The abbreviations below are usually related to coding (programmming).
- 保留头几个字母
- 去掉元音字母,留下有标识力的几个辅音字母
- ……
Note that :
for CLI
about Command-Line Interfacefor Go
about Go Programming Languagefor kernel
about Linux (kernel)for SQL
about SQLfor Regex
about Regular Expression- ……
dot- abbreviation ( like P.S. )
- match any char ( for Regex )
quote- single character ( for C )
- string ( for PHP )
- single-line comment ( for PlantUML )
double quote | string | emphasize- single-line comment ( for VimScript )
colon | key-value separator|
or | pipeline ( for CLI )/
slash | or- separator ( like date "2019/01/05" )
single-line comment- floor division ( for Python )
backslash | escape character- path separator ( for Windows )
at ( for location / email / … )- annotation ( for Java, Python, … )
comment ( for Bash script )$
dollar | money- variable ( for PHP, Bash )
percent- placeholder ( for C / C++ / … )
- escaped character ( for URL encoding )
control- xor ( for logical op )
- head of string/line ( for Regex )
- not ( for Regex )
and- run in the background ( for CLI )
home direcotry | reverse-
minus | option ( for CLI )=
assign | equal ( equivalent to )*
optional | wildcard character?
maybe | candidate- non-greedy match ( for Regex )
- placeholder ( for SQL )
not ( negation ) | reverse<
less than- redirecting input ( for CLI )
greater than | next- redirecting output ( for CLI )
left bitwise shift>>
right bitwise shift- appending redirected output ( for CLI )
How to explain symbols?
backquote | grave …!
exclamative mark | exclamative point | bang@
hash | sharp$
Chinese/Japenese Yuan§
micro | section%
caret (脱字符号;插入符号)&
ampersand | and*
asterisk | multiplication | star(
open parenthesis)
close parenthesis-
hyphen | minus | dash_
open brace | curly bracket}
close brace | curly bracket[
open bracket]
closed bracket|
pipe | or | vertical bar\
forward slash | division:
quote | quotation mark'
apostrophe | single quote<
less than | angle brackets>
greater than | angle brackets,
period | dot | full stop?
question mark
Reference :
Command ( Cmd )⌥
Option ( Opt ) | Alternate ( Alt )^
Control ( Ctrl )⇧
Shift ( Shf )⇪
CapsLock ( Caps )⇥
Escape ( Esc )↩
Return ( Ret ) | Enter凵
Space ( Spacebar )↑
Down ( Dn )←
Left ( Lf )→
Right ( Rg )⌫
Delete ( Del ) | Backspace0~9
One of the digits 0 ~ 9a~z
One of the alphabet a ~ z
wink wink, nudge nudge 眨眼
- 121 : one to one
- 182 : I hate you.
- 1dful : wonderful
- 2 : to, too, two
- 24/7 : 24 hours everyday
- 2day : today
- 2qt : too cute
- 4e : forever
- 4nr : foreigner
- 8 : ate ( 因为发音相同 )
- a
- for CLI : all | append (
- for CLI : all | append (
- abbr : abbreviation
- abs : absolute
- abt : about
- AC : Network Access Control 接入控制器
- ACID : Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
- ACK : acknowledgement 确认 ( for TCP )
- ACL : Access control list
- AD : Active Directory
- ad : advertisement
- Ad hoc : for this ( ZH Ver. ) ( adj. / adv. )
- 拉丁短语,意思:特设的、特定目的的(地)、即席的、临时的、将就的、专案的
- addr : address
- AES : Advanced Encrypted Standard
- AH : at home ( commmon abroad )
- AIDA : Awareness → Interest → Desire → Action
- AIR : Automatic, Indenpendent, Repeatable 即 "空气" 原则
- AK : Access Key ( ID / Secret )
- aka. : also known as 又叫做,亦称
- AP : Wireless Access Point 无线接入点
- Apache : "a patchy" server | Apache HTTP Server
- AMD : Asynchronous Module Definition
- AOF : Append Only File
- AOI : Area Of Interest
- APM : Application Performance Management
- the monitoring and management of performance and availability of software applications
- strives to detect and diagnose complex application performance problems to maintain an expected level of service
- app : application
- Apsara : 阿里云 飞天操作系统 ( 单集群超过 5K 台服务器的技术瓶颈 )
- arg : argument
- asc : ascend
- asm : assembly
- AQAP : as quick as possible
- ASAP : as soon as possible
- ATM : at the moment
- ATST : at the same time
- aweso : awesome
- auth : authenticate
- auto : automatic
- b : bit
- for CLI : backup | batch | buffer (
- for CLI : backup | batch | buffer (
- B : byte
- b4 : before
- bak : backup
- BASE : Basically Available, Soft state, Eventual consistency
- bat : batch
- b/c : because
- BDay, B-Day : birthday
- BDFL : Benevolent Dictator For Life
