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Class 18


An iterator allows you to traverse a container

int a[ SIZE ]; // fill a
for ( int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i )
	cout << a[ i ] << endl;

We will use procedural abstraction and data abstraction to iterate over a container

Templated linked list

int main( )
	List<int> il; // ( )
	il.PushFront( 1 ); // ( 1 )
	il.PushFront( 2 ); // ( 2 1 )
	cout << il.Front( ); // 2
	il.PopFront( ); // ( 1 )
	il.PopFront( ); // ( )
	cout << il.IsEmpty( ); // true

Our iterator will work a lot like using a pointer to traverse an array

int a[ SIZE ];
// Fill a with data, then print.
for ( int *p = a; p < a + SIZE; ++p )
	cout << *p << endl;

List< int > b;
// Fill b with data, then print.
for ( List<int>::Iterator i = b.begin( ); i != b.end(); ++i )
	cout << *i << endl;

Iterator functions

List< int > b;
for ( /*1*/ List<int>::Iterator i = b.begin( ); /*4*/i != b.end( ); /*3*/++i )
	cout << /*2*/*i << endl;
  1. Create an iterator with a constructor
  2. Get the T at the iterator's current position
  3. Move the iterator to the next position
  4. Compare two iterators


We'll have two classes:

  1. One List class, that holds T's
  2. One Iterator class, that returns each T in the List


There are two problems we need to solve:

  1. For the Iterator to do its job, it needs to have access to the Node type, which is a private type inside List
  2. The Iterator needs to return a type T, which should be the exact same type T that is inside the List


We can solve both problems by declaring the Iterator class inside the List class

From the outside, we can refer to our new Iterator class by specifying the scope: List<int>::Iterator


We can use a Node* pointer to keep track of the current node

class Iterator
		Node *node_ptr;
		Iterator( );	// Create
		T& operator*( ) const;	// Get
		Iterator& operator++( );	// Move
		bool operator!=( Iterator rhs )
			const;	//Compare

The invariant on node_ptr is that is points to the current node in the underlying List, and nullptr (same as NULL or 0) otherwise

List does not need to change

Iterator( ); // Create new Iterator
T &operator*( ) const; // Get T from node
Iterator &operator++( ); // Move to next node
bool operator!=( Iterator rhs ) const; // Compare two Iterators

int main( )
	List<int> b; // fill b
	for ( List<int>::Iterator i = b.begin( ); i != b.end( ); ++i )
		cout << *i << endl;

Create new iterator: Iterator()

Now we can define (implement) each Iterator method


The constructor establishes the invariant on node_ptr

It's okay to implement short functions in the class declaration

class List
		class Iterator
				Node *node_ptr;
				Iterator( ) : node_ptr( nullptr )
				// "past the end" by
				// default
			// ...

Get T at the iterator's current position

The dereference operator returns a reference to the datum at the current Iterator position

class List
		class Iterator
				Node *node_ptr;
				T &operator*( ) const
					assert( node_ptr != nullptr );
					return node_ptr->datum;
				// ...

The assert() stops execution is you try to use an iterator "pass the end"

The Iterator has a pointer to the Node created by the List, and the Node's data members are all public because it is a struct

Move to next position: operator++

The prefix increment operator moves to the next List node

class List
		class Iterator
				Node *node_ptr;
				Iterator &operator++( )
					assert( node_ptr );
					node_ptr = node_ptr->next;
					return *this;
				// ...

Comparing iterators: !=

We need a way to compare two iterators

class List
		// ...
		class Iterator
			Node *node_ptr;
			bool operator!=
				( Iterator rhs ) const
				return node_ptr !=
			// ...

