lose weight) and my potassium got so low that my physician took me off of the HCT part and started me just on the Benicar 40 mg daily. I am still taking potassium pills until my labs show that my potassium is okay.
311 protopic 4 Highly Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects eczema Got rid of eczema quickly when applied in a thin layer. I have used this for years without realizing its side effects or being told about the side effects from my doctors or pharmacist. This drug has severe side effects, and I was not told about ANY of them! I believe I have gotten shingles as a side effect from this drug. Shingles tends to happen to the elderly or people with weakened immune systems. My immune system was weakened by this drug enough to get shingles! Do your research before continuing to choose to use this product. "Applied whenever I had a flare-up with a thin layer of the Protopic ointment.
Please educate yourself and try many other alternatives before even considering using this product. I have used it for many years and regret it after learning about all the harmful side effects."
1835 yasmin 3 Marginally Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects birth control Less acne, more controlled cycle headaches, dizzy spells, extreme breast tenderness (like someone is crushing them), anxiety, slight depression, very bad cramps, very large clots, mood swings, heart palpitations Got on Yasmin to weaken my flow, my acne from the previous pill went away (ortho tri clyclen-lo), everything seemed great. I was slightly discouraged about my weight gain, a few pounds here and there, but 2 years later I am 40lbs heavier than I was when I started this pill. I do not solely blame the pill for this but I can imagine it has aided me in packing on the pounds. I exercise regularly and try to watch what I put in my mouth. I have random weird mood-swings that only seem to be getting worse. I stopped taking this pill the other day because I couldnt stand always being tired, fatigued, moody, and the headaches were unbearable. I have had a few since that day but hopefully everything will start to get better. I am looking for alternative pills because most of them make my acne really bad, and I have never had acne as a teenager. My mothers friends daughter was only on this pill 3 months and had liver problems. My health isnt worth it. I would rather bleed for 8-9 days than possibly die. Be careful ladies.
2546 zetia 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects high cholestrol My target was to have the a cholestrol reduction from 240 to under 200. I did not want want to take statins because I am not comfortable with drugs that inhibit normal metabolic processes. Evolution is parsimonius, and inhibition of any enzyme is likely to be reflected as an adverse effect in a seemingly unrelated area. Also, I did not want to take red yeast rice, which basically is a non-phrmaceutical grade of a statin. I liked the physical mode of action of Zetia. Within 6 months of starting treatment, my total cholesterol was down from to 200 and my HDL went up from 45 to 58. I did not experience any perceptible side effects. See treatment benefits above. I take my daily dose of Zetia shortly after having my breakfast.
3508 atacand 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects high blood pressure The Atacand worked well for me IF taken consistently without skipping days. I was able to bring my blood pressure to at least 120/80 and at times a bit lower. Note that consistency of medication is a key. Should the 8mg tablet taken once per day not prove as effective as desired, my physician advised that I could take an additional tablet or two per day without problem. Did not notice any undesirable side effects. The only thing that could be mentioned is that if one embarks on a significant exercise routine such as elleptical stairstep machine for 30+ minutes/day and keeps up the exercise for weeks on end while at the same time taking the Atacand, one may end up with a [not undesirable] blood pressure in the 112/65 range. The Atacand worked well IF taken routinely without skipping days. It takes a while for the regulation to start, ie, you can't begin from scratch taking the Atacand the first morning and expect proper blood pressure regulation that afternoon. Doesn't work that quickly. There is a tendency, after taking the medication consistently and seeing your pressure get well under control, to think that maybe you can stop or at least taper off of the Atacand. One may try this but will find that the best regimen is consistency. It did work well for me and keeps me under 120/80.
986 antivert 10 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects labyrinthitis Decreased the vertigo almost immediately; no further vomiting; I was able to walk and move my head without the awful spinning. Sedation--I almost the entire time I took the medication...I'm not sure I could have taken this and gone to work. My doctor said the Labyrinthitis is usually preceded by a cold and fluid collects in the inner portion of the ear and causes the dizziness/vomiting. The treatment was symptom relief (using the Meclizine) and the fluid gradually absorbs.
2796 wellbutrin 10 Considerably Effective No Side Effects depression more motivation,stopped crying in the morning,improved feelings of wellbeing,I could enjoy music and started singing spontaniously at times,something Ihad'nt done in years dry mouth at first week then no side effects ,even when I went up to a dose of 500mg a day under the care of a psychatrist ruled out zoloft as it gave me diareahea when Itook it several years ago for panic attacks .The zoloft did stop the panic attacks,however. So Istarted on paxal for 3 months .felt somewhat better but slowed down or groggy.I decided the side effects were counter productive to what I needed in an antidepressant. Iasked to try wellbutrin. And felt the above mentioned benefits. I stared on the extended release then switched to generic and 2x a day dosing as the generic was much cheaper.I felt no difference between name brand and generic. Ihad no weight loss side effect.
4046 amoxil 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects infection (in ear) the treatment cleared up the infection, mostly. It cleared up the infection but I still felt that it was there for a while. It did get rid of the pain in my ears from the infection really quickly, and the 'blocked up' feeling I had in my ear. There were no side effects. The infection was mostly cleared up. For a few weeks I felt as though I still had a bit of an infection or it was coming back. But after a while that went away.
2244 zovirax 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects herpes outbreaks were reduced from one every few months to one every few years none that I am aware of just swallow one capsule three times per day
2164 zyrtec 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects allergies I was able to live without allerigies. Zyrtec alleviated my symptoms except for a slight cough without the drowsiness of other medications. None I was taking benadryl prior to zyrtec. I found that benadryl was way too drowsy and zyrtec isn't. I take zyrtec in the morning and it alleviates my symptoms. My doctor said it was better to take it at night because it might cause drowsiness. I find it easier to take in the morning because I usually forget at night. I find it to be very effective in alleviating most symptoms.
3460 ambien-cr 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects insomnia much improved sleep without waking in the middle of the night. none really. Maybe groggy but not terribly. Took 1 pill at bedtime
3637 retin-a 5 Ineffective Moderate Side Effects i had blotchy skin in the form of freckles and sun I did not experience benefits as the medication was too harsh, forcing me to have to stop application. I experienced significant peeling of my skin all over my face. I initially applied a thumbnail size dab every other evening as advised before bedtime and then after about two weeks I began applying it daily. The medication was too harsh.
3189 desyrel 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects depression less depression and suicidal ideation. I was not responding to any other anti-depressants and this one sometimes works for people who do not respond to others. Maybe it's because it makes you sleep very well. Sometimes it is prescribed as a mild sleeping pill. sleepiness, it must be taken at bedtime. and some memory loss. a bit of blurred vision. If there is no food in the stomach there can be nausea. If I get up in the middle of the night I sometimes vomit. I must take it daily and can not just quit suddenly. I must phase off if necessary.
3113 ortho-tri-cyclen 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects birth control Highly effective in birth control, actually stopped my daily headaches, made me regular Extreme mood swings, unpredictable periods of depression/anger. Not only have I experience these drastic out-lashes of extreme anger onto others for no logical reason, my friend, also on the pill, experienced the same effect. She's stopped taking it, but I can't for fear of being unprotected. One pill a day for 21 days before a 7 day placebo.
1763 topamax 3 Moderately Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects migraine I first began taking Topamax when I was fifteen. I had severe migraines about five every week. When I started it did automatically begin helping me with the headaches, and then the side effects sat in very soon after. Yet, the weight loss side effect was the only positive. I lost twenty pounds. Within twenty minutes of taking Topamax I began to get tingles in my feet and bad in my hands. The next two weeks when they had moved my doze from 50mg to 100mg I felt like a dud in class. I couldn't remember anything that I would have been able to grasp so much more quickly before. I would stumble on my words and get so confused. On top of all this, I was constantly in a bad mood and depressed. I finally said enough was enough the day I got over heated at the lake, I got over heated because Topamax doesn't let you sweat. Overall, the side effects over ruled the relief. Above.
1655 clomid 1 Marginally Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects infertility Clomiphene citrate or clomid is used for treatments of fertiliy in women. It triggers the ovaries to ripen more ovuls and to invrease the change of conceiving. bluuring vision, moodiness, depression, panic attacks, weight gain, skin problems Starting with the first day of menstruation as day 1, a daily dose of 150 mg is taken from day 5 to 9 of the monthly cycle. Chlomiphene citrate does first suppress estrogen in the womens body therefore the body reacts with an increased effort to build estrogen. After day 9 the increased effort to build estrogen comes effectiv in the ovaries producing more ovuls.
529 trazodone 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects insomnia relief of insomnia grogginess in the morning 50mg nightly
3792 keflex 2 Ineffective Severe Side Effects infected lymph node there were no treatment benefits in taking this drug i broke out into hives all over my torso i was seen in the doctor's office for a swollen lymph node in my groin. at first i was told to use warm compresses; this didn't work, so they put me on an antibiotic (keflex) and within 2 days i had broken out into hives all over my torso, and the lymph node did not decrease at all in size. it was still red, swollen, and painful. i then heard about lymph drainage, done by a certified massage therapist. went for one session. by the end of the session, my lymph node was smaller, no longer red, and no longer painful; within a day after the session, the lymph node was no longer swollen.
1972 lyrica 8 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects chronic pain The treatment quieted the nerve endings givig them a chance to calm down from the chronic pain cycle. It allowed the nervous system to regulate itself properly again. "In the begining of treatment she was nauseas, dizzy, light headed, spacey, these symptoms decreased with time. She still gets what we call ""lyrica head"" on cloudy days. ""Lyrica head"" is a foggy feeling. Other patients taking lyrica that we have spoken to complain of this also." She has suffered from chronic joint pain and several dilocated or sublaxed bones and joints through out her life. About 18 months ago an orthopedic doctor treating her for another ligament injury looked at her history and saw a pattern and sent her to a geneticist who made a clinical diagnosis after doing some test. She was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type 3. She was then referred to the pain clinic to get some help with the increasing pain from her condition. Their she met an anastheologist who prescribed Lyrica. She was started on a low dose and increased gradually and after some trial and error settled on 100 mg 2xday. The higher dose made her too spacey and light headed.
2772 duac 6 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects acne Acne outbreaks healed quicker than using no medication. At first my face was really red, dry, and flakey. After about 4 mos my face still gets red sometimes and is a little burny/itchy which it makes it hard to shave. When I started using Duac (at bedtime) it made my face red, dry, and it peeled. A great back-to-school look! I play outdoor sports and know I am suppose to wear suncreen but now all suncreens make my face burn(sting) more so I can't tolerate sunscreen. The slight sunburn is actually less painful. My acne seemed to heal the first 1-2 weeks and then it flaired up. It still flares but less frequently with less spots and heals faster. Biggest problem is that it's like bleach on my navy pillowcase and I have ruined a lot of dark colored towels
3950 prilosec 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects gastric esophogeal reflux disease I would have complete relief from acid reflux if I took the medication daily. If I skipped a day, I would start to have severe gastric distress from acid reflux, would then have to take the Prilosec as well as an instant-acting Tums or Rolaids. If I took the pill and also several Tums or rolaids, I would get diarrhea. I worry about taking a pill for acid reflux because I read a study that says that this type of medication can also leach the calcium out of your system. I am 49 and have a family history of osteoporosis so this concerns me. I have been tested for osteoporosis and my bone density and strength is within normal limits.
1424 adipex-p 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects weightloss This is my second wee taking the meds and i weighed myself the other day i have lost 14lbs already and i still have a few more weeks to go before the month is up.. Jitters, energized, not as tired as i use to be I wanted to lose the weight within a month time to prepare for a wddings.. i was in a size 12 and have noticed the change already
1526 fluvoxamine 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects insomnia I have suffered from insomnia off and on for a number of years. Fluvoxamine is an antidepressant and, as I didn't feel depressed, I was a little dubious initially. My GP suggested I try it as I was unwilling to take any sedative-type pills. After the initial start-up period (around two weeks) I found it made a big difference. I now go to bed and sleep normally without any side effects such as drowsiness. My GP suggested that I might have had a level of depression which was affecting my sleep, I don't know, although I do feel better generally as well as sleeping well. In the first couple of weeks I felt a bit upset in my stomach, otherwise I was fine. I took 100mg Fluvoxamine about an hour before bed each night. I continue to take it nightly.
755 flonase 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects allergies, sinus congestion Helped with sinus congestion and sneezing, and allowed me to be able to breathe better throught the night and wake up less stuffy. Mild sinus headache at times depending on how bad my allergies were. "This nasal spray helped me control my allergies and sinus problems for the time I was taking it, however as soon as I stopped taking it all of my symptoms came back immediately. I don't think this drug is a ""quick fix"" that you can use for a few days and then stop...I think it is something you have to take continuously to get the full benefits."
1703 retin-a-micro 5 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects pre cancer cels and aging Helped rid nose of pre cancer outbreaks Dry skin in all areas treated. Dry area would develop after about a week of use and then would need to discontiue use for a few days. Use once daily at nighe before bed on problem area and any part of face for anti aging.
1308 fexofenadine 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects dermagraphia, hives "Stops and Prevented breakouts of hives!
I am severly allergic to most foods and plants, everything breaks me out.
Thanks to this pill, this won't happen any more." None I was to take 1 pill in the morning after breakfast, then 1 at night before I go to bed. I am to take it for 6 months as a test. The generic was a cheaper version for my parents.
202 adderall 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects adhd Being able to focus, weight loss, more energy, staying on task, more relaxed once it kicked in or wore off. Slowed down my thought process, anxiety went done, not over thinking and less of a worrier. No explosive episodes with family, stablized my moods. Work non stop, focused on tasks, can sit and stay still, read books for longer then 5 minutes. If you don't have ADHD and take this drug it will make you a hyperactive spaz and will have the oppositve effects. Lack of sleep, this is why I was perscribed lunesta 3mg per night. Really happy and more talkative, have to watch what I say. Weight loss, loss of appetite, headaches from not eating, shakey, mild dizzyness, blurred vision, forgetfulness, moody if I missed a dose or it wore off, can become addicting, temporary fix to a permanent problem. Mild run around with getting the perscription filled because it is classified as a c2. "Grew up poor so I didn't have insurance or a regular doctor to diagnose me. Lived with bipolar, adhd and mild OCD my entire life. Now that I have found out about all of my issues, I have been working with a good doctor who can ""fix me."" I never been this clear headed and happy since I was a child. Having these diseases without medication can ruin your life, your relationships, work, education, marriage etc. I can only go from this day forward and I plan on making it the best life possible. I will have to be on medication for the rest of my life."
3409 aricept 2 Ineffective Mild Side Effects alzheimer's disease We could not identify any benefits at all. The behavior and memory problems remained unchanged or worsened over time. Anxiety continued to increase and the dementia progressed systematically. Disorientation continued to increase and the patient became more and more difficult to manage. It appeared that irritability increased and the patient became more agitated more easily. There was some indication that there was at least some increase nausa as well as some infrequent but increased bouts of diarrhea. There were a few episodes of vomiting, but it might be attributed to other factors for this one side effect. There was definitely increased insomnia as well as loss of appetite, but it can not be definitively stated that the drug alone contributed to these although it did occur after the drug was begun. The patient was given a daily dose. After transfer to a care facility, the regimentation in taking the dose was firmly set in place. Staff medical personnel on site did not observe any benefits, and as a result, after about 6 months the prescription was terminated. During the time the drug was used, there was a patient review every other week to ascertain whether there seemed to be any improvement in the patient. Memory tests were administered and one-on-one interviews were executed by medical personnel. The results of the memory testing showed no net improvement nor was there any identifiable changes that might be considered positive. Ultimately her psychiatrist in consultation with the family decided that the drug did not seem to provide any net gain.
532 trazodone 5 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects fibromyalgia This medication greatly helped me to sleep well. I felt more restored after a nights sleep. I no longer had trouble going to sleep and no trouble with waking up in the middle of the night, and not being able to get back to sleep. Unfortunately this medication did not seem to help with the Fibromyalgia very much. It put a damper on my libido. I wasn't much interested in having relations with my husband. He was not too pleased with this. I wasn't happy with this side effect either since it is not very good for a marital relationship. I was to take this medication once a day. At one time the dosage was increased to 50mg but with the decrease in my libido and too much grogginess in the morning my dosage was reduced to 25mg. This seemed to do well in helping me to sleep better.
1442 tirosint 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects hypothyroid Initially felt good, then after a week knee pain started. Week later started getting bumps on my legs. Kept thinking I was doing something else wrong, blamed it on new shoes, etc. Knees hurt, were creaking and pain got worse. Bumps were scary. Severe joint pain knees, sleeplessness, vaculitis. Doctor said to discontinue.
1126 evista 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects osteopenia associated with menopause The treatment benefits are long term. There is no immediate benefit to be seen. My doctor advised me that a follow-up dexa scan should be performed in two years to determine if the treatment is effective in reversing or at least arresting the osteopenia. The drug is supposed to reduce risk of breast cancer. I experienced some mild hot flashes during the month I took the drug. These hot flashes were not of the intensity that I experienced when I first started to experience menopause. I did have more ackiness in my bones and joints when I first starting taking it but these went away after the first few weeks. "I was given one month's free sample of Evista by my doctor. I took one 60 mg pill each morning with 600 mg Calcium with Vitamin D as directed by my doctor. I also walk 30 minutes daily on my treadmill, again at my Dr.'s direction. I refilled the presciption at a local discount ""member's only"" store and paid $106 for one month of the drug. I have since purchased the drug on line for about half the cost. Once I receive it, I will resume taking the drug. Looks like I'll have about a two week vacation. Biggest concerns about taking this drug are blood clots and stroke. You are not allowed to smoke and alcohol consumption needs to be kept to a low level because it's not good for the bones. Other lifestlye issues related to healthy bones are followed."
1781 citalopram 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects mood Mood was uplifted and dosage was easy (once daily). convenient dosage form "dizziness, drowsiness, decreased sex drive
The full effect took a while to build up" Patient mood was extremely low when treatment was started. Initial dose was 5mg, increasing to 10mg after 1 week. Started taking in the morning but caused too much drowsiness therefore changed to take in the evening
1878 doxycycline 8 Highly Effective No Side Effects lyme ? or unknown less fatigue, decreased head aches,skin became less red in color joint pains reduced, slept better none i could tell at this time. if has been known to cause skin irritation due to sunlight, but due to the weather this has not been an issue take 100 mg tab bid after eating and at least 30 minutes before going to bed in pm
1961 lyrica 8 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects complex regional pain sydrome With the Lyrica It helps the pain. With Lyrica I have put on a bit of weight, this is rather depressing so now on anti depressants. For now I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the pains are not too good each day. Lyrica is a good drug for pain in my hand/arm after an accident. If I dont take this drug my symptoms will only get worse. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome has changed my life, for I cant work anymore.
57 flexeril 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects headaches I had morning-to-night headaches for two weeks prior to taking the medication. My doctor ascertained that these were most likely tension headaches. The morning after taking the first dose, I had no headache, and I remained headache-free for 2 days. Now, on the third day, the headache is returning, so I plan to take another dose tonight. All day on the day after taking the medication, I had symptoms that resembled low blood sugar. I was very jittery after a small amount of caffeine (less than I normally drink). All day I had this unpleasant effect. But it was not as bad as having a headache all day. Take 1 tablet at bedtime, if needed, for headache.
3990 fosamax 3 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects osteopenia in both hips and lower back Slight increase in bone density in hips, however no change in back (vertabrae) After taking the drug for 7 months, I literally developed severe gastric reflux one evening (June 2007). Actual acid reflux disappeared within a few days, but symptoms feeling like a hard, sometimes painful lump in my esophagus persisted for months, especially when lying down. Even after giving up Fosamax 2 months after initial symptoms occurred (in Sept '07, the condition persisted. I was sent by my general practitioner for an endoscopy 3 months (Dec '07) after giving up Fosamax, results of which showed irritation of end of esophagus tube where it joins my stomach. I was prescribed Nexium for the condition, and after taking for 3-4 months, the symptoms finally disappeared. I would NEVER take Fosamax or any alendronate based or similar drug again.
248 wellbutrin-xl 10 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression/anxiety I presented with General Anxiety Disorder and Aggitated Depression. I was unfocused, angry, anxious and had racing thoughts. Wellbutrin XL helped with depression, unfocused thinking and racing thoughts. I was more focused during the day and was able to complete tasks. It also helped so that I would not fly off the handle and it helped me stay out of bed. In a nutshell, it helped me with energy. A main help was with the sexual side effects of Lexapro, a seratonin reuptake inhibitor. Lexapro would dimish my libido and make it difficult to reach orgasm. Wellbutrin really helped to conteract these side effects and gave me even energy during the day. The only side effects from Wellbutrin is that sometimes I had difficulty getting to sleep if I took the dose later in the day (past noon). The treatment includes Wellbutrin XL 300 mg. This is a time released tablet and delivers medication during the day. In addition, I would take Lexapro 5 to 10 mg for the aggitation and racing thoughts. This was really helpful with anger and outbursts. If I had trouble sleeping I would take Trazadone 10 mg at night, and if I did not have it I would take Simply Sleep or Tylenol PM, but only one tablet. Sometimes I would cut the Trazadone in half for a 5 mg dose. I have had low grade anxiety and depression for many years. I have been menopausal for 4 years. I have a lot of stress in my life with two teenage boys and we live in a high end community outside D.C. with cut throat competition on every corner.
170 zomig 6 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects migraine THe zomig nasal spray is generally very effective in curing migraine. 80% of the time the pain is 75% or more gone within an hour. Another 15% of the time it takes up to 2 hours. 5% of the time the pain is only lessen. However lately some of the single dose units do not discharge the medication properly. Instead of a spray, you get a drop or two. When this happens, the frequency of the pain not going away by at least 75% goes up. A couple of times it seemed virtually ineffective. If the quality control doesn't improve, I may have to switch to a different Triptan. Generally I fell a little dull or numb in the head, very slightly dizzy. Rarely there is a little tightness in the chest. Since insurance only covers 2 per week and the doctor doesn't want me to take it too ofter for fear of rebound headaches, I generally wait until the headache is fairly bad and is interfering with my ability to work. I will frequently take Tramadol, ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetophenamin earlier. These work maybe 25% of the time, or take the pain down enough so that I can avoid taking the tripan.
3440 tazorac 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects acne The treatmen was very effective as it helped keep pores clean due to exfoliation. the acne deminished after regular use for around 3 weeks, although it seemed to increase at first. This was expected according to directions. the only side effects were a little irritability of the skin around the nose and eyes. Maybe because some product gets trapped in the deeper wirinkles in that area, so must be careful to distribute evenly. I am very delighted with the medecine, to the point where I feel addicted to it and don't ever want to go without it again. My skin feels much smoother, with almost no blemishes, except duting PMS times. I also feel like I look younger and healthier due to renuwed skin.
2771 duac 6 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects acne decrease in frequency and severity of acne lesions. Blackheads were not as noticeable and pustules were much reduced in size and number. Benzoyl peroxide is a strong bleaching agent and ruined many bathtowels and pajamas and bedsheets and pillowcases. During the wintertime, this treatment was mildly irritating to dry or sensitive skin. During the summertime, perspiration tended to cause this product to run off the target area and bleach clothing around the collar or neckline. Some mild dryness and scaling At bedtime, wash face with mild cleanser. Apply duac gel (pea size), follow with anti-aging over-the-counter moisturizing cream. Wash again in the morning (or else the Duac will bleach clothing), follow with SPF 30 moisturizer, and makeup as needed. Acne lesions which are dry and crusty were treated with a dab of topical neosporin ointment to speed healing.
3921 nexium 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects gerd After I started taking the medicine at the proper time of day, I no longer had to sit up to sleep. No longer have acid backup into my throat or throw up. As long as I didnt eat especially fatty or rich foods after 9 pm I was able to have a good sleep. none take one pill every morning, do not eat fatty foods or rich foods especially later in the day. Important to take the medicine early in the day, when I first started taking the medicine I wasnt told that and I didnt see much a change in the heartburn or other symptoms.After a couple months the doctor on a followup visit avised me to take them in the morning before I eat anything. That made a huge difference in how effective the drug was on my system.
2800 wellbutrin 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects depression took wellbutrin comined with lexapro. younger doctor willing to mix and match drugs to get the disired effect. an overall big difference was noted with mood swingsand crying spells where i couldn't get myself together in a reasonable amount of time no side effects were noted. i had heard that on wellbutrin that alot of people(this was word of mouth) lose weight but this was not the case with me dag gum it! wellbutrin 300 mg x1 daily combined with a daily multi vitamin plus exercise routine added daily. wellbutrin does come in generic but not in the xr formula so i still have to buy name brand. i hope they come out with a generic equal to the original soo,
3433 tazorac 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects anti-wrinkle skin renewal, peeling, immediate results. after a day or two, facial skin is peeling. skin is too dry and flaky. need for exfoliation is paramount. what exfoliation regimen to take is the next issue. "each night, after washing face and drying face, apply/dab a tiny amount and spread thinly on the entire face, avoiding the eye and the mouth area. My cosmetic surgeon advised me that i could apply moisturizer or a night cream immediately after applying Tazorac on face at night.
Every morning, it is extremely important to avoid sun exposure so application of a facial product that contains spf of at least spf 15 is done to the face."
2314 lexapro 7 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects being stressed and nervous but yet confident felt better hard to tell as mood changes so much not sureif in head or not but do fet better so thats something to take from this pain, bad moods, gettin sick, blackouts, takin 100mg per day without even remembering that was me takin them, no sex drive, bleeding from anal, sore mouths , put wieght on, sore jaw BUT BUT BUT do feel SOOOO much better and what i was going through before mentelly was much worse so these are nothin and only a few of the long f side effects i took u have to be strong to do this. very good drug i think
2423 synthroid 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects thyroid blood pressure medicine currently controling BP well. thyroid medication keeps TSH level at optimum level. No side effects from either medication. Very low dose of both no side effects that were at all bothersome. BP medicine makes me sleepy so I take at night. No side effects that I can tell from thyroid medicine I take BP medicine 1 time per day each day. I take at night due to issues with drowsiness. Thyroid medicine is taken 1 time per day in the morning. MD recommended Synthroid rather than generic form
1500 metrogel 2 Ineffective Mild Side Effects rosacia "If there were benefits, they were minimal. The only thing I noticed was how dry my skin became
from use of Metrogel." Dry skin. "I was prescribed Metrogel for my moderate case of Rosacia. I took the prescription for almost
9 months. I applied a thin layer daily after washing my face in the evenings. After 9 months I
expected to see a slight difference in appearance of my skin, but did not. The only noticeable
affect I saw was how dry my skin became. And with it being a very expensive product, I
was very disappointed."
3030 seroquel 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects bipolar disorder, hypomania. None. I only took them for a couple of days, but had to stop because of the side-effects. The biggest side-effect was that it made me experience shock-waves through my head and sometimes even my body, just like if someone would have turned on and off a lamp very quickly. That side-effect ended the same time I stopped taking Seroquel. The other one was that everything started to smell and taste very bad. It�s hard to explain exactly how, but it was a mix of vodka and mould. After I stopped taking the medication it took 2 weeks for the taste/smell-problem to disapear. I was prescribed with Seroquel after I was released from hospital after a period of deep depression to help me to sleep better and stop me from becoming hypomanic.
1980 benadryl 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects hives At the onset of my condition of hives, I tried to avoid taking any medications and was hoping to ride it out. By the second day, the itching got unbearable so I gave in and took Benadryl to counteract the severe itching I was having. At this stage, the hives were in full swing so the medication was only 50% effective but it helped enough for me to resist scratching myself. As time went by, the itching slowly subsided and the hives went away (lasted about five days). When I first took Benadryl, I took two tablets (50 mg) on an empty stomach. The medication left me nauseated and lethargic. After the initial dosage taken (described above), I reduced the dosage to just one tablet (25 mg) but I increased the frequency to one tablet every two hours. I figured this would be equivalent to the recommended directions of 2 tablets every 4 hours but I spread the tablets out to keep the effects of the medication fresh. I also learned not to take this medication on an empty stomach. It worked since I did not suffer any nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth, or upset stomach.
779 naproxen 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects musculoskeletal pain; nerve pain Very effective reduction in pain from an injury, and later when having vulvar vestibulitis flare ups. When I took it twice a day for a week for an injury, my stomach got upset. Taking one 500mg dose daily just a few days a week I only notice a very subtle spaciness, but I'm very drug sensitive. 500mg twice a day for injuries....then 500mg here and there for spot pain reduction. I used after deep physical therapy work that may make my pain worse - seemed pretty effective.
1958 lyrica 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects fibromyalgia Muscle pain from fibromyalgia was reduced; able to more actively participate in life activities. fatigue, decreased mental acuity, weight gain. Once I started taking Lyrica, it took a couple of weeks to gain full advantage of its benefits. Originally, I has been places on a dose of 200mg three times a day, which I believe what was recommended for fibromyalgia. The resultant relief of pain was pretty good. However, I found myself very tired and mentally dull. I switched doctors and was given the reduced dosage of 75mg. twice a day. Although my pain relief results have not been as good, I do still have some relief while at the same time being able to be more alert and functional.
1724 trimethoprim 6 Moderately Effective No Side Effects cystitis To stop the infection of cystitis and other urine infections when it became too painful.It makes the passing of water less painful and reduces the passing of bloody quicker which can become very painful. none that I'm aware but it didn't always work when I used it. I'd no if it didn't work within 30 mins it wouldn't work at all. You can build up and immunity quite quickly to this drug which lessens the effectiveness of the drug You take 200mg tablets twice a day for 3 days
3875 levoxyl 1 Ineffective No Side Effects hypothyroidism "None, took Armour for 17 years, felt great. New Dr. wouldn't prescribe Armour.
Finally am back on Armour 1 gram or .60mcg per day. I feel like a new person in just 5 days. More energy, more positive, sugar cravings stopped. Over all feel 100% better. As far as I am concerned that Dr. took 6 years out of my life. New Female Dr. finally put me back on Armour. It was unavailable for almost a year. I think it was all about money. Armour is less costly and moree effective." Levoxyl did nothing for me. I felt flat. lack of energy and spirit. "I took mcg. of Levoxyl for 6 years after being on Armour Thyroid for 17 years.
