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macOS Setup Guide - 设置指南

How to setup my Mac step by step?

Reference : macOS Setup Guide - Sourabh Bajaj

Related : macOS Efficiency Guide - 效率指南

This guide has been recently used by the author on 2021/12/02

  • macOS Monterey version 12.0.1
  • MacBook Pro 2021 with M1 Pro chip


Follow the principles :

  • KISS - Keep It Simple and Stupid / Short - 简单原则

    Assume that you are an experienced Mac user and a software developer, so I can focus on the procedure and skip the unnecessary descriptions

    e.g. the softwares' introductions, their usages and development knowledge

    If some content belongs to another page, there's no need to show it, just give a reference link and tell the reader to return once finished

  • OOTB - Out Of The Box - 开箱即用

    Try not to change the default settings

  • FYI only - For Your Information only - 仅供参考

Install or Restore macOS

SKIP this step if set up a new Mac or have already re-installed a new macOS

RECOMMEND to 避免直接将备份数据还原到新系统中

因为每次将过去 Mac 的备份数据直接还原到新系统中都难免会产生冗余、无用甚至错误的数据; 随着时间推移,我们不仅需要越来越大的存储空间来保存它们,而且可能会产生难以解决的问题。 所以,为了适时淘汰这些可能存在问题的数据,建议每次迁移 Mac 时都尽量避免直接迁移旧数据。

Follow the references : Apple Support

  1. 在 Mac 上抹掉所有内容和设置 - optional
  2. 如何创建可引导的 macOS 安装器
  3. 如何重新安装 macOS

Network & Passwords

Network & AppleID

First of all :

  1. Connect to Internet via Wi-Fi or Erthernet

  2. Login AppleID to synchronize the settings & iCloud data

    • or register at first if without an AppleID
  3. Open this guide on Mac so that I can continue the following steps

Password Manager

The password manager makes it easier and safer to login other accounts

e.g. using 1Password

  1. Install via Mac App Store

  2. Open and login the account on - recommended

    • or load the vaults on iCloud

Note : List of password managers - Wikipedia

Network Proxy

RECOMMEND to configure the network proxy for stable Internet connections in China mainland so that I can continue the following steps more smoothly

GUI Proxy

GUI - Graphical User Interface

  1. Get the proxy service

    Note : Because the valid methods to get a stable network proxy may change often, RECOMMEND to search the new methods on the Internet when needed

    How to :

    • A. BUY - recommended
    • B. Build it myself
  2. Get the proxy configurations from the proxy service

    e.g. via subscription URL

    List of configuration methods :

    • A. subscription URL - recommended
    • B. configuration file
    • C. server URLs
    • D. QR codes
  3. Install the proxy plugin

    e.g. ClashX Pro

    List of proxy plugins :

  4. Import the proxy configurations into the proxy plugin

    e.g. configure ClashX Pro via the subscription URL :

    1. Open ClashX Pro
    2. Menu Bar → ClashX Pro
      1. ConfigRemote configManageAdd → Enter the subscription URL → OK
      2. Config → Select the new config I added - usually unnecessary
      3. Set as system proxy
      4. DashboardSetting → Enable Start at login
  5. Check the Internet connection

    e.g. visit on the browser

CLI Proxy

CLI - Command Line Interface

Configure the network proxy on CLI

  1. Get the proxy from the proxy plugin

    e.g. get it from ClashX Pro

    Menu Bar → ClashX ProCopy shell command :

    export https_proxy= http_proxy= all_proxy=socks5://
  2. Add the proxy on CLI

    Note : Require that the ClashX Pro proxy is running and enabled

    How to :

    • A. Temporarily : Add it in the Terminal tab temporarily - recommended for now

      • Open Terminal → Paste the shell command above to execute
    • B. All the time : Use ZSH with the network proxy

      • Append the shell command above to the ZSH configuration file ~/.zshrc
  3. Check the Internet connection on CLI

    e.g. visit in Terminal tab opened above :

    $ curl
    # Success
    <HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    <TITLE>301 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
    <H1>301 Moved</H1>
    The document has moved
    <A HREF="">here</A>.
    # Failure
    curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

Homebrew & Homebrew-Cask

Homebrew is a software package management system that simplifies the installation of software on macOS

