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PostgreSQL Notes

Setup on Mac

Reference: Setting up a PostgreSQL Database on Mac

$ brew install postgresql
$ brew services start postgresql
$ psql postgres
> CREATE ROLE new_username WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';
> ALTER ROLE new_username CREATEDB;
> \q
$ psql postgres -U new_username

psql commands

Reference: PostgreSQL - Psql commands - GeeksforGeeks

# Connect to a database that resides on another host
# -h: host
# -d: database name
# -U: database user
$ psql -h host -d database -U user -W

# Switch connection to a new database
> \c dbname

# List available databases
> \l
# List available tables
> \dt
# Describe a table such as a column, type, modifiers of columns, etc.
> \d table_name

# Display command history
# Know all available psql commands
# Get help
> \h
# Exit psql shell
> \q

Change type definition


tl; dr:

ALTER TYPE status_enum RENAME VALUE 'waiting' TO 'blocked';

-- rename the existing type
ALTER TYPE status_enum RENAME TO status_enum_old;

-- create the new type
CREATE TYPE status_enum AS ENUM('queued', 'running', 'done');

-- update the columns to use the new type
ALTER TABLE job ALTER COLUMN job_status TYPE status_enum USING job_status::text::status_enum;

-- remove the old type
DROP TYPE status_enum_old;

Another way with psql:

  • \dT show list of user-defined types.
  • \dT+ <type_name> show given user-defined type, with details.
  • \dT <type_name> show given user-defined type, without details.