- BFF : Backends for Frontends / original
- BI : Business Intelligence
- BKA : Batched Key Access 算法 ( for SQL )
- B.C. : Before Christ 公元前…年 ( 基督之前…年 )
- bg : background
- BGP : Border Gatway Protocol
- bin : binary
- biz : business
- bmp : bitmap
- BOM : Byte Order Mark
- BP : Bussiness Plan
- brk : break
- BSON : a computer data interchange format used mainly as a data storage and network transfer format in the MongoDB database
- btm : bottom
- btw : by the way | between
- BVI : British Virgin Islands 英属维京群岛
- c : command | check ( for CLI )
- c10k Problem : 10 thousand client
- c17n : canonicalization
- CA : Certificate Authority
- cal : call
- CAP : Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance
- CAS : Compare & Set/Swap ( for Lock )
- cb : char block? ( for Linux )
- CDC : Change Data Capture
- chan : channel ( for Go )
- chk : check
- CI/CD : Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery ( 持续集成 / 持续交付 )
- CIP : Client IP
- cjk : Chinese, Japenese and Korean languages 中日韩
- CJS : CommonJS
- cli : command-line interface
- cls : class
- CM : Call me.
- CMB : Call me back.
- cmd : command
- cmp : compare
- cmt : comment
- cnt : count
- COBRA : Common Object Request Broker Architecture
- conf : configuration
- conj. : conjunction [语] 连接词; 结合; 同时发生
- conn : connect, connection
- pros and cons : 正反两方面; 赞成者和反对者
- const : constant
- constr : constructor
- conv : convert
- CORS : Cross Origin Resource Sharing
- cos : because
- COW : Copy-On-Write
- cp : copy
- cpp : c++
- CQRS : Command and Query Reponsibility Segregation ( 浅谈查询职责分离(CQRS)模式 )
- cr : carriage return
- cron : Chronos 希腊文时间
- CRC : Cyclic Redundancy Check
- CRDTs : conflict-free replicated data types
- crit : critical (condition) 临界 (条件/情况)
- crlf : carriage return / line feed ( newline )
- CRM : Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理
- CST : China Standard Time 北京时间
- 歧义:Central Standard Time ( 不同国家的 ) 中央时区
- CSRF : Cross Site Request Forgery
- CSV : Comma-separated values
- CTR : Click Through Rate 点进率
- ctr : center / centre
- ctl : control? / control tool?
- ctrl : control
- ctx : context
- CU : See you.
- CUPS : common unix printing system
- cur : current
- cuz : because / cause
- CV : Curriculum Vitae 简历
- CVR : Conversion Rate ( Ad Tech ) 转化率
- cvs : current version system | Concurrent Versions System
- cwd : current working directory
- cwnd : congestion window ( for TCP )
- CX : cancelled
- d : day
- for CLI : daemon | debug | delete | delimiter | directory
- for programing language : double
- D : define ( for CLI )
- daemon : Disk And Execution MONitor ( Wikipedia )
- DAG : Directed Acyclic Graph
- DAO : Data Access Object
- dat : data
- db : database
- DDL : Data Definition Language
- de : Deutsche → German 德语 ( for languages )
- dec : decimal
- decr : decrease
- def : define, definition
- desc : description | descend ( for SQL )
- del : delete
- dev : development | device
- DF : dear friend
- diff : differ | difference
- DIP : Dependency Inversion Principle
- DIP : Director IP 转发地址
- dir : directory
- dl : download
- dll : dynamic link library
- DMA : Direct Memory Access
- dmg : Apple Disk Image
- DML : Data Manipulation Language
- dn : down
- doc : documentation
- docs : documentation
- DoD : Definition of Done
- DoS : Denial-of-Service attack
- DSL : Domain-Specific Language
- DSN : Data Source Name
- dup : duplicate
- dw : double word
- e : element | error | exception | exponent
- for CLI : edit | equal (
) | exclude | execute | expression
- for CLI : edit | equal (
- E : exponent 指数 ( E-notation )
- e1, every1 : everyone
- EC2 : Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
- ECI : Elastic Container Instance 弹性容器实例
- ECMA : European Computer Manufacturers Association
- e.g. : for example
- edt : edit
- EI : Engineering Index
- elem : element
- ELK : ELK Stack : Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana
- em : them ( pron. )
- 'em : them
- emacs : Editor MACroS
- EMERG : emergency ( for Linux )
- Linux Kerner
- EMERG 紧急 > ALERT 警告
- > CRIT 临界情况 > ERR 错误
- > WARNING 警告 > NOTICE 普通的通知/注意
- > INFO 消息 > DEBUG 调试
- Java log : error > warn > info > debug
- PHP log : fatal > error > warn > info > debug ?
