Level: Medium
Author: HaCk0
Santa brings you another free gift! We are happy to announce a free note taking webapp for everybody. No account name restriction, no filtering, no restrictions and the most important thing: no bugs! Because it cannot be hacked, Santa decided to name it Notme = Not me you can hack!
Or can you?
For this challenge we are given a webervice that saves notes. My first thought was that the flag would be stored in a note of a different user. Therefore, I tried to access notes of the "admin account" by modifying requests. After a while I stumbled accross the password reset which performed the following request:
POST https://5b860491-0f85-42c2-bf07-a364e00c08d2.idocker.vuln.land/api/user/1
{ "password":"test" }
I tried to enumerate different user ids and figured out that there was a user with id 1337
(most likely the admin). My
suspicion was confirmed when I saw the response of the password reset:
After this I was able to login with the username "Santa" and the newly set password. And there I got the flag:
. This was actually not the intended way of solving this challenge. There was a blind SQL
injection in the input field but this was probably much easier than the intended solution ;)