Level: Medium
Author: HaCk0
After the previous fiasco with multiple bugs in Notme (some intended and some not), Santa released a now truly secure note taking app for you. Introducing: Noty, a fixed version of Notme.
Also Santa makes sure that this service runs on green energy. No pollution from this app ;)
We are given a fixed version of challenge 10. This time, however, we cannot simply change the password of a different user. Instead, we get a 403 response code:
{"msg":"Not allowed to change other users"}
The description gives us a hint into the right direction though. We are supposed to use some kind of Prototype Pollution. The pollution exploit can be used with several endpoints. I used it during the registration:
{"username":"test","password":"test" "__proto__":{"role": "admin"}}
This sets the role of our newly registered user to admin
and we are able to see the flag