- JetBrains : error > blocker > critial > major > warning > weak warning
- Linux Kerner
- en : English 英语 ( for languages )
- EN : English
- enc : encoding
- env : environment
- eof : end of file
- eol : end of line ( newline )
- ERP : Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划
- err : error
- es : Spain, Spanish, España 西班牙语 ( for languages )
- ES : Elasticsearch
- esc : escape
- ESM : ES Modules
- ESTAB : established ( for TCP )
- et al. : et alii 以及其他人(等人);et alibi 以及其他地方
- ETA : Estimated Time of Arrival 预计抵达时间
- etc. : et cetera ( etcetera ) (aka. and so on) 等等,及其它
for& etc.
- etl : extract 抽取, transform 转换, load 加载 ( 常用于数据仓库 )
- EU : End User
- eval : EVALuate
- evt : event
- ex : exception | excluding, without | exit | expire ( for Redis )
- exe : executive | execution
- exec : execute
- exp : experience | exponent
- expr : expression
- ext : extension | extract | extra | exterior
- ez : easy
- ezy : easy
- f
- for CLI : file | force
- for programing language : float
- F : full ( for CLI )
- Fallacies of distributed computing ( from Wikipedia ) 分布式计算的谬误(错误假设)
- F2F : face to face
- FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions 常见问题
- FCFS : First Come First Serve ( for OS )
- fd : file descriptor
- FE : for example
- FIDO Alliance : Fast ID Online Alliance
- FIFO : First In First Out
- fin : finish | 结束 ( for TCP )
- firmwave ( to rm? )
- FML : Fuck my life.
- fmt : format
- fn : function
- FOSS : Free and Open-Source Software
- fr : French 法语 ( for languages )
- fs : file system
- fst : first ( see in Java class "Pair" )
- FTF : face to face
- func : function
- Fuxi : 阿里云 伏羲分布式资源管理
- FYI : For Your Infomation 供参考
- G : billion 十亿
- GA : go ahead
- GAV : GroupId, ArtifactId, Version : 即 Maven 坐标, 唯一标识 jar 包
- GB : gigabyte / Goodbye / Great Britain
- gen : generate
- GFM : Github Flavored Markdown
- GFW : Great Fire Wall
- gid : group id
- GJ : good job
- glob : glob patterns
- GMT : Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间
- GN : good night
- gpg : GNU Privacy Guard
- HQ : headquarter
- GRATZ : gragulations
- GRUB : GRand Unified Bootloader
- GTID : Global Transaction Identifier ( for MySQL )
- gyp : generate your projects
- h : handle | hour
- for CLI : help | headers | hostname (
- for CLI : help | headers | hostname (
- H : hour | header ( for CLI
) - HA : High Availability
- HAProxy : a high availability load balancer and proxy server
- HBY : How about you?
- HD : Hard Disk
- HDFS : Hadoop Distributed File System ( 百度百科 )
- hex : heximal
- hi : hard interrupt ( for CLI
) - HowZ : How is
- HRBP : Human Resource Business Partner
- hr : hour | human resource
- hrs : hours
- hup : hang up
- i : index | integer | me
- for CLI : ignore | initialize | interactive
- I : me | include ( for CLI )
- i10n : localization
- i14y : interoperability
- i18n : internationalization
- IaaS : 基础设施即服务 Infrastructure as a Service
- IAM : Identity and Access Management ( aka. Identity Managment )
- IC : I see. ( 好吧, 我知道了 )
- ico : icon
- ICMP : Internet Control Message Protocol ( for Network )
- id : identity, identifier
- idle ( for CLI
- idle ( for CLI
- IDBI : I don't believe it.