Nodules grew back and did not feel like my self. Back on Armour for just 5 days and feel so much better. INSIST ON GETTING ARMOUR. FORGET LEVOXYL AND SYTHROID. THOSE DRUGS DID NOT WORK FOR ME."
1475 cymbalta 3 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects depression "took it at night and the depression was lifted the next day! Made me feel happy and with no cares in the world. Had a much better mood and outlook on life! I didn't get angry as easily and my overall mood was stable. I also felt more like my ""normal"" old self!!" drowsiness but couldn't stay asleep, weird dreams that jolted me awake, jitters, day drowsiness, weakness/tingling in extremeties, zombie like at times due to the drowsiness.I also felt I had a cloudy mind at times. Given for depression as a sample. began with 30 mg but due to the side effects the dr. decreased it to half a capsule sprinkled on food. was still too strong. didn't feel as good as far as my moods/depression go, and still felt the jitters. Didn't feel as drowsy. I suspect that I could tolerate this medication after the side effects subsided or decreased after a few weeks, but because I work I couldn't wait...I would have been jittery and yet like a zombie for work and that was not an option
1842 yasmin 1 Moderately Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects prevent pregnancy prevented getting pregnant severe stomach pain at night,extreme appetite during the day, and always tired I am only at the end of my 3d week but i feel like i have no control over my appetite. I feel so hungry all the time and no matter how much I eat I cant get full. Be aware. Also always being tired doesnt help.
601 risperdal 1 Highly Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects phycotic episode The benefit to the drug was that yes it did work i was crazy (locked up in mental ward) and then after usage became normal (not crazy) again.However my treatment plan was not good. plan "The side affects were realy they inclued;
Leg jerking/kicking in bed at night
sudden stiffning of legs ( unable to walk)
Eyes unable to close
eyes rolling back into head
unable to make it to the toilet on time
sleeping a lot
gained 12kg
unable to think , no thoughts in head
unable to concentrate" "The treatment plan was realy bad. Although i had gone from crazy back to normal again over an 8 day period i was then made to take the drug for another 9 and a half months there after.
This drug should be used as needed e.g taken to stop being crazy, and then stopped once patient has returned to normal state NOT any longer!
I was basicly druged up to the eye balls an lost almost a year of my life."
3274 zoloft 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects depression This drug literally changed my life and I wish I had started taking it earlier in life. So many problems would have been solved for me. I was never happy, cryed often and had no self worth at all. I was also very anxious and uncomfortable around people and avoided many social situations because of this. In short I was not enjoying anything at all about life or work! When I started taking Zoloft (under my doctor' care) it was like a miracle for me. I went back to school! I pursued a new career (my old job was nothing other than a hiding place for me) I blossomed! I honestly do not know if this drug has the same effect on everyone but I recommend trying it. I should be the poster child for Zoloft. I am still taking it and may be for the rest of my life. As for people who complain about anti-depressants, there is only one thing to say to them, They obviously have never known the debilitating effects of depression! No libido I started taking 50 mg. of Zoloft for about a month while my doctor monitored me. And then he gradually increased the dosage.
1372 biaxin 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects borreliosis The treatment benefit of the pharmaceutical drug named Biaxin included assistance with the eradication of the cell wall deficient bacteria named Borrelia Burgdorferi. In combination with the Flagyl, which breaks down the biofilm that the Borrelia bacteria protect themselves from hostile environments including exposure to antibiotics, the Biaxin can kill the bacteria when they emerge from their biofilms which is weakened by Flagyl. I only experienced one side effect from this medication which I will mention as follows. The side effect that experienced throughout the course of treatment was the persuasive bitter taste in the mouth. Other than that single side effect I did not experience any other side effects that I am aware of. The treatment details using the combination of Biaxin and Flagyl together was to assist in the eradication of the cell wall deficient bacteria called Borrelia Burgdorferi. The Flagyl was prescribed to be taken in a five hundred milligram dose twice a day with food as was the same for Biaxin.
3828 lumigan 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects glaucoma reduce elevated pressure in the eyes and relieve hypertension. Noticable growth of eyelashes, becomes thicker and lusher because of the eye drops. The drug prevents elevated IOP (intraocular pressure) the higher the IOP, the greater the likelihood of optic nerve damage, which can lead to vision loss and potential blindness.
3993 fosamax 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects osteoporosis osteoporosis stabilized in hip and osteopoenia stabilized in back none known. Always taken with a full glass of water and nothing else was consumed for a least 30 min. There were no digestive problems even though I had long standing reflux. I was also told to take a pepcid AC the night before to reduce acid reflux and increase absorption of the fosamax. I think the Pepcid AC may have helped. 91.37 mg alendronate sodium taken once weekly with a full glass of water stabilized bone density, but did not increase bone density over a three year period.
2763 risperdal-consta 5 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects hallucinations Risperdal reduces worry about visual and auditory hallucinations that remain. Personality remains intact. Disturbing thoughts are reduced. Significant weight gain, weak muscles, fogginess, nightmares, sleepwalking and loss of appreciation for humor. She sees people and hears music that others do not see or hear, therefore takes risperdal when symptoms are too difficult to manage to be a competent spouse, parent and professional. Talk therapy combined with medication monitoring supported by Risperdal each night helped to improve self confidence and reduce paranoia.
503 paxil-cr 9 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety completely ended panic attacks,most sweating,most blushing,much discomfort. more anxiety at first for about 3 weeks. some headaches,nausea I started the medicine 8-10 years ago and took the medicine religously to begin with. Took about 4 weeks to really make a difference. However, did notice change after only a couple weeks. I slack off many times and after a day or two of missed pills I notice dizziness and mild headache plus some nausea. Not good to do, but it happens. After being on the medicine as many years as I have, I don't think it is as effective as others may be, but I have tried many...Prozac,Zoloft and numerous others I don't remember the name of and nothing worked as well for me as Paxil..Another note is that anxiety runs in my family and a few aunts and uncles in my family have had the same good luck with Paxil. I often wonder since we are related if it treats something in our brain the same as it seems to work for this family??? Something to think about if you know someone else in your family that suffers from depression or other mental illness.
2513 motrin 1 Considerably Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects flu significant reduction of pain due to the flu virus. this is a typical prescription for the flu, pain killers with lots of fluids. I was drawn to this tablets because they look appealing, the red capsules are easy to take and the caplets are coated in sugar. Normally I'd take paracetamol, which are dry and hard to swallow, I choose these to be kind to myself !!! I had no idea they could cause this reaction. they were good pain killers. asthmatic condition. Heavy chest, dry cough, weakness, cumulative effect over days. Still prone to shortness of breath and tightness and heavy chest feelings, very sensitive to sulphides in wine and vinegars etc, was not before this. I only became aware of this connection when I took some I had left for a period pain, once again within seconds I was really ill. "Not sure what this section requires ? It's a straight forward case of pain relief in response to the flu virus. the symptoms and the side effects became inter-twined, so it was not apparent that this drug was causing a reaction and worse than that I continued taking it as I became more and more ill. This is an over the counter drug, I would have appreciated more information from my pharmacist. I have tried to tell as many people as possible about what happened. After I have stopped taking the treatment I am left with a susceptibility to asthmatic type symptoms, it was also scary as I instinctively knew I was getting worse and became concerned something very serious was going on. I have never experience that type of ""illness"" before, normally I take time out and get well... this was an eye-opener."
3164 prednisone 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects polymorphous light eruption (pmle) The use of Prednisone before and during my vacation prevented the occurrence of the rash that I used to get due to sun exposure. One year it did not totally prevent the rash and so the following year we increased the dosage. None I get Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE) each year when I go to Cancun on vacation in March. It is a very painful, itchy rash (appears like a heat rash) which I get reagardless of sunblock usage. This is apparently a fairly common condition in women of fair complexion (like me) who go to very sunny areas after a long period of no sun exposure. It began happening when I was in my 20's and it took several years (and the Internet as well as a dermatologist) to diagnose what was happening. Since then, the use of Predisone (beginning 4 days before my vacation and slowly decreasing the dosage over a period of 8 days) has prevented the rash and mad my vacations a success!
2137 concerta 4 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects add I completed task, i could focus more while reading or watching a movie, i could clean my room without over thinking it, i completed homework without struggling, motivated about the future, more energy, didn't feel tired during the day like i usually do, I actually felt more smart. dry mouth, itchiness everywhere,red and warm ears, heart palpitations, didn't socialize with my coworkers like i use to, i started using 1 pill in the morning for a week, and then when i increase to 2 pills i had a bad allergic reaction to it , so i had to stop, but it did work for the time i was using it
3086 minocycline 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects dermatitis ( peri-oral) Depending on how severe the case is the dermatitis clears up in one to two weeks. The overall appearance of my skin improves as well as it improves any hormone or stress related 'spots'. (It is also used as adjunctive therapy to treat acne). Dry skin and slight skin pigmentation. Initially 100mg twice daily followed by 50mg twice daily
2024 protonix 8 Moderately Effective No Side Effects gerd Relief of chronic nausea, indigestion, acidic feeling in throat None - this is the last in a series of similar drugs that I tried and discontinued because of a variety of side effects. Protonix seems to be the one that I can tolerate. But I still occasionally get the bloat/overstuffed feeling. Not sure what this means - I take a single dose in the AM and try to avoid trigger foods/beverages like chocolate and caffeine.
4100 chantix 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects smoking cessation effectively manages cravings for nicotine "insomnia
vivid dreams
chest pains
arrhythmia" prescribe to take two times per day. found once per day was effective and still had significant side effects. cannot imagine the effects with twice the dose. Supposed to take for 3 months but discontinued after 14 days due to side effects and not really needing medication anymore. still smoke free.
1342 lybrel 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects no more monthly periods no more monthly periods slight spotting for more than 7 days each cycle Since Nov 2007 I have been taking Lybrel to avoid my period. According to the manufacturer it is normal to have spotting for the first 6-12 month. I had many days of spotting until this July- so for 8 month. Since this August I had no more bleeding.
453 xyzal 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects allergy/asthma Immediately saw improvement in allergy symptoms, which eased asthma None that I noticed Initially, I took one tablet every night. I noticed that my allergy symptoms improved quickly. I could reduce my asthma inhalants as well, since it was improving with the reduction of my allergy symptoms. When the symptoms were alleviated, I took one tablet as needed, which was infrequently.
3729 lamictal 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects mood disorder Improved mood and anxiety stability,improved ability to take care of self, drastically reduced social anxiety, ability to put concerns into perspective, ability to calm day to day worries and concerns. Cognitive deficits, memory problems, word retrieval difficulties, inability to experience complex emotions, lack of motivation, true lack of ability to absorb written information. taken in conjunction with talk therapy, and behavioral therapy,
4128 chantix 3 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects smoking cessation It did curb my desire to smoke. I went from smoking a pack a day after years of smoking to smoking one cigarette a day without using any nicotine substitutes. However, I never got to the point where I didn't have the one cigarette a day and the side effects were so severe that I had to stop taking the drug. The worst were the terrible nausea, gas and abdominal distress. I would be so nauseous after taking the drug that I would have to lie down for about forty five minutes before I could function. Also, as the treatment wore on, the gas pains became so painful that I just had to stop taking the drug. The gas pains grew more severe over time. I took the drug as prescribed but as noted above was not successful at quitting smoking.
955 diovan 1 Moderately Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects high blood pressure Marginally lowered my blood pressure. After day three, I noticed a burning sensation with both feet. After week two, pain arrived in both feet, with swelling and joint pain. Stopped medication after week 3. Went to a neurologist for 2 hrs. of neurologic testing of my nerves. Peripheral neuropathy was the diagnosis. I have been fighting the pain and burning in my feet with no reversal for about a year now. I refused the drug treatments suggested by my neurologist. The potential side effects were just to much for my taste. As a Pharmacist, I've opted for 2 different treatments. One is a product called Solleve, which are vibrating insoles for your shoes. I have found some relief as well as reversal of my condition after 2 weeks of treatment. I also put myself on a daily specific vitamin regimen. I am also going to add a product called the ReBuilder to my therapy.
665 erythromycin 3 Marginally Effective Mild Side Effects acne Treatment was for cystic acne. The dermatologist prescribed erythomyicin for treatment. Saw the dermatologist biweekly and the dermatologist would give me a check over. The dermatologist then would ask if I was doing anything different, and then would proceed to give me a new prescription for the erythromycin. The erthyromycin was prescribed for cystic acne. The erthyromycin is an orally administrated drug for the treatment of bacterial infections. Gastrointestinal disturbances, such as diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting, are fairly common. Although I did not have any vomiting reactions the other disturbances did occur. The treatment with the erthyromycin did not relieve the cystic acne. I was taking the erythromycin three times a day for almost one year and there were no noticeable results. The dermatologist would see me every other week for and check my cystic acne. The medical tech. person would first check me and ask questions regarding any changes in what I was doing and how the medication was working and if there were any side effects. The dermatologist would then come into the room and check my cystic acne. The dermatologist would then ask if I was doing anything different and then would ask if I was taking my medication and ask if I was on any other medications. He wouild ask if there were any bad side effects to the medication and then would give me another prescription for another round of medication treatment. This would go on for about one year of visits and prescriptions. There was not any change in the cystic acne of any great degree.
4077 mobic 1 Highly Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects back pain Helped the pain enormously, after many other treatments failed. After almost three months on meloxicam, suddenly, without any previous gastro-intestinal problems, I developed an intestinal perforation requiring emergency surgery. I was hospitalized for 6 days afterward on IV antibiotics. Since no other cause for the perforation was found, it was assumed it was caused by the medication. I took meloxicam once a day with food for almost three months.
1732 topamax 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects migraine prevention Went from approx. 17 migraine days a month to approx. 4 migraine days a month while taking topamax and erinn. (Before adding erinn, was down to approx. 8 migraine days a month.) Topamax seemed to greatly lessen the hypersensitivity of my brain to overreact to triggers such as changes in altitude, barometric pressures, humidity levels, environmental triggers such as smoke, strong smells, loud noises, and food triggers such as dark chocolate. Before topamax all of these things would cause migraines to start very easily. After settling in on topamax these things didn't bother me like they used to. "When first starting the drug, diet soda tasted metallic and downright horrible. There was definitely an adjustment period of getting used to the drug and increasing the dosage in small increments was important. I could feel changes in my brain that are hard to describe. Almost like the top was a little bit ""lifted"". It was worth getting through this period for the results, though. They definitely went away as my body got accustomed to the drug. Once that happened, the migraines lessened and one pleasant side effect was that I didn't snack as often. No ""mindless munching."" I lost some weight without trying. I felt that it was difficult to retrieve thoughts or find the right word at times. I found it would take a few seconds longer to put my thoughts into words. Felt a little ""spacey."" As I mentioned before, I got through it after getting used to the drug. It took several weeks but after having 17 migraine days a month and going down to 8 it was worth it." Started at 25mg 2x a day for several days and started titrating up by adding 25mg to the evening dose every 3-4 days, depending on how I felt. Got up to 100 mg. a day for the first year. After moving and talking to my new doctor, she suggested increasing the dose to see if I could have less migraines than the 10-12 I was having so I titrated up to 200mg a day and my migraines went down to 8 a month.
739 flonase 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects allergies Thought to have allergies - not the case however FloNase works to clear the sinuses and prevent infections, works wonderfully!! None at all. After years of trying drugs to relieve what appeared to be allergies and sinus problems, a test was done on the pressure in the ear itself revealing defective Eustachean Tubes. FloNase was prescribed along with Claritin D (as needed) to keep any symptoms away as well as prevent patient's constant symptoms and painful infections.
352 neurontin 1 Marginally Effective Severe Side Effects cervical spondylitis The neurontin slightly helped pain but not enough to contine the drug. it was supposed to help muscle spasms but did not. I would not increase because of the side effects. Made me feel like a zombie, extremly dizzy, nause and major weight gain very quickly without eating any more Took 300 mg three times daily, doctor wanted to increase but side effects too severe. I could barely function on what was prescribed.
2394 synthroid 5 Marginally Effective No Side Effects hypothyroidism My hair grew back (prior to treatment it was falling out in clumps) and my depression, weight gain, and exhaustion improved somewhat. I experienced no discernible side effects. "Although this drug did alleviate my hair loss it only lessened my depression, exhaustion, and weight gain. I still have difficulty with concentration and memory and experience ""brain fog"" every day. My endocrinologist says my dose is perfect based on my blood test results but my symptoms persist."
1768 citalopram 4 Ineffective Mild Side Effects antianxiety/depression There weren't any significant benefits. "I felt groggy, sick to my stomach and had a general ""heavy"" feeling all of the time. Also gave me a mild headache" Only required to take it once a day with meals
966 sarafem 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects pmdd Not so emotional a week before and during my menstrual cycle. Relieved thoughts of suicide as well as given me more energy through that rough patch of my PMS cycle. Feelings have also calmed down with my loved ones. As I can be more relaxed as my anxiety level feels like it's at it's all time low. I can only sleep a couple of hours a night while taking the pill. A day after the last pill is taken, I have a headache for about a couple of days. Two weeks out of the month I take 20 mg, every morning. I start on a Sunday a week before my menstrual cycle. Finish up the months' treatment 14 days later. ( which ends on a Saturday )
1632 premarin 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects menopause "I started taking Premarin after having a complete hysterectomy for ovarian cancer. f
At first, it took about a week to start feeling any effects on the severe hot flashes that I was feeling after being put into instant menopause. But gradually the dug started working and now my hot flashes and mood swings are practically non-existent." None. I started receiving Premarin 0.9 mg immediately after a complete hysterectomy. After it became effective, I was reduced to a dosage of 0.625 mg and it works just fine.
1244 sotret 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects mild but resistant acne Treatment was very effective, effects started to be noticeable after 3 weeks. After 3 months skin had cleared and as additional benefits, hair and skin were much less oily (no longer needed to wash hair daily as it was not so oily any more. Pores shrunk and much less visible. "Side effects started about 3 days after starting treatment. Initially lips became very dry and had to use lip salve continuosly. Then I started getting nosebleeds as the skin inside my nose became very dry and fragile.
Skin became very dry and sensitive during treatment and eyes very sensitive to light.
I had to have regular blood tests to check my lipid profile but it was not affected by the treatment.
During the second course of treatment I also got very mild depression symptoms so I stopped the treatment." "I suffered with mild acne and many whiteheads that were resistant to all other topical and antibiotic treatment. My dermatologist was reluctant to prescribe Accutane as I had a mild acne but eventually let me try a course at the lowest dose (0.5/mg/kg). I had 2 courses of treatment with Accutane. The first time it was highly effective (side effects were tolerable and worth it as I got great results) so I stopped after 4 months. after about a year the acne returned (much less than previously) so I took another course and after that it was definitely gone.
There are side effects but if you can tolerate them, it is a very effective treatment.
I had to do a pregnancy test prior to starting each course and full blood test and had to take oral contraceptives throughout the treatment as there is a risk of birth defects. I also had to see dermatologist every 2 weeks initially then monthly and have my blood tests repeated.
Tretment was very expensive (including cost of drugs, blood tests, consultation fees) but worth it."
3320 dilantin 2 Ineffective Moderate Side Effects anticonvulsant none, I was unable to take the drug to achieve the benefits as I had a reaction. My first impression was of an over all dizzy feeling, with a full body red raised rash which appeared in 3 days. Had to discontinue using, took almost 2 weeks for the rash to finally dissipate.
452 xyzal 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects seasonal allergies I did not see any significant benefits for treating the histamine reaction- which was due to a bug bite and subsequent allergic response. Sensations and symptoms included inflammation, redness, swelling to the point of limited mobility (bite was on hand) and itching, which the Xyzal did not effectively treat; however, the xyzal appeared to help with the seasonal allergies related to hay fever. For the topical condition, diphenhydramine was preferred. Drowsiness. Slight dizziness, but not remarkable. I also thought that the drug's slow-release effect may not be as modulated as one would hope since the drowsiness and related symptoms came in spurts rather than in a constant flow, if you know what i mean. I did not find that caffeine was helpful to promote alertness and I was nervous about driving while taking this particular medication. "I took the every evening every 24 hours for 14 days, according to my doctor's instructions. He did not want me to ""mix antihistamines"" and even though I thought Benadryl might be more effective, I didn't want a drug that would make me that sleepy and also that I would have to take every 6 hours, as opposed to every 24 hours. I would have prefferred a Xyzal dose that i could take every 12 hours, and then i could use benadryl at night without worrying about mixing anti-histamines, but since this was not possible I just used the Xyzal plus topical antihistamine creme on site of bug bite."
2672 prinivil 3 Ineffective Moderate Side Effects ? 'heart failure' Initially effective perhaps but doctors loath to discontinue after symptoms disappeared G.I disorder (? other drugs) bronchial spasm - stopped after cessation of drug 'Heart failure' probably due to muscle wastage, as concurrentl seen in external muscles, as a result of malabsorption leading to gross malnutrition. Change successfully effected with food intolerance testing and susequent dietary reform.
4154 klaron 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects skin problem Reduced bad boils and acne on the skin surface Drying of the skin, some redness and some skin irritation This lotion was applied to cleansed skin topically twice a day for a period of one year. The result was the drying of and reduction of very bad acne and skin boil breakouts with the side effect of red, dried and slightly sensitive skin. This was reduced by using a non allergenic topical skin moisturizer which alleviated the side effects
2821 wellbutrin 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects bipolar disorder ii I had a nervous breakdown suddenly and unexpectedly. After 1 week in the psych ward, I was prescribed 2 medications that I soon realized didn't help. Over the course of 1 year, I tried many different combinations of anti-depresants which didn't work. Not until I tried both wellbutrin and topomax together did I start recovering from my breakdown. About 1 1/2 years ago I discontinued the Topomax and I've only used the Wellbutrin since it helps me maintain my health. I didn't experience any side effects. See above as that thoroughly explains everything.
3106 ortho-tri-cyclen 3 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects pregnancy prevention "It was completely effective against pregnancy.
One other good effect was my periods became very regular." "Too many bad side effects made this drug intolerable. Here is the list:
(1) severe mood swings, ranging from depression to hyperactive and happy states;
(2) my appetite increased to a point where I was overeating;
(3) my breasts were often sore/painful;
(4) I had nightly dreams (nightmares) and had difficulty sleeping;
(5) It did not clear my skin of pimples like my doctor said it would..." "One active tablet administered daily from the 1st day through the 21st day of the menstrual cycle, counting the first day of menstrual flow as ""Day 1"" followed by one green inactive tablet daily for 7 days. Tablets are taken without interruption for 28 days. After 28 tablets have been taken, a new course is started the next day.
NOTE: in addition to 0.180 mg - 0.250 mg norgestimate each pill also contains 0.035 mg ethinyl estradiol"
1583 xanax 4 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects anxiety First days after surgery were a blur. There was considerable swelling post surgery, and the drug helped me to ignore the way I looked. I was awake but sort of in a daze. I had plans to do research and reading during my recuperation, but I don't remember doing much of anything for about 5 days. Post laser surgery. I had Fraxel Re:pair laser done. I quit the drug as soon as somebody told me I looked like a Zombie.
485 meridia 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects wanted to drop about 30 lbs the first week it did help supress my cravings, but my stomache felt hungry. as soon as i did eat, i would realize how hungry i really was. i lost 4 lbs in my first week. second week, no hunger pains and still no cravings. i'm on my third week and i've lost 7 lbs. mild insomnia. mild headaches only occasionally. a major one for me is i get dizzy when i stand up. oh, and more sweating with physical activity. i take it in the morning. i COULD go about 700 calories a day with this pill but to make sure my metabolism doesn't get messed up, i try to eat about 1200. and i'm still losing weight. i would reccomend this to younger users, but over the age of 18 only.
846 ritalin 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects add Ritalin has saved my life from lethargy and procastination. I can now focus and be productive. I am participating in life now ... I wish I would have discovered this sooner. But later is better than never, I am very grateful this drug exists. It is not an amphetamine (which is good because I could get addicted to speed too easily), this does not amp me up, it makes me calm and inspired and focused, a HUGE change in my life. I am actually enjoying being alive (which is saying a lot compared to where I was at before taking Ritalin) absolutely none. I started with 2.5 mg 3x a day and gradually increased the dosage, then to 5mg 3 x a day and now I am doing the best at 10 mg. 3 x a day. I will stay here at 30mg. total for the day. They say no more than 60mg. a day but I am happy with 30mg for now.
2625 depo-provera 4 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects contraception It was 100% effectiv as contraception, the mayor benefit is not having to rememeber to take the pill every day and that it has only one form of hormon, which is important for woman over 35, especially smokers. The side effects were like a prevision of menopause - huge weight gain (20 pounds), incredible mood swings and severe bloating. My overall feeling was quite depressed and it took me a while to figure out that it had to do with the drug, not with what was going on in my personal life. I also thought that the weight gain was partially retlated to quiting smking. One shot in the upper arm every three months, that's it!
1559 methotrexate 4 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects ra The medicine MTX was effective for fifteen years. Weekly dose of Enbrel is quiet effective. AS sson as I tke MTX 2 days after the Enbrel injection I am having severe swelling on my knee joints. Others onts remains normal. The medicine MTX was effective for fifteen years. Weekly dose of Enbrel is quiet effective. AS sson as I tke MTX 2 days after the Enbrel injection I am having severe swelling on my knee joints. Others onts remains normal. May be cronic kidney failure I Got synovectomy done of my left knee joint plannig for right knee jointalso
2042 noritate 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects rash under nasal area I had the drug initally offered to me by my dermatologist in sample tube years ago. I found it very effective, despite only dabbing on the smallest amount due to only having small sample tube. Yet despite quick clear-ups...I would occasionally have recurrances under my nose with the rash. I have struggled with this rash for over 20 years. With the last outbreak, while having minimal amounts left in the sample tube, I went in to my dermatologist and got a full prescription in about June of 2009. Not only was I able to use a bit more in application this time, but it obviously was not an expired product. I found the long-term rash hsf completely cleared up within less than a week. While this was not new to me with this product, the fact that I have had no recurrance whatsoever in over four months is the great news. Absolutely none After washing my face with my long-term personal choice of face wash (Alpha Hydrox foaming face wash) and using a Strident sensitive skin cleaning pad, I would apply the Noritate cream sparingly over the rash under my nose at night. (Note: I did not use the tetracycline during this time, as I knew it was not an acne-related outbreak.)
589 acyclovir 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects herpes During the ten years I've been taking acyclovir, I have experienced zero outbreaks, compared to almost continuous outbreaks prior to taking this drug. I occasionally have the achiness that precedes an outbreak, and have on two or three occasions taken an extra dose per day when I experience that symptom. I have experienced no noticeable side effects during this ten year period on acyclovir. I have no special treatment details except taking recommended dose on time and not skipping doses.
672 zantac 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects excess acidity relief from burning associated with reflux slight nausea during the first 24 hours. Part of my treatment plan was to undergo an endoscopy to find out what the problem was initially. The doctor who performed the endoscopy prescribed the Zantac. In the first 24 hour period I felt no differently, but the second day I started to feel alot better. At the end of the two weeks period of taking 2x tabs per day I felt completely back to normal. I ceased taking the Zantac after my follow up visit with the doctor but was advised to keep some handy for future use.
3249 nuvaring 4 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects birth control No Mood Swings, Easy Birth Control Method..It was very convenient not having to take a pill everyday. I had at least 10 yeast infections while using the Nuvaring. I had never had a yeast infection before, nor have I ever had problems getting rid of a yeast infection. I believe the ring was the culprit. I went to my doctor to complain about the yeast infections. It seemed like every time I inserted a new NuvaRing, I got a yeast infection. She told me to use Monistat, and see if that works. It worked for a week, but then I developed another yeast infection. I went back to my doctor/gyno. She prescribed me Diflucan, an antifungal pill taken by mouth. I was to take 1 pill every time I started a new ring. I still had yeast infections. My doctor then advised me to take the Diflucan every other day for 3 days after starting a new ring. No improvement. She then prescribed me a vaginal cream containing steroids and an anti-inflammatory. I gave up - the next time I went to the doctor, I had her prescribe me a new birth control. I'm back on the pill, Loeastrin24FE. Haven't had a yeast infection since the switch off the nuvaring.
2147 zyrtec 5 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects allergies When I took Zyrtec on a daily basis, my allergy symptoms were reduced. I didn't appear to have the headaches (band around my head) as often nor did I have the pain in the ears associated with this band quite so frequently, my nose was not quite so 'runny' or itchy. I found my nose clearer during the daytime and I had less 'sniffles' as compared to days when I did not take the Zyrtec at all. Overall, it improved my symptoms notably. If I took my Zyrtec in the a.m., then by mid-afternoon I could not function. Drowziness, brain-fog, fatigue. If I took Zyrtec at dinner-time it appeared not to affect me. If I forgot and did not take it until bed-time, then the next morning I could 'not wake up'. Severe tiredness. I discovered that I had to take the Zyrtec at dinner-time. If I forgot and knew I had a busy day or early appointments/meetings, I must skip that day's dosage. If I don't take it continuously, it is nowhere near as affective.
914 paxil 8 Highly Effective No Side Effects anxiety and depression Extremely effective in reducing anxiety and depression. Makes you less self-conscious and able to go outside for walks, pass crowded patios without having to cross over to the other side of the street because you are affraid of being watched. Highly effective in reducing irritability and increasing patience. A lot less side effects than other anti-depressants. You do not feel drowsy or drugged. Neither do you get any stomach upsets. Only side effect is that it is highly addictive. Was very hard to get off the treatment even when going down 1 mg per 2 weeks. Used the liquid for that. Could go cold turkey with all other anti-depressants but not this one. Once I went from 20 m/g per day to 15 m/g per day had to return back to initial starting dosage because my body went into extreme withdrawal. Extremely effective in reducing anxiety and depression. Makes you less self-conscious and able to go outside for walks, pass crowded patios without having to cross over to the other side of the street because you are affraid of being watched. Highly effective in reducing irritability and increasing patience. A lot less side effects than other anti-depressants. You do not feel drowsy or drugged. Neither do you get any stomach upsets.
