a scripting language that facilitates automated control over scriptable Mac applications
- AppleScript Fundamentals - Apple Official Docs
- App's AppleScript Dictionary :
- Open App
Script Editor
→ Enter⇧ ⌘ o
→ Chooseapp_name.app
(if it supports AppleScript)
- Open App
- My Github Repos:
Export *.scpt
as a runable Application(导出为可运行程序)
- Menu Bar
→ Choose FormatApplication
→ ClickSave
-- Comment
-- line comment
# line comment
block comment
Types and their related operations.
-- String
# The string must not be surrounded with single quotes!
# It's wrong like this 'string'.
-- Join String
"abc" & "123" # "abc123"
-- List
{1, 7, "Beethoven", 4.5}
{} # Empty List
-- Length of List
set a_list to {"foo", "bar"}
count of a_list # 2
-- Get a item from a list
# item <number> of <list>
item 1 of a_list # "foo"
-- Record
{product:"pen", price:1.45}
product of rec # "pen"
-- Number
123 # integer
-94596 # negative integer
3.1415 # real
9.9999999999E+10 # scientific
-- Class & Other Objects
# Ommited
-- Assign Variable
set myName to "John"
copy 33 to myAge
-- Reference
a ref to something
ref to something
-- & Operator
# It can be used on Text, Class, Object...
"hello" & ", " & "world" # Text
-- as Operator
# Converts, or coerces, a value of one class to a value of another class.
123 as string # "123"
"45" as integer # "45"
"/Users/IceHe/.vimrc" as POSIX file # file
# integer, string or real
set num to "12306" as integer
-- Calculate
1 + 2 # 3
2 - 3 # -1
3 * 4.5 # 9.0 # real
3 / 6 # 0.5
2 ^ 3 # 8.0 # 2 to the power of 3
9 div 4 # 2 # Divide Exactly
9 mod 4 # 1 # Remainer
-- 获取变量的类型
class of <variable_name>
class in <variable_name>
# 包括 integer、real、text等
-- 逻辑运算
not variable
class of variable
Src Code
set today to current date
log today
log year of today
log month of today
log day of today
log time of today
log date string of today
log time string of today
log short date string of today
set year of today to 2008
set month of today to 12
set day of today to 24
set time of today to 3 * hours + 12 * minutes + 12
—- hours & minutes & days & months & years are built-in
log today
set curDate to current date
set doomDate to date "Friday, December 21, 2012 at 06:00:00"
set btwDate to curDate - doomDate
log doomDate
log btwDate
set y to btwDate div (days * 365)
set d to (btwDate - y * 365 * days) div days
set h to (btwDate - y * 365 * days - d * days) div hours
set m to (btwDate - y * 365 * days - d * days - h * hours) div minutes
set s to (btwDate - y * 365 * days - d * days - h * hours - m * minutes)
log "Countdown:" & y & " " & m & " " & d & " " & h & ":" & m & ":" & s
(*date Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 16:50:34*)
(*Saturday, September 19, 2015*)
(*date Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at 03:12:12*)
(*date Friday, December 21, 2012 at 06:00:00*)
(*Countdown: 2years 14months 272days 11:14:0*)
-- contains, is contained by
{ "this", "is", 1 + 1, "cool" } contains { "is", 2 } # true
{ "this", "is", 2, "cool" } contains 2 # true
2 is contained by { "this", "is", 2, "cool" } # true
-- equal to
("1" as integer) is equal to 1 # true
("1" as integer) is not equal to 1 # false
# Same as = and ≠
1 = 1 # true
1 ≠ 1 # false
-- greater than, less than
3 is greater than 1 # true
2 is less than 1 # false
# Same as > and <
3 > 1 # true
2 < 1 # false
-- starts with, ends with
# Work with text objects and lists.
"icehe" starts with "ice" # true
"icehe" ends with "he" # true
{"foo", "bar"} starts with "foo" # true
{"foo", "bar"} ends with "bar" # true
-- Conditional 逻辑语句
# if <expr> then
# ...
# else if <expr> then
# ...
# else
# ...
# end if
display alert "Hello, world!" buttons {"Rudely decline", "Happily accept"}
set theAnswer to button returned of the result
if theAnswer is "Rudely decline" then
beep 5
else if theAnswer is "Happily accept" then
say "Hello."