Missing piece

We need to know where to start and where to end, and this ability is typically implemented as member functions called begin() and end() inside the container, not in the iterator

Implementing end()

Returns a default Iterator object, "past the end" position

class List
		class Iterator { /*...*/ };
		Iterator end( ) const
			return Iterator( );

Implementing begin()

Returns an Iterator object pointing to the first List position

class List
		Node *first; // points to
				// first Node
		// ...
		class Iterator { /*...*/ };
		Iterator begin( ) const
			return Iterator( first );

We need another Iterator constructor with a Node* input

No one outside List should see this, so make it private

class List
		class Iterator
				// ...
				Iterator( Node* p ) : node_ptr( p )
		Iterator begin( ) const
			return Iterator( first );
  • Iterator( Node* p ) is private to the Iterator class
  • begin( ) is a member function of List, not Iterator
  • Therefore, begin( ) cannot access Iterator( Node* p )
Solution: friend classes

The friend declaration allows you to expose the private members of one class to another class (and only that class)

class List
		class Iterator
			// ...
			Iterator( Node* p ) :
				node_ptr( p ) { }
			friend class List;
		Iterator begin( ) const
			return Iterator( first );

Now, begin() can access Iterator(Node* p), but clients of List cannot

Understanding that friendship is something given, not taken, will help you remember that "friend class List;" goes inside Iterator, not the other way around


List<int> il;
il.PushFront( 3 );
il.PushFront( 2 );
il.PushFront( 1 );

for ( List<int>::Iterator i = il.begin( ); i != il.end( ); ++i )
	cout << *i << " ";

cout << endl;
1 2 3 

Example with C++11

Range for automatically starts at il.begin() and ends before il.end()

Range for works with any container that has a "standard" iterator like our List

List<int> il;
// fill il

for ( auto i:il )
	// i is as copy of a datum
	cout << i << " ";

cout << endl;
1 2 3 

Using iterators

This allows us to write any number of algorithms that must examine every entry of a list, without:

  • Needing to udnerstand the mechanics of how Lists actually work
  • Requiring that the designer of the List class knew everything that the client wanted in advance

In other words, we have successfully created a function abstraction to access a container

Mutliple iterators

Sine the Iterator is an object, we can have more than one pointing to the same List

List<int> il; //fill with ( 2 3 )
auto i = il.begin( ); // List<int>::Iterator
auto j = i; // List<int>::Iterator
cout << "*i = " << *i << endl;
cout << "*j = " << *j << endl;
*i = 2
*j = 3


A function that checks a list for duplicates

Below is code that works for an array

// EFFECTS: returns true if a
// contains no duplicates

bool HasNoDuplicates( int a[ ], int size )
	for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
		for ( int j = i + 1; j < size; ++j )
			if ( a[ i ] == a[ j ] )
				return false;
	return true;

Below is code that works for List

bool HasNoDuplicates( const List<int> &l )
	for ( auto i=il.begin( ); i != il.end( ); ++i )
		auto j = i;
		++j; //this will increment an iterator
		for ( ; j != il.end( ); ++j )
			if ( *i == *j )
				return false;
	return true;

We cannot use Range for with i, because i would be an int, not an Iterator

Big Three

Do we need it? Iterator has one member variable Node *node_ptr, which is a pointer to dynamically allocated memory

No, because memory is already managed by the List:

  1. If you allocated the memory with new, you need to deallocate it with delete
  2. Iterator does not allocate memory, and therefore does not need to deallocate
  3. List allocates memory for its nodes, and also deallocates

Iterator invalidation

Once an iterator is created, if the underlying container is modified, the iterator may become invalid, dependent on the container

If the iterator is invalidated, its behavior is undefined, much like an invalid pointer

The intuition behind this is that the iterator depends on the representation of the container - if that changes, the iterator is likely to miss an element or return an element that no longer exists

It is your responsibility to keep your Iterator within the bounds of your container

#include "List.h"
int main( )
	List<int> il; //fill with ( 2 3 )
	auto i = il.begin( );
	il.PopFront( );
	cout << *i; //Undefined!

Iterators and pointers

  • Iterators have a lot in common with pointers
  • Both can refer to objects that don't exist any more
  • Be careful!