- IDC : I don't care.
- idc : internet data center 数据中心
- IDGAF : I don't give a fuck. 老子/老娘不在乎
- IDK : I don't know.
- IDP : Identity Provider
- ids : IDs - 多个 ID
- idx : index
- i.e. : id est ( 拉丁语 ) 即 ( 也就是 )
- IFS : Internal Field Seperators ( for CLI )
- IK : I know.
- img : image
- IMO : In My Opinion /
- imp : improve
- impl : implement
- Inc. : incorporated
- incr : increase
- ind : index
- info : information
- infra : (esp in textual annotation) below; further on
- (in writing) see below ( 拉丁语 )
- ini : initialization (configuration files)
- init : initiate
- ins : insert
- int : integer | interrupt
- io : input/output
- ipc : inter-process communication
- it : Italian 意大利语 ( for languages )
- ix : index ( for MySQL )
- j : jump | bzip2 ( for CLI )
- jar : Java Archive file
- jd : job description
- JDI : Just do it.
- JEP : JDK Enhancement-Proposal
- JFGI : Just Fucking Google It
- JIK : Just in case. 以防万一
- JK : Just kidding.
- JNI : Java Native Interface ?
- JOSE Header : JSON Object Signing and Encryption Header
- jr : job requirement
- Jr. : Junior 初级的
- js : javascript
- json : JavaScript Object Notation
- JWE : JSON Web Encryption
- JWS : JSON Web Signature
- jwt : JSON Web Tokens
- k : kilo- 千 | kill ( for CLI ) | kernel ( for Linux )
- KA : Key Account 关键客户 ( 大客户、重要客户 )
- 其它参考:百度百科
- k8s : Kubernetes
- KiB : kibibyte , 2^10 = 1024 bytes
- KB : Kilobyte , 10^3 = 1000 bytes
- Others : GiB / TiB / PiB / EiB / ZiB / YiB
- KISS : keep it simple, stupid
- KIT : Keep in touch.
- KMM : Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
- kt : Kotlin
- l : length | long
- for CLI : list | load (
) | login (ssh
- for CLI : list | load (
- L : long
- l8r : later
- LAN : Local Area Network
- lang : language
- LB : load balancing ( or balancer )
- LDAP : Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- len : length
- lex : LEXical 词汇的
- lf : left | line feed
- LGTM : Looks Good To Me
- lib : library
- 一方库 : 本工程内部子项目模块依赖的库 (jar 包)
- 二方库 : 公司内部发布到中央仓库, 可供公司内部其它应用依赖的库 (jar 包)
- 三方库 : 公司之外的开源库 (jar 包)
- LILO : Last In Last Out | LInux LOader
- LLVM : LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- lmao : laughing my ass off 把屁股笑掉
- ln : link
- lnk : link
- loc : location
- LoD : Law of Demeter 德墨忒尔法则
- lol : laugh out loud
- lolo : Lots of love. 很多爱. 即爱你爱你
- lru : least recently used
- ls : list
- ltd : limited
- LTS : Long-Term Support
- LVS : Linus Virtual Server - a load balancing software
- lyt : layout
- m : minute
- for CLI : mail | message | mode | modification
- M : month | million 百万
- m17n : multilingualization 多语言
- m8 : mate 哥们
- MBR : Master Boot Record
- mc : Memcached
- md : markdown
- mem : memory
- millis : millisecond
- milli-* 10^-3
- micro-* 10^-6
- nano-* 10^-9
- pico-* 10^-12
- femto-* 10^-15
- mgr : manager
- MIS : Management Information System
- mk : make ( for CLI )
- mm : memory management
- mod : modify | mode
- MPP : Massively Parallel Processor 大量信息并行处理机
- MQ : message queue
- MQP : Message Queue Protocol
- MR : Merge Request ( for Git ) | MapReduce
- MRR : Multi-Range Read 优化 ( for SQL )
- 尽量顺序读盘,先将主键按照顺序排序号,再去磁盘按页获取(充分利用顺序 IO 效率高)
- msg : message
- MSS : Maximum Segment Size
- multi : multiple
- mv : move ( for CLI )
- MVCC : 多版本并行控制
- MYOB : Mind your own bussiness. 管好你自己的事
- n : number
- for CLI : number (
) | not (make
- for CLI : number (
- n/a , N/A , n.a. : not applicable 不适用
- NaN : Not a Number
- NE : any
- NE1 : anyone
- NFS : Network File System
- nio : new Input/Output ( 特性 Non-blocking ) ( for Java )
- NLJ : Nested-Loop Join 算法 ( for SQL : Index/Simple/Block NLJ )
- NM : Never mind.
