Each team will have their own branch. Please check with your team lead before pushing any changes to the main branch.
This documentation is a good Git reference in order to maintain an Agile workflow between teams during this project.
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Team-1 Team-2 Team-3
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[T1-Branches] [T2-Branches] [T3-Branches]
git fetch origin
- this will update your machine to the remote repo
git merge origin/main
- You can replace main with any branch name to merge FROM that branch
If there are any conflicts, just go into your editor and fix them, it'll point them out and the differences. Pick and choose what you want. Afterwards...
git add .
git commit -m "Your message"
git push
git fetch origin
git checkout <yourbranchname>
git rm -r --cached <filename, filepath, or folder name>
git status
- for more information on what you need to do.
git log --graph --all
- to view all activity of every branch in the repository.
If you run across any helpful resources or other troubleshooting tips, please share them here on this markdown file to share with others.