The purpose of a container is to hold other objects
Set< int > is;
Set< string > chickens;
We used generic programming to write the algorithm and specify the type later
template < typename T >
class Set
Set( );
void insert( T v );
void remove( T v );
bool query( T v ) const;
int size( ) const;
static const int NumberAllocated = 100;
T elements[ NumberAllocated ];
int numberOfElements;
int index_of( T v ) const;
Declare Set using T instead of int
template < typename T >
int Set< T >::index_of( T v ) const
for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfElements; ++i )
if ( elements[ i ] == v )
return i;
return NumberAllocated;
How many elements must index_of
examine in teh worst case if there are 10 elements? It must examine 10 elements.
We say the time for index_of grows linearly with the size of the set.
If there are N elements in the set, we have to examine all N of them in the worst case. For large sets that perform lots of queries, this might be too expensive.
Luckily, we can replace this implementation with a different one that can be more efficient. The only change we need to make is to the representation – the abstraction can stay precisely the same.
We can improve our set efficiency by keeeping elements in sorted order
We have to change remove( )
to "squish" the array
void Set< T >::remove( T v )
int gap = index_of( v );
if ( gap == NumberAllocated )
return; //not found
--numberOfElements; //one less element
while ( gap < numberOfElements )
//there are elements to our right
elements[ gap ] = elements[ gap + 1 ];
We also have to change insert( )
to place a new element in its sorted position
template < typename T >
void Set< T >::insert( T v )
if ( index_of( v ) != NumberAllocated )
assert( numberOfElements < NumberAllocated ); //REQUIRES
int cand = numberOfElements - 1; // largest element
while ( ( cand >= 0 ) && elements[ cand ] > v )
elements[ cand + 1 ] = elements[ cand ];
// Now, cand points to the left of the "gap"
elements[ cand + 1 ] = v;
++numberOfElements; // repair invariant
We can improve index_of( )
- Compare foo against the middle element of the array and there are three possibilities:
- foo = the middle element.
- foo < the middle element.
- foo > the middle element.
- The comparison with the middle element eliminates at least half of the array from consideration! Then, we repeat the same thing over again.
A nonempty array has at least one element in it, so right >= left
int Set::index_of( T v ) const
int left = 0,
right = numberOfElements - 1;
while ( right >= left )
int size = right - left + 1,
middle = left + size/2;
if ( elements[ mi`ddle ] == v )
return middle;
if ( elements[ middle ] < v )
left = middle + 1;
right = middle - 1;
return NumberAllocated;
If this array has N elements, you'll need "about" log base 2 (N) comparisions to search it
We only need 7 comparisions in the worst case with 100 elements. This is called a binary search
and remove
are still linear O(N), but query( )
becomes O(log N)
We do not need to modify our main()
program, becuase of data abstraction. Our interface remains unchanged.
Now we have two files, UnorderedSet.h
and OrderedSet.h
#include "UnorderedSet.h"
#include "OrderedSet.h"
//Select one implementation
template < typename T >
using Set = OrderedSet< T >;
int main( )
Set< int > is;
Set< string > chickens;
- We could have implemented these two ADTs using dynamic polymorphism (
class Set { /*...*/ };
class UnorderedSet : public Set { /*...*/ };
class OrderedSet : public Set { /*...*/ };
We used static polymorphism, because the type didn't change at run time
- An invariant is something that is always true
- A representation invariant applies to the data members of an ADT
- Recall that member variables are a class's representation
- A representation invariant must be true immediately before and immediately after any member function execution
- Think of it as a "sanity check" for the ADT
The first numberOfElements
members of elements
contain the integers comprising the set, with no duplicates
bool UnorderedSet::check_invariant( )
for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfElements; ++i )
for ( int j = i + 1; j < numberOfElements; ++j )
if ( elements[ i ] == elements[ j ] )
return false;
return true;
The nested loop in check_invariant()
might be slow, and you may wish to diable the assert for production code
You can disable the assert the following ways:
- Add a line of code
#define NDEBUG
- Sepcify it on the command line of the compiler
g++ -DNDEBUG ...
- Disable only that check
The first numberOfElements
members of elements
contain the integers comprising the set, from lowest to highest, with no duplicates
template < typename T >
bool OrderedSet< T >::check_invariant( ) const
for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfElements - 1; ++i )
if ( elements[ i ] >= elements[ i + 1 ] )
return false;
return true;
Use assert( )
with check_invariant( )
to ensure that the representation invariant is true
#include <cassert>
template <typename T>
void OrderedSet< T >::insert( T v )
assert( check_invariant( ) );