- No. : number
- no-no : n. 禁忌;不可作之事
- noop: no-op, nop (code) — short for no operation / do nothing
- NoSQL : Not Only SQL / "non SQL" or "non relational"
- NOYB : None of your businness. 与你无关
- NP : No problem.
- NPE : Null Pointer Exception ( Linux | java.lang.NullPointerException )
- NRT : Near Realtime
- ns : namespace
- NSFW : Not Safe For Work
- NUL : null '\0' in string
- num : number
- NR : number
- NW : No way. 没门
- nvr : never
- NVM : Never mind.
- nx : not exist ( for Redis )
- o : output ( also for CLI )
- O4Y : only for you
- obj : object
- oct : octal
- Oct : October
- oidc : OpenID Connect
- OIC : Oh, I see.
- OKR : Objective & Key Results
- OLAP : 在线分析处理
- OLTP : 在线事务处理
- OMD : Oh my god!
- OMW : On my way. 在路上
- onl : online
- OOM : Out Of Memory
- 源于 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, 当 JVM 没有足够内存来为对象分配空间, 并且垃圾回收器也无法回收空间时, 系统出现的严重状态
- OOP : Object Oriented Programming
- oops : 哎哟
- op : operation | option
- OP : OpenID identity Provider
- ops : operations
- opt : option
- org : organization
- ori : original
- ORM : Object Relational Mapping
- OSGi : Open Services Gateway initiative
- OSPF : Open Shortest Path First 开放最短链路优先
- OSS : Object Storage Service
- oth : others
- othd : on the other hand
- TS : TableStore
- OOTB : out-of-the-box
- p : port ( for CLI
) - P : port ( for CLI
) - PaaS:平台即服务 Platform as a Service
- PAM : Linux PAM : Pluggable Authentication Modules
- Pangu : 阿里云 盘古分布式文件系统
- param : parameter
- PCB : Process Control Block ( task struct )
- PCM : Please call me.
- PCRE : Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
- pct : percent ( for MySQL )
- PDCA : Plan-Do-Check-Act
- PE : Private Equity
- PEP : Python Enhancement Proposals
- P13N : personalization
- pf : prefix | process flags ( for kernel )
- PFAIL : Possibly Fail ( for Redis Cluster )
- pg : page
- pic : picture
- pid : process id
- pk : primary key ( for SQL )
- pls : please
- plz : please
- PnP : plug-and-play 即插即用
- POC | PoC : Proof Of Concept
- POJO : Plain Ordinary Java Object
- 通常专指只有 setter / getter / toString 的简单类, 包括 DO/DTO/BO/VO 等
- pom : Project Oject Model ( for Maven )
- post- : after, behind (in time or order) 后 / 晚于 / 末尾
- ppl : people
- pr : priority ( for CLI )
- pre- : before ( in time, place, order, degree, or importance ) 前,在前 / 先于,预先
- preg : PECL regular expression
- prev : previous
- pri : private | priority ( for CLI )
- primitive : atomic element / operation
- proc : process
- prof : profiler ( 性能 ) 分析器 / profiling
- prog : program
- pron. : pronoun 代词
- prop : property
- props : properties
- pros and cons : 正反两方面; 赞成者和反对者
- prt : print
- ps : process status | PhotoShop
- PS : Prompt String ( for CLI )
- PS : PhotoShop
- P.S. : postscript 附言
- PSH : push 传送 ( for TCP )
- PTAL : Please Take A Look
- PTO : Paid / Planned / Personal Time Off
- ptr : pointer
- pub : public
- pw , pwd : passowrd
- pwd : print working directory
- PXT : Please explain that. 请解释一下
- py : python
- q : queue | question | quiet ( for CLI )
- QA : quality assurance
- Q & A : Questions & Answers
- qik : quick
- QoE : Quality of Experience
- QoS : Quality of Service
- qps : queries per second
- QQ : cry 哭 ( looking like crying eyes )
- q.v. : quod vide 参见… (拉丁语)
- r : are | recursively ( for CLI )
- R : recursively ( for CLI ) | result ( for Java )
- RAID : Redundant Array of Independent Disks
- rb : ruby
- rc : run commands
- rcv : received
- rcvd : received
- rd : read
- RD : Research & Development
- RDB : Redis DataBase ( persistence )
- RDBMS : Relational Database Management System
- REAL Server : RDBMS built on top of the SQLite database engine
- rec : record
- Redis : REmote DIctionary Server
- reentrant : 可重入
- ref : reference