say "Piffle!"
end if
-- Loop 循环语句
# Repeat forever
-- commands to be repeated
end repeat
# Repeat a given number of times
repeat 10 times
-- commands to be repeated
end repeat
-- Conditional Loop
set x to 5
repeat while x > 0
set x to x - 1
end repeat
set x to 5
repeat until x ≤ 0
set x to x - 1
end repeat
# Loop with variable
repeat with i from 1 to 2000
-- commands to be repeated
end repeat
# Enumerate a list
set total to 0
repeat with x in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
set total to total + x
end repeat
-- Tell 命令块
tell application "Finder"
end tell
# or express in one line
tell application "Microsoft Word" to quit
# For events in the "Core Suite",
# (activate, open, reopen, close, print, and quit)
# the application may be supplied as the direct object to transitive commands:
quit application "Microsoft Word"
# The concept of an object hierarchy can be expressed using nested blocks:
tell application "QuarkXPress"
tell document 1
tell page 2
tell text box 1
set word 5 to "Apple"
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
# It can also be expressed using nested prepositional phrases:
pixel 7 of row 3 of TIFF image "my bitmap"
-- Handler
on func_name(params...)
-- subroutine commands
end func_name
on run
-- commands
end run
on rock around the clock
display dialog (clock as string)
end rock
-- called with:
rock around the current date
to check for yourNumber from bottom thru top
if bottom ≤ yourNumber and yourNumber ≤ top then
display dialog "Congratulations! You scored."
end if
end check
-- called with:
check for 8 from 7 thru 10
-- Catch Error 捕获错误
-- commands to be tested
on error
-- error commands
end try
-- Script
script scriptName
-- commands and handlers specific to the script
end script
# Script objects can use the same 'tell' structures that are used for application objects, and can be loaded from and saved to files.
# Runtime execution time can be reduced in some cases by using script objects.
-- Execute AppleScript Scripts as Shell Commands
-- Beginning it with the following line and giving it execute permission
-- log 历史记录
log pi
log test
# log result
-- Execute Shell Commands
set fileInfo to do shell script "cd ~; ls"
-- An audio message using a synthesized computer voice
say "Hello, world!"
-- Beep 5 times
beep 5
-- Delay for 9.8 seconds
delay 9.8
-- A modal window with “OK” and “Cancel” buttons
display dialog "info_text"
-- A modal window with a single “OK” button and an icon representing the app displaying the alert
display alert "warning_text"
-- ¬ character & Dialog Samples
# It can be produced by typing option-return in the Script Editor,
# It denotes continuation of a single statement across multiple lines.)
# For example:
-- Dialog
set dialogReply to display dialog "Dialog Text" ¬
default answer "Text Answer" ¬
hidden answer false ¬
buttons {"Skip", "Okay", "Cancel"} ¬
default button "Okay" ¬
cancel button "Skip" ¬
with title "Dialog Window Title" ¬
with icon note ¬
giving up after 15
-- Choose from list
set chosenListItem to choose from list {"A", "B", "3"} ¬
with title "List Title" ¬
with prompt "Prompt Text" ¬
default items "B" ¬
OK button name "Looks Good!" ¬
cancel button name "Nope, try again" ¬
multiple selections allowed false ¬
with empty selection allowed
-- Alert
set resultAlertReply to display alert "Alert Text" ¬
as warning ¬
buttons {"Skip", "Okay", "Cancel"} ¬
default button 2 ¬
cancel button 1 ¬
giving up after 2
-- Get Input 获取输入的数据
display dialog "please input" default answer ""
log text returned of result
- It is not the whole AppleScript above.
- If you want know more in detail, please read official documentations.
Further use