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Releases: Jaspersoft/jasperreports

JasperReports 6.12.2

11 Mar 11:16
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  • added support for PDF forms into the core library using custom properties at report element level
    to convert the report elements into editable text fields, lists, check boxes or radio groups when
    the report is exported to PDF format;

  • the JasperReports Web Framework providing the embeddable report viewer APIs has been removed from
    the JasperReports Library as it is now available as part of other products such as JasperReports Server,
    Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports IO; all Javascript, CSS, HTML templates, images files and servlets
    making up this framework have been removed from the core library JAR and the related /demo/samples/webapp-repo
    sample has been removed from the project distribution; the former /demo/samples/webapp sample continues
    to provide an example for using the JasperReports Library in Java web applications, but for delivering
    static/non-interactive reports in all supported export formats;

  • solved problem with the virtualization of large unpaginated reports containing large frame elements;

  • improved justified alignment for paragraphs that are cut through by page/column breaks;

  • allow use of Java Generics in the class attribute of parameters, fields and variables;

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 6.11.0

12 Dec 09:01
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  • support for noData cell added in the table component to allow displaying custom content when
    there are no detail rows in the table data source;

  • support for printWhenExpression added to table component sections to allow suppressing entire
    rows in the table and not only individual cells;

  • isStretchWithOverflow boolean property of text fields has been deprecated and replaced by the
    new textAdjust property which adds a third option to scale down the font size in order for the
    text content to fit the design size of the text field element;

  • implemented server side rendering of Javascript visualizations using the headless Google Chrome
    browser, to replace the now deprecated PhantomJS and SlimerJS based feature;

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 6.10.0

29 Sep 17:29
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  • support for image rotation;

  • various dependencies upgrades including Apache Ant 1.10.6, Jackson 2.9.9,
    Bouncy Castle 1.62 and jQuery 3.4.1;

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 6.9.0

24 Jun 19:41
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JasperReports Library 6.9.0 Change Log

  • upgrade to Hibernate 5.4.1.Final;

  • new export configurations added for embedding fonts in DOCX and PPTX exports;

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 6.8.1

23 May 07:57
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JasperReports Library 6.8.1 Change Log

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 6.8.0

26 Mar 10:39
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JasperReports Library 6.8.0 Change Log

  • support for Java 9 up to Java 11;

  • build number added to the manifest file inside the main library JAR and the other optional JAR files;

  • various dependencies upgrades including Apache Commons Collections 4.2, Castor 1.4.1, POI 4.0.1,
    Spring 5.1.4, jQuery 3.3.1 and RequireJS 2.3.6;

  • new random value data adapter and data source for easy report testing;

  • description property added to dataset variables;

  • added support for generating a slide master in the PPTX documents with the possibility to include
    PPTX built-in fields for current slide number and current date/time;

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 6.7.1

06 Mar 17:37
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JasperReports Library 6.7.1 Change Log

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 6.7.0

09 Aug 09:46
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JasperReports Library 6.7.0 Change Log

  • repository context concept added to the repository access API in order to support use
    of relative paths within the repository to reference reporting resources such as subreports,
    images, style templates, resource bundles and other;

  • the optional artifacts such as the chart themes, chart customizers, functions and fonts,
    which were previously built out of samples, have been moved to the new /ext folder inside the
    project source tree;

  • the custom visualization component extension, which was previously available as a separate project,
    has been added to the /ext folder as an optional artifact and can be tested using the sample
    inside the /demo/samples/customvisualization folder;

  • deprecated BeanShell (BSH) report compiler has been removed from the library;

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 6.6.0

30 May 12:49
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JasperReports Library 6.6.0 Change Log

  • upgrade to Java 8; starting with this release, the binary distribution of the JR library
    is compiled for the Java 8 platform and is no longer guaranteed to be compatible with Java 7;

  • deprecated file resolver built-in parameters have been removed, while the FileResolver interface
    and its related APIs have been now deprecated themselves and prepared for future removal.

  • enhanced repository service API to support relative paths when referencing resources;

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

JasperReports 6.5.1

12 Jan 10:53
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JasperReports Library 6.5.1 Change Log

  • configuration property added to exclude UUIDs attributes from the JRXML report source format
    produced by the JRXmlWriter class.

  • added new group level attribute to control the reprinting of group headers on each column,
    in vertically filled multi-column reports.

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;