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Synthetic Biology LIMS logo

Synthetic Biology Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)

CircleCI Codacy Badge codecov dependency status for GitHub repo Updates Python 3 gitmoji semantic-release GitHub all releases

💡Lessons Learned

  • Gathering business requirements and scoping project feature development
  • Prototyping Single Page Application User Interface in AdobeXD
  • Creating new, meaningful SVG illustrations by combining and altering existing free SVG illustrations
  • Architected SQL Database to Boyce-Codd Normal form in UML
  • Using PostgreSQL with Django
  • Implementing JSON Web Token authentication with Redis in Django
  • Designing an API, especially in Django using django-rest-framework
  • Implementing React Hooks
  • Implementing complex state management in Redux
  • Writing React and Redux in Typescript
  • Integration testing React and Redux with Jest and react-testing-library
  • End to end automation testing with Cypress
  • Unit and Integration testing Django with pytest
  • Behavioral Driven Testing: test the expected result, not the implementation details
  • Implementing Test Driven Development: write tests as you go
  • Implementing Domain Driven Development: start and finish features based on user stories
  • Working with python virtual environment (virtualenv) for python dependency management
  • Dockerizing the development environment for coordinating the following services: Django, PostgreSQL, Redis, and React
  • Setting up linting with Prettier and Husky
  • Setting up standardized commit messages with gitmoji
  • Compressing files with Webpack and zipping files with brotli

🛠 Technologies

Protoyping Graphic Design Front-End Back-End Database Deployment Testing
Adobe XD Adobe XD React Python3 PostgreSQL Git Jest
. Freepik Redux Django Redis circleci React Testing Library
. . Typescript Django Rest Framework . Docker Cypress
. . ES6 Celery . Kubernetes PyTest
. . React Router . . AWS Lambda .
. . Formik . . AWS Aurora .
. . Styled Components . . AWS API Gateway .
. . Material UI . . . .
  • note that italicized text indicates that the technology has not been applied yet

⚖️ Methodology

  • Single Page Application for a better user experience.
  • Separated front-end and back-end to avoid a monolithic architecture and to lay the foundation of a microservices architecture.
  • Microservices architecture for decoupled business logic and more flexibility for adaptations in the future.
  • React for front-end for the component-based approach to writing code, one-way data flow, and virtual document-object-model (DOM). Chose React over Angular and Vue since I have the most experience with React.
  • Redux for managing state in React since this is a large application and managing React states would become unweidly in the long run.
  • React and Redux both written in Typescript to leverage static typing for a more secure and well-tested application.
  • Styled Components for styling for leveraging the power and benefits of CSS-in-JS.
  • Django RESTful API for back-end. Django-rest-framework to simplify Create, Read, Update, and Delete routes. I've built a Django REST API without the help of a framework and there are no benefits to building routes at a lower level.
  • Celery for asynchronous operations within Python since Django asynchronous support is still just for views (as of v3.1).
  • SQL Database for leveraging the benefits of relational databases
  • PostgreSQL as the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) since it has more features integrations in Django
  • Docker containerization of the application while in development mode because there are four different services and docker-compose provides automation for starting and ending the services.
  • circleci for continuous integration and continuous delivery since I have the most experience with circleci. Considered using Jenkins, but my focus as a Web Developer is not DevOps.

⚙️ Features

  • Manage user groups
  • Manage chemical/biological inventory
  • Manage protocols
  • Manage projects (made up of protocols)
  • Manage jobs (completing the protocol in a project)
  • Manage products (output from a job)

📐 Tests

  • Interactive code coverage diagram on codecov. The code coverage takes into account both the Django unit tests and the React unit/integration tests.
  • Django unit and the React unit/integration junit.xml test reports and code coverage artifacts automatically uploaded to circleci.

🚀 Getting Started

System requirements:

  • Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed and running on your computer. If you installed PostgreSQL with Homebrew, then you can start PostgreSQL with brew services start postgresql
  • Make sure you have Redis installed and running on your computer. If you installed Redis with Homebrew, then you can start Redis with brew services start redis
  • Create an .env file in the root directory with the following key: ENV_API_SERVER=
  • Create an .env file in the django-backend directory with the following keys:
    SECRET_KEY= localhost [::1]
  • Create an .env file in the postgres directory with the following keys:

To run this project on your system with Docker:

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed and running on your computer
  2. In your terminal, navigate to the root of this repository and run docker-compose up (Docker will automatically run docker-compose up --build for the first setup phase)

⚠️ Important: if you are getting conflict errors, you should run docker stop <container name> that is already running in the background.
⚠️ Important: if you are getting other errors, you should run docker-compose down to bring everything down, and start over.

To run this project on your system manually (without Docker):

  1. Ensure that python3, python3-pip, and python3-venv are installed on your system
  2. (For first time running this application) run python3 -m venv venv to create the virtual environment. Navigate to the directory django-backend and run source venv/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment. (For first time running this application) Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the django dependencies
  3. (If you need to set up local database) Navigate to the directory django-backend and run python3 migrate and then python3 makemigrations
  4. While still in the django-backend directory, run python3 runserver to start the server
  5. (For first time running this application) Navigate to the directory react-frontend/frontend and run npm install to install the react dependencies
  6. Open a new terminal tab or window, navigate to the directory react-frontend/frontend, and run npm start
  7. To view the application in a web browser, visit http://localhost:3000

To contribute to this project on your system:

  • Ensure that git lfs is installed on your system. Download the extension here
  • To make git commits, navigate to the root directory, add files to git staging with git add <path/to/file>, and then run git commit to activate the Gitmoji interactive prompt in your terminal. Here's a preview of the interactive prompt. After completing the prompt, exit with :wq
  • If making updates, be sure to add [skip ci] to the git commit message in order to prevent running unneccessary tests in continuous integration and deployment.

🔒 License

Copyright Notice and Statement: currently not offering any license. Permission only to view and download. Refer to choose a license for more info.