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Akin C edited this page Aug 29, 2017 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the Javascript-higher-order-functions- wiki!

Higherorder functions in Javascript are known as callback functions. They are functions which are used as an argument in another function or return a function as a result. An simple example could be as follows:

function mainFunction(a, b, callback)
    var result = callback(a, b);
    return result; 

function callbackFunction(x, y)
   return x * y;

console.log(mainFunction(2, 2, callbackFunction));//Outputs 4

One thing which is important to understand is that callbackFunction could be defined differently (e.g. return x + y) and it will still work fine. Following this insight, High-order functions gives the developer a certain flexibility to change or write callback functions as they need it whithin a specific frame.

Another way is to write a callback function as an anonymous function, like this:

function mainFunction(a, b, callback)
    var result = callback(a, b);
    return result; 

//a = 2 and b = 2
var output = mainFunction
		return x * y;


console.log(output)//Outputs 4

The anonymous version could be often seen in jQuery.

Javascript offers already useful Higher-order functions. The following listed are used in this project:

  1. forEach()
  2. map()
  3. filter()
  4. reduce()
  5. reduceRight()
  6. sort()

Those six have some properties in comon, like:


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