- regex : regular expression
- rem : remove
- ren : rename
- REPL : Read–Eval–Print Loop ( "读取 - 求值 - 输出" 循环 )
- repo : repository
- req : request | requirement
- resp : response
- RESP : Redis Serialization Protocol
- REST: REpresentational State Transfer
- ret : return
- rg : right
- RIP : Real IP ( for Server )
- RIP : Routing Information Protocol 路由信息协议
- RISC : Reduced Instruction-Set Computer 精简指令集计算机
- rm : remove
- rn : rename
- RN : right now
- ROI : Return On Investment 投资回报率
- RP : Relying Party
- rst : result | reset 重置 ( for TCP )
- rsp : response
- rt : realtime
- rtd : root directory
- rtf : Rich Text Format
- RTFM : Read The Fucking Manual
- rtn : return
- RTO : Retransmission Timeout
- rtt : round-trip (delay) time
- rw : rewrite
- s
- for CLI : silent | size | subject
- for programing language : string
- S2U : Same to you. 和你一样
- S2S : Sorry to say. 很抱歉告诉你
- S3 : Amazon Simple Storage Service
- SaaS:软件即服务 Software as a Service
- SAML : Secure Assertion Markup Language
- SAPI : Server API ( for PHP )
- sched : schedule
- SCI : Science Citation Index
- scrn : screen
- SDE : Software Development Engineer or Environment
- SDS : Simple Dynamic String ( for Redis )
- sec : second | secure , security
- seg : segment
- sep : separator, separate
- Serde : Serializer / Deserializer 的简写
- serv : server | service
- sess : session
- SGLM : Sounds Good To Me
- sh : shell
- SH^ : Shut up!
- sha1 : Secure Hash Algorithm 1
- shf : shift
- shr : share
- si : soft interrupt ( for CLI
) - sig : signal | signature
- sim : simple , simplify
- SJF : Shortest Job First ( for OS )
- sksksk : snickering 哈哈哈
- SKU : Stock Keeping Unit(库存量单位)库存进出计量的单位
- slb : server load balancing
- sm1 : someone
- SMP : Symmetric Multiprocessing 对称多处理
- 指在一个计算机上汇集了一组处理器(多 CPU),各 CPU 之间共享内存子系统以及总线结构。
- SMS : Short Message Service
- snd : send | second ( see in Java class "Pair" )
- SOA : Service-Oriented Architecture
- 面向服务架构, 可以根据需求通过网络对松散耦合的粗粒度应用组件进行分布式部署、组合和使用,
- 有利于提升组件重用性可维护性.
- SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol ( based on XML )
- SoC , SOC : System on Chip
- Chip or IC : Integrated Circuit 集成电路
- SOL : sooner or later 早晚
- SOP : Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作程序
- soz : sorry
- spec : specific | specified | specification
- spk : speak | speaker
- SPU : Standard Product Unit(标准化产品单元)商品信息聚合的最小单位
- src : source
- srsly : seriously
- sry : sorry
- SRJF : Shortest Remaining Job First ( for OS )
- ssh : Secure Shell
- SSL : Secure Sockets Layer ( deprecated )
- sso : Single Sign-On 单点登录
- SSOT : Single Source Of Truth
- st : something | sometimes
- stat : status | statistics
- STFW : Search The Fucking Web 的意思。
- stk : stack
- stmt : statement ( for SQL )
- str : string
- sub : subscribe, subscription
- SUL : See you later. 再见
- sum : summary | summation
- supremum : InnoDB 给每个索引添加了一个不存在的最大值
- 以符合间隙锁(next-key lock)的前开后闭区间。
- svg : Scalable Vector Graphics (XML-based vector image format)
- swp : swap
- sym : symbol
- syn : synchronize, synchronization
- SYN : synchronous 建立联机 ( for TCP )
- sys : system
- sz : size
- t : temporary | time | tag ( for CLI )
- TA : teaching assistant
- tar : tape archive, aka. tarball
- TB : team building
- tb : table ( for SQL )
- TBC : to be continued 未完待续
- TBD : to be determinated
- D: Done | Defined | Discussed / Decided / Determined / …
- TBH : to be honest
- TBR : To Be Reviewed
- TC : Take care. 保重
- TCP : Transmission Control Protocol
- TDA : tell-don't-ask 只管命令, 不要询问
- tel : tell | telephone
- temp : temporary
- templ : template
- term : terminate 中止 | terminal 终端
- tgid : thread group id
- thx : thanks
- tid : thread id
- tl : tool? ( for Linux )
- TL;DR : too long; didn't read.
