This API exposes all resources and data provided by a Hydra node; and is the preferred way of interacting with the Hydra network. Note that each node has its own internal blockchain and state, meaning it may have forked or be out of sync, causing queries to fail.
Retrieve the latest block and supply of the blockchain.
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"data": {
"block": {
Blocks are added every eight seconds to the blockchain by a Delegate Node. Due to network/technical errors, a Delegate might miss a block. The time between two blocks is then 16 seconds, as the round continues to the next Delegate.
All state changes to the blockchain are in the form of blocks; they contain a set of transactions and metadata. A block is rejected if one or more of the transactions is invalid; or if the metadata is invalid. Thus a block returned from the Hydra API is always valid.
The Hydra API may be used to query for blocks. This dataset contains millions of blocks; thus for analytical purposes, we recommend you use the Elasticsearch plugin or query the database directly.
Name | Type | Description |
page | int | The number of the page that will be returned. |
limit | int | The number of resources per page. |
id | string | The identifier of the block to be retrieved. |
height | int | The height of the block to be retrieved. |
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"meta": {
"data": [
Blocks may be retrieved by ID or by height. The height is an incremental integer.
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | The identifier of the block to be retrieved. |
height | int | The height of the block to be retrieved. |
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"data": {
Instead of deserializing the block’s payload; you can also obtain the transactions of each block as proper transaction objects directly.
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | The identifier of the block to be retrieved. |
height | int | The height of the block to be retrieved. |
page | int | The number of the page that will be returned. |
limit | int | The number of resources per page. |
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"meta": {
The node resource is useful for service discovery, health checks, and obtaining network configurations, such as fees, API, and token information.
Used to access a node’s configuration and the network it is attached to (identified by the nethash
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"minimumVersions":["^2.6 || ^2.6.0-next.9"]
Used to access a node’s configuration for the @arkecosystem/crypto
package that handles all cryptography operations.
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"messagePrefix":"HYD message:\n",
Used to access a node’s fee statistics.
Name | Type | Description |
days | int | The number of days which will be regarded. |
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The status allows for health checking, showing if the node is in sync with the network.
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"messagePrefix":"HYD message:\n",
The syncing resource is very much alike node/status, providing information on the syncing progress. If a node is not syncing but significantly behind in blocks, it might be time to perform a check.
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The peers resource is much like the node resource, but only exposes the IPs and ports of connected peers. Recursively traversing this API and its responses allow you to inspect the entire network.
Returns all peers known by the node. These are not necessarily all peers; only public nodes appear here.
Name | Description |
page | The number of the page that will be returned. |
limit | The number of resources per page. |
orderBy | The column by which the resources will be sorted. |
port | The port by which the resources will be filtered. |
status | The status by which the resources will be filtered. |
os | The operating system by which the resources will be filtered. |
version | The node version by which the resources will be filtered. |
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Specific peers can be found by IP address. Note that a peer may have their Hydra API disabled, and thus they are only reachable by the internal p2p API.
Name | Description |
ip | The IP address of the peer to be retrieved. |
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Transactions are signed, serialized payloads; batched together to form a block.
The paginated API is used to query for multiple transactions. You can apply filters through the query parameter to search for specific transactions.
Name | Description |
page | The number of the page that will be returned. |
limit | The number of resources per page. |
orderBy | The column by which the resources will be sorted. |
type | The transaction type to be retrieved. |
blockId | The block id to be retrieved. |
id | The transaction id to be retrieved. |
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"vendorField":"Delegate germanyambassador at your service",
Obtaining a transaction by ID does not require advanced logic; as the API does not return a serialized transaction, but a nicer DTO.
Name | Description |
id | The transaction id to be retrieved. |
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"vendorField":"Delegate germanyambassador at your service",
Unconfirmed transactions have not been incorporated in the blockchain, but reside in the mempool. Although usually the mempool is cleared within minutes, during high network load a transaction with a low fee will live here for a considerable time. If you have set the transaction with a fee of near zero, it might not be picked up by a Delegate and will time out.
Name | Description |
page | The number of the page that will be returned. |
limit | The number of resources per page. |
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As with confirmed transactions, you may query for unconfirmed transactions directly.
Name | Description |
id | The transaction id to be retrieved. |
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Creating the correct payload for a transaction is non-trivial, as it requires cryptographic functions and a specific serialization protocol. Our crypto SDKs provide the functionality needed in most major programming languages. You can read more about it in the send transaction section.
Name | Description |
transactions | The list of transactions to broadcast. |
The static transaction fees are significantly higher than the dynamic transaction fees. Use the node resource to find dynamic fees, and prefer using these.
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The transaction types are network specific. Hydra currently supports twelve different transaction types.
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Wallets are addresses containing, or previously having contained Hydra's. A wallet’s public key may be unknown to the network, in that case, it is referred to as a cold wallet.
A paginated API is provided to obtain all wallets, including empty ones.
Name | Description |
page | The number of the page that will be returned. |
limit | The number of resources per page. |
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Specific wallets can be obtained either by their publicKey or address.
Name | Description |
id | The publicKey or address of the wallet to be retrieved. |
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All transactions belonging to a wallet can be obtained using this API.
Name | Description |
id | The publicKey or address of the wallet to be retrieved. |
page | The number of the page that will be returned. |
limit | The number of resources per page. |
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Outgoing transactions can be obtained for each wallet using this API.
Name | Description |
id | The publicKey or address of the wallet to be retrieved. |
page | The number of the page that will be returned. |
limit | The number of resources per page. |
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Incoming transactions can be obtained as well, Equivalent to transactions/search with parameter recipientId set.
Name | Description |
id | The publicKey or address of the wallet to be retrieved. |
page | The number of the page that will be returned. |
limit | The number of resources per page. |
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Returns all votes made by the wallet.
Name | Description |
id | The publicKey or address of the wallet to be retrieved. |
page | The number of the page that will be returned. |
limit | The number of resources per page. |
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