1433 tirosint 2 Ineffective Severe Side Effects hypothyroid, hashimoto I felt ok for about two days when first starting the treatment, then the lovely side effects began to set in hives, insomnia, cough, ANGINA I suggest to anyone who doesn't think that these synthetic drugs are really curing their sympoms, go online and research dessiccated thyroid, like Armour. stopthethyroidmadness.com
4020 celexa 1 Ineffective Mild Side Effects depression I took Celexa for approximately 6 months and I found it to be totally ineffective. This was not surprising considering I have taken several other psychotropic (SSRI's) drugs, with the same ineffectiveness. I'm finally thinking mabye I don't have a serotonin deficiency, and mabye there are other issues. Going back to dr. to see if there may be another course of action. sexual side effects, yawning, dry mouth 40mg. daily for 6 months.
2556 ziana 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects acne There has been a noticeable reduction in acne. Overall my skin is much smoother. I have sensitive skin and rosacea. It has not exasperated my rosacea like other tretinoin treatments have. I have been very happy with it. It's the best drug I've used for acne so far. My sensitive skin, will still peel regardless but especially if irritated by winter dryness or rubbing against my partner's beard. I have peeled with every tretinoin product I've tried and this is the least bothersome. I am also more sensitive to the sun. Unlike other drugs, I have not ever cracked or felt discomfort unless I get excesssive sun or dryness. I don't use it every day in the winter. I spread this on my entire face every night on clean skin. In the winter, I follow with a moisturizer. In the morning, I use metrogel daily. When I have more of a breakout - and it's hard for me to sometimes differentiate acne from rosacea - I will also take Oracea for a week. If I know that I will be spending quite a bit of time outside then I will take a break from it.
2577 klonopin 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety/panic attacks/ About two years ago Lexapro had totally stopped working and I was trying many different drugs from pristiq, welbutrin, cymbalta, none of which worked. After a few days on welbutrin I experienced the worst panic attack ever. I thought the end was near. I had had them in the past, but nothing like this. It probably lasted only about 5 minutes but seemed an eternity. The rest of that particular day I was completely exhausted. That was a Sunday and the following day my family doctor stopped all my meds and switched me over to clonazepam and zoloft. It's been a year now and I haven't felt this well in a long time. Minimal side effects. Maybe a little bit of drowsiness from time to time, but other than that nothing else. Just visit the doctor from time to time and take klonopin twice a day and my 200 mgs of zoloft once a day.
3328 tetracycline 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects acne-i was 22 yrs old when i took it I started with headaches on the 9th day of taking the medication. I eventually needed 2 yrs of spinal taps to reduce the fluid build on in my spinal cord which was putty pressure on my brain. none see above The Doctors told me this is a very rare side effect but it ruined my life for over two years.
2601 ortho-tri-cyclen-lo 2 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects heavy menstrual bleeding None... did not make my periods any lighter Weight gain... I gained 10-15 pounds while on the pill and because I'm only 4'10, that 10-15 pounds REALLY SHOWS. I've tried other oral contraceptives for my heavy menstrual bleeding and all of them do the same thing... they don't help regulate my menstrual bleeding but they do make me gain weight. In the future, when I need to use a method of birth control, I will not be using oral contraceptives... EVER! My sister is also on this pill (for birth control) and she has experienced many side affects from it, too.
3097 triphasil 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects birth control prevented unwanted pregnancy. Regular menstrual cycles. None for me. I have friends who hated their birth control pills -- their pills made them feel bloated and fat. I had none of those side effects while on TriPhasil/Trivora. It's really simple -- just take one a day -- and pretty effective. It worked for me for more than 10 years. A bonus: my menstrual cycles, which used to be somewhat irregular, became as predictable as clockwork.
4014 celexa 5 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects anxiety/depression I felt like I could handle my work and relationship stress better. I had strange bruises all over my legs and arms. I lost my libido as well as not caring much about anything. I felt like I had no emotion. I flushed them down the toilet after awhile because I wanted to have my personality back.
39 zyprexa 5 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects psychosis stopped paranoid delusions excessive sedation and excessive weight gain "patient was prescribed Zyprexa at Providence Hospital Emergency care by telephone consult with psychiatrist to delay and/or prevent in-patient hospitalization.
Side effects, especially sedation were evident immediately after coming home.
Returned to emergency, tranferred to in-patient care, two weeks, to observe medication with therapy. Switched to Abilify."
1775 citalopram 9 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects depression/bipolar affective component Gradual improvement of mood. Reasonable results over the years, but not stable. Too afraid to try others. Clenching - jaw, legs, arms, shoulder therefore pain in muscles, also very painful hips after sitting for any length of time, driving etc. Clenching has been getting worse over last 12 months. Sodium Valproate augments effect of Citalopram, so currently decreasing Sodium Valproate to see if it makes any difference. Citalopram 40mg to start with but too many side effects. Reduced to 20mg, less side effects, worked okay on mood..except I was swinging. Introduced Sodium Valproate, gradually increased it to 1g BD (twice day), has worked quite well up until recently where side effect profile is interferring with my life.
2053 prempro 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects menopause reduced severity of hot flashes, decreased vaginal dryness increase in migraines Daily use of drug was generally effective in reducing severity of hot flashes, but at 1.5 mg I still had them. However, I didn't want to increase the possibility of more severe side effects, so I was willing to put up with some discomfort. I am concerned about continuing to take it for years.
1283 provigil 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects narcolepcy Able to function and have a productive life. If I am very tired the medication is not effective. headache for the 1st week. Slight nausea on days I do not eat regular Small meals. Tried Aderol, once a day 5mg, for 3 weeeks . I had hallucinations and although awake, was very out of control.
1994 vicodin 1 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects root canal pain Little, if any. minimal pain relief, dramatic sense of disassociation from the pain, agitation. "I found that Vicodin was a poor choice for real pain management. I felt spacey and ""out of it"" but at the same time agitated. I didn't feel an actual absence of pain as much as I felt ""oh well, gee gosh, I have pain. Isn't that a bummer."" In other words, the medication seemed to be more about changing my attitude towards the pain rather then actual reduction of pain. I subsequently
stopped taking it and turned to tylenol with codeine. This worked much better in my opinion. I subsequently refused any additional prescriptions for vicodin and requested tylenol with codeine instead. I have since switched to a natural pain relief option that is a combination of white willow, feverfew, skullcap, and kelp. It is called ""Relief"". I believe the manufacturer is ""Nature's Way."" Although, I am in daily pain for assorted issues (structural) I avoid medicating myself unless it is particularly dibilitating. If I really need to take something I will take the Relief or plain Aspirin. Dramatically fewer side effects, no hazard of addiction, just as effective. Given the high level of reported addictiveness of this drug, I would never take it again nor recommend anyone else take it."
2844 singulair 3 Considerably Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects asthma "It easily cured my asthma, i rarely use my inhalers and nebulizer....
no more wheezing sounds and decreased my asthma attacks.." "I had a Severe Acne rashes all throughout my body... especially on both sides of my back, arms, thigh and legs... and even all over my butt...
More over after reading the other side effects, I noticed that i also suffered most of them.. such as.. Severe allergic reactions (rash; itching; tightness in the chest; irregular heartbeat; mood changes; numbness or tingling of hands or feet; persistent stomach pain; dizziness; headache; nausea; tiredness; trouble sleeping; weakness;" "My maintenance daily dosage:
AM - Meptin 25mg , Ansinar 200mg
PM - Meptin 25mg , Ansinar 200mg, Kastair(Montelukast)10mg"
902 paxil 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety lower blood pressure In the beginning headaches, now my blood pressure is much lower and I don't spend most of the day running to the bathroom like I took a diuretic. When I started taking paxil, I was severely depressed. When I woke up in the morning, I would sit on the side of the bed for around 30 minutes before I could finally get up and start getting ready for work and then I would still cry until around 12 noon. After taking paxil for about 3 days, I had a job as a courier and I caught myself singing and dancing to a song on the radio. I couldn't believe it, I had not done that for about 5 months. Also there was the great side effect of appetite loss, especially at first, where I had actually forgotten to eat all day on several occasions. I still take paxil today, and I my emotional state is more balanced. I am also happy with the amlodopine.
1385 biaxin 2 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects upper respiratory infection Started feeling better very quickly. "This is some nasty shiznit. After two days, I began to experience a horrible, disgusting taste in my mouth that made everything I tried to eat taste awful (in a sour, metallic sort of way). I could even ""smell"" the taste. It made me want to hurl. I also developed a rash on my back, neck and face. I stopped taking it. Honestly, the sinus infection is less unpleasant than its cure." It did clear up the congestion very quickly.
1839 yasmin 3 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects birth control My skin was flawless and I had a very youthful glow. My acne went away completely. My breasts were much fuller and my body looked more curvy and feminine, even though I worked out daily and didn't change my eating habits. The most negative side effect was the mood alteration. I became a completely different person. Very depressed and crying all the time for no reason. It was very very strange. Not like me at all. My mood would change constantly like a yo-yo. Also, I gained weight and felt like I was retaining water. A week before my period I would feel weak and feverish. My OBGYN explained that this oral contraceptive uses a synthetic progestin known as drospirenone. He suggested that it might be the cause of my negative side effects. He also said that it was more appropriate for women in their mid-30's or those who have experienced adverse effects from other oral contraceptives. He switched me to ortho tri cyclen-lo and I haven't had any problems whatsoever. I also don't have the benefits either.
829 zegerid 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects gerd It initially worked great to eliminate my heart burn. But it is now requiring 2 doses per day. I take the 2nd pill not for burn but for congestion that builds up in my throat. So far I have had no side effects. I have been taking Omeprazole every day for a couple of years. Although I have been prone to exhaustion the past couple of years. The doctor(s) all swear it can have nothing to do with the omeprazole. I would quit using it to find out if my heartburn didn't return so quickly and severely. Take one pill before breakfast and one in the evening.
2889 avita 8 Marginally Effective Mild Side Effects reduce wrinkles I'm using tretinoin to reduce the wrinkles around my eyes. So far I am happy with it- although even as an anti wrinkle treatment improves my skin- I continue to age- so it's an uphill battle. I do my best to take care of myself and had heard that this might help battle the little signs of age on my face. So far I'm pretty happy- nothing drastic, but hopefully continued use will help me to age gracefully and not drastically. Definitely some peeling in the first 2-4 weeks especially around my chin. I also noticed that applying other products- like facial wash and sunscreen had a slight burning during the earlier stages. I wash my face in the evening, let it dry, and apply the cream. It recommended that I wait 20-30 minutes after washing but I generally don't have that kind of time- I think that's to avoid irritation which isn't a problem anyway.
1395 ortho-evra 6 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects birth control, heavy periods Prevention of pregnancy, lighter periods Very large amounts of hair loss,moodiness, nausea. Patch fell off and had to use a second replacement patch. Wanted a low maintenance birth control. Side effects were enough to make me stop using.
2168 zyrtec 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects allergy - pollen/food syndrome Reduction or resolution of symptoms related to histamine release- variously sneezing, watery eyes, allergic rhinitis, wheeze (inhaled allergens), oral itching, severe abdominal cramping and diarrhoea ( ingested allergens ). I suffer from pollen allergy which has led to severe food allergies particularly to nuts. Zyrtec works quickly within 15-30 minutes and causes no increased drowsiness, probably decreases it. ( the allergy itself makes one quite tired ). None. "Take one in the morning for prohylaxis when travelling or during pollen season.
Take 2 for severe allergic reaction. Crush tablet between teeth and swallow to make it faster to absorb."
962 sarafem 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects obsessive compulsive disorder Significant reduction in perseveration; increased flexibility; reduction in obsessions such as the weather leading to ability to cope better with daily events, unexpected changes, disappointments etc.and increased ability to interact more appropriately socially Some initial impact to sleep patterns, some weight gain Initial dosage of 20 mgs, increased gradually to 60 mgs and maintained at that level have helped significantly with obsessions and impact of adolescence.
3429 tazorac 9 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects acne "reduced inflammation and acne lesions
reduced inflammation and acne lesions
reduced inflammation and acne lesions
reduced inflammation and acne lesions
reduced inflammation and acne lesions
reduced inflammation and acne lesions reduced inflammation and acne lesions
reduced inflammation and acne lesions" "skin dryness, peeling, irritation, flakyness
skin dryness, peeling, irritation, flakyness
skin dryness, peeling, irritation, flakyness
skin dryness, peeling, irritation, flakyness'skin dryness, peeling, irritation, flakyness
skin dryness, peeling, irritation, flakyness
skin dryness, peeling, irritation, flakynessskin dryness, peeling, irritation, flakyness" tazorac was applied daily to the face
3971 norvasc 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects htn lower htn lower blood pressure. no headaches felt good. I dont know what else you want it is a good med. no problems at all there were no side effects to the meds. really felt good after using, no side effects. dont know what elase you want it is a good med. take 1 a day. Take one a day in the am. that was it. felt good all day. How much more can i say you take one a day thats it.......
3764 spironolactone 10 Considerably Effective No Side Effects excessive testosterone levels I was growing facial hair in a classic beard pattern. Not heavy, but more was coming in. Doc took a look at my testosterone levels and said they were too high. He told me to quit taking any DHEA and to take aldactone in the morning and in the evening before bed. I didn't know that Aldactone would counteract testosterone, but it does. New facial hair quit coming in and there has been lessening of facial hair that was already there. none, other than needing to drink more water Pop a pill twice a day -- what could be easier?
3666 effexor-xr 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety Reduced anxiety, less irritability, levelized moods. Odd sensation in the head, somnolence, teeth grinding. Started at 75 mg/day and increased over 3-4 months to 300 mg/day. Continued improvement and reduction of symptoms as dosage increased. Renewed period of side effects with each increase, lasting not more that 2-3 days. Also, odd, vivid dreams occur ocassionaly, but not enough to be a problem.
2629 depo-provera 1 Considerably Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects contraception pill prevented pregnancy as it is a form of contraceptive but unfortunately it takes away your libido and sex drive weight gain:25kg in 3 weeks,never recovered my original weight and it has been 9 years now.it blocks your sex drive not to say it cuts it off completely,depression one injection and my life turned to hell as started to bloat like a milking cow,lost self esteem and fiance,lost friends,lost will to live,no sex drive,no self love
3463 ambien-cr 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects insomnia Fell asleep quickly, slept 7 hrs., woke up without hangover Didn't work as well some of the time, woke up mid-way, some hangover effects Ambien CR is a basically effective treatment for sleeplessness, although I have experienced incidents where contrary to the ads I have woken up midway through the night, I have had a groggy, hard to wake up feeling the next day lasting for several hours. There have also been reports of sleep eating, walking, awake but asleep incidents that I personally have not experienced, although it can affect you differently each time you take it.
30 alprazolam 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety Able to cope more successfully during panic attacks and acute anxiety episodes. Able to sleep better at night (get to sleep). The only side effects noticed were dry eyes upon waking in the morning. Took 0.5 mg Xanax as needed for anxiety, prescribed by primary care physician. Was very helpful in getting me through an extremely stressful time of my life.
1505 metrogel 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects rosacea Occasionally, my rosacea would come out on my nose and sometimes result in huge, painful pimples which also made my entire nose red and swollen. This started occurring bi-weekly for the past year or so. I started using Metrogel and haven't had an incident since! none! Just rubbed a thin layer over my nose every night before bed.
1801 famvir 6 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects chronic fatigue - epstein barr virus The flare ups of fibromyalgia seemed to subside considerably. I was able to actually get out of bed during the day. I still, however, have bouts of pain; especially if I try to reduce the amount I take during the day. Occasional upset stomach, dependency on taking the drug. Taken as a pill three times a day.
3997 fosamax 2 Ineffective Severe Side Effects post menapausal osteopenia I didn't realize any benefits since the medication is preventative and needed to be taken over time to prevent osteoporosis. I had experienced some bone density issued related to long term use of Prednisone or a period of years. Within two weeks of the first dose I began feeling a lump in my upper stomach ,even though I took my pill first thing in the morning and remained standing for more than two hours. I still started to have a feeling of acid reflux which I have never had. I reported continuing burning sensations in upper abdomen ,and gasy production which produced belches and burps , to the prescribing Dr. immediately but he suggested continuing the med ,and use an antacid which I tried. By the second dose I had serious heartburn ,reported it to the Dr. then discontinued the medication and they changed me to Actonel, once a week ,which had none of the same adverse side effect. "I had a bone density study done and it was stated that I had osteopenia, related to over 12 years of prednisone and seroid use to treat my Sarcoidosis.
At the time I was seeing a Rhuemotogogist who was treating me for side effects like joint pain and swelling. I was told I didn't have osteoporosis yet, but to start taking the Fosamax to prevent it .
I did but the issued reported above,meant I had to switch to another similar but milder medication , Actonel and take it one lowered dose pill a week."
2174 zyrtec 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects seasonal allergies For seasonal allergies, I would highly recommend Zyrtec. I have had allergy shots to no avail, and have suffered from seasonal allergies my whole life. While the side effects that I experienced were annoying, they did not negate the benefits of taking the medicine. It made all of my allergy symptoms disappear (itchy eyes, hayfever, nasal congestion etc) The side effects were extreme cotton mouth, and I mean extreme. It also very much interrupted a restful night sleep. However, as annoying as these are, it was worth it to have the affect of the drug itself in dealing with seasonal allergies. Dry Mouth, Lack of sleep For seasonal allergies, I would highly recommend Zyrtec. I have had allergy shots to no avail, and have suffered from seasonal allergies my whole life. While the side effects that I experienced were annoying, they did not negate the benefits of taking the medicine. It made all of my allergy symptoms disappear (itchy eyes, hayfever, nasal congestion etc) The side effects were extreme cotton mouth, and I mean extreme. It also very much interrupted a restful night sleep. However, as annoying as these are, it was worth it to have the affect of the drug itself in dealing with seasonal allergies.
3734 lamictal 4 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects bipolar disorder When I first started, I slowly made my way up to 300mg. After the first two months, I noticed a difference. Not a huge difference, but it was big enough for my family to notice. It seemed to me though, after time, that my body got immune to the medication and I seemed to be back to the manic stages again. I have been on tons of anti-depression medications that are prescribed for depression and bipolar disorder and it seems to my doctors/psychiatrists that my body just gets immune to them. fatigue and memory loss "I really wish this was the medication that finally worked for me, but unless some miracle happens, it's back to the drawing board. I seem to still have my mania episodes everyday, sometimes it gets bothersome. I seem to yell still, I have my days where all I want to do is stay in my room and not move. I can't control my thoughts, but I still work everyday in hopes to finding that ""Miracle"" medication that will finally work for me!"
3913 nexium 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects indigestion and check pain The chest pain went away almost immediately. I rarely had heartburn even when I ate spicey foods. Even though I still may have heartburn occasionally, the tightness of my chest and the frequent indigestion has almost completely disappeared. Before I had indigestion at random times during the day, which would cause unexpected chest pains. I did not experience any side effects. Possibly because I did not the pills on an empty stomache. My doctor asked me to take Nexium once a day until they were gone to see if the tightness in my check, the indigestion, and the heartburn could be cured by the pills. The tightness in the check and indigestion were not signs of heart problems as the doctor discovered. To date, the pills seemed to have worked.
2809 wellbutrin 2 Ineffective Moderate Side Effects depression none irritability and extreme anxiety, mild panic attack I have been on Zoloft with great results for over 5 years. I do not have a constant barrage of depressed thoughts or emotions when I am on the drug. When my husband and I decided to try to have a baby, my ob-gyn suggested that I switch to Wellbutrin. Some anti-depressants may carry a small risk of side-effects to the baby in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. My ob-gyn felt that taking Wellbutrin may reduce these risks. After 1 or 2 months on Wellbutrin, I began to feel very irrtable and anxious. My chest began to tighten painfully with even the thought of something stressful. After 4 months on Wellbutrin, I had my first panic attack ever. I threw the pills in the trash and went to see a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist told me that there was no medically proven benefit to switching to Wellbutrin, and put me back on Zoloft. I feel much better!
3547 vivelle-dot 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects hysterectomy Amazing! I take nothing but this vivelle dot and add a dab of progeserone cream (natural) and vitamins. I have never felt better! Get tired and have brain fogg if I forget to change patch. Change patch every Sunday morning and Thursday night. Make sure I get script filled day before I need it! I will stay on this forever! If you suffer from hormone problems such as hair loss where you want it, hair growth where you don't want it, mild hot flashes, brain fogg, tired beyond your normal tired, but don't sleep without taking something. Past the word crabby, and cry because a little old lady won a car on a game show...honey, get it pulled out and put the patch on and get your life back!:)
2214 alendronate 3 Ineffective Severe Side Effects osteoporosis No benefits that I can see. My doctor said it was not useful to do another bone scan to see if there had been a change in a year so I have no idea if there was any benefit. I have been experiencing fairly severe leg pains for the past year and could not find out what they were from. Did numerous tests, no results. Then I saw on the insert that side effects could be muscle, bone or joint pain and when I read a comment on here describing dull aching in one leg in particular radiating down from the hip and below the knee. I thought...that is me!!! So I am stopping this drug and waiting to see what happens with the new aches and pains. Maybe it is this drug. I hope so. See above. Took alendronate for osteoporosis for over a year.
578 furosemide-injection 2 Ineffective No Side Effects chf The IV form was effective in removing excess fluid. The oral form did not. The oral form did not remove the fluid. Patient received IV form in hospital and fluid came off quickly and effectively. Oral form, which she was sent home on, did not work and she ended up back in the hospital within 24 hours. One of the doctors later admitted that there was something about the oral form that caused it to be ineffective in certain situations.
2632 depo-provera 5 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects birth control It effectively prevented a pregnancy. And periods stopped immediately with rare and light spotting. I had a few side effects. I got bad acne (which I haven't had since I was a teenager), and hair loss. I had lost 40 lbs before I began taking the shot. After my second shot I started gaining weight. I didn't change my eating habits in any negative way, and ended up gaining 20 lbs! I received the shot once every three months for a total of a year. The side effects outweigh the benefits in my opinion. I don't plan on taking this drug in the future, or recommending it to anybody else. I am definitely doing more research before I take another birth control again.
253 ultram 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects cervical osteoarthritis "Tramadol decreases the severity of pain associated with neck movement. It is not an opiate however it does provide pain relief (for me) along the lines of a mild narcotic without the ""euphoric"" or mind numbing effects. It allows me greater latitude of neck movement. It is very evident to me when the medication is wearing off as I can no longer turn my neck more than approximately 25 degrees. This drug has been a lifesaver for me and can sometimes even head off my milder migraines." I've personally experienced no side effects other than an occasional jerky type feeling in my movements. I have heard from others that this medication, although non narcotic can be difficult to cease due to withdrawal symptoms. Personally I have had no problem with this. This medication has been known to cause seizures and is not to be taken by anyone who has experienced a seizure. I take two 50 mg. tablets as needed up to three times a day.
3376 lipitor 6 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects cholesterol Benefits to taking Lipitor was that it helped reduce my total cholesterol numbers. While that was a positive, the side-effects began to make me question the overall reduction in cholesterol numbers. When I first started taking Lipitor I did not notice any side effects. Approx. three months into taking the drug, however, I started noticing upset stomach. At first I thought perhaps the caffeine in my coffee was creating the upset as I started drinking more than one cup daily. I cutback on the coffee and did not notice a difference in stomach issues. Approximately 6-8 months into taking the drug, I began to experience some discomfort in the legs. As a distance walker I analyzed my workout routine to see if I had added something different but had not. I quit taking the drug 12 months (give or take) after starting. Treatment was simple: take on tablet daily at bedtime. The drug was (and did) to help reduce my overall cholesterol numbers.
2912 tramadol 5 Moderately Effective No Side Effects interstital cystitis "The first two days I took this drug the pain went away. Then, the effectiveness declined rapidly. I called my doctor and she increased the dosage to 100mg every 6 hours. This helped for about two days, and then it was back to being ineffective.
I think this is a rather weak way to manage daily pain associated with IC." A little bit of nausea when the pill actually worked. No side effects at all when the pill didn't work. "My IC cocktail started to work after about a month and there wasn't much need for pain killers anymore so I just stopped taking Tramadol.
In the future, when my IC would flare up, I requested no Tramadol and instead received Tylenol with Codiene. It worked much better."
1288 zebeta 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects hypertension "Taking this medication twice a day has kept my blood pressure within the ""normal"" range; even though I am over-weight. I do exercise everyday, although very minimally. I think it is just the medication that is keeping my blook pressure so low." Sometimes, I feel a bit of light-headedness and dizzy. Sometimes sleepy. Although it is hard to tell if this is just from the medication or some other reason. But overall I am happy with the medication and plan on continuing to take it as long as I need to. Before I started taking the medication, my blood pressure was extremely high. I didn't exercise much and I am was over weight. At my doctor's orders, I began taking the medication and it took a while to take effect, but when it did, it has and still continues to keep my blood pressure within the normal range. I continue to be over-weight, and I only exercise minimally, but everyday.
457 flagyl 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects bacterial vaginosis My infection cleared up almost before the dosage was done. Has not come back. Mild upset stomach. I took this once a day for eight days for a vaginal bacterial infection. I only had slight side effects of an upset stomach after taking the pill; probably because I had not eaten much on those days. My infection cleared up noticably before the treatement was through. I feel it was very effective.
3377 lipitor 6 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects cholesterol reduce high blood pressure. patient is now receiving good cholesterol readings. having to take this drug has encouraged the patient to improve on their diet. they have cut down on fat, salt and sweets. because of this his health has improved tremendously. patient experiences constipation and gas on occasion. patient is concerned as to whether or not the drug has affected his muscles. patient is under the impression that the drug must be taken for their entire life.
2344 propecia 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects 1mg "I was experiencing significant, rapid hair loss along the temples and top of the scalp (just behind hairline). My crown was relatively unaffected.
Crown: The same, maybe better
Top of scalp: Exceptional. Considerable regrowth, hair came back thicker.
Hairline/Temples: Considerable re-growth. Not back to ""normal"", but still very impressive.
Propecia has shown the most benefit in clinical studies + real world practice in the crown area.
Its benefits are less pronounced as it nears the hairline. This has been my experience.
Hair loss stopped within 6 months,
significant re-growth @ 9 months.
Re-growth continued thru 18 months, then has pretty much slowed down / stopped.
I have 3 close friends who also take it, all have had excellent. results.
For all who take Propecia, wait a full year before making a decision to discontinue." "Some mild erection problems. Nothing anywhere bad enough where I would even CONSIDER stopping.
However I am 27 now...can't be 18 forever." "Easy, one tab in the AM.
That's it."
2070 metformin 8 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects type 2 diabetes In the beginning of my treatment for type 2 diabetes, I found the benefits of Glucophage or metformin for me to be two-fold. Number one, metformin did seem to lower my blood sugar over a short amount of time in the beginning. Number two, as a medication I found necessary in my life, I have found it fairly inexpensive to purchase as a generic drug. The treatment side effects I experienced were in the beginning. At the very start of taking Glucophage, I had diarrhea. It did go away after some time on the drug. I take 1000 mg caplets; one in the morning with my breakfast and one in the evening with my dinner.
1467 cymbalta 1 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects fibromyalgia and depression I only noticed a very small benefit from taking Cymbalta for my muscle pain. Cymbalta elevated my liver enzymes acutely after only being on the drug for a few months. The doctor then titrated me off of it and it took three months after I stopped Cymbalta before my liver went back to normal. Just be sure to have your liver enzymes checked regularly if you are on this drug. I was on 90 mg daily, one dose of 60 mg and one dose of 30 mg. It was prescribed to me for fibromyalgia and depression, however, I did not notice much improvement on this drug but I was not on it for a real long time either so it may just take longer to notice benefit but it definitely affected my liver. My mom also has the same problem with Cymbalta and her liver enzymes.
584 acyclovir 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects shingles breakout I used to break out with shingles and started taking the drug and the outbreaks stopped. After a year, I stopped taking it and whenever I feel like Im getting an outbreak, I take the drug for a few days and it goes away. I barely get outbreaks anymore. To my knowledge I had no side effects with the drug. I just took the drug for a year twice a day. Then stopped and just take it when I feel I am going to have an outbreak and after a few days, the symptoms dissapear and I dont get an outbreak. This is great since the shingles outbreak were very painful and lasted a long time to go away.
3972 norvasc 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects high blood pressure Helped lower blood pressure more then just using previous medications. none After using lisinopril and hydrochlorathiazide for many years and not seeing blood pressure lower quite enough ,I pushed to see what else would help to relax blood vessels to lower blood pressure.Fianlly camup with Zorvasc.Treatment was a sucess within days.
308 protopic 5 Ineffective No Side Effects vitalago The benefit that was hoped for was a repigmentation of the skins on my hands. Apparently my dermatologist had used this treatment on a number of patients and had received a good success rate. I did not see any benefits over the time I used the product (3 months) but was advised that I needed to continue treatment. There were no noticeable side effects that I was aware of. The product is an ointment with a rather oily feel and needs to be left on the effected areas for some period of time so I applied it at night. I did not find that it had any effect in any positive or negative way over the period I applied it. I was asked by the prescribing doctor to apply the ointment once a day to the affected areas (the back of both of my hands). This was the entire process and I was to report back to him within a period of approximately six months. This was a rather experimental treatment. I applied the product as instructed but did not notice any repigmentation during the time I applied it (around 3 months). I subsequently was advised by the doctor that I needed to continue the application, for a total period of at least six months
1909 avelox 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects swollen lymph nodes, sick Cleared up the infection. I had been on a less effective antibiotic a week earlier, which had not worked. I got a small rash on my arms right after finishing all the pills. I took 1 400 MG pill per day for 5 days and got plenty of rest and drank plenty of fluids. (My lymph nodes and thyroid glands were swollen and I generally felt ill.)