Homebrew-Cask extends Homebrew and allows me to install the large binary files via a command-line tool

I can search the available softwares I need on Homebrew Formulae

  • CLI softwares : Formula - a listing of all packages available from the core tap
  • GUI softwares : Cask - a listing of all casks available from the cask tap
  1. Install

    How to :

  2. Check

    $ brew --version
    # e.g.
    Homebrew 3.3.6
    Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 628aed8b9e1; last commit 2021-12-02)
    Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 6c3d470278; last commit 2021-12-02)
  3. Speed up

    Reference : Homebrew (中国大陆) 有比较快的源 (mirror) 吗? - 知乎

  4. Update & upgrade - in the future

    brew update && brew upgrade
  5. RECOMMEND to prevent Mac from automatically sleeping in a short time

    so that the installations can be less likely to be interrupted by auto-sleeping

    e.g. let the display wait for a long time before turning off

    System SettingsBattery

    • Battery

      • Set Turn display off after: 40 minutes
      • Disable Put hard disks to sleep when possible - optional
    • Power Adapter

      • Set Turn display off after: 40 minutes
      • Enable Prevent your Mac from automatically sleeping when the display off - optional

Install CLI Softwares

CLI - Command Line Interface

RECOMMEND to install CLI programs via Homebrew

e.g. for me

brew install \
    coreutils \
    git \
    fzf \
    gpg \
    jq \
    nvim \
    php \
    reattach-to-user-namespace \
    safe-rm \
    tmux \
    vim \

Note : The pre-installed softwares may be outdated e.g. git, so RECOMMEND to install them via Homebrew again

Note : Why I need these CLI softwares?

  • coreutils : The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system

    It include many useful commands, see TOC of GNU Coreutils

    e.g. get the absolute path to a file or directory via realpath command

  • tmux requires reattach-to-user-namespace to write and read the system clipboard

    reattach-to-user-namespace reattaches to the per-user bootstrap namespace in its "background" session and then execute the program with arguments

Install GUI Softwares

GUI - Graphical User Interface

RECOMMEND to install the GUI softwares via Homebrew-Cask


RECOMMEND to execute the following commands in parallel in multiple Terminal tabs

NOTICE : The installations may REQUIRE me to enter Mac PASSWORD, e.g. karabiner-elements

e.g. for me

  1. First

    brew install --cask \
        google-chrome \
        karabiner-elements \
        keyboard-maestro \
  2. Auxiliary

    brew install --cask \
        appcleaner \
        bartender \
        imageoptim \
        itsycal \
        kindle \
        monitorcontrol \
        numi \
        qq \
        snipaste \
  3. Development

    brew install --cask \
        iterm2 \
        jetbrains-toolbox \
  4. Entertainment

    brew install --cask \
        iina \
        neteasemusic \
        parallels \
        qqmusic \
        steam \
  5. Office

    brew install --cask \
        linear-linear \
        notion \

Mac App Store

Install the GUI softwares via Mac App Store

Note : The GUI softwares unavailable on Homebrew-Cask may be available on Mac App Store

  • 1Password - done before
  • Copy 'Em
  • EasyRes
  • EuDic 欧路词典 - 相对于 "增强版" 而言, 属于 "免费版"


Install the GUI softwares via the installations downloaded from the websites

Note : Some GUI softwares are only available on the websites

Note : brew install --cask sublime-text will install the latest version, but I still stick on version 3,

because I have already bought Sublime Text 3 and it still meets my requirements - a lightweight editor for fast editing

CLI Settings

GitHub Keys

GitLab keys ditto


Using the SSH protocol, I can connect and authenticate to remote servers and services

  • With SSH keys, I can connect to GitHub without supplying my username and personal access token at each visit

How to :

  1. Generate a SSH key pair

    Reference : Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent - GitHub

  2. Get the SSH public key and add it to the GitHub account

    Reference : Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account - GitHub


Use GPG to sign tags and commits locally

  • These tags or commits are marked as verified on GitHub so other people can be confident that the changes come from a trusted source

SKIP this step if don't need to sign the git commits

Note : I just need to do it for work in the open source projects

RECOMMEND NOT to sign the git commits in the private projects, because there are few benefits

How to :

