Releases: JAndrassy/WiFiEspAT
The 1.2.0 release solves two significant problems of previous versions.
The previous versions didn't handle the instance copies of WiFiClient and WiFiUdpSender class well. The copies are created by returning an object from a function by copy, assigning it to other object, passing it by value to a function. This is how the Arduino networking API requires it. In previous versions the BuffStream in all copies referenced the buffers in the first instance which wasn't guaranteed to live if in stack. In most usual Arduino use-cases it worked, but it was haphazard. Additionally, the Server's available() method can by the specification return a new WiFiClient object for the same linkId and this should use the same BuffStream as all other WiFiClient instances for this incoming linkId.
A couple of fixes clear the availability of received data on a closed link. With WiFiEspAT library the incoming data are buffered at two levels. First level is in the AT firmware. After it received all the data to buffer and closed the connection, the yet unread data are still available to read. Second buffering is in library's BuffStream. Here still can be data available even the firmware and EspAtDrv are done with the link and it can be used for a new connection. Previous versions in some cases denied access to the buffered data if the link was closed or allowed new connection on link with data still buffered in AT firmware.
Small enhancements and fixes:
- added WiFiSSLClient only for Jiri Billek's special firmware.
- WiFiServer - added bool operator for
if (server)
check - removed getLinkId(), because it must not be available
- WiFi.sleepMode() - new function
- WiFi.hostname() new function
- STM32duino cores compatibility
- WiFiEspAtBuffStream - fix compilation error with Arduino mbed core
- EspAtDrv.cpp - in close() always clear link.available. it was not cleared if TCP connection was already closed in readRX()
- write(file) and write(callback) functions for efficient sending
- SDWebServerExample
- linkId and LINKS_COUNT made available for sketch
- WiFiUdpSender fix for AT 1.7.1
- ERROR log level fix
- EspATDrv AT+CIPRECVDATA sends buffer size as lenght, not 'available' count (to receive as many bytes as possible at time)