macOS Shortcuts
- Some are common & default in operating system.
- Some of the keys below can be modified in
System Preference → Keyboard
⌘ 凵
Spotlight⌥ ⇧ ?
Show Help Menu custom⌥ ⌘ d
Dock Hiding On/Off
⌘ `
Switch windows of the current App- It's enabled via the App HyperSwitch
^ ⌘ f
Toggle Full Screen⌘ ,
Preferences⌘ q
Exit⌘ w
Close⌘ h
Hide⌥ ⌘ h
Hide All Apps But the Front-most- The manipulation
is much better thanMinimize
in macOS! - So I prefer
- The manipulation
⌘ m
Minimize to Dock⌥ ⌘ m
Minimize All Windows of the Front-most App
⌘ r
Refresh⌘ t
New Tab⌘ 0~9
Select Tab- If there are more than 9 tabs,
⌘ 9
will select the last one.
- If there are more than 9 tabs,
^ ⇥
Next Tab^ ⇧ ⇥
Prev Tab⌘ ⇥
Next App⇧ ⌘ ⇥
Prev App⌘ [
Backward⌘ ]
⇧ ⌘ 3
Capture Desktop⇧ ⌘ 4
Capture the selected area- The screenshots are saved in
- The screenshots are saved in
- A few people know that it's supported in by default in macOS.
- They may work, if you append some modifier keys to them.
- Reference : Keyboard Shortcuts ( Emacs ) for Editing Text Fields in OS X
Emacs shortcuts:
^ f
^ b
^ p
^ n
^ a
=⌘ ←
Home^ e
=⌘ →
End^ h
Del^ d
=Fn ⌫
Forward Del^ k
Del to the End of the Line^ t
Exchange the Charactors before & after the cursor^ o
Insert a Blank Line'\n'
after the cursor
They are also enabled by Zsh
( in .zshrc
) and Vim
( in .vimrc
) in iTerm 2 ( Terminal ).
⌘ n
New⌘ o
Open⌘ s
Save⌘ p
Print⇧ ⌘ S
Save as
⌘ z
Undo⇧ ⌘ Z
Redo⌘ a
Select All⌘ c
Copy⌥ ⌘ c
Copy Path⌘ v
Paste⌥ ⌘ v
Move ( after⌘ c
)⌘ f
Search⌘ g
Next Match⇧ ⌘ G
Prev Match⌥ ←
Prev Word⌥ →
Next Word- After text selection, then input:
⌘ b
Bold⌘ u
Underline⌘ i
Italic⌘ +
Bigger | Zoom In⌘ -
Smaller | Zoom Out
⌘ ↓
Open⌘ d
Duplicate⌘ e
Eject Disk⌘ l
New Alias for a file⌘ r
to Origin File of Alias
⇧ ⌘ A
Application⇧ ⌘ D
Desktop⇧ ⌘ F
All My Files⇧ ⌘ G
to Folder⇧ ⌘ I
iCloud⇧ ⌘ O
Documents⇧ ⌘ R
AirDrop⌥ ⌘ l
Downloads⇧ ⌘ N
New Folder⌘ ↑
to Parent Dir^ ⌘ ↑
Open Parent Dir in New Window⇧ ⌘ C
Computer⇧ ⌘ H
Home⇧ ⌘ K
Network⇧ ⌘ U
Quick Look⌘ i
Get Info⇧ ⌘ .
Show Hidden Files⌘ 1
View the files in way of Icon⌘ 2
View as a List⌘ 3
View as columns⌘ 4
View as a cover flow⇧ ⌘ ⌫
Empty Trash⌥ ⇧ ⌘ ⌫
Empty Trash without Confirmation⇧ ⌘ P
Show | Hide Preview⌥ ⌘ p
Show | Hide Path Bar⌥ ⌘ s
Show | Hide Sidebar⌥ ⌘ t
Show | Hide Tool Bar⌘ /
Show | Hide Status Bar