  1. Generate a GPG key pair

    Reference : Generating a new GPG key - GitHub

  2. Get the GPG pulic key

    Reference : GPG Command Guide -

  3. Add the GPG key to the GitHub account

    Reference : Adding a new GPG key to your GitHub account - GitHub

  4. Problem : gpg failed to sign the data

    $ git commit -m "troubleshooting"
    error: gpg failed to sign the data
    fatal: failed to write commit object

    Solution : Append the following shell command to the ZSH configuration file ~/.zshrc

    export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

    Reference : gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object

CLI Tools


e.g. load my personal dotfiles from GitHub into the local user home directory

cd ~
git init
git remote add origin [email protected]:IceHe/mac-conf.git
git pull origin master
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master


e.g. for me

  1. Synchronize the most of the settings via the global configuration files

    e.g. from the dotfiles downloaded above

    • ~/.gitconfig.sample
    • ~/.gitignore
    • ~/.gitignore_global
  2. Initilize the global configuration file ~/.gitconfig

    e.g. according to the sample file ~/.gitconfig.sample from the dotfiles downloaded above

    cp .gitconfig .gitconfig.sample
  3. Configure the global user name & email

    Note : ~/.gitconfig.sample have already conatained the following two same configuration items by default

    git config --global
    git config --global [email protected]
  4. Configure GPG-sign - optional

    SKIP this step if don't need to sign the git commits

    1. Enable GPG-sign

      git config --global commit.gpgsign true
    2. Configure the signing key from the GitHub GPG key generated above

      SKIP configuring the user signing key if there is only one GPG key, because git will use the unique GPG key by default

      git config --global user.signingkey [SIGNING_KEY]
  5. Check the global settings

    e.g. for me

    $ git config --global -l
    filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f
    filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process
    filter.lfs.smudge=git-lfs smudge -- %f
    [email protected]

Oh My Zsh

  1. Install

    Reference : Install oh-my-zsh now -

  2. Synchronize the ZSH settings via the configuration file ~/.zshrc

    e.g. from the dotfiles downloaded above

  3. Install the ZSH plugin zsh-autosuggestion

    git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

    Reference : Installation - zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions


SKIP this step if don't need to write or view PlantUML diagrams

PlantUML requires GraphViz to write UML diagrams

brew install libtool
brew link libtool
brew install graphviz
brew link --overwrite graphviz

Note : The commands above fix the issues if installed GraphViz via the .dmg package

I can specify the environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT to set the exact location of the GraphViz executable. By default, the dot executable is expected :

  • Firstly in : /usr/local/bin/dot
  • Then in : /usr/bin/dot

GUI Settings

GUI - Graphical User Interface


Open System Settings at first


Note : Revert the settings changed above back to the default values

  • Battery

    • Set Turn display off after: 3 min
    • Enable Put hard disks to sleep when possible
  • Power Adapter

    • Set Turn display off after: 10 min
    • Disable Prevent your Mac from automatically sleeping when the display off


For all the softwares appeared on the Dock at the bottom of the desktop

  • Right click the software icon → Options → Disable Keep in Dock

Dock & Menu Bar

Dock & Menu Bar

  • Enable Automatically hide and show the Dock
  • Disable Show recent applications in Dock

Note : Menu Bar DOES NOT have enough space for many software icons so I have to hide some of them

Some of the icons can still be visible in Control Center


  • Disable Show in the Menu Bar


  • Disable Show in the Menu Bar

Screnn Mirroring

  • Disable Show in the Menu Bar


  • Disable Show in the Menu Bar


  • Enable Show in the Menu Bar → Select always


  • Disable Show in the Menu Bar


  • Disable Show in the Menu Bar



  • Enable Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys


  • Clear all Replace With
  • Clear all checkboxes


  • Add App Shortcuts

    • Google ChromeDuplicate Tab⇧ ⌘ D
    • iTermToggle Full Screen^ ⌘ F
  • Clear the unused shortcuts

Input Sources

  • Add the input source Shuangpin - Simplified

    • Shuangpin layout : Xiaohe
    • Enable Show predictive completions
    • Enable Use halfwidth punctuation
  • Clear the unused input sources

Key Repeat

How to disable Character Accents Popup and enable Key Repeat :

