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Cleaning Data in

File metadata and controls

117 lines (102 loc) · 7.9 KB

Cleaning Data in Python

Data Type Constraints

  • Checking dtypes of columns:
    • df.dtypes # dytpes
    • # dtypes and missing values
  • String to integers
    • df['col'] = df['col'].str.strip('character e.g $') # remove special characters
    • df['col'] = df['col'].astype('int') # convert col to int
    • assert df['col'].dtype == 'int' # confirming col is now integer; returns nothing if true, and assertionerror otherwise
  • Numerical variables to categorical e.g if Marriage col has values 0 for unmarried, 1 for married, and 2 for divorced
    • df['col'] = df['col'].astype('category')

Dealing with out of range values

  • Outliers in categorical data can be seen when you plot a histogram, and there are connected bars

  • Options to deal with out of range data:

    • Drop the data, but only drop data when a small proportion of your dataset is affected by out of range values
      df['col'] = df[df['col'] <= 5] # Drop values using filtering
      df.drop(df[df['col'] <= 5].index, inplace = True) # Drop using .drop()
    • Setting custom minimums or maximums to your columns
      df.loc[df['col'] > 5, 'col'] = 5 # Set col > 5 to 5
    • Treat data as missing, and impute
    • Setting a custom value dependent on the business assumptions behind our data
  • Converting object to date type
    df['col'] = pd.to_datetime(df['col']) # converting object to date
    today_date = # date today

Uniqueness Constraints

  • To find duplicate rows:
    cols = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3'] # column names to check for duplication
    duplicates = df.duplicated(subset = 'cols', keep = 'first') # keep can be first/last/False (False keeps all)

  • To drop duplicates: df.drop_duplicates(inplace = True) # without subset defined, drops complete duplicates. Keep first is default behaviour

  • Exercise:

    • Treat duplicated rows by first dropping complete duplicates.
    • Then merge the incomplete duplicate rows into one while keeping the average duration, and the minimum user_birth_year for each set of incomplete duplicate rows.
    • Use groupby and summary statistics for the exercise
    • Treating Complete and Incomplete Duplicates
  • To sort dataframe: df.sort_values(by= ['col1, col2'], ascending=False)[['col1, col2']] #sorts in descending order

Text and categorical data problems

Membership problems

  • Categorical data represent variables that have predefined finite set of categories. Examples of this range from marriage status, household income categories, loan status and others
  • Since categorical data represent a predefined set of categories, they can't have values that go beyond these predefined categories
  • To deal with inconsistent categories, we use two main types of joins:
    • Anti joins, take in two DataFrames A and B, and return data from one DataFrame that is not contained in another
    • Inner joins, return only the data that is contained in both DataFrames
  • To deal with inconsistent categories:
    inconsistent_categories = set(df1['col']).difference(df_categories['col']) # get inconsistent categories
    inconsistent_rows = df1['col'].isin(inconsistent_categories) # get inconsistent rows
    inconsistent_data = df1['inconsistent_rows'] # get inconsistent data
    consistent_data = df1[~inconsistent_rows] # get consistent data

Value Inconsistencies

  • A common categorical data problem is having values that slightly differ because of capitalization
  • To count unique values:
    • df['col'].value_counts() # works with series only
    • df.groupby('col').count() # works with dataframe
  • To sort issue, you can uppercase or lowercase column as:
    • df['col'] = df['col'].str.lower()
  • Another common problem with categorical values are leading or trailing spaces. Sorted by:
    • df = df['col'].str.strip()
  • To create named categories out of data e.g. creating incoming groups from income data, we use pd.cut():
    • ranges = [0, 200000, 500000, np.inf] # define ranges
    • group_names = ['0-200K', '200K-500K', '500K+'] # define labels
    • df['income_group'] = pd.cut(df['income'], bins=ranges, labels=group_names) # create income group column
  • To reduce categories to fewer ones, we create a mapping dictionary and replace as:
    • mapping_dict = {'old_cat1' : 'new_cat1', 'old_cat2' : 'new_cat1', ....}
    • df['col'] = df['col'].replace(mapping_dict)

Treating Date Data

  • Converting column with multiple date formats to datetime object:
    df['col'] = pd.to_datetime(df['col'], infer_datetime_format=True, errors='coerce') # errors='coerce' return NaT for rows whose conversion failed
    df['col'] = df['col'].dt.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") #format datetime col
    df['year'] = df['col'].dt.strftime("%Y") #Extract Year Column

Cross Field Validation (CFD)

  • A common challenge when merging data from different sources is data integrity
  • CFD is the use of multiple fields in your dataset to sanity check the integrity of your data
  • Example of CFD in flights data:
    • CFD in Flight Data
  • Example of CFD in Age and Birthday data:
    • CFD in Age and Birthday Data

Missing Data

  • Get summary of missingness: df.isna().sum()
  • Missingness types:
    • Missing Completely at Random (MCAR) - no systematic relationship between missing data and other values. Stems from data entry errors
    • Missing at Random (MAR) - is when there is a systematic relationship between missing data and other observed values e.g CO2 data being missing for low temperatures
    • Missing Not at Random (MNAR) - there is a systematic relationship between the missing data and unobserved values e.g. when it's really hot outside, the thermometer might stop working, so we don't have temperature measurements for days with high temperatures

Treating Missing Data

  • Dropping missing values: df = df.dropna(subset = ['col'])
  • Replacing with statistical measures:
    col_mean = df['col'].mean()
    df_imputed = df.fillna({'col': col_mean})

Record Linkage

  • Record linkage is a powerful technique used to merge multiple datasets together, used when values have typos or different spellings
  • Commonly used to link records by calculating the similarity between strings— which can be used to join two datasets into one clean master dataset

Minimum Edit Distance (MED)

  • Minimum edit distance is a systematic way to identify how close 2 strings are

  • For example, consider the following two words: intention, and execution

  • The minimum edit distance between them is the least possible amount of steps, that could get us from the word intention to execution, with the available operations being:

    • inserting new characters, deleting them, substituting them, and transposing consecutive characters.
  • The lower the edit distance, the closer two words are

  • To perform simple string comparison:
    from thefuzz import fuzz
    fuzz.WRatio('Reeding', 'Reading') # compare two words

  • To compare a string with an array of strings:

    • Compare string with array fuzzy
  • To collapse many categories, the .replace() method may not be feasible. To achieve this, we can use string similarity:

    • Collapsing of many variations using string similarity