2029 protonix 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects acid reflux, gerd Reduced acid in the stomach and heartburn symptoms associated with acid. I didn't experience any side effects while taking this medication. Took 1 40 mg tablet in the morning before my first meal and controlled the acid reflux symptoms and stomach aches. Then took 1 40 mg tablet before I went to bed to once again control those symptoms while sleeping for a 24 hour effect.
1291 zocor 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects hyperlipidemia My total cholesterol level dropped from 282 to 150. The niaspan dropped my triglyceride level about 30 points! The only side effects I had was from the Niaspan. I would get flushed and itchy (terribly uncomfortable). The doctor told me to take an aspirin (350mg) 30 minutes to an hour prior to taking the Niaspan. The aspirin worked well, I can take the Niaspan with no problems. My treatment includes statin drugs and Niaspan because normal diet and exercise were not sufficient to keep my cholesterol level down. So, I take my medicine every night without fail, exercise at least 3X per week and I incorporate more fruit and vegetables into my diet.
948 betamethasone 6 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects eczema This cream preparation worked well, but over the years I ntoiced it was less effective. I have used it very sparingly but I no linger use it on my hands becaue it causes seems to worsen the condition of the skin to split the skin in inflamed areas after application. I use weaker hydrocortisone cream on my hands as a last resort. Luckily that cream is just stron enough to offer some relief. Over time (many years) I ntoiced reduced effectiveness and splitting of the skin in inflamed areas (on hands), despite using this product very sparingly. I use this cream as little as possible - only when I have a serious flare-up of the eczema. When I do use the cream I apply a reasonable amount to the skin - just enough to makae sure some cream comes in contact with all of the inflamed area. I use the cream once or twice a day during the flare up. Once I notice the inflammation is going down I stop using it- and teh skin finishes healing up on its own without further nedication. I rinse the cream off my hands after applying becaue it is not helpful to treat eczema on my hands anymore.
465 flagyl 1 Moderately Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects gum infection the side effects put me in hospital and not able to work for weeks. the gum infection cleared up but this took second place to the concerns during hospitalisation. i did not bounce back to my usual good health after. irritated heartbeat, palpatations, breathlessness, dizziness, anxiety, flue like symptoms, extreme fatigue, tingling, pain in arm prescribed tablets by Dentist for gum infection. i was told i should take antibiotics but nothing about how it works or side effects. i took the tablets until finished while feeling worse, breathless, dizzy, pain left arm and fatigue but put it down to body fighting gum infection. the day after i finished the full course of tablets i couldn't breath and ready to pass out and went to Doctors and was taken to hospital with heart complications. I have no health problems until now.
2999 restoril 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects insomnia Induces a pleasant intense relaxation. Fall asleep easily but not feel super doped up or hungover in the morning. Prevents laboriously resetting body clock after an all night binge. none Taken usually after 2 am when it's pretty obvious I will be up all night if I don't and i can't afford to muck up my day by sleeping in! Taken just before retiring - enough time between swallowing the thing and the effects to safely brush teeth and get changed for bed, read a few pages of a book.
710 accutane 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects acne Quick decrease in amount of acne; improved skin texture. Overall, the action of the drug was quite quick and effective, and my acne was resolved within the first 2 months of treatment I experienced dry skin like many other users of this drug, as well as some joint pain. Part of my treatment period was during the winter, during which I was also prone to nose bleeds and fragile skin. I took two 20mg pills daily following a meal with a moderate amount of fat (more than 10 grams). The time of day I took the medication varied depending on when I would be consuming a moderate-fat meal.
3956 prilosec 2 Marginally Effective No Side Effects gerd the product was supposed to control heartburn, but had very little affect, even after 14 days of use. None "When I first began having heartburn, my physician prescribed Prilosec D/R. I hadI took if for several weeks, but it didn't seem to control the heartburn.
He then prescribed Ranitidine,300mg, which I took for several years with very good results.
When I was sent for an upper endoscopy, the performing doctor suggested I take Prilosec. I tried it again, for a month, but I began having severe heartburn again.
Now I am taking Nexium, which works very well for me."
4117 chantix 4 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects smoking cessation decreased smoking and the desire to smoke somewhat, could not get any buzz off of nicotine vety nervous, weird dreams, I discontinued after awhile because I wanted my smoking buzz and not to feel weird and nervous all day. followed manufactures program, which was a titrated increase over several days.
2902 cyproheptadine 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects allergies reduction of itching which was caused by seasonal allergies. Itching was primarily on skin around elbows and also sinus congestion. The main side-effects were extreme drowsiness and dry mouth. This became less prevalent as time went on. I was taking 4mg tablets three times per day. one in morning, one in afternoon, one in the evening.
3356 lipitor 2 Ineffective Severe Side Effects high cholesterol My cholesterol levels were very high. Te plan was to take Lipitor for one month and then see if the levels were lower. No benefits were identified because I could not take take the medicine long enough to get a second cholesterol test to measure for measuring any decrease in my cholesterol levels. After having side effects, I did try to lower the dosage to 10m by cutting the pills in half, but still felt the bad effects. At first, I did not associate my increasing tiredness and general lack of energy with the medicine. I just thought I was getting sick with a virus. Then, as time went on, I started to also experience muscle soreness and tightness. By the time I started to think the way I was feeling might be related to the Lipitor, I realized, besides the physical symptoms, I was in a state of depression. As soon as I quit taking the pills, all the bad symptoms cleared. A few days later, I tried taking less (half), but, again started feeling bad. As previously stated, because my cholesterol levels were high, the doctor said I should take Lipitor for one month and then we would retest the cholesterol levels to see if the medicine was effective in lowering the levels. But, because I was unable to take the Lipitor for the entire month, the second cholesterol test was never taken. After taking the Lipitor for about 10 days, I stopped taking it. A few days later, I did try to take just half a pill. But within days, the side effects started to return.
1836 yasmin 5 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects birth control "Well, I had no babies.
Also, skin was a bit clearer and breasts got about half a cup bigger (but that came with the rest of my body getting bigger, too)." "I gained 10 lbs in just a couple months, I had period munchies all the time, and could always eat. I felt uncomfortable turning down food and seemed to have a never-ending appetite. This would subside during the sugar pill week.
I suspect, but am not sure, that Yasmin also gave me some vaginal dryness. I had frequent painful sex, would get raw very easily, and actually got a tear inside my vagina from sex. If we went at it twice a day it seemed I would need a day or two break just to recover. (None of this has happened before, so the doctor suggested I move to a lower dose pill.)" Take once a day at the same time everyday.
3509 minoxidil 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects hair loss The benefits of using minoxidil was the halting of DHT buildup in the scalp around hair follicles. It also improved circulation to the scalp. This encouraged the recovery of thinning hair to become thicker and fuller. This halted hair loss and restored hair to cover up signs of male pattern baldness. There were no observed side effects with the use of this product. 1mL Minoxidil was applied twice daily to the scalp until the entire dose and been absorbed. treatment was coupled with Low Light Laser Therapy - 650nm 5W lasers that served to biostimulate the scalp and help in the halting of the effects of DHT.
2501 naprosyn 1 Ineffective Mild Side Effects muscle inflammation None. I was told it would take 6 weeks for the medicine to accumulate and become completely effective. It did not produce any results that were apparent. Not in inflammation reduction or in pain reduction due to the inflammation were any results ascertainable. I suffered while waiting for this medication to do anything. Further, you are told to consume food to protect the lining of your stomach from this medication. Not always something you want to do when you are experiencing a lot of pain because pain can make you feel like vomiting. Stomach issues, burning The more adverse affect was the constant pain due to the continuing inflammation with the added and increasing reduction in movement, and muscle usage. Worst, was the waste of time. Another med could have been prescribed in the time I used this medicine that would have been more effective and time healing would not have been wasted. In fact, another anti-inflammatory was prescribed that provided immediate benefits (30 minutes) without the build-up in your system that the M.D. and pharmacist said Naprosyn requires before it becomes effective. Tried various dosages from the lowest, to more frequency. It simply had little affect on inflammation or pain. No other pain medication was added to this treatment and no other medication was given. I had a car accident and suffered whiplash, thoracic muscle strain, herniation of entire lumbar region, etc. Inflammation was rampant from hip level up. Any relief would have been noted and appreciated. Another drug was later prescribed, another anti-inflammatory, which proved just how much the naprosyn did not work. I had immediate pain relief in 30 minutes and notable inflammation reduction very quickly. In fact, after a 3 week loading of this drug, I was able to get out of bed, move around, and be functional! The Doctor insisted on trying this level, Naprosyn, first and then changed after 6 weeks, to supposedly stronger medication in some kind of protocol progression. I now tell my doctors which medication works and refuse anything else. They waste time on ineffective medications allowing suffering. I saw the doctors within the 6 week period declaring and their noting how ineffective this medication was.
899 paxil 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects mild depression "Less tired, less sleepy, more motivated for working and daily chores. Much less of headaches and Fioricet worked better when I had ones.
Naproxen 500 mg relieved the arm pain for 7 hours." Decreased sex emotions was the main side effect of Paxil, it made me somewhat numb. As to Fioricet , it seemed to me I became used to it, overtime I needed 2 tabs. to kill headache, instead of one tab. as it used to be. Paxil has been taken regularly for 4 years, then stopped by myself. I had to restart it after 2 months, because some symptoms did return.
2188 clonazepam 9 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects anxiety, ocd After 12 years of living with anxiety problems I discovered clonazepam and now this is my emergency pill. Fast effects which relaxes me quickly. When I take clonazepam I feel a little dizzy, just like being drunk! Its gives me a light headache. My body feels so lazy that i feel I am stuck in it. This could be a strange effect for some but it's sure better than panic! when needed
887 paxil 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects depression There were no benefits. I was repeatedly told it wasn't working because I just hadn't been on it long enough and my dosage wasn't high enough. It did not help the depression at all and it was expensive. "Trying to slowly reduce the dosages so the medicine could be stopped resulted in very frequent ""brain zaps."" These felt like electrical shocks in the head any time I moved. The electrical shocks could be felt in my arm and chest sometimes as well. The only thing that helped was to lay down and be as still as possible, but even that did not stop the shocks. This went on for 6 months. The gradual stepping down of dosage was monitored by a doctor and was even done slower than normal but it did not prevent the ""brain zaps."" Headaches and some nausea also accompanied the shocks." Started with 20mg and gradually increased to 50mg. After a year of treatment and no improvement the drug was eventually decreased and stopped.
4103 chantix 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects smoking cessation Very heavy smoker. Was able to reduce smoking to half pack per day in the run up to totally quitting. Then was able to quit. Skin itching; insomnia, strong urine smell; weight gain The side effects, aside from the weight gain, were tolerable enough to enable me to quit. I have back slid a couple of times and found taking the pill for a few days resolved the problem. It has been a year since I first started taking the drug.
410 imitrex 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects migraine headaches Complete relief from pain with one 100 mg tablet. Alleviated the sensitivity to light, noise and nausea. Symptoms would abate in one to two hours. "A little ""fuzzy headed"" until it took effect." This is taken as needed. It works best to take at the onset of the migraine and not to wait to see if will go away.
2465 aciphex 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects gerd My heartburn greatly reduced and I could sleep at night so the GERD was successfully addressed. Very frequent and bad dysentery. Stomach Cramps were also an issue and if those side effects could be eliminated this would then be the perfect GERD relief drug. 1 pill twice a day with meals with lots of liquids.
1782 citalopram 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety My doctor has this combined with Hydroxozine and I feel wonderful. I have taken Paxil, Lexapro and a few others since I was about 12. I would def. say that this drug combination has worked the best. The first two weeks I experienced withdrawls from my other med(Lexapro) but after that, I am great and back to new :) For the first couple of weeks I had withdrawls from prior medication. But that is all I have experienced. "I believe that this, and the hydroxozine are a miracle drug combo. I have suffered from anxiety since around age 7 and I finally have a ""normal"" life."
1515 reclipsen 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects skin breakouts/birth control Treatment benefits include clear, glowing skin, regular menstrual cycles, and reliable birth control. Treatment side effects include breast tenderness for about a month after first doseage, and some ovular soreness. Treatment details include taking a pill eachday at the same time for maximum effectiveness in preventing pregnancy, and taking the 5 placebo pills to help remember to take a pill every day.
2936 prednisolone 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects prickly heat/heat rash The prickly heat would be cleared up over night. The itch would disappear within a few hours the bumps would loose all redness but would remain slightly raised for a couple of days I had no side effects at all, but as i need to write 50 words it may also be worth noting that I had the positive effect of the painful Achilles tendon I had also disappeared after taking the tablets for 2 days As soon as the prickly heat starts I had to take 6 tablets daily for a maximun of 10 days I have never had to take the tablets for more than 3 consecutive days
3920 nexium 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects heartburn no more heartburn, was able to eat without experiencing any further heartburn or reflux. will take the product as a long term solution to acid reflux none, experienced no noticable side effects or discomfort, no more reflux or heartburn was very happy with the ddrug will keep oj using it nexium 20mg before meals, at least 20 min before each meal. can be taken before all meals with no bad effects. has long lasting effects
3575 differin 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects localized acne Differin has practically eliminated my acne. I also used it on my forehead, where I have brown spots from a college-days sunburn (appx 10 years ago). The spots have clearly faded, though are not completely gone. Side effects were peeling and some redness, but only occurred the time that i used too much Differin. I knowingly put more than prescribed on my chin in hopes of getting rid of an outbreak before vacation. The redness and peeling was very noticeable. Treatment includes adding only about 1/3 pea sized amount to my chin area and the same amount to my forehead after cleansing at night. This I do daily. I combined this with a regular alpha-hydroxy exfoliation night creme (applied after the Differin dries) in order to catalyze (by my own approximation) the skin rejuvenation/renewal.
4024 celexa 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression My father became extremely depressed following his mild stroke. About 2 weeks after we increased the dose from 10-20mg, there was a significant change in his attitude and he embraced life again. Occasional light-headedness. After his mild stroke, my Dad could not continue his previously active routine. He hated not being able to drive his new car to meet his friends for their daily breakfast. He was always on the go, even at home he was constantly puttering with gadgets & watching stocks on the computer. All of this had suddenly been taken from him and he was angry & frustrated that he was unable to do these previously simple tasks. Depression set in and he just gave up on life. He would even dream that he was dead. He cried & moaned a lot (my Dad never cried before). I was pleased with the results from this medication.
1076 effexor 5 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects depression it did help alleviate the depression Unfortunately It caused me to gain 20 lbs in less than 3 months...I have been on many different antidepressants and this one was the worst when it came to weight gain daily dose of medication...it helped alleviate depression symptoms but caused weight gain
3688 effexor-xr 4 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects anxiety eased my anxiety, helped me start going to work more. This drug was extremely difficult to start. I had headaches and dizziness for weeks. Also caused digestive problems - bloating and flatulence. Had no energy - before I took this drug I was a very active person but once on it I had no energy to excercise. Also craved sugary and carbohydrate rich food which ended up giving me thrush and other fungal infections. Caused concentration problems. I stuggled to concentrate on my work for a full day. I also felt very flat. Am stopping this drug and going on to paroxetine again as the side effects outweighed the benefits.
34 alprazolam 5 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects panic attacks It was very good in controlling the panic attacks. Before taking it I was even unable to drive my car down the road without having a panic attack. I worked liked magic from the very first dose. I could resume to being close to feeling like a normal person again. It worked well for panic attack prevention. "There were no real side effects other than a dry mouth. I still suffered from some anxiety symtoms such as feeling a bit nervous restless, sometimes had trouble sleeping. If I drank alcohol at the same time in small amounts, I felt even better and seemed to have no bad feeling at all but that was short lived, and as I found out later on also dangerous. And Just don""t ever stop taking it suddenly. Thats also very dangerous." "The treatment was to take three 1 mg tablet a day, with food. The trouble was that I became very reliant on the medication and felt I needed to keep taking it. Then one day I decided to quit and I just stopped taking it. I don""t know why I did not slowly wean myself off over a couple of weeks. Over the course of the next three days I never got out of the house I was sick, shaking uncontrollably, having hallucinations both audial and visual I thought I was going to die. I felt like hell. A friend found me and took me to the doctor. It was the worst feeling I have ever felt in my life it was the withdrawal symptoms from the drug. All I needed to do was take more, but I felt to afraid. To this day I cant tell you why I just could""nt think straight."
655 seasonique 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects birth control My acne has definatly cleared up and my period is so much better and lighter. unlike all the other adds i had absolutly no bleed through. I have gotten migranes since i was a teenager and since starting this pill i feel they are more likely. I really like seasonique. i love only having four periods a year
2003 vicodin 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects shoulder & neck pain None. Vicodin is a narcotic for severe pain. I was prescribed it after weeks of physical therapy and ibuprophin did not reduce the pain in my shoulder and neck following a ski crash. Much to my dismay, the drug made me feel extremely nauseated. Though I did not actually throw up, I felt like it for a day. Furthermore, the pain in my neck and shoulder did not improve. Even if it had, I would have discontinued Vicodin anyway. My doctor did not mention any possible side effects, nor did he tell me it is a narcotic. Apparently, it is a drug of abuse. Also, nausea is a common side effect. I was only told that it was a pain killer that would alleviate my discomfort.
138 valtrex 9 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects genital herpes the sores disappeared much sooner than with regular treatments (acyclovir) and the pain disappeared the next day. Due to my chronic gastritis, I had minor stomach aches but nothing too bad The treatment was started on the second day of the sore outbreak, and I noticed the effect very quickly: the next day I felt barely any pain and the sore disappeared much faster than usual (about 4-5 days overall vs the previous 7-9 days)
4157 aygestin 1 Marginally Effective Severe Side Effects endometriosis well it was supposed to stop my painful periods from my endometriosis and its suposed to stop my endometriosis from growing. depression, nausea, anxiety, heart racing, still in pain, still having painful breakthrough bleeding. "well ive been takin it everyday for 5 months and if one more doctor tells me ""its gonna take some time"" im going to break something. i start college soon (again, had to drop out due to my painful constant periods) so im getting real tired of feeling like dirt all of the time. its supposed to make everything better and it hasnt done jack crap. i also have to take opana for the pain (morphine pills) and im going into medical school and they dont like drugs in youre system"
49 clarinex 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects sinus allergies/hives I sometimes get hives or sinus type allergies. When I take this anti-histamine I notice that it works quickly and is very effective for hours. I never get sleepy like I do with most other over the counter anti-histamines. I did not notice any side effects. One small pill a day is all it takes to relieve my mild to moderate sinus allergies and occassional hives.
516 tenormin 4 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects an unknown ekg wave abnormality Decreased nausea, dizziness when standing, pins and needles sensation. Eyes and Skin less sensitive to sunlight. Extreme sleepiness (25mg feels like I took a Tylenol PM). Slight inability to concentrate. Depression of mood, slight irritability. I have noticed some suggest this is also prescribed for anxiety, I haven't noticed any reduction in anxiety, I have noticed if I'm irritated the irritability seems to last a bit longer than normal. It has done nothing to increase my motivation or productivity. I already have a low heart rate, so an hour after taking it I always take 200mg caffeine + 2 Primatene tablets (25mg Ephedrine HCL) to raise heartbeat while the Atenolol stabilizes it. The Ephedrine also helps to counteract sleepiness and depressed mood Atenolol causes in my system. I was going to quit taking it but over 2 months I have slowly experienced an increase in my health, before I was almost bed-ridden, now I can get up and walk around for extended periods of time. I originally had a bad case of Mono a few years back and it still showed in my system, he said it probably caused a bad case of Chronic Fatigue but it is not considered a real medical condition, so he wrote me a script for Atenolol after my EKG. They took 6 EKG's that read no heartbeat and the 7th read a supposedly impossible wave, I did every test from two separate doctors, they have no idea what it is.
333 neurontin 5 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects chonic pain I did see improvement in numbness and tinglng in upper extremities. Helps marginally for sleep. Poor concentration, drowsiness, dizziness, memory problems. My physian tried to titrate dose to 2400mg per day. The side effects were intolerable to the point that I was having prolems at work. I currently take 600mg hs. I plan to discontinue this medication as the side effects are not worth the marginal benefit
845 ritalin 5 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects depression When I first began taking the Ritalin, I noticed a dramatic effect on my mood. I felt wonderful! I was energetic and positive and I felt that I could handle anything that came my way. I don't want to sound as though I felt euphoric or manic - I just felt really GOOD about life. However, after only a few days, that sense of confident well-being drained away. Initially, the medication kept me awake all night but that only happened for a night or two. I take them on an empty stomach in the morning and sometimes my hands shake very slightly for a while but it's not enough to cause any problems. My psychiatrist put me on it to 'give a boost' to my other antidepressant. He says I am taking a miniscule amount, and that I could increase the dosage if I wished but I have been reluctant to do so. Perhaps I should - I may not be taking enough to be effective but I am on three different antidepressants and I feel uneasy about sharply increasing the Ritalin dose. In short, initially, I felt GREAT but now I feel just the same as ever - struggling with the thoughts that cause lack of energy & enjoyment in many spheres of life.
540 trazodone 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects insomnia "it was not good,had to dismiss previous primary doctor&ortopedic surgeon as my best interests were not of thier concern,I now have a new primary doctor&orthopedic surgeon as both knew about fractured clavicle/shouder rotocuff
completely ripped,i now am faced with some life changing desisions with a scambleled mind,would like to warn about some docters that address,medi cal&medicare patients" "after emergency of going cold turkey,on previous meds,new docter advised me to
use only,vicodin,attvan,gleevec,effecsor,aspiran.I now feel like i have lost my mind,after taking 50 mg of trazodone nightly." "ongoing daily reports to new doctor,with a third party involed,in any decisions,
please desregard any misspelling-confused easily now,trazadone made me sick to my stomach,appetite down,all my body allmost in an upheaval,can not sleep,hard to eat,sleep depraveted and know off my vitamins too.I feel like i have jumped out of the pan into the fire."
904 paxil 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects panic attack My anxiety when driving was lowered. None One day I was driving on a freeway (280, San Francisco Bay area) and felt like I was going to faint. It was a clear day, not much traffic as it was the middle of the day and this freeway is more of a 'country' freeway than our main one, 101. I pulled over to the shoulder so I could compose myself. I felt like I was having a panic attack (which I had never had before but friends have) so I took deep, slow breaths to calm myself. When I felt I was alright, I returned to the freeway but had to pull over once more before I reached home. I have never been in an accident nor had this feeling before so could not rationalize what was happening. After it happened a few more times, I put paper bags in my car (for breathing) and started using side roads, where I had no problems. When I went to my doctor, I told him about my anxiety and he prescribed Paxil for me. I began taking it and, it took a while, though I wasn't ready to try the freeway right away, but it has definitely helped. I am now more willing to just get on the freeway. I have not noticed any side effects from taking it or changes in my personality...I did not need it for depression or any other anxiety but freeway driving.
3776 metronidazole 6 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects diverticulitis The benefits were that the infection was eleminated. The infection had apparently grown over a period of several months and then reached a point that it suddenly was accute. I say it grew slowly over several months because my abdominal area, even as far up as including my waist, had grown from about 30 inches to about 33 inches and I required clothing two sizes larger. I had become more and more weak but thought that it was my age (even though up until a few months before the swelling started I was still hiking up to 10 or 11 miles a day in the Andes in Chili or in the Canadian Rockies. Weakness had suddenly become so accute that it was causing my heart to labor so much that radio-active dye x-rays were taken of my heart. My abdomin had a sonigram to see if I had ovarian cancer. The metronidazole 500 mg and the ciprofloxacin 500 mg wer prescribed one tablet of each twice a day for two weeks. However, after several days I began to have slight light headedness, tingling in my fingers, much short-term memory loss, and constant whistling in my ears. By the sixth day these side-effects had intensified to the point that my hands were shaking, I was dizzy, and the doctor told me to discontinue the meds.Eleven weeks have passed and I still have CONSTANT whistling in my ears, my short term memory has improved but has not totally returned, and my bowels still do not work without taking a stimulant. I am taking probotics (460 mg each,6 billion total microorganisms per capsule twice daily), eating such as Activia daily, etc to try to repace the healthy bacteria level in my intestines but as stated earlier this is not yet accomplished. I am very tired of hearing the constant whistling in my ears. This may be covered in the treatment benefits section, The prescribed dosage was 500 mg (along with ciprofloxacin 500 mg) both twice daily for two weeks: however, by the sixth day the side effects were severe enough that the doctor told me to discontinue taking both the metronidazole and the ciprofloxacin.
931 mevacor 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects high cholesterol NONE!!!!! I began having very irregular heart rhythm within about 2 1/2 weeks of taking this medicine. Feeling like I was going to pass out or maybe my heart would even stop beating. "I began having very irregular heart rhythm within about 2 1/2 weeks of taking this medicine. I began feeling like I was going to pass out or maybe my heart would stop beating & I would just keel over & die if I didn't immediately start moving around. I could be sitting or laying down in bed & these ""spells"" would come on out of the blue & very regularly. I spent one night up all night laying on the couch because it was so bad that I was afraid that if I fell asleep I might not wake up. I tried to pretend it would go way at first but then made an appointment with my Dr. first & then a cardiologist, it was just too scary. My Dr. didn't believe that it was the medicine. By the time I could get in to see the cardiologist & have the heart monitor holster, echocardiogram etc. done I had been off the medicine for 2 weeks & the symptoms had lessened & of course did not appear while I was being tested. The Dr. thought I was crazy & that there was no way it was the medicine & that maybe I was having panic attacks. I have never had a panic attack in my life & I have had similar heart rhythm symptoms with other meds that quit when I stopped taking them & I know my own body. It WAS the lovastatin. It took a year & a half before I started feeling normal again & didn't have these attacks come on sometimes. I truly believe the lovastatin had an affect on my heart that took that long to get better. I will NEVER take another cholesterol med again that has the possible side affects of affecting muscles. The heart is a muscle. I also found that other people have had this same experience while taking statins while I was researching this on the internet. Neither Dr. would even look at the article I printed out about it & it was even written by another Dr. who was researching statin side affects."
2245 zovirax 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects cold sores "Shortened time span of cold sore.
Sometimes alleviating symptoms entirely." None "If you take one pill as soon as you feel the tingle of a cold sore coming on, often it will not even appear at all. I know you might think, ""Maybe there wasn't really one in the first place."" But if you get cold sores regularly, you know. Sometimes if I couldn't get to the pills right away and a cold sore did appear, I would take a total of 4-5 pills in the course of the next 24 hours, and the sores would often be gone within 2 days instead of the usual 10. If you can't get to the pills within the first 24 hours, there is really not much good they can do after that, from my experience. This drug is kind of expensive--if I recall from before I had insurance, it was $50-75 for a bottle of Zovirax, but now they have a generic form so it is probably less. Regardless, this drug is worth its weight in gold."
3812 solodyn 1 Moderately Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects acne While on the drug I did not have any large, red acne lesions. "Lupus-like symptoms that were very severe:
light sensitivity
extreme fatigue
severe joint point
iritis (inflammation of the iris of the eye)
knee, wrist and finger pain that continues 4 months after stopping the drug
iritis flared again 4 months after stopping the drug" "After I turned 38 my skin changed. It became much oilier and I started having large acne lesions again around my chin. This was especially true before a period or when I was under stress at work. I decided to see a dermatologist as I was sick of the acne. I started Yaz which was alright, as well as Retin-A. This didn't seem to address the larger lesions so my dr. prescribed Solodyn. Looking back now, I think the side-effect started in the first couple weeks, I just didn't identify them as related to the drug. I thought I was suffering from carpal tunnel at work and could explain why my knees hurt so much. I was just about to go to an orthopod when I decided to investigate the Solodyn more. I read about the joint pain and Lupus-like symptoms, stopped the drug immediately and called my dr. to get in and see her. She did some bloodwork and I had a positive ANA blood result (mid-positive, not low). This is one indicator of lupus. My dermatologist was adamant that the symptoms would go away now. I called the office again a week later as I was still having strong side effects and was pretty worried. I got a phone call back that basically said ""hello, hypochondriac, you do not have lupus."" Then my eye pain started and my eye turned totally red. I went to my GP who referred me to an opthalmologist who diagnosed iritis and I started 7 weeks of drops. She also referred me to a rheumatologist who ran a number of tests and told me she's seen minocycline drugs do this to people a lot and she would never take one or have her children take one - great. That's my saga. Now dealing with another iritis flair up and a lot of pain in my left knee, 4 months after stopping the drug. Please don't take this drug!!!"
501 paxil-cr 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects ocd "I felt reduced anxiety and compulsions; less need for perfection; better able to live with ""good enough""; less stress and happier; no more depression." Ihad to stop nursing; constipation (must take 2 stool softeners per day); it killed my sex drive; skipping more than two days causes serious headaches, after three days of missed meds you go into withdrawal...much like heroin withdrawal. Never have I been so ill or wanted to die. Along with psychotherapy, I started taking prozac, with no effect after 2 months. I switched to paxil with constipation and I needed at least 10 hours of sleep to come out of it each morning. I switched to selexa with no effect. I then tried zyprexa which caused me to gain 10 lbs in a month, gave me memory loss and I started lactating again. By then, they had come out with paxil-cr (extended release) and I have been on that ever since. I would like to switch to something that doesn't kill my sex drive and make me want to die when I go off of it, but I am afraid to stop without the proof of something else working better.
3339 clarithromycin 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects sinus infection due to seasonal allergy It cleared up the sinus infection within 2 days. A bitter taste in mouth moticeable at night and especially in the morning. It went away as soon as I had something to drink. There was no bitter taste during the daytime. Also got a yeast infection on day 8. I still have to go through 5 days of medicine. I once took it on empty stomach and got acidity 1/2 hour later. I was given Naproxen to control the inflammation and pain in my throat. I was also given Nasonex 2 puffs in each nostril daily. Claritin 10 mg once daily as antihistamine, which worked brilliantly. Also Clarithromycin 500 mg twice daily for 14 days. I stopped everything but the antibiotic and Claritin and am doing just fine.