  • Enable Key Repeat and then Reboot

    defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

Reference : Search "macos keyboard cannot repeat" on Google

Misson Control

  • Hot Corners… → The bottom right corner → Replace Quick Note with -

Notification & Focus

  • Disable the unncessary softwares' notifications on demand


  • Edit Computer Name: e.g. macbook-pro-ice



  1. Login the Google account

  2. Turn on Sync - automatically

    Chrome will usually request me to turn on Sync after login

    MAY require the independent synchronization password

  3. Synchronize the extensions - automatically

    Chrome will do it in the background after I turning on Sync

    I can do it manually if Sync does not work well

    Chrome Menu Bar → WindowExtensions → Sidebar on the left → Open Chrome Web Store

  4. Synchronize the extension Proxy SwitchyOmega settings - manually

    e.g. via the configuration file from another Mac

  5. Synchronize the extensions' keyboard shortcuts - automatically

    I can do it manually if Sync does not work well

    • Menu Bar → WindowExtensions → Sidebar on the left → Keyboard shortcuts

      • 1Password
        • ⇧ ⌘ X Activate the extension
      • Chrono Download Manager
        • ⇧ ⌘ J Activate the extension
      • OneTab
        • ⇧ ⌘ O Activate the extension
        • ⇧ ⌘ S DiSplay / Show OneTab
        • ⇧ ⌘ C Send the Current tab to OneTab
      • Clear the unused shortcuts


  1. Synchronize the settings - automatically

    via the configuration file ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json

    e.g. from the dotfiles downloaded above

Keyboard Maestro

  1. Enter the license

    1. Keyboard MaestroRegister Keyboard Maestro…

    2. Enter Email and License key

  2. Synchronize the macros

    1. FileStart Syncing Macros…Open Existing…

    2. Choose the configuration file ~/.config/Keyboard Maestro Macros.kmsync

      e.g. from the dotfiles downloaded above

  3. PreferencesGeneral → Enable Launch Engine at Login

Visual Studio Code

  1. Synchronize the settings via the built-in feature Settings Sync

    • Sign in via GitHub
  2. Synchronize the extensions - automatically

    I can do it manually if Settings Sync does not work well

Sublime Text

  1. Configure

    1. Press the shortcut ⌘ , to open Preferences.sublime-settings of the User

    2. Edit the content as below :

          "ignored_packages": [],
          "tab_size": 4,
          "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
          "update_check": false,
          "vintage_use_clipboard": true
  2. Install Package Control

    1. Press the shortcut ⇧ ⌘ P
    2. Search install
    3. Select Install Package Control to install
  3. Install the package Pretty JSON

    1. Press the shortcut ⇧ ⌘ P
    2. Search install
    3. Select Package Control: Install Package
    4. Search Pretty JSON
    5. Select Pretty JSON to install
  4. Enter the license - optional

    1. HelpEnter License
    2. Enter the license key

iTerm 2

  1. Synchronize the settings

    1. PreferencesGeneralPreferences
    2. Enable Load preference from a custom folder or URL
    3. Select the config folder from the dotfiles downloaded above
    4. Select : Save changes When Quitting
  2. Enable the access to the system clipboard

    I can Do it manually if the synchronization does not work well

    1. PreferencesGeneralSelection
    2. Enable Applications in terminal may access clipboard
  3. Select the color theme

    1. PreferencesProfilesColorsColor Presets
    2. Select any color preset I like

Copy 'Em

  • Sort Order at the top right corner of the popup menu

    • Select Most Recently Used or press ⌥ ⌘ R
  • Preferences at the bottom left corner of the popup menu

    • Enable Launch at Login

    • Window Appearance

      • Select Midday
      • Set Minimum Font Size 15
      • Select Auto-Scroll to Last Selected After List Change
    • Window PositionOpen at Active Screen

    • Search Field

      • Enable Toggle Search Filters with ⌘ F
      • Eanble Search Immediately After Each Keystroke
    • Keyboard Shortcuts…

      • Global Shortcuts

        • Set Open window to ⌥ V
        • Set Paste current clipboard item as plain test to ⇧ ⌘ V
      • Local Shortcuts