- TLB : Translation Lookaside Buffer 转译缓冲区(实现虚拟地址到物理地址的转换)( for OS )
- TLS : Transport Layer Security
- tmp : temporary
- tmpl : template
- top : table of processes ( for CLI )
- TORM : to remove ( for me )
- tp : thread pool
- tpl : template
- trx : transaction ( for SQL )
- ts : timestamp
- tsk : task ( for Linux )
- TTL : Time to Live
- ttly : totally
- TTYL : Talk to you later.
- txt : plain text file
- tz : Time Zone
- u : you
- for CLI : user (
- for CLI : user (
- UE : user experience design ( others )
- ui : user interface | user interaction
- uid : user id
- uk : unique key ( for SQL )
- ulimit : User's LIMIT
- UMA : User-Management Acess
- UMD : Universal Module Definition
- UML : Unified Modeling Language 统一建模语言
- uni : unique
- uniq : unique
- upd : update
- ur : you are …
- URG : urgent 紧急 ( for TCP )
- usr : user
- usu : usually
- UTC : Coordinated Universal Time 协调世界时
- English speakers originally proposed CUT ( for "coordinated universal time" ), while French speakers proposed TUC ( for "temps universel coordonné" ) . The compromise that emerged was UTC.
- UTS : Universal Time-sharing System
- util : utility
- uuid : Universally Unique IDentifier 通用唯一标识符
- v : version | verbose ( for CLI )
- V : version ( for CLI )
- v12n : virtualization
- val : value
- var : variable
- VC : Venture Capital
- ver : version
- vide : vt. refer, see 参见, 参阅
- vide ante : see before; see earlier ( in the book, etc. ) 见前, 参见上文
- vide infra : see below; see further on ( in the book, etc. ) 见下
- vide post : see after; see further on ( in the book, etc. ) 见后
- vide supra : see above; see earlier ( in the book, etc. ) 见上
- VIE : Variable Interest Entity 可变权益实体
- vim : Vi IMproved
- VIP : Virtual IP address 虚拟服务器地址
- virt : virtual
- VM : virtual machine
- vol : volume
- VP : Vice President 副总裁
- VPC : Virtual Private Cloud
- vry : very
- w : word
- for CLI : who | width
- w8 : wait
- WAM : Wait a minute/moment. 等一下
- WAN : Wide Area Network
- wan2 : want to
- WB : Welcome back. 欢迎回来 / 微博
- WBU : What about you?
- WC : Who cares. 谁关心啊
- WFOE : Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise
- win : window
- WIP : Work In Process or Progress
- wk : week
- WLAN : Wireless Local Area Network
- wnd : window
- w/o : without
- wrk : work
- ws : Web Service
- wtf : what the fuck
- www : world wide web
- wx : weather / 微信
- x : unknown number
- for CLI : extended | debug (
) | extract (tar
- for CLI : extended | debug (
- xdm : X Display Manager
- XME : Excuse me.
- xu : Kiss you.
- XOXO : Kiss and hugs. 亲亲抱抱
- xx : exist ( for Redis )
- y : year
- for CLI : yes
- Y : Why
- Y2K38 Problem : Year 2038
- yacc : yet another compiler compiler
- yep : yes
- YKW : You know what? 你知道么 / you-known-what 那个东西 ( 不需或不便言明的 )
- YMMV : Your Mileage May Vary
- yo : N years old (e.g. 2yo)
- yup : yes
- yr : year / yeah / right / your
- yrs : years | yours
- z
- for CLI : gzip | compress (
- for CLI : gzip | compress (
- zk : ZooKeeper 分布式配置服务
- zzz : fall asleep ( 困 / 在睡觉 )