4082 mobic 4 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects anti inflamatory When I have flareups of pain, taking the meloxicam with the cyclobenzoprine and a good nights sleep would leave me pain free in the morning. Extremely lethargic the entire next day, even if I took the meloxicam by itself I am supposed to take the tablet once a day, however due to how tired I get for the entire next day, I only take as needed. I did not figure out the problem with this drug until my son had to take it for something and he was totally wiped out as well. So, I really try to use as little as possible, even though I have a permanent prescription for it.
3518 lunesta 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects insomnia "Lunesta allowed me to have a restful nights sleep, every night, even sleeping through ""hot flashes."" In combination with cutting out tv at least one hour before bed, a hot bath, and occassionally meditiation - I had a sound sleep and awoke rested and revived." "I did not have the much talked about ""bad taste"" in my mouth. I did have a ""hung over"" feeling but not often, and the feeling went away within 5 minutes of waking." The treatment worked for me: I enjoyed a good nights sleep and awoke rested and revived. Any side effects were minimal and infrequent. I have tried many other medications over the years and this one is the most satisfactory.
22 azulfidine 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects colitis reduced bleeding and inflamation initially, then less bloating, diareaha and nausea. some sunlight sensitivity (sunburn more easily) and reduced sperm count. began with two 500mg tablets three times a day by mouth. reduced to twice a day after six months. symptoms gradually subsided in the first three months. on maintenance dose currently.
2037 protonix 6 Moderately Effective No Side Effects reflux temporary relief of reflux symptoms, but severe breakthroughs occasionally still happen. Have been taking the med for over 4 years but without taking it the symtpoms are definitely worse. The symptoms were, lump in throat, hoarseness, painful speaking, burning throat, burping, fluids coming back into mouth, pain in the center of the chest. I have never noticed any side effects from taking the protonix. I had read the list, but appear to be having no trouble. I have been taking the medication for over four years and am still taking the medication. I only notice that when I think the reflux is under control and I stop taking it, my symptoms return with a vengence. I have had the endoscope one time and on two different occasions had the tube inserted into my nose to check the vocal chords to diagnose why I lose my voice. My regular every day treatment dose is one 40 mg pill, but have been told at two different times by two different doctors to double up on that for two months. I notice improvement but once regular dosage is resumed the symptoms usually flare up.
3794 keflex 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects chronic sinusitis You do not have to take this medicine with food and there is a much lower risk oh GI upset like you may experience with other antibiotics. None I took the Keflex after taking Augmentin for a week without results. Also, being pregnant my OB/GYN felt more comfortable with me being on Keflex than Augmentin. The treatment last longer than other antibiotics but seems to be more effective thus far. No GI effects and no signs of yeast infection like a lot if women experience with antibiotics.
3055 seroquel 1 Marginally Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects bi-polar, depression For the first two months it seemed to help, even though the first night on it was the scariest feeling ever. It made me motivated for those two months.. I ended up with severe anxiety and paranoia after taking this pill, something I had never had before taking it. After the initial 2 month honeymoon period, I felt like I was a zombie..I literally felt nothing at all, and if I was lucky enough to feel something, it would be anxiety. I'm STILL trying to reverse the effects of this drug, and I've been off it for over 3 years now. I would not recommend this to ANYONE, unless you're willing to ruin your personality & life for the sake of a two month good spell. .
3341 optivar 6 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects dry, allergic eyes relieved some of the itching blurred vision for 90 seconds after administering; burning sensation Was prescribed for 1 month for dry, itchy eyes. I took Optivar for 5 days, then called the ophtamologist about the burning sensation. He advised me to discontinue the Optivar and wrote a prescription for Alrex.
483 meridia 5 Marginally Effective Mild Side Effects weight loss Definitely lifted mood. Helped me feel full and able to turn down unhealthy snacks. Helped me eat reasonable portions. Occasional headache. Mild occasional insomnia "Taken once a day it acts as a mood lifter and helps you feel full with less food. It helped me take off a few pounds. However, it is only a tool and patient has to be diligent about monitoring hunger and deciding to limit portions. It's easy to ""eat around"" the drug and overeat. For short term weight loss or to help lose 10 -15 lbs it is great. VERY expensive...$125 for one months supply."
3654 retin-a 10 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects wrinkling aroung the eyes and lips Yes very beneficial, although I will discontinue using the cream on face every night and maybe use every other night, until my skin adjusts. I also use the cream on the back of my hands and decollete area, love the results! I can see a HUGE difference in my hands already (probably about 1 month of consistant use) I have a few small sun spots that have lightened significantly, the skin on the back of my hands appears less elephant like ( tough, rough, wrinkling skin) and now appear more smooth, radiant and even toned.My decollete area has also seen great improvment, again more even toned, smooth, I have not seen a great deal of tightening, but I am very happy with the results thus far--- about 1 month of consistant use. Some redness and peeling around the outside of my eyes and upper lip. Caused sensitivity when using other products....night creme, serums and sunscreen. I have read that these side affects are normal and part of the skin adjusting to the retin a.....after all that is what it is supposed to do...create a chemical change in the cell which promotes cellular turnover resulting in newer, firmer skin. Daily apply about a pea size amount of the creme on my hand and sparingly apply to the orbital area, lips and forehead. I add additional creme to the back of my hands and rub vigourously ( rubbing the back of my hands together). I also apply a dime size to my neck and decollete area also rubbing, but not as vigourously. I generally do this every night after I cleanse, tone and add serums ( for pigment relief and building collegen) if I am feeling especially dry after applying the Tretinoina,I will also add a moisturizer.
3684 effexor-xr 1 Moderately Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects depression, anixety? I felt alive again, starting to go out more, spent time doing things I enjoyed had energy to go to the gym for the first time in my life "I started to date a married man, that lead to me becoming obsessed. he was my boss. I clinged to him because I felt alone. I then quit my job and tried to overdose on these meds.. drank a bottle of alcohol and then took several pills and sleeping pills. ended up in emergeny and then just went right off them without supervision. to this day I take nothing and Im still very depressed. Im seeing a doctor again and trying to figure out what to do. I tried to go back on them and felt instantly high for two days taking the lowest dose there was. almost like my brain said NO WAY are u takin this again..
I don't recommend taking this unless u have a good doctor . the doc that gave me this medication was a walk in clinic who knew nothing about me." ".. well I was taking this after breaking out of a relationship that I was in for 3 years. I was depressed living in a room that i rented off a friend. I was living before with the boyfriend in a home he owned but we bought together. I was working full-time and continued to do so after i moved but felt very alone and started to have panic attacks sorta in a mall.. trying to shop was impossible and I never left the house, only to work..
when i did go to the mall"
3319 dilantin 6 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects head injury / brain trauma The benefits were the prevention of seizures following brain surgery Initially after surgery I was given Dilantin injections which were very painful. It felt like concentrated acid was being injected into my vains with a painful burning sensation that lasted several minutes after each injection. After 3 weeks I was changed to oral dilantin (100mg 3 times daily). So no more painful injections. As mentioned above I was prescibed Dilantin to avoid seizures following brain surgery. I was given dilantin injections for a period of 3 weeks while in hospital and then it changed to taking oral dilantin (100mg 3 times daily)for a year. During the year I had one seizure after 6 months which happened on the night that I felt well enough to have some drinks with my friends for the first time since the operation. I didn't drink again for the following 6 months while on dilantin and did not have any more seizures. I stopped dilantin after 12 months and have had no seizures since
4114 chantix 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects smoking cessation helped me stop smoking. I have tried to quit cold turking before and used other treatments, like laser and hypnosis. Neither worked as well as chantix. For the first time I was able to not have an urge to smoke. I could see people around me smoking and it didnt cause me to want a cigarette "dry mouth, vivid weird dreams, headache, nausea,
sleep problems (trouble sleeping, or vivid, unusual, or strange dreams),
constipation, gas,vomiting. Ive heard that it also causes depression, and some people have suffered with suicidal thoughts. People sometimes became agitated, it increased their depression level." "After filling your prescription, you choose a quit date, and begin taking the medication one week before your quit Date. You get a starter package with a pill(s) for the first weekYou take one tablet every morning for 3 days. On the forth date you take one in the morning and one at night. You can use a support plan, called getquit to help you during weeks 2-12.After the first week, you continue to take a pill in the morning and one at night, it comes in a different package then the one you used the 1st week and is a higher dosage.
support plan. We offer one � it's called GETQUIT�. Enroll today
Weeks 2�12
On your quit date, you'll try to stop smoking completely. And you'll begin using the blue Continuing Week packages, which contain blue tablets. If you slip up and smoke, it's okay. Just keep taking CHANTIX and keep trying to quit
For the next 12 weeks, you'll be taking two blue tablets a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, or as prescribed by your doctor. You should tell your doc about any other perscriptions your taking and any other health problems before starting"
4135 chantix 1 Marginally Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects smoking cessation helped somewhat in minimizing the cravings and anxiety while taking it but still required substantial will power to quit. Considering the absolute hell I went through to quit I will probably never go back to smoking. acute nausea, mental fog, vivid dreams, poor sleep quality, sore eyes, constipation, uncontrollable flatulence, euphoria, turned to dark depression, Psychosis NOS, Major Depressive Disorder, Suicidal ideation, self detrimental behaviour, emotional lability, agression, rage, panic attacks, hallucination, Somatoform Disorder, Delusional Parasitosis, Cholinaergic Prurritus, Hyperacusis, Severe sleep depervation; excessive dreaming, inability to sleep deeply, feeling half awake while sleeping, waking up with sore eyes., Brain Fog, lowered inhibitions, hair roots hurting, excessive hair loss, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, puffy bags under eyes, excessive weight gain, gingivitis, prostate pain, inability to feel orgasm, decreased ability to maintain and achieve erections, anhedonia. "I took Champix in March of '08 and I am still suffering from most of the side effects of this poisonous drug. I started to feel some of the bad effects (nausea, mental fog, trouble sleeping, sore eyes, constipation, gas) of Champix while taking it but I was determined to quit smoking. For the first month I felt exceptionally good and I was telling everyone how great it was but the euphoria came crashing down and I went into a deep depression. I was able to make it through the full 3 month course but when I stopped taking it is when I really got messed up. I developed Psychosis NOS, Major Depressive Disorder, suicidal, Emotional instability, aggression, rage, panic attacks, hallucination, Somatoform Disorder, Delusional Parasitosis (bug crawling sensations all over my body), Hyperacusis (sensitivity to certain frequencies of sound causing severe pain and pressure in my ears), Severe Insomnia, Memory Loss, Brain Fog, Lowered Inhibitions, Hair was constantly hurting all of the time and lost lots of it (27 year old male), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (started as extreme constipation and gas, fatigue, Severe Eye pain, unsightly puffy bags under eyes, excessive weight gain, gingivitis, prostate pain, black out and become out of control when drinking, decreased sexual pleasure and ability to maintain erections. I think that is everything!!! I went to the psych ward recently due to being suicidal and at a breaking point with my symptoms and I was treated like scum and given brain damaging neuroleptic (anti-psychotic) drugs against my will. I have made some small improvements since taking Champix but it looks like the nightmare will never truly end. If you are one of the many that gets burned by this medication be warned that the doctors will probably not be able to help you and will most likely deny that anything is even happening to you or that it is related to Champix and the side effects may be permanent. I had a similar reaction in respect to rage and disinhibition from taking Zoloft when I was younger which altered my life substantially and now Champix has put the nail in the coffin. Apparently these two drugs have a similar mechanism but Pfizer with held this information and marketed the drug in a deceiving way not mentioning any of the neuro-psychiatric and mind altering side effects of the drug when it first hit the market in order to boost sales of their poison. The medical community has know for quite some time that dopamine plays a role in mood regulation and the fact the Champix targets the �pleasure centre� of the brain makes them grossly negligent for not investigating this further and informing consumers. Many people including myself (I turned down a prescription of Zyban due to my experience with Zoloft) would not have taken it if we would have been informed of the risks and Pfizer knew that. SHAME ON THEM FOR RUINING MY LIFE AND MANY OTHERS INCLUDING THOSE WHOM ENDED THE MISERY BY TAKING THEIR OWN LIFE.
981 macrobid 3 Marginally Effective No Side Effects uti Symptoms were relieved quickly - within 5hrs of taking first dose. I had no side effects, however the infection did not clear up. I took all pills exactly as prescribed; finished last dose on Saturday and symptoms were back on Monday. Perhaps should have been prescribed for longer and would have been more effective?
1822 yasmin 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects acne Acne improved within 2 weeks and skin considerably less oily within 1 week. Increased apetite and sore breasts 1 tablet daily
2786 wellbutrin 10 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression I began taking the drug to control my Bulimia, which was the main symptom of my depression. It also helped me stop smoking. Very few. I noticed right away that I had trouble sleeping from my high dosage. My ddoctor then prescribed 40mg / day of Celexia to counteract the restlessness. After about 1 month of taking the drug, the bingeing and purging decreased greatly. (from maybe 4 or 5 times /day to about once a month, if that. After 6 years of being on the medication, my Bulimia is under control and depression seems situational.
2387 synthroid 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects hypothyroidism I had suffered from feeling tired all the time and my hair and skin seemed to be dull and dry. I noticed a remarkable change in my energy level within just a short time ( 7-10 days). Also the condition of my hair and skin seemed to improve. I didn't notice any side effects. I take the medication first thing in the morning, about 30 minutes to an hour before eating breakfast.
1048 elocon 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects eczema The child, who was 3 at a time had huge eczema spots on both arms and legs. No other treatment worked before we started Elocon. With it the spots cleared very soon after starting treatment. none to report Put a tiny doze on each eczema spot for a week and any time thereafter with a new outbreak, which Elocon cleared after 2-3 applications.
467 genotropin 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects myalgic encephalomyelitis/cfs "Genotropin-aids in sleep cycle and helps counter the sagging skin & loss of muscle tone lost w/ this illness due to inactivity(see explain. below) also provides overall systemic support (deep sleep & activity stimulate release of hGH; both of which I've lost ability to do). Other P.M. meds address various stages of sleep; clonoapem=stage 1 or quieting down mind & trazadone helps me get deep sleep of which I was totally deprived (when hGH is suppose to be released) of as revealed in sleep study. I now actually fall asleep for more than 2 hr stretches (3-4 hrs now) and can get back to sleep (still need to refine regiment so I can get a normal nights sleep-of greatest importance for healing process). Detrol LA calms the hypersensitivity of the bladder was getting up 4-8 times each night to relieve very small amounts of urine (whole nervous system STUCK in over stimulated state) Gabapentin is a miracle for Restless Legs. A.M. meds. Adderall-some relief from ""brain fog""(typical w/ illness) but find it helps keep my blood sugar level more stable and don't reach for as many ""sugar fixes"" (always suffered from Hypoglycemia but more severe w/ ME/CFS) which results in 20+ lb. weight gain due to inability to be active(another time hGH is released)(post exertional malaise is cornerstone of illness i.e. any exertion beyond minimal causes greater level of illness-leaves me bedridden/sofa-bound for days-weeks-months @ a time) Levothyroxine(spell?)is for Hasimoto's disease (form of hypothyroid) Wellbutrin (now Budipropion[spell?]keeps physiological depression at bay. That's all I can think of for now:(" The combo of sleep meds leave me in a very grogged out state sometimes for hours if I'm not able to get 10-11 hours of sleep/wake time-rather staying/resting in bed between sleeping & waking. hGH has the side effect of water retention but being stuck in a chronic dehydrated state (fluid goes right through me as opposed to into cells)I suppose part of the reason for sagging, old dehydrated skin-been ill since age 36 and am describing a state beyond normal for age. "I think I summed this up when describing treatment benefits. But I'd like to add here that much of my daytime difficulties arise from how quickly exhaustion sets in from the mildest activity, sometimes just walking across the room. On the rare days I can get out a run local errands I come back so exhausted & in pain, it causes me to avoid doing so as much as possible. Another issue is low blood volume-which means low oxygen available so have sudden and very high lactic acid levels from climbing a few flights of stairs or anything that demands immediate demanding effort. Low O2 to brain leaves me faint and lose train of thought, confusion, high agitation from over sensory load-like the brain short circuits. Could write EVEN more this is such a horribly cruel ""life-ending"" curse. I am not dead but I lost my life back in 97."
3425 tazorac 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects anti-aging I used this drug as an alternative to Retin A. In that regards it worked admirably. Retin A users have a period of almost 3 months where there skin (usually face) is tremendously red. Tazorac has little of this. I only would only get this about every 7 days or so and was cured easily with hydrocortisone. As above, the drug has similar side effects to Retin-A, exept for the fact that they are far less frequent and far less severe. As above, this effect only occurred about every 7 days or so and was cured easily with hydrocortisone. However, the results were completely worth it, as it eliminated many wrinkles in my skin, and the texture it left behind was much more cosmetically appealing. I purchased a full 60 gram tube. It was like $10 with my insurance. I would first wash my face with Neutogena deep facial cleaner. After letting dry 30 minutes, I would start to apply the Tazorac. I would dispemse a pea-shaped amount on my finger and then dab my my cheeks, near my eyes, my chin, and my forehead. Then rub in. After about another 30 minutes, I would place on moisturizer.
2477 enbrel 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects rhuematoid arthritis When I began treatment with Enbrel I had moderately severe rhuematoid arthritis with numerous inflamed joints and deformaties in small joints of hands and feet. I have been in remission for more than 2 years - no swollen joints, no progression of or new deformities and no morning fatigue. None. There was a change in productdelivery to a weekly prefilled syringe. The preservative causes a stinging sensation at the injection site. Weekly subcutaneous injection.
523 requip 1 Marginally Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects rls associated with sleep apnea None Began with Requip pack and gradually increased dosage. Immediately felt more lethargic and irritable. On my third week at 3mg. I could not keep any food down in the mornings. My doctor said the sleepiness and irritability was not related to Requip. After 10 days of vomiting in the a.m I stopped the medication. Feel much better even though my doctor insists I need it. Gradually increased dosage. After last overnight sleep study doctor increased by dosage to 3 mg. That's when the severe nausea and then followed by vomiting.
2458 ecotrin 8 Moderately Effective No Side Effects pain The treatment benefits from taking 300 milligrams of Bayer aspirin for headache pain were decreased pain. The positive effects for diminishing the pain were noticed in about half an hour to a full hour or so. The headache pain was nearly and sometimes even completely relieved with the Bayer. But, after a few hours or so, the pain would come back and I would have to take more of the drug. No side effects were noticed. The treatment would start as soon as pain was noticed. 300 milligrams of aspirin was taken for every headache episode.
4041 tri-luma 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects severe melasma i has severe melasma to the cheeks, top of nose, chin and forehead. Dark spots where reduced to almost nothing! mild peeling thats it but i was also putting on SPF30 non greasy suntan gel on my face three times a day. That is what the doctor recomended to decrease side effects from sun exposure. It worked!! tri-luma at night very thin layer, less is better. in the am apply this SPF 30 gel at 8-12-4 q4 hours yes i know i thought that was alot but it worked. im a nurse and doctor explained the you get UV rays even from normal lights. i seen results 3 days into the treatment. the doctor told me to stop using all these other things for my face. it simple-wash my face with a nice facial cleasing bar of soap-apply triluma at night-SPF30 three times a day. minor peeling was nothing compared to the effects of this cream on my face its so pretty now and my husband loves it!!!!
3027 seroquel 4 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects anxiety Helped relieve anxiety Dizziness, moodiness, anger and agitation At first the medication seemed to work wonders in a very short period of time (a few days). After about a week I began to get extremely moody - crying a lot, getting very angry and agitated. It appeared that once the medication started building up in my system the side effects became worse and worse. It was not worth it and I quit the medication within a few weeks.
3196 omnicef 2 Considerably Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects ear infection It appeared to attack infection quickly. We have tried this medication twice now due to ENT recommendation and both times have seen major behavioral changes. Usually around the second day our son has become very aggressive and uncontrollable. After stopping within a day or two he returns to normal. Son has been on several antibiotics but this one has seemed to cause major behavioral changes. He became irritable, aggressive and uncontrollable. If you use this for your child please stay aware.
2523 motrin 2 Ineffective Mild Side Effects headache/migrain Well, there were no benifets cuz it didn't even work for 4 hours after taking it. I was at school and during the lunch break, i took 1 pill. NO RESPONSE. Then after lunch I took another. Then I started getting sick, i had to leave class a few times because i thaught i was gonna puke. My mom picked me up and the pain would come and go and come and go consistantly. When I got home, after about an hour thirty, i felt completly better Sickness, Vommiting, Sleepiness I do not reccomend this med because it took 4 hours for a respose HOWEVER it makes the pain somewhat disappear.
3496 maxalt 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects migraines Normally takes away a headache with an hour when absolutely nothing else will work. Sometimes will give a feeling of tightness in the chest and some drowsiness. If taken too often can cause rebound headaches. You take one Maxalt at the onset of a migraine. It can be repeated after two hours.
3821 estrasorb 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects menopausal hot flashes Hot flashes were totally diminished. None so far that I am aware of. This product is a bio-identical cream rubbed onto the skin, containing 2.5 grams estradiol per package. I was reluctant to take estrogen orally and this was a viable alternative. The cream is rubbed into the thigh morning and evening for about 3 minutes. Sunscreen is to be avoided in the area where the cream is applied since it can affect/prevent effective absorption.
708 accutane 10 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects acne My acne went away. I had horrible cystic acne and it finally went away. It took a bit, but thats fine. Extremely dry skin. Almost reptile like as i started the cycle. Really dry eyes and lips, had a problem wearing contacts. I would go to dermatologist, he would look over face, would do some sort of vaccum facial to clear pores. He would ask how i was doing. I would cycle on and off the pills. Once done with pills I would come in a few times and have the vaccum facial that he had at the office. I loved that part!
23 alprazolam 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects anxiety In low doses, this drug does exactly what it says it does - reduces symptons of anxiety. It is especially helpful for very anxiety-producing situations such as speaking in front of groups, flying, and going into crowded places. The drug produces a feeling of being more relaxed, and in extremely high anxiety situations (flying), if I take the full dose of .5 mg, it will sleep and wake up with no residual effects. Drowsiness, if I take the high end of the prescribed dose, but in this case, that's the desired effect. I can take up to .5 mg / day as needed. I usually take .25 mg to .5 mg / day.
667 erythromycin 6 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects sinus infection I was able to get rid of a nasty sinus infection that had been bothering me for over a week I suddenly developed a rash across my stomach and itched for at least one - two hours after each dose. "The doctor would prescribe Erythromycin for me every time I developed a sinus infection. (This had been going on since childhood). I would take a regimen of 4 tablets daily for a total of 7 days. I was also given Sudafed to help with the allergies I suffered from. Occassionally I was also given a saline solution to flush out my sinuses. The last time I was given this regimen however, I had an allergic reaction and began itching. I broke out in a rash within 45min. of taking the first dose. The doctor told us to ""keep an eye on it and if I had difficulty breathing or any other symptoms I was to rush to the ER."" Other wise he felt the symptoms to be within normal limits. I continued the regimen and was able to get rid of the infection but was given a different antibiotic the next time I got an infection."
405 restasis 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects dry eye Considerably reduced dry eye and the uncomfortable itchyness that comes with dry eye. Eye Doctor felt the dry eye was 80% better within 30 days. There is sometimes a burning and blurred vision. The sides effect were mild and last only minutes. "Although Restasis has not and will not ""cure"" my dry eye and I will probably have to use it the rest of my life, it has considerably eleminated the uncormfortable symptoms."
1507 metoprolol 8 Moderately Effective No Side Effects high blood pressure The benefits of taking this medication have been that my blood pressure is kept in a safe range. I did not experience any negative side effects from taking this medication. The medication came in the form of a small white pill that is easy to swallow. I would recommend this medication for regulating blood pressure. I did not experience any. I was prescribed to take the medication twice a day in the morning and at night.
2959 zyban 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects quit smoking The treatment benefits were out of the window as i was prescribed to take diazepam whilst taking Zyban, Zyban advises you not to take Diazepam for instance as one of the contraindicated drugs. I had experienced many profound side effects; starting with visual disturbances, sleeplessnes, weight loss, memory loss, major loss of appetite, irratable skin rashes, extreme anxiety, dehydration loss of motabilty & a severely nervous breakdown after three weeks resulting hospitallisation. I believe the damage caused is irreversable & would somehow like to know if anyone has came across anything like this in comparison & made any recovery. The treatment details were to help you gradually stop smoking but the drug orders you to not smoke whilst taking the drug to the daily limit from up to two weeks, this is an illogical instruction as you might aswell of not taken the drug.
1252 catapres 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects high blood pressure (clonidine)It assisted in lowering my blood pressure by causing me to have a more voluminous (not more frequent)urination,when urged.Also,it aided in- depressing my agonizing hot flashes.They came at sequential intervals at time of menses and would last in that manner until completion of menses.Thereafter,they were intermitten daily. If this is the side effect.It would be, soon after taking the meds,There is a timed-released drowsy effect that occurs,within a matter of 15-20 minutes.This is the only so-called side effect that I've experienced.But,I guess,it is a matter of where you are and what's on your agenda during this side-effect. I'm not completely sure what to write here,that would consist of fifty words.I take (Clonidine)-0.1mg 1 tab twice daily and (Lisinopril/HCTZ)-20mgs.12.5 1tab,twice daily.I've learned to take them with food.Earlier,when introduced to these meds,upon attending a Drs. appointment and having my blood pressure checked,the reading would be high and I felt no internal or external symptoms.The inquiry would be have you taken your meds? and I had.So,it was suggested that I try administering them with food.Thereafter,no more high readings and entered a normalized phase.
1075 combipatch 1 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects menopause symptoms The benefits were to alleviate menopausal symptoms. It did a very good job at that. Severe bleeding to the point that I was four days away from a hysterectomy. I stopped the HRT to prepare for the surgery and the bleeding subsided and eventually stopped. The hysterectomy was cancelled. The patch was worn on the arm.
670 dyazide 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects general fluid retention Completely controlled swelling. There appeared to be no side effects. Her doctor originally had prescribed hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg per day for her fluid retention. This held it for 6 months, then it's effectiveness lessened. We didn't want to double the dose as we were concerned with potassium loss. Instead we used this combination formula, which adds in the potassium sparing triamterene. This medicine has held her swelling completely in check for more than 8 months. We have monitored her liver function and mineral levels, and haven't noticed any problems.
1057 oracea 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects rosacea I have had a mild case of blackheads and pimples since I was a child. Lifelong problem with breakouts and acute problem with rosacea was basically cured, or should I say controlled. I must continue taking the drug to continue benefits. If I stop, symptoms reoccur within 4-6 weeks. None Take pill with water once a day. Don't take with calcium.
1049 elocon 6 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects dermatitis Elocon is definetely a very effective drug for treating dermatitis. It clears up the condition in 4 or 5 days. See next for side effects. "Eventhough Elocon is effective in treating dermatitis, if used for extended periods it can cause ""steroid induced rosacea"" and that can become difficult to treat as it does not clear up on its own." After the dermatitis cleared up, I developed a rosacea that lasted for about 4 months. I had to take oral antibiotics for an extended period of time to clear up the rosacea caused by the Elocon. In summary, a very effective drug but must be used carefully and under strict medical supervision.
3381 lipitor 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects high cholesterol I did not take the drug long enough to see any substantial beneficial effects I developed terrible weakness and pain in bilateral knees. I went from being extremely active to being unable to walk up a flight of stairs. It felt as though my knees would crumble under me.By the second week, I could barely walk up more than 3 steps. My doctor took me off the medication immediately, but the effects lasted about 6 months. My physician then tried a series of different medications for cholesterol. I was on Crestor, Simvastatin, and Zocor, all with the same side effect. My physician then ordered a lipid blood test to determine if the type of lipid found in my blood would promote cardiac disease, which thank goodness it didn't. I have a family history of elevated cholesterol: all the women in the family are on one of the cholesterol lowering medications: I am the only one in my family that experienced the above side effects.
482 meridia 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects over eating, reduce wieght gain Decreased meal size, felt more satisfied when I ate and felt fuller quicker. Didn't get hunger urges as often and started to loose weight as decreased my calorie intake Insomnia, headaches, nausea, increased heart rate Reductil gave me a motivational start to healthy eating and decreasing my portion sizes. Because of low sugar levels I always feel hungry and it gave me some relief as I didnt get hungry as often and when I ate, I couldnt eat as much, but I felt satisfied. I felt that the effects of the drug started to ware off after a few months but now I dont take it anymore as I have lost about 5 kilos and want to continue to lose another 5 through healthy controlled eating and exercise. I feel I can control my eating a bit better and realised that the overeating was creating the roller coaster ride, so I think the drug helped me mentally with portion control and now I tell myself as I have created the habbit with better eating habbits.
1705 retin-a-micro 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects uneven skin tone and wrinkle prevention I only have mild acne but my skin improved even from that and I noticed more even, bright skin as I continued to use the product. My skin also felt smoother and softer over time. I have fairly sensitive skin and I only noticed the mild side effects that were listed. Some flaking at first and a little bit of sensitivity but nothing major or worth stopping use of the product. I simply applied a thin layer of the cream each night as presecribed and was careful to wear a good sunscreen during the day.
3583 differin 7 Moderately Effective No Side Effects acne problem Texture of the skin has improved a lot by regularly going for peel sessions and by using the prescribed drugs which has to be used through out the treatment period. The negative side is controlling acne during the treatment period is little tough as new skin appears , so one has to keep his face clean by having lots of water and constantly washing the face with the face wash solution prescribed. The treatment is to improve the skin texture,complexion by constantly going for peels and derma-rollers once in 15days.The above mentioned medicine is prescribed to be used through out the treatment period.
3081 minocycline 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects acne This drug did nothing for my acne condition. I had taken other antibiotics before - tetracycline and erythromycin with varying degrees of success. I was obviously highly allergic to this drug as one morning I woke up and my lips were extremely swollen. I had to go to the doctor to make sure I wasn't going into allegy shock. Doctor prescribed one pill per day of Minocycline for my acne. Took the drug for 2 weeks. Then I had the swollen lips reaction and stopped taking the drug.