        • Set Switch to 'All' list to ⇧ ⌘ A
      • Clear the unused shortcuts

    • Enbale Get Titles of Web URLs

    • Enable Reject Duplicates

    • Auto-Delete Unstarred ItemsAuto-Delete Oldest…

      • Store only the most recent 1000 unstarred items…



  • General

    • Enable Run on system startup
  • ControlGlobal Hotkeys

    • Set Snip to ^ ⌘ A
    • Clear the unused hotkeys



  • General

    • Startup :
      • Enable Launch Bartender at login
    • Activations :
      • Enable Clicking on the menu bar will show/hide menu bar items
      • Enable Moving the mouse into the menu bar will show hidden menu bar items
    • Bartender Bar :
      • Enable Use Bartender Bar to show hidden items
    • Menu bar item spacing :
      • Select Small Spacing - previous macOS spacing
  • Menu Bar Layout

    • Change on demand
  • License

    • Enter the License



  • General

    • Enable Launch at login
    • First day of week: Monday
    • Enable the calendars on demand
  • Appearance

    • Menu Bar

      • Datetime pattern : E, dd MMM HH:mm:ss
      • Enable Hide icon
    • Calendar

      • Highlight
        • Enable Saturday and Sunday
      • Enable Show event dots
        • Enable Use colored dots
      • Enable Use event location
      • Enable Use calendar weeks

System Preferences

  • Dock & Menu BarClock → Time Options : Analog



  • 同步

    • 登录… → Login via QQ account
  • 通用

    • 词典
      • Enable 自动展开在线词典内容
      • Enable 查词后自动加入生词本
  • 取词

    • Clear the unused checkboxes
  • 快捷键

    • Clear the unused shortcuts



Git clone the projects to the local machine

e.g. clone

mkdir ~/Projects
cd ~/Projects
git clone [email protected]:IceHe/lib.git


JDK - Java Development Kit

REQUIRED by Maven, Gradle, JetBrains IDEs and etc.

Install JDKs

RECOMMEND to install the JDKs of the common used version 11 and the latest LTS version 17

LTS - Long-Term Support

  • A. via Homebrew - recommended

    brew install openjdk@11
    java --version
    brew install openjdk
    java --version
  • B. via SDKMAN!

    1. Install SDKMAN!

      Reference : Installation - SDKMAN!

    2. Install JDK via SDKMAN!

      Reference : JDKs - SDKMAN!

      sdk install java [VERSION]
  • C. via the installation downloaded from the websites

    Reference : Java Downloads - Oracle


Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME - automatically

e.g. via the dotfiles downloaded above

I can do it manually : append the command below to the ZSH configuration file ~/.zshrc :

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 17`
  • If use bash instead of zsh, append to the BASH configuration file ~/.bashrc

Note : The tilde symbol ~ equals the path of the current user home directory, e.g. for me /Users/icehe

Note : Get the path to JDK via /usr/libexec/java_home, e.g. JDK 8

$ /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8

JetBrains Toolbox

RECOMMEND to use JetBrains tools

Install Tools

  1. Install JetBrains Toolbox

    brew install --cask jetbrains-toolbox
  2. Login the JetBrains account on

  3. Open JetBrains Toolbox → Menu Bar → JetBrains ToolboxSettingsLog inApprove → Jump back to JetBrains Toolbox Menu

  4. Install the required tools

    e.g. for me

    • IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
    • DataGrip


RECOMMEND to use the JetBrains IDE plugins

e.g. for me


  • IdeaVim : Vim emulator - edit text like Vim
  • Indent Rainbow : Colorize the indentation in front of the text alternating four different colors on each step
  • Key Promoter X : Learn essential shortcuts while I'm working
  • PlantUML integration : Draw UML graphs for docs by PlantUML
  • Rainbow Brackets : Code faster and smarter using code completions learned from millions of programs directly
  • String Manipulation : Case switching, sorting, filtering, incrementing, aligning to columns, grepping, escaping, encoding…

IntelliJ IDEA


IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Install

    • A. via Jetbrains Toolbox - recommended

    • B. via the installation downloaded from the official website

      Note : I can choose the Community verion to skip entering the license

  2. Enter the license - optional

    SKIP if install IntelliJ IDEA via JetBrains Toolbox - which has been logined the account with the related license

    RECOMMEND to buy the commercial license or offer free educational licence for students and teachers

