- Fill in the puzzle in all capital letters
- The initial letters of each word are the solution - in order the same order the questions are asked:
- horizontal words: top to bottom
- vertical words: left to right
- A diagram of arrows not allowing cycles
- A handbag for carrying around money
- Very, very secure
- Golf: number of strokes required
- Congo between 1971 and 1997
- State of appearing everywhere
- Tuples in everyday language
- Makes you laugh or silences you
- Plea by many doctors right now
- Put in parcels
- Lets you change user
- ...-test
- How you should transmit your data
- Need to squash them - fix your code!
- Attributed to a marquis - no pain, no gain.
- Doing something in a way that causes fatigue is doing it...
- A drink you may need after finishing this puzzle.
- the words are in order (ltr & ttb): first hint is for the top left horizontal word
- number means number of chars in word
- check the title - do you need all the letters?
- we know how to hide gridlines
- what seems redundant really isn't - it's the key you seek
To solve this challenge, I simply filled out parts of the crossword puzzle and xored the letters with the numbers representing the number of characters. You can see the filled out puzzle here:
From this I could guess the flag HV{welcometohackvent}