2971 niaspan 3 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects choloesterol Initially, I was started on Niaspan 500 milligrams two times a day to lower my trigylcerides. My level was over two thousand. After three months, I went back to my primary care physician for follow-up blood work to check how I am responding to the treatment. My trigyceride levels improved significantly but was not within normal limits. My triglyceride level was 503. The side effect I experienced was moderate enough for me to contact my physician to ask for it to be changed. My doctor told me to increase the dosage of Niaspan ER to two thousand milligrams every night. For the first few days, I felt hot during the night and sweaty. It was very uncomfortable, even if I had the airconditioning on. After several days, I started having muscle pains on both my legs. I was losing sleep becasue I was so uncomfortable and could no longer tolerate taking the medicine. My physician then gave me the option of trying a new medication, or sticking to Niaspan ER but at a reduced dose. I chose to stay with the same drug but at a reduced dose. I now taker 1500 milligrams daily and do not feel any side effects. I still need to go back to my doctor to see how this change affected my Triglycerides. Niaspan ER 500mg twice a day was changed to Niaspan ER 2,000 mg every night, then changed to Niaspan ER 1500 mg every night.
3987 fosamax 4 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects osteoporosis marginal increase in bone density, however I stopped using it before maximum benefit could be acheived due to adverse side affects. severe heartburn all week even though I followed dosing instructions accurately. Joint aches, including hips, back, neck and jaw. I stopped taking Fosamax against my doctor's wishes due to the side affects. I am only 41 and it made me feel like I was 80 years old. After conducting my own research I opted for weight-bearing exercise, strength training, natural hormone supplements, and calcium and magnesium supplements.
1373 biaxin 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects sinus infection The medicine worked very well in treating my sinus infection. After just two days of taking it I felt a significant improvement. After 10 days, my sinus infection was completely gone. I experienced an awful metallic taste in my mouth. It was constant and disgusting. Also, I took it one day after eating a very small breakfast and I got dizzy and nauseus and shaky. I took 500mg twice a day for 10 days. It worked for treating my sinus infection, but the side effects almost weren't worth it!
289 panixine-disperdose 8 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects streptoccocus:severe sore throat,high fever(104.4) the baby was totally cured in 7 days because of the antibiotic several days after appeared a severe yeast infection "the baby was sick for 4 days already but her doctor didnt see anything serious.Her fever was already 104.4 and it was difficult to drop it. she couldnt eat nore sleep and was crying days and nights because her throat was very very sore.Finally we took her into emergency room and they found out that she has strep. they gave us cephalexin. the baby felt relief on her 4th day.she started to eat and play. no more fever. in 7 days, by the end of her treatment, she felt wonderful. the only problem was that several days after treatment she started to have an awful yeast infection.I beleive it was the side effect from antibiotic. it took us one more week to treat tha infection.
I rated the cephalexin as 8 'cause it took 4 days to feel relief(i think its a lot) and the side effect was quite sufficient too.overall I liked this medicine."
1837 yasmin 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects birth control Yasmin is the fourth birth control pill i've tried and the only one i haven't had to discontinue due to adverse physical and emotional side effects. While on Yasmin I experienced no weight gain or moodiness whatsoever. In addition to preventing pregnancy Yasmin helped to slightly decrease my anxiety levels without a feeling of mania or malaise as is often accompanied by the use of anti-depressants. The pill also seemed to help with breakouts associated with my monthly cycle. I had to stop purchasing the drug because the cost was $60, even with a PPO insurance plan. It took six months for my cycle to re-acclimate after beginning the hormones. Yasmin is a birth control pill I took once a day. I personally sought out a method of birth control that I could take with minimal side effects. I was prescribed the pill after I went to my doctor and asked her to prescribe it.
1777 citalopram 7 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects depression I felt alot better about myself and not feeling depressed all of the time. Overall I do feel better about myself but I don't like the feeling from the side effects from this medication. I had a bad headache, nausea, sudden feeling of cold sweats, insomnia, and stomach pain. I suggest that everyone that is going to take any depression medication, to seriously ask yourself if you even need it that bad because for me the side effects aren't worth taking the medication. I am taking citalopram for depression. I do not advise anyone to take this medication at all. I am not a doctor but I know how this medication made me feel and its not good.
2087 anafranil 9 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects excessive fears I could function normally again, after 6 weeks sick leave, I had a kind of a Burn-out. In the first 2-3 month very dry mouth and heavy perspiration. These side effects disappeared after about 3 month. "Started with anafranil 50mg once a day combined with oxazepam 10mg three times a day. Anafranil could make the fears worse the first to weeks they told me therefore I had to use oxazepam for 6 weeks. The first four weeks oxazepam 3 times a day 10mg, after that for 2 weeks I used oxazepam 10mg once a day. I have a medical profession and I knew the risks of oxazepam and wanted to stop with it as soon as possible. The first period I had a lot of side effects, dry mouth, have perspiration but it normalised after about 3 month. The first 3 months fear changed in almost fearless but this also normalised after 3 months. The rest of the time I used anafranil I had no side effects. I felt fine, however after 1 year I had to change physician because I moved. The new physician described Seroxat as he thought there was not only a fear issue but also a mild depression. I used Seroxat 20mg once a day for several weeks but did not feel ok�. I felt almost without any emotion. Not happy, not sad, nothing. I did not like that at all, I felt worse!! I went back to my physician and we came to a compromise. Once a day 10mg seroxat and once a day Anafranil 25mg. I used this combination for 6 months and I felt good. After 6 month I stopped the Seroxat and used the anafranil 25mg once a day for another 6 months.
I had also psychotherapy as well during these last 6 months. After that I felt ok� and stopped without any problems. I feel great now."
3441 tazorac 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects melasma Smoother skin and even skin color are the most notable benefits. With continued use, I also noticed a greater firmness to my skin. Initial redness is common with this medication. However, this only lasts for 6 to 8 weeks. Application once daily, at night. Use of an exfoliant the next morning is recommended.
3603 retin-a 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects anti aging The benefits I saw from Retin-A were considerable compared to non prescription skin care. The fine lines especially around my eyes and cheeks diminished and were not as deep. My entire skin tone looked younger, more even toned and my large pores were much less noticeable and more refined. My skin looked much healthier and it looked more soft focus. It took a few months to notice a measurable difference. The main side effects I had while using Retin-A were drier,flaky skin. When I started using Retin-A I started with the lower strength prescription to aviod side effects while my skin was acclimating to Retin-A. I started with Retin-A .025% strength every other night. After cleansing I wait 20 to 30 minutes and then apply the Retin-A. After another 30 minutes I apply a moisturizer if needed over the Retin-A. After about 2 months I switched to the next higher strength Retin-A which is .05%. I was much more senstive to this strength so I started using it once every 3 nights to start doing the same as above, waiting 20 to 30 minutes after cleansing to apply. Once my skin tolerated this routine after about a month without flakiness I went to every other night. I now can use Retin-A .05% every night but occasionally when I start to see any dryness or skin flaking I will skip a night to give my skin a rest. I love my results. Retin-A is the only skin care I've used where I have noticed a considerable difference in the amount of sun damage that has been repaired. My skin is much more healthy looking and more refined.
1074 combipatch 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects menopause Patient complaints prior to drug were menopause related. Inability to sleep, hot flashes, night sweats, lack of concentration (which may have been intensified by lack of sleep), loss of elasticity in the skin. Although the use of the patch has not helped improve my skin (I didn't expect it to) almost immediately sleep was restored, night sweats stopped, and concentration ability returned, although not as completely as pre-menopause. "The package insert warns of serious side effects such as breast cancer, cancer of the uterus, stroke, heart attack, blood clots and dementia. I had been one determined to go through menopause without the use of any hormones. However, after trying every over the counter, holistic, and wives tale cure for 5 years with no success, I wanted RELIEF. After consulting every possible option, weighing the side effects of each one carefully, the CombiPatch was the one settled upon.
I am pleased to say I haven't had one side effect of the drug beyond a sticky spot left by the patch's adhesive. Granted, it has only been 6 months since beginning treatment but the benefits and quality of daily life restored have far outweighed the risks." It is, to my understanding, the smallest dosage available at 50/250 and my doctor suggested I even try applying once, rather than twice per week to see if that was enough to handle my symptoms. It was. The patch is so easy. I only have to remember once per week to change it. And on the rare occasion I forget, the patch loses some of its stickiness and reminds me! Honestly, for any woman truly suffering from constant problems like mine and don't fall into a high risk category, I would wholeheartedly recommend the patch.
295 vesicare 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects frequent urination I was able to hold and wait to use restroom and urges were less frequent. "dry mouth
constipation" "I've been taking 5 mg per day for a month and I felt it was losing effectiveness so incresed to 10 mg and been taking 3 month so far.
I still have some what of problem before period and have more frequent urge to goto restroom than other people but I am able to hole and wait.
It is much more controlable than I wasn't taking anything."
61 flexeril 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects migraine/tension headaches/sleep Well, It made me relaxed during the day, and sometimes be able to be calm. It helped my headaches a lot. I would rate it as a 9 or 10. I would recommend this drug definately! Dry mouth and sometimes restless legs. I was to take 10mg three times a day for headaches as needed. My doctor said if it works, I can stay on it. I recently decided to get off narcotics and this is a good medicine to take.
548 propranolol 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects anxiety Complete calming effect very quickly,stops the vicious cycle from physical symtoms back to thoughts in the mind that start it all over again,Exellent drug and highly recomended.For me it made my impossible life possible again but give your body time to ajust to the drug. Makes you tired at first and can make your body feel weird at first but that in my opinion is your body finally being able to relax. 40mg 3 times per day.
1007 darvocet-n 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects arthritic joint pain/carpal tunnel affording daily movement and ability to continue to perform daily household duties, employment, and still afford me ability to enjoy activities with husband and grandchildren. Some stomach discomfort and mild queasiness but I found taking 1/2 tablets at a time with ample fluids usually alleviated problems. carpal tunnel from job related injury and arthritis degeneration of my vertebrae requires daily regimine for pain and movement. Several medications tried such as ibruprofin, allieve, demoral etc caused many unpleasent and intolerable side effects. The Darvocet taken 1/2 tablet 4-6 times daily works perfectly as nearly can be expected. I also do not experience any bothersome toxicity or effectiveness problems as I generally would afford myself time-out days allowing my system a break from routines. I believe without this medication life would be greatly less enjoyable and my abilities to participate in a positive manner would be extremely limited.
2383 synthroid 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects hashimotos syndrome - hypothyroid symptoms Synthroid replaces the thyroid hormones not manufactured by the body. When proper levels are achieved, the endocrine system operates as it should. Important to note that generic versions CAN NOT be substituted if patient is currently treated with name brand. Start on generic, stay on generic. Start on Synthroid, stay on Synthroid. This is common knowledge among endocrinologists and pharmacists, but your insurance company may interfere. Provided annual blood tests are administered to check thyroid levels, there are no side effects and ensures healthy operation of endocrine system. Treatment includes annual blood test to monitor thyroid levels, adjust dosage if necessary, and annual check-up with endocrinologist or internist.
3562 differin 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects very oily skin differin made my skin less oily and shiney and had a very small effect on my large pore size at the start my skin was very red. after a long period of using differin my skin started to become more oily again,but not as oily as before i started using it. also got small patches of peeling skin especially around the nose after washing face at night i applied a thin layer over entire face every second night and washed it off in the morining
4005 celexa 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects depression "After the first month it definetely improved my mood and my level of energy.
I became more productive at work and my overall mental health improved.
It also helps a lot with my pre menstrual syndrome anxiety." I had very mild nausea about 30 minutes after taking it in the morning that went away after a couple weeks. "I took the medicine 20 mg once a day for one year and had no major side effects.
Did not feel any sonolence and actually improved my sense of overall well being."
134 valtrex 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects herpes zoster The medication stops the pain and puts an end to the condition if taken soon enough I felt fatigued but this could be just a symptom of the condition. I had little spots (blisters unbeknownst to me) on the side of my face which itched and burned terribly. This was about the size of a quarter. I thought I had some sort of insect bite and just ignored it until it got worse and I felt so tired and sick that I went to the dr. He took a culture but at that point he didn't think there was anything to test but prescribed Valtrex. I took it immediately and within a day felt relief. After a couple of days I felt a million times better. I have had one or 2 re-occurances over the last 10 years and I make sure I always have Valtrex on hand just in case. It is a terrible condition and I am thankful for Valtrex as it seems to stop it in its tracks.
1430 adipex-p 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects weight loss I've been taking for a little over a week. This med suppresses my appetite so much that I have to remind myself to eat and have absolutely no desire for food if I don't eat. I can already tell that I've lost inches and pounds, but I haven't been on the scale to see exactly how much yet. I have only been exercising moderately, although the feeling of energy is incredible and makes me get up and do everything!!! My doctor was cautious in giving to me because of my high blood pressure, but fortunately my BP meds have my condition well under control, so I just keep track of my daily reading to ensure there are no spikes. I feel like this really works so far! "I've read the side effects, but honestly, I can't say that I've experienced more than a couple of mild headaches and feeling that slight ""elated"" feeling. I already experience night sweats & some insomnia due to menopause, so I can't tell a difference in those categories." I have a 30-day supply and based on what I've read about the addiction, I have not decided if I will continue beyond a 90-day regimen.
2934 prednisolone 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects allergy reaction on the face incl swollen face It reduced 90% the swelling in the face over 2 days. On the 3rd morning, I did not take prednisolone but went back to see the doctor as I was afraid of side effects. The doctor agreed that it was ok to stop taking the medication. None occurred while I took the medication for 2 mornings. However, it is known that prednisolone may cause osteoporosis, pigmentation, etc in the long run. I was prescribed 30mg of prednisolone (6 tablets of 5mg each) every morning for 4 mornings. However, after taking 30mg for 2 mornings, the swelling in the face reduced by about 90%. On the 3rd morning, I did not take prednisolone but went back to see the doctor as I was afraid of side effects. The doctor agreed that it was ok to stop taking the medication.
3546 vivelle-dot 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects menopause BIO estrogen is the only prescription med I take. I'm in good health other than some pesky osteoarthritis in my finger joints and hips. I eat pretty well and keep my weight within a healthy norm (fluctuates about 10 lbs over a year back and forth depending on how hard I try). Had good blood test results about a year ago - low blood pressure, everything within the normal range for my age. The only side effects that I am aware of are the positive ones - keeping my skin from being overly dry, lack of menopausal symptoms (mostly). This patch has been a godsend for me, but I had my uterus removed in my 30s due to excessive bleeding, so I am not at risk for uterine cancer. There is no history of breast cancer in my immediate family (grandmothers/mother/sister) Started out on a .1 mg patch and worked down to a .075 patch.... doc wanted me to go lower, but when I do I get some night sweats and can tell the difference so I am staying on the .075 = my hormone levels in my blood are normal for a woman my age on HRT.
3049 seroquel 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects bipolar disorder Well, in a technical sense it helped with the bipolar disorder, but the side effects were terrible enough that I could not continue with the medication. While taking this med, along with the others listed, I couldn't think inside of my own head. During the time I took this medication, I had no emotional reations to anything, even things that I should have. I felt like a zombie the whole time. I've been off the medication for a few years now, but from that period of time, I only have 2 memories. I took 200 mg of seroqeul in the morning and before bed; 1000 mg of depakote morning, afternoon, and night, and 10mg risperdol morning, afternoon, and night. Most of the side effects are probably becuase I should never have been taking that many medications at once and the ammount of them, but that is how they were prescribed to me.
3494 acanya 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects cystic acne "Acanya Gel treated cystic acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and any inflamed acne on my face. The water-based/fragrance-free gel did not cause ant stinging or burning.
Within in a month, my face is completely clear of all acne. Scars have also faded and smoothed out." Dryness, slight redness and a small amount of peeling. The combination of clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide is used to treat acne. The combination of clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide works by killing the bacteria that cause acne.
2608 adderall-xr 4 Highly Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects add To treat add. To releave sudden impulsive behavor. To help me focus on things that I had to do. To help me retain information that I was studing in school. To help me stop putting things off that were important for me to finish. To help improve my relationships. I found that some of the side effects were very severe. I would have compulsive sexual desires that I had never had before and wanted sex with my husband all the time. I had great difficulty sleeping so I would take melatonin to go to sleep every night. I would talk very fast as well as move fast. I would have hand tremers. I also had very dry mouth and diarrhea. I woke up every morning a took 1 20mg tab with a full glass of water. Then, throughout the day I would have to make myself drink water and eat. I had lost all desire to eat or drink until around 8 or 9pm that day. I would have obsessive thoughts and couldn't stop working on something until it was finished. This meant even if I really needed to stop and do something else I couldn't. I called my doctor and explained this and he switched me to adderall 10mg without extended release. This has been much better. However, I still have some obsessive behavor. I have never been dx or tx for OCD.
1826 yasmin 5 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects birth control Convenience, skin cleared up, effective birth control cleared my skin but I lost all desire for sex. "This was my first foray into the Pill. After about 5 months I realized I just never got ""horny"" anymore and rarely even thought about having sex, much to my boyfriend's dismay. But my skin did look much better so I continued on. But once the relationship ended (not caused by my low desire, btw) I decided to go off of it and get a cervical cap. My sex drive returned but so did my bad skin. I am now (8 years later) giving it another go with Apri, solely for my skin b/c I really like my cervical cap, which unfortunately they stopped making."
2597 phenergan 2 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects nausea Phenergan was given to combat nausea due to chemotherapy. Was given one pill in the ER to try and stop vomiting. It did ease the nausea a bit. It made me feel like I couldn't sit still even though I was very weak from constant vomiting. I felt like I had bugs crawling all over my legs. I also had to keep moving my legs. One pill was given by mouth with water to ease nausea and vomiting. After about 20 minutes the side effects started.
4081 mobic 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects severe wrist pain "I allowed my wrist pain to continue untreated by a physician for a month. With a brace and this medication it is improving. The greatest gift was that my chronic lower back pain has virtually disappeared!I have lived with constant low to medium grade pain (depending on activity level) for YEARS, and something takes that away...me body hasn't felt this ""at ease"" in years!I only pray that when my wrist is better and I insist on going to half strength, it will continue to ease my back pain." None I can't live with!!!!!!!!! SLIGHT quizy stomach (and I have always taken it with food). I am to go back to orthopedic surgeon in 2 weeks (I thought I had carpal tunnel- but it was arthritis). At that time hopefully my wrist will be better and I can lower dosage to 7 1/2mg.
3513 minoxidil 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects hair loss Dying follicles were reactivated and enlargened so large terminal hairs grew. Vellus hairs were shed and replaced with strong hairs. Hair thickened substantially 'Peach fuzz' vellus hair growth on my forehead and cheekbones. Dizziness when started using at first. Increased heart rate when first started using. Possible skin damage - minoxidil breaks down collagen. The recommended application is 1ml twice daily. I ended up applying 4ml once daily for over a year. So, I was using too much. The results were pretty amazing.
720 accutane 6 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects acne I had to wait quite a few month before Accutan had started to work but by the end of the treatment my skin was like a babies. Not oily at all even my pores shrank and there was no acne on my face. The down side was that after not taking the medicine any more after a couple of month with great skin the acne has started to come back. Extensive dryness on the lips and skin. I have taken two tabless every day for half year.
1744 topamax 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects ocd "Although Topamax is an anti-epileptic, which is more commonly perscribed for the treatment of migrains...it had a substancial benefit to my OCD symptoms. It significantlly reduced my desire (or calling) to repeat (recheck, recount, retouch) items, which was a huge issue for me. In the past, it would take me hours to complete the most mundane tasks, but with the Topamax, I can more easily ""let go"" of certain rituals and walk away feeling ""complete"" without having to repeat them countless times..." I experienced some mild loss of appetite early on, which graduly disappaited. "I statrted on 50mg, than a week later went upto 100mg. I stayed on 100mg for about a year. It wasn't until a year later that I went up to 200mg and have been on this dose for over 2 years. I experience no side effects. My mind feels quiter and I feel freeer than I ever had in my life. I am not on any other medication nor am I seeking ""talk"" therapy for my OCD. The Topamax has been able to keep it at a tolerable level.
I also must note that in the way past I was on Prozax, Paxil, Celexa, Luvox, Valium, Xanax, Clozapam...all with little or no success."
1779 citalopram 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects panic disorder and anxiety Made my panic attacks less frequent and less intense. Sometimes felt happy for no reason, in a good way, which helped alleviate some of my anxiety and stopped my worrying so much. Tingling and burning sensations, insomnia, constantly hot, dizzy, feeling faint, feeling emotional, needing to pee often, racing heart - these occurred at different intensities and at different times. They sound bad, but they are much easier to cope with than my condition before I took the tablets. ?
3889 estrostep-fe 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects oral contraceptive this birth control pills helps your skin if u are someone who breaks out often none really but i have increased pms symptoms around 2 weeks beforre my period etc.. certain food cravings, fatigue, muscle weakness. also lost weight from this pill as it suppresses my appetite one pill a day preferably at the same time every day
780 naproxen 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects tendonitis of the foot, specifially big toe The Naproxin has reduced the tendonitis pain enough to allow me to continue my work waitressing. I haven't noticed any side effects. "I saw my MD for painful tendonitis I was feeling under the center of my foot and on through my big toe. Sometimes my toes would cramp up painfully. She prescribed the Naproxen and shoe insoles (called ""Super Feet""). I've been taking the medication for a week and so far, it's been quite helpful, although I still experience moderate pain after working a shift (I waitress)."
4043 amoxil 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects strep throat the drug worked usually by the second dose. My daughter was up and around and feeling better immediatley it seemed. It had no side effects that she ever had. She could either take it on a full tomach or empty one. There were no side effects that she ever had. I woudl give her a pill 3 times daily. She would take it right before school, right afterschool and then right before bedtime. It was easy to swallow and didn't amke her tired or sleepy, so she was able to function at school. It seemed to work tight away usually within the first day of treatment. It was great!!
1437 tirosint 5 Ineffective No Side Effects fatigue, weight gain, depression I have not noticed any benefits so far. My weight has remaind the same. The depression has not gotten noticeably better, and fatigue continues to be a problem. I have not noticed any side effects thus far. I've been on the Synthroid for only 4 weeks, so it may not yet be at its full effectiveness. I've also just found out I should take it on an empty stomach and then wait an 30 min. to and hour prior to eating for it to be 100% effective. I am taking the Synthroid to increase metabolism, stop weight gain, help with depression, and to reduce fatigue. I have been complaining of chronic fatigue for 10 years, and the depression has been an issue for about the same length of time. The weight gain has occurred within the last 3 years and was significant (for me) within the last two years. My primary physician told me that my levels were within range; however, the NP I work for (a mental health nurse practitioner)reviewed the levels for depression and found the my levels were just below the norm, enough to make a difference.
2634 depo-provera 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects severe pms and menstrual pain No more painful debilitating monthly cycles, complete with life destroying rollercoaster like mood swings. Seems to work great for people with these particular problems (my sister has amenorrhea and had a horrible reaction, the never ending monthly cycle). For me it�s life altering. I actually kept a job for 8 years instead of two months. I can not imaging my life without taking the depot injection. I only wish I could learn more about why this balance of hormones actually helped with what seemed to be a debilitating mental disorder, and could slight alterations help with my depression (which I had well before I ever took this drug) I do not experience any side effects while on the depot, but if I do not take it on time, I have some mild side effects untill I recieve my injection. I took the generic form for 6 months but noticed some undesireable changes to my mood (more anxious and irritable). Despite the more favorable price I will never take the generic again. One injection every three month. Yearly exam and occasional bone density test. I eat or supplement approximately 1,800 I.U. vitamin D and 1,500 mg calcium. Weight training at least 3x a week.
2961 zyban 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects to quit smoking none My side effects were severe depression, and alteration in personality. Do not take this drug, the side effects can be severe. I had no previous issues with depression, and as soon as I started taking this drug, I developed severe depression, and changes in my personality. Thankfully, my family noticed a change, and advised me and told me to stop taking Zyban. It took 2 years to overcome the depression and over 3 years to begin to feel like myself again. Stay away from this drug! If you want to quit smoking, butt out and stick to your guns. I quit, and it wan't the Zyban. I have been smoke free for 10 years, and depression free for 7 or 8. Someone should consider a class-action suit against the company which produces this drug. Based on other reviews I have seen, I am not the only one who had these side effects. I took this drug to quit smoking. I am a female and was 28 years old at the time.
2074 metformin 8 Moderately Effective Mild Side Effects prevention of diabetes weight loss was the major benefit of approximately 8-10 pounds. it also improved my LDL and HDL cholesterol and also triglycerides. my hemoglobin a1c also improved. my fasting blood sugar only marginally improved. pulse and blood pressure stayed the same. mild gi upset when first started the drug with some diarrhea, but these side effects dissipated after approximately two months of use. took 500 mg twice a day with virtually no side effects, except could not tolerate any doses higher than that because of gi upset. continue to take it without a problem.
3058 oxycodone 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects severe back pain resulting from a herniated disc Reduced pain almot always, except when severe spasims occured. Mild and only occasional constipation. Sometimes felt a little foggy in the head. Took this drug as needed and the results are very good for reliveing severe pain.
2420 synthroid 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects hypothyroidism I had increased stamina, anemia went away, heavy menses improved from anemia being treated. My hair grew thicker as much of it had fallen out. My dry skin was much improved. I had a huge improvement in clarity of thought. My tongue seemed previously swollen and I could enunciate much more effectively. Getting the proper dose was tricky. If dose was too high, my pulse rate skyrocketed. If the doctor reduced my dose too quickly my hair would start to thin. Once yearly testing of TSH. One tablet per day.
196 adderall 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects add/adhd ability to stay awake, focus, do daily household chores, run needed errands & helped my organizational skills as far as bills dry mouth. sometimes slight headaches, but not completely sure if its just from medicatation or being tired as i do have a very busy schedule, i was prescribed 60 tablets of 20 mg. he told me to experiment myself as to what dosage worked for me, not exceeding 2 whole pills daily. normally i take one whole pill in the morning at 6:30-7 @ 1/2 at 12 and 1/2 before work at 4 pm. sometimes on the weekend i'll only take 1 because i try to have extras in case needed at another time & i dont want to build up tolerance
939 levaquin 1 Highly Effective Severe Side Effects pneumonia Respiratory symptoms markedly improved My joints appeared to lock. I had difficulty ambulating and moving my arms for a few days. It was severe. I could not rise from a chair. About 5 years ago I had a serious recurring respiratory infection. I could not shake it, so my doctor - after using Augmentin and Septra, put me on Levaquin. The first course went well, with rapid resolution of my symptoms, but a few weeks later when the symptoms returned and I was given a second course of Levaquin, I began to have joint aches and pains which I attributed to my illness. By day 3 I could not rise from a chair. Both my mother and a close friend have had bad side effects as well. After treatment with Levaquin for 4 days, my mother began hallucinating and then had a heart attack and stroke, My friend has severe intractable pain which requires methadone for relief - after 1 course of drug.
2720 elavil 5 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects temporomandibular joint disorder (tmj) Helped relax muscles in face, thereby relieving TMJ and reducing pain. Dry mouth, nervousness, dizziness. Also negative as it was given as a long term pain management solution, it reduced my pain but still needed to be used along-side pain-killers. If stopping and has been taken for a long time slowly ween off (unlike myself) as caused me to have sweats, aches and pains and lethargy (flu-like symptoms) for a number of days. 50 mg at bedtime.
1277 provigil 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects ms-related fatigue Taking the provigil has allowed me to keep working fulltime; otherwise I wouldn't be able to function well due to the extreme constant fatigue I experience related to MS. My neurologist suggested I try this. It has helped considerably during the daytime with my concentration level and also has helped me to stay focused. Provigil works well for an approximate 3 hr. period, but wears off shortly after that. I do experience slight rapid heartbeat initially and feel jittery for a short time but it goes away quickly. I currently take 100 mg. and if needed, another 100 mg. in the afternoon. I don't take this any time after 2 pm as I'll be up all night. I do need to take a prescribed sleeping pill in order to get to sleep since I've been on Provigil. I initially started on 200 mg. daily and have cut back as I do have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. I have been on this for 7 months and the effectiveness of Provigil is at the same level today as it was when I began.
3454 tamiflu 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects h1n1 I would have rather endured the flu. this was an experience like no other for me. i was out of work and unable to care for my child. not recommended unless life threatening illness. vomiting, stomach cramps, headache, dizziness, anxiety, nosebleeds, overall feeling of uneasiness/panic h1n1 positive in hospital, 5 days 2x daily
118 valtrex 6 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects herpes Was taking this drug for herpes suppression. It is recommended by some to take an antiviral for one year after the initial outbreak so as to have less outbreaks over one's lifetime. I did get an outbreak while on the drug, however it was during a very stressful time so that is understandable. Also, it is nice that only one dose is needed per day for most people. Side effects included mild hair loss (had much more hair loss on acyclovir), random dry heaving (retching) for no apparent reason, and headaches. Although it seems that when I drink lots of water the headaches are fewer. Took one pill per day at the same time everyday. It does and will stain things so be careful of the blue dye.
1913 avelox 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects sinus infection none apparent Over the course of three nights, within an hour or two of first taking it, I had heart palpitations, confusion, inability to concentrate, problems balancing, extreme tiredness, lasting muscle weakness, nightmares and sleeplessness, anxiety, rash, a sureness I was dying and not even caring! I have never had a reaction to any drugs, and I am furious that a drug like this would even be on the market. I think my doctor was very irresponsible to prescribe this antibiotic without first having me try something else. I am now taking Clarithromycin and am doing fine with this drug. The mental side effects of Avelox have now disappeared, five days later, but I am still very weak and my joints hurt.