    • Menu Bar → HelpRegister… → Enter the license
  3. Configure the network proxy - optional

    e.g. via ClashX Pro

    PeferencesAppearance & BehaviorSystem SettingsHTTP Proxy → Select Manual proxy configuration → Select SOCKS

    1. Host name: Enter
    2. Port number: Enter 7890
    3. Check connection → Enter http://google.comOK
      • Prompt Connection successful if success
  4. Synchronize the settings - optional

  5. Install the plugins - optional - automatically

    e.g. via IDE Settings Sync above

    As metioned above : "JetBrains Toolbox - Plugins"

  6. Set the font Consolas - optional - automatically

    e.g. via IDE Settings Sync above

    1. Search on the Internet, download and install
    2. PreferencesEditorColor SchemeColor Scheme FontFont
  7. Set the color scheme Solarized Light (Alternate) - optional - automatically

    e.g. via IDE Settings Sync above

    1. Download on the Internet :

    2. PreferencesEditorColor SchemeSchemeImport → Select the file downloaded above


  1. Install Apache Maven - mvn

    brew install maven
    mvn -version
  2. Create / Update the Maven configuration file ~/.m2/settting.xml - optional

    e.g. according to the sample file ~/.m2/settings_demo.xml

    open ~/.m2/settting.xml

    Note : open file with the default editor

NOTICE : if use the private Mac and the Maven configuration file MAY exists, please merge the existing content with the new content carefully



RECOMMEND to use the Node.js of the main version 16

  • A. via Homebrew

    e.g. for me

    brew install node@16
  • B. via Node Version Manager - recommended

    1. Install Node Version Manager - nvm

      $ brew install nvm
      # e.g. output
      ==> Downloading
      Already downloaded: /Users/icehe/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/4dc7eceb4921b8909c081af037518450c6e85151603a6f51695bf17bab3081f5--nvm-0.39.0.all.bottle.tar.gz
      ==> Reinstalling nvm
      ==> Pouring nvm-0.39.0.all.bottle.tar.gz
      ==> Caveats
      Please note that upstream has asked us to make explicit managing
      nvm via Homebrew is unsupported by them and you should check any
      problems against the standard nvm install method prior to reporting.
      You should create NVM's working directory if it doesn't exist:
      mkdir ~/.nvm
      Add the following to ~/.zshrc or your desired shell
      configuration file:
      export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
      [ -s "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/" ] && . "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/"  # This loads nvm
      [ -s "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" ] && . "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm"  # This loads nvm bash_completion
      You can set $NVM_DIR to any location, but leaving it unchanged from
      /opt/homebrew/opt/nvm will destroy any nvm-installed Node installations
      upon upgrade/reinstall.
      Type `nvm help` for further information.

      Reference : Installing and Updating - nvm

    2. Configure the environment - automatically

      Note : It has been done via the dotfiles downloaded above

      I can do it manually again when there are any problems :

      e.g. follow the PROMPT from the output of the command brew install nvm above

      1. Create NVM's working directory if it doesn't exist :

        mkdir ~/.nvm
      2. Append / Update the commands below to the ZSH configuration file ~/.zshrc :

        export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
        # Loads nvm
        [ -s "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/" ] && . "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/"
        # Loads nvm bash_completion
        [ -s "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" ] && . "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm"
    3. Install Node.js - node

      e.g. for me

      nvm install node
      node --version
      nvm install 16
      node use 16
      node --version
      node alias default 16

      Note : The latest main version is 17

      Reference : Usage - nvm

    4. Check the versions


      $ nvm --version
      $ node --version
    5. Upgrade - in the future

      e.g. via installing again

      nvm install node
      nvm install 16


Install or upgrade via installing again

npm install -g pnpm


Refer to IntelliJ IDEA above

Troubleshooting - References :


Gradle & Kotlin

e.g. via Homebrew

brew install \
    gradle \

Android Studio

Refer to IntelliJ IDEA above

The following parts are different from IntelliJ IDEA :

  1. Synchronize the settings - optional

    • A. via IDE Settings Sync - NOT SUPPORTED by Android Studio!

    • B. via the settings repository - recommended

    • C. via exporting and importing the configuration file

  2. Install the plugins - manually

    As metioned above : "JetBrains Toolbox - Plugins"

Troubleshooting - References :