600 risperdal 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects anxiety NONE AT ALL See below An old and STUPID psychiatrist in Asha Hospital, Hyderabad had put me on Risperidone 2 mg, Pacitane 2 mg from past 2 years as I was suffering with anxiety and social phobia. I do not have any symptoms of Schizophrenia nor Bopolar disorder and I stopped taking the med since 4 months worrying about the serious side effects..The result is..it just RUINED my life in every aspect. I can't feel ANYTHING. I feel nothing in my brain..unable to sense pleasure..lost my unique nature..lost my personality and identity..not getting any thoughts..consciousness is reduced..not able to concentrate on any particular thing..unable to form clear ideas..difficulty understand simple things..chronic sleeplessness..stiff muscles..numbness on the hands..weight gain..sensory loss..memory shot..hearing is badly damaged..dim and blurred vision...no sexual desire at all and lot more..My FUCKING psychiatrist doesn't even let me know of these siide effects and just told me to continue the medication for two years and no need to consult him..I never know why he had put me on Risperidone.This med is really FUCKING..I never suggest this med to anyone at all and I want to file the lawsuit against the company who manufactured this ROGUE drug with these many dangerous and life threattening side effects.I will report to FDA, United States to put it in block list and RUIN their business completely.They are playing with the valuable lives of the patients with their stupid formulas and creating the FUCKING drugs..Do they bring back the life to normal once the brain got permanently damaged????
227 wellbutrin-xl 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects post trauma depression Taking Wellbutrin has reduced my depression 8 fold. I was better able to cope with every day decisions, events that stressed me with out crying or having angry episodes. My moods have become stabilized since about a month after the start of taking this medicine. I tried two other medications prior to using Wellbutrin and was quite pleased! I had mild dry mouth for about a month and actually lost the weight i gained from prior meds and a bit more. I still have shaking hands but it is not any worse than a cup of coffee. I have found that my tolerance to alcohol has increased, and lately my lower back has been hurting in the area of my kidneys, but i also have lower back spasms so i could be projecting worry that the combination of Wellbutrin and wine are doing major damage to my liver and kidneys! I started taking 150mg of Wellbutrin from April 15 to 30 in 2005 and then increased to 300mg. I tried to take 450mg about a year ago because I felt the medicine did not seem to be working as well, but I wound up not benefiting from that dose. I also tried to add Lexapro and gained so much weight I had to stop that medicine. I was given a generic version for about a month and I believe the pills were expired or tainted because the smelled rancid and my behavior patterns went haywire!
3710 lamictal 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects epilepsy "good considering dosage. taken many different anti-epileptic drugs over the last 14yrs(accident)
lamictal 100% better regarding physical problems (constant headaches etc). mental side-effects difficult to say considering age! december 2006, after 14yrs with no physical epileptic incidents, just regular encephalegrams, i decided to stop topiramate which gave headaches. 6 mths later lost consciousnes, back onto drugs. first, keppra, which i liked. felt no side effects, just felt total relaxation and no epileptic problems. specialist didn't like this total relaxation, changed to lamictal. didn't like it at all at first,many side effectsme before arriving at 125 mg had a series of losing consciousness(never convulsions). now i can say that my mental and physical states have adapted to this lamictal. certainly no constant headache." loss of balance & memory loss, memory is improving little by little. loss of balance still, but maybe change with therapy. difficulty speaking (living in france 18 yrs.) speak as much in french as english. dry mouth nervousness, anxiety heartburn and am considered bi-polar but i think that is being exaggerated by the medical profession, "began at low dosage and increased little by little. during the little by little time i forgot my medication of 50 mg one morning. the following day lost consciousnes while driving fell down a ravine accident i had at 17.30. anyway increased medication to a state where. touch wood, i don't have any problems really other than minor side effects,
given clobazam (5 mg 3 times a day) for anxiety & depression,with which i have noticed no side-effects and does help eliminate other epileptic problems (deja vues etc)"
2391 synthroid 10 Considerably Effective No Side Effects hypothyroid Increased energy; I happened to be without the drug for one week, and felt absolutely terrible - like I was completely knocked down. no side effects that i can remember. The doctor ran a series of blood/chemical tests - thyroid, testosterone and DHEA levels. All were somewhat low, the synthroid in particular. We've started out with fairly low levels of each.
322 ativan 1 Marginally Effective Severe Side Effects ease breathing/fast heart rate I was a post cardiac ablation patient with breathing difficulty from reactive airway disease (RADS) and a fast heart rate. Docs prescribed Ativan 1 mg per day to ease breathing. It did help ease feelings of suffocation. Tried to stop taking 1 mg of Ativan per day after 10 days and had horrible withdrawal symptoms including blurred vision, shakiness, weakness, heightened sense of smell, nausea. Sick as a dog. Had to go to a rehab specialist to get weaned off. Treatment to get off Ativan was to take .25 off per week for several weeks.
1929 zithromax 5 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects avod bacterial infection The treatment benfits were to heal bacteria from surgery. I was told to take the pills immediately starting the day after surgery. side effects were diahrrea, stomach pain and nausea the treatment was 1 pill a day for 4 days - first day 2 pills. The pills were easy to take and remember
2421 synthroid 10 Considerably Effective No Side Effects hypothyroidism increased energy, depression gone none i was diagnosed with underactive thyroid in 1996. i initially went to the doctors for swollen sinuses and being tired alot. after testing me for underactive thyroid i was prescribed 25 mcg of synthroid. the doctor then continued to increase the dose until i got to the appropriate level. this took quite awhile, but i felt much better after the correct level was achieved. my depression lifted and i had alot more energy. overall i have been very pleased with Synthroid.
3423 tazorac 6 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects wrinkles, brown spots less noticable fine lines and blotchiness. skin appeared clearer and smoother. in addition skin appeared plumper. The brown spots would be less noticable as long as I was using the cream consistantly. dry peeling skin, redness. once you stopped using it the blotchiness returned and brown spots returned. I needed to wear alot of sunscreen on my hand after using it on that area because it rendered those areas vulnerable to sun exposure. also while driving I had to wear gloves which blocked sun rays to my hands. used from a tube mainly at night. Used a pea size amount on each hand and one pea size amount on the face. Used over the lip line and on fine lines under the eye.
1001 armour-thyroid 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects hyhpothyroidism weight loss, increased energy, better outlook on life, decreased anxiety, no longer have panic attacks, no longer feel depressed and in general feel happy and more content with life. My energy level has sky rocketed and my ability to be mentally focused is much better. My TSH went from 6.29 to .6. My T3 and T4 uptake are within the normal ranges. I did not have any treatment side effects. I went in for a routine check up and mentioned feeling tired and anxious and asked if I could have my hormone levels checked. It turned out that I had hypothyroidism. I was given a choice of Synthroid or Armour thyroid. Based on everything that I had read I wanted to try the Armour. I started on 30 mg. and after about 6 months increased to 45 mg. Every 3-6 months I've had blood work and my TSH level has steadily dropped each time to my current level of .6. I feel better than I have in years. The difference in my mental outlook and energy is incredible. I also avoid soy products, products with fluoride and wait about 2 hours before eating after I take my medicine because I have read that doing these things are beneficial in making the treatment more effective.
1422 adipex-p 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects weight loss I have always tried to lose 20-30 pounds and had no luck. A friend of mine used Adipex (Phentermine) and lost 40 pounds in 4 months so I had to try it. I started taking it last October 08 and by Christmas I had to buy all new pants because my other ones were WAY too big. Total I lost 25 pounds and am now 130. I just started taking it again after being off of it for 3 months because I didnt want to get too addicted which I know you can from this drug, and you also build up an immunity to it, which I also did. Overall though, it definitely works to loose weight, my sister-in-law, my best friend, and my sister all took it and my sister lost the least so far(only been on it for 1 month) with 15 pounds. Bad trouble sleeping. WIll fall asleep after a little trouble, but cannot stay asleep, wake up several times a night unable to get good rest. Have to take sleep aide with this drug or wont sleep at all! Also have bad to mild headache for first week or so, goes away after a while. Mood swings are absolutely noticable, ups and downs. I NEVER noticed where my appetite was decreased at all, actually makes my stomache growl about 1/2 hour after taking it, nor did I have any extra energy ever, although somehow I DID lose weight on this pill. I take 1/2 pill in morning before breakfast and other 1/2 lunch time.
3428 tazorac 6 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects acne I noticed a significant improvement in my acne. I had painfully dry, irritated, and red skin for several months, as well as higher susceptibility to sunburn and visibly peeling, flaky skin... those first few months were the worst period of treatment. After a while, however, all the symptoms except for the peeling skin and sun sensitivity diminished. I applied a pea-sized amount of Tazorac cream once a night before bed, starting in my freshmen year in high school. I've been using Tazorac ever since (five years or so) because of the positive skin effects it's supposed to have.
2535 lamisil 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects toe-nail fungus Although it is essential to take the medication for the full 90 days, after one week I noticed that the skin on my affected foot was looking much better. I had years of tough, thick, dry, flaky skin on my heel and pads under my toes. As each week passed, this condition continued to improve. Almost from day one I did not experience any itchy toes or feet. At the end of the 90 days, I could see healthy nails growing up from the cuticle, although it will take several more months for the entire toe-nail on each affected toe to grow long enough that I can cut away the damaged nail. "The first few days (maybe three)of taking the drug I was a bit headachy and then experienced some mild stomach upset. After that, I was fine with no further issues.
A positive side effect was that after the treatment was over I noticed that the skin on my legs was very smooth. Previously I had rough, scaly skin which I just thought was dry skin, though I could never rid myself of it. But I guess it was part of the whole problem because now the skin is beautiful." "I had been having regular doctor check-ups and am healthy.
During the 90 days, I was told to take the drug once per day and to also use lamisil cream on my feet every day.
About mid-way through, the doctor ordered a test for my liver, which came out fine.
Once the treatment was complete, my doctor suggested that I take one pill every month and use the cream on my feet twice per week."
3662 effexor-xr 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects mild to moderate depression Improved mood after trying several other SSRI's. Had tried Prozac and Wellbutrin and got no effect from them. I was able to function better. I was not ecstatic, but was functional and less prone to negative thinking. a bit of feeling dull or neutral. Maximum dosage indicated in literature is 150 mg per day. Took two 75 mg capsules in the morning with breakfast. The medication started to work within two or three days. However, it's expensive. I would not say that I am non-functional without it, but I believe I am more functional when taking it.
3644 retin-a 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects acne/dull skin Cleared up my acne and brightened my skin overall; slightly reduced fine lines. Aside from acne, it seemed to help my skin in general. This is by far the best acne treatment I've used. Now I use it for overall skin appearance (not just for acne). "Thinning of skin leaves more sun sensitivity. Also, it cleared my acne, but didn't seem to ""treat"" it - if I stop using it, my acne comes back within a few weeks." Very easy - simply applied a pea-sized amount every other night before bed.
921 paxil 8 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects panic attacks I have been on Paxil or generics for 9 years after a life-time of panic attacks. My attacks subsided immediately and though they recur every so often the relief has been a godsend. Even as a highly-productive and involved person it has been a lifetime of quiet fear that at any moment I would have these horrific feelings of losing my self and being depersonalized out of my body. As a few others have noted, the most common location for instant attacks is while driving. Paxil has calmed much of my life-long anxiety. I am a calmer and more socially comfortable person. Lots of side effects, none of them deal breakers. It took months to achieve orgasm - it was like having a dead weight between my legs. Having reduced treatment to 10mgs a few years ago that has improved. As many others report, wild dreams and less deep sleep is now the norm but I have long grown accustomed to it. Miss a dose and you get those weird 'electric' buzz shocls in your brain - a tad alarming but not horrible. Weight increase of about 10 pounds - very difficult to get rid of. Started at 10 mg on doctor's recommendation, went to 20 after a month. Noticable improvement in mood and lessened anxiety. After 4-5 years weaned myself down to 10 mg by cutting the pills. With doctor ok have stayed at 210 for the last 6 years. Once i tried to reduce it to 5 mg - big mistake. Too big a jump and had terrible anxiety. Decided I could live with 10 mg. It works, but with side effects. Like all powerful medicine, it's a tradeoff. For me it is still worth it 10 years later.
4069 mobic 7 Moderately Effective No Side Effects arthritis It seemed to help with the joint inflamation. Some swelling of ankles was reduced and I didn't seem as achey. I tried several sample medications first like celebrex but I liked the Mobic best. I have not gone off of it since I started to really know if it makes a difference. none Took one 30mg tab a day.
3230 nuvaring 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects birth control Prevention of pregnancy. I used to insert in my vagina the nuvaring and I had my period just in time. I always knew what day my period was coming. Headaches..cramping..nausea...dizzines One ring once a month. I had to keep the ring for three weeks in my vagina and then take it out to get my period three days after. I had to insert a new ring in the fourth week.
583 acyclovir 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects hsv1 Immediately ameliorated symptoms and extremely efficacious when used prophylactically Occasional mild gastrointestinal irritation when using a high dose (4000 mg) I take 800 mg of acyclovir at the first sign of tingling along lips or tip of nose. I've found this prophylactic approach to be most efficacious if I dose at 800 mg for a day or two subsequently. In doing so, I've reduced hsv1 outbreaks from one a month to one a year. If I do get an outbreak, I dose 4000 mg per day (800 mg apprx every 2-3 waking hours) for four days then taper to 800 to 1600 mg per day for two to three more days with excellent results. If I begin dose after an outbreak has initiated, it is immediately arrested from worsening though it still will go through it's viral cycle remaining at a very small scale as long as I continue treatment as described above.
226 wellbutrin-xl 10 Considerably Effective No Side Effects depression Marked adjustment in level of depression within one month. Continued benefits through following years of usage. No side effects were experienced. Wellbutrin XL was used in conjunction with talk therapy to great effect. Dosage has been maintained over the years with frequency of talk therapy decreasing and alleviation of depression has been maintained.
4093 asmanex 8 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects asthma It works great, no asthma symptoms. But I'm loosing a lot of hair, there's mild pain in my lungs and legs on a regular basis and mouth infections. I'm was diagnosed with asthma around six months ago after getting pneumonia that lasted 3 months. I did have allergies before but never any asthma symptoms.
17 proquin-xr 5 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects recurrent pseudomonas chest infection Improved exercise tolerance. Stopped coughing up blood. Improvement in chest pain. Nausea, bad dreams, very prone to sunburn. For the antibiotic to be effective I need to take a relatively large dose for my size (50kgs). Have to take anti-nausea medication while on the course of antibiotic otherwise tend to lose weight. Have had repeated courses of this antibiotic over several years. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't but the infection always recurs within a few weeks of stopping the treatment.
3069 oxycodone 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects back pain Drug did take away pain quickly; easy to take, not contraindicative with muscle relaxers or codeine allergy. No pain but very loopy.. Drug made patient incoherent and confused; bad memory and constipation patient had crazy ideas. Take for pain, 2 pills every 3-4 hours, no more than 8 in 24 hours.
636 seasonique 1 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects to prevent pregnancy 4 periods a year The first week that I took this pill, I felt like I had the flu. I had to take a sick day off from work because I felt so sick: headache, constantly feeling hot and cold, extreme tiredness. I also started breaking out a lot and my skin started to be so dry. My husband also has said that I've had some mood swings as well. "I stopped taking the pills today. I hope this will stop all the symptoms. I will probably never take any birth control for the rest of my life. I was on Depo for about 2 years, which was fine--no major side effects except for the decreased sex drive. I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen for about a year before Depo, but I stopped because I definitely got lighter periods but the periods were longer (5 days) than when I was not on any BC (3 days).
I shouldn't have been on any BC to begin with. Afterall, I shouldn't complain--my periods are always on time like clock work. No cramps, only the occasional bloating. I started to be on BC to prevent pregnancy, but I'll just be more careful by using a condom instead."
2002 vicodin 3 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects tendonitis pain I took vicodin for pain in my wrist but i had to stop because it would give me a headache everytime i took it. So i can't really say there were any benefits to it, because eventough it helped with the wrist pain, the headaches were worse. see above This was prescribed by a physical therapist. I was also receiving the physical therapy for my wrist pain, which was from work related injury.(repetitive overuse). The pain killer was to help with the pain from just moving my hands.
1747 topamax 9 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression/binge eating With the Topamax alone, and not myself consciously changing any of my dietary habits or exercising, I lost about 10% of my body weight in the first two months of treatment. It was like a tiny switch in my brain was flipped and I just didn't crave gargantuan massive quantities of horrible-for-you food. Not that food didn't taste good, or I wasn't hungry, I just filled up really quickly, and nothing seemed any more appealing than anything else. So when you're not just going off whatever looks yummy at that exact second and you actually stop and think about what you're about to eat, you tend to choose something a tad bit healthier and less caloric. Combine that with the fact that it would take about half the amount to fill me up, and there you have your weight loss. Dry mouth (I was also taking Prozac at the time which definitely contributed), mild transient tingling in the hands and feet (pins and needles), I've read a lot of posts in forums online from people suffering memory problems with Topamax (i.e. dopamax), they forget words easily, have trouble spelling, feel foggy, etc... I guess I'm one of the few fortunate people whom Topamax doesn't effect that way. Either that, or the dose I'm at (200 mg) is well below my tolerance threshold. Many of the people in these forums were being treated for epilepsy and debilitating migraines and taking doses up to 1200mg. I had done some research on Topamax online before it was even an approved treatment for migraines, and it was only FDA approved for epilepsy. While on the web I found that a surprising amount of doctors were prescribing it for off-label purposes, such as an add-on to an SSRI that wasn't working well enough in depressed patients, a mood stabilizer in patients with bipolar disorder, and (gasp!) a weight loss drug in obese patients and in those with binge eating disorder. Several convincing clinical studies have been done in all of the above categories as well. Topamax will have clearance from the FDA to be marketed for the treatment of bipolar disorder in 2010.
1122 evista 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects high blood levels of thrombisin normal thrombosin level within 6 weeks none 1 pill every morning
182 adderall 4 Marginally Effective Mild Side Effects adha This medication helped me marginally to focus better and was somewhat more energetic. I did not had much side effects, had some dry mouth at times but was manageable. I started with low dose with 5 mg dialy, gradually increased upto 20 mg. Did not hv satisfactory results but my psychiatrist did not feel comfortable to increase the dose due to serious drug abuse potential though I absolutely hv never tried as illicit drugs including the most commonly used MJ and alcohol.
418 imitrex 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects migraine no headaches and better quality of life great at treating headaches nervous system overhaul, dry mouth, stiff neck used as needed no healing- just treatment the medicine was very effective at treating headaches as needed but provided no preventative help still had them just as frequently but was able to rid myself of them
3790 keflex 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects tonsillitis, sinusitis also bad tooth ache. My pain in my head was gone after 5 days of taking this medicine. I feel so much better right now. I would recommend this medicine other than Amoxicillin, or any other antibiotic. I had no side effects. I feel so much better. But I will say that I still am getting sinus headaches. I dont think those will ever go away though. 4 pills per day, keflex. to treat sinusitis, tonsillitis, and my bad tooth ache. It got rid of all my infection..totally...
3704 ranitidine 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects heartburn heartburn was usually decreased significately if not totally none "I get heartburn caused more from my condition than from food. There were times that I had ""breakthrough"" heartburn even after using prevacid. I generally don't even use the prevacid now. I do try to not eat things that will cause heartburn but I still get heartburn often. I take the ranitidine often, but not every time I have heartburn. There are some times when I will take one or two Tums to get a jumpstart against the burning."
574 lithium-carbonate 5 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects bipolar disorder I felt a bit calmer and had a little less mania, but it did not help much. upset stomach, low appetite, metallic taste, tremor "I was given lithium in order to calm my manic thoughts and depressive symptoms along with psychotherapy. I did not notice much improvement from lithium.
It did come with unwanted side effects such as persistent tremor and
upset stomach. I would like to try another medication."
229 wellbutrin-xl 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects dysthymia ( chronic, low grade depression ) It lifted my depression without any noticeable side effects which I had experienced with every other anti-depressant I had taken. None. "I had been prescribed 300 mg which is a normal dosage, but fond it made me sleepless. So after talking with my doctor, we agreed to let me try half the dosage. I'm especially sensitive to medications and always feel overdosed at the 'standard' dosage.
I've been taking Wellbutrin for the last 8 years and only recenyly felt the need to boost it up to 300 mg as the depression seemed to be inching up. It worked for me and I will maintain the 300 mg through the winter months.
I think this is a wonderful drug, if nothing else works for you, give it a try."
1249 catapres 2 Ineffective Mild Side Effects hot flashes It was supposed to stop the hot flashes that were keeping me awake at night. Left me extremely sleepy the next day to the point I had to lay down an hour after I got up and I noticed no real difference in the hot flashes. I wanted to stop hot flashes without going on HRT medication. My doctor recommended trying Clonidine
4022 celexa 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects anxiety attacks when driving i had become unable to drive any further than 1/2 mile to my job and no further without suffering serious anxiety attacks. after a little over a week on the medication, i was able to drive in heavy traffic, and basically anywhere i needed to go. my life has become my own again none i only had to start taking 1 tablet a day, and after a little over a week, i could definitely tell a difference.
536 trazodone 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects sleeplessness associated with depression It helped me sleep, which at the time was miraculous. Bad taste in mouth but the sleep was worth it. If I could tell I was going to have a hard time sleeping, I was supposed to take the medecine about 45 minutes before going to bed. Sometimes it was hard to realize/remember to take it ahead of time like that, but it was so fast-acting that wasn't really a problem. I'm little, 5'2 and 120 lbs, and the doctor said it was okay to break them in half so I mostly did. After about fifteen minutes I would get drowsy and then I would get a nice night's sleep. This was incredibly valuable and it was no problem to go off the medication at the end of treatment because I was only taking it when I needed it anyway, only a couple times a week at the worst point. The halitosis might have actually made it easier to stop taking--I had to really want the sleep and be willing to put up with the foul taste in my mouth. But if I needed the sleep badly enough it was really worth it.
3177 desyrel 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects sleeplessness effective for falling and staying asleep slight dry mouth initially, but this subsided with use (3 - 4 weeks) My problem was never falling asleep, it was waking up a few hours after falling asleep and being wide awake, my mind racing on thoughts of the day. This medicine allowed me to fall asleep quickly and stay sleeping throughout the night. My doctor told me it was originally marketed for anxiety/depression, but not widely prescribed for that once the sedative effects became known. (I can't imagine taking one of these in the morning, as a anti-depressant....It would surely knock me out.) The tablets are sold as 150 mg tablets. I split mine (75 mg) and for $4 at Target, I get two months worth. Highly recommend this for those who can't fall or stay asleep.
3711 lamictal 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects bipolar Lamictal balanced moods without making me sluggish or slowing me down. I still have the highs and but they aren't drastically manically high. Although it says it doesn't affect weight I did experience weight gain. It also makes me a little drowsy. I take 200 mg lamictal once per day at night so that I am not affected by the drowsiness. Initially I started at 25mg and it was increased over time until I reached 200 mg in order to avoid side effects. It took time to experience the benefits. About 6 weeks.
2871 avita 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects acne The benefits of using Tretinoin were great. First of all I noticed that my skin started glowing and my acne diminished greatly. But I had to be very patient because the results were not immediate. Continued use of the medicine rendered amazing results. My skin is a lot more smoother, healthier, and brighter. luckily I did not notice any negative side effects. The positive effects that I noticed out weighed the negative ones. The side effects that i noticed were very slight peeling of the skin and a very very slight burning sensation. The burning sensation however, completely went away with continued use of the medicine. I believe this is so because my skin became more and more tolerant the more I used it. My treatment details are as follows: I Used Avita (Tretinoin) every night after cleansing my face. I waited about 15-20 minutes after cleansing to apply a dime size of the medication. My doctor recommended doing so to make the skin less sensitive and more receptive of the drug. My doctor also told me that the use of sunscreen was imperative while using Tretinoin because retinol can cause the skin to become sensitive to sunlight. So every morning before leaving the house I made sure to apply a sunscreen.
1824 yasmin 5 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects birth control Birth control, more mild and regular menstruation Fatigue (severe during the first week of the month), nausea, mild depression Appointment with doctor once every six months to monitor overall health, took pill once daily (usually in the morning after breakfast).
1134 methadone 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects addiction The benefits was getting off of drugs. I go to a methadone clinic and i PAY $13 a day and i have for the last seven years. It helped me get off of Oxycotin's, but i would NOT recommend staying on it for long.. Because methadone is more addictive than pain pills. "passing out; falling asleep
weight gain
when i first started i had alot of nausea, but after a few months it was better." "When i first started going to the methadone clinic, i had to go there withdrawing. I had to take a physical and a drug test when i started. You can fail the first test, because they know you would have drugs in your system. I had to pay $154 when i first started and i pay almost $400 a month, which equals out to be $13.50 a day.
I get drug tested every month and i have passed so many that i get ""take homes"". I only have to go there once a month now and i have to see my counslor for an hour each month and get drug tested. I get called in for random drug testing. I have to bring my bottles in so they will know that they are ""straight"" so they know i am not selling them. They do that to everyone.
I have been there for seven years now and i am 26 years old. WHen i first started, i had to drive 1 1/2 hours a day for seven days a week for three months and then i got one take home.
after three months of passing drug tests: 1 take home
6 months: 3 take homes
one year: 5 take homes
1 1/2 years: a weeks worth
2 years: 2 weeks worth
2 1/2 years: a months worth.... I had to drive so much where there isn't many clinics in the states and i had to drive that far just to get to mine.
I have been doing good and being strong. I just wish i would have lowered myself down after about 6 months. So now i am addicted to methadone. It is just legal and cheaper for me then pills and i know i get it everyday.
I hope i helped.
Thanks. :)"
276 xyrem 3 Marginally Effective Mild Side Effects sleep disorders I ahve three sleep disorders: sleep apnea due to closing up of my throat (anatomical), restless leg syndrome and the worst one, hypersomnia -- tired much of the time with no explanation. I tried this drug - sent directly to the home and only with approved diagnosis (I am just short of narcolepsy) - to see if I would feel rested when I awoke. I did for one day but then the effects did not continue with each successive night. Sounds strange, I know, but that is what happened. I did not have any side effects except that if I got less than 4 1/2 hours of sleep after waking to take the second dose - I would stillfeel the effects -- as if drugged a bit. I think I have included everything above. I tried a second week and felt a slight refreshed feeling upon awakening - but not significant ewnough to keep taking it. Understand, I only remember awakening refreshed 3 times in my life. one of them after that first night I used Xyrem. I have enough to try a third week and probably will -- since I am desperate for my former qualilty of life when I didn't struggle with feeling tired as I do now.
1739 topamax 7 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects migraines Migraines diminished and appetite diminished, resulting in lost weight. Initially began with 25 mg and increased in 25 mg increments until reaching 175 mg daily. Difficulty in concentration, moodiness became the norm, stress. Loss of weight which most likely caused the diagnosed potassium deficiency, which resulted in an irregular heat beat, resulting in stress symptoms, which resulted in stress test. Very difficult first six months. "Switched doctors, my decision to stop medication. Migraines returned. Began taking Topamax again, under different doctor, but at a dose of 50 mg daily. Worked. Migraines greatly reduced, a slight difficulty initially with concentration and moodiness but then those symptoms improved.
A year later at 50 mg daily I'm doing well. I can safely increase up to 75 mg when I know that known triggers are expected - low pressure weather system, menstrual cycle (haven't conquered that migraine yet!) etc."
242 wellbutrin-xl 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects depression Wellbutrin XL was the only anti-depressant I tried that I could take without noticable side effects. A big contributer to my depression was weight gain that accompanied it, and as a result my doctor prescribed wellbutrin because typically the patient either stays the same or loses weight will taking it, as opposed to almost every other anti-depressent which can cause weight gain. Very minimal side effects. Only noticable thing is that you can feel the pill wear off near bed time and that can cause a sudden spike in appetite. The wellbutrin helped me regain control of my appetite and as a result i took back control of my happiness and wellbeing.
1486 cymbalta 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects depression/anxiety No treatment benefits Confusion, memory loss,blurred vision,extreamly hot,chills,dizzy,shaking,out of body experience. I took 60mg sunday evening...everything was fine that night. Monday do not remeber what I cooked for diner lunch and I was careing for my two small children. Monday night took my dose again.....I dont remeber doing this but my medication was counted for. Tuesday morning I was severly sleepy, dizzy and felt like I was in space all day. Tuesday night I took my regular 60 mg does and with in 1 hr I was extremly stoned...I was confusd, dizzy extreme heat sensation running threw my feet,neck and arms. I got chill and goose bumps in between. I habe high anxiety. Tingly feeling runing up and down my legs. Felt like and out of body experience because I was so stoned. Withdrall from only 3 days of meds is very uncomfortable....migraine Cymbalta should be off the market. People should be more informed about the side effects and withdral of this drug.
1294 zocor 5 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects high blood cholesterol The drug did lower the blood cholesterol effectively. "The side effects included nightmares, muscle weakness, dizziness.
In addition there were emotional disturbances." The drug was prescribed by a Cardiologist and was effective, however the side effects were considerable. After approximately one year the cholesterol LDL did drop and although this was positive, the side effects continued. After two years, the dosage was reduced to alternative days at the same daily dose. If the cholesterol level remains normal, with the adjustment of diet and exercise, the plan is to further reduce the drug over time.
3199 omnicef 1 Considerably Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects strep throat Cleared upper respitory infection and strep throat Yeast infection, hives, and overall skin sensitivity from clothing and certain foods, still unknown, trigger hives...simple things like wine, goldfish, lactaid milk, pancakes, eggs, bread, nuts, strawberries. "The antibiotic significantly diminishes the immune system, allowing severe sensitivity to take over body and consumes productivity of your overall life.
After four months, I still flare up from simple triggers and makes life pretty much stagnant."
3942 prilosec 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects gerd Acid reflux ceased to exist when taking Prilosec. I have had no side effects from Prilosec. It's pill you take 20 minutes before eating breakfast. It stops the acid from the stomach backing up into the esopogus.
2499 remeron 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects greater depression Depression has cleared up quite miraculously. Eating too much - no sense of when to stop. Slight antihistamine feel. "I had been on Celexa for two years, and noticed a major change in my libidio and concurrent diminishment of feeling in my sexual parts. As I am married I started taking Cialis to maintain an erection, and it worked fine, however, Cialis didn't make me feel any more during lovemaking, and the whole topic increased my depression and worry. I didn't wish my wife to find out I took Cialis because I love her dearly and didn't want her to think my sexual feelings were drug induced.
I searched the internet for non-SSRI antidepressants with little or no sexual side effects. I talked to my psychiatrist about Mirtazapine and he was fine with taperinf me off of the Citalopram. Within days of decreasing the Citalopram I felt so much smarter. The Mirtazapine has really allayed the depression and most of my anxiety. I do also take Buproprion and the two things do seem to allay depression and anxiety.
I definitely recommend trying Mirtazapine if you're depressed, especially if you either hate SSRIs, or haven't founnd anything else which works. It doesn't really have such bad side effects. And my dreaming has become really interesting. I actually can't wait to go to bed now. I did have a nightmare the first night I took it, but not since then. Instead I have had all sorts of dream desire fulfillment, and it's odd how much that can make you feel more resourceful for the rest of your day.
I also wasn't able to work for the last two years because of moodiness and benzodiazpine use for anxiety and sleep. Now I have cut out all thosoe medications and I really do feel much better. Eating too much does seem to be an issue. I eat so much sometimes that I can't breate. That part is going to demand some serious self - control."
4012 celexa 7 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects depression It helped greatly with depression but had immediate sexual side effects. Sexual side effects - loss of desire also increased my restless leg syndrome. I was on the medication for about three months. It helped enormously with the depression - i react well to SSRI's - but as is typical for those meds, the side effects were too much for me and i switched to wellbutrin
2649 aldara 1 Moderately Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects bowens cancer on tip of nose cancer is gone flu like feelings, very tired, blurred vision,then started getting really dry skin all over my face, then started getting burns all down both arms. The dermatologist did a biopsy and the results weere I have Subacute Lupis Erythematosus whish is directly related to taking this drug aldaa. My lymph nodes were swollen. It was horrible and now I am left with this lifetime crap to deal with, can't go in the sun breakout of burns are always a threat. Am sooo sorry I ever took this drug. I had to take this drug for 5 days and then come off of it for 2 days
3461 ambien-cr 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects sleeplessness This drug has done wonders to help me get the much needed rest I have needed. Before I started taking this drug, I spent many nights not receiving the rest I needed. I have not experienced any negative side effects of this drug. It works quickly, within half an hour and I have been able to stay asleep throughout the night. None This drug is taken shortly before bedtime, as needed.
2864 aldactone 1 Highly Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects acne Takes about 3 months to show results, but cleared up my skin, reduced overall oiliness and enlarged pores, and eliminated my very greasy hair, caused by excess oil on my scalp. My skin looked hydrated, clarity was good and the improvement was constant with no variations after the first 3 months. Also contributed a significant improvement to my libido. Periods about every 14 days. After 12 months of use, DCIS detected in my right breast. No history of breast cancer in the family at all, and I was in good health otherwise. Malignant tumour of the breast was one of the side effects I located on the internet. I am happy to complete this but dont know what you mean, I have already given the dosage. Can you email me what it is you want here?
3191 tylenol-with-codeine 1 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects pain after minor surgery Due to extensive varicose veins, I was in pain, especially when standing. They were physically embarassing and I could not even wear sheer pantyhose. The surgery would eliminate pain and the ugliness. I was told to take the drug before surgery to minimize swelling and to minimize pain. I do not like to introduce drugs into my body unless an emergency so I did not take it before the surgery, instead opting for Bromelain enzyme, ginger and tumeric to reduce swelling. The side effects after the surgery were swelling and pain and possibly infection at the incision sites. About 10 hours post surgery, the pain became unbearable, and I decided to take one dose of acetaminophen w/codeine #3. When I got up a couple of hours later to go and use the bathroom, I passed out in the bathroom. Lucky for me, my husband was nearby. I had a large vein stripped from my thigh and smaller ones in the leg, due to pain and discomfort I had been experiencing. It was an outpatient procedure that lasted about 2 hours.
3860 levoxyl 4 Marginally Effective Mild Side Effects lethergy I got up and felt better in the morning, then as the day went on I felt more and more lethargic so I dont know if I was taking the right amount or if it was the drug. I then took it twice a day but it did not seem to help my lethargy bone aches 1 daily
1520 glucophage 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects insulin resistance I experienced weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, increased energy and decreased carbohydrate cravings during the course of the day. I did not experience any side effects from taking this medication. I did have an occasional problem with some abdominal pain but it was not significant and went away on its own. I took 1 (one) 750 mg pill once a day taken in the morning.
1662 climara 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects hormone replacement therapy no positive benefits mood changes, weight gain (4 pounds in 3 days!) extremely emotional. depression "I had been using the trade brand of this patch, Climara for several months with positive results. One month my local pharmacy was out of the trade brand and offered to fill the prescription with the generic brand and because I was in a hurry to catch a plane to go on a vacation, I agreed, thinking they had to be similar. Wrong! To begin with, the generic patch is twice the size and thickness of the trade brand - don't even think of wearing tight clothes while sporting one of these! (I laughlingly told my husband we could always use one to patch a flat tire if needed, but soon it wasn't so funny.) Within a day or two I knew something was wrong, but hadn't yet identified the problem. I couldn't stop crying about nothing in particular. It seemed as if overnight, my world had become very sad and depressing. I immediately began to gain weight, despite no change in my dietary habits. After finally putting two and two together, I ripped it off and contacted my local pharmacist to see if anyone else had complained of similar experiences. After rechecking my prescription, the pharmacist noticed my physician had marked ""no generics"". Apparently, he had a good reason for this choice as this was not his usual stance on generics. The pharmacist refilled my prescription with the trade brand and all was quickly back to normal. I usually have no problem with genereic brands, but unfortunately, no more generic estradiol for me!"
1292 zocor 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects cholesterol Taken only four days... not tested for benefits Extreme pain in calf that soon extended to entire leg. Muscles were rigid. I still suffer leg pain after more than a year off the four doses of Zocor. Just visited Disneyword and did not realize till then how badly my legs hurt - day and night. One 20mg tab for four days upon advice of physician
346 neurontin 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects nerve pain - great skin sensitivity The benefits are that being on Neurontin with the Lidoderm Patch 5%, it has helped to give me a much better quality of life. My pain is significantly reduced because of these two medications, though not completely gone. The side effects, to my knowledge, have been minimal, especially compared to what it could be without these medications. Could a different medication work better? Maybe. It's hard to say what the side effects might be. I sometimes have trouble thinking or speaking my thoughts concisely, moodiness, somewhat depressed, shortness of breath at times, dizziness, occasional vision problems, some numbness or odd sensations in legs or arms etc. However, I can't say for sure if any of these side effects/symptoms are from taking Neurontin, the lidoderm patch or for some other reason (stresses...). Ten years ago I had spinal chord surgery to remove a tumor. Fortunately it was benign. The down side is that it pressed on the nerves so much that it permanently damaged them. The greatest nerve pain I have is from the center of my chest all the way around on the right side (breast area) to the center of my back on the right. The skin in that area is so sensitive that any clothing even slightly rubbing on it can cause great pain. I have been very happy with Neurotin for the most part. I know it is working because if I am late taking my next dose (every eight hours) the pain starts to increases. The Neurotin alone does not work well. In addition, I have to wear a Lidoderm patch. This has made a huge difference. Now, after nine years I'm beginning to feel my medication isn't working as well as it used to and am planning to review these changes with my doctor.
560 doryx 3 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects back acne In saw immediate improvement in the clearing of my acne within the first week. Yeast infection by day 7 despite eating yogurt and taking Acidophilus along with Doryx as suggested when I was prescribed the medication. The side effects definitely outweigh the benefits in this case. I am following up with the derm tomorrow to see if there is an alternative treatment because I can not go through these side effects again.
1530 skelaxin 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects muscle spasm It relaxed the spasm's in my back and neck, if not completely, at least by 50-70 percent. The best thing about this drug is that you can take it at work or during the day, and it does not make you drowsey or loopy. I experienced no side effects, other then the expected outcome, which was releif of the muscle spasam. I take this drug only as needed, when my back or neck feels tight or in spasam. It is perfect for the weekend warrior, or someone who has occassional muscle soreness and tightness.
4042 amoxil 3 Highly Effective Moderate Side Effects post surgery Avoidance of infection. Full body hives appearing 8 days after treatment began. Standard post surgery antibiotic.
480 tekturna-hct 1 Ineffective Severe Side Effects high blood pressure none,pressure never came down to acceptable range and had wide swings throughout the day pounding headache, nausea, dizziness while walking and arising from bed/chair, spots in eye, uncontrollable eye tearing. The latter two are still present after6 weeks on not taking meds. they didn't work even after dossage was increased, Monitored at home and in doctor's office, results were the same.
257 ultram 8 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects hand pain Since I tried to avoid the GI effect of Motrin, or celebrex if used too long, the tramadol seemed a good alterntive. I took it in the morning, and it generally seemed to energize me enough so that I stayed active, and if it didn't relieve the pain, It seemed to keep me from thinking about it and I remained busy. I did find that if I took it in the late afternoon, I really couldn't sleep at night, mymind raed and I felt unsettled. It reduced my appetite a bit, ad I would work without eating, or drinking. Had to remind myself to eat. I have degenerative joint desease in both my hands. Took the standrd painkillers, not narcotics, but asa, tylenol, motrin, and then Celebrex. The best was celebrex, but there is a danger with taking it long term. Ultram ws prescribed at first as 50mg twice a day. This wasn't at all effective. So we upped the dose, and this worked well, except not at night. Since then I hae had boththumb joints replaced, and althoughI still have a prescription for the Ultram, I rarely use it... sometimes for back aches. Someone once told me it is an opiate derivative. If so, it does not seem to have an addictive quality, or any withdrawal symptoms, at least not the way I have used it.
1266 provigil 1 Marginally Effective Extremely Severe Side Effects daytime sleepiness Virtually nil. PLEASE< PLEASE read on.... "If you take a look at the side effects the FDA requires Provigil manufacturer Cephalon to list, you will find the usual stomach aches, headaches etc.. Such side effects are so common that virtually every new prescription medication ends up listing them, which is why most of us don't bother reading the side effect profile for meds. However, failing to look at the side effects for Provigil could end up costing you your life. Provigil of course does list the usual side effects, yes, but ther is one side effect listed that is rarely included as a medication side effect. Further, even if you should happen to actually read the list of Provigil's side you are not likely to know what it means. The side effect is called ""vasodilatation"", and the manufacturer reported to the FDA that it occurred to 1 out of every 50 test subjects while it happened to 0 out of every 50 who took the placebo. What is ""vasodilatation""? Vasodilatation, nearly always referred to as the more recognizable ""vasodilation"", refers to the general relaxation of blood vessels, a phenomenon that usually ends up causing a small drop in blood pressure but sometimes causes a significant blood pressure drop, when it is then called hypotension. And, if you'll read on, you'll see why for me, and potentially for 1 out of every 50 users of Provigil, it very nearly killed me.
After 7 weeks on Provigil, with the last week having been increased from 200mg to 300mg per day, I awoke one morning in a highly delusional state, speaking of non-existent farm animals wandering around the kitchen table where my wife and I were seated. After apparently collapsing in my bedroom, I was taken to ER, which quickly determined that I was critically hypotensive (low blood pressure of 72/35). I quickly lapsed into cardiogenic shock, a condition where the heart all but stops pumping blood and one of the deadliest of all medical crises. Even among those who are still alive upon arrival at an ER, 70% to 80% die within hours or a few days. Those who survive likely do so, as I did, with kidneys in acute failure and brain damage similar to what is sustained by near-drowning victims who have been resuscitated by a lengthy CPR session." "My ER doctor immediately paged the cardiologist on call. Arriving quickly, he assessed my condition and determined that my only chance of survival was a transport to a regional heart center 35 miles away. As he awaited the ambulance, he took me to my local hospital's heart catheterization lab, not to put a stent in, but to push a tiny balloon through my femoral artery to a destination next to my aorta, after which a tiny battery powered air pump was used to inflate the balloon and keep it inflated. The balloon (called an intra-aortic balloon pump) works by temporarily filling the empty space around the heart, then applying continuous gentle pressure to my aorta in an effort to keep my blood pressure from additional falling past the small amount that would otherwise kill me. Arriving at the heart center I was unconscious and would lapse into a coma for 9 days, kept alive by mechanical ventilation through a tube inserted through my throat to my lungs (""I'm in"", the TV doctors always say when the get the insertion right)."
535 trazodone 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects insomnia Helps me to sleep although does NOT help RLS. I sleep through the night now with requip to still my legs and trazodone to help me sleep. It has made a HUGE difference. I went through a sleep study prior to taking these meds and it turned out I was not getting any sustained deep sleep. At first I was terrible groggy, but I adjusted. I take it every night about 1/2 hour before I go to bed. If i wait too late, i am tired in the morning but it is worth it!
124 valtrex 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects herpes It drastically reduced breakouts all over my body therefore I did not constantly have flu like symptoms because of the breakouts. So even under stressful life events which usually results with a breakout the Valtrax stopped or reduced the frequency of breakouts. So far I have only been taking 1 per day and I have not had any breakouts for a month. It initially made me feel tired and lethargic. I believe it contributed to a short bout of stomach upset and heavy bowel movements however this problem subsided fairly quickly. I think it also contributes to my eyes feeling dryer than usual. Since I am post menopausal dry eyes is a huge problem. I was supposed to take 2 tablets a day 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. I followed this regimen for 1 and a half weeks then I decided to reduce the dosage myself to 1 per day. I checked with the ND and she said that protocol could be followed unless I felt that I was going to have a breakout then go back to 2 a day. I can take up to 4 per day if needed however so far the 1 per day has worked well for me.
3190 desyrel 2 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects anxiety,insomnia The first five days I felt amazing and I have had great sleeps for the 16 days. After the 5th day, I still slept well but my anxiety returned. My balance has been off, I am extremely tired all day, there is a bad taste in my mouth which alters the taste of food. My mouth is so dry that I drink non-stop and cough a lot. What made me decide to quit this drug before the month trial is the fact that I have this really bad memory loss. I forget where I live, my dog's name, my employees' names. I would look at a steak and not remember what it was called. I would stare blankly. My job is detail oriented and I could not concentrate. I am supposed to take 50 mg a day. I was told to take 1/2 in morning and 1/2 at bedtime or 50 mg at bedtime or 50 mg in the morning. Whatever works. There are so many side effects that the good night sleep will have to be given up. I can't stand a drug taking control of my body. I hope there is a better treatment. I have a call into my doctor.
3859 levoxyl 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects hypothyroidism Less fatigue, less weight unaccountable weight gain, less hair fall-out. None The only difficulty taking this is that one has to wait thirty minutes before eating or drinking in the morning. Therefore I take it upon first waking up - immediately. Or sometimes I take it and go back to bed if I am awake early.
2428 synthroid 1 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects low thyroid The synthroid medication did, for most of the ten years while I took it, keep my thyroid levels where they were supposed to be. After taking this synthroid medication for a period of about 10 years, here is what happened. We were on vacation in another state and all of a sudden I began to feel extremely horrible-- very weak, with a rapid heart beat. We were getting ready to get on an airplane and come home. So I thought if I can just get to my home town and get to a hospital, they can surely figure out what is wrong with me. We arrived at our home airport and then we went straight to the emergency room, where they ran several tests and I was there for several hours, but they could find nothing wrong with me. So they told me to go to my regular doctor the next day, which I did of course and he ran a blood test and found that it was the thyroid medication that was causing my problems. "I was able to find an osteopathic doctor who put me on a natural thyroid, not a synthetic, he calld it a dessicated thyroid which came from an animal source, so I was able to get off the synthetic. Then after being on that for a while, he was able to get me off of that and I took a natural supplement, L- tyrosine
It was wonderful to get off of a prescription medication. I hope this information may be helpful to someone out there."
2039 cozaar 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects high blood pressure Within a few weeks of starting, my pressure was under control and has remained that way for over 5 years. I had no side effects that I noticed. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure (145/90) over 10 years ago, a few years after experiencing early menopause. Severe headaches were also commmon. First treatment: dietary changes and increasing daily exercise--not adequate; in fact, it increased. I was prescribed Cozaar, 50 mg/day, with the reminder that the first dosage tried was rarely the correct one. In my case, it was and I get checked now every 6 months. My blood pressure stays around 118/70 range.
2872 avita 7 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects acne The benefits of using Tretinoin were great. First of all I noticed that my skin started glowing and my acne diminished greatly. But I had to be very patient because the results were not immediate. Continued use of the medicine rendered amazing results. My skin is a lot more smoother, healthier, and brighter. luckily I did not notice any negative side effects. The positive effects that I noticed out weighed the negative ones. The side effects that i noticed were very slight peeling of the skin and a very very slight burning sensation. The burning sensation however, completely went away with continued use of the medicine. I believe this is so because my skin became more and more tolerant the more I used it. My treatment details are as follows: I Used Avita (Tretinoin) every night after cleansing my face. I waited about 15-20 minutes after cleansing to apply a dime size of the medication. My doctor recommended doing so to make the skin less sensitive and more receptive of the drug. My doctor also told me that the use of sunscreen was imperative while using Tretinoin because retinol can cause the skin to become sensitive to sunlight. So every morning before leaving the house I made sure to apply a sunscreen.
2982 strattera 3 Moderately Effective Severe Side Effects add My ability to focus improved and I was overall calmer. Severe depression and thoughts of death. I found myself staring at the wall more than anything else. I felt totally drugged. My personality changed from somewhat lively to something very dull. It was as if the medication numbed my senses. I discontinued Strattera after one month. I couldn't tolerate the depression anymore.
865 valium 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects migraines, back spasm, insomnia I have found Valium to be a godsend. It helps stave off migraine attacks, it helps me get to sleep when I have insomnia, and it relaxes the muscles in my back when I get spasms. I use it sparingly, only when I really need it, (about 2-3 times a week ) and I have not found it to be addictive at all. I actually find it to be relatively mild, and I think it's over-regulated. I don't have any side effects from taking it. "My migraine attacks are directly related to muscle spasms that occur in my lower intestine. My doctor called it an ""abdominal migraine."" If I take a Valium when I feel a migraine coming on, it often goes away without having to take a Maxalt. I've had a mastectomy, chemo & radiation, and have been through a lot of anxiety, but I don't rely on Valium as an anti-anxiety drug. I'd be eating them like candy if I did, and then I probably would get addicted. I think Valium should be considered more of a muscle relaxant. That's how I use it, anyway."
1928 zithromax 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects pneumonia It cleared up my coughing within 2 days. I could sleep far better at night. I had mild diarrhea, though I'm not sure if it was due to the drug. I was told by my doctor to take the medication once a day for about 5 days. The best results came within 2 days, and seemed to plateau after that. I requested another prescription so I ended up taking it for about 2 weeks, but I seemed to see little improvement during the 2nd prescription. It was probably because the bacteria was kept under control, but my body was taking time to heal.
1617 premarin 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects menopause there were no treatment benifits that I could desern because I quit taking the drug because of the severe side effects I had extreme weight gain, fluctuating emotions. I felt I was going insane so I stopped taking the drug. I was starting menopause and was having hot flashes and disturbed sleep, and migrane headaches. the doctor prescribed premerin and I only took it for 2 months. I saw a natural medicine doctor and started on a natural hormone therapy that worked very well. My headaches stopped and My sleep pattern returned to normal and I lost the weight I gained while on the premerin.
1510 metoprolol 8 Considerably Effective No Side Effects hypertension My blood pressure readings have improved. There were no side effects. I have tolerated the drug very well. I have taken this drug daily for three years for hypertension in combination with Lotrel. My blood pressure readings have dropped from 160/120 to 120/80. The drug has been effective and well-tolerated.
1917 avelox 1 Ineffective Extremely Severe Side Effects sinus infection No benefit at all I'm kinda glad to see I wasn't the only one who experienced this. I honestly felt I was going to end up in the hospital. Sweats, heavy nausea, dizziness, my whole body felt numb and shaking, extreme cramping. The next day, I felt I didn't have any muscles!! Weak and felt drunk! Aweful experience! I took only one. Never again!
3605 retin-a 6 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects acne I had some experience with Retin-A when I was a teenager in the mid 90's. My mom and I have the same type of skin - we both have some degree of acne as adults. In the 90's my Mom started using Retin-A to control this and apparently it worked well, so I tried it (her prescription) as a teenager and it just irritated my face , making it red and eventually flaky. The drug is certainly powerful. I am sure I would have benefited from continued use but I didn't. Now, approaching 30, I still have some acne and am starting to think any acne whatsoever is unacceptable. Reviewing options, Retin-A seems top on the list. I have read that retinol is a distant second. However, I am hesitant because of the inevitable initial irritation and flakyness associated with Retin-A. see above see above
1334 prevacid 8 Considerably Effective Mild Side Effects servere stomach pains and reaccuring gastritis. "stomach pains lesson over time it would take around 4/5 days to start working.
was told by the doctor not to use the medication for years but for one to two months at a time." "starting up effects dizziness,nausea, but would subside when medication started getting into my system.
Would also feel tired while taking it and would sometimes make you feel unwell but I only found this on the 30mg." After stopping though stomach pain returns within 3 weeks.
2762 risperdal-consta 4 Marginally Effective Moderate Side Effects bipolar depression lessened headaches after 4 years, no control over breathing, the drug created inner emotions and feeling that weren't present before starting taking the medication, the bi-treatment of lithium and risperidone also created feeling of excessive sleepiness, created a weight gain of more than my normal size, colors of objects turn more bland and life seems more pointless when taking risperidone during the day. Taking the medication at bedtime turned out to be better. Smoke 2 packs a day after taking the medication at night and waking up the next day. Less able to control emotions. I had more energy than others when i was younger and the doctors and parents wanted to punish me for it by putting me on medication. Havn't been able to get off them since because they are addicting and mind warping.
490 meridia 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects obesity Lost 30 lbs in first month of treatment. Portion size was easy to control. If busy I sometimes forgot to eat. Mood was slightly altered for the first week - I was more patient - but this was short term. This medication has changed my relationship with food and I feel in control. Felt a little spacey and calm for first few days. Sleep was disrupted for about two weeks - waking hourly. Excess energy and restlessness for the first week. 10mg for 1st month, 15mg for next month.
2493 remeron 6 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects depression Boosted my mood a fair amount. My MD chose this med because I was having significant insomnia, and it definitely helped that, which was great. But after I had caught up on my sleep, I felt very grogged out, even in the daytime. This was not acceptable, and I soon stopped the med. Took before med to help with sleep and avoid daytime grogginess. But it still made me groggy during the day.
2728 elavil 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects migraines "I have had severe migraines for over 20 years. Since taking the amitriptyline my migraines have decreased to once or twice every six months! As long as I take the ""elavil"" and watch for triggers I am now in control of my migraines and not the other way around." groggy in the morning, slight weight gain, dry mouth I started at 25 mg and that increased to 50 mg.
3155 prednisone 8 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects asthma The treatment benefits of taking predisone for asthama were that it reduced the inflammation and eased breathing. Although steroids are being scrutinized in the media at this time, they do have a place in the treatment of life threatening episodes of asthma and other diseases that casue severe inflammation. I do not care to be on prednisone for any period of time, however, breathing is necessary to life and the prednisone offers a quick relief of the symptoms. While taking the prednisone I had an increase in blood pressure. I also was very perspired while the dose was higher and felt extremely edgy and agitated. The prednisone was prescribed for a rebound effect after an anaphylactic reaction. While at the ER I was given solumedrol and benadryl. Since I have asthma, a prednisone taper was prescribed in the event that a rebound effect occured, which it did. I began the taper immediately upon the worsening of symptoms. It took about 3 hours for the prednisone to begin working. During that time, there was a back and forth response from my body as it fought the prednisone for control. During this event, I learned that I will always use my Epipen in the future as adrenalin is not always part of the protocol at the ER. The adrenalin stops the initial reaction and may prevent the need for the prednisone later.
3490 dyrenium 10 Considerably Effective Moderate Side Effects hypertension Normal blood pressure Depletion of potassium, and heat and cold sensitivity (inability for body to regulate temp) I was diagnosed with mild hypertension at age 24. I began taking HTCZ at that age and am still on them. I also began taking Cozaar about 4 years ago as the HTCZ wasn't quite enough.
1440 tirosint 9 Considerably Effective No Side Effects hypothyroidsim Patient had tried Synthroid, and one other with Iodine which I cannot remember name of(came from pigs). I however did not ever feel any different or better from taking. Was looking to increse energy levels so tried Levothyroxine. "Synthroid OK, no side effects, the other one(made from pig hormone), my OBGYN advised not to take, said was ""gross"" and recommended Levothyroxine; been on ever since." Treatment is once a day, by mouth in the morning before ingesting any food.
1202 prozac 7 Considerably Effective No Side Effects depression I felt less anxiety and fewer down moods. none. I had hoped to have the side effect of weight loss but didn't. I didn't notice a reduction in libido as my husband did when he took Paxil. I was depressed and had a lot of nightmares and prozac reduced both of these problems. I have been taking the same dosage for nearly 20 years now.
92 pristiq 1 Ineffective Moderate Side Effects severe depression I had no benefits Nausea, dizziness, increased anxiety, and extreme irritibility. I could not control my irritability. It was out of control. I felt like I was not myself. When starting my third week on this med, I stopped. By day two I felt much better. Would not try this drug again. Had only slight nausea after stopping this medications that quickly went away. My depression worsened on this med. Would not recommend.
2207 advair-diskus 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects asthma Ever since I was littel I would use albuterol at night about once a week when needed because my breathing was so bad. Ever since I've been on advair, I no longer need albuterol. My breathing is stronger according to doctors and I enjoy exercise without having breathing complications. There are no negative side effects that I know of. In the morning I crush a pill and breath it in through the mouth peice. This is done at night as well. I continue to do this everyday day for about 5 years now.
731 claripel-cream 4 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects reaction with benzoyl peroxide The product did lighten the skin, which was the desired results. The was some redness and skin warming, but those side effects were tolerable. I had an allergic reaction when used with benzoyl peroxide. My pores became enlarged, and were plugged with blackheads. My research found that when used with benzoyl peroxide, staining and pore enlargement might be a side effect, which I did suffer. I was prescribed hydroquinone to lighten/even my skin tone prior to laser treatment of scarring due to acne. About two days in to the treatment, I noticed the pore enlargement and staining. After 10 days, I discontinued the treatment due to the side effects.
1829 yasmin 7 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects birth control Effective birth control Moodiness and weight loss Hi - I switched from Ortho Tri Cyclen to Yasim because the country I moved to did not have Ortho Tri Cyclen. It was fine but I feel like it made me moody. Although the pluses were slight weight loss. When I moved back to the US I went back to Ortho Tri Cyclen because I did not like the moodiness. Both drugs have done wonders for my skin.
3340 clarithromycin 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects lyme disease I slept well while on clarithromycin, my fatigue decreased, my intellectual function improved, and my energy level increased. metallic taste in mouth. "because my Lyme disease is chronic (but that doesn't mean incurable!), I have to continue antibiotic treatments whenever symptoms flare. the goal is to suppress symptoms, eventually, with my own strong immune system. by the way, the IDSA's recommendations for Lyme disease treatment are just plain wrong. So if you're reading this database looking for Lyme disease treatment ideas, ignore any advice that ""Lyme disease is uncommon, easily detected, and easily cured,"" and ignore the IDSA guidelines. Those idiots."
2712 prometrium 9 Highly Effective No Side Effects menapouse Deeper/more restful sleep........overall feeling of wellbeing.......minimized hot flashes none "I am taking this supplement along with bio identical hormone pellets inserted in my hip 3 times a year. All menapousal symptoms are gone, including headaches, hot flashes (every hour on the hour),memory loss and general foggyness, lack of energy, dry skin, just to name a few. I feel more alive and have a greater sense ""of purpose"" than I have had for 10 years."
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2177 zyrtec 3 Considerably Effective Severe Side Effects rhinitis "My allergy symptoms got much better. But thats what one would expect. There is not much more to say, i am just filling the ""50 words"", so go on reading." Very high blood pressure Since taking Zyrtec, my bloodpressure rose very high. First i did not recognize this was because of the Zyrtec, but discontinuing the drug brought back normal blood pressure.
839 ritalin 9 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects fibromyalgia I now have more energy, better focus, better weight control, less hypglycemia, feel more upbeat, less prone to depression. I can work more efficiently now, can get through my day without feeling like I need to lie down on the floor and sleep! I notice that if I drink caffeinated beverages I get way too jittery, whereas I used to use coffee and diet caffeinated drinks to keep my energy level up and they wouldn't bother me by making me too hyper. So I have to stay away from those. Also, if I take a dose too late in the day, I stay up too late! I have fibromyalgia, and was having a hard time with the high fatigue levels and difficulty concentrating. At first I just took Wellbutrin to help with these things, but a doctor suggested trying Ritalin for better results. It does work much better than the Wellbutrin for these symptoms.
1626 premarin 10 Highly Effective No Side Effects menopause benefits included stopping hot flashes,night sweats, hair loss, and it made my skin more supple and much less dry. there were no bad side effects at all with this medication I have been thoroughly pleased with it, i did notice being a bit more thirsty but not really bad enough to speak of or lis as a side effect my treatment consisted of taking one pill per day
2429 synthroid 7 Moderately Effective Moderate Side Effects multinodular goiter I have more energy and I feel better. I feel more hungry than usual, but I try not to overeat. Slight weight gain. Due to the hunger feeling... I have breakfast when I wake up and I take the Levothyroxine 2 hours after breakfast with a full glass of water. The hunger feeling has become less.
3660 effexor-xr 10 Highly Effective Mild Side Effects depression/anxiety "Immediately felt like ""the cloud had lifted."" Anxiety essentially disappeared and life really did get easier. Removed the sense of ""running in concrete.""" At first, sleeping was intermittent and was full of bizarre dreams. This quickly passed. Effexor was prescribed after Serzone has run it's course. Treated for depression (dysthymia) and anxiety related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Excellent results compared to Serzone and Paxil.